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姜杰  冯旗  贺鹏宸  彭兆丰 《微生物学通报》2023,50(10):4694-4704
微生物胞内产生的电子转移到其他电子受体而获得能量的过程称为微生物胞外电子传递,其中,另一微生物作为电子受体时发生的电子传递称为微生物种间电子传递。根据微生物种间电子传递机制,可分间接种间电子传递和种间直接电子传递。由于种间直接电子传递不需要其他物质介导,因此较间接种间电子传递效率更高、能量利用更高。本文系统阐述了微生物进行胞外电子传递的机理及应用,重点分析了种间直接电子传递机理,并概述种间直接电子传递应用领域,为寻找更多电连接的微生物群落以及应用微生物提供参考。  相似文献   

种间电子传递可促进微生物发生共代谢,因而在地球生物化学循环和环境污染修复中具有重要意义。根据电子传递方式的不同可将种间电子传递分为直接种间电子传递(direct interspecies electron transfer,DIET)和间接种间电子传递(mediated interspecies electron transfer,MIET),其中,直接种间电子传递由于易发生、效率高而受到更加广泛的关注。本文总结了近年来关于种间电子传递的研究进展,阐述了种间电子传递的途径,比较了DIET和MIET的优缺点,并对开发更多具有种间电子传递功能的微生物提出了建议,以期加深人们对于种间电子传递的理解,并对未来该领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

厌氧条件下,微生物可以通过厌氧代谢产生甲烷(CH4),由此衍生的厌氧消化技术可实现能源的回收利用.产CH4的关键步骤是刺激发酵细菌和产甲烷古菌之间的有效电子转移,电活性微生物可以取代传统的氢/甲酸盐实现直接种间电子传递,其电子传递效率更高.添加导电材料可以促进直接种间电子传递并提高CH4产率,是一种更有效的强化电子传递...  相似文献   

姜谦  张衍  刘和 《微生物学通报》2019,46(8):1998-2008
添加导电碳颗粒能够促进厌氧消化过程稳定性、底物降解率以及产沼气品质的同步提高。本文总结了以活性炭和生物炭为代表的导电碳颗粒对城市污泥厌氧消化的影响,探讨了导电碳颗粒促进城市污泥厌氧消化的机理,阐述了导电碳颗粒介导的微生物直接种间电子传递(Directinterspecies electrontransfer,DIET)在强化污泥厌氧消化中的作用机制,分析了复杂厌氧消化体系中微生物DIET互营关系的研究现状,同时对导电碳颗粒的物理化学特性及其对污泥厌氧消化产甲烷的影响进行了分析,最后对未来导电碳颗粒促进城市污泥厌氧消化的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统甲烷产生和氧化过程的微生物机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张坚超  徐镱钦  陆雅海 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6592-6603
陆地生态系统存在许多常年性或季节性缺氧环境,如:湿地、水稻土、湖泊沉积物、动物瘤胃、垃圾填埋场和厌氧生物反应器等。每年有大量有机物质进入这些环境,在缺氧条件下发生厌氧分解。甲烷是有机质厌氧分解的最终产物。产生的甲烷气体可通过缺氧-有氧界面释放到大气,产生温室效应,是重要的温室气体。产甲烷过程是缺氧环境中有机质分解的核心环节,而甲烷氧化是缺氧-有氧界面的重要微生物过程。甲烷的产生和氧化过程共同调控大气甲烷浓度,是全球碳循环不可分割的组成部分。对陆地生态系统甲烷产生和氧化过程的微生物机理研究进展进行了概要回顾和综述。主要内容包括:新型产甲烷古菌即第六和第七目产甲烷古菌和嗜冷嗜酸产甲烷古菌的发现;短链脂肪酸中间产物互营氧化过程与直接种间电子传递机制;新型甲烷氧化菌包括厌氧甲烷氧化菌和疣微菌属好氧甲烷氧化菌的发现;甲烷氧化菌生理生态与环境适应的新机制。这些研究进展显著拓展了人们对陆地生态系统甲烷产生和氧化机理的认识和理解。随着新一代土壤微生物研究技术的发展与应用,甲烷产生和氧化微生物研究领域将面临更多机遇和挑战,对未来发展趋势做了展望。  相似文献   

