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The holotype ofParabittacus analis Handlirsch 1939 from the Upper Liassic of Dobbertin is redescribed after preparation and considered a representative of the Neorthophlebiidae. The genusPolydicrobittacus Bode 1953 from Hondelage is a junior synonym ofParabittacus.  相似文献   

In this paper Some Bennettitean leaves from the Lias of Karmozd-Zirab, Northern Iran, the author describes some Ptilophyllum species from a rich assemblage of Jurassic plants, collected by him in 1960 and 1961. The species axe Ptilophyllum bengalense (Oldh.) Schimper, P. harrisianum sp.nov., P. zirabense sp. nov., andP. minor sp. nov.  相似文献   

A revision of the original material ofStromatomorpha californica var.columnaris Le Maitre 1935 from the Pliensbachian of Morocco and a comparison withStylothalamia dehmi Ott 1967 from the Carnian of Eastern Alps confirm v.Hillebrandts supposition that the two species could be identical. Kurzfassung: Eine Revision des Original-Materials vonStromatomorpha californica var.columnaris le Maitre 1935 aus dem Pliensbachien von Marokko und ein Vergleich mitStylothalamia dehmi Ott 1967 aus dem Kam der Ost-Alpen bestätigen die Vermutung v.Hillebrandts (1971), daß beide Arten ident sind.  相似文献   

An excellently preserved single nodal with cirri from the upper part of the lower Toarcian from Ohmden represents a short stemmed crinoidPentacrinites quenstedti (Oppel), characterized by long cirri, whose cross-section changes from flattened near the base to oval near the tip. This suggests a combined swim- and hook-function of the cirri.  相似文献   

16 taxa of gastropods are described from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of Germany and northwestern Poland. They belong to seven genera. Two species (Pommerozygia aspera, Costazygia bilzi) and two genera (Brevizygia, Costazygia) are new. The family Pommerozygiidae is new as well. Compared to the Zygopleuridae, the Pommerozygiidae have a rather short and broad shell with only few teleoconch whorls. The protoconch is broad conical with a rounded apex (because the first whorls are nearly planispiral). From the Zygopleuridae only members of the Zygopleurinae have been found. Most Jurassic species have a smooth protoconch. Within the Zygopleuridae, the development possibly began with protoconchs carrying collabral axial ribs (and spirals) and led to smooth protoconchs. The genera of the Pommerozygiidae are rather similar to each other. The planktotrophic larval shell has a subsutural row of nodes like many species of Triassic Zygopleuridae. Therefore, both families are closely related. The Pommerozygiidae are possibly a separate branch of the Zygopleuroidea without descendants. The main branch is probably the evolutionary line Zygopleuriidae — Janthinoidea.  相似文献   

For the first time the genusEuthycarcinus could be identified in the Upper Carboniferous system. A new species,E. ibbenburensis, is described and its taxonomic position discussed. Evidence is given by sedimentological as well as by morphological data thatEuthycarcinus was part of the Upper Carboniferous limnic fauna.  相似文献   

The rare crinoidEncrinus greppiniis characterized by its tall immaturely biserial arms. It immigrated for a short period (one shellbed close to theSpiriferina-Bank) from the SW into the Germanic Muschelkalk sea. All specimens were found in a small area of S-Badenia and N-Switzerland (Aargau). Their age is lowest Ladinian (compressus-zone toevolutus-zone).  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatogenesis and spermatozoa was studied in Timema poppensis Vickery & Sandoval, 1999, a putative basal taxon of Phasmatodea. The apical portion of testis follicles consists of spermatogonial cells with polymorphic nuclei. Primary spermatocytes display very short primary cilia originating from the peripheral centrosomes. Early spermatids develop a conspicuous “nebenkern” consisting of fused mitochondria. They have a single peripheral centriole with microtubular triplets, which expresses a 3.6-μm-long cilium featuring a 9?+?2 axonemal pattern. In a later stage, the centriole and the ciliary shaft displace toward the inner part of the cytoplasm by an infolding of the plasma membrane. Mature spermatids exhibit a derived centriole with microtubule doublets devoid of dynein arms, which is equipped with a dense arc-like outer structure. Ciliary degeneration was not observed during spermiogenesis. Spermatozoa are short flagellate cells about 55–60?μm in length. They are characterized by a three-layered acrosomal complex. The distinctive bell-shaped morphology of the acrosome vesicle is likely an autapomorphic trait of Timema. The flagellum has a 9?+?9?+?2 axoneme, two accessory bodies, two flattened cisterns, and two elongated mitochondrial derivatives. Results support the hypothesis that Phasmatodea, comprising Timema?+?Euphasmatodea, form a monophyletic group. The presence of 17 protofilaments in the wall of accessory microtubules and the flattened configuration of the flagellum are potential apomorphic groundplan features of the order. Within Phasmatodea, a key evolutionary divergence was from the conventional insect spermiogenesis and sperm structure of Timema, to the unusual spermiogenetic process and peculiar sperm structure of Euphasmatodea. As a result, Timema retains more sperm character states found in the polyneopteran ground pattern, while Euphasmatodea have evolved outstanding sperm autapomorphies, like the loss of mitochondria and flattened cisterns, and the presence of strongly expanded accessory bodies.  相似文献   

