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[目的] 二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(dimethylsulfoniopropionate,DMSP)及其裂解产物二甲基硫(dimethyl sulfide,DMS)在海洋硫循环中发挥重要作用。目前关于DMSP降解细菌的分布已有部分报道,但其合成细菌的研究才刚刚起步。本文拟研究中国东海水体DMSP合成与降解菌及基因的水平和垂直分布(1000 m水深)差异,分析其对环境梯度变化的响应。[方法] 利用流式细胞仪计数海水样品中微微型浮游生物的数量,通过荧光定量PCR和高通量测序手段定量测定DMSP合成基因(dsyBmmtN)及物种、DMSP降解基因(dddPdmdA)及物种的丰度,分析其在东海海域水平及垂直方向上的分布差异。[结果] 在垂直方向上,聚球藻、原绿球藻、微微型真核生物和异养细菌丰度随着水深的增加而先增后减,最大值位于30-50 m附近。表层(4 m左右)水体的DMSP合成及降解基因丰度最高,DMSP合成菌(如AlteromonasPhaeobacterPelagibaca等)丰度也最高;随着水深增加,表层以下水体中DMSP合成及降解基因和物种丰度先增加后降低,峰值均出现在100-150 m;100 m以下,DMSP降解基因丰度迅速下降,而合成基因丰度下降程度较低,而且接近底层(>500 m)时出现随水深逐渐增加的趋势。水平方向二者变化规律不明显。浅层水体(≤100 m)和深层水体(>100 m)细菌群落结构存在显著差异,前者拥有较高比例的黄杆菌纲、放线菌纲和蓝细菌纲细菌,后者α变形菌纲细菌丰度较高。[结论] 100 m及以浅和100 m以深的浮游细菌群落结构存在显著差异。表层水体中DMSP合成和降解细菌的丰度最高,100-150 m水体次之,但100-1022 m介导的DMSP合成和降解细菌丰度的变化趋势有较大差别。  相似文献   

二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(dimethylsulfoniopropionate,DMSP)是全球硫循环和碳循环的重要载体物质。海洋浮游植物、大型藻类和临海被子植物是DMSP的主要生产者。每年DMSP的产量可以达到1×10~9吨。在北大西洋表面的某些区域,DMSP的产量可以达到碳固定总量的10%。微生物介导的DMSP的裂解是全球硫循环和碳循环的重要步骤。目前,8种参与裂解DMSP的DMSP裂解酶已被报道。在已发现的8种DMSP裂解酶中,3种DMSP裂解酶的催化机制得到了研究和阐明。本文根据国内外研究成果,主要对DMSP裂解过程的酶促催化机制的研究进展进行综述,认为在今后工作中需要继续发现新的DMSP裂解酶,并进一步揭示海洋微生物裂解DMSP的分子机制。  相似文献   

二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(dimethylsulfoniopropionate,DMSP)是全球重要的有机硫化合物之一,参与全球硫循环、信号传递及气候调节。全球DMSP的产量每年高达109 t。DMSP的主要生产者是海洋浮游植物及大型藻类,近年来发现一些海洋细菌也可以产生DMSP,是海洋中DMSP的一个重要来源。目前已报道的DMSP合成途径有3条:甲基化途径、转氨途径和脱羧途径,其中有5种DMSP合成关键酶被鉴定出来。根据近年来的研究成果,本文对DMSP合成过程中关键酶的研究进展进行综述,以期为进一步的研究提供思路。  相似文献   

在分散剂作用下,围隔水体中浮游动物种群数量明显减少,浮游植物因捕食压力不大而诱发“赤潮”,分散的原渍在围隔水体中的生态效应变得不明显,细菌生物量和生产力在实验前期比对照组高,后期则随原油降解而波动,这表明微生物积极参与了原油的降解活动,实验揭示,由于添加物的毒性作用促成的生态系的不平衡,也可最终导致“赤潮”发生。  相似文献   

石油分散剂BP-1100X对海洋围隔生态系的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分散剂作用下,围隔水体中浮游动物种群数量明显减少,浮游植物因捕食压力不大而诱发“赤潮”.分散的原油在围隔水体中的生态效应变得不明显,细菌生物量和生产力在实验前期比对照组高,后期则随原油降解而波动,这表明微生物积极参与了原油的降解活动。实验揭示,由于添加物的毒性作用促成的生态系的不平衡,也可最终导致“赤潮”发生。  相似文献   

