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内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶不对称合成非天然的手性D-氨基酸是目前生物催化领域的研究热点。内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶具有优良的立体选择性,利用其进行酶催化不对称合成光学纯的手性D-氨基酸,被广泛用于医药、食品、化妆品、精细化学品等领域。为了促进生物催化法在合成手性D-氨基酸方向的进一步发展,本文对内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶催化合成D-氨基酸的现状进行了综述。重点介绍了Corynebacterium glutamicum、Ureibacillus thermosphaericus、Symbiobacterium thermophilum来源的内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶在新酶的挖掘、催化性能、晶体结构解析、分子改造、功能与催化机制、合成D-氨基酸新途径等方面的研究进展,并对内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶的未来研究方向及策略进行了展望。本综述将进一步加深人们对内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶的认识,也为具有挑战性的生物合成任务提供信息借鉴。  相似文献   

辅酶NAD(H)相比NADP(H)有稳定性好、价格低廉及更广的辅酶循环方法等优势,因此在实际应用中常需将NADP(H)依赖型的脱氢酶改造成为NAD(H)依赖型的。来源于嗜热共生杆菌Symbiobacterium thermophilum的NADP(H)依赖型内消旋-2,6-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶(meso-2,6-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase,St DAPDH)及其突变体酶是催化还原氨化合成D-氨基酸的优良催化剂,本研究试图改变其辅酶偏好性,增强其应用优势。对其晶体结构分析可知,氨基酸残基Y76距离腺嘌呤较近,R35及R36和辅酶上磷酸基团有直接相互作用。依氨基酸侧链基团性质对Y76进行了定点突变,发现不同突变子对两种辅酶的偏好性都发生了变化;对与磷酸基团直接作用的R35、R36进行的双突变R35S/R36V,导致酶对NADP+的催化活力降低;将R35S/R36V和部分Y76突变进行了组合,发现三突变组合以NAD+为辅酶时的活力均大于以NADP+为辅酶的活力,实现了辅酶偏好性转变。这些研究工作为进一步实现St DAPDH的辅酶偏好性完全转变提供依据。  相似文献   

为更好地理解连接酶的接合机制,研究了2′-氟取代核苷酸(2′-fluorinated nucleotide, FN)对T7 DNA连接酶接合特性的影响。利用分子信标的荧光信号变化来检测连接酶接合活性。结果显示,在连接酶作用的分子信标缺口处的5′端和3′端分别进行F取代时,对T7 DNA连接酶的接合效果分别阻滞(48.7±6.7)%和(70.6±4.0)%。在取代同时发生在5′端和3′端时,接合效果被阻滞(76.6±1.3)%。动力学参数的回归显示,FN取代会导致连接反应最大速率(Vmax)降低,同时导致米氏常数Km增大,说明酶和底物之间的亲和力在取代后减小。缺口两端的碱基错配也对酶接合反应效果产生一定的阻滞效应。本研究的结果和结论使对氟取代后,T7 DNA连接酶的接合特性有了更进一步的认识,为更好地应用T7 DNA连接酶接合活性提供有力的实用依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨2-12烷基-6-甲氧基环己基-2,5-二烯-1,4-二酮(DMDD)抗弥漫大B淋巴瘤(DLBCL)的作用及分子机制。方法:动物实验取4周龄BALB/C小鼠,分5组,20只/组,腹股沟注射DLBCL细胞株OCI-LY19细胞1 × 107 cells/ml 每只0.1 ml,两天后分别灌胃0、1、5、25、125 mg/kg剂量的DMDD,1次/2天,给药的第18日,杀10只小鼠,取瘤组织称重,记录剩余小鼠的生存期。细胞实验取OCI-LY19细胞加入96孔培养板,每孔100 μl 1×105 cells/ml,分别加入100 μl DMDD使其终浓度分别为0、1、5、25和125 μmol/L,作用0、24、48和72 h,设三复孔,MTS法检测细胞增殖活性;根据细胞增殖实验结果,选择0 μmol/L、5 μmol/L和25 μmol/L的DMDD作为后续用药浓度作用OCI-LY19细胞24 h,流式细胞仪分析凋亡率,hoechst染色观察细胞核型,JC-1染色观察线粒体膜电位,LDH释放实验评估药物细胞毒性,qPCR、Western blot分析基因转录和表达水平。结果:动物实验表明:与0 mg/kg用药组比,1~125 mg/kg DMDD能抑制小鼠瘤组织生长并延长其生存期(P<0.01)。细胞实验表明:DMDD用药组OCI-LY19细胞增殖活性明显降低、凋亡水平显著增加(P<0.01),细胞核出现碎裂、凝集和凋亡小体及线粒体膜电位下降,LDH释放率显著增加(P<0.01),细胞内caspase-3和bax基因的转录表达和IκBα的磷酸化水平显著上调,bcl-2、bcl-xL、jak2和stat3基因的转录和蛋白表达水平明显受抑(P<0.01)。结论:DMDD通过抑制JAK2/STAT3和NF-κB信号通路中JAK2、STAT3和p-IκBα的表达,下调BCL-2/BAX、活化Caspase-3,最终激活OCI-LY19细胞线粒体凋亡的内源性通路而促进了DLBCL细胞凋亡,抑制了OCI-LY19细胞增殖,具有抗DLBCL的作用。  相似文献   

