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Breeding for resistance to the three rusts of wheat usually requires incorporation of genetically independent factors conferring resistance to each rust. Linked resistance genes in some alien translocation stocks permit concurrent transference of resistance for more than one rust. Alien derived resistances, however, are often reported to be associated with reduced yield and other undesirable characters. In our experience, backcross breeding when given a limited number of backcrosses (3–6) and with suitable selection procedures has resulted in lines giving yields higher or comparable to the recurrent wheat parent Kalyansona and resistance to one, two or all three rusts without any adverse effects. Some of the rust resistant derivatives also show resistance to Neovossia indica (Karnal bunt). The derivatives thus developed when used as parents in a breeding programme have produced several improved cultivars with high yields, superior grains and diversity for resistance to rust pathogens. One of the cultivars, named Vaishali (DL784-3), has been officially released for cultivation in the country.  相似文献   

Yellow rust (causal agent: Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) resistance in the UK wheat cultivar Guardian is developmentally regulated, resistance increasing as the plant matures. Yellow rust resistance was assessed under field conditions on plants after ear emergence to ensure maximum expression of resistance. Three quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yellow rust resistance were identified, being located on chromosomes 1B (QPst.jic-1B), 2D (QPst.jic-2D) and 4B (QPst.jic-4B). The largest resistance effect, QPst.jic-1B located to the same position on the long arm of chromosome 1B as the known durable source of yellow rust resistance, Yr29. Microscopic studies were carried out to determine what effect the resistance in Guardian had on the development of P. striiformis f.sp. tritici. While the adult plant resistance in Guardian did not prevent germinated urediniospores from establishing an effective infection site, the growth of hyphae within flag leaf tissue was significantly inhibited, slowing the development of microcolonies. 3,3-diaminabenzadine (DAB) and trypan blue staining indicated that this inhibition of hyphal growth was not associated with hydrogen peroxide accumulation or extensive plant cell death.  相似文献   

Summary A study of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germ plasm developed at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) showed highly significant phenotypic variability for each component of partial resistance (namely, uredial appearance period, latency period, uredial number and uredial size) to Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici. All of the wheat genotypes displayed longer uredial appearance and latency periods and decreased uredial number and uredial size when compared to the susceptible check cultivar Morocco. Positive correlations between uredial appearance period and latency period, and uredial number and uredial size, and negative correlations between uredial appearance and latency periods and uredial number and uredial size, inclusive, suggested that the components of partial resistance were either tightly linked or under pleiotropic genetic control. Compared to Morocco, all entries had slow disease progress in the field and variation occurred in the germ plasm for the area under the leaf rust progress curve. Disease progress was negatively correlated with uredial appearance and latency periods, whereas a positive correlation was observed with uredial number and uredial size. Certain genotypes displayed high levels of partial resistance resulting in low disease incidence in the field.  相似文献   