目的:从酮古龙酸菌Y25中扩增细胞色素c基因,在大肠杆菌中表达、成熟并进行生物活性分析。方法:从酮古龙酸菌Y25基因组中PCR扩增细胞色素c基因,构建pET22b表达载体;从大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中扩增细胞色素c成熟基因簇ccmABCDEFGH,连接到带有山梨糖脱氢酶组成型启动子的pBBR1MCS2-P200载体中;将构建的2个质粒共转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导表达后进行血红素染色检测;通过氧化还原光谱法对Ni柱亲和纯化的重组蛋白进行活性分析。结果:扩增得到1404 bp的细胞色素c基因及6481 bp的ccmABCDEFGH基因簇;重组菌株经IPTG诱导表达后行SDS-PAGE分析,可见相对分子质量为50×103的表达条带;血红素染色显示重组蛋白结合有血红素;经氧化还原光谱扫描,显示亲和层析纯化得到的目的蛋白有细胞色素c特征吸收峰。结论:从酮古龙酸菌Y25中扩增得到了细胞色素c基因,在大肠杆菌中进行了表达和成熟,表达蛋白具有细胞色素c生物活性。  相似文献   

目的:从酮古龙酸菌SCB329中分离细胞色素c(Cytc)相关基因,在大肠杆菌中进行表达并验证。方法:根据酮古龙酸菌SCB329基因组序列设计引物,通过PCR从SCB329基因组中扩增cytc基因,酶切后连接pET22b表达载体,转化至大肠杆菌DH5α后提取质粒,经PCR、质粒双酶切及测序鉴定后,转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),并对表达条件进行考察;用Chelating Sepharose珠粒对可溶性的Cytc-His融合蛋白进行纯化;经光谱扫描和血红素染色等方法对表达蛋白定性分析。结果:PCR扩增的cytc基因长513 bp;重组菌在IPTG浓度为0.025 mmol/L的条件下,于28℃诱导10 h后,SDS-PAGE分析可见表达条带,相对分子质量约为18×103;Ni柱亲和层析纯化得到目的蛋白,纯化蛋白经光谱扫描呈现Cytc特征峰,血红素染色呈现阳性结果。结论:从酮古龙酸菌SCB329中分离得到一种cytc基因,并表达纯化了融合蛋白Cytc-His,纯化蛋白呈现Cytc特性,为研究酮古龙酸菌中产酸关键酶的电子传递机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

生物地球化学锰循环中的微生物胞外电子传递机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物是生物地球化学元素循环的重要驱动者,在锰等变价金属元素的氧化还原过程中起着至关重要的作用。近年来,Mn(Ⅲ)的发现以及在一些环境中的广泛存在,丰富了人们对Mn(Ⅲ)以及自然界锰循环过程的认识。研究发现,锰的生物地球化学循环,尤其是锰还原过程,与微生物胞外电子传递紧密相关,且目前已知的5种胞外电子传递机制均与锰还原有关联。因此,本文综述了锰的生物地球化学循环及其意义,并从微生物胞外电子传递的机制、微生物介导锰氧化、微生物介导锰还原等3个方面来介绍参与锰循环的微生物多样性;以及微生物地球化学锰循环的环境意义。对微生物参与锰循环过程的研究不仅可以进一步丰富相关理论,同时也能推动生物除锰、污染物原位修复及生物冶金等应用领域的发展。  相似文献   

微生物电子传递在微生物的代谢繁殖和物质的生物地球化学循环中发挥着关键作用。其中基于直接接触的微生物胞外电子传递(Direct extracellular electron transfer,DEET)已成为微生物学、地球化学和生物物理学等学科共同关注的焦点,并在近几年取得了一系列重要发现和理论突破,包括微生物纳米导线、电缆细菌、微生物种间DEET等。伴随着这些新进展,更多的问题也需要研究者们在进一步的研究中解决,包括DEET的分子机制及其相关功能微生物种群等。不同学科理论和技术的交叉是进一步揭示DEET过程的关键。  相似文献   

多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是世界范围内广泛使用的一类溴代阻燃剂,在环境中被频繁检出。因其具有生物积累性、生物毒性和持久性等特点,如今PBDEs已成为全球分布的有机化学毒素。探究PBDEs的降解极为重要,文中从PBDEs微生物降解的角度出发,分别阐释了好氧条件和厌氧条件下细菌降解PBDEs的代谢途径研究进展,并结合原位降解研究推断古菌的降解潜能,比较分析了多种降解途径的特性和综合因素,同时对PBDEs降解微生物未来的研究趋势和PBDEs降解体系设计应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

