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Linder P  Lasko P 《Cell》2006,125(2):219-221
RNA helicases of the DEAD-box family are involved in essentially all RNA-dependent cellular processes. In this issue of Cell, Sengoku et al. (2006) solve the structure of the DEAD-box protein Vasa in the presence of RNA and a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog and provide important insights into how this family of helicases unwinds RNA.  相似文献   

Yang Q  Jankowsky E 《Biochemistry》2005,44(41):13591-13601
DEAD-box RNA helicases, which are involved in virtually all aspects of RNA metabolism, are generally viewed as enzymes that unwind RNA duplexes or disrupt RNA-protein interactions in an ATP-dependent manner. Here, we show in vitro that the DEAD-box protein DED1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae promotes not only RNA unwinding but also strand annealing, the latter in such a profound fashion that the physical limit for a bimolecular association rate constant is approached. We further demonstrate that DED1 establishes an ATP-dependent steady state between unwinding and annealing, which enables the enzyme to modulate the balance between the two opposing activities through ATP and ADP concentrations. The ratio between unwinding and annealing and the degree to which both activities are ATP- and ADP-modulated are strongly influenced by structured as well as unstructured regions in the RNA substrate. Collectively, these findings expand the known functional repertoire of DEAD-box proteins and reveal the capacity of DED1 to remodel RNA in response to ADP and ATP concentrations by facilitating not only disruption but also formation of RNA duplexes.  相似文献   

Hu proteins bind to adenosine-uridine (AU)-rich elements (AREs) in the 3' untranslated regions of many short-lived mRNAs, thereby stabilizing them. Here we report the crystal structures of the first two RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains of the HuD protein in complex with an 11-nucleotide fragment of a class I ARE (the c-fos ARE; to 1.8 A), and with an 11-nucleotide fragment of a class II ARE (the tumor necrosis factor alpha ARE; to 2.3 A). These structures reveal a consensus RNA recognition sequence that suggests a preference for pyrimidine-rich sequences and a requirement for a central uracil residue in the clustered AUUUA repeats found in class II AREs. Comparison to structures of other RRM domain-nucleic acid complexes reveals two base recognition pockets in all the structures that interact with bases using residues in conserved ribonucleoprotein motifs and at the C-terminal ends of RRM domains. Different conformations of nucleic acid can be bound by RRM domains by using different combinations of base recognition pockets and multiple RRM domains.  相似文献   

Vasa is a broadly conserved ATP-dependent RNA helicase that functions in the germ line of organisms from cnidarians to mammals. Curiously, Vasa is also present in the somatic cells of many animals and functions as a regulator of multipotent cells. Here, we report a mitotic function of Vasa revealed in the sea urchin embryo. We found that Vasa protein is present in all blastomeres of the early embryo and that its abundance oscillates with the cell cycle. Vasa associates with the spindle and the separating sister chromatids at metaphase, and then quickly disappears after telophase. Inhibition of Vasa protein synthesis interferes with proper chromosome segregation, arrests cells at M-phase, and delays overall cell cycle progression. Cdk activity is necessary for the proper localization of Vasa, implying that Vasa is involved in the cyclin-dependent cell cycle network, and Vasa is required for the efficient translation of cyclinB mRNA. Our results suggest an evolutionarily conserved role of Vasa that is independent of its function in germ line determination.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is an endoribonuclease that catalyzes the processing of the 5′-leader sequence of precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) in all phylogenetic domains. We have found that RNase P in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 consists of RNase P RNA (PhopRNA) and five protein cofactors designated PhoPop5, PhoRpp21, PhoRpp29, PhoRpp30, and PhoRpp38. Biochemical characterizations over the past 10 years have revealed that PhoPop5 and PhoRpp30 fold into a heterotetramer and cooperate to activate a catalytic domain (C-domain) in PhopRNA, whereas PhoRpp21 and PhoRpp29 form a heterodimer and function together to activate a specificity domain (S-domain) in PhopRNA. PhoRpp38 plays a role in elevation of the optimum temperature of RNase P activity, binding to kink-turn (K-turn) motifs in two stem-loops in PhopRNA. This review describes the structural and functional information on P. horikoshii RNase P, focusing on the structural basis for the PhopRNA activation by the five RNase P proteins.  相似文献   

