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Agonist potency at some neurotransmitter receptors has been shown to be regulated by transmembrane voltage, a mechanism which has been suggested to play a crucial role in the regulation of neurotransmitter release by autoreceptors and in synaptic plasticity. We have recently described the voltage-sensitivity of the dopamine D2L receptor and we now extend our studies to include the other members of the D2-like receptor subfamily; the D2S, D3, and D4 dopamine receptors. Electrophysiological recordings were performed on Xenopus oocytes coexpressing human dopamine D2S, D3, or D4 receptors with G protein-coupled potassium (GIRK) channels. Comparison of concentration-response relationships at −80 mV and at 0 mV for dopamine-mediated GIRK activation revealed significant rightward shifts for both D2S and D4 upon depolarization. In contrast, the concentration-response relationships for D3-mediated GIRK activation were not appreciably different at the two voltages. Our findings provide new insight into the functional differences of these closely related receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine, which is present in nerve-rich tissues of the hydromedusa Polyorchis penicillatus, produces membrane hyperpolarization in identified motor neurons from this jellyfish. In this study we demonstrate that the inhibitory action of dopamine is mediated by conventional drug-receptor interactions which are reversible, saturable and specific. When 10 M dopamine was applied by micro-spritzing onto voltage-clamped (holding potential, –20 mV), cultured swimming motor neurons, an outward current of about 1 nA was evoked. Using this technique, we established a potency order for several amines: dopaminenorepinephrine>tyramine >octopamine>-phenylethylamine. Dopamine is effective at concentrations betweeen 1 × 10-8 and 1 × 10-3 M. Several dopamine receptor blockers such as fluphenazine, haloperidol and spiperone reduced the dopamine-induced current in a concentration-dependent manner. Although propranolol, a -adrenergic blocker, reduced the dopamine response and SKF 83566, a D1 blocker, increased the response, it appears that the dopamine receptors in these jellyfish neurons share pharmacological properties with mammalian D2 dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

Dopamine D2 and D4 receptors partially codistribute in the dorsal striatum and appear to play a fundamental role in complex behaviors and motor function. The discovery of D2R–D4.xR (D4.2R, D4.4R or D4.7R) heteromers has been made in cellular models using co-immunoprecipitation, in situ Proximity Ligation Assays and BRET1 techniques with the D2R and D4.7R receptors being the least effective in forming heteromers. Allosteric receptor–receptor interactions in D2R–D4.2R and D2R–D4.4 R heteromers were observed using the MAPK assays indicating the existence of an enhancing allosteric receptor–receptor interaction in the corresponding heteromers between the two orthosteric binding sites. The bioinformatic predictions suggest the existence of a basic set of common triplets (ALQ and LRA) in the two participating receptors that may contribute to the receptor–receptor interaction interfaces.  相似文献   

Zinc (II) modulates the function of many integral membrane proteins. To identify the Zn(2+)-binding site responsible for allosteric modulation of the D(2) dopamine receptor, we first demonstrated that the binding site is likely located in extracellular loops or in transmembrane regions that are accessible from the extracellular milieu. We mutated every histidine in these regions to alanine; two mutants, H394A and H399A, exhibited a reduced response to Zn(2+). Combined mutation of H394 and H399 caused a larger effect of zinc than did either single mutation. Mutation of other potential Zn(2+)-binding residues predicted to be in proximity to H394 or H399 did not substantially alter the potency of Zn(2+). The double mutant H394A/H399A was similar to D(2) in affinity for [(3)H]spiperone and ability to inhibit cyclic AMP accumulation. We conclude that binding of Zn(2+) to H394 and H399 on the dopamine D(2) receptor contributes to allosteric regulation of antagonist binding.  相似文献   

