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Four colony variants (two stable and two unstable phenotypes) were observed inBacillus subtilis -10, an -amylase-hyperproducing strain. The stable variants lost the ability to produce -amylase, while the unstable ones reverted to the typical morphology after restreaking. Unstable expanding sectors appeared in typical colonies, and their appearance was influenced by the culture origin and age.  相似文献   

Turnover in phosphate and potassium limited chemostat cultures of Bacillus subtilis W23 results in the release of over 80% of the wall material present at the time of chasing equilibrium-labelled cultures. The rate at which turnover proceeds is faster in potassium limited cultures than in phosphate limited cultures but in both cases a fraction of the wall material appears to be conserved, or to undergo turnover at a lower rate. Previously we have shown that the polar wall is less active metabolically than the cylindrical wall and it is possible that the apparently conserved wall is that present in the pole.  相似文献   

The biomass concentration extant in potassiumlimited cultures of either Klebsiella pneumoniae or Bacillus stearothermophilus (when growing at a fixed temperature and dilution rate in a glucose/ammonium salts medium) increased progressively as the medium pH value was raised step-wise from 7.0 to 8.5. Because the macromolecular composition of the organisms did not vary significantly, this increase in biomass could not be attributed to an accumulation of storage-type polymers but appeared to reflect a pH-dependent decrease in the cells' minimum K+ requirement. Significantly, this effect of pH was not eviden with cultures in which no ammonium salts were present and in which either glutamate or nitrate was added as the sole nitrogen source; however, it was again manifest when various concentrations of NH4Cl were added to the glutamate-containing medium. This suggested a functional replacement of K+ by NH 4 + , a proposition consistent with the close similarity of the ionic radii of the potassium ion (1.33 Å) and the ammonium ion (1.43 Å). At pH 8.0, and with a medium containing both glutamate (30 mM) and NH4Cl (100 mM), cultures of B. stearothermophilus would grow without added potassium at a maximum rate of 0.7 h-1. Under these conditions the cells contained maximally 0.1% (w/w) potassium (derived from contaminating amounts of this element in the medium constituents), a value which should be compared with one of 1.4% (w/w) for cells growing in a potassiumlimited medium containing initially 0.5 mM K+. Qualitatively similar findings were made with cultures of K. pneumoniae; and whereas one may not conclude that NH 4 + can totally replace K+ in the growth of these bacteria, it can clearly do so very extensively.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer of the small plasmid pUB110 betweenBacillus subtilis strains was studied under conditions of microcosms with sterile and nonsterile soil. Plasmid transfer proved to be possible after soil inoculation with vegetative partner cells or with their spores. Plasmid transfer occurred at temperatures of 30 and 22–23°C.  相似文献   

Summary The illegitimate recombination between Staphylococcus aureus plasmids pE194 (or pGG20, the hybrid between pE194 and Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322) and pBD17 (plasmid pUB110 without HpaII C-fragment) was studied in Bacillus subtilis. Cointegrates were generated with the frequency of 1–3x10-8. Among 22 hybrids analysed 9 types of recombinants were found. Nucleotide sequences of all three parental plasmids were involved in intermolecular recombination. Nucleotide sequencing of recombinant DNA junctions revealed that in 8 cases recombination occurred between short homologous regions (9–15 bp). One recombinant was formed using nonhomologous sites. The similarity was demonstrated between nucleotide sequences of the recombination sites of two types of cointegrates and those used for pE194 integration into the B. subtilis chromosome. Possible mechanisms of illegitimate recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

The metabolism of gluconate by Klebsiella pneumoniae NCTC 418 was studied in continuous culture. Under all gluconate-excess conditions at low culture pH values (pH 4.5–5.5) the majority (70–90%) of the gluconate metabolized was converted to 2-oxogluconate via gluconate dehydrogenase (GADH), although specific 2-oxogluconate production rates under potassium-limited conditions were significantly lower than under other gluconate-excess conditions. At high culture pH values, metabolism shifted towards production of acetate. Levels of GADH were highest at low culture pH values and synthesis was stimulated by the presence of (high concentrations of) gluconate. An increase in activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle was accompanied by a decrease in GADH activity in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that the GADH serves a role as an alternative energy-generating system. Anaerobic 2-oxogluconate production was found to be possible in the presence of nitrate as electron acceptor. Levels of gluconate kinase were highest when K. pneumoniae was grown under gluconate-limited conditions. Under carbon-excess conditions, levels of this enzyme correlated with the intracellular catabolic flux.Abbreviations GADH gluconate dehydrogenase (EC - GAK gluconate kinase (EC - GDH glucose dehydrogenase (EC - PQQ pyrroloquinoline quinone [2,7,9-tricarboxy-1-H-pyrrolo (2,3-f) quinoline-4,5-dione] - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

