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CAG/CTG repeat expansions cause at least 12 different neurological disorders, and additional disorders of this type probably exist. Using the repeat expansion detection (RED) assay, we identified an expanded CAG/CTG repeat in a 50-year-old woman with an autosomal dominant syndrome with prominent progressive sensory neuropathy. The expansion could not be accounted for by any of the CAG/CTG repeats known to undergo expansion. To identify the locus of the expansion, we created a PCR array to assess the repeat length of all repeats of eight or more CAG or CTG triplets in the human genome. The expansion was localized to a repeat contained in an intron of a Genscan-predicted gene, 185 nt downstream of a predicted exon that is conserved through mouse. The closest experimentally verified gene in the region (TNIK, encoding a serine/threonine kinase) occurs approximately 63 Kb downstream from the repeat. The length of the expansion in the proband is 98 triplets. This repeat is not expanded in the proband’s cousin (the only other affected family member for whom DNA is currently available) and no expansions were detected in a set of 230 patients with movement disorders of unknown cause. An expanded allele containing 58 triplets was detected in a single control individual, and no other expansions were detected in a set of 255 controls. The normal repeat length ranges from 5 to 30 triplets, with 8 triplets the most common allele. Our results suggest that this new repeat expansion is probably not the direct cause of the phenotype in the proband. Whether the repeat contributes to the patient’s phenotype, or is associated with another phenotype, remains to be determined.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

In neurological diseases such as fragile X syndrome, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, myotonic dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease, the molecular basis of pathogenicity is the presence of an expanded trinucleotide repeat (TNR) tract (Ashley & Warren, 1995). TNRs implicated in many of these diseases are composed of CAG/CTG repeats. For example, in healthy individuals 5–35, CAG/CTG TNR repeats are present in the huntingtin gene. However, individuals with 40 or greater repeats will develop Huntington’s disease (Andrew et al., 1993). We are particularly interested in how these TNR sequences are packaged in chromatin. Recent evaluations of CAG/CTG TNR sequences in our laboratory have demonstrated that the repeats increase the propensity for the DNA sequences to incorporate into nucleosomes, where nucleosomes represent the minimal unit of packaging in chromatin (Volle & Delaney, 2012). In this work, we are interested in determining the minimum number of CAG/CTG repeats required to confer a significant increase in nucleosome incorporation relative to sequences that lack the TNR sequence. By defining the changes imposed on these fundamental interactions by the presence of a CAG/CTG repeat tract, we will gain insight into the possible interactions that allow for the expansion of these TNR tracts.  相似文献   

We showed previously that mutations in methyl-directed mismatch repair of Escherichia coli reduced the occurrence of large deletions in (CTG.CAG)(175) repeats contained on plasmids. By contrast, other workers reported that mutations in mismatch repair increase the frequency of small-length changes in the shorter (CTG.CAG)(64). Using plasmids with a variety of lengths and purity of (CTG.CAG) repeats, we have resolved these apparently conflicting observations. We show that all lengths of (CTG.CAG) repeats are subject to small-length changes (eight repeats) in (CTG.CAG)(n) occur more readily in cells with active mismatch repair. The frequency of large deletions is proportional to the tract length; in our assays they become prominent in tracts greater than 100 repeats. Interruptions in repeat purity enhance the occurrence of large deletions. In addition, we observed a high level of incidence of deletions in (CTG.CAG) repeats for cultures passing repeatedly through stationary phase during long-term growth experiments of all strains (i.e. with active or inactive mismatch repair). These results agree with current theories on mismatch repair acting on DNA slippage events that occur in DNA triplet-repeats.  相似文献   

Although autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) has been mapped to chromosome 5q12-q13, there is for this region no genetic map based on highly informative markers. In this study we present the mapping of two previously reported microsatellite markers in 40 CEPH and 31 SMA pedigrees. We also describe the isolation of a new microsatellite marker at the D5S112 locus. The most likely order of markers (with recombination fractions given in parentheses) is 5cen-D5S6-(.02)-D5S125-(.04)-(JK53CA1/2,D5S11 2)-(.04)-D5S39-qter. The relative order of D5S6, D5S112, and D5S39 was confirmed by in situ hybridization. Multipoint linkage analysis in 31 SMA families indicates that the SMA locus lies in the 6-cM interval between D5S6 and JK53CA1/2, D5S112.  相似文献   