在SO_2熏气9h过程中,小麦叶片中乙烯先上升,约6h达高峰,后下降;ACC含量则随熏气时间的延长而上升。停止熏气,乙烯继续下降,ACC含量也明显降低。MACC含量从熏气3h后不断上升,脱离接触后仍继续增加。6-BA预处理对SO_2引起的乙烯和ACC上升有促进作用,但对MACC含量无明显影响。SO_2熏气提高了乙烯形成酶活性。6-BA预处理对SO_2伤害有保护作用。对逆境乙烯的产生与调节作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

实验室条件下采用生长速率法测定化合物N-(4-甲基-2-氨基苯并噻唑)α-氨基-α-(3-三氟甲基苯基)-O,O-二(2-烷氧基乙基)亚膦酸酯对小麦赤霉病原菌(Fusarium graminearum)的离体抑制效果,并初步研究了其抑制小麦赤霉病原菌作用机制.实验结果表明,该化合物对小麦赤霉病原菌的EC_(50)为46.05 μg/mL,当化合物浓度为50 μg/mL时,对该病原菌的抑制率就达到了60.5 %.以浓度为250 μg/mL的该供试化合物处理小麦赤霉病原菌菌丝24 h后,其细胞膜通透性增强,菌体内还原糖、几丁糖和可溶性蛋白含量及几丁质酶活性在短时间内均出现先升高然后下降的趋势.  相似文献   

目的:探究蓝芩口服液联合阿奇霉素治疗支原体肺炎患儿的临床疗效及对其免疫功能、血清β防御素-2、D-二聚体水平的影响。方法:选取2014年1月至2016年6月扬州大学附属医院收治的支原体肺炎患儿80例,根据随机数字法将其分为对照组和治疗组。对照组以阿奇霉素常规治疗,治疗组在阿奇霉素常规治疗基础上服用蓝芩口服液。治疗1周后,评价两组患者的临床症状,检测和比较两组免疫功能及血清β防御素-2、D-二聚体水平的变化。结果:治疗后,治疗组总有效率为95%,显著高于对照组(80%,P0.05)。两组患儿治疗后血液中的白细胞计数均显著下降(P 0.05),且治疗组患儿治疗前后白细胞计数下调幅度显著高于对照组(P0.05)。两组患儿治疗后血清CD_3~+、CD_4~+、CD_4~+/CD_8~+、NK细胞水平均较治疗前显著升高(P0.05),且治疗组患儿治疗前后以上指标水平变化幅度均明显高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后,治疗组与对照组患儿血清β防御素-2水平分别上调至(562.86±45.38)pg/mL及(607.37±47.26)pg/mL,血清D-二聚体浓度分别下调至(83.28±10.46)pg/mL及(125.94±14.83)pg/mL,治疗组以上指标的变化均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:蓝芩口服液联合阿奇霉素治疗支原体肺炎患儿的疗效明显优于阿奇霉素常规治疗,且能显著改善患者的免疫功能,降低患儿血清中D-二聚体的水平、升高β防御素-2的水平。  相似文献   

