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采用染色体压片技术对云贵高原17个多星韭居群,共412株个体进行染色体数目和核型研究。结合已有的细胞学资料,对云贵高原多星韭多倍体分布格局进行了研究。9个二倍体居群、6个二倍体与四倍体混生居群分布于云南中部至西北部,12个四倍体居群分布于整个云贵高原。二倍体除香格里拉d和保山居群核型类型为3A型外,其余均为2A型,四倍体除会泽和赫章居群为2 B型外,其余均为2A型。云南西北部四倍体核型不对称指数低于其它分布区,推测该地区四倍体可能起源较早。多星韭二倍体与四倍体核型类型和形态并无明显差异,表明多星韭四倍体可能为同源多倍体。  相似文献   

葱属粗根组5种材料的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了葱属Allium粗根组Sect.Bromatorrhiza Ekberg五群材料的核型。多星韭Allium wallichii Kunth有两个类型:第一类型是二倍体,染色体组公式为AA,核型公式为K(2n)=2X=14=2m(SAT)+2m+10sm,属2A型;第二类型是同源四倍体,染色体组公式为AAAA, 核型公式为K(2n)=4X=28=2m(SAT)+6m十20sm,属2A型。宽叶韭Allium hookeri Thwaites有三个类型: 第一类型是双基数同源异源三倍体,染色体组公式为AAB1,核型公式为 K(2n)=2X+ x'=22=(12sm+2t)十(1m十45m+1st+2t), 属3A型; 第二类型也是双基数同源异源三倍体,能配对的两个染色体组染色体大小和形态与第一类型大体相似,不能配对的一个染色体组染色体大小和形态与第一类型有明显区别,其中至少有两条染色体发生了罗伯逊易位,出现一条很大的染色体和一条很小的染色体,染色体组公式为AAB2,核型公式为K(2n)=2x+x'=22=(12sm+2t)+ (3m+1sm十2st+2t),属3A型;第三类型相当于第一类型染色体的自然加倍,是双基数同源异源六倍体,染色体组公式为AAAAB1B1,核型公式为K(2n)=4X十2x'=44=(24sm+4t)十(2m+ 8sm十2st+4t),属3A型。  相似文献   

果形和糖含量分别是与瓜类蔬菜作物外观、营养及风味密切相关的重要品质性状。为探究黄瓜倍性差异导致果形及糖含量变化的分子机制,以果形和糖含量差异显著的黄瓜二倍体(长果/低糖)和四倍体(短果/高糖)为试材,分别取开花当天和花后9 d的果实进行转录组分析。结果表明,在二、四倍体花后9 d果实中共鉴定到1 874个差异表达基因(DEGs),其中上调基因818个和下调基因1 056个;GO分析显示,DEGs显著富集在“DNA复制”(GO:0006260)、“DNA代谢过程”(GO:0006259)、“蛋白质复合体”(GO:0032993)、“染色体”(GO:0005694)、“蛋白质二聚活性”(GO:0046983)等GO条目上;KEGG分析表明,DEGs富集在“植物激素信号转导”(csv04075)、“淀粉与蔗糖代谢”(csv00500)等代谢通路上;参与“植物激素信号转导”相关基因AUX1、DELLA、B-ARR、TCH4上调表达,GH3、GID1、PP2C、CYCD3下调表达,以及参与“淀粉与蔗糖代谢”相关基因SPS、SUSY上调表达,可能与果形指数减小和果实糖含量增加有关。荧光定量PCR(...  相似文献   

菘蓝二倍体及其同源四倍体遗传差异的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段英姿 《西北植物学报》2012,32(8):1534-1538
以1个菘蓝二倍体及其10个同源四倍体株系为材料,利用19个随机扩增ISSR引物分析其遗传差异性,为菘蓝多倍体诱变的基因表达调控以及遗传改良提供依据。结果显示:菘蓝二倍体与其同源四倍体及四倍体之间的ISSR多态性有明显差异,除主要遗传位点相同外,有些四倍体株系扩增条带数多于二倍体,有些四倍体株系扩增条带数少于二倍体,四倍体株系间亦有多态位点;11个株系共扩增111条多态性条带,多态性达55.22%。聚类分析显示,不同四倍体株系与二倍体的遗传差异大小亦不同。研究表明,菘蓝二倍体与其同源四倍体具有中等偏高的遗传差异性。  相似文献   

