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Isolation of the mRNA encoding rat liver catechol-O-methyltransferase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A highly specific, well characterized rabbit antiserum to purified rat liver catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT; EC and the procedure of polysome immunoadsorption have been used to isolate a messenger RNA which encodes a single polypeptide when translated in vitro. Western blotting and immune fixation have shown multiple active forms of the enzyme to exist; a major, soluble one with MW of 23,000 and pI of 5.2 and another, membrane-bound one with MW of 26,000 and a pI of 6.2 (1). When translated in vitro, the purified message synthesizes a protein of molecular weight (MW) 23,000 and pI 5.2, values in agreement with those for purified enzyme reported by other investigators (2,3). Only the soluble form is seen after in vitro translation; the other immunoreactive proteins possibly arise due to post-translational modifications which do not occur in the lysate; or perhaps another mRNA exists. Cloning of the COMT cDNA will resolve this issue and should be feasible in light of our data indicating that the mRNA isolated here represents 0.46% of total rat liver polyadenylated message.  相似文献   

Transferrin in isolated cells from rat duodenum and jejunum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mucosal transferrin was determined as transferrin-like immunoreactivity (TLIR) by means of a 2-site immunoradiometric assay (IRMA). Scraped-off mucosal tissue as well as isolated mucosal cells from the duodenum and jejunum of normal and iron-deficient rats before and after a washing procedure were examined. In iron-deficient rats there was about twice as much TLIR in scraped-off mucosal tissue as in the untreated animals. In the duodenum and jejunum of normal and iron-deficient rats, TLIR contents of the isolated cells in the magnitude of 320-510 ng/mg dry weight were found. Washing isolated cells three times in ice-cold Hank's solution resulted in a nearly tenfold decrease of TLIR content in all groups. In contrast the cells' RNA content remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Gene expression of liver facilitated glucose transporter was rapidly induced during the liver regenerating process in rats. It reached maximum of 2.7 times at 8 hr of the regenerating course and returned to normal by 48 hr. The protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, did not interfere with the increased gene expression of liver facilitated glucose transporter. By contrast, erythrocyte/brain-type glucose transporter mRNA could not be detected in the livers of partially hepatectomized rats and sham-operated rats. The plasma glucose levels were transiently increased within 2 hr of the regenerative course and then decreased to a nadir at 4 hr. These results suggest that the increased gene expression of liver facilitated glucose transporter contributes to the decrease in plasma glucose levels.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme is a unique inhibitory protein induced by polyamines and involved in the regulation of ornithine decarboxylase. A cDNA was isolated from a rat liver cDNA library by the screening with monoclonal antibodies to rat liver antizyme as probes. The expression products of the cDNA in bacterial systems inhibited rat ornithine decarboxylase activity in a manner characteristic of antizyme and rabbit antisera raised against its direct expression product reacted to rat liver antizyme, confirming the authenticity of the cDNA. On RNA blot analysis with the cDNA probe, an antizyme mRNA band of 1.3 kb was detected in rat tissues. Antizyme mRNA did not increase upon administration of putrescine, an inducer of antizyme, and its half-life after actinomycin D treatment was as long as 12 h in rat liver, suggesting that antizyme mRNA is constitutively expressed and antizyme synthesis is regulated at the translational level. Similar-sized mRNAs hybridizable to the cDNA were also found in various mammalian and non-mammalian vertebrate tissues under physiological conditions. In addition, chicken and frog antizymes showed immunocrossreactivity with rat antizyme. The ubiquitous presence and the evolutionally conserved structure of antizyme in vertebrate tissues suggest that it has an important function.  相似文献   

