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Innate predator recognition and fright response behaviours were compared in a laboratory study between second generation offspring from two related populations of steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss from Sashin Creek, Alaska. The stream population was anadromous and co-occurred with Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma , a piscivore and salmonid predator. Sashin Lake, formerly fishless, was stocked with fish from the stream population in 1926 and that population has been isolated from heterospecific piscine predation ever since. Fish from the lake population were predicted to show diminished innate fright response to Dolly Varden scent relative to the stream population. The behaviour of 60 individual juvenile O. mykiss from each population was measured and observed in aquaria before and after exposure to chemical cues of Dolly Varden, conspecific skin extract, or a control of distilled water. The alarm substances caused significant behavioural changes in both populations in the amount of time spent motionless, time spent in the lower water column and feeding frequency. No significant differences were observed between the stream and lake populations in the change in behaviour between pre- and post-stimulus observation periods for any of the measured fright responses, indicating that the sequestered lake population has not lost the ability to detect or respond to conspecific alarm substances or Dolly Varden scent.  相似文献   

Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations have declined dramatically in many parts of their range in North America, most critically in Southern California, where these anadromous trout are now classified as ‘Endangered’ under the United States Endangered Species Act. The widespread introduction of hatchery rainbow trout, the domesticated freshwater resident form of the species O. mykiss, is one factor threatening the long-term persistence of native steelhead and other trout populations. To identify where native fish of coastal steelhead lineage remained, we performed a population genetic analysis of microsatellite and SNP genotypes from O. mykiss populations at the extreme southern end of their range in Southern California, USA and Baja California, Mexico. In the northern part of this region, nearly all populations appeared to be primarily descendants of native coastal steelhead. However, in the southern, more urbanized part of this region, the majority of the sampled populations were derived primarily from hatchery trout, indicating either complete replacement of native fish or a strong signal of introgression overlaying native ancestry. Nevertheless, these genetically introgressed populations represent potentially critical genetic resources for the continued persistence of viable networks of O. mykiss populations, given the limited native ancestry uncovered in this region and the importance of genetic variation in adaptation. This study elucidates the geographic distribution of native trout populations in this region, and serves as a baseline for evaluating the impacts of hatchery trout on native O. mykiss populations and the success of steelhead conservation and recovery efforts.  相似文献   

Rapid adaptation to novel environments may drive changes in genomic regions through natural selection. Such changes may be population-specific or, alternatively, may involve parallel evolution of the same genomic region in multiple populations, if that region contains genes or co-adapted gene complexes affecting the selected trait(s). Both quantitative and population genetic approaches have identified associations between specific genomic regions and the anadromous (steelhead) and resident (rainbow trout) life-history strategies of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Here, we use genotype data from 95 single nucleotide polymorphisms and show that the distribution of variation in a large region of one chromosome, Omy5, is strongly associated with life-history differentiation in multiple above-barrier populations of rainbow trout and their anadromous steelhead ancestors. The associated loci are in strong linkage disequilibrium, suggesting the presence of a chromosomal inversion or other rearrangement limiting recombination. These results provide the first evidence of a common genomic basis for life-history variation in O. mykiss in a geographically diverse set of populations and extend our knowledge of the heritable basis of rapid adaptation of complex traits in novel habitats.  相似文献   

Oncorhynchus mykiss have a diverse array of life history types, and understanding the relationship among types is important for management of the species. Patterns of gene flow between sympatric freshwater resident O. mykiss, commonly known as rainbow trout, and anadromous O. mykiss, commonly known as steelhead, populations are complex and poorly understood. In this study, we attempt to determine the occurrence and pathways of gene flow and the degree of genetic similarity between sympatric resident and anadromous O. mykiss in three river systems, and investigate whether resident O. mykiss are producing anadromous offspring in these rivers, two of which have complete barriers to upstream migration. We found that the population structure of the O. mykiss in these rivers appears to be influenced more by the presence of a barrier to upstream migration than by life history type. The sex ratio of resident O. mykiss located above a barrier, and smolts captured in screw traps was significantly skewed in favor of females, whereas the reverse was true below the barriers, suggesting that male resident O. mykiss readily migrate downstream over the barrier, and that precocious male maturation may be occurring in the anadromous populations. Through paternity analyses, we also provide direct confirmation that resident O. mykiss can produce offspring that become anadromous. Most (89%) of the resident O. mykiss that produced anadromous offspring were males. Our results add to the growing body of evidence that shows that gene flow does readily occur between sympatric resident and anadromous O. mykiss life history types, and indicates that resident O. mykiss populations may be a potential repository of genes for the anadromous life history type.  相似文献   

