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为了解性传播疾病(SexuallyTransmittedDiseasesSTD)对家庭内传播的影响,用多聚酶链反应(PCR)等方法检测了94对夫妻和其中15户家庭中16名子女的STD病原体NG、CT、UU、HPV、梅毒螺旋体和白色念珠菌。结果表明:男性不洁性史为68.15%而女性为4.26%,两者间有显著差异(P<0.01),但其发病率无统计上显著差异(男76.60%、女73.40%)。STD感染以CT感染最高,达44.68%,NG感染为31.91%,HPV感染是15.96%,未检出梅毒和HSV感染。患者中两种及以上病原感染过35.11%。56.25%的子女STD感染系其患STD父母传染的。这提示如果夫妻任何一方检出有STD感染,另一方须做系统监测与咨询,以便及时采取治疗和预防措施并避免子女受到感染。  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between protein disulfide isomerase family members within the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum, PDI, ERp57, ERp72, and P5 were depleted with high efficiency in human hepatoma cells, either singly or in combination. The impact was assessed on the oxidative folding of several well-characterized secretory proteins. We show that PDI plays a predominant role in oxidative folding because its depletion delayed disulfide formation in all secretory proteins tested. However, the phenotype was surprisingly modest suggesting that other family members are able to compensate for PDI depletion, albeit with reduced efficacy. ERp57 also exhibited broad specificity, overlapping with that of PDI, but with preference for glycosylated substrates. Depletion of both PDI and ERp57 revealed that some substrates require both enzymes for optimal folding and, furthermore, led to generalized protein misfolding, impaired export from the ER, and degradation. In contrast, depletion of ERp72 or P5, either alone or in combination with PDI or ERp57 had minimal impact, revealing a narrow substrate specificity for ERp72 and no detectable role for P5 in oxidative protein folding.  相似文献   

Bcl2-modifying factor (Bmf) is a member of the BH3-only group of proapoptotic proteins. To test the role of Bmf in vivo, we constructed mice with a series of mutated Bmf alleles that disrupt Bmf expression, prevent Bmf phosphorylation by the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) on Ser74, or mimic Bmf phosphorylation on Ser74. We report that the loss of Bmf causes defects in uterovaginal development, including an imperforate vagina and hydrometrocolpos. We also show that the phosphorylation of Bmf on Ser74 can contribute to a moderate increase in levels of Bmf activity. Studies of compound mutants with the related gene Bim demonstrated that Bim and Bmf exhibit partially redundant functions in vivo. Thus, developmental ablation of interdigital webbing on mouse paws and normal lymphocyte homeostasis require the cooperative activity of Bim and Bmf.Bmf is a proapoptotic BH3-only member of the Bcl2-related protein family that is implicated in cell death caused by anoikis (23, 26, 27), arsenic trioxide (19), histone deacetylase inhibitors (33, 34), transforming growth factor β (24), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (8). Mice with a loss of Bmf expression exhibit B-cell hyperplasia and increased sensitivity to γ-radiation-induced B-cell lymphoma (14). These observations indicate that Bmf represents an important mediator of cell death signaling pathways.The structure of Bmf includes a BH3 domain that is essential for apoptosis induction. In addition, Bmf contains a sequence motif that is required for interactions with dynein light chain 2 (DLC2), a component of the myosin V motor complex (23). The interaction of Bmf with DLC2 is required for the recruitment of Bmf to the cytoskeleton. The release of Bmf from complexes sequestered on the cytoskeleton may contribute to anoikis (23). Interestingly, this regulatory mechanism is shared by the related proapoptotic BH3-only protein Bim, which interacts via a similar sequence motif with dynein light chain 1 (DLC1), a component of the dynein motor complex (22).The similarities between Bmf and Bim include the presence of a conserved phosphorylation site (Bmf Ser74 and Bim Thr112) that is a substrate for the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) (15). Data from biochemical studies indicate that the JNK-mediated phosphorylation of Bmf and Bim may increase apoptotic activity (15). Indeed, mice with a germ line point mutation in the Bim gene (Thr112 replaced with Ala) exhibit decreased apoptosis (10). These studies indicate that Bmf and Bim may mediate, in part, proapoptotic signaling by JNK (3, 30).The purpose of this study was to examine the role of Bmf using mouse models with germ line defects in the Bmf gene, including mice with Bmf alleles that disrupt Bmf expression, prevent Bmf phosphorylation, or mimic Bmf phosphorylation. We examined the effects of these mutations in mice with both wild-type and mutant alleles of the related gene Bim. The results of our analysis demonstrate that Bmf and Bim exhibit partially redundant functions, that phosphorylation on Ser74 is not essential for Bmf activity, and that phosphorylation on Ser74 can contribute to increased levels of Bmf activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Members of the Closteroviridae and Potyviridae families of the plant positive-strand RNA viruses encode one or two papain-like leader proteinases. In addition to a C-terminal proteolytic domain, each of these proteinases possesses a nonproteolytic N-terminal domain. We compared functions of the several leader proteinases using a gene swapping approach. The leader proteinase (L-Pro) of Beet yellows virus (BYV; a closterovirus) was replaced with L1 or L2 proteinases of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV; another closterovirus), P-Pro proteinase of Lettuce infectious yellows virus (LIYV; a crinivirus), and HC-Pro proteinase of Tobacco etch virus (a potyvirus). Each foreign proteinase efficiently processed the chimeric BYV polyprotein in vitro. However, only L1 and P-Pro, not L2 and HC-Pro, were able to rescue the amplification of the chimeric BYV variants. The combined expression of L1 and L2 resulted in an increased RNA accumulation compared to that of the parental BYV. Remarkably, this L1-L2 chimera exhibited reduced invasiveness and inability to move from cell to cell. Similar analyses of the BYV hybrids, in which only the papain-like domain of L-Pro was replaced with those derived from L1, L2, P-Pro, and HC-Pro, also revealed functional specialization of these domains. In subcellular-localization experiments, distinct patterns were observed for the leader proteinases of BYV, CTV, and LIYV. Taken together, these results demonstrated that, in addition to a common proteolytic activity, the leader proteinases of closteroviruses possess specialized functions in virus RNA amplification, virus invasion, and cell-to-cell movement. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that functionally distinct L1 and L2 of CTV originated by a gene duplication event.  相似文献   

