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Preeclampsia is a major cause of perinatal mortality and disease affecting 5–10% of all pregnancies worldwide, but its etiology remains poorly understood despite considerable research effort. Parent-offspring conflict theory suggests that such hypertensive disorders of pregnancy may have evolved through the ability of fetal genes to increase maternal blood pressure as this enhances general nutrient supply. However, such mechanisms for inducing hypertension in pregnancy would need to incur sufficient offspring health benefits to compensate for the obvious risks for maternal and fetal health towards the end of pregnancy in order to explain why these disorders have not been removed by natural selection in our hunter-gatherer ancestors. We analyzed >750,000 live births in the Danish National Patient Registry and all registered medical diagnoses for up to 30 years after birth. We show that offspring exposed to pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) in trimester 1 had significantly reduced overall later-life disease risks, but increased risks when PIH exposure started or developed as preeclampsia in later trimesters. Similar patterns were found for first-year mortality. These results suggest that early PIH leading to improved postpartum survival and health represents a balanced compromise between the reproductive interests of parents and offspring, whereas later onset of PIH may reflect an unbalanced parent-offspring conflict at the detriment of maternal and offspring health.  相似文献   

45 patients with hyper and hypothyroidism in the time 1989-1990 were observed. The Graves' disease was diagnosed in 29 and rather in the younger patients, but 16 had the toxic nodular goiter and those were elderly. In 27 the hypertension was secondary (symptomatic) and after the successful treatment of the hyperthyroidism was completely controlled. In 14 cases the hypertension was primary (essential) and the application of the hypotensive drugs was also necessary. Among 4 patients with primary hypothyroidism and associated hypertension and coronary insufficiency the early treatment by the thyroid preparation was successful: the blood pressure was lowered and the coronary insufficiency was improved; but if the replacement therapy was stopped and the hypothyroidism was relapsed, the blood pressure was increases and the coronary insufficiency was aggravated. Conclusions: 1. The secondary (symptomatic) hypertension associated with the hyperthyroidism may be controlled by successful treatment of the thyrotoxicosis, but the primary (essential) must be treated by the hypotensive drugs also. 2. The early treatment of the hypothyroidism may control the associated hypertension and the coronary insufficiency. 3. Graves' disease is associated mostly with symptomatic hypertension, in nodular toxic goiter in most of the cases the essential hypertension was established.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide Canadian physicians with comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines for the nonpharmacologic management and prevention of gestational hypertension and pre-existing hypertension during pregnancy. OPTIONS: Lifestyle modifications, dietary or nutrient interventions, plasma volume expansion and use of prostaglandin precursors or inhibitors. OUTCOMES: In gestational hypertension, prevention of complications and death related to either its occurrence (primary or secondary prevention) or its severity (tertiary prevention). In pre-existing hypertension, prevention of superimposed gestational hypertension and intrauterine growth retardation. EVIDENCE: Articles retrieved from the pregnancy and childbirth module of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; pertinent articles published from 1966 to 1996, retrieved through a MEDLINE search; and review of original randomized trials from 1942 to 1996. If evidence was unavailable, consensus was reached by the members of the consensus panel set up by the Canadian Hypertension Society. VALUES: High priority was given to prevention of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with established hypertension and in those at high risk of gestational hypertension through the provision of effective nonpharmacologic management. BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS: Reduction in rate of long-term hospital admissions among women with gestational hypertension, with establishment of safe home-care blood pressure monitoring and appropriate rest. Targeting prophylactic interventions in selected high-risk groups may avoid ineffective use in the general population. Cost was not considered. RECOMMENDATION: Nonpharmacologic management should be considered for pregnant women with a systolic blood pressure of 140-150 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure of 90-99 mm Hg, or both, measured in a clinical setting. A short-term hospital stay may be required for diagnosis and for ruling out severe gestational hypertension (preeclampsia). In the latter case, the only effective treatment is delivery. Palliative management, dependent on blood pressure, gestational age and presence of associated maternal and fetal risk factors, includes close supervision, limitation of activities and some bed rest. A normal diet without salt restriction is advised. Promising preventive interventions that may reduce the incidence of gestational hypertension, especially with proteinuria, include calcium supplementation (2 g/d), fish oil supplementation and low-dose acetylsalicylic acid therapy, particularly in women at high risk for early-onset gestational hypertension. Pre-existing hypertension should be managed the same way as before pregnancy. However, additional concerns are the effects on fetal well-being and the worsening of hypertension during the second half of pregnancy. There is, as yet, no treatment that will prevent exacerbation of the condition. VALIDATION: The guidelines share the principles in consensus reports from the US and Australia on the nonpharmacologic management of hypertension in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HMOX) regulates vascular tone and blood pressure through the production of carbon monoxide (CO), a vasodilator derived from the heme degradation pathway. During pregnancy, the maternal circulation undergoes significant adaptations to accommodate the hemodynamic demands of the developing fetus. Our objective was to investigate the role of HMOX on maternal and fetal hemodynamics during pregnancy in a mouse model. We measured and compared maternal tissue and placental HMOX activity and endogenous CO production, represented by excreted CO and carboxyhemoglobin levels, during pregnancy (Embryonic Days 12.5-15.5) to nonpregnant controls. Micro-ultrasound was used to monitor maternal abdominal aorta diameters as well as blood flow velocities and diameters of fetal umbilical arteries. Tin mesoporphyrin, a potent HMOX inhibitor, was used to inhibit HMOX activity. Changes in maternal vascular tone were monitored by tail cuff blood pressure measurements. Effects of HMOX inhibition on placental structures were assessed by histology. We showed that maternal tissue and placental HMOX activity and CO production were significantly elevated during pregnancy. When HMOX in the placenta was inhibited, maternal and fetal hemodynamics underwent significant changes, with maternal blood pressures increasing. We concluded that increases in maternal tissue and placental HMOX activity contribute to the regulation of peripheral vascular resistance and therefore are important for the maintenance of normal maternal vascular tone and fetal hemodynamic functions during pregnancy.  相似文献   

