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Cytokinin activity was found in mature black olive fruits while in green fruits the activity was markedly lower. The substances with cytokinin activity showed chromatographic properties similar to those of nucleotides. Acid hydrolysis caused a shift of the active zone in the organic phase of 1-butanol-acetic acid-water (4:1:5) from RF 0.1 to RF 0.8. The possible relation of these endogenously appearing cytokinins to anthocyanin accumulation and aging of the fruit is discussed.  相似文献   

Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants of the non-ripening mutant nor (3rd backcross to the normal cultivar Rutgers) were grown under water stress induced in two different ways: a) reduction of water supply and b) increase in transpiration rate by adding kinetin to the nutrient solution. Both drought treatments induced fruits of the non-ripening mutant nor to ripen, that is, the parameters characteristic of ripening – red pigment, taste, pectolytic activity, softening, and the evolution rates of CO2 and ethylene – all increased, although not to the normal level. Such an increase does not normally take place in the nor mutant under control conditions. It is suggested that fruits of the nor mutant can be induced to ripen by any kind of water stress. The induction mechanism is still to be explored.  相似文献   

The levels of polyamines (PA) and abscisic acid (ABA) in the pericarp of California variety pepper fruit ( Capsicum annuum L.) were analyzed during development and ripening. Putrescine level was 2.75 μmol g−1 fresh weight 7 days after fruit set and fell during the exponential stage of growth to 1.05 μmol g−1 fresh weight. During the second growth stage. PA and ABA levels remained stable and fell sharply at the beginning of maturation. The levels of spermidine and spermine decreased throughout fruit development and maturation from 0.61 to 0.05 and 0.31 to 0.02 μmol g−1 fresh weight, respectively, but no changes were associated with the onset of maturation. ABA levels remained high (0.70-0.80 μg g−1 fresh weight) during the stages of fruit growth and fell at the beginning of maturation to 0.12 μg g−1 fresh weight, before rising again during the last stages of maturation and senescence. The decrease in putrescine and ABA levels and the subsequent increase in the latter may be responsible for controlling the processes of ripening in pepper fruit.  相似文献   

In extracts from rose petals cytokinin activity was detected by Amaranthus bioassay in HPLC eluates corresponding to the standards: Z, ZR, 2iP and 2iPA; subsequently, the presence of two groups of endogenous cytokinins was confirmed by ELISA.Measurements of senesence indicators (cell sap osmolarity and conductivity) and observations of flower vase-life indicated that when the above cytokinins were applied as holding solutions they delayed flower senescence by 34–56% and prolonged rose longevity.Abbreviations B.H.T. 2.6-di-t-buytl-4-methyl phenol - ELISA Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - 2iP isopentenyladenine - 2iPA isopentenyladenosine - Z trans-zeatin - ZR trans-zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Fruits of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv Sonatine stored in 6% CO2, 6% O2, and 88% N2 for 14 weeks at 12°C, exhibited a temporal separation of certain biochemical events associated with ripening.

The specific activity of two citric acid cycle enzymes, citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase, fell substantially during the first 2 weeks of storage when changes in organic acid concentration also occurred. During this period, lycopene, polygalacturonase, and ethylene were undetectable.

When fruit were removed from store, ethylene was evolved and polygalacturonase and invertase activity were rapidly initiated as was synthesis of lycopene.

To determine whether the changes in organic acid metabolism were affected by ethylene, fruit was kept at 22°C in either a normal atmosphere or a normal atmosphere supplemented with 27 microliters per liter of ethylene, and it was shown that in both atmospheres similar quantitative changes to those described above occurred in the citric acid cycle enzymes specific activities before any detectable increase in the specific activities of invertase and polygalacturonase. These latter changes, together with pigment changes, occurred between 2 and 3 days earlier in fruit exposed to ethylene, compared with those kept in a normal atmosphere.


