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Eggs were sampled from 22 wild American alligator nests from the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in south-west Louisiana, along with the females guarding the nests. Three nests were sampled in 1995 and 19 were sampled in 1997. Females and offspring from all clutches were genotyped using five polymorphic microsatellite loci and the three nests from 1995 were also genotyped using one allozyme locus. Genotypes of the hatchlings were consistent with the guarding females being the mothers of their respective clutches. Multiple paternity was found in seven of the 22 clutches with one being fathered by three males, and the remaining six clutches having genotypes consistent with two males per clutch. Paternal contributions of multiply sired clutches were skewed. Some males sired hatchlings of more than one of the 22 clutches either as one of two sires of a multiple paternity clutch, as the sole sire of two different clutches, or as the sole sire of one clutch and one of two sires of a multiply sired clutch. There was no significant difference between females that had multiple paternity clutches and those that had singly sired clutches with respect to female total length (P = 0.844) and clutch size (P = 0.861). Also, there was no significant correlation between genetic relatedness of nesting females and pairwise nest distances (r2 = 0.003, F1,208 = 0.623, P = 0.431), indicating that females in this sample that nested close to one another were no more related than any two nesting females chosen at random. Eleven mutations were detected among hatchlings at the five loci over the 22 clutches. Most of these mutations (eight of 11) occurred at Ami(mu)-17, the only compound microsatellite locus of the five used in this study, corresponding to a mutation rate of 1.7 x 10-3. Finally, most of the mutations (82%) were homoplasious, i.e., mutating to an allelic state already present in this Louisiana population.  相似文献   

Nest site fidelity and serial polyandry were examined in lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, a teleost fish in which the nest-guarding male parent invests more heavily in parental care than the elusive female parent. Lingcod parental and progeny genotypes were established for fish spawning on a 200 m(2) section of Snake Island reef, British Columbia in two successive years to evaluate male and female mate choice (monogamy or polygamy) and nest site reuse by the same parents (nest site fidelity) and/or different parents (nest site affinity). Thirteen nests (egg masses) guarded by nine males and 14 nests guarded by seven males were observed in 2002 and 2003, respectively. No female laid more than one nest per season or spawned in the study area in both years. In contrast, at least six (86%) and possibly all seven (100%) of the 2003 guardian males had been guardian or auxiliary males in 2002. Both nest site affinity and extreme male nest site fidelity were observed, with at least four males reusing the exact same nest site. Serial polyandry resulting from the high male and low female nest site fidelity is consistent with predictions based on a low female parental investment and high rate of progeny loss to predation and cannibalism. Male polygyny, achieved primarily by cuckoldry within seasons, was enhanced by the lack of female fidelity between seasons. Polygamy in both sexes of nest-tending marine fish may minimize reproductive skew and maximize genetic diversity within populations.  相似文献   

In the 1980s, alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) of Lake Apopka (Florida, USA) underwent a population decline associated with decreased egg viability, effects that have been associated with endocrine-disrupting, persistent organochlorine pesticides. It is currently unknown whether the decreased egg viability is due to fertilization failure or early embryonic death. Therefore, we conducted a preliminary study to evaluate the use of microsatellite DNA loci to determine the fertilization status of nonviable eggs. Using microsatellite analysis, we compared genotypes from blasto-disks and embryos with the genotypes from females trapped at the nest. Four of five nonviable egg samples tested yielded evidence of fertilization. No evidence of unfertilized eggs was obtained, but amplifiable DNA could not be obtained from one entirely nonviable clutch. Thus, we demonstrate that early embryonic mortality in alligators can be detected by microsatellite analysis, but also suggest substantial effort is needed to improve the recovery of DNA and amplification of alligator microsatellite loci.  相似文献   

The breeding system of the Greater Rhea Rhea americana is almost unique among birds as it combines harem polygyny and sequential polyandry, with communal egg-laying and uniparental male care. In this species, large communal clutches (more than 30 eggs) are rare and have a lower hatching success than smaller clutches. Here we analyse the proximate causes of hatching failures and the costs of large communal clutches (and therefore the costs of extensive polygyny) for males and females. We evaluated if length of the nesting period, egg viability, egg losses during incubation and male parental activity at the nest were affected by clutch size. We also evaluated if chicks hatched from large clutches have a lower survival during the first 2 months after hatching. Large clutches had longer nesting period and lower hatching success, mainly as a result of bacterial contamination of the eggs and increased hatching asynchrony. In addition, large clutches tended to lose more eggs as a result of accidental breakage or predation. Male activity at the nest and chick survival were not related to clutch size. Low hatching success, nest predation risk and energetic costs associated with large clutches penalize females that join large harems and males that accept additional eggs into the nest.  相似文献   

