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We examined the genetic population structure of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, in the Pacific Rim using mitochondrial (mt) DNA analysis. Nucleotide sequence analysis of about 500 bp in the variable portion of the 5′ end of the mtDNA control region revealed 20 variable nucleotide sites, which defined 30 haplotypes of three genealogical clades (A, B, and C), in more than 2,100 individuals of 48 populations from Japan (16), Korea (1), Russia (10), and North America (21 from Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington). The observed haplotypes were mostly associated with geographic regions, in that clade A and C haplotypes characterized Asian populations and clade B haplotypes distinguished North American populations. The haplotype diversity was highest in the Japanese populations, suggesting a greater genetic variation in the populations of Japan than those of Russia and North America. The analysis of molecular variance and contingency χ2 tests demonstrated strong structuring among the three geographic groups of populations and weak to moderate structuring within Japanese and North American populations. These results suggest that the observed geographic pattern might be influenced primarily by historic expansions or colonizations and secondarily by low or restricted gene flow between local groups within regions. In addition to the analysis of population structure, mtDNA data may be useful for constructing a baseline for stock identification of mixed populations of high seas chum salmon.  相似文献   

A newly developed DNA microarray was applied to identify mitochondrial (mt) DNA haplotypes of more than 2200 chum salmon in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean in September 2002 and also 2003, when the majority of maturing fish were migrating toward their natal river. The distribution of haplotypes occurring in Asian and North American fish in the surveyed area was similar in the 2 years. A conditional maximum likelihood method for estimation of stock compositions indicated that the Japanese stocks were distributed mainly in the north central Bering Sea, whereas the Russian stocks were mainly in the western Bering Sea. The North American stocks were abundant in the North Pacific Ocean around the Aleutian Islands. These results indicate that the Asian and North American stocks of chum salmon are nonrandomly distributed in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, and further the oligonuleotide DNA microarray developed by us has a high potential for identification of stocks among mixed ocean aggregates of high-seas chum salmon.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation of populations of chum salmon Oncorhynchus ketafrom southern Russian Far East was examined. Of 55 loci screened, 31 were polymorphic. Within-population variation accounted for most of the allele diversity; F STaveraged over loci was 0.052. Linkage disequilibrium was found in less than 5% of locus pairs in the chum population examined. Analysis of within- and among-population variance components of linkage disequilibrium using D-statistics (Ohta, 1982) showed that most genetic variation was distributed among populations.  相似文献   

This paper presents original data on the neuronal composition of various regions of the pallium of the telencephalon in Oncorhynchus keta. This study was carried out using routine neurohistologic techniques. Four basic areas were distinguished within the pallium: medial, dorsal, central, and lateral. The central pallium exhibited the most complicated cytoarchitectonics. In the central and lateral areas, pyramidal-like neurons with a well-developed dendritic spine apparatus were found. These were allodendritic cells, which appeared to be comparable to the pyramidal neurons of higher vertebrates in a number of features. Horizontal neurons and isodendritic radial neurons were also encountered. These cell types occurred in the ventral part of the central area and in the lateral area.  相似文献   

During the late 20th Century, due to decreases in both contamination and persecution, bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) populations increased dramatically. Currently, mechanisms regulating eagle populations are not well understood. To examine potential regulating processes in the Pacific Northwest, where eagles are no longer primarily regulated by contaminants or direct persecution, we examined bald eagle reproductive success, breeding populations, winter populations, mortality, and salmon stream use. Wintering and breeding eagle populations in south-coastal British Columbia (BC) quadrupled between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, and have since stabilized. Density-dependent declines in reproduction occurred during 1986–2009, but not through changes in site quality. Mid-winter survival was crucial as most mortality occurred then, and models showed that density-dependent reductions in population growth rates were partially due to reduced survival. Wintering eagles in British Columbia fed heavily on chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) runs, and then switched to birds in late winter, when mortality was highest. Eagles tended to arrive after the peak in salmon availability at streams in BC as part of a migration associated with salmon streams from Alaska to northern Washington. Eagles were most abundant in southern BC during cold Alaskan winters and in years of high chum salmon availability. We suggest that eagle populations in the Pacific Northwest are currently partially limited by density on the breeding grounds and partially by adult mortality in late winter, likely due to reduced late winter salmon stocks forcing eagles to exploit more marginal prey supplies. Larger eagle populations have affected some local prey populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Six ecogeographic units are verified in chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum, 1792) that spawns in the rivers of Iturup and Kunashir islands based on the zoogeographical...  相似文献   