DEAD-box helicases related to the Drosophila protein Vasa (also known as Ddx4) are found throughout the animal kingdom. They have been linked to numerous processes in gametogenesis, germ cell specification, and stem cell biology, and alterations in Vasa expression are associated with malignancy of tumor cells and with some human male infertility syndromes. Experimental results indicating how Vasa contributes to all these different cellular and developmental processes are discussed, using examples from planarians, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, sea urchin, zebrafish, Xenopus, mouse, and human. Molecular, cellular, and developmental functions of Vasa and its orthologs are reviewed in this article. Evidence linking Vasa to translational regulation, to biogenesis of small RNAs, and to chromosome condensation is examined. Finally, potential overlapping functions between Vasa and related DEAD-box helicases (Belle, or Ddx3, and DEADSouth, or Ddx25) are explored. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The biology of RNA helicases — Modulation for life.  相似文献   

RNA helicases are widely conserved key enzymes that perform multiple functions in RNA metabolism. Here, we present the cloning, expression and functional characterization of the EhDEAD1 RNA helicase in the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. According to its primary structure, EhDEAD1 is evolutionary related to yeast DED1 and human DDX3X RNA helicases, both involved in translation and cell cycle regulation. The EhDEAD1 predicted amino acid sequence exhibits the nine conserved motifs described for the DEAD-box SFII superfamily members reported in other organisms and it is evolutionary close to protozoan homologues. Purified recombinant EhDEAD1 protein presented ATPase activity and it was able to bind and unwind RNA in an ATPase-dependent manner in vitro. RT-PCR assays showed that EhDead1 gene is overtranscribed in the cell cycle S phase. Moreover, inhibition of EhDead1 gene expression by antisense RNA seemed to facilitate transition from S to G2/M phase. Intriguingly, our results showed that EhDEAD1 was unable to rescue two yeast Ded1 RNA helicase mutants affected in translation, in spite of the high sequence homology with yeast DED1.  相似文献   

Structural basis for substrate selection by t7 RNA polymerase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Thioredoxin is ubiquitous and regulates various target proteins through disulfide bond reduction. We report the structure of thioredoxin (HvTrxh2 from barley) in a reaction intermediate complex with a protein substrate, barley alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor (BASI). The crystal structure of this mixed disulfide shows a conserved hydrophobic motif in thioredoxin interacting with a sequence of residues from BASI through van der Waals contacts and backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds. The observed structural complementarity suggests that the recognition of features around protein disulfides plays a major role in the specificity and protein disulfide reductase activity of thioredoxin. This novel insight into the function of thioredoxin constitutes a basis for comprehensive understanding of its biological role. Moreover, comparison with structurally related proteins shows that thioredoxin shares a mechanism with glutaredoxin and glutathione transferase for correctly positioning substrate cysteine residues at the catalytic groups but possesses a unique structural element that allows recognition of protein disulfides.  相似文献   

Cell survival critically depends on the efficient use of available resources. This includes both the clearance and the recycling of those protein components that have become futile or defective. Several proteins sequentially accomplish this complex task. The proteasome serves as an initial protein shredder and generates peptides of 7-12 amino acids in length. In general, these products are useless burden to the cell and need further processing. A few years ago, a proteolytic system was identified in the model organism Thermoplasma acidophilum which indeed performs this processing [Tamura et al., Science 274 (1996), 1385-1389]. The hexameric core protein of this modular system, referred to as tricorn protease, is a 720 kDa protease which is able to assemble further into a giant icosahedral capsid, as determined by electron microscopy. Recently, we determined the crystal structure of the tricorn core particle at 2.0 A resolution [Brandstetter et al., Nature 414 (2001), 466-469]. Here we describe the structural and mechanistic basis for tricorn's processive degradation mode, including a novel electrostatic substrate-to-product sink, and suggest how further components might interact with the tricorn protease to complete the cellular waste recycling process.  相似文献   

Together with the NS5 polymerase, the NS3 helicase has a pivotal function in flavivirus RNA replication and constitutes an important drug target. We captured the dengue virus NS3 helicase at several stages along the catalytic pathway including bound to single‐stranded (ss) RNA, to an ATP analogue, to a transition‐state analogue and to ATP hydrolysis products. RNA recognition appears largely sequence independent in a way remarkably similar to eukaryotic DEAD box proteins Vasa and eIF4AIII. On ssRNA binding, the NS3 enzyme switches to a catalytic‐competent state imparted by an inward movement of the P‐loop, interdomain closure and a change in the divalent metal coordination shell, providing a structural basis for RNA‐stimulated ATP hydrolysis. These structures demonstrate for the first time large quaternary changes in the flaviviridae helicase, identify the catalytic water molecule and point to a β‐hairpin that protrudes from subdomain 2, as a critical element for dsRNA unwinding. They also suggest how NS3 could exert an effect as an RNA‐anchoring device and thus participate both in flavivirus RNA replication and assembly.  相似文献   