To reduce the high maternal and fetal mortality in pheochromocytoma of pregnancy, therapy is advocated with phenoxybenzamine and propranolol to obtain adequate alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptor blockade. In early pregnancy control of symptoms may be difficult, but the patient may be carried to term with such medical therapy. Delivery should be by cesarean section before the onset of labour, with, if possible, simultaneous removal of the tumour. Additional preoperative preparation with phenoxybenzamine and propranolol and careful intraoperative management are essential. During her third pregnancy a 29-year-old woman was found to have a pheochromocytoma of the left adrenal gland. After the medical therapy and preparation described, the infant was delivered by cesarean section and the mother''s left adrenal gland excised. Eight-year follow-up, including during a fourth pregnancy, showed no recurrence of tumour in the mother and only mild hypertension. The infant developed normally.  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence suggests that hypertension and coronary heart disease are programmed by exposure to a poor diet during intrauterine life. It has been proposed that the prenatal environment may exert an adverse effect on the development of the kidney and hence later control of blood pressure. These assertions are supported by animal experiments. In the rat, fetal exposure to a maternal low protein diet is associated with disproportionate patterns of fetal growth and later elevation of blood pressure. Pregnant female rats were fed control (18% casein) or low protein diets throughout pregnancy, or during specific periods. Nephron number was determined at day 20 gestation, full term and 4 weeks of age. Exposure to low protein throughout gestation, or in mid-late gestation increased total nephron number at day 20. By term nephron number was reduced, relative to controls, in rats that were undernourished between days 8-14 or 15-22 gestation. At 4 weeks postnatally rats exposed to low protein throughout fetal life had a reduced (13%) nephron complement and blood pressures 13 mmHg above control animals. Lower renal size and elevated blood pressure persisted to 19 weeks of age, at which time glomerular filtration rate was normal. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that maternal undernutrition may programme the renal nephron number and hence impact upon adult blood pressure and the development of renal disease.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty three hypertensive pregnant women were randomly assigned to antihypertensive treatment with oxprenolol (96 women) or methyldopa (87 women). Control of hypertension was equivalent in both treatment groups, and in 64 (35%) cases hydralazine had to be added to the treatment to achieve the therapeutic goal (diastolic blood pressure below 85 mm Hg). Five perinatal deaths occurred, one in the oxprenolol group and four in the methyldopa group. Detailed analysis confirmed a previous report of greater fetal growth in the group treated with oxprenolol; this trend was present regardless of severity of hypertension and parity. With increasing duration of treatment the differences between the two groups diminished, and there was no difference after 10 weeks of treatment, a finding that may explain some of the reported discrepancies among therapeutic studies. As hypertension in pregnancy may pursue an accelerated course, necessitating urgent delivery, and there is no satisfactory method of predicting the duration of treatment in individual patients fetal benefit is most likely to be achieved by treatment with oxprenolol, provided that there is no maternal contraindication to treatment with beta blockers.  相似文献   

