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Sexual advertisement in the form of acoustic display is energeticallyexpensive. Calling effort, or metabolic energy expended specificallyfor advertisement, is adjusted in some species in response tocompetition from other males or to changes in climatic conditions.The prairie mole cricket (Gryllotatpa major) is a rare insectof die south-central United States that produces its callingsong, or advertisement rail, from a specially constructed burrowin taugrass prairie soil. I found that prairie mole cricketmales do not adjust their call amplitude with competition orfemale availability, nor do they vary amplitude with soil temperatureor moisture within their established range of calling conditions.Chirp rate adjustments were made with social interactions andchanges in soil temperature, but group size did not influencecalling effort Males produced more complex calls in responseto closer calling neighbors, but prairie mole cricket malesmay selectively respond to only the nearest one to two neighbors.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that male southern green stink bugs, Nezara viridula (L.), use substrate-borne songs to locate females. We recorded the responses of bugs on plants to the vibrations caused by a prerecorded female song and by an artificial sound. The female song caused males to walk, to respond with the calling and courtship songs and to approach the source of the song with characteristic search behaviour at junctions between branches on the plants. At a junction, a searching male stopped, stretched his legs and antennae and compared the vibratory signals on the two branches, with different combinations of legs and antennae. The males then left the junction and approached the source of the vibration. Males located the loudspeaker significantly more frequently in the presence than in the absence of vibratory stimuli on cyperus, Cyperus alternifolius L., and beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Vibrational directionality was also elicited by artificial pure tones whose spectral and temporal parameters were similar to those of natural female song. Females showed no reaction to vibratory stimulation and no vibrational directionality. We discuss possible mechanisms underlying vibrational directionality in the light of expected signal changes during transmission through plants. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary Phonotactic behavior was studied in male crickets,Teleogryllus oceanicus. Tethered flying males were presented with electronically synthesized calling song models in a two-choice phonotaxis assay, and their song preferences were determined and compared with previous findings for females.Males are poorer at discriminating between songs than females; they do not display choice behavior as frequently as females, and the choices they do make are not as consistent as those of females (Figs. 3, 4). T. oceanicus calling song is composed of rhythmically different chirp and trill sections. The selectivity of males for these two components differs from that of females. Females prefer chirp to trill, but the opposite is true for males (Fig. 5B-F). Males are similar to females in that they prefer either a conspecific song model or its separate components to a heterospecific model (Fig. 5A, G, H).Behavioral and neural implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Males of Mygalopsis markiBailey (Tettigoniidae: Orthoptera) alter the temporal structure of their song in response to other competing males. The song of males calling in aggregations has a high variance in the number of syllables per chirp, with short intervals between each chirp. In contrast, the temporal pattern of the song of isolated males is more evenly spaced, with an increase in length of the interchirp intervals and low variance in the number of syllables per chirp. In order to simulate a calling male moving closer to a male in an aggregation, a playback technique was adopted whereby the recorded calling song of a male was presented to itself via a loudspeaker in increments of 2dB. The change in song pattern of the resident male involved a reduction in the number of syllables per chirp and an increase in the interchirp interval, with the number of chirps per second remaining constant. This reduction in the output of the song, instead of not calling as a result of an acoustic contest, may still allow males to continue calling for females.  相似文献   

The Asopinae (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) are a subfamily of stinkbugs with predaceous feeding habits and poorly understood communication systems. In this study we recorded vibratory signals emitted by Picromerus bidens L. on a non-resonant substrate and investigated their frequency characteristics. Males and females produced signals by vibration of the abdomen and tremulation. The female and male songs produced by abdominal vibrations showed gender-specific time structure. There were no differences in the temporal patterns of male or female tremulatory signals. The signals produced by abdominal vibrations were emitted below 600 Hz whereas tremulatory signals had frequency ranges extending up to 4 kHz. Spectra of male vibratory signals produced by abdominal vibrations contained different peaks, each of which may be dominant within the same song sequence. Males alternated with each other during production of rivalry signals, using different dominant frequency levels. We show that the vibratory song repertoire of P. bidens is broader than those of other predatory stinkbugs that have been investigated. The emission of vibrational signals with different dominant frequencies but the same production mechanism has not yet been described in heteropteran insects, and may facilitate location of individual sources of vibration within a group.  相似文献   

