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The Late-Triassic-dinosaur generic nameCoelophysis Cope 1889 (type species C.bauri [Cope 1887]) is a nomen dubium because the lectotype of C.bauri, AMNH 2722, is four sacral vertebrae and a pubic process of the ilium that are not diagnostic. Dinosaur specimens from the famous Whitaker (“Coelophysis”) quarry in the Rock Point Member of the Chinle Formation at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico thus lack a valid name. We create a new genus and species name,Rioarribasaurus colberti, for these specimens.  相似文献   

Isolated Dinosaur teeth have been discovered in the Upper Triassic locality of Habay-la-Vieille, in southern Belgium. Ornithischia are represented by three dental morphotypes; two of them closely resemble isolated teeth from the Middle or Upper Jurassic of Portugal and England. The presence of sauropods in the Upper Triassic of Europe is confirmed. Sauropods already had a wide geographical distribution during the Latest Triassic, as fossils have been discovered in South Africa, Thailand and western Europe. At Habay-la-Vieille, sauropods and prosauropods co-existed at the end of the Triassic. Two dental morphotypes may tentatively be referred to as theropod dinosaurs. The study of isolated teeth indicates that dinosaurs were already well diversified in the Latest Triassic of western Europe. To cite this article: P. Godefroit, F. Knoll, C. R. Palevol 2 (2003) 3–11.  相似文献   

A diverse Late Triassic (Late Norian) gastropod fauna is described from the Mission Creek Limestone of the Wallowa terrane (Idaho, USA). Sample standardization by rarefaction analysis indicates that the fauna is even more diverse than the Late Triassic gastropod fauna from the Pucara Formation (Peru) which represents the most diverse gastropod fauna from South America. The gastropod fauna consists of 66 species; several genera are reported for the first time from North America. A high percentage of the species are highly ornamented and several have distinct siphonal canals. This suggests that the appearance of truly Mesozoic elements among the gastropods began before the Mesozoic Marine Revolution in other clades. The fauna is dominated by high-spired strongly ornamented procerithiids, a group more characteristic for the Jurassic. Comparison of the present fauna and the Iranian Nayband Formation gastropod fauna show that the procerithiids underwent a first global radiation in the Late Triassic. The high number of new species in this fauna suggests that sampling of Late Triassic gastropod faunas is still incomplete and hinders palaeobiogeographic considerations. Previous suggesions that gastropod faunas from the Wallowa and Wrangellia terranes resemble each other and are distinct from those of Alexander, Chulitna, and Farewell terranes are basically corroborated. The gastropod fauna of the Mission Creek Limestone differs considerably from that of the western and central Tethys but shares several taxa with the Late Triassic gastropod fauna of the Pucara Formation in Peru. Thus, the Hispanic corridor was probably not present in the Norian but opened only in the Early Jurassic. The subfamily Andangulariinae is introduced and placed in the Zygopleuridae. The generaSpiniomphalus, Nodoconus, Gudrunella, Blodgettella, Idahospira, andSiphonilda and the subgenusCryptaulax (Wallowax) are introduced. 27 species are erected. A lectotype is designated forCryptaulax rhabdocolpoides Haas, 1953.   相似文献   

Invertebrate trace fossils are reported from the Late Triassic Chinle Formation at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, for the first time. They occur in beds higher in the section than the Coelophysis Quarry. Six ichnotaxa are recognized: Steinichnus milfordensis, Planolites montanus, Palaeophycus tubularis, Taenidium serpentium, ?Arenicolites sp. and Skolithos sp. This ichnofauna is consistent with the Scoyenia ichnofacies, considered typical of lake margins in semiarid to arid regions.  相似文献   

In 1905, Nopcsa tentatively identified a fragmentary rib from the Jibou Formation at Someş Odorhei as belonging to an ornithopod dinosaur. Therefore, he concluded that the base of this formation is Late Cretaceous, but this hypothesis was subsequently ignored or rejected by other authors. New dinosaur bones discovered in this locality by new excavations are here interpreted as belonging to the euornithopod Zalmoxes shqiperorum Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003. The base of the Jibou Formation can therefore be regarded as Maastrichtian, correlative to the Sânpetru Formation and to the middle member of the Densuş Ciula Formation from the Haţeg Basin, as well as the base of the Şard Formation in the southwestern Basin of Transylvania, in the Alba Iulia area. The presence of Zalmoxes at Someş Odorhei also confirms the northeastern extension for the ‘Haţeg Island’ in Transylvania.  相似文献   