甲烷作为全球第二大温室气体,是典型的可再生清洁能源,也是碳循环中的重要物质组成。大气中约74%的甲烷由产甲烷古菌和其他微生物的互营产生,种间电子传递(interspecies electron transfer, IET)是微生物菌群降低热力学能垒、实现互营产甲烷的核心过程。IET可分为间接种间电子传递(mediated interspecies electron transfer,MIET)和直接种间电子传递(direct interspecies electron transfer, DIET)两种类型,其中MIET依赖氢气、甲酸等载体完成电子的远距离传输,而DIET则依赖导电菌毛、细胞色素c等膜蛋白,通过微生物的直接接触实现电子传递。本文将从IET的研究历程出发,从电子传递机制、微生物种类、生态多样性等方面对微生物互营产甲烷过程中的两种IET类型进行比较,最后对未来待探索的方向进行展望。本综述有助于加深对微生物互营产甲烷过程中IET的理解,为解决由甲烷引发的全球气候变暖等生态问题提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

We studied the photosynthetic electron transfer system of membrane-bound and soluble cytochromec inChlorobium tepidum, a thermophilic green sulfur bacterium, using whole cells and membrane preparations. Sulfide and thiosulfate, physiological electron donors, enhanced flash-induced photo-oxidation ofc-type cytochromes in whole cells. In membranes,c-553 cytochromes with two (or three) heme groups served as immediate electron donors for photo-oxidized bacteriochlorophyll (P840) in the reaction center, and appeared to be closely associated with the reaction center complex. The membrane-bound cytochromec-553 had anE m-value of 180 mV. When isolated soluble cytochromec-553, which has an apparent molecular weight of 10 kDa and seems to correspond to the cytochromec-555 inChlorobium limicola andChlorobium vibrioforme, was added to a membrane suspension, rapid photo-oxidation of both soluble and membrane-bound cytochromesc-553 was observed. The oxidation of soluble cytochromec-553 was inhibited by high salt concentrations. In whole cells, photo-oxidation was observed in the absence of exogenous electron donors and re-reduction was inhibited by stigmatellin, an inhibitor of the cytochromebc complex. These results suggest that the role of membrane-bound and soluble cytochromec inC. tepidum is similar to the role of cytochromec in the photosynthetic electron transfer system of purple bacteria.  相似文献   

Soluble cytochrome c-554 (M r 10 kDa) is purified from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. Its midpoint redox potential is determined to be +148 mV from redox titration at pH 7.0. The kinetics of cytochrome c-554 oxidation by a purified reaction center complex from the same organism were studied by flash absorption spectroscopy at room temperature, and the results indicate that the reaction partner of cytochrome c-554 is cytochrome c-551 bound to the reaction center rather than the primary donor P840. The second-order rate constant for the electron donation from cytochrome c-554 to cytochrome c-551 was estimated to be 1.7×107 M–1 s–1. The reaction rate was not significantly influenced by the ionic strength of the reaction medium.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present an extended genetic analysis of the previously identified cycH locus in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Three new open reading frames found in an operon-like structure immediately adjacent to the 3 end of cycH were termed cycJ, cycK and cycL. A deletion mutant (cycHJKL) and biochemical analysis of its phenotype showed that the genes of the cluster are essential for the biogenesis of cellular c-type cytochromes. Mutations in discrete regions of each of the genes were also constructed and shown to affect anaerobic respiration with nitrate and the ability to elicit an effective symbiosis with soybean, both phenotypes being a consequence of defects in cytochrome c formation. The CycK and CycL proteins share up to 53% identity in amino acid sequence with the Rhodobacter capsulatus Ccll and Cc12 proteins, respectively, which have been shown previously to be essential for cytochrome c biogenesis, where-as cycJ codes for a novel protein of 169 amino acids with an Mr of 17857. Localisation studies revealed that CycJ is located in the periplasmic space; it is probably anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane via an N-terminal hydrophobic domain. Based on several considerations discussed here, we suggest that the proteins encoded by the cycHJKL-cluster may be part of a cytochrome c-haem lyase complex whose active site faces the periplasm.  相似文献   

