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In the Sakhalin-Kuril region hatchery culture of pink and chum salmon is of great importance compared to other regions of the Russian Far East. During the last 30 years the number of hatcheries increased two-fold, and significant advances were made in hatchery technologies. As a result, chum salmon capture in regions where hatcheries operate (southwestern and eastern Sakhalin coasts, and Iturup Island) was 9 times as high during 2006–2010 than during 1986–1990, whereas wild chum salmon harvest markedly declined. Recent dynamics in pink salmon catch appear to track trends in natural spawning in monitored index rivers, suggesting natural-origin pink salmon play a dominant role in supporting the commercial fishery. It remains uncertain as to whether hatcheries have substantially supplemented commercial catch of pink salmon in this region, and I recommend continued research (including implementing mass marking and recovery programs) before decisions are made regarding increasing pink salmon hatchery production. Location of hatcheries in spawning river basins poses problems for structuring a management system that treats hatchery and wild populations separately. Debate continues regarding the existence and importance of density-dependent processes operating in the ocean environment and the role hatcheries play in these processes. Loss of critical spawning habitat for chum salmon in the Sakhalin-Kuril region has lead to significant declines in their abundance. I conclude by recommending increases in releases of hatchery chum salmon numbers in the region to help recover depressed wild populations and provide greater commercial fishing benefits in the region.  相似文献   

Many declining and commercially important populations are supplemented with captive-born individuals that are intentionally released into the wild. These supplementation programs often create large numbers of offspring from relatively few breeding adults, which can have substantial population-level effects. We examined the genetic effects of supplementation on a wild population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Hood River, Oregon, by matching 12 run-years of hatchery steelhead back to their broodstock parents. We show that the effective number of breeders producing the hatchery fish (broodstock parents; N(b)) was quite small (harmonic mean N(b)=25 fish per brood-year vs 373 for wild fish), and was exacerbated by a high variance in broodstock reproductive success among individuals within years. The low N(b) caused hatchery fish to have decreased allelic richness, increased average relatedness, more loci in linkage disequilibrium and substantial levels of genetic drift in comparison with their wild-born counterparts. We also documented a substantial Ryman-Laikre effect whereby the additional hatchery fish doubled the total number of adult fish on the spawning grounds each year, but cut the effective population size of the total population (wild and hatchery fish combined) by nearly two-thirds. We further demonstrate that the Ryman-Laikre effect is most severe in this population when (1) >10% of fish allowed onto spawning grounds are from hatcheries and (2) the hatchery fish have high reproductive success in the wild. These results emphasize the trade-offs that arise when supplementation programs attempt to balance disparate goals (increasing production while maintaining genetic diversity and fitness).  相似文献   

Life history polymorphisms provide ecological and genetic diversity important to the long term persistence of species responding to stochastic environments. Oncorhynchus mykiss have complex and overlapping life history strategies that are also sympatric with hatchery populations. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags and parentage analysis were used to identify the life history, origin (hatchery or wild) and reproductive success of migratory rainbow/steelhead for two brood years after barriers were removed from a small stream. The fluvial rainbow trout provided a source of wild genotypes to the colonizing population boosting the number of successful spawners. Significantly more parr offspring were produced by anadromous parents than expected in brood year 2005, whereas significantly more parr offspring were produced by fluvial parents than expected in brood year 2006. Although hatchery steelhead were prevalent in the Methow Basin, they produced only 2 parr and no returning adults in Beaver Creek. On average, individual wild steelhead produced more parr offspring than the fluvial or hatchery groups. Yet, the offspring that returned as adult steelhead were from parents that produced few parr offspring, indicating that high production of parr offspring may not be related to greater returns of adult offspring. These data in combination with other studies of sympatric life histories of O. mykiss indicate that fluvial rainbow trout are important to the conservation and recovery of steelhead and should be included in the management and recovery efforts.  相似文献   