A new amphibamid,Milneria huberi, is described from the Pine Shadow Member of the Wild Cow Formation (Late Pennsylvanian: middle Virgilian: middle Stephanian) at the Kinney Brick Company quarry, Manzanita Mountains, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, USA.M. huberi is distinguished from other members of the family by deep embayments of the occipital borders of the skull so that the midline portion of the postparietals projects posteriorly beyond the rest of the skull table and the post-parietals have a midline length greater than half that of the parietals.  相似文献   

At Cedro Peak (Manzanita Mountains, central New Mexico), the Pennsylvanian succession is divided into four formations: Sandia, Gray Mesa, Atrasado, and lower part of Bursum. The sampled limestones of the Gray Mesa and Atravasado formations yielded three age distinctive fossil assemblages: (a) latest Atokan/early Desmoinesian; (b) late early Desmoinesian, and (c) middle Virgilian. The calcareous algae, incertae sedis algae and cyanobacterial-foraminiferal consortia are described here. The following new taxa are named: Epimastoporaceae n. fam.; Anthracoporellopsis novamexicana n. sp.; Tubiphytidae n. fam.; and Latitubiphytes n. gen.  相似文献   

Ornithischia is a morphologically and taxonomically diverse clade of dinosaurs that originated during the Late Triassic and were the dominant large‐bodied herbivores in many Cretaceous ecosystems. The early evolution of ornithischian dinosaurs is poorly understood, as a result in part of a paucity of fossil specimens, particularly during the Triassic. The most complete Triassic ornithischian dinosaur yet discovered is Eocursor parvus from the lower Elliot Formation (Late Triassic: Norian–Rhaetian) of Free State, South Africa, represented by a partial skull and relatively complete postcranial skeleton. Here, the anatomy of Eocursor is described in detail for the first time, and detailed comparisons are provided to other basal ornithischian taxa. Eocursor is a small‐bodied taxon (approximately 1 m in length) that possesses a plesiomorphic dentition consisting of unworn leaf‐shaped crowns, a proportionally large manus with similarities to heterodontosaurids, a pelvis that contains an intriguing mix of plesiomorphic and derived character states, and elongate distal hindlimbs suggesting well‐developed cursorial ability. The ontogenetic status of the holotype material is uncertain. Eocursor may represent the sister taxon to Genasauria, the clade that includes most of ornithischian diversity, although this phylogenetic position is partially dependent upon the uncertain phylogenetic position of the enigmatic and controversial clade Heterodontosauridae. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 648–684.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvanian stratigraphic section of the Manzanita Mountains (central New Mexico, USA) is restudied at Cedro Peak. This Pennsylvanian succession is divided into the Sandia Formation, Gray Mesa Fm, Atrasado Fm, and lower part of Bursum Fm. The sampled limestones of the Gray Mesa and Atrasado formations yielded three age-distinctive fossil assemblages: they are of (a) latest Atokan/early Desmoinesian, (b) late early Desmoinesian, and (c) middle Virgilian. The following new taxa of foraminifers are proposed: Endoteboidea n. superfam.; Spireitlinidae n. fam.; Millerellinae n. subfam.; Pseudonovella marshalli n. sp.; Pseudonovella ohioicus nom. nov.; Pseudoacutella n. gen.; Pseudoacutella hoarei nom. nov.; Plectofusulina manzanensis n. sp. Translated or emended names are: Staffelloidea, Ozawainelloidea, Ozawainellidae, and Profusulinellidae.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of thylacocephalans (Arthropoda, Thylacocephala), Parisicaris triassica Charbonnier and Ligulacaris parisiana Charbonnier, are described from the early Spathian Paris Biota. These new occurrences are the first reports of thylacocephalans from Triassic rocks in North America. They considerably enlarge the spatiotemporal distribution of these enigmatic arthropods and highlight their relatively high generic richness during the Early Triassic. It also confirms that the Triassic was the taxonomically richest period for Thylacocephala.  相似文献   