Most genetic surveys of parentage in nature sample only a small fraction of the breeding population. Here we apply microsatellite markers to deduce the genetic mating system and assess the reproductive success of females and males in an extensively collected, semi-closed stream population of the mottled sculpin fish, Cottus bairdi. In this species, males guard nest rocks where females deposit the eggs for fertilization. The potential exists for both males and females to mate with multiple partners and for males to provide parental care to genetically unrelated offspring. Four hundred and fifty-five adults and subadults, as well as 1,259 offspring from 23 nests, were genotyped at five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Multilocus maternal genotypes, deduced via genetic analyses of embryos, were reconstructed for more than 90% of the analysed nests, thus allowing both male and female reproductive success to be estimated accurately. There was no genetic evidence for cuckoldry, but one nest probably represents a takeover event. Successful males spawned with a mean of 2.8 partners, whereas each female apparently deposited her entire clutch of eggs in a single nest (mean fecundity = 66 eggs/female). On average, genetically deduced sires and dams were captured 1.6 and 9.3 metres from their respective nests, indicating little movement by breeders during the spawning season. Based on a 'genetic mark-recapture' estimate, the total number of potentially breeding adults (c. 570) was an order-of-magnitude larger than genetically based estimates of the effective number of breeders (c. 54). In addition, significantly fewer eggs per female were deposited in single than in multidam nests. Not only were perceived high-quality males spawning with multiple partners, but they were receiving more eggs from each female.  相似文献   

Sequential polygyny is a reproductive strategy that allows males to continue to mate and compensates for the loss of future breeding opportunities incurred by parental care (i.e. egg attendance). Using the frog Kurixalus eiffengeri, we tested predictions that (1) attending males fathered two, overlapping clutches; and (2) that double clutching leads to improved offspring numbers. Using five microsatellite DNA markers, we genotyped 15 pairs of overlapping clutches, which differed slightly in developmental stage at a single egg‐laying site. Parentage analyses showed at least 12 of 15 pairs of overlapping egg clutches were sired by the attending male mated with different females, providing the first genetic evidence to support an earlier prediction that attending males sired both egg clutches. Field surveys found a low incidence of overlapping clutches (4.9% of 263 egg‐occupied stumps), suggesting sequential polygyny is uncommon. Stumps with multiple clutches contained significantly more eggs than stumps with single clutches but hatched similar number of tadpoles. Results suggest that continuous calling that attracts females during egg attendance is a reproductive tactic that maximizes mating opportunities. However, adoption of the sequential polygyny tactic may only result in marginal fitness gains for males that are traded off against average higher egg mortality in larger egg clutches.  相似文献   

Among urodeles, ambystomatid salamanders are particularly amenable to genetic parentage analyses because they are explosive aggregate breeders that typically have large progeny arrays. Such analyses can lead to direct inferences about otherwise cryptic aspects of salamander natural history, including the rate of multiple mating, individual reproductive success, and the spatial distribution of clutches. In 2002, we collected eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum) egg masses (> 1000 embryos) from a approximately 80 m linear transect in Indiana, USA. Embryos were genotyped at four variable microsatellite loci and the resulting progeny array data were used to reconstruct multilocus genotypes of the parental dams and sires for each egg mass. UPGMA analysis of genetic distances among embryos resolved four instances of egg mass admixture, where two or more females had oviposited at exactly the same site resulting in the mixing of independent cohorts. In total, 41 discrete egg masses were available for parentage analyses. Twenty-three egg masses (56%) consisted exclusively of full-siblings (i.e. were singly sired) and 18 (44%) were multiply sired (mean 2.6 males/clutch). Parentage could be genetically assigned to one of 17 distinct parent pairs involving at least 15 females and 14 different males. Reproductive skew was evident among males who sired multiply sired clutches. Additional evidence of the effects of sexual selection on male reproductive success was apparent via significant positive correlations between male mating and reproductive success. Females frequently partitioned their clutches into multiple discrete egg masses that were separated from one another by as many as 43 m. Collectively, these data provide the first direct evidence for polygynandry in a wild population of tiger salamanders.  相似文献   