围隔藻类水华演替过程中二甲基硫化物的含量动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李猛  袁东星  汤坤贤 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5308-5317
于2005年6月至7月,研究了海洋围隔不同藻类水华演替过程中二甲基硫化物的含量动态,并考察了相关环境参数对二甲基硫化物含量的影响。2个围隔实验组均出现未知藻水华-硅藻水华-甲藻水华的演替过程,这3次不同藻类水华分别对应了二甲基硫化物含量的3次高峰,表明藻类水华对二甲基硫化物含量有重要贡献。不同藻类水华的贡献有较大差异,甲藻水华的贡献最大,硅藻次之,未知藻类水华的贡献最小。实验结果还表明PO4^3-、NO2^-和NH4^+主要通过影响藻类生长状态,进而影响DMSP和DMSO的含量;NO2^-和NH4^+亦可能通过调节DMSP和DMSO在藻细胞内的生理功能,影响DMSP和DMSO的含量;PO4^3-、NO2^-和NH4^+与DMS含量无显著相关。  相似文献   

白腐菌木质素降解酶及其在木质素降解过程中的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木质素是一类不易降解的生物物质,在自然界中,白腐真菌对木质素的降解能力最强.白腐真菌降解木质素主要依靠分泌的三种酶:木质素过氧化物酶(Lip)、锰过氧化物酶(MnP)和漆酶(Lac).对白腐真菌分泌的三种木质素降解酶在性质、分布等方面进行了比较,系境地介绍三种木质素降解酶的催化作用,并阐述其在木质素降解过程中的相互作用.  相似文献   

假单胞菌S-59对多种染料的脱色和降解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贾省芬  杨惠芳   《微生物学通报》1990,17(6):339-343
从受染料长期污染的污泥样品中分离到28株对多种染料具有脱色能力的细菌,其中一株假单胞菌S-59号菌对79种染料均有脱色作用。该菌对酸性红B 2GL (简称酸性红B)和活性桔K2GV的脱色活力高达4.48—4.43mg(染料)·g-1(细胞湿重)·h-1。对阳离子红2GL和酸性红B在浓度为1×10-1mol/L时其半脱色时间只有0.5小时。染料浓度在100 mg/L以上时会抑制菌的脱色率,而对菌生长的抑制作用则取决于不同  相似文献   

温度和盐度对球形棕囊藻细胞DMSP产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
球形棕囊藻汕头株(Shantou strain,ST)和香港株(Hongkong,HK)是DMSP与DMS的高产株,在20℃、40盐度的培养条件下,二者DMSP产量分别达到161.3 437.60nmol/106cells.细胞内DMSP的积累与释放到细胞外DMS量受盐度、温度等环境因子的影响:在高盐低温条件下,单位藻细胞的DMSP与DMS产量较高.香港株DMSP/DMS的积累和释放与生长时期有关,稳定期细胞内的DMSP含量高达3898.3nmol/106cells,是指数期的12.3倍.    相似文献   

以新疆杨叶柄为外植体,利用农杆菌法将棉花漆酶基因GaLAC1导入新疆杨.PCR,Soutllern杂交证明外源基因已经整合到杨树基因组中.漆酶活性分析表明转基因植株中漆酶活性较非转基因对照显著提高.与对照植株相比,转基因新疆杨茎段中总木质素的含量有不同程度的增加,最高达21.5%.木质素的组织化学染色进一步证实了GaLAC1的过量表达能够导致转基因植株中总木质素含量的增加.实验结果表明GaLAC1参与了植物体内木质素的合成,这是首次成功利用转基因植物证实植物漆酶基因参与木质素合成的报道.  相似文献   

Tropical peatlands are among the most space‐efficient stores of carbon on Earth containing approximately 89 Gt C. Of this, 57 Gt (65%) are stored in Indonesian peatlands. Large‐scale exploitation of land, including deforestation and drainage for the establishment of oil palm plantations, is changing the carbon balance of Indonesian peatlands, turning them from a natural sink to a source via outgassing of CO2 to the atmosphere and leakage of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) into the coastal ocean. The impacts of this perturbation to the coastal environment and at the global scale are largely unknown. Here, we evaluate the downstream effects of released Indonesian peat carbon on coastal ecosystems and on the global carbon cycle. We use a biogeochemical box model in combination with novel and literature observations to investigate the impact of different carbon emission scenarios on the combined ocean–atmosphere system. The release of all carbon stored in the Indonesian peat pool, considered as a worst‐case scenario, will increase atmospheric pCO2 by 8 ppm to 15 ppm within the next 200 years. The expected impact on the Java Sea ecosystems is most significant on the short term (over a few hundred years) and is characterized by an increase of 3.3% in phytoplankton, 32% in seagrass biomass, and 5% decrease in coral biomass. On the long term, however, the coastal ecosystems will recover to reach near pre‐excursion conditions. Our results suggest that the ultimate fate of the peat carbon is in the deep ocean with 69% of it landing in the deep DIC pool after 1000 years, but the effects on the global ocean carbonate chemistry will be marginal.  相似文献   