In G2 peas senescence only takes place in long days. In order to determine the role of cytokinins in this process the endogenous cytokinins from vegetative shoots of G2 peas were characterized using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy following purification by HPLC. Cytokinins were extracted and purified with and without the addition of 15N labelled internal standards of several cytokinins to estimate cytokin content by isotope dilution in the mass spectra. Samples without internal standards were bioassayed after HPLC. Bioassays showed the presence of zeatin, zeatin riboside and zeatin-0-glucoside. The presence of zeatin was confirmed by its mass spectrum of its permethylated derivative. Tentative identification of zeatin riboside, zeatin-0-glucoside, dihydrozeatin, and dihydrozeatin-0-glucoside was obtained by the coincidence of the major ion for the permethylated natural and 15N labelled internal standards on GC-MS, and the similar coincidence of ions for permethylated zeatin riboside-0-glucoside by direct probe MS. There was no indication of the presence of significant quantities of zeatin-7-glucoside or zeatin-9-glucoside. The amounts in the tissue ranged from 200–1000 ng/kg fresh weight for each cytokinin and about 2–4 g/kg fresh weight for total cytokinins. There was no apparent difference in the levels in mature but pre-senescent shoots grown in long days and short days indicating that apical senesecence in G2 peas does not appear to be induced by a decline in cytokinin level in the shoots.Cytokinin abbreviations CK Cytokinin - Z trans zeatin - [9R]Z t-zeatin riboside - [9R-5P] Z t-zeatin riboside-5-monophosphate - (OG)Z t-zeatin-0-glucoside - (OG)[9R]Z t-zeatin riboside-0-glucoside - [7Z]G t-zeatin-7-glucoside - [9G]Z t-zeatin-9-glucoside - (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - (diH)[9R]Z dihydrozeatin riboside - iP N6(2-isopentenyl) adenine - [9R]iP N6(2-isopentenyl) adenosine Work performed while PJD was on leave at the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth.  相似文献   

Endogenous cytokinins in the ribosomal RNA of higher plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Endogenous cytokinin-active ribonucleosides were isolated from the rRNA and tRNA of pea epicotyls (Pisum sativum L., var Alaska) and of wheat germ (Triticum aestivum). The RNA preparations were analyzed for cytokinins by enzymic hydrolysis, ethyl acetate extraction, and Sephadex LH-20 fractionation in several solvents. Tentative identification of the cytokinins was based on cochromatography with synthetic cytokinin standards in several systems and on activity in the tobacco bioassay. Both the rRNA and tRNA from 10 day old pea epicotyls contained ribosylzeatin, isopentenyladenosine, and 2-methylthioribosylzeatin. The latter compound was the most active fraction in the pea rRNA, but was the least active fraction in the tRNA, where isopentenyladenosine activity was predominant. The 2-methylthioribosylzeatin from pea rRNA was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Wheat germ rRNA contained cis and trans ribosylzeatin and 2-methylthioribosylzeatin. The tRNA contained isopentenyladenosine in addition. The specific cytokinin activity (activity per A260 unit) of the tRNA was over forty times that of the rRNA. Significant contamination of the rRNA preparations by cytokinin-containing tRNA is considered unlikely on the basis of quantitative differences in the cytokinin content of the rRNA and tRNA preparations, electrophoretic analysis of rRNA purity and cytokinin analysis of fractionated oligonucleotide digests.  相似文献   

Baker JE 《Plant physiology》1976,58(5):644-647
The levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in extracts of preclimacteric apple, banana, avocado, and tomato fruits were not greatly different than in extracts of postclimacteric fruits. The results indicate that no major quantitative change in SOD occurs in fruits with or preceding the onset of senescence. Tomato fruit SOD was studied in more detail, and was found largely in the soluble fraction, and to a lesser extent in the mitochondrial and plastid fractions. The soluble fraction was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, column chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. Isoelectric focusing separated SOD from contaminating peroxidases. The purified tomato SOD showed an apparent molecular weight of 31,500 determined by gel filtration. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this preparation indicated two SOD components corresponding to two protein bands, one of which stained more intensely than the other. The purified tomato enzyme was inhibited 90% by 1 mm KCN.  相似文献   

