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Skeletal muscle is a highly adaptable tissue. It responds to environmental and physiological challenges by changes in size, fibre type and metabolism. All of these responses are underpinned by our genes and it is therefore generally assumed that genetic variation between individuals may account for the differences in musculature and athletic capabilities between people. Research into the genetic influences of our muscle is at an embryonic stage, but some early insight into potential regulators has recently emerged, which is reflected in this review. Broad heritability, which appears to affect muscle size and strength more than metabolism has been assessed in twin and sibling studies. It appears to account for more inter-individual variation in the young as opposed to older people. However, the studies reported to date do demonstrate a large degree of diversity, which is probably predominantly due to different methodological approaches being adopted as well as distinct populations being studied. At a molecular level, there has been enormous progress in identifying regulators of atrophy and hypertrophy though the study of knock-out and transgenic animals and also through the utilisation of cell culture models. Among others, the insulin-like growth factors, calcineurin, desmin, myf5, mrf4, MyoD and myogenin have been identified as positive regulators of muscle size, while TNF-alpha, myostatin and components of the ubiquitin pathway have been recognized as regulators of muscle wasting. However, given the ethical and mechanistic constraints of performing similar studies in humans, difficulties have arisen when attempting to translate the animal and cell culture findings to humans. However, the current search for target "exercise genes" in humans has yielded the first successful results. Variations in the genes encoding for: the angiotensin converting enzyme, alpha-actinin 3, bradykinin, ciliary neurotrophic factor, interleukin-15, insulin-like growth factor II, myostatin and the vitamin D-receptor have all been found to account for some of the inter-subject variability in muscle strength or size. However, the influences of these genetic variations are somewhat weak, and not always reproducible and furthermore they are predominantly based in young healthy people. Hence, a key topic, namely the molecular mechanisms of muscle frailty in the elderly still remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The molecular and genetic control of ovule development   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A genetic approach has resulted in an extensive framework for the methodical analysis of ovule development. The most recent progress was accomplished in the areas of primordium formation and integument morphogenesis. Furthermore, systematic screens have identified a number of gametophytic mutations disrupting several distinct steps of embryo sac ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Wu R  Hou W 《Genetics》2006,172(1):627-637
To better utilize limited resources for their survival and reproduction, all organisms undergo developmental changes in both body size and shape during ontogeny. The genetic analysis of size change with increasing age, i.e., growth, has received considerable attention in quantitative developmental genetic studies, but the genetic architecture of ontogenetic changes in body shape and its associated allometry have been poorly understood partly due to the lack of analytical tools. In this article, we attempt to construct a multivariate statistical framework for studying the genetic regulation of ontogenetic growth and shape. We have integrated biologically meaningful mathematical functions of growth curves and developmental allometry into the estimation process of genetic mapping aimed at identifying individual quantitative trait loci (QTL) for phenotypic variation. This model defined with high dimensions can characterize the ontogenetic patterns of genetic effects of QTL over the lifetime of an organism and assess the interplay between genetic actions/interactions and phenotypic integration. The closed forms for the residual covariance matrix and its determinant and inverse were derived to overcome the computational complexity typical of our high-dimensional model. We used a worked example to validate the utility of this model. The implications of this model for genetic research of evo-devo are discussed.  相似文献   

The ovule is the site of megagametogenesis and fertilization and hence is of central importance to sexual reproduction in seed plants. In recent years, the ovule has become established as an excellent model system in which to study organogenesis. Progress has been made in several aspects of ovule development: the control of ovule identity, the mechanism of primordium outgrowth, early pattern formation and the regulation of integument morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Taken as a composite, the meaning of the composite term "genetic program"-widely taken to suggest an explanation of biological development - simultaneously depends upon and underwrites the particular presumption that a "plan of procedure" for development is itself written in the sequence of nucleotide bases. Is this presumption correct? I want to argue that, at best, it must be said to be misleading, and at worst, simply false: To the extent that we may speak at all of a developmental program, or of a set of instructions for development, in contra-distinction to the data or resources for such a program, current research obliges us to acknowledge that these "instructions" are not written into the DNA itself (or at least, are not all written in the DNA), but rather are distributed throughout the fertilized egg. I will argue that the notion of genetic program depends upon, and sustains, a fundamental category error in which two independent distinctions, one between "genetic" and "epigenetic," and the other, between program and data, are pulled into mistaken alignment. The net effect of such alignment is to reinforce two outmoded associations: on the one hand, between "genetic" and active, and, on the other, between "epigenetic" and passive. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 285:283-290, 1999.  相似文献   