Two polysome-associated proteins with particular affinities for poly(A) have been purified from rat liver. These proteins stimulate the efflux of mRNA from isolated nuclei in conditions under which such efflux closely stimulates mRNA transport in vivo, and they are therefore considered as mRNA-transport-stimulatory proteins. Their interaction with the mRNA-translocation system in isolated nuclear envelopes has been studied. The results are generally consistent with the most recently proposed kinetic model of mRNA translocation. One protein, P58, has not been described previously. It inhibits the protein kinase that down-regulates the NTPase, it enhances the NTPase activity in both the presence and the absence of poly(A) and it seems to increase poly(A) binding in unphosphorylated, but not in phosphorylated, envelopes. The other protein, P31, which probably corresponds to the 35,000-Mr factor described by Webb and his colleagues, enhances the binding of poly(A) to the mRNA-binding site in the envelope, thus stimulating the phosphoprotein phosphatase and, in consequence, the NTPase. The possible physiological significance of these two proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Using Northern blots the size of antithrombin III (AT III) mRNA in rat liver was found to be 1650 nucleotides. Adult rat kidney also contained a slightly smaller mRNA at about 20% the level in liver. The ontogeny of AT III mRNA in the liver was assessed by dot blot hybridization. The mRNA was detectable at the earliest age examined (14th day of gestation) at about 15% of the adult levels. After the 17th day of gestation the levels of antithrombin III mRNA rise reaching 50% of adult levels at birth. After birth the mRNA levels rise to 75% of adult levels by the 5th day and reach adult levels by 40 days after birth. We suggest that foetal AT III is produced by both the foetal liver and by placental transfer of the maternal inhibitor.  相似文献   

Regulation of the ontogeny of rat liver metallothionein mRNA by zinc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the role of metals in the regulation of the ontogenic expression of rat liver metallothionein (MT) mRNA, the concentrations of zinc, MT and MT mRNA were determined in livers of fetal and newborn rats from dams which were fed with a control or zinc-deficient or copper-deficient or iron-deficient diet from day 12 of gestation. The liver samples were analyzed for MT-mRNA levels using a mouse MT-I cRNA probe. Although the newborn hepatic levels of each metal (zinc or copper or iron) was specifically reduced corresponding to the respective mineral deficiencies, the hepatic concentrations of total MT and MT-I mRNA were significantly decreased only in pups born from zinc-deficient dams. Injection of the zinc-deficient newborn pups with 20 mg Zn as ZnSO4/kg restored with MT-I mRNA levels to slightly above control values within 5 h of injection. The hepatic zinc, MT and MT-I mRNA levels were observed to increase significantly in control fetal rat liver on days 17-21 of gestation but there were little changes in either zinc or MT in fetal livers from zinc-deficient dams during the late gestational period. The MT-I mRNA level also did not show an increase on days 18 and 20 of gestation in zinc-deficient fetal liver as compared to controls. These results demonstrate a direct role of zinc in hepatic MT gene expression in rat liver during late gestation. Immunohistochemical localization of MT using a specific antibody to rat liver MT showed that the staining for MT in zinc-deficient pup liver was mainly in the cytosol in contrast to the significant nuclear MT staining observed in control newborn rat liver. The results suggest that maternal zinc deficiency has a marked effect not only in decreasing the levels of hepatic MT and MT-I mRNA but also in the localization of MT in newborn rat liver.  相似文献   

The analysis of albumin polyribosomes immunoadsorption is carried out using "sandwich" immunoadsorbents prepared on the basis of two aminobenzylcelluloses: commercial (paraaminobenzylcellulose) and synthesised (methaaminobenzyloxymethylcellulose). A method is worked out which is good for the estimation of the adaptibility of different aminobenzylcellulose preparations as an insoluble basis for the immunoadsorbent. Major properties of the "sandwich" sorbent (the accessible capacity and specificity) and the percent of isolated individual polyribosomes are found to be interrelated and determined by conditions of the immunoadsorption reaction. The increase of polyribosomes and sorbent concentrations and their ratio in the incubation medium results in the increase of the sorbent accessible capacity and the decrease in the inspecific adsorption but at the same time the percent of adsorbed polyribosomes decrease too. The "excess" of adsorbent with respect to polyribosomes, participating in the binding reaction, is necessary for the quantitative isolation of individual polyribosomes.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of glucokinase mRNA (GK mRNA) in rat liver was studied by in situ hybridization under normal and inducing conditions. GK mRNA was first detectable in the liver parenchyma of neonatal rats of 1.5 days. The density of grains decreases in a central-portal direction. This pattern remains essentially unchanged up to 15 days, after which the adult type of distribution gradually starts to develop, i.e. low density of grains indicating low levels of GK mRNA, in which no gradient of expression could be visualized. Within 2 h after an oral glucose load to starved animals, the GK mRNA expression pattern changed from hardly detectable to a clear gradient with the highest grain density around the terminal central venules. Within 6 h relatively high levels of grains, almost homogeneously distributed across the liver lobule, were observed. Glucocorticosteroid treatment also induced GK mRNA in the pericentral area. It is concluded that the observed induction pattern qualifies GK mRNA as a pericentral mRNA suggesting that the pericentral expression pattern of the protein is primarily regulated at the pretranslational level.  相似文献   