X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), an adult-onset form of motor neuron disease, was recently reported to be caused by amplification of the CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene. We report here a simple and rapid strategy to detect the precise number of the CAGs. After the DNA fragment containing the CAG repeats is amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, a primer extension is carried out; the extension of the end-labelled reverse primer adjacent to 3' end of CAG repeats stops at the first T after CAG repeats with the incorporation of dideoxy ATP in the reaction mixture. The resultant primer products are analysed by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. This method could be quite useful to detect not only CAG repeats in SBMA but also other polymorphic dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats.  相似文献   

Dentato-rubro-pallido-luysian atrophy (DRPLA) is considered to be rare in Europe. We describe a Danish family in which affected individuals in at least three generations have been diagnosed as suffering from Huntington's disease. Because analysis of the Huntingtin gene revealed normal alleles and various of the patients had seizures, we analysed the B37 gene and found significantly elongated CAG repeats as have been reported in DRPLA. Affected individuals with almost identical repeat lengths presented very different symptoms. Both expansion and contraction in paternal transmission was encountered.  相似文献   

Studies of the transmission of schizophrenia in families with affected members in several generations have suggested that an expanded trinucleotide repeat mechanism may contribute to the genetic inheritance of this disorder. Using repeat expansion detection (RED), we and others have previously found that the distribution of CAG/CTG repeat size is larger in patients with schizophrenia than in controls. In an attempt to identify the specific expanded CAG/CTG locus or loci associated with schizophrenia, we have now used an approach based on a CAG/CTG PCR screening set combined with RED data. This has allowed us to minimize genotyping while excluding 43 polymorphic autosomal loci and 7 X-chromosomal loci from the screening set as candidates for expansion in schizophrenia with a very high degree of confidence.  相似文献   

Pure autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia (SPG) is a genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system clinically characterized by progressive spasticity mainly affecting the lower limbs. Three distinct loci have been mapped to chromosomes 14q (SPG3), 2p (SPG4) and 15q (SPG6). In particular, SPG4 families show striking intrafamilial variability suggestive of anticipation and evidence has been provided that CAG/CTG repeat expansions may be involved. To isolate CAG/CTG repeat containing sequences from within the SPG4 candidate region, a novel approach was developed. Fragmentation vectors were assembled allowing direct fragmentation of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) with a short (> or = 21 bp) CAG/CTG sequence as the target site for homologous recombination. We used the CAG/CTG YAC fragmentation vectors to isolate CAG/CTG containing sequences from four YACs spanning the SPG4 candidate region between D2S400 and D2S367. A total of four CAG/CTG containing sequences were isolated of which three were novel. However, none of the four CAG/CTG repeats showed expanded alleles in two Belgian SPG4 families. In addition, we showed that the CAG/CTG alleles detected by the repeat expansion detection (RED) method could be fully explained by two polymorphic nonpathogenic CAG/CTG repeats on chromosomes 17 and 18, respectively. Also, the RED expansions in six SPG families could not be explained by amplification of the CAG/CTG repeats at the SPG4 locus. Together, our data do not support the hypothesis of a CAG/CTG repeat expansion as the molecular mechanism underlying SPG4 pathology.  相似文献   

The Huntington’s disease mutation has been identified as a CAG/polyglutamine repeat expansion in a large gene of unknown function. In order to develop the transgenic systems necessary to uncover the molecular pathology of this disorder, it is necessary to be able to manipulate highly expanded CAG repeats in a cloned form. We have identified a patient with an expanded allele of greater than 170 repeat units and have cloned the mutant allele in the lambda zap vector. The recovery of highly expanded repeats after clone propagation was more efficient when repeats were maintained as lambda phage clones rather than as the plasmid counterparts. Manipulation of the repeats as phage clones has enabled us to generate Huntington’s disease transgenic mice that contain highly expanded (CAG)115–(CAG)150 repeats and that develop a progressive neurological phenotype. Received: 7 October 1996 / Revised: 5 December 1996  相似文献   