Reaching a genetic and molecular understanding of skeletal development   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

Formaldehyde, the recently classified carcinogen and ubiquitous environmental contaminant, has long been suspected of causing adverse reproductive and developmental effects, but previous reviews were inconclusive, due in part, to limitations in the design of many of the human population studies. In the current review, we systematically evaluated evidence of an association between formaldehyde exposure and adverse reproductive and developmental effects, in human populations and in vivo animal studies, in the peer-reviewed literature. The mostly retrospective human studies provided evidence of an association of maternal exposure with adverse reproductive and developmental effects. Further assessment of this association by meta-analysis revealed an increased risk of spontaneous abortion (1.76, 95% CI 1.20-2.59, p=0.002) and of all adverse pregnancy outcomes combined (1.54, 95% CI 1.27-1.88, p<0.001), in formaldehyde-exposed women, although differential recall, selection bias, or confounding cannot be ruled out. Evaluation of the animal studies including all routes of exposure, doses and dosing regimens studied, suggested positive associations between formaldehyde exposure and reproductive toxicity, mostly in males. Potential mechanisms underlying formaldehyde-induced reproductive and developmental toxicities, including chromosome and DNA damage (genotoxicity), oxidative stress, altered level and/or function of enzymes, hormones and proteins, apoptosis, toxicogenomic and epigenomic effects (such as DNA methylation), were identified. To clarify these associations, well-designed molecular epidemiologic studies, that include quantitative exposure assessment and diminish confounding factors, should examine both reproductive and developmental outcomes associated with exposure in males and females. Together with mechanistic and animal studies, this will allow us to better understand the systemic effect of formaldehyde exposure.  相似文献   

Climate fluctuations and human exploitation are causing global changes in nutrient enrichment of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and declining abundances of apex predators. The resulting trophic cascades have had profound effects on food webs, leading to significant economic and societal consequences. However, the strength of cascades–that is the extent to which a disturbance is diminished as it propagates through a food web–varies widely between ecosystems, and there is no formal theory as to why this should be so. Some food chain models reproduce cascade effects seen in nature, but to what extent is this dependent on their formulation? We show that inclusion of processes represented mathematically as density‐dependent regulation of either consumer uptake or mortality rates is necessary for the generation of realistic ‘top‐down’ cascades in simple food chain models. Realistically modelled ‘bottom‐up’ cascades, caused by changing nutrient input, are also dependent on the inclusion of density dependence, but especially on mortality regulation as a caricature of, e.g. disease and parasite dynamics or intraguild predation. We show that our conclusions, based on simple food chains, transfer to a more complex marine food web model in which cascades are induced by varying river nutrient inputs or fish harvesting rates.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic perspective of reproductive development in grapevine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The grapevine reproductive cycle has a number of unique features. Inflorescences develop from lateral meristems (anlagen) in latent buds during spring and summer and enter a dormant state at a very immature stage before completing development and producing flowers and berries the following spring. Lateral meristems are unique structures derived from the shoot apical meristem and can either develop into an inflorescence or a tendril. How the grapevine plant controls these processes at the molecular level is not understood, but some progress has been made by isolating and studying the expression of flowering genes in wild-type and mutant grapevine plants. Interestingly, a number of flowering genes are also expressed during berry development. This paper reviews the current understanding of the genetic control of grapevine flowering and the impact of viticulture management treatments and environmental variables on yield. While the availability of the draft genome sequence of grapevine will greatly assist future molecular genetic studies, a number of issues are identified that need to be addressed--particularly rapid methods for confirming gene function and linking genes to biological processes and traits. Understanding the key interactions between environmental factors and genetic mechanisms controlling the induction and development of inflorescences, flowers, and berries is also an important area that requires increased emphasis, especially given the large seasonal fluctuations in yield experienced by the crop and the increasing concern about the effect of climate change on existing wine-producing regions.  相似文献   