Signals of different modalities are involved in the behaviour of the green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Pentatomidae, Heteroptera). Long range attraction is mediated by male pheromones, resulting in aggregation of bugs on the same plant where vibratory signals, vision and various chemical signals become important. Both males and females sing spontaneously. When both are on the plant, males start vibratory communication as often as females. Females induce the exchange of vibratory signals spontaneously or triggered by the male pheromone while males initiate the duet either spontaneously or after seeing the female. Males and females sing spontaneously and respond to signals of different modalities more often in the daylight than in the dark. Long lasting autonomous emission of the female calling song is present when triggered by the male pheromone and males respond to female calling predominantly by the emission of the courtship song.  相似文献   

Male Caribbean fruit flies, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) produce two sounds in sexual contexts, calling songs and precopulatory songs. Calling song occurs during pheromone release from territories within leks and consists of repeated bursts of sound (pulse trains). Virgin female A. suspensa became more active in the presence of recorded calling songs. Activity during the broadcast of a heterospecific song did not differ from movement during periods of silence. A conspecific song typical of smaller males, i.e. conspicuous for its long periods between pulse trains, also failed to elicit more activity by virgin females than silence. Mated females were most active during silences. Unmated males had no obvious reaction to sound. Calling songs are apparently sexually important communications which females discriminate among and may use as cues for locating and/or choosing between mates. Precopulatory song is produced by mounted males just before and during the early stages of copulation. Males that did not produce such songs remained coupled for shorter periods, perhaps passing fewer sperm. Wingless (muted) males were more likely to complete aedeagal insertion if a recorded precopulatory song was broadcast. Calling song played at the same level (90 dB) had no significant effect on the acceptance of males, nor did precopulatory song at a lower SPL (52dB). Precopulatory song may be used to display male vigour to choosing females.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Male calling and searching tactics are described for a duetting Australian bushcricket, Caedicia sp. 12 (Phaneropterinae; Tettigoniidae; Orthoptera). The repertoire of Caedicia sp. 12 consists of the calling song and, by nonduetting males, a series of calling tactics that include short-click calling, disruptive over-singing and a call mimicking the entire duet. Nonduetting males respond to the production of a duet by another male and a female with short-click calls that mimic the female call at the conclusion of a duet. By manipulating the male's mating history, it is found that this form of calling behaviour is more likely to occur within the male's 6-day postmating refractory period; the low cost tactic allows males to re-mate during spermatophore replenishment. Males also produce disruptive calls in response to a duet, where the male may over-sing the duetting male's signal or produce a call that appears to mimic the entire duet; the male produces a calling song followed by a short signal that has the same latency as the female's reply within a duet. Males also over-sing crucial elements of the duetting-male's song that are normally critical for the female's conspecific recognition. There is no evidence that females search for the duetting male partner, but males unable to enter a duet will search for the call of a responding female. Searching by males is more common when these males are producing disruptive calls. Alternative male calling tactics are discussed as a set of conditional strategies for securing unmated females.  相似文献   

We studied male phonotactic behaviors elicited by acoustic cues that simulate conspecific male songs in the field cricket, Gryllus texensis. Males exhibited significant positive phonotaxis in response to the simulated song stimuli, but showed no such response to atypical song stimuli. We found no significant relationship between males’ own calling behavior and their phonotactic responses to the stimuli. Analyses indicated that larger males exhibited greater phonotactic responses, which may indicate a greater tendency to engage in aggressive interactions if size is an indicator of fighting ability. Male phonotactic responses were significantly weaker than those exhibited by females, and adult males did not exhibit stronger responses with increasing age as has been documented for females. Observed sex differences in the strengths of phonotactic responses may reflect differences in the fitness-payoffs of responding. That is, females are under strong selection pressure to respond to male songs and subsequently mate. In contrast, males responding to acoustic signals from other males need not precisely locate the signaler but would likely move to areas where females are likely to be found. Alternatively, males might benefit from avoiding areas with calling males and establishing their own calling stations away from competing males.  相似文献   

The time that male field crickets spend calling was measured electronically in the laboratory to examine nightly calling duration from different species and populations. Male Gryllus integerfrom Davis, CA, and Las Cruces, NM, called approximately 7 h per 24 h, whereas male G. integerfrom San Antonio and Austin, TX, and Norman, OK, and male G. rubensfrom McAlester, OK, and Arkadelphia, AR, called approximately 3 h per 24 h. Variation in duration of calling is discussed in terms of the energetic costs of producing song and selection against calling by acoustically orienting parasites and predators. Duration of calling was also studied infield-collected male G. integer.Males were first observed in field populations and then collected. Those males observed calling in the field later called significantly more in the laboratory than males observed showing non-calling, satellite behavior. Flying G. integercollected under lights were intermediate in their calling duration to calling and satellite males. These data are discussed in terms of the heritability of nightly calling song duration infield crickets.  相似文献   

The ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius meet in a mosaic zone of overlap and hybridization stretching from the East Coast to at least Illinois. To test whether male calling song differences were enhanced in sympatry, we analyzed the songs of crickets from inside and outside the zone of overlap along two transects. No evidence of calling song displacement was found in A. socius males from populations within the zone of overlap. On the other hand, A. fasciatus displayed calling song displacement in three populations. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the selective pressure exerted by the challenge from a related species is frequency dependent. While not a conclusive demonstration, the observed shifts in calling song are strongly suggestive of reproductive character displacement.  相似文献   

Male Teleogryllus oceanicus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) produce a conspicuous calling song to attract females. In some populations, the song also attracts the phonotactic parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea (Diptera: Tachinidae). I examined the factors affecting calling song by characterizing the calling behavior of caged crickets from an area where the fly occurs. Calling activity (proportion of time spent calling) was repeatable and a significant predictor of female attraction. However, calling activity in the parasitized population was lower than in an unparasitized Moorea population (Orsak, 1988), suggesting a compromise between high activity to attract females and low activity to avoid flies. Calling activity peaked simultaneously with fly searching, so crickets did not shift to calling when the fly is less active. Males harboring larvae did not call less than unparasitized males; however, a more controlled study of the effects of parasitization on calling behavior is needed to evaluate this result. The results are discussed in the context of other studies of the evolutionary consequences of sexual and natural selection on cricket calling behavior.  相似文献   

The calls produced by male katydids serve to attract femalesand repel rivals. Males generally exhibit overt aggressive responsesto conspecifics that call within their territories, and intermalespacing is maintained by properties of the call. Here we examinethe acoustic behavior of a zaprochiline katydid in which maleaggressive behavior and even the ability to detect conspecificsappear greatly reduced. Despite reduced hearing sensitivity,males were shown to detect and respond to the calls of conspecificsusing substrate-borne vibrations. During playback experimentsmales increased their calling rates by decreasing the intervalbetween chirps. However, rather than exhibit overt aggressionmales would simply change their calling sites when the intensityof playback song was increased. These results were supportedby observations of natural encounters between males in the field.The interval between chirps decreased as the distance betweencalling males decreased, and encounters were always terminatedwhen one male moved away from the other. We suggest that theloss in auditory sensitivity and reduced aggressive behaviorof this species may be a consequence of the necessity to aggregatearound highly localized feeding sites.  相似文献   