The survival motor neuron (SMN) gene has been described as a determining gene for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMN has a closely flanking, nearly identical copy (cBCD541). Gene and copy gene can be discriminated by sequence differences in exons 7 and 8. The large majority of SMA patients show homozygous deletions of at least exons 7 and 8 of the SMN gene. A minority of patients show absence of SMN exon 7 but retention of exon 8. This is explained by results of our present analysis of 13 such patients providing evidence for apparent gene-conversion events between SMN and the centromeric copy gene. Instead of applying a separate analysis for absence or presence of SMN exons 7 and 8, we used a contiguous PCR from intron 6 to exon 8. In every case we found a chimeric gene with a fusion of exon 7 of the copy gene and exon 8 of SMN and absence of a normal SMN gene. Similar events, including the fusion counterpart, were observed in a group of controls, although in the presence of a normal SMN gene. Chimeric genes as the result of fusions of parts of SMN and cBCD541 apparently are far from rare and may partly explain the frequently observed SMN deletions in SMA patients.  相似文献   

The locus for Tyrosinase-Positive Oculocutaneous Albinism (ty-pos OCA) has not yet been localised. The search for the ty-pos OCA locus has included a search for linkage to candidate pigment loci and a candidate chromosomal region, as well as a random search using highly polymorphic markers in 42 families, including 271 individuals of whom 79 are affected. The lod scores for the tyrosinase (TYR) locus (11q14–q21), homologous to the albino locus, c, in the mouse and the CAS2/TRP1 locus (9p22-pter), homologous to the brown locus, b, in the mouse were -5.89 and -7.22, respectively, at a recombination fraction of =0.01, thus excluding them from being the ty-pos OCA locus. In the candidate chromosomal region, 11p, four loci (probes) were tested, SAA (pSAA82), CALC (pHC36), HBB (Gamma-globin haplotype) and an AC repeat polymorphism at the Wilm's Tumour locus (WT1). A portion of 11p was excluded with the following lod scores: pSAA82 lod=-2.05 at =0.10; pHC36 lod=-3.87 at =0.05; gamma-globin haplotype lod=-2.80 at =0.10; and WT1 lod=-2.34 at =0.10. Thirty-three polymorphic markers randomly distributed on 13 different chromosomes were all excluded from close linkage to ty-pos OCA.  相似文献   

We have studied linkage disequilibrium between CTG repeats and anAlu insertion/deletion polymorphism at the myotonin protein kinase gene (DMPK) in 102 Japanese families, of which 93 were affected with myotonic dystrophy (DM). All of the affected chromosomes are in complete linkage disequilibrium with theAlu insertion allele. Among the normal chromosomes, alleles of CTG repeats 5 and 17 are exclusively associated with the insertion allele. On the other hand, intermediate alleles of 11-6 repeats show a significantly greater association with the deletion allele. A strikingly similar pattern of linkage disequilibrium observed in European populations suggests a common origin of the DM mutation in the Japanese and European populations.  相似文献   

