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Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) is a large dsDNA virus that encodes its own DNA replication machinery and other enzymes involved in DNA transactions. We recently reported that the HSV-1 DNA polymerase catalytic subunit (UL30) exhibits apurinic/apyrimidinic and 5′-deoxyribose phosphate lyase activities. Moreover, UL30, in conjunction with the viral uracil DNA glycosylase (UL2), cellular apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, and DNA ligase IIIα-XRCC1, performs uracil-initiated base excision repair. Base excision repair is required to maintain genome stability as a means to counter the accumulation of unusual bases and to protect from the loss of DNA bases. Here we show that the HSV-1 UL2 associates with the viral replisome. We identified UL2 as a protein that co-purifies with the DNA polymerase through numerous chromatographic steps, an interaction that was verified by co-immunoprecipitation and direct binding studies. The interaction between UL2 and the DNA polymerase is mediated through the UL30 subunit. Moreover, UL2 co-localizes with UL30 to nuclear viral prereplicative sites. The functional consequence of this interaction is that replication of uracil-containing templates stalls at positions −1 and −2 relative to the template uracil because of the fact that these are converted into non-instructional abasic sites. These findings support the existence of a viral repair complex that may be capable of replication-coupled base excision repair and further highlight the role of DNA repair in the maintenance of the HSV-1 genome.  相似文献   

Uracil in DNA arises by misincorporation of dUMP during replication and by hydrolytic deamination of cytosine. This common lesion is actively removed through a base excision repair (BER) pathway initiated by a uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) activity that excises the damage as a free base. UDGs are classified into different families differentially distributed across eubacteria, archaea, yeast, and animals, but remain to be unambiguously identified in plants. We report here the molecular characterization of AtUNG (Arabidopsis thaliana uracil DNA glycosylase), a plant member of the Family-1 of UDGs typified by Escherichia coli Ung. AtUNG exhibits the narrow substrate specificity and single-stranded DNA preference that are characteristic of Ung homologues. Cell extracts from atung−/− mutants are devoid of UDG activity, and lack the capacity to initiate BER on uracil residues. AtUNG-deficient plants do not display any apparent phenotype, but show increased resistance to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), a cytostatic drug that favors dUMP misincorporation into DNA. The resistance of atung−/− mutants to 5-FU is accompanied by the accumulation of uracil residues in DNA. These results suggest that AtUNG excises uracil in vivo but generates toxic AP sites when processing abundant U:A pairs in dTTP-depleted cells. Altogether, our findings point to AtUNG as the major UDG activity in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Repair of oxidized base lesions in the human genome, initiated by DNA glycosylases, occurs via the base excision repair pathway using conserved repair and some non-repair proteins. However, the functions of the latter noncanonical proteins in base excision repair are unclear. Here we elucidated the role of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein-U (hnRNP-U), identified in the immunoprecipitate of human NEIL1, a major DNA glycosylase responsible for oxidized base repair. hnRNP-U directly interacts with NEIL1 in vitro via the NEIL1 common interacting C-terminal domain, which is dispensable for its enzymatic activity. Their in-cell association increases after oxidative stress. hnRNP-U stimulates the NEIL1 in vitro base excision activity for 5-hydroxyuracil in duplex, bubble, forked, or single-stranded DNA substrate, primarily by enhancing product release. Using eluates from FLAG-NEIL1 immunoprecipitates from human cells, we observed 3-fold enhancement in complete repair activity after oxidant treatment. The lack of such enhancement in hnRNP-U-depleted cells suggests its involvement in repairing enhanced base damage after oxidative stress. The NEIL1 disordered C-terminal region binds to hnRNP-U at equimolar ratio with high affinity (Kd = ∼54 nm). The interacting regions in hnRNP-U, mapped to both termini, suggest their proximity in the native protein; these are also disordered, based on PONDR (Predictor of Naturally Disordered Regions) prediction and circular dichroism spectra. Finally, depletion of hnRNP-U and NEIL1 epistatically sensitized human cells at low oxidative genome damage, suggesting that the hnRNP-U protection of cells after oxidative stress is largely due to enhancement of NEIL1-mediated repair.  相似文献   

8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG), arguably the most abundant base lesion induced in mammalian genomes by reactive oxygen species, is repaired via the base excision repair pathway that is initiated with the excision of 8-oxoG by OGG1. Here we show that OGG1 binds the 8-oxoG base with high affinity and that the complex then interacts with canonical Ras family GTPases to catalyze replacement of GDP with GTP, thus serving as a guanine nuclear exchange factor. OGG1-mediated activation of Ras leads to phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated kinases MEK1,2/ERK1,2 and increasing downstream gene expression. These studies document for the first time that in addition to its role in repairing oxidized purines, OGG1 has an independent guanine nuclear exchange factor activity when bound to 8-oxoG.  相似文献   

