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Cells generate mechanical stresses via the action of myosin motors on the actin cytoskeleton. Although the molecular origin of force generation is well understood, we currently lack an understanding of the regulation of force transmission at cellular length scales. Here, using 3T3 fibroblasts, we experimentally decouple the effects of substrate stiffness, focal adhesion density, and cell morphology to show that the total amount of work a cell does against the substrate to which it is adhered is regulated by the cell spread area alone. Surprisingly, the number of focal adhesions and the substrate stiffness have little effect on regulating the work done on the substrate by the cell. For a given spread area, the local curvature along the cell edge regulates the distribution and magnitude of traction stresses to maintain a constant strain energy. A physical model of the adherent cell as a contractile gel under a uniform boundary tension and mechanically coupled to an elastic substrate quantitatively captures the spatial distribution and magnitude of traction stresses. With a single choice of parameters, this model accurately predicts the cell’s mechanical output over a wide range of cell geometries.  相似文献   

Cell invasion and migration that occurs, for example, in cancer metastasis is rooted in the ability of cells to navigate through varying levels of physical constraint exerted by the extracellular matrix. Cancer cells can invade matrices in either a protease-independent or a protease-dependent manner. An emerging critical component that influences the mode of cell invasion is the traction stresses generated by the cells in response to the physicostructural properties of the extracellular matrix. In this study, we have developed a reference-free quantitative assay for measuring three-dimensional (3D) traction stresses generated by cells during the initial stages of invasion into matrices exerting varying levels of mechanical resistance. Our results show that as cells encounter higher mechanical resistance, a larger fraction of them shift to protease-mediated invasion, and this process begins at lower values of cell invasion depth. On the other hand, the compressive stress generated by the cells at the onset of protease-mediated invasion is found to be independent of matrix stiffness, suggesting that 3D traction stress is a key factor in triggering protease-mediated cancer cell invasion. At low 3D compressive traction stresses, cells utilize bleb formation to indent the matrix in a protease independent manner. However, at higher stress values, cells utilize invadopodia-like structures to mediate protease-dependent invasion into the 3D matrix. The critical value of compressive traction stress at the transition from a protease-independent to a protease-dependent mode of invasion is found to be ∼165 Pa.  相似文献   

How environmental mechanical forces affect cellular functions is a central problem in cell biology. Theoretical models of cellular biomechanics provide relevant tools for understanding how the contributions of deformable intracellular components and specific adhesion conditions at the cell interface are integrated for determining the overall balance of mechanical forces within the cell. We investigate here the spatial distributions of intracellular stresses when adherent cells are probed by magnetic twisting cytometry. The influence of the cell nucleus stiffness on the simulated nonlinear torque-bead rotation response is analyzed by considering a finite element multi-component cell model in which the cell and its nucleus are considered as different hyperelastic materials. We additionally take into account the mechanical properties of the basal cell cortex, which can be affected by the interaction of the basal cell membrane with the extracellular substrate. In agreement with data obtained on epithelial cells, the simulated behaviour of the cell model relates the hyperelastic response observed at the entire cell scale to the distribution of stresses and strains within the nucleus and the cytoskeleton, up to cell adhesion areas. These results, which indicate how mechanical forces are transmitted at distant points through the cytoskeleton, are compared to recent data imaging the highly localized distribution of intracellular stresses.  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎干细胞在单层粘附培养中向神经细胞的分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :探讨小鼠胚胎干 (ES)细胞在无血清培养基中以单层粘附培养方式向神经分化的方法。方法 :比较ES细胞在不同培养基中的生长情况 ,分析ES细胞在不同时间分化形成神经细胞的比例。结果 :( 1 )DMEM F1 2和Neurobasal B2 7的 1∶1混合培养基最适合ES的生长。 ( 2 )单层粘附的ES细胞表达神经细胞粘附分子 (NCAM)的比例随时间增长而增加 ,而nestin的表达先增加后下降。 ( 3)ES细胞可在两周分化为神经胶质及神经元 ,形成神经网络。结论 :小鼠ES细胞可在单层粘附培养中获得向神经的高效分化。  相似文献   

Current laboratory methods used to passage adherent human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are labor intensive, result in reduced cell viability and are incompatible with larger scale production necessary for many clinical applications. To meet the current demand for hPSCs, we have developed a new non-enzymatic passaging method using sodium citrate. Sodium citrate, formulated as a hypertonic solution, gently and efficiently detaches adherent cultures of hPSCs as small multicellular aggregates with minimal manual intervention. These multicellular aggregates are easily and reproducibly recovered in calcium-containing medium, retain a high post-detachment cell viability of 97%±1% and readily attach to fresh substrates. Together, this significantly reduces the time required to expand hPSCs as high quality adherent cultures. Cells subcultured for 25 passages using this novel sodium citrate passaging solution exhibit characteristic hPSC morphology, high levels (>80%) of pluripotency markers OCT4, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60 andTRA-1-81, a normal G-banded karyotype and the ability to differentiate into cells representing all three germ layers, both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