同源四倍体青花菜的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以四倍体青花菜为材料,采用常规压片法进行核型分析和有丝分裂观察.结果表明:四倍体青花菜核型公式为2n=4x=36=16m+20sm(4 SAT),其中第3、4、7、8对为中着丝粒染色体,第1、2、5、6、9对为近中着丝粒染色体,第6对染色体具随体;核型类型属于2A型,为基本对称型;染色体相对长度组成为2n=36=16 M_2+20 M_1,表明该四倍体青花菜是二倍体加倍得到,为同源四倍体.在部分四倍体根尖中发现非整倍体细胞,其染色体数目变异较大;与二倍体相比,四倍体有丝分裂过程存在双核仁、体细胞配对、染色体桥等异常现象.  相似文献   

采用染色体常规制片技术,对云南西北部和中部地区11个多星韭居群进行了细胞学分析。结果显示:(1)云南西北部多星韭二倍体、四倍体混合分布的太子阁和华首门四倍体居群中发现了三倍体(2n=3x=21),核型公式分别为:2n=3x=21=[6m(2sat)+8sm]+(3m+4sm)和2n=3x=21=[4m(2sat)+10sm]+(2m+4sm+lst)。三倍体含2条随体染色体,它的21条染色体含2个同源染色体组和一个与它们同源性稍差的染色体组。(2)在云南中部的多星韭四倍体居群中首次发现了六倍体,核型公式为2n=6x=42=15m(3sat)+27sm,核型类型2A。(3)结合核型特征及地理分布对多星韭三倍体和六倍体的成因进行分析,提示多星韭三倍体来源于二倍体与四倍体的杂交,六倍体是通过四倍体产生的未减数配子(n=4x=28)与正常减数配子(n=2x=14)的结合形成的。本研究结果支持多星韭的分化中心是云南西北部高海拔地区的观点,并结合前人的研究和本工作的结果,对多星韭种内的倍性组成和演化进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

南荻同源四倍体的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
何立珍  曹学军 《遗传学报》1997,24(6):544-549
南荻变种“突节荻”的幼穗、下胚轴产生的带绿芽点愈伤组织,置于0.05%秋水仙碱的MS无激素培养基上处理24-48h,经培养而诱变成交异试管苗。细胞学鉴定确定其染色体数目为2n=4x=76(x=19),花粉粒和气孔保卫细胞均增大,核仁数目增多。田间种植和测定,获得南荻同源四倍体新品系。该品系表现出生长势强,植株高大,茎粗、茎壁厚、节间长,产量高,而且纤维长,长宽比值大,是生产上能直接利用的一种优质高产的造纸新资源  相似文献   

利用AFLP(Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)分子标记技术,即扩增片段长度多态性,从DNA分子水平探讨二倍体桑(2n=2X=28)与经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源四倍体桑(2n=4X=56)在遗传结构上的差异。根据对供试材料DNA多态性及遗传距离分析,认为经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源4X与2X相比在DNA分子遗传结构上产生一定程度的改变,在种内变异水平上,2X与同源4X桑间的遗传差异小于种间差异。  相似文献   

桑树二倍体及人工诱导的同源四倍体遗传差异的AFLP分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用AFLP(AmplifiedFragmentLengthPolymorphism)分子标记技术 ,即扩增片段长度多态性 ,从DNA分子水平探讨二倍体桑 (2n =2X =2 8)与经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源四倍体桑 (2n =4X =5 6 )在遗传结构上的差异。根据对供试材料DNA多态性及遗传距离分析 ,认为经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源 4X与 2X相比在DNA分子遗传结构上产生一定程度的改变 ,在种内变异水平上 ,2X与同源 4X桑间的遗传差异小于种间差异。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法、离析法以及徒手切片3种方法研究了绿玉树(EuphorbiatirucalliL.)乳汁管的分布,并对二倍体和四倍体植株茎的乳汁管分布和数量进行了比较研究。结果表明,绿玉树乳汁管为无节型;初级乳汁管主要分布在木质部与韧皮部之间,在2a生茎的髓部也有分布;次级乳汁管以多级分支的形式无规则地散布在韧皮部中;末级乳汁管分布在皮层(或周皮)下部。随着茎成熟度增加,初级乳汁管数量和直径随之增加,直径增加到一定时便不再增粗,而以增加数量的方式来缓解液压。与二倍体相比,相同成熟度的四倍体绿玉树乳汁管的数量和直径都显著减少,其中嫩茎的初级乳汁管数量减少了5.5条,直径减少了8.4μm;1a生枝条初级乳汁管数量减少了10.7条,直径减少了9.6μm。  相似文献   