Mating order can have important consequences for the fertilization success of males whose ejaculates compete to fertilize a clutch of eggs. Despite an excellent body of literature on mating-order effects in many animals, they have rarely been considered in marine free-spawning invertebrates, where both sexes release gametes into the water column. In this study, we show that in such organisms, mating order can have profound repercussions for male reproductive success. Using in vitro fertilization for two species of sea urchin, we found that the 'fertilization history' of a clutch of eggs strongly influenced the size distribution of unfertilized eggs, and consequently the likelihood that they will be fertilized. Males that had first access to a batch of eggs enjoyed elevated fertilization success because they had privileged access to the largest and therefore most readily fertilizable eggs within a clutch. By contrast, when a male's sperm were exposed to a batch of unfertilized eggs left over from a previous mating event, fertilization rates were reduced, owing to smaller eggs remaining in egg clutches previously exposed to sperm. Because of this size-dependent fertilization, the fertilization history of eggs also strongly influenced the size distribution of offspring, with first-spawning males producing larger, and therefore fitter, offspring. These findings suggest that when there is variation in egg size, mating order will influence not only the quantity but also the quality of offspring sired by competing males.  相似文献   

Egg camouflage has been found to reduce predation in several ground‐nesting species. Therefore, the evolution of eggs that lack camouflage in ground nesting birds is puzzling. Even though clutch predation in the tropics is high, tinamous are the only tropical ground‐nesting birds that do not build a nest and do not lay cryptic eggs. I studied predation of great tinamou clutches in a lowland tropical forest and found that risk of predation was higher during incubation when the eggs are covered by the parent, than during laying when they are exposed, suggesting that predators primarily use cues from the incubating males to locate the clutch and not cues from the eggs. Clutch size had no effect on predation rate, even though larger clutches are more conspicuous to a human observer. Predation by visual cues is likely reduced during incubation by the camouflaged plumage and high nest attendance of males. If most predators use cues from the incubating male and not the eggs to locate clutches, then conspicuous egg color may have evolved in great tinamous as an intra‐specific signal. I evaluate hypotheses that may explain the maintenance of conspicuous egg color in tinamous.  相似文献   

Lack ( 1967 ) proposed that clutch size in species with precocial young was determined by nutrients available to females at the time of egg formation; since then others have suggested that regulation of clutch size in these species may be more complex. We tested whether incubation limitation contributes to ultimate constraints on maximal clutch size in Black Brent Geese (Black Brant) Branta bernicla nigricans. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between clutch size and duration of the nesting period (i.e. days between nest initiation and the first pipped egg) and the number of goslings leaving the nest. We used experimental clutch manipulations to assess these questions because they allowed us to create clutches that were larger than the typical maximum of five eggs in this species. We found that the per‐capita probability of egg success (i.e. the probability an egg hatched and the gosling left the nest) declined from 0.81 for two‐egg clutches to 0.50 for seven‐egg clutches. As a result of declining egg success, clutches containing more than five eggs produced, at best, only marginally more offspring. Manipulating clutch size at the beginning of incubation had no effect on the duration of the nesting period, but the nesting period increased with the number of eggs a female laid naturally prior to manipulation, from 25.4 days (95% CI 25.1–25.7) for three‐egg clutches to 27.7 days (95% CI 27.3–28.1) for six‐egg clutches. This delay in hatching may result in reduced gosling growth rates due to declining forage quality during the brood rearing period. Our results suggest that the strong right truncation of Brent clutches, which results in few clutches greater than five, is partially explained by the declining incubation capacity of females as clutch size increases and a delay in hatching with each additional egg laid. As a result, females laying clutches with more than five eggs would typically gain little fitness benefit above that associated with a five‐egg clutch.  相似文献   

Attempts by males to steal fertilizations from other males are common in many species. In some sticklebacks, males also are known to steal eggs from the nests of rivals and to carry them back to their own nests. However the genetic consequences of these nest-raiding behaviors seldom have been investigated. Here we assess genetically the prevalence of sneaked fertilizations and egg stealing, and we describe the mating system in a natural population of the fifteenspine stickleback. Six microsatellite markers were developed and employed to assay a total of 1307 embryos from 28 nests. Guardian males and all nest-holding males in the local area also were genotyped for two to six loci Analysis of male genotypes and those of embryos revealed that five of the 28 nests (18%) contained progeny from sneaked fertilizations, and that four of the 24 nests (17%) with resident males contained stolen egg clutches Comparisons of the composite DNA genotypes of nest-holding males against those of inferred sneakers implicated one nest holder as the sneaker of a nest seven meters from his own. Also, the genetic data demonstrated that nests of males frequently contain eggs from multiple females. The multilocus genotypes of inferred mothers indicated that females mate with multiple males, sometimes over distances greater than one kilometer.  相似文献   