胎膜组织贴壁细胞:一种新的间质干细胞来源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的] 建立体外分离纯化胎膜组织贴壁细胞(fetal membrane derived adherent cells,FMDACs)的方法,并且研究FMDACs的基本生物学特性。[方法] 用胰酶消化法分离FMDACs,体外传代培养,并进行向成骨、成脂细胞的诱导分化培养,流式细胞仪、免疫细胞化学检测表面抗原,核型分析及致瘤性实验。[结果] 成功地进行了FMDACs的原代培养及传代培养,FMDACs具有良好的增殖能力,表达CD44、CD29,不表达CD34、CD14、CD45,经诱导后能够分化为成骨细胞和成脂细胞,传代多次后核型正常,无致瘤性。[结论] 胎膜组织中可以分离得到具有间质干细胞特性的贴壁细胞,具有较强的自我更新和多向分化能力,遗传背景稳定无致瘤性。FMDACs为临床应用进行细胞治疗和基因治疗提供了新的来源。  相似文献   

Forces transiting through the cytoskeleton are known to play a role in adherent cell activity. Up to now few approaches haves been able to determine theses intracellular forces. We thus developed a computational mechanical model based on a reconstruction of the cytoskeleton of an adherent cell from fluorescence staining of the actin network and focal adhesions (FA). Our custom made algorithm converted the 2D image of an actin network into a map of contractile interactions inside a 2D node grid, each node representing a group of pixels. We assumed that actin filaments observed under fluorescence microscopy, appear brighter when thicker, we thus presumed that nodes corresponding to pixels with higher actin density were linked by stiffer interactions. This enabled us to create a system of heterogeneous interactions which represent the spatial organization of the contractile actin network. The contractility of this interaction system was then adapted to match the level of force the cell truly exerted on focal adhesions; forces on focal adhesions were estimated from their vinculin expressed size. This enabled the model to compute consistent mechanical forces transiting throughout the cell. After computation, we applied a graphical approach on the original actin image, which enabled us to calculate tension forces throughout the cell, or in a particular region or even in single stress fibers. It also enabled us to study different scenarios which may indicate the mechanical role of other cytoskeletal components such as microtubules. For instance, our results stated that the ratio between intra and extra cellular compression is inversely proportional to intracellular tension.  相似文献   


We describe the preparation of small unilamellar and multilamellar vesicles from hexadecylphosphocholine, cholesterol and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phosphoglycerol in the molar ratio 4/5/1. Particle size and chemical stability of two types of liposomes, small unilamellar vesicles and lyophilized, freshly resuspended multilamellar vesicles were proved to be stable for at least 12 months. Compared to hexadecylphosphocholine in free form, liposomal hexadecylphosphocholine showed remarkably reduced hemolysis which did not change during storage. Fluorescence microscopy showed the uptake of propidium iodide containing hexadecylphosphocholine liposomes by KB and MDA-MB 231 tumor cells. Free propidium iodide was not incorporated into these cells. Although cytotoxicity seemed to be reduced in liposomal preparations, hexadecylphosphocholine liposomes still affected cultured tumor cells to a great extent. In relatively low concentrations they induced shape alteration, smoothing of the cell surface and blebbing.  相似文献   

The existence of integral membrane components that are involved in cell–substratum adhesion has been postulated. Using an immunochemical approach developed in this laboratory, we provide further evidence for the role in cell–substratum adhesion of integral membrane glycoproteins within a molecular weight region of 120,000–140,000. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of material enriched approximately 100-fold in adhesion-related components revealed the 120,000–140,000 Mr glycoproteins in an adherent hamster melanoma cell line. These glycoproteins are greatly reduced in a non-adherent variant. Induction of adhesion in these cells by exposure to BudR is accompanied by re-expression of the surface adhesion antigens.  相似文献   