根据生态学和遗传学的综合研究,鸡足山地区的8个多星韭种群可划分为6个生态型:1个柳叶韭生态型,1个岩生二倍体生态型和4个四体倍生态型即林生四倍体生态型,岩生四倍体生态型,草生白花四倍体生态型和草生紫花四倍体生态型。  相似文献   

In the present study, we used two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments (trnL-F and rps16) and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data to examine intraspecific differentiation and phylogeographical history of Allium wallichii. Based on wide scale sampling (28 populations and 174 individuals) across the entire distribution range of this species, 33 cpDNA haplotypes and 25 ITS ribotypes were detected in our investigation. These cpDNA haplotypes were divided into three major lineages, which was further supported by the ITS phylogenetic results. High haplotype/ribotype diversity and population differentiation, together with most of the haplotypes/ribotypes being exclusive to single populations, implied restricted gene flow among populations and significant geographical isolation. Nearly all populations with high haplotype/ribotype diversity were found in the Hengduan Mountain Region (HMR), whereas the populations of the Himalayas and Nanling Mountains showed a lower level, suggesting the HMR might serve as a potential divergence center for A. wallichii. The main lineages of A. wallichii diverged from each other between Mid–Late Pliocene and Early Quaternary based on two sets of molecular markers, indicating that the Quaternary climatic fluctuation could not have contributed greatly to the divergence of the main lineages of A. wallichii. Instead, the intricate topography and heterogeneous habitats resulting from the drastic uplift of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau from the Late Pliocene could be responsible for the intraspecific differentiation of A. wallichii. The present study further highlights the importance of geographic isolation and habitat heterogeneity in shaping and maintaining high species diversity within the HMR.  相似文献   

Summary Bulbs and aerial parts of the Nepalese plant Allium wallichii are widely used for medicinal purposes and as a spice. Due to overharvesting the natural populations of the species have been increasingly reduced and the domestication of the species should be considered. For the purpose of the production of plantlets suitable for field culture, a micropropagation procedure based on multiple shoot culture has been established. Multiplication factors of 4.6 on average were possible on MS medium supplemented with 20 μM zeatin. After rooting on MS medium with 10 μM indolebutyric acid, plantlets were acclimatized to greenhouse conditions and transferred to the field with good success. Part of the PhD thesis of P. R. Malla.  相似文献   

云南宾川县鸡足山地区多星韭种群分化的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对鸡导山地区7个多星韭种群的生物生态学特性进行了比较全面的研究。结果表明;鸡足山地区的多星韭有二倍体和四倍体2种倍性。多星韭二倍体比四倍体更能忍受较恶劣的环境条件。二倍体多星韭生境单一,种群分化不明显;四倍体多星韭生境多样,种群间变异丰富,分化强烈。  相似文献   

Abstract: Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to study the phylogenetic relationships between species in Allium section Schoenoprasum and for the investigation of the intraspecific differentiation of A. schoenoprasum. RAPD analysis of 39 samples representing eight species of sect. Schoenoprasum and one sample of A. atrosanguineum (sect. Annuloprasum ) resulted in 233 interpretable RAPD bands. The analysis clearly distinguishes the species of section Schoenoprasum. The arrangement of the accessions of A. schoenoprasum in all dendrograms mirrors the geographical distribution, with a clear differentiation between an Asian and European subgroup. Within the European group, Scandinavian material is clearly distinct from S and E European material. Informally described morphological types of A. schoenoprasum could not be confirmed by RAPD analysis but represent recurrent ecological adaptations. A combination of phenetic (UPGMA, neighbour-joining analysis), cladistic (parsimony analysis), and statistical (PCA) methods of data analysis resulted in clearer phylogenetic interpretations than each of the methods facilitates when used separately.  相似文献   