The various neutral amino acids and aliphatic 2-keto acids exhibit differential effects on insulin secretion. The common denominator for all these effects is the 2-ketoglutarate generation in the pancreatic B-cell mitochondria. The neutral amino acidsl-leucine andl-norvaline and the aliphatic ketomonocarboxylic acids 2-ketoisocaproate, 2-ketocaproate, 2-ketovalerate, and 2-keto-3-methylvalerate all stimulate insulin secretion and increase 2-ketoglutarate generation in pancreatic B-cell mitochondria through activation of glutamate dehydrogenase and transamination withl-glutamate andl-glutamine, respectively. The neutral amino acidsl-valine,l-norleucine, andl-alanine and the aliphatic 2-keto acids 2-ketoisovalerate and pyruvate do not stimulate insulin secretion and do not increase 2-ketoglutarate generation in pancreatic B-cell mitochondria. Inhibition of 2-keto acid induced insulin secretion byl-valine andl-isoleucine is accompanied by reduced 2-ketoglutarate generation in pancreatic B-cell mitochondria. Thus intramitochondrial 2-ketoglutarate generation in pancreatic B-cells may regulate the insulin secretory potency of amino acids and 2-keto acids.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to determine the influence of isoleucine imbalance on hepatic branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKAD) activity in growing chickens. An isoleucine imbalance was induced by adding a 5% imbalancing amino acid mixture to a basal diet that contained adequate concentrations of all indispensable amino acids except isoleucine, which was marginally adequate (0.64–0.76% of the diet). The imbalancing mixture caused depressions (P < 0.05) in feed intake and growth rate. The depression in feed intake appeared to occur prior to the depression in growth rate. The isoleucine concentration in plasma decreased (P < 0.05), but not consistently, among experiments in response to the imbalancing mixture of amino acids. Basal and total activities of hepatic BCKAD were increased (P < 0.05) 21% and 28%, respectively, within 24 hours in one experiment and were elevated (P < 0.05) 19% and 14%, respectively, at the end of the 13 days of a second experiment. The moisture, protein, and fat contents of whole body and liver were not affected by the imbalancing mixture of amino acids. It appears likely that broiler chicks did not adapt to the imbalanced diets because the depressed feed intake and growth rate and alterations in plasma isoleucine and hepatic BCKAD activity persisted through 13 days of experiment. The isoleucine requirement, expressed as percent of diet, was increased by the imbalancing mixture of amino acids, and the efficiency of isoleucine utilization for growth (grams of weight gain per milligram of isoleucine intake) was decreased in two of three experiments. These results suggest that BCKAD may have a play in the increased isoleucine requirement of broiler chicks under conditions of isoleucine imbalance.  相似文献   

Fatty acid short-chain esters (FASEs) are biodiesels that are renewable, nontoxic, and biodegradable biofuels. A novel approach for the biosynthesis of FASEs has been developed using metabolically-engineered E. coli through combination of the fatty acid and 2-keto acid pathways. Several genetic engineering strategies were also developed to increase fatty acyl-CoA availability to improve FASEs production. Fed-batch cultivation of the engineered E. coli resulted in a titer of 1008 mg/L FASEs. Since the fatty acid and 2-keto acid pathways are native microbial synthesis pathways, this strategy can be implemented in a variety of microorganisms to produce various FASEs from cheap and readily-available, renewable, raw materials such as sugars and cellulose in the future.  相似文献   

The study reports on the development of a bioreactor for the production of alpha-keto acids from D,L- or D-amino acids using Rhodotorula gracilis D-amino acid oxidase. D-Amino acid oxidase was co-immobilized with catalase on Affi-Gel 10 matrix, and the reactor was operated as a continuous-stirred tank reactor (CSTR) or stirred tank with medium recycling conditions. The optimum substrate concentration and quantity of biocatalyst were determined (5 mM and 1.2 mg/L, respectively). Under optimum operating conditions, product formation was linearly related to both substrate and enzyme concentration, showing the system to be highly flexible. Under these conditions, in a stirred tank, over 90% conversion was achieved in 30 min with a maximum production of 0.23 g of pyruvic acid/day/enzyme units. Product was recovered by ion exchange chromatography. The operational stability of the reactor was high (up to 9.5 h of operation without loss of activity) and the inactivation half-life was not reached even after 18 h or 36 bioconversion cycles. This represents the first case of a reactor developed successfully with a D-amino acid oxidase. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We previously reported two free D-amino acids, D-2-aminopimelic acid (D-APA) and trans-3,4-dehydro-D-2-aminopimelic acid (D-Δ-APA), from Asplenium unilaterale. In the present work we isolated 4-hydroxy-2-aminopimelic acid (OH-APA) from the same plant and determined it to be the α-L-form. We also investigated the configurations of these amino acids isolated from A. prolongatum and A. wilfordii which are morphologically distinct from A. unilaterale. In A. prolongatum, APA was the D- and OH-APA was the L-isomer. In contrast, APA from A. wilfordii was partially racemized and the degree of racemization was significantly different in plant material collected in July and November, L:D = 3:2 and 3:7, respectively. In A. wilfordii OH-APA was almost pure L- and Δ-APA was mostly the D-isomer.  相似文献   