We used acoustic telemetry to study the post-spawn movement of Oncorhynchus mykiss kelts released in April 2005 and 2006 from the Coleman National Fish Hatchery, Anderson, CA. Following release, O. mykiss kelts demonstrated both anadromous and non-anadromous life histories, with some fish alternating life history strategies between years. Anadromy was most common, characterized by a short-term residence near the release site, followed by sustained downstream emigration once initiated. O. mykiss kelts demonstrating anadromy arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge from April to mid-July. Repeat spawning migrations of anadromous O. mykiss kelts began from late-September through October of the year of release. High fidelity back to Battle Creek was observed, occurring from late-September through November. While most O. mykiss kelts were anadromous, at least 10 % remained in freshwater, or residualized. O. mykiss kelts that residualized demonstrated two distinct patterns of movement: 1) residency near the release location, and 2) potamodromy. Overall survival was high with 36 % and 48 % of O. mykiss kelts released making a repeat spawning migration and demonstrating iteroparity in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Increase in body lengths of O. mykiss kelts that returned to the Coleman NFH were significantly greater for anadromous fish, compared to fish that residualized, but survival was higher for fish that residualized. Release of hatchery O. mykiss kelts could result in both positive and negative genetic and ecological effects to hatchery- and naturally-producing salmonids. We believe the benefits of releasing O. mykiss kelts at the Coleman NFH, including increased numbers and size of fish in the recreational fishery and genetic and demographic benefits to the hatchery brood stock outweigh the limited risk to natural populations that would result from predation and competition of the relatively small number of O. mykiss kelts that resided in fresh water.  相似文献   

We examine sympatric anadromous (steelhead) and nonanadromous (resident) rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from neighboring locations to test three hypotheses: (1) the sympatric life history types are not genetically different; (2) fine-scale dispersal is the same for both sexes, and (3) fine-scale dispersal is the same for steelhead and resident individuals. Data from 13 microsatellite loci reveal no genetic difference between sympatric steelhead and resident O. mykiss but moderate population structure (F ST=0.019–0.028) between adjacent samples, regardless of life history type. Our results provide further evidence of partial anadromy and suggest that geographic proximity and genetic history, more than migratory type, should be considered when identifying populations for use in restoration of local genetic diversity. We find evidence of resident-form dispersal bias on a fine spatial scale, however, we find no evidence that fine-scale dispersal varies by gender. Conservation strategies should aim to maintain resident and anadromous forms when they occur in sympatry, as they may be important in facilitating gene flow on small and large spatial scales, respectively.  相似文献   

Large-scale introductions of resident and anadromous salmonids from exogenous sources and urbanization have led to major changes in, and concern for the fate of, indigenous fish populations of the Lake Sammamish/Lake Washington Basin. Specifically, introductions of kokanee (the resident form of Oncorhynchus nerka) from the Lake Whatcom Hatchery and sockeye (the anadromous form of O. nerka) from Baker Lake have caused uncertainty about the ancestry of the kokanee that currently spawn in the basin. We used nine microsatellite loci to investigate the inter-relationships of kokanee populations that spawn in streams in the Sammamish sub-basin, sockeye salmon populations that share spawning areas with the kokanee, Lake Whatcom Hatchery kokanee and Baker Lake sockeye, and an outgroup, Meadow Creek kokanee, from Lake Kootenay which drains into the upper Columbia River. We observed high levels of genetic variation (5–49 alleles per locus). Explicit tests of population sub-division revealed that collections from most spawning aggregations differed from each other. Observed allele frequency distributions strongly suggest that natural spawning kokanee in the basin are not descended from recent Lake Whatcom stock introductions. We found no compelling evidence to suggest that the kokanee sampled from spawning areas within the Lake Sammamish sub-basin have resulted from, or been altered substantially by, past introductions of non-native kokanee or sockeye.  相似文献   