The Canjilon quarry, located in north-central New Mexico near Ghost Ranch, contains a death assemblage of phytosaurs located stratigraphically high within the Petrified Forest Formation of the Chinle Group (Revueltian = early-mid Norian). The site has yielded numerous fossils ofPseudopalatus-grade phytosaurs, including at least 10 skulls collected from the locality byCharles Camp in 1928 and 1933 and another collected more recently byAlex Downs, curator of paleontology at Ghost Ranch. A re-examination of these skulls reveals two morphotypes that differ only in the relative lengths and relative robustness of their premaxillae. In these two morphotypes, the premaxillae define the shape and length of the rostral crest, the dimensions of which are independent of skull size. In one morphotype, the premaxillae are long, thin bones that lead to an abrupt, volcano-like narial crest. In the second morphotype, the premaxillae are of approximately the same length, but expand dorsoventrally halfway along their lengths, creating a longer and more robust crest. The most probable explanation of these two variants in rostral crest morphology in a Single, catastrophic death assemblage is thatPseudopalatus-grade phytosaurs are sexually dimorphic. Thus, the larger, more robust crest of the first morphotype is probably a display feature, most likely of the male animal. The more gracile snout änderest characterize the female morph. In the sample of phytosaurs examined, there are three individuals of the more robust (male) morphotype, five individuals of the gracile (female) morphotype, and three individuals (2 adult, 1 juvenile) that cannot be assigned to either morphotype because the skulls are too damaged to make an aecurate assessment. This is the first clear evidence of sexual dimorphism in phytosaurs, and has important implications for phytosaur species-level taxonomy, as well as for understanding aspects of their paleobiology (e.g., population dynamics).  相似文献   

Dioon argenteum sp. nov. (Zamiaceae) is described from northern Oaxaca, México. Flat leaves, and persistently tomentose, slightly imbricate leaflets with marginal prickles characterize this species. The specific epithet argenteum was chosen to describe the silver appearance of the persistent tomentum covering the new leaves. D. argenteum appears to have affinities with D. purpusii and D. califanoi.   © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 471–476.  相似文献   

Abstract: Doswellia sixmilensis is a new species of the doswelliid archosauromorph genus Doswellia named for an incomplete skeleton from the Upper Triassic Bluewater Creek Formation of the Chinle Group in west‐central New Mexico, USA. D. sixmilensis differs from D. kaltenbachi Weems, the type and only other known species of Doswellia, in its larger size, higher tooth count and greater heterodonty, possession of keels on the cervical centra and the presence of discrete knobs or spikes on some osteoderms. The holotype of D. sixmilensis is the fourth occurrence of Doswellia and only the second occurrence of a Doswellia skull, which includes the previously unknown premaxilla and maxilla (and therefore the best dentition) and has the best‐preserved cervical vertebrae. Although it adds to our knowledge of the anatomy of Doswellia, this new information does not alter previous concepts of the phylogenetic relationships of the doswelliid genera, largely because they are so poorly known anatomically. The genus Doswellia is known from the Newark Supergroup in Virginia, and the Chinle Group in Texas, New Mexico and Utah, in strata of Otischalkian–Adamanian age. The type locality of D. sixmilensis is c. 43 m stratigraphically below a bed from which U‐Pb dating of detrital zircons yields a maximum depositional age of c. 220 Ma, so this is a reasonable approximate numerical age for D. sixmilensis.  相似文献   

The rise of dinosaurs during the Triassic is a widely studied evolutionary radiation, but there are still many unanswered questions about early dinosaur evolution and biogeography that are hampered by an unevenly sampled Late Triassic fossil record. Although very common in western North America and parts of South America, dinosaur (and more basal dinosauriform) remains are relatively rare in the Upper Triassic deposits of Europe, making any new discoveries critically important. One of the most diverse dinosauriform assemblages from Europe comes from the Por?ba site in Poland, a recently described locality with exposures of the Zb?szynek Beds, which have a palynomorph assemblage characteristic for the mid–late Norian in the biostratigraphic schemes of the Germanic Basin. Using a synapomorphy‐based approach, we evaluate several isolated dinosauriform specimens from Por?ba. This assemblage includes a silesaurid, a herrerasaurid and remains of another type of theropod (potentially a neotheropod). The Por?ba herrerasaurid is the first record of this rare group of primitive dinosaurs from Europe and one of the youngest records worldwide, whereas the silesaurid is the youngest record of a silesaurid from Europe. These findings indicate that silesaurids persisted alongside true dinosaurs into the mid–late Norian of Europe and that silesaurid–herrerasaurid–neotheropod assemblages (which are also known from the Norian of North America, at low latitudes) were more widespread geographically and latitudinally than previously thought. Silesaurid–herrerasaurid–neotheropod assemblages may have been a common ecological structuring of dinosaurs during their early evolution, and their widespread distribution may indicate weak palaeolatitudinal controls on early dinosaur biogeography during the latest Triassic.  相似文献   