In 9 (24%) out of 38 African women who had suffered a ruptured tubal pregnancy significant numbers of fetal erythrocytes (5 or more per 150,000 maternal cells) were found in the maternal circulation. This is a higher incidence than occurs after abortion and indicates that rupture of a tubal pregnancy is a potential source of Rh isoimmunization. The finding of fetal cells in the peritoneal cavity suggests that this is the main source of the fetal blood found in the maternal circulation. At operation on Rh-negative patients with ruptured tubal pregnancies, therefore, complete removal of the peritoneal blood should be attempted and the blood recovered should never be transfused into the patient, who should always receive prophylactic Rh immunoglobulin.  相似文献   



In most western countries 20% of adults have hypertension. Reports in the literature suggest that from 31 to 86% of treated patients are not at recommended target levels. However it is important to consider how we are determining whether targets are unmet and the degree to which they are unmet. Our underlying hypothesis is that white coat effect is partially responsible for the reported low rates of control of hypertension by primary care practitioners.


The study population consists of 1142 patients who are being assessed for enrolment in two community-based randomized controlled trials. Patients must have essential hypertension, be on antihypertensive medication, and must not have met their blood pressure targets. We are reporting on the proportion of patients who have not achieved target, and the degree to which they have not achieved their target. We also report on the mean daytime blood pressures on 24 hour ABPM and compare these to mean blood pressures found on the patients' charts.


We identified 3284 patient charts of patients with hypertension. Of these, 1142 were determined to be "out of control" (did not achieve target) and 436 agreed to undergo 24 hour ABPM for final determination of eligibility. Overwhelmingly (95.8% of the time) it was the systolic blood pressure that was not under control. However, most of the patients who had not achieved target according to our criteria were within 10 mmHg of the recommended targets. Isolated systolic blood pressure was the best predictor of elevated mean daytime blood pressure on 24 hour ABPM.