Breeding ecology of the stream goby,Rhinogobius sp. LD (Large Dark), was investigated under natural conditions. Males selectively courted females of similar size to lead them to the nests, whereas females followed courting males preferentially when the relative male size was greater. Male-male competition for a female was relatively infrequent and not severe. Developmental stages of eggs and egg numbers in one nest indicated that males receive 1–3 clutches during one breeding cycle. Males guarding multiple clutches frequently ate some of the eggs, but those guarding single clutches rarely did so. Gravid females in the nest also frequently cannibalized eggs laid by a previous female, probably in order to extend the area available for egg deposition. Mate choice in this species is discussed in relation to paternal ability, limitation of available spawning area and the female-biased sex ratio.  相似文献   

In the majority of birds and mammals, social monogamy is not congruent with genetic monogamy. No research to date has compared social and genetic monogamy in amphibians. We analysed paternity in clutches of red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus), a species in which social monogamy has been demonstrated in the laboratory, and 28% of individuals in the forest are found in male-female pairs in the noncourtship season. We collected 16 clutches of eggs of P. cinereus in the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia and collected tail clippings from attending mothers. We genotyped embryos and adults at five microsatellite loci in order to analyse paternity of clutches. Most clutches (84.6%) had multiple sires, with two to three sires per clutch. In this study, 25% of clutches had males in addition to females attending eggs. None of the mothers of these clutches were genetically monogamous. All attending males sired some of the offspring in the clutch that they attended (between 9% and 50%) but never sired a majority in that clutch. We conclude that, at least in this population, social monogamy in P. cinereus is not concomitant with genetic monogamy.  相似文献   

The ostrich breeding system is complex and unique; communal clutches are laid by several females, although only one female, the major female, and the resident territorial male provide parental care. More eggs are laid in the nest than can be incubated and the major female ejects surplus eggs from the incubated central clutch. Microsatellite markers were used to analyse the parentage of communal nests in Nairobi National Park. This revealed that major females contributed a disproportionate number of fertile eggs to the central, incubated clutch and that multiple paternity and maternity within a nest were common; 68.9% of all incubated eggs on a nest were not parented by both the resident territorial male and the major female of that nest. All the males fertilized eggs on the clutches of neighbouring males. Unexpectedly, every major female with her own nest was also simultaneously a minor female with incubated eggs on neighbouring clutches. The relatedness between females laying in the same nest was not significantly different from the population average and significantly less than that between chicks hatched from the same nest.  相似文献   

Incubation is an energetically demanding process during which birds apply heat to their eggs to ensure embryonic development. Parent behaviours such as egg turning and exchanging the outer and central eggs in the nest cup affect the amount of heat lost to the environment from individual eggs. Little is known, however, about whether and how egg surface temperature and cooling rates vary among the different areas of an egg and how the arrangement of eggs within the clutch influences heat loss. We performed laboratory (using Japanese quail eggs) and field (with northern lapwing eggs) experiments using infrared imaging to assess the temperature and cooling patterns of heated eggs and clutches. We found that (i) the sharp poles of individual quail eggs warmed to a higher egg surface temperature than did the blunt poles, resulting in faster cooling at the sharp poles compared to the blunt poles; (ii) both quail and lapwing clutches with the sharp poles oriented towards the clutch centre (arranged clutches) maintained higher temperatures over the central part of the clutch than occurred in those clutches where most of the sharp egg poles were oriented towards the exterior (scattered clutches); and (iii) the arranged clutches of both quail and lapwing showed slower cooling rates at both the inner and outer clutch positions than did the respective parts of scattered clutches. Our results demonstrate that egg surface temperature and cooling rates differ between the sharp and blunt poles of the egg and that the orientation of individual eggs within the nest cup can significantly affect cooling of the clutch as a whole. We suggest that birds can arrange their eggs within the nest cup to optimise thermoregulation of the clutch.  相似文献   