Dated sediment cores from acidified and fishless Lake Gaffeln and Lake Härsvatten, SW Sweden, were analyzed for Daphnia ephippia and Chaoborus mandibles to test whether acidification history and fish extirpations could be reconstructed in a paleo-study using these easily identifiable animal remains. According to monitoring data fish were lost in both lakes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Progressive acidification prior to monitoring was confirmed by a gradual decrease and eventual loss of Daphnia ephippia in both study lakes during the first half of the twentieth century. In Lake Gaffeln mandibles of C. obscuripes appeared immediately after fish loss in 1973, and the regular presence of this species confirmed the succeeding fishless state of this lake. In Lake Härsvatten sediments C. obscuripes appeared only recently, i.e. three decades after fish extirpation, showing that the absence of C. obscuripes mandibles is not a trustworthy indicator of fish presence. Hence, the appearance of C. obscuripes was not temporally related to fish loss but confirmed the present fishless condition. Known historical presence of cyprinid fish in Lake Gaffeln was confirmed by a significantly higher proportion of fragmented mandibles of C. flavicans compared to the historically cyprinid-free Lake Härsvatten. In addition, both lake profiles displayed zero-proportions of fragmented mandibles during fishless periods. We conclude that acidification history and fish extirpations can be inferred by integrated studies on subfossil Daphnia ephippia and Chaoborus mandibles. However, during extreme ultra-oligotrophic conditions in acidified clear-water lakes subfossil Chaoborus mandibles may be too scarce to infer fish absence/presence.  相似文献   

The anadromous Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) (4 runs) and steelhead (rainbow trout, O. mykiss), are both native to Californias Sacramento-San Joaquin River (SSJR) system, whose watershed encompasses the central valley of California. The SSJR system holds the southernmost extant Chinook salmon populations in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, whereas coastal anadromous steelhead populations are found at more southerly latitudes. Populations of both species of anadromous salmonid have experienced dramatic declines during the past 100 years, at least partly from water impoundments and diversions on most central valley rivers and their tributaries. These changes restricted the longitudinal distribution of these salmonids, often forcing the superimposition of steelhead populations and Chinook salmon populations in the same reaches. This superimposition is problematic in part because the alterations to the river systems have not only changed the historic flow regimes, but have also changed the thermal regimes, resulting in thermally-coupled changes in fish development, growth, health, distribution, and survival. Given the highly regulated nature of the system, resource managers are constantly trying to strike a balance between maintaining or increasing the population size of anadromous fish runs and with other demands for the water, such as irrigation and water quality. To do so, in this review, we summarize the published information on the temperature tolerance and growth of the stream-associated life stages of these two valuable species, which are so central to the natural heritage of the State and its cultures. We show that many of these limits and growth-related effects are specific regarding life stage and that some may be specific to distinct strains or races of Chinook salmon and steelhead within the system. Because the number of published studies on the physiology of central valley salmonids was surprisingly low, we also use this review to highlight critical areas where further research is needed. Overall, this review should assist biologists and resource decision-makers with improved understanding for the protection and enhancement of these native fishes.  相似文献   