At least 35% of patients had not achieved target blood pressure levels and this is primarily due to lack of control of systolic blood pressure. The best predictor of continuing hypertension on 24 hour ABPM was the mean systolic blood pressure on the patients chart. However, only 69% of patients who were uncontrolled according blood pressures recorded in the chart were uncontrolled according to 24 hour ABPM criteria. This suggests that the white coat effect makes blood pressure measurements in the doctor's offices, at least as currently done, not sufficiently accurate for determining treatment endpoint.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are essential for the normal progression of maternal and fetal tissue growth and metabolism in pregnancy. Considerable data have been collected for concentrations of various elements in pregnant women, but no comprehensive evaluation of element concentrations in any non-human primate model has been performed. Baboons were studied at the second half of pregnancy. Forty essential and toxic element concentrations were analyzed by absorption spectrophotometry in paired maternal and fetal blood samples; hair and nail samples in pregnant baboons; in placenta, amniotic fluid; and fetal femur, lymph nodes, and liver. Concentrations demonstrated an excellent correlation with concentrations reported in late human pregnancy. Twenty-four elements were below detectable limits in various specimens. We conclude that the pregnant baboon offers unique opportunities to study both normal maternal, fetal, and placental physiology as well as the environmental toxicology of these elements. This information and the ability to use the pregnant baboon as a model is important because essential and toxic elements are key components of the diet as well as major products of manufacturing processes within our industrialized society.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the effect of atenolol on the outcome of pregnancy in women with essential hypertension. DESIGN--Prospective, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study. SETTING--Hospital clinic. PATIENTS--33 Women with mild essential hypertension (systolic blood pressure 140-170 mm Hg or diastolic pressure 90-110 mm Hg on two occasions at least 24 hours apart) consecutively referred to two obstetric medical clinics. Four patients in the placebo group were withdrawn from the study: control of blood pressure was inadequate in two, one developed breathlessness, and one changed her mind about participating. The mean gestation in the 29 remaining women on entry to the study was 15.9 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Blood pressure and birth weight. INTERVENTION--14 Women received placebo. 15 Women received atenolol 50 mg daily initially, increasing until either the blood pressure was less than 140/90 mm Hg or a dose of 200 micrograms daily was reached. RESULTS--The mean blood pressure on entry was 148/86 mm Hg in the group given atenolol and 144/86 mm Hg in the group given placebo. During treatment the mean diastolic pressure was significantly reduced by atenolol compared with placebo (to 74 v 81 mm Hg; difference in means (95% confidence interval) 7.0 (2.9 to 10.0) mm Hg) but the effect on systolic pressure was marginal (132 v 136 mm Hg; 4.0 (-1.4 to 8.6) mm Hg). Babies in the atenolol group had a significantly lower birth weight than those in the placebo group (2620 g v 3530 g; 910 (440 to 1380)g). CONCLUSION--Atenolol given from the end of the first trimester in patients with mild hypertension is associated with intrauterine growth retardation. When taken in conjunction with the results of a previous study in which methyldopa was given these findings indicate that benefit is unlikely to result from treating mild essential hypertension in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Human epidemiological and animal experimental studies suggest that maternal undernutrition during pregnancy may alter cardiovascular development of the offspring. The extent to which these effects involve changes in fetal cardiovascular function and whether they are necessarily linked to reduced fetal growth is unknown. In sheep, we investigated the effect of a 15% reduction in maternal global nutrition for the first 70 days of gestation (term = 147 days) on fetal blood pressure development, baroreflex control of fetal heart rate (FHR), and cardiovascular responses to acute hypoxemia in late gestation. Basal mean arterial pressure (P < 0.05), systolic blood pressure (P < 0.05), diastolic blood pressure (P < 0.05), and rate-pressure product (P < 0.001) were significantly lower in fetuses of nutritionally restricted ewes (R) compared with controls (C). FHR was not altered. The operating point for the fetal baroreflex was significantly lower in R fetuses compared with C (P < 0.01), but there was no difference between the groups in the cardiovascular response to hypoxemia. We conclude that mild maternal undernutrition alters fetal cardiovascular development, producing low blood pressure and resetting of baroreflex control mechanisms. This effect occurs without any changes in fetal growth or blood gas status.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(2):100-102
Fetal microchimerism refers to the presence of fetal cells in maternal blood and tissues during pregnancy. This microchimerism may result from trafficking of fetal and maternal blood across the placenta during pregnancy. Physiological changes in the maternal blood cellular milieu are also recognized during pregnancy and in the early postpartum period. Earlier studies showed that maternal blood contains CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that bear paternal genetic markers or male phenotype, suggesting that these cells circulated to the mother from male fetuses during pregnancy. Other studies showed that these maternal HSCs have significantly lower expansion potential than their fetal counterparts. We have recently shown increased percentages of CD34+ HSCs in peripheral blood of pregnant and parous women. Herein, we hypothesize that pregnancy stimulates the production of endogenous CD34+ HSCs of maternal origin, a phenomenon which potentially could favor postpartum regenerative capacity.  相似文献   