Russell Pressey 《Planta》1988,174(1):39-43
A procedure was developed for the differential extraction of polygalacturonases (PG) I and II from tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Extraction of pericarp tissue from ripe fruit at conventional conditions of 1.0 M NaCl and pH 6.0 yielded nearly equal amounts of the two enzymes. However, most of the PG activity could be extracted also with water at pH 1.6, and the water extract contained only PG II. Subsequent extraction of the pellet with 1.0 M NaCl at pH 6.0 and 10.0 yielded some PG I and high levels of PG converter, the protein in tomatoes that reacts with PG II to form PG I. Application of this procedure to tomatoes at different stages of ripening showed that PG II appeared as ripening began and then increased during ripening. Much lower levels of PG I than of PG II were extracted at all stages of ripeness. The PG converter was present in unripe fruit and increased during ripening. The results demonstrate that PG I is formed when PG II and PG converter are solubilized simultaneously and that PG II is the only endogenous PG in tomatoes.Abbreviation PG polygalacturonase  相似文献   

Flowers of a normal tomato cultivar and of the two non-ripening mutants rin and nor, were sprayed with a Botrytis cinerea spore suspension. Stem-end infection developed in 84–100% of the harvested fruits of these sprayed flowers when held in high r.h. In both nor and rin fruits, rot development remained restricted to the stem-end area and fruit shoulders, whereas in the normal fruit decay spread rapidly from the stem-end over the entire fruit. Spraying the flowers with iprodione prior to spore inoculation resulted in decreased incidence of decay and suppressed hyphal growth and sporulation in all types of fruits. The results indicate that floral organs serve as a pathway for B. cinerea stem-end initiation in both the normal and the mutant fruit and suggest that this mode of penetration is not related to the marked resistance to infection attributed to the mutant fruits.  相似文献   

Fatma Reda 《Planta》1976,130(3):265-268
Summary The soybean callus assay was used to study the effect of vernalization on the endogenous cytokinin levels of the grains of winter wheat (Triticum vulgare L.), cv. Ferto and Fema. Vernalization of the grains was carried out at 3° C in the dark for 0, 9, 18, 27, 36 and 45 days. Cytokinin activities could be detected in both the aqueous and butanol extracts of vernalized grains of both cultivars. It is suggested that flowering of winter wheat may involve changes in the levels of endogenous cytokinins during vernalization.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution GC, changes in total free galactose, myo-inositol, arabinose, xylose, rhamnose and mannose have been studied in pericarp tiss  相似文献   

The relative activity and the kinetic properties of phosphofructokinase (PFK) during the various stages of tomato ripening were investigated. There were no significant changes in the extractable activity of the enzyme during ripening but there was an apparent change in the molecular form of the enzyme as the fruits entered the climacteric and senescence stages. While the enzyme extracted from preclimacteric fruit existed solely in an oligomeric form, that extracted from fruits in the later stages of ripening was present as a mixture of the monomeric and oligomeric forms. Changes in the regulatory properties of the enzyme extracted at the various stages of ripening were explicable in terms of the dissociation of the oligomeric form of the enzyme to smaller units. PFK from the preclimacteric fruit is more resistant to inhibition by citrate and salts than the enzyme from the post climacteric fruit. On the other hand, the preclimacteric enzyme is stimulated by Pi and ADP while the post climacteric enzyme is not. The significance of these effects in relation to the physiology of tomato ripening and senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