Conservation programs that release captive-bred individuals into the wild to mix with naturally produced individuals are an increasingly common method of supporting or enhancing weak or reduced populations that otherwise may not be self-sustaining. Captive and supportive breeding can be important conservation tools for species with small or declining populations; however, in the case of hatcheries producing salmonid fishes, detailed evaluation of spawning programs is rare. We examined variation in reproductive success, measured by adult offspring production, from three parental generations of hatchery-bred steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using an exclusion-based method of genetic parentage assignment. Reproductive success varied greatly among individuals (especially males) and was correlated with fecundity and maternal spawning date. Estimates of egg to smolt survival for the population as a whole among years ranged from 64% to 95%, marine survival ranged from 0.32% to 2.30%, and the number of adults produced per female ranged from 0 to 18 and the number of adults produced per male ranged from 0 to 32. The effective number of breeders ranged from 11% to 31% of the census population size for that brood year. These ratios fell within estimates from estimates of Ne/N in chinook (O. tshawytscha) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) hatchery populations.  相似文献   

The straying of hatchery salmon may harm wild salmon populations through a variety of ecological and genetic mechanisms. Surveys of pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), chum (O. keta) and sockeye (O. nerka) salmon in wild salmon spawning locations in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska since 1997 show a wide range of hatchery straying. The analysis of thermally marked otoliths collected from carcasses indicate that 0–98% of pink salmon, 0–63% of chum salmon and 0–93% of sockeye salmon in spawning areas are hatchery fish, producing an unknown number of hatchery-wild hybrids. Most spawning locations sampled (77%) had hatchery pink salmon from three or more hatcheries, and 51% had annual escapements consisting of more than 10% hatchery pink salmon during at least one of the years surveyed. An exponential decay model of the percentage of hatchery pink salmon strays with distance from hatcheries indicated that streams throughout PWS contain more than 10% hatchery pink salmon. The prevalence of hatchery pink salmon strays in streams increased throughout the spawning season, while the prevalence of hatchery chum salmon decreased. The level of hatchery salmon strays in many areas of PWS are beyond all proposed thresholds (2–10%), which confounds wild salmon escapement goals and may harm the productivity, genetic diversity and fitness of wild salmon in this region  相似文献   

In order to increase the size of declining salmonid populations, supplementation programmes intentionally release fish raised in hatcheries into the wild. Because hatchery-born fish often have lower fitness than wild-born fish, estimating rates of gene flow from hatcheries into wild populations is essential for predicting the fitness cost to wild populations. Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have both freshwater resident and anadromous (ocean-going) life history forms, known as rainbow trout and steelhead, respectively. Juvenile hatchery steelhead that 'residualize' (become residents rather than go to sea as intended) provide a previously unmeasured route for gene flow from hatchery into wild populations. We apply a combination of parentage and grandparentage methods to a three-generation pedigree of steelhead from the Hood River, Oregon, to identify the missing parents of anadromous fish. For fish with only one anadromous parent, 83% were identified as having a resident father while 17% were identified as having a resident mother. Additionally, we documented that resident hatchery males produced more offspring with wild anadromous females than with hatchery anadromous females. One explanation is the high fitness cost associated with matings between two hatchery fish. After accounting for all of the possible matings involving steelhead, we find that only 1% of steelhead genes come from residualized hatchery fish, while 20% of steelhead genes come from wild residents. A further 23% of anadromous steelhead genes come from matings between two resident parents. If these matings mirror the proportion of matings between residualized hatchery fish and anadromous partners, then closer to 40% of all steelhead genes come from wild trout each generation. These results suggest that wild resident fish contribute substantially to endangered steelhead 'populations' and highlight the need for conservation and management efforts to fully account for interconnected Oncorhynchus mykiss life histories.  相似文献   

Assignment tests are increasingly applied in ecology and conservation, although empirical comparisons of methods are still rare or are restricted to few of the available approaches. Furthermore, the performance of assignment tests in cases with low population differentiation, violations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and unbalanced sampling designs has not been verified. The release of adult hatchery steelhead to spawn in Forks Creek in 1996 and 1997 provided an opportunity to compare the power of different assignment methods to distinguish their offspring from those of sympatric wild steelhead. We compared standard assignment methods requiring baseline samples (frequency, distance and Bayesian) and clustering approaches with and without baseline information, using six freely available computer programs. Assignments were verified by parentage data obtained for a subset of returning offspring. All methods provided similar assignment success, despite low differentiation between wild and hatchery fish (F(ST) = 0.02). Bayesian approaches with baseline data performed best, whereas the results of clustering methods were variable and depended on the samples included in the analysis and the availability of baseline information. Removal of a locus with null alleles and equalizing sample sizes had little effect on assignments. Our results demonstrate the robustness of most assignment tests to low differentiation and violations of assumptions, as well as their utility for ecological studies that require correct classification of different groups.  相似文献   