Effect of gene Lr34 in the enhancement of resistance to leaf rust of wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 is present in many wheat cultivars throughout the world that have shown durable resistance to leaf rust. Fourteen pair-wise combinations of Lr34 and seedling leaf rust resistance genes were developed by intercrossing near isogenic Thatcher lines. In both seedling and adult plant tests homozygous paired combinations of specific resistance genes with Lr34 had enhanced resistance relative to either parent to different numbers of isolates that were avirulent to the additional resistance genes. The TcLr34, 18 line also expressed enhanced resistance to specific isolates virulent to Lr18 in seedling and adult plant stages. In rust nursery tests, homozygous lines were more resistant than either parent, if the additional leaf rust gene conditioned an effective of resistance when present singly. The ability of Lr34 to interact with other genes conditioning effective resistance may contribute to the durability of leaf rust resistance in cultivars with Lr34. Contribution 1453 Agriculture Canada  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major constraint for wheat production in acidic soils. An Al resistance gene on chromosome 4DL that traces to Brazilian wheat has been extensively studied, and can provide partial protection from Al damage. To identify potentially new sources of Al resistance, 590 wheat accessions, including elite wheat breeding lines from the United States and other American and European countries, landraces and commercial cultivars from East Asia, and synthetic wheat lines from CIMMYT, Mexico, were screened for Al resistance by measuring relative root elongation in culture with a nutrient solution containing Al, and by staining Al-stressed root tips with hematoxylin. Eighty-eight wheat accessions demonstrated at least moderate resistance to Al toxicity. Those selected lines were subjected to analysis of microsatellite markers linked to an Al resistance gene on 4DL and a gene marker for the Al-activated malate transporter (ALMT1) locus. Many of the selected Al-resistant accessions from East Asia did not have the Al-resistant marker alleles of ALMT1, although they showed Al resistance similar to the US Al-resistant cultivar, Atlas 66. Most of the cultivars derived from Jagger and Atlas 66 have the Al-resistant marker alleles of ALMT1. Cluster analysis separated the selected Al-resistant germplasm into two major clusters, labeled as Asian and American–European clusters. Potentially new germplasm of Al resistance different from those derived from Brazil were identified. Further investigation of Al resistance in those new germplasms may reveal alternative Al-resistance mechanisms in wheat. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Responsible Editor: Thomas B. Kinraide.  相似文献   

Summary Two bread wheat accessions, E5008 and E6160, have been genetically analysed for resistance genes effective against Indian cultures of stem rust races, 15C and 122. The inheritance of resistance to each race has been determined from the F1 and F2 of the crosses (resistant parents with the susceptible variety, Agra Local) and F2 progenies from the backcross to Agra Local. Tests have been performed to see if the two varieties carry common genes/s for resistance. The identity of the genes for resistance has been established from relevant crosses with single gene lines carrying known genes for resistance.A single dominant gene effective to race 15C in E5008 has been demonstrated to be Sr9b. Of the two recessive genes, each producing distinct infection types (0; and 1–3) against race 122, one gene has been inferred to be Sr12 and the second to be a hitherto undesignated gene.The resistance of E6160 against race 15C is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive. The dominant gene has been identified as Sr9b. The recessive gene has been inferred to be a new gene. Similarly, a dominant gene effective against race 122 in E6160 has been observed to be different from those so far designated. In addition, the presence of modifier gene/s in the variety, E6160 has been suggested.  相似文献   

Stagonospora nodorum is the causal agent of the Stagonospora glume blotch disease in hexaploid wheat. The Swiss winter bread wheat cv. 'Arina' has a highly effective, durable and quantitative glume blotch resistance. We studied 240 single seed descent (SSD)-derived lines of an 'Arina × Forno' F5:7 population to identify and map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for glume blotch resistance under natural infestation. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) and LOD>4.5, we detected two chromosomal regions on chromosome arms 3BS and 4BL which were specifically associated with glume blotch resistance. These identified QTLs were designated QSng.sfr-3BS and QSng.sfr-4BL, respectively. QSng.sfr-3BS peaked at the locus Xgwm389 in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 3B and explained 31.2% of the observed phenotypic variance for the resistance within the population. The responsible QSng.sfr-3BS allele originated from the resistant parent 'Arina'. The QTL QSng.sfr-4BL (19.1%) mapped to chromosome arm 4BL ('Forno' allele) very close to two known genes, TaMlo and a catalase (Cat). Both QTL alleles combined could enhance the resistance level by about 50%. Additionally, they showed significant epistatic effects (4.4%). We found PCR-based microsatellite markers closely linked to QSng.sfr-3BS (gwm389) and QSng.sfr-4BL (gwm251) which make marker-assisted selection (MAS) for Stagonospora glume blotch resistance feasible. We also found one resistance QTL, QSng.sfr-5BL, on the long arm of chromosome 5B which overlapped with QTLs for plant height as well as heading time.Communicated by H. C. Becker  相似文献   

Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks., is an important foliar disease of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Pyramiding several major rust-resistance genes into one adapted cultivar is one strategy for obtaining more durable resistance. Molecular markers linked to these genes are essential tools for gene pyramiding. The rust-resistance gene Lr41 from T. tauschii has been introgressed into chromosome 2D of several wheat cultivars that are currently under commercial production. To discover molecular markers closely linked to Lr41, a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) of the hard winter wheat cultivar Century were developed through backcrossing. A population of 95 BC3F2:6 NILs were evaluated for leaf rust resistance at both seedling and adult plant stages and analyzed with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers using bulked segregant analysis. Four markers closely linked to Lr41 were identified on chromosome 2DS; the closest marker, Xbarc124, was about 1 cM from Lr41. Physical mapping using Chinese Spring nullitetrasomic and ditelosomic genetic stocks confirmed that markers linked to Lr41 were on chromosome arm 2DS. Marker analysis in a diverse set of wheat germplasm indicated that primers BARC124, GWM210, and GDM35 amplified polymorphic bands between most resistant and susceptible accessions and can be used for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of durable leaf rust resistance in winter wheat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Quantitative resistance that delays the epidemic development of leaf rust in wheat is an important source for durable resistance breeding. The Swiss winter wheat variety ’Forno’ shows a high level of quantitative resistance against leaf rust. This resistance has been effective for more than 10 years and can therefore be considered to be durable. In order to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for durable leaf rust resistance we analysed 204 F5 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of the cross between the winter wheat ’Forno’ and the winter spelt ’Oberkulmer’ for their level of leaf rust resistance (LR) and leaf tip necrosis (LTN) in four different environments. Both traits showed a continuous distribution and were significantly correlated (r=−0.5). Across environments we detected 8 QTL for leaf rust resistance (6 inherited from ’Forno’) and 10 QTL for the quantitative expression of LTN (6 inherited from ’Forno’). Of the 6 QTL responsible for the durable leaf rust resistance of ’Forno’, 1 major QTL coincided with a thaumatin locus on 7BL explaining 35% of the phenotypic variance. Four QTL for LR coincided with QTL for LTN. At these loci the alleles of ’Forno’ increased the level of resistance as well as the extent of LTN, indicating pleiotropy. Received: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) is one of the major diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Adult plant resistance (APR) to powdery mildew is considered more durable than resistance conferred by major race-specific resistance genes. The objective of the present study was a better understanding of the genetic basis of APR in RE714 by means of QTL analysis of several resistance scores along the growing season. A population of 160 recombinant inbred lines obtained from the cross between RE714 and Hardi (susceptible) was assessed for APR under natural infection conditions during 3 years and a genetic map with whole genome coverage was developed with microsatellite and AFLP markers in this population. Two major QTL on chromosomes 5D and 6A were detected each year, and 6 minor QTL were detected only in 1 or 2 years. The QTL on chromosome 5D was detected during all the growing season each year and its R 2 value varied between 8.5 and 56.3%, whereas the QTL on chromosome 6A was detected at 1–4 scoring dates in the 3 years, and its R 2 value varied between 6.1 and 20.5%. The two QTL explained between 24.4 and 52.1% of the phenotypic variance for AUDPC, depending on the year. The models including QTL and cofactors in the composite interval mapping explained between 29 and 72% of the variance. The molecular markers linked to the two major QTL could be used in marker-assisted selection for adult plant resistance to powdery mildew. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers linked to genes controlling Hessian fly resistance from Triticum tauschii (Coss.) Schmal. were identified for two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germ plasm lines KS89WGRC3 (C3) and KS89WGRC6 (C6). Forty-six clones with loci on chromosomes of homoeologous group 3 and 28 clones on those of group 6 were surveyed for polymorphisms. Eleven and 12 clones detected T. tauschii loci in the two lines, respectively. Analysis of F2 progenies indicated that the Hessian fly resistance gene H23 identified in C3 is linked to XksuH4 (6.9 cM) and XksuG48 (A) (15.6 cM), located on 6D. The resistance gene H24 in C6 is linked to XcnlBCD451 (5.9 cM), XcnlCD0482 (5.9 cM) and XksuG48 (B) (12.9 cM), located on 3DL.Paper No. 810 of the Cornell Plant Breeding Series  相似文献   