Variability is a hallmark of animal behavior and the degree of variability may fluctuate in response to environmental or biological gradients. For example, diel activity patterns during reproductive migrations often differ from those in non-breeding habitats, reflecting trade-offs among efficient route selection, reproductive phenology, and risk avoidance. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that diel movements of anadromous fishes differ among freshwater migration habitats. We analyzed diel movement data from ~13 000 radio-, PIT-, and acoustic-tagged adult fishes from five Columbia River species: Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; sockeye salmon, O. nerka; steelhead, O. mykiss; Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus; and American shad, Alosa sapidissima. All five species were active during most of the diel cycle in low-gradient, less hydraulically complex reservoir and riverine habitats. Movement shifted to predominantly diurnal (salmonids and American shad) or nocturnal (Pacific lamprey) at hydroelectric dam fishways where hydraulic complexity and predator density were high. Results suggest that context-dependent behaviors are common during fish migrations, and that diel activity patterns vary with the degree of effort or predation risk required for movement.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviour patterns in animals are controlled by a complex genetic architecture. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a salmonid fish that spawns in streams but exhibits three primary life history pathways: stream‐resident (fluvial), lake‐migrant (adfluvial) and ocean‐migrant (anadromous). Previous studies examining fluvial and anadromous Omykiss have identified several genes associated with life history divergence including the presence of an inversion complex within chromosome 5 (Omy05) that appears to maintain a suite of linked genes controlling migratory behaviour. However, adfluvial trout are migratory without being anadromous, and the genetic basis for this life history has not been investigated from evolutionary perspectives. We sampled wild, native nonanadromous rainbow trout occupying connected stream and lake habitats in a southwest Alaskan watershed to determine whether these fish exhibit genetic divergence between fluvial and adfluvial ecotypes, and whether that divergence parallels that documented in fluvial and anadromous O. mykiss. Data from restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing revealed an association between frequencies of both the Omy05 inversion complex and other single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with habitat type (stream or lake), supporting the genetic divergence of fluvial and adfluvial individuals in sympatry. The presence of a genetic basis for migration into lakes, analogous to that documented for anadromy, indicates that the adfluvial ecotype must be recognized separately from the fluvial form of Omykiss even though neither is anadromous. These results highlight the genetic architecture underlying migration and the importance of chromosomal inversions in promoting and sustaining intraspecific diversity.  相似文献   

Steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were first introduced into the Great Lakes in the late 1800s. Subsequently, natural recruitment across the Lake Michigan basin has been regularly supplemented by primarily one hatchery strain. Recently, multiple strains derived from locations across the species native range along the west coast of the United States have also been stocked by different management agencies. Prior to 1983, hatchery supplementation of Lake Michigan steelhead populations in Michigan was largely unsuccessful due to low smolting rates of small (<120 mm) hatchery yearlings (estimated survival 0.01%). Accordingly, contributions of hatchery fish to historical adult spawning runs in Michigan tributaries were low (0–30%) across six major drainages. Large yearlings of different hatchery strains (>150 mm) have been stocked exclusively since 1983, increasing estimates of survival to smolting (90%). Consequently, the proportion of hatchery adults in spawning runs increased to 13–79%. We examined the effects of changes in stocking practices on straying rates of hatchery steelhead and to temporal changes in levels of genetic diversity and relationships among populations. We used microsatellite loci to estimate allele frequencies for six populations sampled for two time periods (1983–1984 and 1998–1999). Measures of inter-population divergence (mean FST) were not significant for either time period. However, spatial genetic relationships among historical and contemporary populations were significantly correlated with geographic distance; a result not expected if gene flow (natural straying) among populations was mediated solely by hatchery supplementation. Increased numbers of alleles in spawning adults from populations can be attributed to alleles specific to recently introduced hatchery strains.  相似文献   

The mean body size of limnetic cladocerans decreases from cold temperate to tropical regions, in both the northern and the southern hemisphere. This size shift has been attributed to both direct (e.g. physiological) or indirect (especially increased predation) impacts. To provide further information on the role of predation, we compiled results from several studies of subtropical Uruguayan lakes using three different approaches: (i) field observations from two lakes with contrasting fish abundance, Lakes Rivera and Rodó, (ii) fish exclusion experiments conducted in in-lake mesocosms in three lakes, and (iii) analyses of the Daphnia egg bank in the surface sediment of eighteen lakes. When fish predation pressure was low due to fish kills in Lake Rivera, large-bodied Daphnia appeared. In contrast, small-sized cladocerans were abundant in Lake Rodó, which exhibited a typical high abundance of fish. Likewise, relatively large cladocerans (e.g. Daphnia and Simocephalus) appeared in fishless mesocosms after only 2 weeks, most likely hatched from resting egg banks stored in the surface sediment, but their abundance declined again after fish stocking. Moreover, field studies showed that 9 out of 18 Uruguayan shallow lakes had resting eggs of Daphnia in their surface sediment despite that this genus was only recorded in three of the lakes in summer water samples, indicating that Daphnia might be able to build up populations at low risk of predation. Our results show that medium and large-sized zooplankton can occur in subtropical lakes when fish predation is removed. The evidence provided here collectively confirms the hypothesis that predation, rather than high-temperature induced physiological constraints, is the key factor determining the dominance of small-sized zooplankton in warm lakes.  相似文献   