地杆菌属隶属于δ变形菌纲、地杆菌科,为革兰氏阴性严格厌氧微生物,是一类广泛分布于水体沉积物、土壤和多种地下厌氧环境中的异化铁还原菌。地杆菌可通过多种途径参与厌氧环境中碳、氮、铁等元素生物地球化学循环,具有“多面手”特性,如通过碳分解代谢分解乙酸等小分子有机酸或芳香族化合物、或碳固定利用甲酸、一氧化碳等一碳化合物以及通过胞外电子传递驱动产甲烷菌产甲烷参与碳循环过程;通过硝酸盐异化还原成氨(DNRA)、固氮作用以及与反硝化菌建立互营关系参与氮循环过程;表达多种内膜醌脱氢酶ImcH、CbcL和CbcAB、外膜细胞色素C及导电纳米线,通过直接接触或在电子穿梭体和螯合剂的协助下实现胞外多种Fe(Ⅲ)氧化物的还原而参与铁循环过程。地杆菌的“多面手”特性,使其在多种环境中生存并占据着厌氧环境中重要的生态位,并成为驱动厌氧环境中生物地球化学循环的引擎。本文介绍了地杆菌的代谢特征及分布情况,揭示其在碳、氮、铁元素生物地球化学循环中的作用,并系统分析了地杆菌“多面手”的特性。本文有利于加深对地杆菌驱动的关键元素生物地球化学循环的认识,为理解地杆菌在自然环境中产生的环境效应提供夯实的理论基础,将推动地杆菌在...  相似文献   

Recently, the structure of a Cu-containing nitrite reductase (NiR) from Hyphomicrobium denitrificans (HdNiR) has been reported, establishing the existence of a new family of Cu-NiR where an additional type 1 Cu (T1Cu) containing cupredoxin domain is located at the N-terminus (Nojiri et al. in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:4315-4320, 2007). HdNiR retains the well-characterised coupled T1Cu-type 2 Cu (T2Cu) core, where the T2Cu catalytic site is also built utilising ligands from neighbouring monomers. We have undertaken a genome analysis and found the wide occurrence of these NiRs, with members clustering in two groups, one showing an amino acid sequence similarity of around 80% with HdNiR, and a second group, including the NiR from the extremophile Acidothermus cellulolyticus, clustering around 50% similarity to HdNiR. This is reminiscent of the difference observed between the blue (Alcaligenes xylosoxidans) and green (Achromobacter cycloclastes and Alcaligenes faecalis) NiRs which have been extensively studied and may indicate that these also form two distinct subclasses of the new family. Genome analysis also showed the presence of Cu-NiRs with a C-terminal extension of 160-190 residues containing a class I cytochrome c domain with a characteristic beta-sheet extension. Currently no structural information exists for any member of this family. Genome analysis suggests the widespread occurrence of these novel NiRs with representatives in the alpha, beta and gamma subclasses of the Proteobacteria and in two species of the fungus Aspergillus. We selected the enzyme from Ralstonia pickettii for comparative modelling and produced a plausible structure highlighting an electron transfer mode in which the cytochrome c haem at the C-terminus can come within 16-A reach of the T1Cu centre of the T1Cu-T2Cu core.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound photooxidizable cytochrome c-554 from Chloroflexus aurantiacus has been purified. The purified protein runs as a single heme staining band on SDS-PAGE with an apparent molecular mass of 43 000 daltons. An extinction coefficient of 28 ± 1 mM–1 cm–1 per heme at 554 nm was found for the dithionite-reduced protein. The potentiometric titration of the hemes takes place over an extended range, showing clearly that the protein does not contain a single heme in a well-defined site. The titration can be fit to a Nernst curve with midpoint potentials at 0, +120, +220 and +300 mV vs the standard hydrogen electrode. Pyridine hemochrome analysis combined with a Lowry protein assay and the SDS-PAGE molecular weight indicates that there are a minimum of three, and probably four hemes per peptide. Amino acid analysis shows 5 histidine residues and 29% hydrophobic residues in the protein. This cytochrome appears to be functionally similar to the bound cytochrome from Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Both cytochrome c-554 from C. aurantiacus and the four-heme cytochrome c-558-553 from R. viridis appear to act as direct electron donors to the special bacteriochlorophyll pair of the photosynthetic reaction center. They have a similar content of hydrophobic amino acids, but differ in isoelectric point, thermodynamic characteristics, spectral properties, and in their ability to be photooxidized at low temperature.Abbreviations LDAO lauryl dimethyl amine-N-oxide - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - mV millivolt - Em.8 midpoint potential at pH 8.0 - ODV optical density x volume in ml  相似文献   

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