The cryptic 95-kb plasmid p19 of the Bacillus subtilis 19 soil strain promotes the transfer of a small kanamycin resistance plasmid pUB110. To facilitate direct selection for p19 transfer, a plasmid derivative carrying the chloramphenicol resistance gene was constructed. The frequency of transfer of the large plasmid between cells of B. subtilis 19 approached 100% but was more than two orders of magnitude lower when the strain B. subtilis 168 was a recipient. However, when the restriction-deficient strain B. subtilis 168 was a recipient, the transfer efficiency was almost completely recovered. The effectiveness of pUB110 mobilization was virtually not altered in all these cases. pC194 was not mobilized by p19. The kinetics of p19 conjugative transfer is also presented.  相似文献   

Summary Germination ofBacillus subtilis spores was initiated by L-Ala and competitively inhibited by D-Ala, suggesting the presence of an alanine receptor. The spores showed alanine racemase activity in the spore coat. To investigate the role of alanine racemase (L D) on germination, net racemase activity was determined using diphenylamine as a germination inhibitor and germination was measured using D-penicillamine as a racemase inhibitor. Apparent affinity of L-Ala to the germinant receptor was more than 1000 times higher than that to the racemase. Germination increased in the presence of D-penicillamine, when the concentration of L-Ala was low and that of spores was high. Racemase activity was optimal at 65°C at pH 9.0 and germination at 43°C at pH 7.2. Under unfavorable growth conditions such as high population of spores in limited nutrients, high temperature and high pH, spore alanine racemase converted the germinant actively to the inhibitor and this conversion may regulate germination for survival of the population.  相似文献   

Thiobacillus A2 was grown in glucose- or ammonium-limited chemostats and relative contributions of the Embden-Meyerhof (EM), Entner-Doudoroff (ED) and pentose phosphate (PP) pathways to glucose catabolism estimated by 14C-glucose radiorespirometry. In fast growing strain GFI, the EM pathway predominated (41–79%) under all growth conditions with the PP pathway contributing 18–30%. The ED pathway was apparently absent under some conditions of glucose limitation. In contrast, wild type Thiobacillus A2 exhibited predominance of the EM pathway (43–48%) under ammonium-limitation but apparent predominance of the PP pathway (43–55%) under glucose-limitation, although all three pathways were calculated to operate. Under some conditions of glucose limitation the EM pathway was possibly considerably depressed. No clear pattern of response of the three pathways to altered environmental conditions could be deduced, although marked change in pathway activities were obviously induced. Growth yield was apparently unaffected by variation in pathways. The problems of interpreting such complex radiorespirometric data are discussed.Abbreviations EM Embden-Meyerhof - ED Entner-Doudoroff - KDPG 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate - 6-PG 6-phosphogluconate - PK phosphoketolase - PP pentose phosphate  相似文献   

Competent cells of Bacillus subtilis were transformed with DNA from gently lysed protoplasts. Significant linkages among markers separated by distances of approximately 2.3% of the total chromosome were found, which have not been detected for conventional transformation. In comparison to previous reports, enhanced plasmid transformation was observed [4.0×107 transformants per g DNA (one transformant per 5×104 molecules added)], when competent cells were transformed with DNA from lysed protoplasts harboring pUB110.  相似文献   

An efficient antagonistic strain of Bacillus subtilis, originally isolated from the rhizosphere of established tea bushes, was found to cause structural deformities in six pathogenic fungi under in vitro culture conditions. This effect was attributed to the production of diffusible and volatile antifungal compounds. Out of the selected test fungi four were phytopathogenic, while the remaining two were of clinical importance. The bacterial strain successfully restricted the growth of all test fungi in dual cultures, and induced morphological abnormalities such as mycelial and conidial deviations. The inhibitory effect caused by volatiles was greater than that by diffusible compounds.  相似文献   

While about 80% of the cell-bound intracellular serine protease of Bacillus subtilis A-50 have been recovered in the soluble fraction upon disruption of cells, the rest of the enzyme was found to be associated with the membrane fraction. Soluble cytoplasmic intracellular serine protease, as well as membrane-bound serine protease liberated by nonionic detergent treatment, have been isolated in a pure state and shown to be identical. The same protease might also be found extracellularly, due presumably to cell lysis or altered membrane permeability. Intracellular serine protease of Bacillus subtilis A-50 was clearly related to Bacillus subtilis serine proteases W1 and bacillopeptidase F described as extracellular enzymes.Abbreviations ISP intracellular serine protease - ISP-A-Bsu A-50 and ISP-B-Bsu A-50 molecular forms A and B of B. subtilis A-50 intracellular serine protease, respectively - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride - pNA p-nitroanilide - Buffer A 50 mM Tris-(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-1 mM CaCl2 adjusted to pH 8.5 with HCl  相似文献   

Sulfolobus strain LM was grown in tetrathionate and thiosulphate-limited continuous culture. CO2 limitation resulted in a decrease of the steady-state biomass and an increase in the specific rate of thiosulphate oxidation so that substrate did not accumulate in the medium. The initial step in thiosulphate utilization appeared to be its conversion to tetrathionate. The affinity for tetrathionate oxidation appeared to increase with prolonged continuous culture giving an apparent K m of about 6 M tetrathionate, a higher affinity than for thiosulphate oxidation and in the same range as values observed with acidophilic, sulphur-oxidizing eubacteria.  相似文献   