We investigated male parasitic spawning in a protected natural population of Mediterranean damselfish. Chromis chromis nested in colonies, inside which males showed a high variability in mating success. Our field observations indicate that the egg batches obtained by the most successful fish were five times bigger than the ones obtained by the less successful fish and many males never received ovipositions. On the other hand, reproductive parasitism was a common tactic within the colony. Successful nesting males sneaked into their neighbours' nests depending on the amount of eggs in their nest, with small clutch size inducing the males to parasitic reproduction. Males failing to receive egg depositions on their nests showed a significantly higher parasitism rate than successful males. Non-territorial males occupied stations in the water column above the breeding grounds and whenever the opportunity arose, they disrupted spawning in progress, stealing copulation with females. We observed that the likelihood of males being parasitized by sneakers was not correlated with the size of their own clutch; on the contrary, it depended both on the number of neighbouring nests and on the number of neighbouring males with barren nests (i.e. unsuccessful males). No correlation was found between parasitic behaviour and male size, suggesting males may switch between spawning in their own and in their neighbour's nests depending on mating opportunity. The hypothesis that colonial nesting facilitates parasitic reproduction is here discussed.  相似文献   

Aggregate, or explosive, breeding is widespread among vertebrates and likely increases the probability of multiple paternity. We assessed paternity in seven field-collected clutches of the explosively breeding spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) using 10 microsatellite loci to determine the frequency of multiple paternity and the number of males contributing to a female's clutch. Using the Minimum Method of allele counts, multiple paternity was evident in 70% of these egg masses. Simple allele counts underestimate the number of contributing males because this method cannot distinguish multiple fathers with common or similar alleles. Therefore, we used computer simulations to estimate from the offspring genotypes the most likely number of contributing fathers given the distributions of allele frequencies in this population. We determined that two to eight males may contribute to A. maculatum clutches; therefore, multiple paternity is a common strategy in this aggregate breeding species. In aggregate mating systems competition for mates can be intense, thus differential reproductive success (reproductive skew) among males contributing to a female's clutch could be a probable outcome. We use our data to evaluate the potential effect of reproductive skew on estimates of the number of contributing males. We simulated varying scenarios of differential male reproductive success, ranging from equal contribution to high reproductive skew among contributing sires in multiply sired clutches. Our data suggest that even intermediate levels of reproductive skew decrease confidence substantially in estimates of the number of contributing sires when parental genotypes are unknown.  相似文献   

The spawning behaviour of male nest guarding sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus , a recent invasive species in southern England, was studied and quantified for the first time. In the absence of physical differences between territorial and non‐territorial males ( i.e . colour, size, etc .), the reproductive behaviour of territorial males was analysed and related to reproductive success. The results showed that females preferred high‐courting and highly aggressive males. The initial cue in female mate choice, however, was based on courtship, while aggression was the decisive behavioural trait in influencing mate choice, providing a direct signal of physical condition and 'paternal competence'. Some males picked nest sites which were subsequently preferred by other males taking over the nest of a previous male ('communal nest'), with the new territorial male adopting the eggs already present at the nest. It appears that either due to female preference for nests already containing eggs or lower rates of sired egg predation by dilution among unrelated eggs, sunbleak males have adopted the mating strategy of allopaternal care.  相似文献   

Paternity was determined for three clutches and up to 20 offspring per clutch in the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) from Ascension Island, South Atlantic, using microsatellite markers. All three clutches were sired by at least two different males. The results were compared with those of previous studies of multiple paternity in turtles. No significant difference among studies was observed in the mean contribution of the males siring the largest proportion of progeny per clutch. The present study also provides evidence for segregation distortion (meiotic drive) in turtles.  相似文献   

In the Glentui River, Canterbury, New Zealand, Galaxias vulgaris Stokell spawned in late winter and early spring (from July to September), the onset of spawning being temperature-dependent. No females matured in their first year, but 95 and 68 % of age 0+ males were mature in consecutive years. With the exception of one female, all fish aged 1 + and older spawned. In mature fish, overies reached nearly 23%, and testes 11%, of somatic weight. Maturity in males depended on size, whereas in females, age appeared to be the major factor affecting maturity. Recruitment eggs for next season's spawning were distinct from primary oocytes soon after the ripe eggs were shed. Egg numbers varied between 284 and 1911 per fish, and weight was the best indicator of fecundity. Sex ratios of whole samples were not significantly different from 1 : 1, but ratios of potential spawners revealed an excess of males, due mainly to the presence of age 0 + fish. Age0+ males probably play an important role in adverse conditions and act as a form of insurance by significantly increasing the proportion of ripe males, thereby ensuring that all eggs are fertilized. The nest, egg mass and behaviour during the spawning period are described. More than one female may lay eggs in each nest and it is probable that each egg mass receives sperm from more than one male. It is suggested that the presence of fewer and larger eggs in G. vulgaris , compared with the diadromous galaxiids, is the result of a more precise fertilization process.  相似文献   

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