The spindle orientation is regulated by the interaction of astral microtubules with the cell cortex. We have previously shown that spindles in nonpolarized adherent cells are oriented parallel to the substratum by an actin cytoskeleton- and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate [PtdIns(3,4,5)P3]-dependent mechanism. Here, we show that Cdc42, a Rho family of small GTPases, has an essential role in this mechanism of spindle orientation by regulating both the actin cytoskeleton and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. Knockdown of Cdc42 suppresses PI(3)K activity in M phase and induces spindle misorientation. Moreover, knockdown of Cdc42 disrupts the cortical actin structures in metaphase cells. Our results show that p21-activated kinase 2 (PAK2), a target of Cdc42 and/or Rac1, plays a key role in regulating actin reorganization and spindle orientation downstream from Cdc42. Surprisingly, PAK2 regulates spindle orientation in a kinase activity-independent manner. βPix, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1 and Cdc42, is shown to mediate this kinase-independent function of PAK2. This study thus demonstrates that spindle orientation in adherent cells is regulated by two distinct pathways downstream from Cdc42 and uncovers a novel role of the Cdc42-PAK2-βPix-actin pathway for this mechanism.Alignment of the mitotic spindles with a predetermined axis, which confines the plane of cell division, occurs in many types of cells and is crucial for morphogenesis and embryogenesis. Cell geometry (30, 32, 47), cell polarity (6, 24, 35), and cell-cell adhesions (20, 22, 48) are proposed to be the determinants for the axis of the spindles. In most cases, spindle alignment along the predetermined axis requires both astral microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton and is believed to involve dynein-dependent microtubule pulling forces functioning at the cell cortex (4, 12, 31).We have previously shown that in nonpolarized adherent cells, such as HeLa cells, integrin-mediated cell-substrate adhesion orients the spindles parallel to the substratum, which ensures that both daughter cells remain attached to the substrate after cell division (42). This mechanism requires the actin cytoskeleton, astral microtubules, the microtubule plus-end-tracking protein EB1, and myosin X. Furthermore, our recent study has shown that the lipid second messenger phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate [PtdIns(3,4,5)P3] is also essential to this mechanism. PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 is accumulated in the midcortex of metaphase cells, which is important for the localized accumulation of dynactin, a dynein-binding partner, at the midcortex. We have proposed that PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 directs dynein/dynactin-dependent pulling forces on the spindle to the midcortex and orients the spindle parallel to the substratum (43). However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the actin cytoskeleton and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 in the spindle orientation control remain unknown.The Rho family of GTPases, including Rho, Rac, and Cdc42, plays central roles in the regulation of not only the actin cytoskeleton but also microtubules in the control of various activities of cell motility, including cell adhesion, cell migration, and cell cycle progression (9, 33, 41). Rho family GTPases are also reported to regulate several mitotic events. RhoA plays a crucial role in contractile ring function and localizes to the cleavage furrow along with its effectors, ROCK, citron kinase, and mDia, during cytokinesis (18, 11). Cdc42 and its effector, mDia3, are reported to regulate the alignment of chromosomes during prometaphase and metaphase (49). Interestingly, Cdc42 is also required for proper spindle positioning in polarized cells such as budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell stage embryos, and mouse oocytes, which undergo asymmetric cell division (1, 23, 13, 28). However, how Cdc42 regulates spindle orientation and whether it has a role in spindle orientation in nonpolarized cells remain unknown.Here, we show that Cdc42 is required for the mechanism that orients the spindle parallel to the substratum in nonpolarized adherent cells. Moreover, our results show that Cdc42 regulates both PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and the actin cytoskeleton through PI(3)K- and p21-activated kinase 2 (PAK2)/βPix-signaling pathways, respectively. Both pathways are required for the localized accumulation of dynein/dynactin complexes in the midcortex in metaphase cells and, thus, for the proper spindle orientation parallel to the substratum.  相似文献   

Glial glutamate receptors are likely to be involved in neuronal differentiation, migration, and plasticity. Dystrophin, the protein defective in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is widely expressed in the Central Nervous System. Activation of internal promoters of the DMD gene leads to the production of several proteins, the Dystrophin-71 (Dp-71) being the most abundant in the encephalon. This protein is known to stabilize neurotransmitter receptors in clusters and its absence has been correlated with cognitive deficits in a mouse model. Using cultured chick Bergmann glia cells and mouse cerebellar fusiform astrocytes, we demonstrate here that glutamate receptor activation results in a time and dose dependent decrease of Dp-71 levels. This effect is mediated through amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors. The present results suggest an involvement of Dp-71 in glutamate receptor signaling and possibly clustering and further support the notion of an active role of glia in the physiology of glutamatergic transmission.  相似文献   

It is well established that adherent cells change their orientation in response to non-uniform substrate stretching. Most observations indicate that cells orient away from the direction of the maximal substrate strain, whereas in some cases cells also align with the direction of the maximal strain. Previous studies suggest that orientation and steering of the cell may be closely tied to cytoskeletal contractile stress but they could not explain the mechanisms that direct cell reorientation. This led us to develop a simple, mechanistic theoretical model that could predict a direction of cell orientation in response to mechanical nonuniformities of the substrate. The model leads to a simple physical mechanism -- namely the contractile torque -- that directs the cell toward a new orientation in response to anisotropic substrate stretching or substrate material anisotropy. A direction of the torque is determined by a dependence of the contractile stress on substrate strain. Model predictions are tested in the case of simple elongation of the substrate and found to be consistent with experimental data from the literature.  相似文献   