A new diatom (Bacillariophyceae) genus and two new species are described from the arid region of the North American southwest. The new genus, Playaensis, and new species, P. circumfimbria and P. furtiva, are distinguished by frustule morphology and autecology. Playaensis possesses unique, narrowly lunate longitudinal ribs bordering the raphe and spathulate spines, but their evolutionary relationship to known genera is unclear. In Payton Lake, New Mexico, P. circumfimbria and P. furtiva are rare in the diatom community, and their geographic and geological extent are not known, but they may be restricted to alkaline, slightly saline lakes of the region.  相似文献   

A low-diversity cockroach assemblage from the Upper Jurassic of the Houtiyn-Hotgor locality in Mongolia is described, comprising Solemnia alexandri gen. et sp. nov. (Caloblattinidae), Blattula choutinensis sp. nov. (Blattulidae) and a presumed Triassic relict Irreblatta relicta gen. et sp. nov. (incertae familiae). The carnivorous Raphidiomimidae supposedly originated directly from the Caloblattinidae.  相似文献   

A giant rhinocerotoid is described for the first time south of the Black Sea, in Turkey. The single specimen, a fragmentary radius referred to Paraceratherium sp., originates from conglomerates nearby at Gözükizilli, in the Çankiri–Çorum Tertiary basin. These layers correspond to the Lower member of the Kizilirmak Formation. The same locality (Gözükizilli-2) yields also the small rhinocerotid Protaceratherium sp., cf. P. albigense (Roman, 1912). Three other mammal localities (Gözükizilli-1, in the Lower Member of the formation, with several rodent species; Tepe 641 and Kizilirmak, in the Upper Member, with a diversified micro- and macro-mammal fauna) allow us to refer the Kizilirmak Formation as a whole to the Late Oligocene. All the observed taxa have strong Asian and/or European affinities, which precludes any geographical insulation for this part of Anatolia during the Late Oligocene.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 152 , 581–592.  相似文献   

The rise of dinosaurs was a major event in vertebrate history, but the timing of the origin and early diversification of the group remain poorly constrained. Here, we describe Nyasasaurus parringtoni gen. et sp. nov., which is identified as either the earliest known member of, or the sister–taxon to, Dinosauria. Nyasasaurus possesses a unique combination of dinosaur character states and an elevated growth rate similar to that of definitive early dinosaurs. It demonstrates that the initial dinosaur radiation occurred over a longer timescale than previously thought (possibly 15 Myr earlier), and that dinosaurs and their immediate relatives are better understood as part of a larger Middle Triassic archosauriform radiation. The African provenance of Nyasasaurus supports a southern Pangaean origin for Dinosauria.  相似文献   

Some isolated teeth of theropod and sauropod dinosaurs from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Charentes are described. Two new teeth of Troodontidae confirm the presence of this theropod family, previously based on a single specimen. New dental morphotypes are recognized within Dromaeosauridae and Brachiosauridae in comparison with those already known from Charentes. Lastly, a very small tooth is tentatively assigned to an embryonic or neonatal sauropod. The palaeobiogeographical history of European hadrosauroids is briefly discussed. This history was probably more complex than it appears, involving exchanges with both North America and Asia as early as the mid-Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian).  相似文献   

A unique ichnofossil assemblage from Pennsylvanian-age sandstones near Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA, comprises straight-to-curved traces preserved in convex hyporelief, with the transverse ridges and median grove associated with the ichnogenus Arthrophycus. The Michigan traces show some branching or pseudo-branching (also known from other Arthrophycus specimens) and are among the smallest structures (millimeters in diameter) attributed to this ichnogenus. The orientation of the Michigan Arthrophycus burrows is distinct from other ichnospecies of this taxon in the pronounced co-planar alignment of the burrows, as opposed to the multiplanar, interweaving, “bundled” nature typical of the ichnogenus. On this basis we assign the Michigan specimens to a new ichnospecies of Arthrophycus. The “paralleling behavior” of the new taxon may reflect a strategy of the tracemaker to avoid previous burrows and reflect differences in resource availability or current energy. This new taxon supports previous records of the occurrence of this ichnogenus in Upper Carboniferous strata.  相似文献   

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