The stem rust fungus Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici is an obligately biotrophic pathogen attacking wheat (Triticum aestivum). In compatible host/pathogen-interactions, the fungus participates in the host's metabolism by establishing functional haustoria in the susceptible plant cells. In highly resistant wheat cultivars, fungal attack is stopped by a hypersensitive response of penetrated host cells. This mechanism of programmed cell death of single plant cells is accompanied by the intracellular accumulation of material with UV-fluorescence typical of phenolic compounds. A similar reaction can be induced in healthy wheat leaves by the application of a rust-derived elicitor. We analysed the biochemical composition of this defense-induced phenolic material. Contents of total soluble and cell wall esterified and etherified phenolic acids were determined in rust-inoculated and elicitor-treated leaves of the fully susceptible wheat cultivar Prelude and its highly resistant, near-isogenic line Prelude-Sr5. While no resistance-related changes occured in any of these fractions, the lignin content as determined by the thioglycolic acid and the acetyl bromide methods increased after elicitor treatment. Nitrobenzene oxidation revealed that the entire increase can be explained by an increase in syringyl units only. These biochemical data were confirmed by fluorescence emission spectra analyses which indicated a defense-induced enrichment of syringyl lignin for cell wall samples both from elicitor-treated wheat leaves and single host cells undergoing a hypersensitive response upon fungal penetration.  相似文献   

Summary Genes for resistance toPuccinia graminis tritici andPuccinia recondita tritici identified in four South African wheats were:Sr6,Sr8a,Sr9e, andLr13 in W3762;Sr5,Sr8a,Sr9b,Sr12,Sr24,Lr13, andLr24 in W3760;Sr2,Sr24,SrC,Lr13, andLr24 in W3751; andSr7a,Sr23,Sr36, andLr16 in W3755. GenesSr2,Sr9e, andSr24 also conferred adult plant resistance to the predominant pathotypes ofP. graminis tritici. GenesSr7a,Sr23, andSrC, when present alone, did not confer acceptable adult plant resistance, even though low seedling reactions were associated with them when tested with the same pathotypes. Genetic recombination betweenLr13 andSr9e was estimated at 12.5%±2.3%.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci for aluminum resistance in wheat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for wheat resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity were analyzed using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in a population of 192 F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between an Al-resistant cultivar, Atlas 66 and an Al-sensitive cultivar, Chisholm. Wheat reaction to Al was measured by relative root growth and root response to hematoxylin stain in nutrient-solution culture. After screening 1,028 SSR markers for polymorphisms between the parents and bulks, we identified two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66. One major QTL was mapped on chromosome 4D that co-segregated with the Al-activated malate transporter gene (ALMT1). Another minor QTL was located on chromosome 3BL. Together, these two QTLs accounted for about 57% of the phenotypic variation in hematoxylin staining score and 50% of the variation in net root growth (NRG). Expression of the minor QTL on 3BL was suppressed by the major QTL on 4DL. The two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66 were also verified in an additional RIL population derived from Atlas 66/Century. Several SSR markers closely linked to the QTLs were identified and have potential to be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) to improve Al-resistance of wheat cultivars in breeding programs.  相似文献   

An F2 population from a cross between barley accession Q21861 and the Australian barley variety Galleon was used to develop RAPD markers for resistance to barley leaf rust (Puccinia hordei). Resistant and susceptible DNA bulks were constructed following the classification of F2 plants by leaf rust infection type. Bulked segregant analysis was then used to identify a 2.7-kb marker, designated OU022700 and located approximately 12cM from RphQ, a leaf rust resistance gene in Q21861. The marker was generated by PCR with the oligonucleotide primer OPU-02 (Operon). Infection types of F3 progeny were used to confirm assignment of F2 genotypes. OU022700 was shown, retrospectively, to be useful in the identification of individual F2 plants that had been originally misclassified as having susceptible infection types. Both the RAPD marker and RphQ will be potentially useful in the development of new barley cultivars.  相似文献   

Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina, is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. Lr16 is a widely deployed leaf rust resistance gene effective at the seedling stage. Although virulence to Lr16 exists in the Canadian P. triticina population, Lr16 provides a level of partial resistance in the field. The primary objective of this study was to identify markers linked to Lr16 that are suitable for marker-assisted selection (MAS). Lr16 was tagged with microsatellite markers on the distal end of chromosome 2BS in three mapping populations. Seven microsatellite loci mapped within 10 cM of Lr16, with the map distances varying among populations. Xwmc764 was the closest microsatellite locus to Lr16, and mapped 1, 9, and 3 cM away in the RL4452/AC Domain, BW278/AC Foremost, and HY644/McKenzie mapping populations, respectively. Lr16 was the terminal locus mapped in all three populations. Xwmc764, Xgwm210, and Xwmc661 were the most suitable markers for selection of Lr16 because they had simple PCR profiles, numerous alleles, high polymorphism information content (PIC), and were tightly linked to Lr16. Twenty-eight spring wheat lines were evaluated for leaf rust reaction with the P. triticina virulence phenotypes MBDS, MBRJ, and MGBJ, and analyzed with five microsatellite markers tightly linked to Lr16. There was good agreement between leaf rust infection type (IT) data and the microsatellite allele data. Microsatellite markers were useful for postulating Lr16 in wheat lines with multiple leaf rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

The relationships between photosynthesis, leaf nitrogen content and water stress were studied in ten genotypes of wheat differing in the presence of dwarfing genes. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) was mostly higher at ear emergence stage than at anthesis stage. PN decreased with water stress (leaf water potential from –2.0 to –2.5 MPa), and with reduced leaf N content in all genotypes studied. Among the various genotypes, single dwarf and wild types showed higher PN rate and maintained higher leaf N content under different N doses and water supply as compared to the other types studied.  相似文献   

Antixenosis in three wheat varieties (Timmo, Moghan 2 and Ommid) toRhopalosiphum padi (L.) was measured by pairing plants of any two varieties with one plant of each pair treated with a soil drench of the systemic insecticide pirimicarb. Aphids were then allowed access to equivalent leaf areas from the two plants in a leaf cage. The results were compared with similar choice experiments without insecticide. By either technique, the two Iranian varieties (Moghan 2 and Ommid) showed antixenosis in comparison with Timmo. The statistical analysis of the data, using a heterogeneity 2 test, is described.
Zusammenfassung Die Antixenose gegenüberRhopalosiphum padi (L.) in den drei Weizensorten Timmo, Moghan 2 und Ommid, von denen die zwei letzteren Sorten aus dem Iran stammen, wurde unter Verwendung des systemischen Insektizids Pirimicarb gemessen. Jeweils zwei Pflanzen aus verschiedenen Sorten wurden als Paar verwendet (in allen Kombinationen der drei Sorten), pro Paar ein Topf mit Pirimicarb gegossen, und zwanzig Blattlaüse über Blattflächen von beiden Sorten gekäfigt. Ähnliche Versuche wurden auch ohne Insektizid ausgeführt. Beide Methoden zeigten deutliche Antixenose von Moghan 2 und Ommid in Vergleich mit Timmo. Die Insektizidmethode zeigte auch eine Bevorzugung von Moghan 2 gegenüber Ommid, ein Resultat, das mit der schon bekannten relativen Antibiose dieser zwei Sorten übereinstimmte, während sich ohne Insektizid kein solcher Unterschied erwies. Die statistische Analyse solcher Versuche mit einem Insektizid, die eine Modifikation der Berechnung des erwarteten Werts mit dem 2 Test enthält, ist beschrieben.

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