Despite widespread accessibility to prenatal care, little is known on the mechanisms initiating early maternal adaptation to pregnancy. Moreover, preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation remain the most frequent and serious complications of pregnancy. Recent studies, both in humans and in laboratory animals, have shown that very early events in gestation may be important determinants for the continuation of healthy pregnancy. Certain of these early adaptations appear to be linked to the corpus luteum of pregnancy, as ovarian steroid hormones (especially progesterone) would set the basic hemodynamic conditions, more specifically, generalized vasodilation. This new hemodynamic setup initiates a vicious cycle in which the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system is activated, together with the resetting of the control of antidiuretic hormone secretion relative to plasma osmolality. This leads to a gradual and substantial increase in plasma volume and a parallel increase in cardiac function (both heart rate and stroke volume) with the goal of maintaining blood pressure in the face of the generalised vasodilation. This includes the creation of a functional arterio-venous shunt represented by the utero-placental circulation. By the end of the first trimester, the decrease in peripheral vascular resistance is marked relative to the increase in cardiac output, resulting in a significant decrease in blood pressure that will be maintained until the third trimester. It is proposed that in preeclampsia, these very early events (vasodilation - increased plasma volume) fail to occur, resulting in an absence of the usual decrease in blood pressure, which is normally seen in the second trimester of pregnancy, and hypertension in the third trimester. Experimental animals, especially the rat, are suitable models to study this early maternal adaptation to pregnancy, since both endocrine and hemodynamic changes appear to be similar to humans.  相似文献   

To investigate the presence of fetal cells in the maternal circulation during early pregnancy, the polymerase chain reaction was used to test the presence of human Y chromosome-specific ZFY and SRY gene DNA sequences in maternal peripheral blood specimens from 19 women carrying male fetuses and 12 women carrying female fetuses. The presence of fetal cells was suggested as early as 6 weeks gestation in 1 of the 19 women bearing male fetuses. Fetal cells were present in the maternal circulation of 15 of the 19 women by 9 weeks gestation, and in only 1 of the 19 were fetal cells not detected until the 12th week after conception. These results suggest that identification of fetal cells in the maternal circulation is possible with a properly designed and executed polymerase chain reaction. However, there was considerable variation with respect to when these fetal cells first became detectable during pregnancy. These fetal cells are potentially a valuable source of material for biochemical and genetic studies of the fetuses.  相似文献   

In a group outcome and follow-up study of 77 patients with essential hypertension, significant reductions were seen in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) and in hypotensive medication requirement. A multimodality biobehavioral treatment was used which included biofeedback-assisted training techniques aimed at teaching self-regulation of vasodilation in the hands and feet. Of the 54 medicated patients, 58% were able to eliminate hypotensive medication while at the same time reducing BP an average of 15/10 mm Hg. An additional 19 (35%) of the medicated patients were able to cut their medications approximately in half while reducing BP by 18/10 mm Hg. The remaining 4 (7%) medicated patients showed no improvement in either BP or medication requirement. Similar reductions in BP were seen in initially unmedicated patients. Seventy percent of the 23 unmedicated patients achieved average pressures below 140/90 mm Hg, with an additional 22% of these patients making clinically significant reductions in pressure without becoming normotensive, and with 8% unsuccessful at lowering pressures to a clinically significant extent. Follow-up data available on 61 patients over an average of 33 months indicated little regression in these results with 51% of the total patient sample remaining well-controlled off medication, an additional 41% partially controlled, and 8% unsuccessful in lowering either medications and/or blood pressures to a clinically significant extent.  相似文献   