Replicative DNA polymerases are high fidelity enzymes that misincorporate nucleotides into nascent DNA with a frequency lower than [1/105], and this precision is improved to about [1/107] by their proofreading activity. Because this fidelity is insufficient to replicate most genomes without error, nature evolved postreplicative mismatch repair (MMR), which improves the fidelity of DNA replication by up to 3 orders of magnitude through correcting biosynthetic errors that escaped proofreading. MMR must be able to recognize non-Watson-Crick base pairs and excise the misincorporated nucleotides from the nascent DNA strand, which carries by definition the erroneous genetic information. In eukaryotes, MMR is believed to be directed to the nascent strand by preexisting discontinuities such as gaps between Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand or breaks in the leading strand generated by the mismatch-activated endonuclease of the MutL homologs PMS1 in yeast and PMS2 in vertebrates. We recently demonstrated that the eukaryotic MMR machinery can make use also of strand breaks arising during excision of uracils or ribonucleotides from DNA. We now show that intermediates of MutY homolog-dependent excision of adenines mispaired with 8-oxoguanine (GO) also act as MMR initiation sites in extracts of human cells or Xenopus laevis eggs. Unexpectedly, GO/C pairs were not processed in these extracts and failed to affect MMR directionality, but extracts supplemented with exogenous 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) did so. Because OGG1-mediated excision of GO might misdirect MMR to the template strand, our findings suggest that OGG1 activity might be inhibited during MMR.  相似文献   

The gene for the mismatch-specific uracil DNA glycosylase (MUG) was identified in the Escherichia coli genome as a sequence homolog of the human thymine DNA glycosylase with activity against mismatched uracil base pairs. Examination of cell extracts led us to detect a previously unknown xanthine DNA glycosylase (XDG) activity in E. coli. DNA glycosylase assays with purified enzymes indicated the novel XDG activity is attributable to MUG. Here, we report a biochemical characterization of xanthine DNA glycosylase activity in MUG. The wild type MUG possesses more robust activity against xanthine than uracil and is active against all xanthine-containing DNA (C/X, T/X, G/X, A/X and single-stranded X). Analysis of potentials of mean force indicates that the double-stranded xanthine base pairs have a relatively narrow energetic difference in base flipping, whereas the tendency for uracil base flipping follows the order of C/U > G/U > T/U > A/U. Site-directed mutagenesis performed on conserved motifs revealed that Asn-140 and Ser-23 are important determinants for XDG activity in E. coli MUG. Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations reveal distinct hydrogen-bonding patterns in the active site of E. coli MUG that account for the specificity differences between E. coli MUG and human thymine DNA glycosylase as well as that between the wild type MUG and the Asn-140 and Ser-23 mutants. This study underscores the role of the favorable binding interactions in modulating the specificity of DNA glycosylases.  相似文献   

Human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) is a key enzyme involved in removing 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a highly mutagenic DNA lesion generated by oxidative stress. The removal of 8-oxoG by OGG1 is affected by the local DNA sequence, and this feature most likely contributes to observed mutational hot spots in genomic DNA. To elucidate the influence of local DNA sequence on 8-oxoG excision activity of OGG1, we conducted steady-state, pre-steady-state, and single turnover kinetic evaluation of OGG1 in alternate DNA sequence contexts. The sequence context effect was studied for a mutational hot spot at a CpG dinucleotide. Altering either the global DNA sequence or the 5′-flanking unmodified base pair failed to influence the excision of 8-oxoG. Methylation of the cytosine 5′ to 8-oxoG also did not affect 8-oxoG excision. In contrast, a 5′-neighboring mismatch strongly decreased the rate of 8-oxoG base removal. Substituting the 5′-C in the CpG dinucleotide with T, A, or tetrahydrofuran (i.e. T:G, A:G, and tetrahydrofuran:G mispairs) resulted in a 10-, 13-, and 4-fold decrease in the rate constant for 8-oxoG excision, respectively. A greater loss in activity was observed when T:C or A:C was positioned 5′ of 8-oxoG (59- and 108-fold, respectively). These results indicate that neighboring structural abnormalities 5′ to 8-oxoG deter its repair thereby enhancing its mutagenic potential.  相似文献   