ERK activation by dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) has been extensively characterized in various cell types including brain tissues. However, the involvement of β-arrestin in the D2R-mediated ERK activation is not clear yet. Three different strategies were employed in this study to determine the roles of G protein or β-arrestin in D2R-mediated ERK activation. The cellular level of β-arrestins was reduced by RNA interference and pertussis toxin-insensitive Gi proteins were used to identify the G protein involved. Finally point mutations of D2R in which coupling with G protein was abolished but the interaction with β-arrestin was increased, were employed to determine whether the affinity between D2R and β-arrestin is a critical factor for β-arrestin-mediated ERK activation. Our results show that Gi2 protein is involved in D2R-mediated ERK activation but β-arrestins are either not involved or play minor role.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether co-administration of dopamine D1 and D2 agonists might additively inhibit the feeding effect and whether this effect was mediated by the action on hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY). The D1 agonist SKF 38393 (SKF) and D2 agonists apomorphine (APO) or quinpirole (QNP) were administered, alone or in combination, to examine this possibility. In single administration, decreases of daily food intake were observed only in rats treated twice a day with a higher dose of SKF, APO or QNP. However, combined administration of D1 and D2 agonists, with each agent at a dose that alone did not induce anorexia in one daily treatment, exerted a significant effect. These results reveal that co-activation of D1 and D2 receptors can additively reduce daily food intake and body weight. The same treatment also decreased the level of hypothalamic NPY 24 h post-treatment. These results suggest an additive effect during combined activation of D1 and D2 receptor subtypes to decrease food intake and body weight that are mediated by the action of hypothalamic NPY. Similar to the effects seen in healthy rats, combined D1/D2 administration was also effective in the reduction of food intake in diabetic rats, revealing the efficiency of D1/D2 agonist in the improvement of hyperphasia in diabetic animals.  相似文献   

The human dopamine D2S receptor was expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, where the receptor with a molecular mass of approximately 40kDa exhibited specific and saturable binding properties. The dopamine antagonist [3H]spiperone showed an average dissociation constant K(d) of 0.6+/-0.17 nM for the dopamine D2S receptor. The receptor was solubilized using the non-ionic detergent dodecylmaltoside and purified by affinity chromatography using a Ni(2+) chelate (His-Trap) column or by batch extraction with an anti-FLAG M1 affinity resin. The receptor maintained its biological activity after solubilization and purification from the membrane protein fraction. A 244- or 185-fold enrichment, as judged by an increase in specific binding, was obtained after adsorption to the His-Trap or anti-FLAG materials, respectively.  相似文献   

Advancements in tick neurobiology may impact the development of acaricides to control those species that transmit human and animal diseases. Here, we report the first cloning and pharmacological characterization of two neurotransmitter binding G protein-coupled receptors in the Lyme disease (blacklegged) tick, Ixodes scapularis. The genes IscaGPRdop1 and IscaGPRdop2 were identified in the I. scapularis genome assembly and predicted as orthologs of previously characterized D1-like dopamine receptors in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and honeybee Apis mellifera. Heterologous expression in HEK 293 cells demonstrated that each receptor functioned as a D1-like dopamine receptor because significant increases in levels of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) were detected following dopamine treatment. Importantly, the receptors were distinct in their pharmacological properties regarding concentration-dependent response to dopamine, constitutive activity, and response to other biogenic amines. Exposure to a variety of dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists further demonstrated a D1-like pharmacology of these dopamine receptors and highlighted their differential activities in vitro.  相似文献   

Evidence exists that the adenosine receptor A2AR and the dopamine receptor D2R form constitutive heteromers in living cells. Mass spectrometry and pull-down data showed that an arginine-rich domain of the D2R third intracellular loop binds via electrostatic interactions to a specific motif of the A2AR C-terminal tail. It has been indicated that the phosphorylated serine 374 might represent an important residue in this motif. In the present study, it was found that a point mutation of serine 374 to alanine reduced the A2AR ability to interact with D2R. Also, this point mutation abolished the A2AR-mediated inhibition of both the D2R high affinity agonist binding and signaling. These results point to a key role of serine 374 in the A2AR-D2R interface. All together these results indicate that by targeting A2AR serine 374 it will be possible to allosterically modulate A2AR-D2R function, thus representing a new approach for therapeutically modulate D2R function.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) D1-and D2-receptor densities were determined in 18 discrete areas of the caudate-putamen-globus pallidus of male Wistar rats and compared to local DA concentrations. All three parameters were found to decrease caudally. The globus pallidus was distinguished by the low concentration of DA and its receptors and high noradrenaline, (NA) content. While there were no mediolateral differences in DA or DA D1-receptors, a clear mediolateral gradient was observed for DA D2-receptors which extended over several sections of the brain. The ratio of DA D1-to D2-receptors was significantly higher in the dorsal than in the ventral areas of the mediolateral and caudal striatum. This is the first report of clear dorsoventral differences in parameters relating to DA activity in the striatum. These findings may be of particular significance in understanding the functional dichotomy between the dorsal and ventral striatum.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of adenosine A2A and dopamine D2 receptors in living cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We investigated whether oligomerization of adenosine A(2A) receptor (A(2A)R) and dopamine D(2) receptor (D(2)R) exists in living cells using modified bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET(2)) technology. Fusion of these receptors to a donor, Renilla luciferase (Rluc), and to an acceptor, modified green fluorescent protein (GFP(2)), did not affect the ligand binding affinity, subcellular distribution, and coimmunoprecipitation of the receptors. BRET was detected not only between Myc-D(2)R-Rluc and A(2A)R-GFP(2) but also between HA-tagged A(2A)R-Rluc and A(2A)R-GFP(2). These results indicate A(2A)R, either homomeric or heteromeric with D(2)R, exists as an oligomer in living cells.  相似文献   