Solar salterns are crystallizer ponds with highly diverse extremophilic microbial flora living individually or in consortium. Twenty-four culturable haloarchaeal isolates were obtained from solar salterns of Goa, which were grouped under Halococcus, Haloferax, Haloarcula and Halorubrum. Cell-free supernatants of different isolates were checked against each other by pour plate technique combined with agar well diffusion method. This resulted in a zone of growth inhibition or stimulation around wells, indicating that some isolates had antagonistic and/or a beneficial effect on the other genera. Thus, members of family Halobacteriaceae were found to secrete extracellular metabolites, which can act as growth enhancers or repressors.  相似文献   

Adhesive spider glues are required to perform a variety of tasks, including web construction, prey capture, and locomotion. To date, little is known regarding the molecular and structural features of spider glue proteins, in particular bioadhesives that interconnect dragline or scaffolding silks during three-dimensional web construction. Here we use biochemical and structural approaches to identify and characterize two aggregate gland specific gene products, AgSF1 and AgSF2, and demonstrate that these proteins co-localize to the connection joints of both webs and wrapping silks spun from the black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus. Protein architectures are markedly divergent between AgSF1 and AgSF2, as well as traditional spider silk fibroin family members, suggesting connection joints consist of a complex proteinaceous network. AgSF2 represents a nonglycosylated 40-kDa protein that has novel internal amino acid block repeats with the consensus sequence NVNVN embedded in a glycine-rich matrix. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of AgSF1 reveals pentameric QPGSG iterations that are similar to conserved modular elements within mammalian elastin, a rubber-like elastomeric protein that interfaces with collagen. Wet-spinning methodology using purified recombinant proteins show AgSF1 has the potential to self-assemble into fibers. X-ray fiber diffraction studies performed on these synthetic fibers reveal the presence of noncrystalline domains that resemble classical rubber networks. Collectively, these data support that the aggregate gland serves to extrude a protein mixture that contains substances that allow for the self-assembly of fiber-like structures that interface with dragline silks to mediate prey capture.  相似文献   

Summary Multiple forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) are found in different vertebrates. In this study, we have cloned cDNA encoding the full-length gnrh3 and gnrh2 from zebrafish brain and characterized their structure and expression patterns. We performed phylogenetic analysis and compared conserved syntenies in the region surrounding the GnRH genes from human, chicken, pufferfish, and zebrafish genores. The gnrh3 and gnrh2 genes were mapped to LG17 and LG21, respectively. The zebrafish genome appears to lack an ortholog to human GNRH1, and the human genome appears to lack an ortholog of gnrh3. Expression of gnrh3 began in the olfactory pit at 24–26 h postfertilization and expanded to the olfactory bulb during early larval stage. Expression of gnrh2 is always in the midbrain. In addition, GnRH is also expressed in boundary cells surrounding seminiferous cysts of the testis. Thus, this detailed phylogenetic, chromosomal comparison, and expression study defines the identity and the evolutionary relationship of two zebrafish gnrh genes. We propose a model describing the evolution of gnrh genes involving ancestral duplication of the genes followed by selective loss of one gene in some teleosts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The RPCH-AKH peptide family is a group of structurallysimilar peptides which are apparently widely distributed inarthropods, and which serve a variety of functions in differentsettings. The first three recognized members of this familywere detected and purified based on endocrine activities includingcolor change in crustaceans (RPCH) and effects on energy metabolismin insects (AKH and Compound II). The most recently identifiedfamily members, MI and Mil, were found on the basis of neuromuscularactivity as well as endocrine effects, and a combination ofhistological and physiological evidence strongly suggests thatat least some of these peptides are localized in neurons includingmotor neurons which use them as transmitters. Thus this is oneof several neuropeptide families with highly conserved structures,but diverse endocrine and neural functions. The significanceof structural similarities between family members is unclear.Fortunately the arthropod preparations in which these peptideshave been identifiedlend themselves to detailed developmental,anatomical, and physiological analysis, so there is every reasonto suppose that molecular biological and physiological investigationscurrently inprogress will shed significant light on the meaningof the phenomenon of structurally conservative peptide families.  相似文献   