Human N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase (hMPG) initiates base excision repair of a number of structurally diverse purine bases including 1,N6-ethenoadenine, hypoxanthine, and alkylation adducts in DNA. Genetic studies discovered at least eight validated non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) of the hMPG gene in human populations that result in specific single amino acid substitutions. In this study, we tested the functional consequences of these nsSNPs of hMPG. Our results showed that two specific arginine residues, Arg-141 and Arg-120, are important for the activity of hMPG as the germ line variants R120C and R141Q had reduced enzymatic activity in vitro as well as in mammalian cells. Expression of these two variants in mammalian cells lacking endogenous MPG also showed an increase in mutations and sensitivity to an alkylating agent compared with the WT hMPG. Real time binding experiments by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy suggested that these variants have substantial reduction in the equilibrium dissociation constant of binding (KD) of hMPG toward 1,N6-ethenoadenine-containing oligonucleotide (ϵA-DNA). Pre-steady-state kinetic studies showed that the substitutions at arginine residues affected the turnover of the enzyme significantly under multiple turnover condition. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy further showed that both variants had significantly decreased nonspecific (undamaged) DNA binding. Molecular modeling suggested that R141Q substitution may have resulted in a direct loss of the salt bridge between ϵA-DNA and hMPG, whereas R120C substitution redistributed, at a distance, the interactions among residues in the catalytic pocket. Together our results suggest that individuals carrying R120C and R141Q MPG variants may be at risk for genomic instability and associated diseases as a consequence.  相似文献   

DNA repair and DNA damage checkpoints work in concert to help maintain genomic integrity. In vivo data suggest that these two global responses to DNA damage are coupled. It has been proposed that the canonical 30 nucleotide single-stranded DNA gap generated by nucleotide excision repair is the signal that activates the ATR-mediated DNA damage checkpoint response and that the signal is enhanced by gap enlargement by EXO1 (exonuclease 1) 5′ to 3′ exonuclease activity. Here we have used purified core nucleotide excision repair factors (RPA, XPA, XPC, TFIIH, XPG, and XPF-ERCC1), core DNA damage checkpoint proteins (ATR-ATRIP, TopBP1, RPA), and DNA damaged by a UV-mimetic agent to analyze the basic steps of DNA damage checkpoint response in a biochemically defined system. We find that checkpoint signaling as measured by phosphorylation of target proteins by the ATR kinase requires enlargement of the excision gap generated by the excision repair system by the 5′ to 3′ exonuclease activity of EXO1. We conclude that, in addition to damaged DNA, RPA, XPA, XPC, TFIIH, XPG, XPF-ERCC1, ATR-ATRIP, TopBP1, and EXO1 constitute the minimum essential set of factors for ATR-mediated DNA damage checkpoint response.  相似文献   

Exposure to ionizing radiation can produce multiple, clustered oxidative lesions in DNA. The near simultaneous excision of nearby lesions in opposing DNA strands by the base excision repair (BER) enzymes can produce double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs). This attempted BER accounts for many of the potentially lethal or mutagenic DSBs that occur in vivo. To assess the impact of nucleosomes on the frequency and pattern of BER-dependent DSB formation, we incubated nucleosomes containing oxidative damages in opposing DNA strands with selected DNA glycosylases and human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1. Overall, nucleosomes substantially suppressed DSB formation. However, the degree of suppression varied as a function of (i) the lesion type and DNA glycosylase tested, (ii) local sequence context and the stagger between opposing strand lesions, (iii) the helical orientation of oxidative lesions relative to the underlying histone octamer, and (iv) the distance between the lesion cluster and the nucleosome edge. In some instances the binding of a BER factor to one nucleosomal lesion appeared to facilitate binding to the opposing strand lesion. DSB formation did not invariably lead to nucleosome dissolution, and in some cases, free DNA ends resulting from DSB formation remained associated with the histone octamer. These observations explain how specific structural and dynamic properties of nucleosomes contribute to the suppression of BER-generated DSBs. These studies also suggest that most BER-generated DSBs will occur in linker DNA and in genomic regions associated with elevated rates of nucleosome turnover or remodeling.  相似文献   