The conformation of a constrained peptide mimicking the putative first intracellular domain (iLP1) of thromboxane A(2) receptor (TP) was determined by (1)H 2D NMR spectroscopy. Through completed assignments of TOCSY, DQF-COSY, and NOESY spectra, a NMR structure of the peptide showed a beta-turn in residues 56-59 and a short helical structure in the residues 63-66. It suggests that residues 63-66 may be part of the second transmembrane domain (TM), and that Arg60, in an exposed position on the outer surface of the loop, may be involved in signaling through charge contact with Gq protein. The sequence alignment of Lys residue in the same position of other prostanoid receptors mediates different G protein couplings, suggesting that the chemical properties of Arg and Lys may also affect the receptor signaling activity. These hypotheses were supported by mutagenesis studies, in which the mutant of Arg60Leu completely lost activity in increasing intracellular calcium level through Gq coupling, and the mutant of Arg60Lys retained only about 35% signaling activity. The difference between the side chain functions of Lys and Arg in effecting the signaling was discussed.  相似文献   

Adenosine A2A receptors (A2ARs) and dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) form constitutive heteromers in living cells and exhibit a strong functional antagonistic interaction. Recent findings give neurochemical evidence that extended cocaine self-administration in the rat give rise to an up-regulation of functional A2ARs in the nucleus accumbens that return to baseline expression levels during cocaine withdrawal. In the present work, the acute in vitro effects of a concentration of cocaine known to fully block the dopamine (DA) transporter without exerting any toxic actions were investigated on A2AR and D2LR formed heteromers in transiently co-transfected HEK-293T cells. In vitro treatment of cocaine was found to produce changes in D2R homodimers and in A2AR-D2R heterodimers detected through bioluminescent energy transfer (BRET). Cocaine was found to produce a time- and concentration-dependent reduction in the BRETmax between A2AR-D2LR heterodimers and D2LR homodimers, but not A2AR homodimers, indicating its effect on D2R. Cocaine was evaluated with regard to D2R binding using a human D2LR stable expressing CHO cell line and was found to produce an increase in the affinity of hD2LR for DA. At the level of G protein-coupling, cocaine produced a small, but significant increase in DA-stimulated binding of GTPγS. However, cocaine failed to modulate D2R agonist-induced inhibition of cAMP in stable hD2LR CHO cells or the gating of GIRK channels in oocytes. Taken together, these results indicate a direct and specific effect of a moderate concentration of cocaine on the DA D2LR, that results in enhanced agonist recognition, G protein-coupling and an altered conformational state of D2R homodimers and A2AR-D2R heterodimers.  相似文献   