Parasite-mediated sexual selection theory posits that individuals(usually females) choose mates by assessing the expression ofcostly secondary sexual signals, which provide reliable indicationsof parasite resistance. If these signals are indeed reliable,then immune-compromised males are predicted to exhibit changesin the sexual signal that are discernable by the female. Moreover,the mating pair is predicted to exhibit some reduction in reproductivefitness if the male is immune compromised. Here, we addressedthese predictions in the ground cricket, Allonemobius socius,by injecting juvenile males with lipopolysaccarides, which allowedus to activate the immune system without the introduction ofa metabolically active pathogen. As a consequence, we were ableto disentangle the cost of immune system activation from thecost of infection. We found that immune activation had a long-termeffect on male calling song and the males' ability to providepaternal resources, which can constrain male and female reproductivepotential. We also found that song interpulse interval variedsignificantly with the male's immune treatment and may thereforeprovide choosy females with a way to avoid mating with immune-compromisedmales. In short, our data support the parasite-mediated theoryof sexual selection, suggesting that female's gain direct benefitsby mating with males who are immune competent.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour in spiders in the form of premating vibrations by males may function (1) as a male identity signal used for species recognition, (2) in suppression of female aggressiveness, (3) to stimulate female mating behaviour, or (4) as a quality signal used in female choice. We investigated the function of web vibration by male Stegodyphus lineatus in a series of experiments. Regardless of vibratory performance, all males mated successfully with virgin females but only 56.4% of males mated with nonvirgin females. Vibratory performance did not influence male mating success, but heavier males had a higher probability of mating with mated females. Males vibrated less often and produced fewer vibrations when introduced on the web of a mated female. Males that vibrated webs of virgin females mated faster than nonvibrating males, but there was no effect of vibration rate or body mass. There was no effect of male vibratory effort or vibration rate on female reproductive success measured as time to egg laying, clutch size, number of hatched young, number of dispersed young and offspring body mass after a single mating. Males vibrated on abandoned virgin female webs but the response decreased with increasing duration of female absence, suggesting that females produce a web-borne pheromone, which elicits male vibrating behaviour. Mated females were less receptive and not stimulated by male vibrating behaviour. We conclude that male premating vibrations in S. lineatus do not function as a male quality signal selected via female choice. Rather, the primary function of this behaviour may be to stimulate a receptive female to mate. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We observed mate location behavior in Nezara viridulaon the ivy Hedera helix.The female stays motionless on the plant stem, calling with rhythmic repetitions of her calling song. The male walks on the plant, answering with his calling and courtship songs. On encountering petioles or branching points, the male stops and straddles his legs across the fork. Only after another repetition of the female's call does the male proceed to walk again. This behavior may enable the male to compare the vibrations in the two substrates and choose the stronger one to follow. On plants where visual and airborne acoustic communication can be prevented by leaves, substrateborne vibrational signals perceived by receptors in legs would enhance the likelihood of mate location in N. viridula.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Males of the cricket, Gryllus campestris L. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), displayed three different diel patterns in the timing of their calling song: 55% of all males investigated were dark-active, 25% light-active and 20% light-and-dark-active. Dark-active males continued to stridulate in both constant darkness (DD) and constant light (LL) during the subjective night, with a circadian period usually shorter (in DD) or longer (in LL) than 24h. Light-active males were mainly silent in DD but showed a circadian rhythm in LL, though with a 180° phase shift, i.e. activity during subjective night. This suggests that daytime activity has developed from nocturnal activity by a mechanism which prevents stridulation during darkness, and that both patterns are driven by the same endogenous clock. In the light-and-dark-active males some stridulation takes place during darkness, so dark inhibition is not complete. Such incomplete inhibition seemed to occur only in highly active animals. The three diel distribution patterns of the calling song are discussed in relation to sharing the chances of attracting females.  相似文献   

Seismic Signal Use by Fossorial Mammals   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The subterranean environment is not favorable for the use ofvision or the audition of airborne sounds as means of long-distancesensory perception. However, seismic vibrations have been shownto propagate at least an order of magnitude better than airbornesound between the burrow systems of the mole-rat Georychus capensis.The use of the seismic channel for communication undergroundis well documented for other species of bathyergids, as wellas the spalacine mole-rat Nannospalax. It has recently beensuggested that the golden mole Eremitalpa granti namibensismay also be sensitive to ground vibrations, in this case usedin foraging in its desert habitat. In this paper, the use of seismic signals among these and otherfossorial mammals is reviewed from theoretical, behavioral andanatomical standpoints. The question of whether auditory orsomatosensory means are used to detect vibratory signals isexamined. Attempts to explain the distribution of seismic sensitivityand communication mechanisms among fossorial mammals are considered.The potential influences of different soil type and diggingmethods are discussed, and it is proposed that digging mechanismsinvolving the head might preadapt a fossorial mammal towardsthe development of seismic sensitivity.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that acoustic behavior in field cricketsis under firm genetic control. The calling song of adult malesis highly stereotyped and species specific. Hybrids can be madeby crossing two species of Teleogryllus with dissimilar callingsongs. The calling songs of the hybrids are uniquely differentfrom that of either parental species, and in addition the songsof the two reciprocal hybrids are different from each other.Genetic control of song production is polygenic and multichromosomal;sex-linkage of some song determinants is also indicated. Femalephonoresponse to calling song was measured on a Y-maze. Speciesspecificity of phonoresponse was confirmed and in addition,hybrid females prefer hybrid song to either parental song. Thepossibility that calling song production in the male and itsreception in the female are genetically coupled is discussed.  相似文献   

Male files homozygous for the gene ebony11 are partially blind, and at a disadvantage in competitive mating. The courtship of the mutant males is deficient in wing vibration stimulation, which is characterized by a low proportion of sine song and a high intra-pulse frequency. Males heterozygous for ebony have normal vision, but show an increase in courtship song, and are superior in competitive mating to wild type males. The auditory characteristics of courtship song produced by heterozygous males are indistinguishable from those of wild type, and their superiority in competitive mating success is due to overdominance involving this specific element of male courtship behaviour.  相似文献   

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