During its life cycle, the protist parasite Entamoeba histolytica encounters reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that alter its genome. Base excision repair (BER) is one of the most important pathways for the repair of DNA base lesions. Analysis of the E. histolytica genome revealed the presence of most of the BER components. Surprisingly, this included a gene encoding an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease that previous studies had assumed was absent. Indeed, our analysis showed that the genome of E. histolytica harbors the necessary genes needed for both short and long-patch BER sub-pathways. These genes include DNA polymerases with predicted 5′-dRP lyase and strand-displacement activities and a sole DNA ligase. A distinct feature of the E. histolytica genome is the lack of several key damage-specific BER glycosylases, such as OGG1/MutM, MDB4, Mag1, MPG, SMUG, and TDG. Our evolutionary analysis indicates that several E. histolytica DNA glycosylases were acquired by lateral gene transfer (LGT). The genes that encode for MutY, AlkD, and UDG (Family VI) are included among these cases. Endonuclease III and UNG (family I) are the only DNA glycosylases with a eukaryotic origin in E. histolytica. A gene encoding a MutT 8-oxodGTPase was also identified that was acquired by LGT. The mixed composition of BER genes as a DNA metabolic pathway shaped by LGT in E. histolytica indicates that LGT plays a major role in the evolution of this eukaryote. Sequence and structural prediction of E. histolytica DNA glycosylases, as well as MutT, suggest that the E. histolytica DNA repair proteins evolved to harbor structural modifications that may confer unique biochemical features needed for the biology of this parasite.  相似文献   

Thymine glycol (Tg) and 5-hydroxyuracil (5-OHU) are common oxidized products of pyrimidines, which are recognized and cleaved by two DNA glycosylases of the base excision repair pathway, endonuclease III (Nth) and endonuclease VIII (Nei). Although there are several structures of Nei enzymes unliganded or bound to an abasic (apurinic or apyrimidinic) site, until now there was no structure of an Nei bound to a DNA lesion. Mimivirus Nei1 (MvNei1) is an ortholog of human NEIL1, which was previously crystallized bound to DNA containing an apurinic site (Imamura, K., Wallace, S. S., and Doublié, S. (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 26174-26183). Here, we present two crystal structures of MvNei1 bound to two oxidized pyrimidines, Tg and 5-OHU. Both lesions are flipped out from the DNA helix. Tg is in the anti conformation, whereas 5-OHU adopts both anti and syn conformations in the glycosylase active site. Only two protein side chains (Glu-6 and Tyr-253) are within hydrogen-bonding contact with either damaged base, and mutating these residues did not markedly affect the glycosylase activity. This finding suggests that lesion recognition by Nei occurs before the damaged base flips into the glycosylase active site.  相似文献   

The E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4Cdt2 targets proteins for destruction in S phase and after DNA damage by coupling ubiquitylation to DNA-bound proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Coupling to PCNA involves a PCNA-interacting peptide (PIP) degron motif in the substrate that recruits CRL4Cdt2 while binding to PCNA. In vertebrates, CRL4Cdt2 promotes degradation of proteins whose presence in S phase is deleterious, including Cdt1, Set8, and p21. Here, we show that CRL4Cdt2 targets thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG), a base excision repair enzyme that is involved in DNA demethylation. TDG contains a conserved and nearly perfect match to the PIP degron consensus. TDG is ubiquitylated and destroyed in a PCNA-, Cdt2-, and PIP degron-dependent manner during DNA repair in Xenopus egg extract. The protein can also be destroyed during DNA replication in this system. During Xenopus development, TDG first accumulates during gastrulation, and its expression is down-regulated by CRL4Cdt2. Our results expand the group of vertebrate CRL4Cdt2 substrates to include a bona fide DNA repair enzyme.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin specific protease 7 (USP7) is a known deubiquitinating enzyme for tumor suppressor p53 and its downstream regulator, E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2. Here we report that USP7 regulates nucleotide excision repair (NER) via deubiquitinating xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) protein, a critical damage recognition factor that binds to helix-distorting DNA lesions and initiates NER. XPC is ubiquitinated during the early stage of NER of UV light-induced DNA lesions. We demonstrate that transiently compromising cellular USP7 by siRNA and chemical inhibition leads to accumulation of ubiquitinated forms of XPC, whereas complete USP7 deficiency leads to rapid ubiquitin-mediated XPC degradation upon UV irradiation. We show that USP7 physically interacts with XPC in vitro and in vivo. Overexpression of wild-type USP7, but not its catalytically inactive or interaction-defective mutants, reduces the ubiquitinated forms of XPC. Importantly, USP7 efficiently deubiquitinates XPC-ubiquitin conjugates in deubiquitination assays in vitro. We further show that valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 is involved in UV light-induced XPC degradation in USP7-deficient cells. VCP/p97 is readily recruited to DNA damage sites and colocalizes with XPC. Chemical inhibition of the activity of VCP/p97 ATPase causes an increase in ubiquitinated XPC on DNA-damaged chromatin. Moreover, USP7 deficiency severely impairs the repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and, to a lesser extent, affects the repair of 6-4 photoproducts. Taken together, our findings uncovered an important role of USP7 in regulating NER via deubiquitinating XPC and by preventing its VCP/p97-regulated proteolysis.  相似文献   

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