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A novel second myostatin gene is present in teleost fish.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We report on the isolation and characterisation of the complete cDNA sequence encoding a novel bone morphogenetic protein-like protein (sbMSTN-b) in the teleost fish Sparus aurata. The encoded protein is 68% identical to S. aurata MSTN at the amino acid level, and homologues were also found in Umbrina cirrosa and Tetraodon nigroviridis. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the MSTN-b gene may be present in most, perhaps all, teleost fish species. RT-PCR on different tissues/stages indicates that MSTN-b is expressed almost exclusively in the central nervous system, starting from late larval stages. Quantitative analyses indicate an increase of sbMSTN-b expression in the brain associated with metamorphosis, at the same time as completion of nervous system differentiation.  相似文献   

Vesicular trafficking plays an important role in a virulence mechanism of the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica as secreted and lysosomal cysteine protease (CP) contributes to both cytolysis of tissues and degradation of internalized host cells. Despite the primary importance of intracellular sorting in pathogenesis, the molecular mechanism of CP trafficking remains largely unknown. In this report we demonstrate that transport of CP is regulated through a specific interaction of Rab7A small GTPase (EhRab7A) with the retromerlike complex. The amoebic retromerlike complex composed of Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35 was identified as EhRab7A-binding proteins. The amoebic retromerlike complex specifically bound to GTP-EhRab7A, but not GDP-EhRab7A through the direct binding via the carboxy terminus of EhVps26. In erythrophagocytosis the retromerlike complex was recruited to prephagosomal vacuoles, the unique preparatory vacuole of digestive enzymes, and later to phagosomes. This dynamism was indistinguishable from that of EhRab7A, and consistent with the premise that the retromerlike complex is involved in the retrograde transport of putative hydrolase receptor(s) from preparatory vacuoles and phagosomes to the Golgi apparatus. EhRab7A overexpression caused enlargement of lysosomes and decrease of the cellular CP activity. The reduced CP activity was restored by the coexpression of EhVps26, implying that the EhRab7A-mediated transport of CP to phagosomes is regulated by the retromerlike complex.  相似文献   

During Trypanosoma cruzi cell invasion, signal transduction pathways are triggered in parasite and host cells, leading to a rise in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. We posed the question whether calcineurin (CaN), in particular the functional regulatory subunit CaNB, a Ca(2+)-binding EF-hand protein, was expressed in T. cruzi and whether it played a role in cell invasion. Here we report the cloning and characterization of CL strain CaNB gene, as well as the participation of CaNB in cell invasion. Treatment of metacyclic trypomastigotes (MT) or tissue-culture trypomastigotes (TCT) with the CaN inhibitors cyclosporin or cypermethrin strongly inhibited (62-64%) their entry into HeLa cells. In assays using anti-phospho-serine/threonine antibodies, a few proteins of MT were found to be dephosphorylated in a manner inhibitable by cyclosporin upon exposure to HeLa cell extract. The phosphatase activity of CaN was detected by a biochemical approach in both MT and TCT. Treatment of parasites with antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides directed to TcCaNB-CL, which reduced the expression of TcCaNB and affected TcCaN activity, resulted in approximately 50% inhibition of HeLa cell entry by MT or TCT. Given that TcCaNB-CL may play a key role in cell invasion and differs considerably in its primary structure from the human CaNB, it might be considered as a potential chemotherapeutic target.  相似文献   



The mammalian heme peroxidases (MHPs) are a medically important group of enzymes. Included in this group are myeloperoxidase, eosinophil peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, and thyroid peroxidase. These enzymes are associated with such diverse diseases as asthma, Alzheimer's disease and inflammatory vascular disease. Despite much effort to elucidate a clearer understanding of the function of the 4 major groups of this multigene family, we still do not have a clear understanding of their relationships to each other.


Sufficient signal exists for the resolution of the evolutionary relationships of this family of enzymes. We demonstrate, using a root mean squared deviation statistic, how the removal of the fastest evolving sites aids in the minimisation of the effect of long branch attraction and the generation of a highly supported phylogeny. Based on this phylogeny we have pinpointed the amino acid positions that have most likely contributed to the diverse functions of these enzymes. Many of these residues are in close proximity to sites implicated in protein misfolding, loss of function or disease.


Our analysis of all available genomic sequence data for the MHPs from all available completed mammalian genomes, involved sophisticated methods of phylogeny reconstruction and data treatment. Our study has (i) fully resolved the phylogeny of the MHPs and the subsequent pattern of gene duplication, and (ii), we have detected amino acids under positive selection that have most likely contributed to the observed functional shifts in each type of MHP.  相似文献   

Patterns of glucocorticoid (GC) hormone regulation exhibit considerable inter-individual variation that is often examined relative to individual traits and fitness measures. Although stress-induced GC concentrations are repeatable within an individual in captive populations, this assumption remains untested in wild animals in their natural environment across longer time periods. We assessed the repeatability of baseline and post-stress GC concentrations in a wild teleost fish. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were captured and subjected to a standard stress protocol and then stocked into a small research lake. Upon recapture by angling up to 1?year later (n?=?26), fish were re-sampled following identical methods. After controlling for a strong effect of water temperature, we confirmed repeatability of post-stress cortisol concentrations despite stress presumed to accompany relocation. We documented no consistency in baseline GC concentrations. This study serves as an important validation for the use of post-stress cortisol concentrations as an individual trait. However, the effect size of repeatability was lower than that found in other taxa. Results also bring forth the reality that environmental variables such as temperature must be considered in studies where these factors can vary, such as when sampling wild animals at liberty.  相似文献   

