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全军中医药学会皮肤病专业委员会第二次常委扩大会议于2009年7月4日-5日在黑龙江省牡丹江市顺利召开。会议由全军中医药学会皮肤病专业委员会、空军总医院皮肤科承办。来自解放军301医院、第二军医大学、第三军医大学、空军总医院、海军总医院、武警总医院、广州军区总医院、沈阳军区总医院、第二炮兵总医院、兰州军区总医院的代表参加了本次会议,他们是(按姓氏笔画为序)王萍、史飞、刘元林、李安信、李志强、张士发、杜华、邹先彪、杨维玲、杨晓红、赵广、郝飞、崔东斌、温海、谢方明、廖元兴、漆军等。  相似文献   

《植物学报》第六届编委会第二次会议于2012年1月5日在湖南农业大学图书馆会议室隆重召开。主编种康,副主编杨维才、瞿礼嘉、王台、王小菁、蒋高明,责任编委安黎哲、陈凡、戴思兰、郝东云、黄建辉、孔宏智、李传友、林宏辉、孟征、任毅、王慧中、萧浪涛、徐云远、张红生、张建华、张仲凯、赵桂仿和左建儒  相似文献   

2012年12月1日下午,"八届三次《遗传》编委会议"在昆明云安会都召开,执行主编张永清、副主编褚嘉祐、李巍、张勤、编委方向东、何凤田、赫崇波、胡松年、李家乐、李庆伟、刘钢、苗龙、石春海、施鹏、王义权、肖春杰、徐存拴、杨永华、张博、张根发、朱友林等参加了会议。中国遗传学会办公室主任王长城、《遗传》编辑部主任李绍武、副主任张颖与陈晓芳、张艳编辑参加了会议。  相似文献   

微生物生物技术(或称微生物技术)是一门以应用微生物学为主体的综合性技术群,主要包括微生物学、生物化学、遗传学及基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程和生化工程等。从纵向划分,包括研究、发展和生产。利用微生物技术生产的产品包括酒类、调味品、有机溶剂、有机酸、氨基酸、维生素、抗生素、甾体激素、酶制剂、活性肽及蛋白、酵母及其它单细胞蛋白、淀粉糖等。应用范围包括食品、轻工、医药、农业、化工、矿业和环境保护等方面。  相似文献   

第十一届国际化石刺丝胞与多孔类学术研讨会于2011年8月21—26日在比利时的列日大学召开。全球27个国家将近有100名代表出席会议。除了东道主比利时外,参加会议的有中国、俄罗斯、美国、英国、法国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚、德国、意大利、荷兰、爱尔兰、西班牙、瑞士、奥地利、波兰、罗马尼亚、爱沙尼亚、  相似文献   

《武汉植物学研究》第五届编委会换届会议暨第六届编委会第一次会议于2009年12月6日在主办单位中科院武汉植物园召开。第六届编委会主编李绍华,副主编李建强、郭友好、孙蒙祥,编委陈凡、邱明华、曹坤芳、冯玉龙、刘永胜、包维凯、戴思兰、王建波、王有为、吕应堂、何光存、何光源、杨劭、李伟、王瑛、江明喜、刘贵华、胡鸿钧等和编辑部成员参加了会议。中科院武汉植物园党委书记罗志强,科研处副处长、湖北省植物学会秘书长梁琼,支撑中心主任杨中清也应邀出席了会议。  相似文献   

1.黄瓜:黄瓜原产于印度,又叫青瓜、胡瓜、刺瓜等,其性平、味甘,具有明显的清热解毒、生津止渴等功效。黄瓜中富含蛋白质、糖类、维生素B2、维生素C、维生素E、胡萝卜素、尼克酸、钙、磷、铁等营养成分,同时还含有丙醇二酸、葫芦素、柔软的细纤维等成分,是难得的排毒养颜佳品。  相似文献   

通过标本检查和花粉扫描电镜观察,发现过去鉴定为西南银莲花(Anemone davidiiFranch.)(毛茛科)的我国西藏东南部(墨脱)标本实际上属于三出银莲花(A. griffithiiHook. f.& Thoms.),所以以前关于西南银莲花产西藏东南部的记载是错误的。西南银莲花目前仅发现分布于我国重庆(城口、南川、武隆、巫溪、酉阳、云阳)、贵州(江口、凯里、雷山)、湖北(神农架、兴山、宣恩、竹溪)、湖南(桑植、石门、新宁)、四川(安县、宝兴、都江堰、峨边、峨眉、洪雅、金阳、筠连、雷波、马边、石棉、天全、通江、荥经)和云南(大理、墨江、维西、中甸)。  相似文献   

有多少人知道,神农架还是洞穴的世界,如金洞、银洞、玉洞、冰洞、雨洞、雾洞、风洞、雷洞、鱼洞、蛙洞、白马洞、阳雀洞、鸳鸯洞、燕子洞,其中最奇特神秘的当属"犀牛洞"——它不仅深藏着大量古生物遗骸,而且还曾有远古人类居住过。  相似文献   

当前,随着生物技术的飞速发展,微生物学涵盖的领域越来越广,交叉学科的研究也越来越受到关注。除了已有的微生物学、病毒学、基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程之外,基因组学、代谢工程、纳米科学、生物炼制、生物质能等也逐步成为微生物学研究的热门领域。为了更加系统、集中地反映各个领域  相似文献   

喀斯特地区野生饲用灌木资源充裕,但有效的开发和利用比较滞后。通过深入挖掘喀斯特地区野生饲用灌木、半灌木资源及其利用价值,详细阐述了灌木、半灌木的营养、饲用、药用、生态价值,具体分析了野生饲用灌木、半灌木开发利用存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