Shikimic acid (SA) pathway is the common route used by bacteria, plants, fungi, algae, and certain Apicomplexa parasites for the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and other secondary metabolites. As this essential pathway is absent in mammals designing inhibitors against implied enzymes may lead to the development of antimicrobial and herbicidal agents harmless to humans. Shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) is the fourth enzyme of the SA pathway. In this contribution, a series of SA amide derivatives were synthesised and evaluated for in vitro SDH inhibition and antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli. All tested compounds showed to be mixed type inhibitors; diamide derivatives displayed more inhibitory activity than synthesised monoamides. Among the evaluated compounds, molecules called 4a and 4b were the most active derivatives with IC50 588 and 589?µM, respectively. Molecular modelling studies suggested two different binding modes of monoamide and diamide derivatives to the SDH enzyme of E. coli.  相似文献   

The N-terminal sequences of the E1 α, E1β and E2 subunits of the human branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex have been determined by microsequencing. The N-termini of human E1β and E2 subunits (Val and Gly, respectively) are indentical to those of the corresponding rat and bovine subunits. However, the N-terminus of the human E1 α subunit (Ser) is identical to bovine, but differs from the rat E1 α (Phe0 subunit. Comparison of the N-terminal sequences of human and rat E1 α subunits shows that the serine residue at the + 1 position in the human sequence is replaced by a proline residue in the rat sequence. The presence of the proline residue apparently causes a 5′-shift by one residue in the cleavage site by the mitochondrial processing peptidase in the rat sequence, when compared to the human sequence. The results provide evidence that the mitochondrial processing peptidase cannot cleave an X-pro bond, similar to trypsin, chymotrypsinand microsomal signal peptidases.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the metabolic regulation of the oxidation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) by exercise in human skeletal muscle. Five trained male volunteers were exercised on a cycle ergometer at 70% +/- 10% (mean +/- SD) of their maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Percutaneous quadriceps muscle biopsies were obtained under local anaesthesia at rest and after 30 and 120 min of exercise. In the muscle samples the active and total amount of the branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase complex (BC-complex), the regulatory enzyme in the oxidative pathway of the BCAA, were measured. Glycogen content and activity of mitochondrial marker enzymes were also measured. Blood samples were obtained every 20 min for the measurement of metabolites. Heart rate and rated perceived exertion on the Borg scale were recorded every 10 min. At rest 4.0% +/- 2.5% of the BC complex was active, after 30 min of exercise 9.9% +/- 9.0% and after 120 min 17.5% +/- 8.5% (mean +/- SD). Exercise did not change the total activity. The largest activation was seen in two of the subjects who developed higher blood lactates early on during exercise and decreased their muscle glycogen more (indications of anaerobic metabolism). These data demonstrate that in trained individuals significant increases in the activity of the BC-complex occur only after prolonged intense exercise. In spite of the 4-fold activation, the data support the classical view that amino acids and protein do not contribute substantially as an energy source during exercise, since VO2 increased more than 20-fold.  相似文献   

The sequence Arg37-Arg38 of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is known to play a significant role in the feedback inhibition by the end product DA. To clarify how deeply the sequence Arg37-Arg38 and the phosphorylated Ser40 of human TH type 1 (hTH1) are involved in the regulation of this feedback inhibition in mammalian cells, we generated the following mutants: (i) RR-GG, Arg37-Arg38 replaced by Gly37-Gly38; (ii) RR-EE, Arg37-Arg38 replaced by Glu37-Glu38; (iii) S40D, Ser40 replaced by Asp40; and (iv) S40A, Ser40 replaced by Ala40. In a cell-free system, the level of the DA inhibition of the RR-EE mutant enzyme was to the same or smaller degree than that of the phosphorylation-mimicking S40D. Next, AtT-20 neuroendocrine cells were transfected with wild-type and mutated TH genes because these cells were earlier shown to be capable of fully converting L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine into DA, whereby the catalytic activity of TH would be expected to be inhibited by the end product DA accumulating in the cells. The level of DA accumulation in AtT-20 cells expressing the TH gene was in the order: RR-EE > S40D > S40A = RR-GG > wild-type, which was in accordance with the observations for the cell-free system. These results suggest that the sequence Arg37-Arg38 of hTH1 is a more potent determinant of the efficient production of DA in mammalian cells than is the phosphorylated Ser40-hTH1.  相似文献   

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