In contrast to mammals, adult teleost fish exhibit an enormous potential to regenerate neuronal tissue after injuries to the CNS. By combining a well-defined cerebellar lesion paradigm with differential proteome analysis at a post-lesion survival time of 3 days, we screened for protein candidates involved in repair of the fish brain. Out of nearly 900 protein spots detected on 2-D gels, spot intensity was significantly increased at least twofold in 30 spots and decreased to at least half the intensity of control tissue in 23 spots. The proteins associated with 24 of the spots were identified by PMF and MS/MS fragmentation. The cellular localization and the spatiotemporal patterns of two of these proteins, beta-actin and beta-tubulin, were further characterized through immunohistochemistry. Comparison of the observed changes in protein abundance with the previously characterized events underlying regeneration of the cerebellum suggests that the proteins identified are especially involved in cellular proliferation and survival, as well as axonal sprouting.  相似文献   

法尼酯衍生物X受体(farnesoid X receptor,FXR)是一种胆汁酸受体,属于核受体超家族成员。FXR通过调控一系列基因的表达,在胆汁酸、脂质和糖代谢中发挥重要作用,进而有望成为治疗一系列代谢性疾病的药物靶点。本文将就FXR的相关研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Very NM  Sheridan MA 《FEBS letters》2007,581(24):4773-4777
Rainbow trout gill tissue was used to examine the role of somatostatin (SS) on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor expression. In vivo implantation of fish with somatostatin-14 (SS-14) reduced expression of IGF-I receptor mRNAs as well as [(125)I]-IGF-I binding. In vitro incubation of gill filaments with SS-14 or various SS isoforms, including SS-28 and [Tyr(7), Gly(10)]-SS-14-containing peptides, directly inhibited IGF-I receptor mRNA expression. SS-14 also inhibited [(125)I]-IGF-I binding in vitro. These data indicate that SSs inhibit the mRNA and functional expression of IGF-I receptors in gill, and suggest that SSs regulate growth in an extrapituitary manner by reducing sensitivity to IGF-I.  相似文献   

Since glucocorticoids have a role in maintaining the homeostatic status in fish, in the present paper mRNA expression (in situ hybridization) and tissue immunohistochemical localization of a glucocorticoid receptor (DlGR1) in several Dicentrarchus labrax organs are reported. Riboprobe and specific antibodies were prepared by using the DlGR1 that has been previously cloned and sequenced from peritoneal cavity leukocytes. Both mRNA and receptor were identified in head kidney, spleen, gills, intestine, heart and liver tissues. The functional roles of DlGR1 localization are discussed.  相似文献   

Aprataxin and polynucleotide kinase (PNK) are DNA end processing factors that are recruited into the DNA single- and double-strand break repair machinery through phosphorylation-specific interactions with XRCC1 and XRCC4, respectively. These interactions are mediated through a divergent class of forkhead-associated (FHA) domain that binds to peptide sequences in XRCC1 and XRCC4 that are phosphorylated by casein kinase 2 (CK2). Here, we identify the product of the uncharacterized open reading frame C2orf13 as a novel member of this FHA domain family of proteins and we denote this protein APLF (aprataxin- and PNK-like factor). We show that APLF interacts with XRCC1 in vivo and in vitro in a manner that is stimulated by CK2. Yeast two-hybrid analyses suggest that APLF also interacts with the double-strand break repair proteins XRCC4 and XRCC5 (Ku86). We also show that endogenous and yellow fluorescent protein-tagged APLF accumulates at sites of H(2)O(2) or UVA laser-induced chromosomal DNA damage and that this is achieved through at least two mechanisms: one that requires the FHA domain-mediated interaction with XRCC1 and a second that is independent of XRCC1 but requires a novel type of zinc finger motif located at the C terminus of APLF. Finally, we demonstrate that APLF is phosphorylated in a DNA damage- and ATM-dependent manner and that the depletion of APLF from noncycling human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells reduces rates of chromosomal DNA strand break repair following ionizing radiation. These data identify APLF as a novel component of the cellular response to DNA strand breaks in human cells.  相似文献   

Sire JY 《Tissue & cell》1989,21(3):447-462
The elasmoid scales of the cichlid fish, Hemichromis bimaculatus, are localized within dermal pockets, the floors of which are separated from the stratum compactum by uninterrupted cellular sheets, the scale-pocket linings (SPL). TEM study of the fry skin shows that the SPL cells originate from the cell population constituting the dermal papilla of the scale. The upper-layer cells of the papilla, close to the epidermal-dermal junction, differentiate into scleroblasts that, subsequently, form the scale-bag, while the inner-layer cells, close to the stratum compactum, constitute a bi-layered sheet, the SPL. The SPL cells are joined one to another by numerous desmosomes and their cytoplasm is filled principally by microfilaments and free ribosomes. The SPL is also characterized by the presence of a basement membrane on its two faces. When a scale is experimentally pulled off, the scale-forming cells are removed with the dermis and the epidermis covering the free region of the scale, but the SPL is not damaged and epidermal fragments remain at the posterior edge of each scale-pocket. The epithelial cells migrate, from the epidermal fragments, on an extracellular matrix situated on the surface of the SPL, and the wound is closed from 3 to 6 h after scale removal. The scale-regenerating cells differentiate from the upper-layer cells of the SPL, initially in the central region of the scale-pocket where epithelial cells first contacted the SPL surface. Consequently, it is shown that scale-forming cells and scale-regenerating cells are derived from the same ontogenetic population, the dermal papilla.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Lepidogalaxias salamandroides does not lose water during the first 43 days of aestivation even though it is burrowed in extremely dry soil.
  • 2.2. Little urea was accumulated in the body, which suggests that urea production is greatly diminished and/or urea is eliminated in the urine.
  • 3.3. Theoretical considerations predict that water fluxes will, in the initial stages of aestivation, be positive until the soil moisture tension is equivalent to the plasma water potential.

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