In subcellular light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) of adherent cells, glass substrates are advantageously rotated relative to the excitation and emission light paths to avoid glass-induced optical aberrations. Because cells are spread across the sample volume, three-dimensional imaging requires a light-sheet with a long propagation length, or rapid sample scanning. However, the former degrades axial resolution and/or optical sectioning, while the latter mechanically perturbs sensitive biological specimens on pliant biomimetic substrates (e.g., collagen and basement membrane). Here, we use aberration-free remote focusing to diagonally sweep a narrow light-sheet along the sample surface, enabling multicolor imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution. Further, we implement a dithered Gaussian lattice to minimize sample-induced illumination heterogeneities, significantly improving signal uniformity. Compared with mechanical sample scanning, we drastically reduce sample oscillations, allowing us to achieve volumetric imaging at speeds of up to 3.5 Hz for thousands of Z-stacks. We demonstrate the optical performance with live-cell imaging of microtubule and actin cytoskeletal dynamics, phosphoinositide signaling, clathrin-mediated endocytosis, polarized blebbing, and endocytic vesicle sorting. We achieve three-dimensional particle tracking of clathrin-associated structures with velocities up to 4.5 μm/s in a dense intracellular environment, and show that such dynamics cannot be recovered reliably at lower volumetric image acquisition rates using experimental data, numerical simulations, and theoretical modeling.  相似文献   

c-myb是血细胞生成过程中的一个重要转录因子,与造血干细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡有关.在白血病、结肠癌、乳腺癌和黑色素瘤等恶性肿瘤中,c-myb异常表达,但是在白血病细胞中c-myb调控的机制尚不清楚.本研究探究了U937细胞中GATA1与c-myb的调控关系,可能对白血病研究和治疗提供帮助.用12-氧-十四烷酰佛波醇-13-乙酸酯(TPA)诱导U937细胞分化,并检测分化前后GATA1与c-myb蛋白的变化.Western blot结果显示U937细胞经TPA诱导分化后c-myb与GATA1蛋白均明显下降.利用慢病毒包装GATAl shRNA质粒和GATA1过表达质粒并感染到U937细胞中实现转录因子GATA1的敲降及过表达后,检测c-myb的mRNA和蛋白的表达水平.结果 显示:敲降GATA1后,c-myb的mRNA和蛋白质水平明显下降;过表达GATA1后,c-myb的mRNA和蛋白质水平明显上调.本研究揭示了U937细胞中GATA1对c-myb的正向调控关系,为白血病研究和治疗方案提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

本工作旨在探讨贴壁培养细胞台盼蓝拒染试验的方法,为其合理应用提出建议.用正常培养及NaN3作致死处理的人视网膜色素上皮细胞株-19,进行原位贴壁细胞和培养体系上悬液中细胞的台盼蓝拒染实验,并比较其原位法与计数板法所测活细胞率.与计数板法相似,随染液浓度增高或染色时间延长,原位台盼蓝拒染实验的活细胞率检测值逐渐增加.培养...  相似文献   

Due to its vital importance in the supply of cellular pathways with energy and precursors, glycolysis has been studied for several decades regarding its capacity and regulation. For a systems-level understanding of the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell metabolism, we couple a segregated cell growth model published earlier with a structured model of glycolysis, which is based on relatively simple kinetics for enzymatic reactions of glycolysis, to explain the pathway dynamics under various cultivation conditions. The structured model takes into account in vitro enzyme activities, and links glycolysis with pentose phosphate pathway and glycogenesis. Using a single parameterization, metabolite pool dynamics during cell cultivation, glucose limitation and glucose pulse experiments can be consistently reproduced by considering the cultivation history of the cells. Growth phase-dependent glucose uptake together with cell-specific volume changes generate high intracellular metabolite pools and flux rates to satisfy the cellular demand during growth. Under glucose limitation, the coordinated control of glycolytic enzymes re-adjusts the glycolytic flux to prevent the depletion of glycolytic intermediates. Finally, the model''s predictive power supports the design of more efficient bioprocesses.  相似文献   

To explore the role of cyclooxygenase (COX) in endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis, we have used two in vitro model systems involving coculture of endothelial cells with colon carcinoma cells. COX-2-overexpressing cells produce prostaglandins, proangiogenic factors, and stimulate both endothelial migration and tube formation, while control cells have little activity. The effect is inhibited by antibodies to combinations of angiogenic factors, by NS-398 (a selective COX-2 inhibitor), and by aspirin. NS-398 does not inhibit production of angiogenic factors or angiogenesis induced by COX-2-negative cells. Treatment of endothelial cells with aspirin or a COX-1 antisense oligonucleotide inhibits COX-1 activity/expression and suppresses tube formation. Cyclooxygenase regulates colon carcinoma-induced angiogenesis by two mechanisms: COX-2 can modulate production of angiogenic factors by colon cancer cells, while COX-1 regulates angiogenesis in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

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