Multilocus microsatellite genotypes were used to infer kinship and relatedness in two species of Pacific salmon from three populations in Washington State. Even in the absence of direct genetic data from parents, clustering of individuals according to allele sharing and reconstruction of parental genotypes allowed resolution of full- and half-sib relationships among 135 chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) sampled as preemergent juveniles from 14 redds in the Dungeness River. Inferred reproductive behaviors included single-pair matings, polyandry in which females mated with two to three males at a single redd, polygyny in which males mated with two females at different redds, use of two redds by a single female, and use of one redd site by two females. Greater average relatedness (rxy) in the upper reach of the Dungeness River implied within-reach homing of returning adults. In steelhead trout (O. mykiss), the frequency of related pairs (dyads) of mature individuals that migrated up Snow Creek less than a week apart was greater than expected for randomly chosen dyads, as was the frequency of steelhead dyads that were spawned on the same day in the Forks Creek hatchery. These results imply a heritable basis for upstream migration date and maturation date in steelhead trout.  相似文献   

Maintaining viable populations of salmon in the wild is a primary goal for many conservation and recovery programs. The frequency and extent of connectivity among natal sources defines the demographic and genetic boundaries of a population. Yet, the role that immigration of hatchery-produced adults may play in altering population dynamics and fitness of natural populations remains largely unquantified. Quantifying, whether natural populations are self-sustaining, functions as sources (population growth rate in the absence of dispersal, λ>1), or as sinks (λ<1) can be obscured by an inability to identify immigrants. In this study we use a new isotopic approach to demonstrate that a natural spawning population of Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) considered relatively healthy, represents a sink population when the contribution of hatchery immigrants is taken into consideration. We retrieved sulfur isotopes ((34)S/(32)S, referred to as δ(34)S) in adult Chinook salmon otoliths (ear bones) that were deposited during their early life history as juveniles to determine whether individuals were produced in hatcheries or naturally in rivers. Our results show that only 10.3% (CI = 5.5 to 18.1%) of adults spawning in the river had otolith δ(34)S values less than 8.5‰, which is characteristic of naturally produced salmon. When considering the total return to the watershed (total fish in river and hatchery), we estimate that 90.7 to 99.3% (CI) of returning adults were produced in a hatchery (best estimate = 95.9%). When population growth rate of the natural population was modeled to account for the contribution of previously unidentified hatchery immigrants, we found that hatchery-produced fish caused the false appearance of positive population growth. These findings highlight the potential dangers in ignoring source-sink dynamics in recovering natural populations, and question the extent to which declines in natural salmon populations are undetected by monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Aggregate hatchery production of Pacific salmon in the Kamchatka region of the Russian Federation is very low (< 0.5% of total harvest, with five hatcheries releasing approximately 41 M juvenile salmon annually), but contributions in certain rivers can be substantial. Enhancement programs in these rivers may strongly influence fitness and production of wild salmon. In this paper we document significant divergence in demographic traits in hatchery salmon populations in the Bolshaya River and we estimate the proportion of hatchery chum salmon in the total run in the Paratunka River to demonstrate the magnitude of enhancement in this system. We observed a reduction in the expression of life history types in hatchery populations (ranging from 1 to 9 types) compared to wild populations (17 types) of sockeye salmon in the Bolshaya River. We found similar trends in Chinook salmon in the same river system. This reduced life history diversity may make these fish less resilient to changes in habitat and climate. We estimate hatchery chum salmon currently contribute 17-45% to the natural spawning population in the Paratunka River. As hatchery fish increase in numbers at natural spawning sites, this hatchery production may affect wild salmon production. It is important to investigate the risk of introgression between hatchery and wild salmon that can lead to reduction in salmon fitness in Kamchatka rivers, as well as the potential of ecological interactions that can have consequences on status of wild salmon and overall salmon production in this region.  相似文献   