en|This paper deals with a new species ofOtarion [Otarion (Otarionella) greifensteinen.se n. sp.] from the ‘Greifenstein Limestone’ of the ‘Wiege’ near Greifenstein, close to the village Greifenstein near Herborn (Lahn-Dill area, Hesse, Germany), which is described, figured and compared with all known species of this subgenus. It is a typical trilobite of the hercynian-bohemian shallow marine facies near the Lower-/Middle Devonian boundary (Upper Emsian / Lower Eifelian), which extends up into the lower part of the Middle Devonian (Lower Eifelian). The trilobites are transported for short distances only and, thus, are parautochthonous elements of the Greifenstein Facies.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of stick insect is described and figured from Mount Halcon, on the Philippine island of Mindoro. Conlephasma enigma gen. et sp. n. is a stout, flightless, and apparently ground-dwelling species with vivid integumental colors. When disturbed, specimens spray a defensive secretion from the prothoracic exocrine glands. The systematic position of Conlephasma within Euphasmatodea is unclear. The elongated galealobulus and the trichome area located laterally in the galea, represent unusual apomorphic characters of the maxilla that could indicate affinities with Necrosciinae or Pseudophasmatinae. All tibiae exhibit the anareolate condition. Euplantulae are of two types: those of tarsomeres I–IV feature a nubby microstructure, whilst the one on the ventral side of the pretarsus is smooth. Males are characterized by the presence of a well-developed vomer on the tenth abdominal segment. A distinctive and apomorphic trait of female terminalia is represented by the elongated tenth abdominal tergum. Conlephasma can represent an interesting taxon for studies on the evolution of the stick and leaf insects.  相似文献   

The xiphosuridBellinurus cf.truemanii from the Namurian B/C of NW-Germany was probably living in large lakes in a transgressive coastal plain.  相似文献   

Frasnian tentaculites from western part of Central-Afghanistan are described. Six of the 11 studied species are new:Dicricoconus dupliannulatus n. sp.,Dicricoconus ghukensis n. sp.,Dicricoconus gracilis n. sp.,Dicricoconus harundata n. sp.,Volynites kaminjensis n. sp. andAlternatus spatiosus n. sp. The fauna is appearing in two stratigraphic levels. The occurrence ofTentaculites donensis respectively ofDicricoconus tichomirovi, Dicricoconus tragula andUniconus livnensis confirmes the middle-upperfrasnian respectively the upperfrasnian age of both levels. The Devonian basin of Ghuk area was connected with the epicontinental sea of the Russian Plateform throughout the Frasnian and with the Libyan basin at least during upperfrasnian time.  相似文献   

Short preliminary report on excellently preserved vegetable microfossils, besides an insect excrement consisting of fern-spores, from the Lower Cretaceous Iguanodontidae locality of Nehden (Sauerland, Westphalia, FRG).  相似文献   

A detailed stratigraphic section of the Lower Toarcian Posidonienschiefer of Schandelah near Braunschweig (Niedersachsen, West Germany) is presented, and a pterosaur pelvis from that locality referred to asCampylognathoides sp. is described. It is the first record of this genus in North West Germany. A restoration of the pelvis indicates a laterally, slightly upwardly directed orientation of the acetabula which does not support a bird-like bipedal locomotion of this pterosaur as has been suggested elsewhere.  相似文献   

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