1.  Teleost fish excrete precipitated carbonate and make significant contributions to the marine inorganic carbon cycle at regional and global scales. As total carbonate production is linked to fish size and abundance, fishing is predicted to affect carbonate production by modifying fish abundance and size-structure.
2.  We draw on concepts from physiology, metabolic ecology, life history theory, population dynamics and community ecology to develop, validate and apply analytical tools to assess fishing impacts on carbonate production. Outputs suggest that population and community carbonate production fall rapidly at lower rates of fishing than those used as management targets for sustainable yield.
3.  Theoretical predictions are corroborated by estimated trends in carbonate production by a herring population and a coral reef fish community subject to fishing. Our analytical results build on widely applicable relationships between life history parameters and metabolic rates, and can be generalized to most fished ecosystems.
4.   Synthesis and applications . If the maintenance of chemical processes as well as biological process were adopted as a management objective for fisheries then the methods we have developed can be applied to assess the effects of fishing on carbonate production and to advise on acceptable rates of fishing. Maintenance of this ecosystem service would require lower rates of fishing mortality than those recommended to achieve sustainable yield.  相似文献   

海洋碳循环研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
海洋碳循环是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,是影响全球变化的关键控制环节。海洋作为一个巨大的碳库,具有吸收和贮存大气CO2的能力,影响着大气CO2的收支平衡,研究碳在海洋中的转移和归宿,对于预测未来大气中CO2含量乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义。综述了海洋CO2通量,海水中碳的迁移和海洋沉积物及河口通量的研究状况,介绍了生物泵作用,碳循环模型的发展以及分析方法的最新发展等,并展望了海洋碳循环研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

海洋微型生物储碳过程与机制概论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在全球气候环境演变的背景下,认识海洋微型生物对碳循环的贡献,需要了解其过程和机制.最近提出的“微型生物碳泵”理论阐释了海洋储碳的一个新机制:微型生物活动把溶解有机碳从活性向惰性转化,从而构成了海洋储碳.这个过程当中,自养与异养细菌、病毒、原生动物等具有不同生理特性微型生物类群扮演着不同的生态角色,本文将围绕微型生物碳泵主线分别论述之.  相似文献   

Significance of ocean carbonate budgets for the global carbon cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in the trace gas composition of the atmosphere over glacial–interglacial cycles are linked to changes in the oceanic carbon cycle. This paper examines the role of biologically driven fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon in modifying the carbon dioxide chemistry of the oceans, and the corresponding implications for the partitioning of CO2 between the atmosphere and ocean. Relevant details of the marine carbon system are presented together with an assessment of the significance of remineralization and dissolution processes. Recent estimates of the marine carbonate fluxes show significant uncertainties and inconsistencies which must be resolved in order to assess fully the role of the oceans' biota in the marine carbon system. Various types of ocean carbon cycle models have been developed in order to interpret the changes in past atmospheric carbon dioxide. Some take account of the role of the oceans' biota, focussing in the main on the cycling of organic matter. Relatively few have considered the role of the carbonate pump and the subtle interactions between organic and inorganic carbon cycling. The significance of carbonate formation and dissolution, and of the effects of global change on the marine carbonate system, for air–sea fluxes of CO2 are discussed. Finally some recommendations for future research are made in order to improve our understanding of how spatial and temporal variation in marine carbonate fluxes, in conjunction with processes determining the oxidation and burial of organic matter in the oceans, affect levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The effects of nutrient loading on phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrozoobenthos in experimental ecosystems was studied in a 7-month experiment. The mesocosms were designed to mimic the major physical characteristics (irradiance, temperature, mixing) of the Dutch coastal zone in the river Rhine plume. Three different nutrient loading scenarios were used, representing present and future conditions. The level of the spring phytoplankton bloom was determined by phosphorus loading, whereas during summer the nitrogen loading determined phytoplankton biomass. The differences in nutrient loading did not result in shifts in phytoplankton species composition. With exception of the early phase of the spring bloom, diatoms dominated phytoplankton biomass in all nutrient treatments. This was ascribed to microzooplankton grazing on smaller algal species. Microzooplankton biomass showed a positive correlation with primary production, and also significant differences between nutrient treatments. Copepod development was limited, probably due to competition with microzooplankton and predation by benthic fauna. Macrobenthos biomass correlated with primary production, and was lower in the lowest nutrient treatment.  相似文献   