We compared the diet of hatchery-reared steelhead produced from an integrated hatchery program as emigrating spring smolts and non-migrating hatchery residuals to their sympatric wild counterparts. Our results suggest that there is a potential for hatchery fish to affect wild steelhead populations due to dietary overlap and subyearling salmonid predation; however, relative ecological risk did not increase as steelhead delayed or forwent emigration. Predation by hatchery smolts was related to release timing, but not experience with native fish. Diet composition appears to be more strongly affected by seasonal and yearly differences in prey abundance and presence rather than differences in rearing environments. Hatchery and wild steelhead showed small but important foraging differences. Hatchery smolts did not consume as many salmonids as wild fish and hatchery residuals showed relatively stronger surface oriented feeding behavior than wild parr. Because most hatchery smolts emigrated shortly after release and the overall number of residuals in the study creek was low, we speculate that in this case there is low dietary and predatory-based risk of hatchery steelhead in Abernathy Creek negatively impacting wild salmonids.  相似文献   

Hatchery and wild juvenile populations of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss and coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch , in a small coastal watershed in central California, were sampled throughout the year in a stream and at a hatchery. Both species grew faster in captivity than in the wild. Hatchery fish of both species had elevated gill Na+, K+‐ATPase activity, and thus were ready to enter sea water when planted during the wild fish migration. Downstream migrant trapping and stream surveys indicated that hatchery smolts went to sea soon after planting, consequently avoiding the effects of competition and predation that commonly occur when hatchery‐bred juveniles are released. Adult steelhead were also sampled throughout the watershed. The return of hatchery steelhead was highly synchronized with that of wild steelhead, indicating that hatchery propagation had no adverse effects on the timing of the run. A disproportionate number of hatchery steelhead returned to the tributary where the hatchery was located, despite being planted throughout the watershed. Hatchery steelhead did not differ in mean age or size from wild steelhead. Observations of spawning indicated that hatchery and wild steelhead interbreed. Competition for mates or spawning substratum was rarely observed between hatchery and wild steelhead. Many of the problems commonly associated with artificial propagation can be avoided in small coastal watersheds when wild broodstock are used and fish are released as smolts.  相似文献   

While supportive breeding programmes strive to minimize negative genetic impacts to populations, case studies have found evidence for reduced fitness of artificially produced individuals when they reproduce in the wild. Pedigrees of two complete generations were tracked with molecular markers to investigate differences in reproductive success (RS) of wild and hatchery‐reared Chinook salmon spawning in the natural environment to address questions regarding the demographic and genetic impacts of supplementation to a natural population. Results show a demographic boost to the population from supplementation. On average, fish taken into the hatchery produced 4.7 times more adult offspring, and 1.3 times more adult grand‐offspring than naturally reproducing fish. Of the wild and hatchery fish that successfully reproduced, we found no significant differences in RS between any comparisons, but hatchery‐reared males typically had lower RS values than wild males. Mean relative reproductive success (RRS) for hatchery F1 females and males was 1.11 (= 0.84) and 0.89 (= 0.56), respectively. RRS of hatchery‐reared fish (H) that mated in the wild with either hatchery or wild‐origin (W) fish was generally equivalent to W × W matings. Mean RRS of H × W and H × H matings was 1.07 (= 0.92) and 0.94 (= 0.95), respectively. We conclude that fish chosen for hatchery rearing did not have a detectable negative impact on the fitness of wild fish by mating with them for a single generation. Results suggest that supplementation following similar management practices (e.g. 100% local, wild‐origin brood stock) can successfully boost population size with minimal impacts on the fitness of salmon in the wild.  相似文献   