Life history polymorphisms provide ecological and genetic diversity important to the long term persistence of species responding to stochastic environments. Oncorhynchus mykiss have complex and overlapping life history strategies that are also sympatric with hatchery populations. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags and parentage analysis were used to identify the life history, origin (hatchery or wild) and reproductive success of migratory rainbow/steelhead for two brood years after barriers were removed from a small stream. The fluvial rainbow trout provided a source of wild genotypes to the colonizing population boosting the number of successful spawners. Significantly more parr offspring were produced by anadromous parents than expected in brood year 2005, whereas significantly more parr offspring were produced by fluvial parents than expected in brood year 2006. Although hatchery steelhead were prevalent in the Methow Basin, they produced only 2 parr and no returning adults in Beaver Creek. On average, individual wild steelhead produced more parr offspring than the fluvial or hatchery groups. Yet, the offspring that returned as adult steelhead were from parents that produced few parr offspring, indicating that high production of parr offspring may not be related to greater returns of adult offspring. These data in combination with other studies of sympatric life histories of O. mykiss indicate that fluvial rainbow trout are important to the conservation and recovery of steelhead and should be included in the management and recovery efforts.  相似文献   

In order to increase the size of declining salmonid populations, supplementation programmes intentionally release fish raised in hatcheries into the wild. Because hatchery-born fish often have lower fitness than wild-born fish, estimating rates of gene flow from hatcheries into wild populations is essential for predicting the fitness cost to wild populations. Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have both freshwater resident and anadromous (ocean-going) life history forms, known as rainbow trout and steelhead, respectively. Juvenile hatchery steelhead that 'residualize' (become residents rather than go to sea as intended) provide a previously unmeasured route for gene flow from hatchery into wild populations. We apply a combination of parentage and grandparentage methods to a three-generation pedigree of steelhead from the Hood River, Oregon, to identify the missing parents of anadromous fish. For fish with only one anadromous parent, 83% were identified as having a resident father while 17% were identified as having a resident mother. Additionally, we documented that resident hatchery males produced more offspring with wild anadromous females than with hatchery anadromous females. One explanation is the high fitness cost associated with matings between two hatchery fish. After accounting for all of the possible matings involving steelhead, we find that only 1% of steelhead genes come from residualized hatchery fish, while 20% of steelhead genes come from wild residents. A further 23% of anadromous steelhead genes come from matings between two resident parents. If these matings mirror the proportion of matings between residualized hatchery fish and anadromous partners, then closer to 40% of all steelhead genes come from wild trout each generation. These results suggest that wild resident fish contribute substantially to endangered steelhead 'populations' and highlight the need for conservation and management efforts to fully account for interconnected Oncorhynchus mykiss life histories.  相似文献   

The species Oncorhynchus mykiss is characterized by a complex life history that presents a significant challenge for population monitoring and conservation management. Many factors contribute to genetic variation in O. mykiss populations, including sympatry among migratory phenotypes, habitat heterogeneity, hatchery introgression, and immigration (stray) rates. The relative influences of these and other factors are contingent on characteristics of the local environment. The Rock Creek subbasin in the middle Columbia River has no history of hatchery supplementation and no dams or artificial barriers. Limited intervention and minimal management have led to a dearth of information regarding the genetic distinctiveness of the extant O. mykiss population in Rock Creek and its tributaries. We used 192 SNP markers and collections sampled over a 5‐year period to evaluate the temporal and spatial genetic structures of O. mykiss between upper and lower watersheds of the Rock Creek subbasin. We investigated potential limits to gene flow within the lower watershed where the stream is fragmented by seasonally dry stretches of streambed, and between upper and lower watershed regions. We found minor genetic differentiation within the lower watershed occupied by anadromous steelhead (FST = 0.004), and evidence that immigrant influences were prevalent and ubiquitous. Populations in the upper watershed above partial natural barriers were highly distinct (FST = 0.093) and minimally impacted by apparent introgression. Genetic structure between watersheds paralleled differences in local demographics (e.g., variation in size), migratory restrictions, and habitat discontinuity. The evidence of restricted gene flow between putative remnant resident populations in the upper watershed and the admixed anadromous population in the lower watershed has implications for local steelhead productivity and regional conservation.  相似文献   