We have found that inseminated eggs of the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta , actively release alkaline substances when they have been stimulated by deionized water; the pH of the egg suspension prepared in the non-buffered Salmon-Ringer solution shifts within at least 1.3 pH units. The nesslerization method and an ammonia gas sensitive electrode measurement reveal that the alkalization of the suspension is partly due to the efflux of ammonia from the stimulated eggs. The increase in the intracellular ammonia level leading to the alkalization of ooplasm may occur at an early stage of the embryonic development. Since the ammonia release is observed also in the eggs stimulated parthenogenetically by deionized water, it can be inferred that the stimulation of the egg triggers a reaction which increases the ammonia level in the ooplasm.
The environmental medium of stimulated eggs contains fairly large amounts of organic compounds. Its UV spectrum shows a peak at 249 nm; the position of the absorption maximum corresponds to that of inosine monophosphate (IMP). This fact suggests that IMP is one of the components of the organic compounds. The presence of IMP in the medium is also shown by thin layer chromatography. The medium contains monosaccharides and peptides. We have explained these results by postulating that an abrupt change in the activity of adenylate deaminase which catalyzes the conversion of adenosine monophosphate to ammonia and IMP occurs at the initiation of the embryonic development in the chum salmon egg.  相似文献   

The extent to which stray, hatchery-reared salmon affect wild populations is much debated. Although experiments show that artificial breeding and culture influence the genetics of hatchery salmon, little is known about the interaction between hatchery and wild salmon in a natural setting. Here, we estimated historical and contemporary genetic population structures of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, with 135 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Historical population structure was inferred from the analysis of DNA from fish scales, which had been archived since the late 1960’s for several populations in PWS. Parallel analyses with microsatellites and a test based on Hardy-Weinberg proportions showed that about 50% of the fish-scale DNA was cross-contaminated with DNA from other fish. These samples were removed from the analysis. We used a novel application of the classical source-sink model to compare SNP allele frequencies in these archived fish-scales (1964–1982) with frequencies in contemporary samples (2008–2010) and found a temporal shift toward hatchery allele frequencies in some wild populations. Other populations showed markedly less introgression, despite moderate amounts of hatchery straying. The extent of introgression may reflect similarities in spawning time and life-history traits between hatchery and wild fish, or the degree that hybrids return to a natal spawning area. The source-sink model is a powerful means of detecting low levels of introgression over several generations.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) exhibit an interesting anduncommon life-history pattern that combines semelparity, anadromy,and navigation (homing). During smoltification, young salmonimprint on the chemical composition of their natal stream water(the home-stream olfactory bouquet or "HSOB"); they then migrateto the ocean where they spend a few years feeding prior to migratingback to their natal freshwater stream to spawn. Upstream migrationis guided by the amazing ability to discriminate between thechemical compositions of different stream waters and thus identifyand travel to their home-stream. Pacific salmon demonstratemarked somatic and neural degeneration changes during home-streammigration and at the spawning grounds. The appearance of thesepathologies is correlated with a marked elevation in plasmacortisol levels. While the mechanisms of salmonid homing arenot completely understood, it is known that adult salmon continuouslyutilize two of their primary sensory systems, olfaction andvision, during homing. Olfaction is the primary sensory systeminvolved in freshwater homing and "HSOB" recognition, and willbe emphasized here. Previously, we proposed that the increasein plasma cortisol during Pacific salmon home-stream migrationis adaptive because it enhances the salmon's ability to recallthe imprinted memory of the "HSOB" (Carruth, 1998; Carruth etal., 2000b). Elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol couldprime the hippocampus or other olfactory regions of the brainto recall this memory and, therefore, aid in directing the fishto their natal stream. Thus, specific responses of salmon tostressors could enhance reproductive success.  相似文献   