The extent to which stray, hatchery-reared salmon affect wild populations is much debated. Although experiments show that artificial breeding and culture influence the genetics of hatchery salmon, little is known about the interaction between hatchery and wild salmon in a natural setting. Here, we estimated historical and contemporary genetic population structures of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, with 135 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Historical population structure was inferred from the analysis of DNA from fish scales, which had been archived since the late 1960’s for several populations in PWS. Parallel analyses with microsatellites and a test based on Hardy-Weinberg proportions showed that about 50% of the fish-scale DNA was cross-contaminated with DNA from other fish. These samples were removed from the analysis. We used a novel application of the classical source-sink model to compare SNP allele frequencies in these archived fish-scales (1964–1982) with frequencies in contemporary samples (2008–2010) and found a temporal shift toward hatchery allele frequencies in some wild populations. Other populations showed markedly less introgression, despite moderate amounts of hatchery straying. The extent of introgression may reflect similarities in spawning time and life-history traits between hatchery and wild fish, or the degree that hybrids return to a natal spawning area. The source-sink model is a powerful means of detecting low levels of introgression over several generations.  相似文献   

Increasing production of hatchery salmon over the past four decades has led to concerns about possible density-dependent effects on wild Pacific salmon populations in the North Pacific Ocean. The concern arises because salmon from distant regions overlap in the ocean, and wild salmon populations having low productivity may compete for food with abundant hatchery populations. We tested the hypothesis that adult length-at-age, age-at-maturation, productivity, and abundance of a Norton Sound, Alaska, chum salmon population were influenced by Asian hatchery chum salmon, which have become exceptionally abundant and surpassed the abundance of wild chum salmon in the North Pacific beginning in the early 1980s. We found that smaller adult length-at-age, delayed age-at-maturation, and reduced productivity and abundance of the Norton Sound salmon population were associated with greater production of Asian hatchery chum salmon since 1965. Modeling of the density-dependent relationship, while controlling for other influential variables, indicated that an increase in adult hatchery chum salmon abundance from 10 million to 80 million adult fish led to a 72% reduction in the abundance of the wild chum salmon population. These findings indicate that competition with hatchery chum salmon contributed to the low productivity and abundance of Norton Sound chum salmon, which includes several stocks that are classified as Stocks of Concern by the State of Alaska. This study provides new evidence indicating that large-scale hatchery production may influence body size, age-at-maturation, productivity and abundance of a distant wild salmon population.  相似文献   

Captive rearing is a conservation strategy where juveniles are collected from the natural environment, reared to maturity in a hatchery environment, and then released back into the natural environment at maturity for volitional spawning. This strategy has been used to produce adult outplants for stock enhancement where natural escapement is poor or capture of adults is difficult. In both Idaho (Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Maine (Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar), captive rearing programs have been initiated as an experimental strategy to prevent cohort collapse and conserve genetic integrity of select depressed populations. In this paper, we provide an overview of these programs and describe some of the methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach. Behaviors such as habitat selection, courting, and spawn timing were monitored. Data collected for both programs indicate that the captive fish display similar behaviors as their wild conspecifics in terms of habitat selection and spawning, although there were some differences in spawn timing. Evaluations of egg and fry production also indicate that captive-reared adults are successfully spawning and producing offspring. Each program is still waiting on final evaluations of reproductive success through genetic analyses of returning adults, but results so far indicate that this could be an additional captive propagation strategy for depressed populations.  相似文献   

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum (Rs) is a serious problem among Pacific Northwest salmon hatcheries and has raised concerns that salmon reared in hatcheries may spread BKD to natural populations. In order to monitor the potential spread of this disease to salmon spawning in nature, a method must be available to collect and analyze tissues from naturally spawning salmon. Kidney tissue analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the standard method to detect the presence of Rs in salmon sampled in hatcheries. In this study, we tested the validity of using ELISA on kidney tissue collected from intact carcasses recovered on the spawning grounds to monitor BKD in naturally spawning populations by comparing ELISA optical density (OD) values from kidney tissue that was subjected to conditions that simulated decomposition in a carcass and collection during a spawning ground survey with samples freshly collected from salmon at a hatchery. Mean ELISA OD levels were 1.060 for the samples prepared by the normal preparation and 1.115 for samples prepared by simulating spawning ground survey collection. There was no significant difference in mean ELISA OD between the 2 sample preparations and the relationship did not significantly differ from 1:1 (slope = 0.946). This demonstrates that BKD prevalence in natural populations can be monitored using ELISA conducted on samples from intact carcasses recovered on spawning ground surveys. This will be an important tool for monitoring the effect of hatchery supplementation on naturally spawning salmon populations.  相似文献   