Induction of rat liver angiotensinogen mRNA following acute inflammation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Inflammatory responses of the angiotensinogen mRNA in rat liver and brain were examined by RNA blot-hybridization analysis with use of a cDNA probe specific for rat angiotensinogen. The angiotensinogen mRNA in the liver increased rapidly during the first 5 h following the administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, and at maximum level of induction, the mRNA increased approximately 5-fold over its normal level. The levels of the mRNA increased with increasing doses of lipopolysaccharide, the half-maximal dose being approximately 1 microgram/100 g body weight. In contrast, no such increase was observed in the brain angiotensinogen mRNA. Thus, the expression of the rat angiotensinogen mRNA is regulated in a tissue-specific manner in response to induction of acute inflammation.  相似文献   

Coding nucleotide sequence of rat liver malic enzyme mRNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The nucleotide sequence of the mRNA for malic enzyme ((S)-malate NADP+ oxidoreductase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating, EC from rat liver was determined from three overlapping cDNA clones. Together, these clones contain 2078 nucleotides complementary to rat liver malic enzyme mRNA. The single open reading frame of 1761 nucleotides codes for a 585-amino acid polypeptide with a calculated molecular mass of about 65,460 daltons. The cloned cDNAs contain the complete 3'-noncoding region of 301 nucleotides for the major mRNA species of rat liver and 16 nucleotides of the 5'-noncoding region. Amino acid sequences of seven tryptic peptides (67 amino acids) from the purified protein are distributed through the single open reading frame and show excellent correspondence with the translated nucleotide sequence. The putative NADP-binding site for malic enzyme was identified by amino acid sequence homology with the NADP-binding site of the enoyl reductase domain of fatty acid synthetase.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of glucokinase mRNA in rat liver.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The sequences of two near full-length cDNAs encoding rat liver glucokinase are reported. One of the cDNAs is essentially identical to the cDNA cloned by Andreone, Printz, Pilkis, Magnuson & Granner. [(1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 363-369]. The other cDNA contains a 151 bp insertion and a downstream 52 bp deletion. The inserted block of bases has been shown to originate from an optional cassette exon, termed 2A, between the previously described exons 1 and 2. The conceptual translation product from the variant mRNA is identical to the original glucokinase protein for the first 15 amino acids. Next there is a novel polypeptide sequence of 87 residues, comprising 50 residues encoded by the cassette exon and 37 residues specified by an altered reading frame in exon 2. Due to the 52 bp deletion, 17 amino acids of the reference sequence are then missing, after which the sequence reverts to the original. Northern blot analysis with oligonucleotide probes has shown that alternatively spliced mRNA represents about 5% of total glucokinase mRNA. Alternative splicing of glucokinase mRNA in liver may explain earlier findings of minor isoforms of hepatic glucokinase.  相似文献   

Transferrin and iron uptake by rat reticulocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of transferrin labeled with 3H and 59Fe by rat reticulocytes was studied to clarify the characteristics of the uptake process and intracellular transport. Rat reticulocytes took up transferrin in a saturable, time- and temperature-dependent manner. Scatchard analysis of the binding parameters indicated that transferrin molecules were bound to cell-surface receptors with high affinity. Monodansyl- cadaverine, a potent inhibitor of transglutaminase, reduced the amount of internalized transferrin but has no effect on the total amount of cell-associated transferrin, suggesting that transferrin is taken up by rat reticulocytes via receptor-mediated endocytosis. About 50% of the internalized 3H label was released from the cells after reincubation for 1 h in fresh medium. In contrast, no release of 59Fe label was observed. By immunoprecipitation and subsequent SDS-PAGE the released 3H-labeled product was identified as apotransferrin. Lysosomotropic reagents and a proton ionophore reduced the uptake of 59Fe. These results indicated that iron was removed from transferrin at an intracellular site in an acidic environment. The released iron was found not to associate with any intermediate ligands before it was utilized for heme synthesis in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Rat plasma contains two isotransferrins rather than the single iron-binding protein found in plasma of other species, and it was recently proposd that differences between the biological behavior of each isotransferrin accounted for observations previously attributed to behavioral differences between each of the two transferrin iron-binding sites. The two isotransferrins were isolated from rat plasma by DEAE-Sephadex ion-exchange chromatography and isoelectric focusing. The pH-dependent iron-dissociating and reticulocyte iron-donating properties of each isotransferrin were investigated and found to be indistinguishable. Like human transferrin, one iron-binding site retains its affinity for iron below pH 6 and this property was used to investigate the invivo acquisition of catabolic iron in order to determine whether the process occurs at one specific or both binding sites. Plasma radioactive iron, derived from injected 59Fe-labelled heat denatured erythrocytes was bound with high specificity to the transferrin iron-binding site that was most resistant to acidic dissociation. This finding supports Fletcher and Huehns' hypothesis that each of the two rat transferrin iron-binding sites is endowed with a separate functional role.  相似文献   