The Ro autoantigen is ring-shaped, binds misfolded noncoding RNAs and is proposed to function in quality control. Here we determine how Ro interacts with misfolded RNAs. Binding of Ro to misfolded precursor (pre)-5S ribosomal RNA requires a single-stranded 3' end and helical elements. As mutating most sequences of the helices and tail results in modest decreases in binding, Ro may be able to associate with a range of RNAs. Ro binds several other RNAs that contain single-stranded tails. A crystal structure of Ro bound to a misfolded pre-5S rRNA fragment reveals that the tail inserts into the cavity, while a helix binds on the surface. Most contacts of Ro with the helix are to the backbone. Mutagenesis reveals that Ro has an extensive RNA-binding surface. We propose that Ro uses this surface to scavenge RNAs that fail to bind their specific RNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

DEAD-box proteins are ATP-dependent RNA helicases that function in various stages of RNA processing and in RNP remodeling. Here, we report identification and characterization of the Drosophila protein Belle (Bel), which belongs to a highly conserved subfamily of DEAD-box proteins including yeast Ded1p, Xenopus An3, mouse PL10, human DDX3/DBX, and human DBY. Mutations in DBY are a frequent cause of male infertility in humans. Bel can substitute in vivo for Ded1p, an essential yeast translation factor, suggesting a requirement for Bel in translation initiation. Consistent with an essential cellular function, strong loss of function mutations in bel are recessive lethal with a larval growth defect phenotype. Hypomorphic bel mutants are male-sterile. Bel is also closely related to the Drosophila DEAD-box protein Vasa (Vas), a germ line-specific translational regulator. We find that Bel and Vas colocalize in nuage and at the oocyte posterior during oogenesis, and that bel function is required for female fertility. However, unlike Vas, Bel is not specifically enriched in embryonic pole cells. We conclude that the DEAD-box protein Bel has evolutionarily conserved roles in fertility and development.  相似文献   

An RNA aptamer containing two binding sites exhibits extremely high affinity to the HIV Tat protein. We have determined the structure of the aptamer complexed with two argininamide molecules. Two adjacent U:A:U base triples were formed, which widens the major groove to make space for the two argininamide molecules. The argininamide molecules bind to the G bases through hydrogen bonds. The binding is stabilized through stacking interactions. The structure of the aptamer complexed with a Tat-derived arginine-rich peptide was also characterized. It was suggested that the aptamer structure is similar for both complexes and that the aptamer interacts with two different arginine residues of the peptide simultaneously at the two binding sites, which could explain the high affinity to Tat.  相似文献   

Yang L  Lin C  Liu ZR 《Cellular signalling》2005,17(12):1495-1504
P68 nuclear RNA helicase is essential for normal cell growth. The protein plays a very important role in cell development and proliferation. However, the molecular mechanism by which the p68 functions in cell developmental program is not clear. We previously observed that bacterially expressed his-p68 was phosphorylated at multiple sites including serine/threonine and tyrosine [L. Yang, Z.R. Liu, Protein Expr. Purif., 35: 327]. Here we report that p68 RNA helicase is phosphorylated at tyrosine residue(s) in HeLa cells. Phosphorylation of p68 at threonine or tyrosine residues responds differently to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)induced cell signal. Kinase inhibition and in vitro kinase assays demonstrate that p68 RNA helicase is a cellular target of p38 MAP kinase. Phosphorylation of p68 affects the ATPase and RNA unwinding activities of the protein. In addition, we demonstrate here that phosphorylation of p68 RNA helicase controls the function of the protein in the pre-mRNA splicing process. Interestingly, phosphorylation at different amino acid residues exhibits different regulatory effects. The data suggest that function(s) of p68 RNA helicase may be subjected to the regulation of multiple cell signal pathways.  相似文献   

Structural basis for glycogen recognition by AMP-activated protein kinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) coordinates cellular metabolism in response to energy demand as well as to a variety of stimuli. The AMPK beta subunit acts as a scaffold for the alpha catalytic and gamma regulatory subunits and targets the AMPK heterotrimer to glycogen. We have determined the structure of the AMPK beta glycogen binding domain in complex with beta-cyclodextrin. The structure reveals a carbohydrate binding pocket that consolidates all known aspects of carbohydrate binding observed in starch binding domains into one site, with extensive contact between several residues and five glucose units. beta-cyclodextrin is held in a pincer-like grasp with two tryptophan residues cradling two beta-cyclodextrin glucose units and a leucine residue piercing the beta-cyclodextrin ring. Mutation of key beta-cyclodextrin binding residues either partially or completely prevents the glycogen binding domain from binding glycogen. Modeling suggests that this binding pocket enables AMPK to interact with glycogen anywhere across the carbohydrate's helical surface.  相似文献   

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