Growth of lateral organs is a complex mechanism that starts with formation of lateral primordia.Basal developmental programs like polarity, organ identity and environmental cues influence the final organ size achieved via coordinated cell division and expansion. recent evidence shows that the precise balance between these two processes, known as compensation mechanisms, seems to be influenced by the identity of the organ. Furthermore, studies of mutants affected in floral organ size suggest the existence of developmental compartments within different floral whorls that show distinct compensation behaviors.Key words: Antirrhinum majus, cell division, cell expansion, COMPACTA ÄHNLICH, compensation, floral size, FORMOSA, NITIDA, organ identity  相似文献   

Hereditary combined vitamin K-dependent clotting factors deficiency (VKCFD) is a rare congenital bleeding disorder resulting from variably decreased levels of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X as well as natural anticoagulants protein C, protein S and protein Z. The spectrum of bleeding symptoms ranges from mild to severe with onset in the neonatal period in severe cases. The bleeding symptoms are often life-threatening, occur both spontaneously and in a surgical setting, and usually involve the skin and mucosae. A range of non-haemostatic symptoms are often present, including developmental and skeletal anomalies. VKCFD is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the genes of either gamma-glutamyl carboxylase or vitamin K2,3-epoxide reductase complex. These two proteins are necessary for gamma-carboxylation, a post-synthetic modification that allows coagulation proteins to display their proper function. The developmental and skeletal anomalies seen in VKCFD are the result of defective gamma-carboxylation of a number of non-haemostatic proteins. Diagnostic differentiation from other conditions, both congenital and acquired, is mandatory and genotype analysis is needed to confirm the defect. Vitamin K administration is the mainstay of therapy in VKCFD, with plasma supplementation during surgery or severe bleeding episodes. In addition, prothrombin complex concentrates and combination therapy with recombinant activated FVII and vitamin K supplementation may constitute alternative treatment options. The overall prognosis is good and with the availability of several effective therapeutic options, VKCFD has only a small impact on the quality of life of affected patients.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting: developmental significance and molecular mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Imprinting results in the preferential expression of either the maternal or the paternal allele of certain genes, and has a critical influence on the regulation of mammalian development. The identification of specific imprinted chromosomal regions and genes is being used to unravel the molecular mechanism of imprinting and the developmental significance of the non-random expression of parental alleles.  相似文献   

The autotrophic lifestyle of photosynthetic plants has profoundly shaped their body plan, physiology, and gene repertoire. Shifts to parasitism and heterotrophy have evolved at least 12 times in more than 4000 species, and this transition has consequently left major evolutionary footprints among these parasitic lineages. Features that are otherwise rare at the molecular level and beyond have evolved repetitively, including reduced vegetative bodies, carrion-mimicking during reproduction, and the incorporation of alien genetic material. Here, I propose an integrated conceptual model, referred to as the funnel model, to define the general evolutionary trajectory of parasitic plants and provide a mechanistic explanation for their convergent evolution. This model connects our empirical understanding of gene regulatory networks in flowering plants with classical theories of molecular and population genetics. It emphasizes that the cascading effects brought about by the loss of photosynthesis may be a major force constraining the physiological capacity of parasitic plants and shaping their genomic landscapes. Here I review recent studies on the anatomy, physiology, and genetics of parasitic plants that lend support to this photosynthesis-centered funnel model. Focusing on nonphotosynthetic holoparasites, I elucidate how they may inevitably reach an evolutionary terminal status (i.e., extinction) and highlight the utility of a general, explicitly described and falsifiable model for future studies of parasitic plants.  相似文献   

Flowers consist primarily of four basic organ types whose relative positions are universally conserved within the angiosperms. A model has been proposed to explain how a small number of regulatory genes, acting alone and in combination, specify floral organ identity. This model, known widely as the ABC model of flower development, is based on molecular generic experiments in two model organisms,Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus.Both of these species are considered to be eudicots, a clade within the angiosperms with a relatively conserved floral architecture. In this review, the application of the ABC model derived from studies of these typical eudicot species is considered with respect to angiosperms whose floral structure deviates from that of the eudicots. It is concluded that the model is universally applicable to the angiosperms as a whole, and the enormous diversity seen among angiosperms flowers is due to genetic pathways that are downstream, or independent, of the genetic programme that specifies floral organ identity.  相似文献   

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