绵参(Eriophyton wallichii)是中国青藏高原地区高山流石滩特有植物.为探讨第四纪冰期气候波动对青藏高原高山流石滩植物居群遗传结构以及谱系历史的影响,检测了绵参20个居群187个个体的核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)的序列变异,共发现19个单倍型,且结果表明大部分居群拥有独自的单倍型.AMOVA分析表明,居群间的变异占了总变异量的89.54%,居群遗传分化指数很高(GST=0.863,NST=0.957),但无明显的谱系结构.我们推测这种独特的谱系地理结构可能主要是由于高山流石滩独特的地形和环境及“孤岛效应”形成的,与先前研究过的青藏高原植物不同,绵参呈现出高度分化的遗传结构,常常呈现出“一个居群,一种单倍型”的模式,这可能是由于第四纪冰期及间冰期尽管绵参的分布范围有扩大和收缩,但始终由于特殊的高山生境和流石滩基质,导致了该物种长期以来居群间很少有基因交流并一直处于隔离状态,造成了现在这样的谱系地理结构.  相似文献   

Colonization of the roots of leek (Allium porrum L.) by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices induced the formation of apocarotenoids, whose accumulation has been studied over a period of 25 weeks. Whereas the increase in the levels of the dominating cyclohexenone derivatives resembles the enhancement of root length colonization, the content of mycorradicin derivatives remains relatively low throughout. Structural analysis of the cyclohexenone derivatives by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy showed that they are mono- and diglycosides of 13-hydroxyblumenol C and blumenol C acylated with 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaric and/or malonic acid. Along with the isolation of three known compounds five others are shown to be hitherto unknown members of the fast-growing family of mycorrhiza-induced cyclohexenone conjugates.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence variation of Eriophyton wallichii, a perennial endemic to alpine scree of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. Nineteen haplotypes were detected by analyzing 187 individuals from 20 populations of E.wallichii. Most populations hold the unique haplotype, which showed different population with different haplotype. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for populations showed that the genetic variation mainly resided among populations (89.54%), the level of differentiation among populations was very high (GST=0.863; NST=0.957) but didn’t show a significant phylogeographical structure. It is different from foregoing other species reported in Qinghai Tibetan Plateau that the haplotypes of E.wallichii showed a distribution pattern that almost one population hold one unique haplotype, hardly share same halotype among populations.We hypothesized the unique genetic structure of E.wallichii might result from allopatric fragmentation in the “islands of alpine” due to the extremely isolated alpine scree and rough topography of the region, through the Quaternary climate oscillation dramatically caused population expanding or shrinking.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 5 samples in Allium Sect. Bromatorrhiza Ekberg were analysed in this paper. In Allium wallichii Kunth, the first sample is a diploid, with genome formula is AA and karyotype formula is K(2n)=2x=14=2m(SAT)+2m+10sm. The second is an autotetraploid, with genome formula AAAA, karyotype formul K(2n)=4x=28=2m(SAT)+6m+20sm. These two karyotypes belong to “3A”. The two karyotypes of A. wallichii Kunth are similar in morphology, though different in ploidy. In Allium hookeri Thwaites, the first sample is a dibasic autoallotriploid. Its genome formula is AAB1; the basic number of the genome A is 7 and that of the genome B1 is 8. The karyotype formula is K(2n)=2x+x'=22=(12sm+2t)+(1m+4sm+1st+2t). The second is also an autoallotriploid. The genomes in pairs are similar to those in the first sample in size and morphology of chromosomes. However, the unpaired genome differs from the first one apparently. Therefore, its genome formula is AAB2, and karyotype formula is K(2n)=2x+ x'=22=(12sm+2t)+(3m+1sm+2st+2t). The third is doubling of the first karyotype. It is an autoallohexaploid, with genome formula AAAAB1 B1 and karyotype formula K(2n)=4x+2x'= 44= (24sm+4t) + (2m+8sm+2st+4t). These three karyotypes belong to “3A”.  相似文献   

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