The net export of organic matter from the surface ocean and its respiration at depth create vertical gradients in nutrient and oxygen availability that play a primary role in structuring marine ecosystems. Changes in the properties of this ‘biological pump’ have been hypothesized to account for important shifts in marine ecosystem structure, including the Cambrian explosion. However, the influence of variation in the behavior of the biological pump on ocean biogeochemistry remains poorly quantified, preventing any detailed exploration of how changes in the biological pump over geological time may have shaped long‐term shifts in ocean chemistry, biogeochemical cycling, and ecosystem structure. Here, we use a 3‐dimensional Earth system model of intermediate complexity to quantitatively explore the effects of the biological pump on marine chemistry. We find that when respiration of sinking organic matter is efficient, due to slower sinking or higher respiration rates, anoxia tends to be more prevalent and to occur in shallower waters. Consequently, the Phanerozoic trend toward less bottom‐water anoxia in continental shelf settings can potentially be explained by a change in the spatial dynamics of nutrient cycling rather than by any change in the ocean phosphate inventory. The model results further suggest that the Phanerozoic decline in the prevalence ocean anoxia is, in part, a consequence of the evolution of larger phytoplankton, many of which produce mineralized tests. We hypothesize that the Phanerozoic trend toward greater animal abundance and metabolic demand was driven more by increased oxygen concentrations in shelf environments than by greater food (nutrient) availability. In fact, a lower‐than‐modern ocean phosphate inventory in our closed system model is unable to account for the Paleozoic prevalence of bottom‐water anoxia. Overall, these model simulations suggest that the changing spatial distribution of photosynthesis and respiration in the oceans has exerted a first‐order control on Earth system evolution across Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   

Ecosystem functioning is simultaneously affected by changes in community composition and environmental change such as increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and subsequent ocean acidification. However, it largely remains uncertain how the effects of these factors compare to each other. Addressing this question, we experimentally tested the hypothesis that initial community composition and elevated CO2 are equally important to the regulation of phytoplankton biomass. We full‐factorially exposed three compositionally different marine phytoplankton communities to two different CO2 levels and examined the effects and relative importance (ω2) of the two factors and their interaction on phytoplankton biomass at bloom peak. The results showed that initial community composition had a significantly greater impact than elevated CO2 on phytoplankton biomass, which varied largely among communities. We suggest that the different initial ratios between cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates might be the key for the varying competitive and thus functional outcome among communities. Furthermore, the results showed that depending on initial community composition elevated CO2 selected for larger sized diatoms, which led to increased total phytoplankton biomass. This study highlights the relevance of initial community composition, which strongly drives the functional outcome, when assessing impacts of climate change on ecosystem functioning. In particular, the increase in phytoplankton biomass driven by the gain of larger sized diatoms in response to elevated CO2 potentially has strong implications for nutrient cycling and carbon export in future oceans.  相似文献   

误捕及其对海兽种群的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
几乎在全世界都有误捕海兽的记录.有误捕记录的海兽有鲸目14科62种,鳍脚目3科12种,海牛目2科2种及食肉目1科1种.误捕海兽的渔具包括刺网、拖网、围网、张网、插网和陷阱等.误捕可导致种群数量的下降及生活史特征的改变.我国需要开展这方面的研究工作.  相似文献   

The incomplete combustion of vegetation and dead organic matter by landscape fires creates recalcitrant pyrogenic carbon (PyC), which could be consequential for the global carbon budget if changes in fire regime, climate, and atmospheric CO2 were to substantially affect gains and losses of PyC on land and in oceans. Here, we included global PyC cycling in a coupled climate–carbon model to assess the role of PyC in historical and future simulations, accounting for uncertainties through five sets of parameter estimates. We obtained year‐2000 global stocks of (Central estimate, likely uncertainty range in parentheses) 86 (11–154), 47 (2–64), and 1129 (90–5892) Pg C for terrestrial residual PyC (RPyC), marine dissolved PyC, and marine particulate PyC, respectively. PyC cycling decreased atmospheric CO2 only slightly between 1751 and 2000 (by 0.8 Pg C for the Central estimate) as PyC‐related fluxes changed little over the period. For 2000 to 2300, we combined Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 with stable or continuously increasing future fire frequencies. For the increasing future fire regime, the production of new RPyC generally outpaced the warming‐induced accelerated loss of existing RPyC, so that PyC cycling decreased atmospheric CO2 between 2000 and 2300 for most estimates (by 4–8 Pg C for Central). For the stable fire regime, however, PyC cycling usually increased atmospheric CO2 (by 1–9 Pg C for Central), and only the most extreme choice of parameters maximizing PyC production and minimizing PyC decomposition led to atmospheric CO2 decreases under RCPs 4.5 and 8.5 (by 5–8 Pg C). Our results suggest that PyC cycling will likely reduce the future increase in atmospheric CO2 if landscape fires become much more frequent; however, in the absence of a substantial increase in fire frequency, PyC cycling might contribute to, rather than mitigate, the future increase in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

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