Dean B  Pavey G  Scarr E  Goeringer K  Copolov DL 《Life sciences》2004,74(25):3115-3131
In situ radioligand binding with autoradiography and anti-human dopamine D(2) receptor antibodies with Western blots have been used to measure the density of dopamine D(2)-like receptors in the caudate-putamen and pituitary from schizophrenic subjects who did or did not have residual antipsychotic drugs in their tissue at death. There was a significant decrease in the Ki for haloperidol displaceable [(125)I]iodosulpride binding in the pituitary (p < 0.01) and caudate-putamen (p < 0.05) from subjects with schizophrenia with residual drugs in their tissue. There was a significant decrease in the density of [(125)I]iodosulpride in the pituitary (p < 0.001) and a strong trend to a decrease in binding in the caudate-putamen (p = 0.055) from subjects with schizophrenia. By contrast, [(3)H]spiperone binding was decreased in the caudate-putamen (p < 0.05) with a trend to decreased binding in the pituitary (p = 0.07) from subjects with schizophrenia. There was no difference in the density of dopamine D(2) receptors in the caudate-putamen from subjects with schizophrenia (p = 0.31). All the findings on receptor densities were independent of drug status. [(125)I]iodosulpride binds to the dopamine D(2&3) receptors. We have shown that there is no change in the dopamine D(2) receptor in the caudate-putamen from subjects with schizophrenia and therefore, these data would be consistent with there being a decrease in the dopamine D(3) in the caudate-putamen from subjects with schizophrenia. Since dopamine D(3) receptors are absent or present at low concentrations in the pituitary, our data would suggest the dopamine D(2) receptor is decreased in that tissue from schizophrenic subjects.  相似文献   

1.  We have obtained a cDNA clone encoding a human retinal D2 dopamine receptor.
2.  The longest open reading frame (1242 bp) of this clone encodes a protein of 414 amino acids having a predicted molecular weight of 47,000 and a transmembrane topology similar to that of other G protein-coupled receptors.
3.  Transient transfection of COS-7 cells with an expression vector containing the clone resulted in expression of a protein possessing a pharmacological profile similar to that of the D2 dopamine receptor found in striatum and retina.
4.  Northern blot analysis indicated that, in rat brain and retina, the mRNA for this receptor was 2.9 kb in size.
5.  In situ hybridization was performed to examine the distribution of the mRNA for this receptor in human retina. Specific hybridization was detected in both the inner and the outer nuclear layers.
6.  These findings are consistent with prior physiological and autoradiographic studies describing the localization of D2 dopamine receptors in vertebrate retinas. Our observations suggest that photoreceptors as well as cells in the inner nuclear layer of human retinas may express the mRNA for this D2 dopamine receptor.

The dopamine D4 receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor that binds with high affinity various antipsychotics. The receptor may be involved in attention/cognition, and in genetic studies a polymorphic repeat sequence in its coding sequence has been associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. We developed an inducible episomal expression system based on the reverse tetracycline transactivator and Epstein-Barr viral sequences. In HEK293rtTA cells expressing the dopamine D4 receptor from this episomal expression vector, addition of doxycycline in combination with sodium butyrate and trichostatin A induces high levels of receptor expression, resulting in 1970 +/- 20 fmol/mg membrane protein. Addition of the dopamine D4 receptor and serotonin 5-HT2A receptor antagonist pipamperone to these cells further increased the expression of the dopamine receptor, reaching 3800 +/- 60 fmol/mg membrane protein. This up-regulation was not restricted to the dopamine D4 receptor but was also found for the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. We further provide evidence that the increase in receptor expression is not due to increased mRNA synthesis. As pipamperone could rescue the expression of a folding mutant of the dopamine D4 receptor (M345), we propose that pipamperone acts as a pharmacological chaperone for correct receptor folding thereby resulting in an increased dopamine D4 receptor expression. This study describes a strong and inducible expression system for proteins, difficult to express in other heterologous expression systems. This study also demonstrates that pipamperone, an antipsychotic, acts as a pharmacological chaperone and by doing so, increases the expression level of the dopamine D4 receptor. The fact that ligands can also act as pharmacological chaperones is a fairly new additional element in the regulation of receptor expression levels with potential great impact in drug treatment.  相似文献   