Free and membrane-bound polyribosomes and their respective mRNAS were isolated from the livers of both normal rats and rats treated with a single large dose of iron a few hours before being killed. The membrane-bound and free polysomes were incubated in vitro with [3H]leucine and a pH 5 enzyme preparation, and peptide chains of albumin and ferritin were identified by immunoprecipitation. Albumin peptide chains were almost completely confined to the bound ribosomes, whereas ferritin peptide chains were found three times more frequently on free ribosomes than on bound ribosomes.Messenger RNA from each class of ribosome was translated in a wheat germ system, and the products were isolated by immunoprecipitation. Albumin mRNA was restricted almost exclusively to membrane-bound ribosomes. However, ferritin mRNA was equally abundant in the total mRNA of bound and free ribosomes. This finding contrasts with the low capacity of the bound ribosomes to synthesize ferritin in vitro, and suggests that the bound ribosomes of liver contain non-translated ferritin mRNA. Brief treatment of the rats with iron caused a sharp increase in the amount of nascent ferritin chains and l-ferritin mRNA in the free liver ribosomes, but failed to change the nascent chains or ferritin mRNA content of the bound polyribosome fraction.Only an apoferritin subunit of 19 000 daltons was formed by the free and membrane-bound ferritin mRNA. This has significance for the published observation of several sizes of protein subunits in ferritin isolated from tissue ferritins. These may represent modifications of the peptide chain after translation or artifacts of isolation.  相似文献   

Both the iron mobilization protein transferrin and iron itself are found predominantly in oligodendrocytes in the brain and consequently have been hypothesized to have a role in myelination. This study is designed to begin to understand the mechanism(s) that control the expression of transferrin at the gene level in the nervous system using a hypomyelinating murine mutant (jimpy mouse). With this animal model it is possible to determine if transferrin gene expression in the nervous system is dependent on the presence of a mature oligodendrocytic population. The results demonstrate that normally expression of the transferrin gene increases from postnatal day 5 to 22-25 and then levels off in the adult. In the jimpy mouse, the relative amount of transferrin gene expression is less than that of littermate controls at 5 days of age. Furthermore, transferrin gene expression does not increase with age beyond the level observed at postnatal day 5 in the jimpy mouse. It is concluded from this study that the majority of the transferrin mRNA in the mouse brain is expressed by and/or requires the presence of a mature oligodendrocytic population.  相似文献   

DNA complementary to polysomal poly(A)-containing mRNA (cDNA) of male rat liver was used to study the diversity of messenger sequences in the nucleus and in polysomes. 1. Hybridization of cDNA against an excess of its own polysomal mRNA template revealed that about 10,000 different mRNA species are expressed in the liver tissue. They are distributed in a wide frequency range derived from approximately 0.5% of the total genome. 2. Hybridization of the cDNA against total nuclear RNA shows that messenger sequences comprise less than 1% of the mass of total nuclear RNA. Messenger sequences have a different frequency distribution in nucleus and cytoplasm. 3. In hybridizations using cDNA, which had been fractionated into sequences representing abundant and scarce polysomal mRNA molecules, it was found that although abundant cytoplasmic messenger sequences are also abundant in the nucleus, they exist in a significantly lower frequency range in the nuclear compartment.  相似文献   

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