We analysed the structure of deeply knotted proteins representing three unrelated families of knotted proteins. We looked at the correlation between positions of knotted cores in these proteins and such local structural characteristics as the number of intra-chain contacts, structural stability and solvent accessibility. We observed that the knotted cores and especially their borders showed strong enrichment in the number of contacts. These regions showed also increased thermal stability, whereas their solvent accessibility was decreased. Interestingly, the active sites within these knotted proteins preferentially located in the regions with increased number of contacts that also have increased thermal stability and decreased solvent accessibility. Our results suggest that knotting of polypeptide chains provides a favourable environment for the active sites observed in knotted proteins. Some knotted proteins have homologues without a knot. Interestingly, these unknotted homologues form local entanglements that retain structural characteristics of the knotted cores.  相似文献   

A variety of organisms have independently evolved proteins exhibiting antifreeze activity that allows survival at subfreezing temperatures. The antifreeze proteins (AFPs) bind ice nuclei and depress the freezing point by a noncolligative absorption–inhibition mechanism. Many organisms have a heterogeneous suite of AFPs with variation in primary sequence between paralogous loci. Here, we demonstrate that the diversification of the AFP paralogues is promoted by positive Darwinian selection in two independently evolved AFPs from fish and beetle. First, we demonstrate an elevated rate of nonsynonymous substitutions compared to synonymous substitutions in the mature protein coding region. Second, we perform phylogeny-based tests of selection to demonstrate a subset of codons is subjected to positive selection. When mapped onto the three-dimensional structure of the fish antifreeze type III antifreeze structure, these codons correspond to amino acid positions that surround but do not interrupt the putative ice-binding surface. The selective agent may be related to efficient binding to diverse ice surfaces or some other aspect of AFP function. Received: 27 February 2001 / Accepted: 12 September 2001  相似文献   

To gain an understanding of the psychosocial function of reincarnation among Druze, interviews were conducted with nine male subjects who had experienced reincarnation (Notq) and with one or two of their family members. Analysis of these interviews revealed that the onset of Notq typically occurs at between two and five years of age. Five of the subjects had displayed psychological distress in their childhood that was alleviated after the Notq. Once the child has displayed initial indications of reincarnation, such as mentioning names that the family construes as being from a past life, the family takes an active role in constructing the past-life story and matching it to a known real story involving a tragic death. This match creates a new order in the life of the child, the family, and the past-life family. All parties benefit from this new order: the child receives new special attention and love and becomes able to control and manipulate the parents; the parents are relieved because they see the child happy, and benefit from the social attention and regard they receive; and the grieving of the bereaved past-life family is alleviated by the realization that the soul of their lost son still lives. The findings support the sociocognitive notion of the constructing of past memories by the social environment. Additional research that should include data collection from the past-life family and examination of the affinity of reincarnation with dissociation and child abuse is recommended.  相似文献   

Molting fluid accumulates between the old and new cuticles during periodical ecdysis in Ecdysozoa. Natural defects in insect ecdysis are frequently associated with melanization (an immunity response) occurring primarily in molting fluids, suggesting that molting fluid may impact immunity as well as affect ecdysis. To address this hypothesis, proteomic analysis of molting fluids from Bombyx mori during three different types of ecdysis was performed. Many proteins were newly identified, including immunity-related proteins, in each molting fluid. Molting fluids inhibited the growth of bacteria in vitro. The entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana, which can escape immune responses in feeding larvae, is quickly recognized by larvae during ecdysis, followed by melanization in molting fluid and old cuticle. Fungal conidia germination was delayed, and no hyphae were detected in the hemocoels of pharate instar insects. Molting fluids protect the delicate pharate instar insects with extremely thin cuticles against microorganisms. To explore the function of molting fluids in ecdysis regulation, based on protein similarity, 32 genes were selected for analysis in ecdysis regulation through RNAi in Tribolium castaneum, a model commonly used to study integument development because RNAi is difficult to achieve in B. mori. We identified 24 molting proteins that affected ecdysis after knockdown, with different physiological functions, including old cuticle protein recycling, molting fluid pressure balance, detoxification, and signal detection and transfer of molting fluids. We report that insects secrete molting fluid for protection and regulation of ecdysis, which indicates a way to develop new pesticides through interrupting insect ecdysis in the future.  相似文献   