Levant B 《Life sciences》2002,71(23):2691-2700
D(2) dopamine receptors are the principal target of drugs used to treat schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Recent findings suggest novel drug interactions at D(2) receptors, specifically interactions of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) at a novel binding site that modulates the binding of [3H]quinpirole to the D(2) receptor. That MAOIs inhibit [3H]quinpirole binding challenges the traditional understanding of ligand interactions at dopamine receptors and may shed light on the mechanism of behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants and the pharmacology and toxicity of MAOIs.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that excess of vitamin D3 is toxic particularly to vascular tissues. A notable pathological feature is arterial calcification. The nature of the toxic metabolite in hypervitaminosis D and the pathogenesis of arterial calcification are not clearly understood. The present study was undertaken to explore whether arterial calcification is a sequel of increased calcium uptake by arterial smooth muscle mediated by up regulation of vitamin D receptor in the cells in response to elevated circulating levels of vitamin D3 in serum. The experimental study was performed in 20 New Zealand white female rabbits aged 6 months. Animals in the test group were injected 10,000 IU of cholecalciferol intramuscularly twice a week for one month. Six control animals were given intra-muscular injections of plain cottonseed oil. Animals were sacrificed and aortas were examined for pathological lesions, 1,25-dihyroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2 D3) receptor levels and 45Ca uptake in smooth muscle cells. Serum samples collected at intervals were assayed for levels of 25-OH-D3 and calcium. The results showed that in animals given injections of cholecalciferol, serum levels of 25-OH-D3 were elevated. In four of these animals calcification and aneurysmal changes were seen in the aorta. Histological lesions comprised of fragmentation of elastic fibers as well as extensive loss of elastic layers. 1,25(OH)2 D3 receptor levels were up regulated and 45Ca uptake enhanced in aortas of animals which were given excessive vitamin D3. The evidences gathered suggest that excess vitamin D is arteriotoxic and that the vitamin induces arterial calcification through up regulation of 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor and increased calcium uptake in smooth muscle cells of the arteries.  相似文献   

Adenosine A2a receptor (A2aR) colocalizes with dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) in the basal ganglia and modulates D2R-mediated dopaminergic activities. A2aR and D2R couple to stimulatory and inhibitory G proteins, respectively. Their opposing roles in regulating neuronal activities, such as locomotion and alcohol consumption, are mediated by their opposite actions on adenylate cyclase, which often serves as “co-incidence detector” of various activators. On the other hand, the neural actions of A2aR and D2R are also, at least partially, independent of each other, as indicated by studies using D2R and A2aR knock-out mice. Here we co-expressed human A2aR and human D2LR in CHO cells and examined their signaling characteristics. Human A2aR desensitized rapidly upon agonist stimulation. A2aR activity (80%) was diminished after 2 hr of pretreatment with its agonist CGS21680. In contrast, human D2LR activity was sustained even after 2 hr and 18 hr pretreatment with its agonist quinpirole. Long-term (18 hr) stimulation of human D2LR also increased basal cAMP levels in CHO cells, whereas long-term (18 hr) activation of human A2aR did not affect basal cAMP levels. Furthermore, long-term (18 hr) activation of D2LR dramatically sensitized A2aR-induced stimulation of adenylate cyclase in a pertussis toxin-sensitive way. Forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation was significantly increased after short-term (2 hr) human D2LR stimulation and further elevated after long-term (18 hr) D2LR activation. However, neither short-term (2 hr) nor long-term (18 hr) stimulation of A2aR affected the inhibitory effects of D2LR on adenylate cyclase. Co-stimulation of A2aR and D2LR could not induce desensitization or sensitization of D2LR either. In summary, signaling t hrough A2aR and D2LR is distinctive and synergistic, supporting their unique and yet integrative roles in regulating neuronal functions when both receptors are present.  相似文献   

Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of vertebrates and invertebrates. Despite their evolutionary distance, striking parallels exist between deuterostomian and protostomian dopaminergic systems. In both, signalling is achieved via a complement of functionally distinct dopamine receptors. In this study, we investigated the sequence, pharmacology and tissue distribution of a D2-like dopamine receptor from the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (TricaDop3) and compared it with related G protein-coupled receptors in other invertebrate species.The TricaDop3 receptor-encoding cDNA shows considerable sequence similarity with members of the Dop3 receptor class. Real time qRT-PCR showed high expression in both the central brain and the optic lobes, consistent with the role of dopamine as neurotransmitter. Activation of TricaDop3 expressed in mammalian cells increased intracellular Ca2+ signalling and decreased NKH-477 (a forskolin analogue)-stimulated cyclic AMP levels in a dose-dependent manner. We studied the pharmacological profile of the TricaDop3 receptor and demonstrated that the synthetic vertebrate dopamine receptor agonists, 2 – amino- 6,7 – dihydroxy – 1,2,3,4 – tetrahydronaphthalene hydrobromide (6,7-ADTN) and bromocriptine acted as agonists. Methysergide was the most potent of the antagonists tested and showed competitive inhibition in the presence of dopamine. This study offers important information on the Dop3 receptor from Tribolium castaneum that will facilitate functional analyses of dopamine receptors in insects and other invertebrates.  相似文献   

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