The accumulation of intracellular storage granules (0.03–0.5 m) byMethylococcus NCIB 11083 when grown under conditions of ammonia limitation with methane as the sole source of carbon and energy was inversely proportional to the dilution rate. The isolated material was composed entirely of glucose residues and the infra-red spectrum exhibited characteristic absorption bands at 925 cm-1, 845 cm-1 and 745±4 cm-1, indicating the presence of (14) glycosidic linkages. The polymer dissolved in hot water to give an opalescent solution that formed a violet iodine complex with an absorption maximum at 550 nm, identical to that observed with reference amylopectin. The percentage of the polysaccharide released as maltose by the action of - and -amylases was 55–64% and 80–90% respectively, values very similar to those obtained by the action of these enzymes on reference amylopectin and glycogen. Methylation analysis indicated that the average interior and exterior chain lengths of the polymer were 2.7 and 10.0 glucose units respectively and confirmed that theMethylococcus polyglucose is a branched polymer composed of units joined by 14 and 16 linkages. The number average molecular weight of the polymer is 2–4.5×105. The stored polymer was metabolised by the organism and its metabolism resulted in the synthesis of protein.Abbreviations GLC gas liquid chromatography - MS mass spectroscopy - PAAN peracetylated aldononitriles  相似文献   

Summary Using a defined medium in chemostat culture, an inverse relationship between the biomass concentration and the specific butanol productivity has been observed. It is suggested that this is due to the cell population not being homogeneous, and that a change in the nutrient balance leads to a cha in the relative proportions of acidogenic, solventogenic and inert cells (spores).  相似文献   

A glycerol-requiring mutant ofBacillus subtilis formed irregular spheres and showed disturbed septum formation, when subjected to growth limitation by the supply of glycerol. Under phosphate limitation the cells were also round and developed asymmetric septa. In magnesium-limited cultures the cells contained a thickened wall, as compared with that of the parent strain grown under the same conditions. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of teichoic acid as the major anionic polymer in the wall of the glycerol-, as well as the magnesium-limited cells of the glycerol-requiringB. subtilis mutant.Under phosphate limitation teichuronic acid was the only anionic polymer present in the wall. Thus, in this respect, there were no apparent differences between mutant organisms and the parent strain when grown under magnesium and phosphate limitation, respectively and the observed morphological deviations could not be correlated with an altered anionic polymer content of the wall.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis BD170, harboring a plasmid pGT44[phyC] carrying the phytase gene (phyC) and a phosphate-depletion inducible pst-promoter, was grown in a 2 l bioreactor. Using a controlled feeding of glucose, high cell densities of 32 and 56 g dry cell weight l–1 were achieved with peptone and yeast extract, respectively, as the complex nitrogen sources in a semi-defined growth medium. The fed-batch protocol was applied to production of recombinant phytase and a high extracellular phytase activity (48 U ml–1) was reached with peptone. Although the yeast extract feeding resulted in a higher cell density, it was unsuitable as a medium component for phytase expression due to its relatively high phosphate content.  相似文献   

A dual expression system for overexpressing two proteins by a single cell strain has been developed in Bacillus subtilis. This dual expression system combines the phi105MU331 prophage system and a plasmid system within a single cell. Protein expression by the prophage system is heat inducible, while that of the plasmid system is constitutive. Three candidate genes, BPN, BT, and amyE, all of Bacillus origin, were used as test models. Seven strains (BPN, BT, AMY, BS168K, MU331K, BPNK, and BTK) were constructed to investigate the influences of the prophage system and the plasmid system on each other, and to compare the efficiency of the individual expression systems with that of the dual expression system. Individually, the yield of the plasmid system is higher than that of the prophage system, which could be attributed to the constitutive nature of the expression of the plasmid system. Nonetheless, for the dual expression strains, the expression of two enzymes in a single fermentation run can reduce costs in facilities, manpower, and utilities. Fed-batch fermentation of BPNK strains confirmed the feasibility of applying this dual expression system in industrial-scale production.  相似文献   

Ahn CY  Joung SH  Jeon JW  Kim HS  Yoon BD  Oh HM 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(14):1137-1142
Of several types of chemical surfactants and biosurfactants, only the culture broth of Bacillus subtilis C1 containing surfactin at 10 mg l–1 completely inhibited the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa, a bloom-forming cyanobacterium in highly eutrophic lakes. The broth with 10 mg surfactin l–1 also removed 85% of the maximally grown M. aeruginosa (chlorophyll-a concentration, 1000 g l–1) within 2 d, and the removal efficiency was enhanced by Ca2+ over 1 mM. The growth of Anabaena affinis, another bloom-forming cyanobacterium, was also inhibited about 70% with surfactin at 10 mg l–1 broth. However, the effect of the broth was delayed over 3 d in the green algae, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus sp., and was negligible in a diatom, Navicula sp., indicating the potential for the selective control of cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   

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