Functional shifts during protein evolution are expected to yield shifts in substitution rate, and statistical methods can test for this at both codon and amino acid levels. Although methods based on models of sequence evolution serve as powerful tools for studying evolutionary processes, violating underlying assumptions can lead to false biological conclusions. It is not unusual for functional shifts to be accompanied by changes in other aspects of the evolutionary process, such as codon or amino acid frequencies. However, models used to test for functional divergence assume these frequencies remain constant over time. We employed simulation to investigate the impact of non-stationary evolution on functional divergence inference. We investigated three likelihood ratio tests based on codon models and found varying degrees of sensitivity. Joint effects of shifts in frequencies and selection pressures can be large, leading to false signals for positive selection. Amino acid-based tests (FunDi and Bivar) were also compromised when several aspects of the substitution process were not adequately modeled. We applied the same tests to a core genome “scan” for functional divergence between light-adapted ecotypes of the cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus, and carried out gene-specific simulations for ten genes. Results of those simulations illustrated how the inference of functional divergence at the genomic level can be seriously impacted by model misspecification. Although computationally costly, simulations motivated by data in hand are warranted when several aspects of the substitution process are either misspecified or not included in the models upon which the statistical tests were built.  相似文献   

The question of the organization of the learning process in educational facilities equipped with microcomputers remains the main component of a set of recommendations of a didactic, educational, psychological, health, and ergonomic nature on the problem of computer learning. The posing and the resolution of this question require a special grounding in methods of organizing learning activity and developing effective organizational models that include the use of computers. The purpose of the present article is to analyze a group learning system as an organizational unit of learning activity and to define a set of conditions for using computers to organize learning activity.  相似文献   

The protein kinase catalytic domain is one of the most abundant domains across all branches of life. Although kinases share a common core function of phosphoryl-transfer, they also have wide functional diversity and play varied roles in cell signaling networks, and for this reason are implicated in a number of human diseases. This functional diversity is primarily achieved through sequence variation, and uncovering the sequence-function relationships for the kinase family is a major challenge. In this study we use a statistical inference technique inspired by statistical physics, which builds a coevolutionary “Potts” Hamiltonian model of sequence variation in a protein family. We show how this model has sufficient power to predict the probability of specific subsequences in the highly diverged kinase family, which we verify by comparing the model’s predictions with experimental observations in the Uniprot database. We show that the pairwise (residue-residue) interaction terms of the statistical model are necessary and sufficient to capture higher-than-pairwise mutation patterns of natural kinase sequences. We observe that previously identified functional sets of residues have much stronger correlated interaction scores than are typical.  相似文献   

Nna1 (CCP1) defines a subfamily of M14 metallocarboxypeptidases (CCP1–6) and is mutated in pcd (Purkinje cell degeneration) mice. Nna1, CCP4, and CCP6 are involved in the post-translational process of polyglutamylation, where they catalyze the removal of polyglutamate side chains. However, it is unknown whether these three cytosolic carboxypeptidases share identical enzymatic properties and redundant biological functions. We show that like Nna1, purified recombinant CCP4 and CCP6 deglutamylate tubulin, but unlike Nna1, neither rescues Purkinje cell degeneration in pcd mice, indicating that they do not have identical functions. Using biotin-based synthetic substrates, we established that the three enzymes are distinguishable based upon individual preferences for glutamate chain length, the amino acid immediately adjacent to the glutamate chain, and whether their activity is enhanced by nearby acidic amino acids. Nna1 and CCP4 remove the C-terminal glutamate from substrates with two or more glutamates, whereas CCP6 requires four or more glutamates. CCP4 behaves as a promiscuous glutamase, with little preference for chain length or neighboring amino acid composition. Besides glutamate chain length dependence, Nna1 and CCP6 exhibit higher kcat/Km when substrates contain nearby acidic amino acids. All cytosolic carboxypeptidases exhibit a monoglutamase activity when aspartic acid precedes a single glutamate, which, together with their other individual preferences for flanking amino acids, greatly increases the potential substrates for these enzymes and the biological processes in which they act. Additionally, Nna1 metabolized substrates mimicking the C terminus of tubulin in a way suggesting that the tyrosinated form of tubulin will accumulate in pcd mice.  相似文献   

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