Densities of Corixidae (Hemiptera), larval Odonata, and large larval Trichoptera were estimated in the littoral zone of small lakes in an acid-stressed area near Sudbury, Ontario. Fish were present in some lakes and absent in others, and fishless lakes occurred across a wide range of pH. Corixidae were significantly more abundant in lakes without fish than in lakes with fish, and their numbers were not related to the pH of fishless lakes. Anisoptera (Odonata) larvae tended to be more numerous in benthic samples from fishless lakes than from lakes with fish, and their exuviae were significantly more abundant around fishless lakes. In most lakes, the assemblage was dominated by three species; Leucorrhinia glacialis, Libellula julia, and Cordulia shurtleffi. In lakes containing white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, Gomphus spp. were most numerous. In the most acid fishless lakes, L. julia was uncommon, and L. glacialis was extremely abundant. In fishless lakes, numbers of Anisoptera larvae and exuviae were negatively correlated with pH, though species richness was positively correlated with pH. Exuviae of Zygoptera (Odonata) were more abundant around fishless lakes, irrespective of pH. Larvae of Limnephilus (Trichoptera) were most abundant in non-acid fishless lakes, and absent at pH<5.2. Abundances of Banksiola (Trichoptera) were negatively correlated with the pH of fishless lakes.  相似文献   

Archival scales from 603 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), sampled from May to July 1924 in the lower Columbia River, were analysed for genetic variability at 12 microsatellite loci and compared to 17 present‐day O. nerka populations—exhibiting either anadromous (sockeye salmon) or nonanadromous (kokanee) life histories—from throughout the Columbia River Basin, including areas upstream of impassable dams built subsequent to 1924. Statistical analyses identified four major genetic assemblages of sockeye salmon in the 1924 samples. Two of these putative historical groupings were found to be genetically similar to extant evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) in the Okanogan and Wenatchee Rivers (pairwise FST = 0.004 and 0.002, respectively), and assignment tests were able to allocate 77% of the fish in these two historical groupings to the contemporary Okanogan River and Lake Wenatchee ESUs. A third historical genetic grouping was most closely aligned with contemporary sockeye salmon in Redfish Lake, Idaho, although the association was less robust (pairwise FST = 0.060). However, a fourth genetic grouping did not appear to be related to any contemporary sockeye salmon or kokanee population, assigned poorly to the O. nerka baseline, and had distinctive early return migration timing, suggesting that this group represents a historical ESU originating in headwater lakes in British Columbia that was probably extirpated sometime after 1924. The lack of a contemporary O. nerka population possessing the genetic legacy of this extinct ESU indicates that efforts to reestablish early‐migrating sockeye salmon to the headwater lakes region of the Columbia River will be difficult.  相似文献   

Fish introduction may have marked effects on the trophic dynamics and ecological state of former fishless lakes, but due to scarcity of historical data this can seldom be documented. We used remains of cladoceran, chironomid and pigment assemblages in the sediment archive to unravel the effect of introduction of carp (Cyprinus carpio), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and a cyprinid (Chondrostoma oligolepis) in Lake Fogo, the Azores (Portugal). The stratigraphical record showed two major shifts in community assemblage coinciding with the time of introduction of carp (AD ca. 1890) and trout (AD 1941), respectively. Carp introduction was followed by an abrupt and major decline in the abundance of chironomids, a shift in the cladoceran community from a benthic to a more pelagic dominated community, and Daphnia size was significantly reduced. Pigment assemblages also indicated a shift from a benthic to a pelagic dominated ecosystem, as cryptophytes became markedly more abundant at the expense of benthic diatoms. Trout introduction was followed by a return to a more benthic cladoceran and benthic algae (pigments) dominated state, which we attribute to trout predation on carp leading to improved water clarity. A steady increase in the abundance of pigments and cladoceran remains followed, suggesting enhanced productivity, which may be attributed to enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition and introduction of C. oligolepis. We conclude that fish introduction has profoundly altered the trophic dynamics and the relative importance of benthic and pelagic production in this species poor and natural fishless lake in the Azores, and likely in most others lakes at the archipelago islands as fish stocking has been a widespread practice.  相似文献   

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