Floodwater utilization can greatly alleviate water resource shortages. Reservoirs and their optimal operation are the most widely used measures to implement floodwater utilization. Quantitatively evaluating the floodwater utilization potential and revealing the relationship between the potential and its influencing factors are preconditions to implementing floodwater utilization; however, few studies have focused on this problem. In this study, we identified the influencing factors via the analysis of reservoir regulation and proposed a floodwater utilization potential evaluation method that considers all influencing factors. The results indicate that reservoir regulation ability, water demand, and ecological water downstream are the main influencing factors of floodwater utilization potential. The floodwater utilization potential decreases as the water demand or reservoir regulation ability increases. Moreover, water demand and reservoir regulation ability are interdependent and interactive to a certain extent. Specifically, reservoir regulation ability can affect only the floodwater utilization potential when the water demand is extremely high. Based on a time-varying operation model, we also evaluated the floodwater utilization potentials of the Longjiaoshan Reservoir (China) under different floodwater utilization statuses. The average annual floodwater utilization potential of the Longjiaoshan Reservoir watershed is 43.06 million m3 under the current floodwater utilization status, and the optimal floodwater utilization strategy is increasing the water demand under the current reservoir regulation ability. This study may contribute to the improved management of flood utilization in such reservoirs.  相似文献   

Brown-adipose-tissue glucose utilization rate and its insulin-sensitivity were measured in vivo in the anaesthetized rat by a 2-deoxy[1-3H]glucose technique. Glucose utilization can be increased 60-fold by insulin, to reach extremely high rates. Glucose utilization and its insulin-sensitivity are modulated in accordance with physiological or pathological conditions.  相似文献   

中国苹果野生种自然地理分布、多型性及利用价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国苹果野生种遗传多样性丰富,具有极大的研究和利用价值。本文综合实地调查数据与文献资料,在苹果野生种的自然地理分布、多型性及利用价值等方面进行了总结与分析,并且对我国苹果野生种的收集、保护与利用进行了讨论,同时提出了自已的建议。  相似文献   

辽东湾湿地环境保护与资源持续利用对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 引 言辽东湾湿地是我国乃至亚洲最大的河口湿地(图 1 ) ,仅次于罗马尼亚的多瑙河河口湿地 ,居世界第二位。它东起营口市老边区 ( 1 2 2°2 6′) ,西至凌海市小凌河口 ( 1 2 1°8′) ,南起盖洲市大清河口 ( 40°2 5′) ,北至北宁市沟帮子 ( 41°2 1′) [1] ,陆地面积为1 2 9× 1 0 6ha,- 5m等深线以内的浅海面积为 4 4× 1 0 5ha(包括盘锦市的全部及营口和锦洲市的部分地区 ,其中 90 %以上的湿地位于辽河三角洲地区 ) [2 ] 。目前 ,仅双台子河口东西两侧百余万亩芦苇沼泽尚存有湿地风貌 ,辽东湾湿地已岌岌可危。60年代以后 ,辽东…  相似文献   

新疆北疆山区具有非常丰富的小浆果资源,但开发利用尚处初级阶段。对新疆北疆小浆果的分布现状及保护、合理开发利用和人工栽培状况进行了初步探讨,提出了在山区发展小浆果类经济树种的初步建议。  相似文献   

Gossip protocols and services provide a means by which failures can be detected in large, distributed systems in an asynchronous manner without the limits associated with reliable multicasting for group communications. Extending the gossip protocol such that a system reaches consensus on detected faults can be performed via a flat structure, or it can be hierarchically distributed across cooperating layers of nodes. In this paper, the performance of gossip services employing flat and hierarchical schemes is analyzed on an experimental testbed in terms of consensus time, resource utilization and scalability. Performance associated with a hierarchically arranged gossip scheme is analyzed with varying group sizes and is shown to scale well. Resource utilization of the gossip-style failure detection and consensus service is measured in terms of network bandwidth utilization and CPU utilization. Analytical models are developed for resource utilization and performance projections are made for large system sizes.  相似文献   

运城市野菜资源开发利用现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运城市野菜资源丰富,具有很高的开发利用价值;阐述了运城市野菜资源的开发利用现状和存在问题,并提出开展野菜重点资源调查与研究,制定野菜资源的保护措施,充分实现野菜的综合开发利用,并列举出几种主要野菜的形态特征,营养价值及药用价值。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that occasional utilization area (peripheral sites), in addition to typical utilization area (home range), is important for wildlife conservation and management. Here we estimated the maximum utilization area (MUA), including both typical and occasional utilization areas, based on asymptotic curves of utilization area plotted against sample size. In previous studies, these curves have conventionally been plots of cumulative utilization area versus sample size, but this cumulative method is sensitive to stochastic effects. We propose a new method based on simulation studies where outcomes of replicated simulations are averaged to reduce stochastic effects. In this averaged method, possible combinations of sample size with the same number of location data replicated from a dataset were averaged and applied to the curves of utilization area. The cumulative method resulted in a large variation of MUA estimates, depending on the start date as well as total sample size of the dataset. In the averaged method, MUA estimates were robust against changes in the start date and total sample size. The large variation of MUA estimates arose because location data on any day including the start date are affected by unpredictable effects associated with animal activity and environmental conditions. In the averaged method, replicates of sample size resulted in a reduction of temporal stochasticity, suggesting that the method stably provides reliable estimates for MUA.  相似文献   

香港草地,芒萁和灌木群落的养分利用效率   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
香港草地、芒萁和灌木群落的养分利用效率管东生(中山大学环境科学系广州510275)NutrientUtilizationEfficiencyofGrassland,FernlandandShrublandinHongKong.¥GuanDongshe...  相似文献   

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