Wild steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) typically spend two or more years in freshwater before migrating to sea, but hatchery steelhead are almost ubiquitously released as yearlings. Their large size at release coupled with life history pathways that include both male and female maturation in freshwater present ecological risks different from those posed by hatchery populations of Pacific salmon. Yearling hatchery reared steelhead that fail to attain minimum thresholds for smoltification or exceed thresholds for male maturation tend to ‘residualize’ (i.e., remain in freshwater). Residuals pose ecological risks including size-biased interference competition and predation on juvenile salmon and trout. Three hatchery populations of steelhead in Hood Canal, WA were reared under growth regimes designed to produce a more natural age at smoltification (age-2) to aid in rebuilding their respective natural populations. Mean smolt sizes and size variability at age-2 were within the range of wild smolts for two of the three populations. The third population reared at a different facility under similar temperatures exhibited high growth rate variability and high male maturation rates (20% of all released fish). Experimentally comparing age-1 and age-2 smolt programs will help identify optimal rearing strategies to reduce the genetic risk of domestication selection and reduce residualism rates and associated negative ecological effects on natural populations. Investigations of Winthrop National Fish Hatchery summer-run steelhead will measure a) selection on correlated behavioral traits (‘behavioral syndromes’), b) degree of smoltification, c) changes in hormones that regulate gonad growth at key developmental stages, and d) conduct extensive post-release monitoring of fish reared under each growth regime.  相似文献   

Recent declines in many chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, populations within the Columbia River watershed have prompted an examination of their reproductive biology. In a previous study many female fall chinook salmon collected in 1999 from the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River tested positive for a male-specific DNA marker (OtY1) found on the Y chromosome. The purpose of this study was to determine if females testing positive for the OtY1 marker could be found in other populations of fall chinook salmon from the Columbia River, and to assess the prevalence of OtY1 incidence in different female cohorts. Post-spawned male and female fall chinook salmon from three different naturally spawning populations (Hanford Reach, Yakima River and Ives Island) and one hatchery population (Priest Rapids Hatchery) on the Columbia River were tested in 2000 and 2001 for the OtY1 marker. Among naturally spawning populations, 57.4% of the females tested positive from the Hanford Reach, 33.3% tested positive from the Yakima River, and 32.5% tested positive from Ives Island. Of the Priest Rapids Hatchery fish, 62.5% of the females tested positive, and significant differences were detected between the 1995–1996 and 1997–1998 female cohorts from this population. No significant differences were detected between any of the female cohorts from the naturally spawning populations. All male chinook salmon samples, tested positive for OtY1.  相似文献   

For over a century, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife has implemented hatchery programs as a means to boost salmon abundance. Concerns have developed that native populations may be replaced by hatchery strains, decreasing the genetic diversity required to respond to environmental changes. We report a comparison of microsatellite DNA variation in wild-spawning and hatchery-strain coho salmon from the Nooksack and Samish rivers in northern Puget Sound. Significant heterogeneity in genotype frequencies was detected between wild-spawning coho salmon from the upper North Fork (NF) Nooksack River and hatchery-strain coho salmon from the Nooksack River (descendants of primarily Nooksack River broodstock). Little difference in genotype frequencies was detected between wild-spawning coho salmon from the Samish River and hatchery-strain coho salmon from the Nooksack River. The 13-locus suite provided high resolution: in assignment tests over 85% of wild-spawning coho salmon from the upper NF Nooksack River were assigned to source. Wild-spawning coho salmon collected below hatcheries in the Nooksack River and 50% of wild-spawning Samish River coho salmon were assigned to hatchery collections. The genetic divergence of wild-spawning coho salmon in the upper NF Nooksack River is remarkable given the extensive stocking history and proximity of a hatchery. We suggest that these upper river fish are native coho salmon and that wild spawners in the lower Nooksack and Samish River are descendants of hatchery productions. We attribute divergence to earlier run timing in upper NF Nooksack River wild spawners, availability of extensive spawning and rearing habitat upstream of a hatchery in the upper NF Nooksack River, and a longer stocking history in the Samish River.  相似文献   

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