Thailand and Laos, located in the center of Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA), harbor diverse ethnolinguistic groups encompassing all five language families of MSEA: Tai-Kadai (TK), Austroasiatic (AA), Sino-Tibetan (ST), Hmong-Mien (HM), and Austronesian (AN). Previous genetic studies of Thai/Lao populations have focused almost exclusively on uniparental markers and there is a paucity of genome-wide studies. We therefore generated genome-wide SNP data for 33 ethnolinguistic groups, belonging to the five MSEA language families from Thailand and Laos, and analyzed these together with data from modern Asian populations and SEA ancient samples. Overall, we find genetic structure according to language family, albeit with heterogeneity in the AA-, HM-, and ST-speaking groups, and in the hill tribes, that reflects both population interactions and genetic drift. For the TK speaking groups, we find localized genetic structure that is driven by different levels of interaction with other groups in the same geographic region. Several Thai groups exhibit admixture from South Asia, which we date to ∼600–1000 years ago, corresponding to a time of intensive international trade networks that had a major cultural impact on Thailand. An AN group from Southern Thailand shows both South Asian admixture as well as overall affinities with AA-speaking groups in the region, suggesting an impact of cultural diffusion. Overall, we provide the first detailed insights into the genetic profiles of Thai/Lao ethnolinguistic groups, which should be helpful for reconstructing human genetic history in MSEA and selecting populations for participation in ongoing whole genome sequence and biomedical studies.  相似文献   

The communications between oocytes and granulosa cells in the ovary of the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta , were examined in follicles in which the oocytes were at the stage of germinal vesicle migration. Microvilli were seen extending through the radial canals of the egg envelope and terminating in either the subfollicular space or at the surface of granulosa cells. Cytoplasmic processes extending from granulosa cells toward oocytes were also observed; most of the processes appeared to end in the radial canals, but some passed through the canals and terminated as bulbs in slight depressions or indentations of the oolemma. Various types of junctional structures that participated in intimate association between these cells were seen. The granulosa cells were found to be firmly fixed on the surface of the intrafollicular oocyte by means of desmosomes or desmosome-like junctions. It is speculated that intrafollicular oocytes communicate with surrounding granulosa cells directly through gap junctions and indirectly by endocytosis of material released from the granulosa cells.  相似文献   



Modern cattle originate from populations of the wild extinct aurochs through a few domestication events which occurred about 8,000 years ago. Newly domesticated populations subsequently spread worldwide following breeder migration routes. The resulting complex historical origins associated with both natural and artificial selection have led to the differentiation of numerous different cattle breeds displaying a broad phenotypic variety over a short period of time.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study gives a detailed assessment of cattle genetic diversity based on 1,121 individuals sampled in 47 populations from different parts of the world (with a special focus on French cattle) genotyped for 44,706 autosomal SNPs. The analyzed data set consisted of new genotypes for 296 individuals representing 14 French cattle breeds which were combined to those available from three previously published studies. After characterizing SNP polymorphism in the different populations, we performed a detailed analysis of genetic structure at both the individual and population levels. We further searched for spatial patterns of genetic diversity among 23 European populations, most of them being of French origin, under the recently developed spatial Principal Component analysis framework.


Overall, such high throughput genotyping data confirmed a clear partitioning of the cattle genetic diversity into distinct breeds. In addition, patterns of differentiation among the three main groups of populations—the African taurine, the European taurine and zebus—may provide some additional support for three distinct domestication centres. Finally, among the European cattle breeds investigated, spatial patterns of genetic diversity were found in good agreement with the two main migration routes towards France, initially postulated based on archeological evidence.  相似文献   

We used restriction length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified fragments of mtDNA to study the genetic structure of chum salmon populations sampled in 1993–2000 during a spawning run in five rivers: Narva (Southern Primorye), Naiba (Sakhalin Island), Sernovodnaya (Kunashir Island, Southern Kuril Islands), Ola (northwestern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk), and Anadyr' (Chukotka Peninsula). In total, 49 haplotypes were identified in 193 fish. Heterogeneity tests showed highly significant (P = 0) differences among all sample pairs. The estimated time of independent divergence of the populations or population groups is in good agreement with the time of Pleistocene glaciations. This result suggests that it is cyclic global changes during this time period that were crucial in determining the within-species divergence in chum salmon. The types of mtDNA genetic variability and mismatch distribution between haplotypes in the populations indicate that the southern regions of the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan served as refugia for chum salmon during glaciation periods.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Using the example of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta in the Amur zoogeographic province, we review the principle of subdividing the species into population groups. On the...  相似文献   

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) was created in 2004 to more effectively conserve and manage the region's tuna fishery. One of the Commission's principal enforcement tools is the high seas boarding and inspection regime, which authorizes each member state to board and inspect fishing vessels engaged in a regulated fishery to verify compliance with the Commission's conservation and management measures. This article examines the structure of the WCPFC's high seas boarding and inspection regime and analyzes its effectiveness in furthering the Commission's conservations and management mandate.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0032945222330025  相似文献   

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