Osteopetrosis (op/op) is a new mutation in the mouse that is transmitted as an autosomal recessive linked with variant waddler (Va) on chromosome 12. Compared with normal littermates, young op/op mice have excessive accumulations of bone without marrow cavities, increases in bone matrix formation and concentrations of parafollicular cells of the thyroid, and are hypophosphatemic. Osteoclasts from op/op mice are small, few in number and have an abnormal cytoplasmic distribution of the lysosomal enzyme acid phosphatase. In contrast to the three other mutations that transmit osteopetrosis in mice, the skeletal signs of the disease slowly disappear in op/op animals after bone matrix formation declines about 6 weeks after birth from 145 percent to 20 percent of that in normal siblings. The main skeletal defect in op/op mice appears to be a severe restriction in bone remodeling that is capable of slowly removing the excessive skeletal mass characteristic of the disease only after bone formation has declined to one-fifth that of normal littermates.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a relatively common autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder. We have identified de novo rearrangements in 7 (approximately 2%) index patients from 340 informative SMA families. In each, the rearrangements resulted in the absence of the telomeric copy of the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene (telSMN), in two cases accompanied by the loss of the neuronal apoptosis-inhibitory protein gene . Haplotype analysis revealed unequal recombination in four cases, with loss of markers Ag1-CA and C212, which are near the 5' ends of the SMN genes. In one case, an interchromosomal rearrangement involving both the SMN genes and a regrouping of Ag1-CA and C212 alleles must have occurred, suggesting either interchromosomal gene conversion or double recombination. In two cases, no such rearrangement was observed, but loss of telSMN plus Ag1-CA and C212 alleles in one case suggested intrachromosomal deletion or gene conversion. In six of the seven cases, the de novo rearrangement had occurred during paternal meiosis. Direct detection of de novo SMA mutations by molecular genetic means has allowed us to estimate for the first time the mutation rate for a recessive disorder in humans. The sex-averaged rate of 1.1 x 10(-4), arrived at in a proband-based approach, compares well with the rate of 0.9 x 10(-4) expected under a mutation-selection equilibrium for SMA. These findings have important implications for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis in that they emphasize the relevance of indirect genotype analysis in combination with direct SMN-gene deletion testing in SMA families.  相似文献   

Denver, Tokyo, and Salt Lake City investigators recently published different complimentary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) sequences for human liver xanthine dehydrogenase/xanthine oxidase (XD/XO). The gene encoding the Denver cDNA was subsequently linked to juvenile familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (JFALS) at chromosome 2q33 and has been proposed as the ALS2 locus. The present investigation was undertaken to elucidate the differences between the three cDNA sequences, and we provide evidence that the Denver cDNA encodes aldehyde oxidase (AO): first, the Denver cDNA sequence diverged significantly from the Tokyo and Salt Lake City cDNA sequences which were very similar; second, the deduced protein sequence from the Denver cDNA was very similar to the amino acid sequence of purified rabbit liver AO protein; third, the deduced Denver protein sequence was 76% identical to the encoded 101 amino acid long peptides from partial cDNAs for rabbit and rat AO and 81.7% identical to 300 amino acids from an incomplete cDNA encoding bovine AO; fourth, the Denver gene was expressed in liver, kidney, lung, pancreas, prostate, testes, and ovary while the Tokyo XD gene was expressed predominantly in liver and small intestine; fifth, the Denver gene was previously mapped to chromosome 2q33 which is syntenic to the mouse AO locus on chromosome 1. Our results have revealed dramatic similarities in protein and DNA sequence in the human molybdenum hydroxylases, have uncovered unanticipated complexity in the human molybdenum hydroxylase genes, and advance the potential for AO derived oxygen radicals in JFALS and other human diseases.  相似文献   

对一蚕豆病遗传家系的G6PD基因突变进行分析,检测突变后G6PD酶活变化,并对先证者家系进行X染色体失活(XCI)偏移模式检测,从而预测G6PD突变女性携带者患蚕豆病的风险。取家系成员的外周血样,并提取基因组DNA,用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和DNA测序法进行序列分析,确定先证者突变位点和突变类型及家庭成员遗传情况,若先证者的母亲和姐姐为G6PD突变携带者,则对先证者母亲和姐姐进行X染色体偏移检测以及酶活检测分析,以评估携带者患蚕豆病的风险,同时对研究对象进行随访。结果患者X染色体上G6PD基因发生点突变c.1376G>T;酶活性检测结果显示该突变使G6PD酶活性下降大约25%,导致蚕豆病发生。该家系的两位女性携带者X染色体失活偏移<80%,未来发生蚕豆病的可能性低。  相似文献   

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