Drugs that interfere with the renin-angiotensin system, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), are widely used to manage hypertension and heart failure. Adequate functioning of the RAS is essential for normal fetal kidney development. The potential for ACEIs and ARBs to impair fetal and neonatal renal function if taken after the first trimester of pregnancy has been well documented. Although these drugs were not found to be teratogenic in animals, until recently little was known about the teratogenic effects of ACEIs and ARBs in humans when exposure was limited to the first trimester of pregnancy. New evidence from epidemiologic studies indicates that there may be an elevated teratogenic risk when these drugs are taken during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, this elevated risk does not appear to be specific to ACEIs and ARBs, but is instead related to maternal factors and diseases that typically coexist with hypertension in pregnancy, such as diabetes, advanced maternal age, and obesity. Women who become pregnant while being treated with an ACEI or ARB should be advised to avoid exposure to these drugs during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy by switching to a different class of antihypertensive drugs between weeks 8 and 10 after conception. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 94:576-598, 2012. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fetal DNA detection in maternal plasma throughout gestation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma may represent a source of genetic material which can be obtained noninvasively. We wanted to assess whether fetal DNA is detectable in all pregnant women, to define the range and distribution of fetal DNA concentration at different gestational ages, to identify the optimal period to obtain a maternal blood sample yielding an adequate amount of fetal DNA for prenatal diagnosis, and to evaluate accuracy and predictive values of this approach. This information is crucial to develop safe and reliable non-invasive genetic testing in early pregnancy and monitoring of pregnancy complications in late gestation. Fetal DNA quantification in maternal plasma was carried out by real-time PCR on the SRY gene in male-bearing pregnancies to distinguish between maternal and fetal DNA. A cohort of 1,837 pregnant women was investigated. Fetal DNA could be detected from the sixth week and could be retrieved at any gestational week. No false-positive results were obtained in 163 women with previous embryo loss or previous male babies. Fetal DNA analysis performed blindly on a subset of 464 women displayed 99.4, 97.8 and 100% accuracy in fetal gender determination during the first, second, and third trimester of pregnancy, respectively. No SRY amplification was obtained in seven out of the 246 (2.8%) male-bearing pregnancies. Fetal DNA from maternal plasma seems to be an adequate and reliable source of genetic material for a noninvasive prenatal diagnostic approach.  相似文献   

Biobehavioral treatment of essential hypertension: A group outcome study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a group outcome and follow-up study of 77 patients with essential hypertension, significant reductions were seen in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) and in hypotensive medication requirement. A multimodality biobehavioral treatment was used which included biofeedback-assisted training techniques aimed at teaching self-regulation of vasodilation in the hands and feet. Of the 54 medicated patients, 58% were able to eliminate hypotensive medication while at the same time reducing BP an average of 15/10 mm Hg. An additional 19 (35%) of the medicated patients were able to cut their medications approximately in half while reducing BP by 18/10 mm Hg. The remaining 4 (7%) medicated patients showed no improvement in either BP or medication requirement. Similar reductions in BP were seen in initially unmedicated patients. Seventy percent of the 23 unmedicated patients achieved average pressures below 140/90 mm Hg, with an additional 22% of these patients making clinically significant reductions in pressure without becoming normotensive, and with 8% unsuccessful at lowering pressures to a clinically significant extent. Follow-up data available on 61 patients over an average of 33 months indicated little regression in these results with 51% of the total patient sample remaining well-controlled off medication, an additional 41% partially controlled, and 8% unsuccessful in lowering either medications and/or blood pressures to a clinically significant extent.This research was partially supported by grant HL-32136. The Authors wish to thank Sarah Bremer for her assistance in preparing this article.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia is a disorder associated with pregnancy that affects both the mother and the fetus. Typical features of the disease are maternal hypertension, proteinuria, and edema as well as fetal growth retardation. Although the etiological details are still being debated, a consensus exists that the starting point is deficient placentation in the first half of pregnancy. The crucial early steps are reduced trophoblast invasiveness and enhanced apoptotic death. In the present review, we demonstrate that parathyroid hormone-related protein is involved not only in the maternal and fetal failures but also in the etiological aspects of the disease. We hypothesize that reduced local production of the peptide is a major causative event.  相似文献   

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