Tomato fruits of six cultivars were harvested at three different stages of maturity or were harvested when mature-green and then stored in a modified gas atmosphere (2·5-4% O2; 4% CO2) for 2 months. The fresh and stored fruits were analysed for their contents of sugars, organic acids and free amino acids, while proteins were separated by discontinuous electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. In general, the low molecular weight components decreased during storage. A comparison of mature-green fruits before and after storage showed that although total protein was not decreased, a different electrophoretic pattern was obtained following controlled atmosphere (CA) storage. Thus, although controlled atmosphere storage repressed the loss of chlorophyll and synthesis of lycopene, carotenoids and xanthophylls, the biochemical parameters measured showed a controlled change towards the conditions exemplified by ripe fruits. This was not so marked in some cultivars as it was in others.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate composition of the 80% ethanol-insoluble polysaccharides (EIP) from water extracts of ‘Rutgers,’ rin (ripening inhibitor) and nor (non-ripening) tomatoes has been determined. The amount of EIP extracted from ‘Rutgers’ fruit increased from 0.34 to 0.61 mg/g fr. wt during ripening little change occurred in rin or nor fruit. The carbohydrate composition (μg/g fr. wt) of EIP from mature green fruit was: galacturonic acid (48); rhamnose (3); arabinose (20); xylose (48); mannose (31); glucose (139); galactose (51). The most obvious changes that accompanied ripening were a 7.4-fold and 4-fold increase in galacturonic acid and rhamnose content, respectively. These changes were attenuated in the ripening mutants. EIP was fractionated into three major peaks by using DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography. The first peak, which was not retained by the column, contained predominantly glucose and mannose, with lower amounts of galacturonic acid and galactose. The two retained peaks which eluted at 0.1 and 0.2 M sodium chloride contained primarily galacturonic acid, xylose, galactose and arabinose. The galacturonic acid content of these two fractions increased substantially during ripening, whereas the other components decreased. No changes were evident in the ripening mutants. No increase in water-soluble polysaccharides high in galactose content was observed during ripening.  相似文献   

Methods were developed for the isolation of plastids from mature green and ripening tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and purification by sucrose or Percoll density-gradient centrifugation. Assessment of the purity of preparations involved phase-contrast and electron microscopy, assays for marker enzymes and RNA extraction and analysis. Proteins were extracted from isolated plastids at different ripening stages and separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The profiles obtained from chloroplasts and chromoplasts showed many qualitative and quantitative differences. Labelling of proteins with [35S]methionine in vivo showed that there was active protein synthesis throughout ripening, but there was a change in the plastid proteins made as ripening proceeded. The cellular location of synthesis of specific proteins has yet to be established.Abbreviations CS citrate synthase - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,-acetate - GAPDH NADP+-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase - rRNA ribosomal RNA - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - SDS-PAGE SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tris 2-amino-2(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

The Colorless non-ripening (Cnr) mutation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) results in mature fruits with colorless pericarp tissue showing an excessive loss of cell adhesion (A.J. Thompson, M. Tor, C.S. Barry, J. Vrebalov, C. Orfila, M.C. Jarvis, J.J. Giovannoni, D. Grierson, G.B. Seymour [1999] Plant Physiol 120: 383-390). This pleiotropic mutation is an important tool for investigating the biochemical and molecular basis of cell separation during ripening. This study reports on the changes in enzyme activity associated with cell wall disassembly in Cnr and the effect of the mutation on the program of ripening-related gene expression. Real-time PCR and biochemical analysis demonstrated that the expression and activity of a range of cell wall-degrading enzymes was altered in Cnr during both development and ripening. These enzymes included polygalacturonase, pectinesterase (PE), galactanase, and xyloglucan endotransglycosylase. In the case of PE, the protein product of the ripening-related isoform PE2 was not detected in the mutant. In contrast with wild type, Cnr fruits were rich in basic chitinase and peroxidase activity. A microarray and differential screen were used to profile the pattern of gene expression in wild-type and Cnr fruits. They revealed a picture of the gene expression in the mutant that was largely consistent with the real-time PCR and biochemical experiments. Additionally, these experiments demonstrated that the Cnr mutation had a profound effect on many aspects of ripening-related gene expression. This included a severe reduction in the expression of ripening-related genes in mature fruits and indications of premature expression of some of these genes in immature fruits. The program of gene expression in Cnr resembles to some degree that found in dehiscence or abscission zones. We speculate that there is a link between events controlling cell separation in tomato, a fleshy fruit, and those involved in the formation of dehiscence zones in dry fruits.  相似文献   

Ethrel accelerated the ripening of both immature and mature-green ‘2029’ tomato fruits. The best concentrations and time of dipping used were 2500 to 10,000 ppm and 5 minutes, respectively. Addition of surfactants and DMSO did not markedly influence the effectivity of Ethrel. Ethrel-treated fruits harvested 21 and 28 days after fruit set ripened normally but 14 day old fruits did not.  相似文献   

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