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Epithelial cells from involuting rat ventral prostate (VP) express Matrilysin (MMP-7) mRNA. Herein, we investigated by immunohistochemistry the MMP-7 protein location and its association with tissue changes following castration in the VP. Normal and castrated adult male Wistar rats were sacrificed at different times after surgery. VP was examined by immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation. Castration promoted a shrinking of prostate ducts with an extensive stromal remodeling. In the VP from normal rats, MMP-7 immunoreactivity was found in epithelial secretory granules. Three days after castration, immunostaining for MMP-7 was found in both the epithelial secretory granules and in the stroma just below the epithelium, mainly at the distal ductal tips. At seven and 21 days after castration, the immunostaining for MMP-7 was found only in the stromal space. Immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of the primary antibody by rescuing a pro-enzyme form (28kDa) in the prostate extracts. The present results suggest that MMP-7 participates in the epithelial-stromal interface remodeling of the ventral prostate during the involution achieved by castration, probably in the degradation of components of the epithelial basement membrane.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the involvement of rat ventral prostate smooth muscle cells (SMC) in secretory activity and whether this function is modulated after castration. Cell morphology was examined at both light and electron microscopy levels and the organelles involved in secretory function were labeled by the zinc-iodide-osmium (ZIO) method at the ultrastructural level and their volume density was determined by stereology. Castration resulted in marked changes of the SMC, which adopted a spinous aspect and abandoned the layered arrangement observed in the prostates of non-castrated rats. The volume density of ZIO reactive organelles increased progressively after castration, reaching significantly higher levels 21 days after castration. Since previous studies have demonstrated that SMC express SMC markers (even 21 days after castration) and are able to respond to adrenergic stimulation, we concluded that differentiated SMC are able to shift from a predominantly contractile to a more synthetic phenotype without changing their differentiation status.  相似文献   

Diseases, such as cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, are related to disruption of the mechanism regulating the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis in prostatic cells. Since castration and vasectomy might alter that balance, this study evaluates the cell proliferation, apoptosis and height of the secretory epithelium of the ventral-prostate ductal system post-castration and vasectomy. Immunohistochemical (PCNA and Ki67), cytochemical (Fuelgen reaction) and morphometric investigation have been carried out. Cell proliferation indices decreased significantly in both regions of the ventral-prostate ductal system after castration compared to the sham-operated group. The apoptotic index increased significantly after 48 h, declining 7 days post-castration. The cell proliferation indices did not differ after 48 h significantly; however, they increased 7 days post-vasectomy in both regions. The apoptotic index did not differ significantly in either time post-vasectomy. Castration caused an imbalance in favor of apoptosis, whereas vasectomy caused an imbalance in favor of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Summary Rat testes were examined by conventional and immunolabeling transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructurally identifiable continuous basement membranes were found around seminiferous tubules and the interstitial capillaries. Patches of basement membrane were, additionally, found on free surfaces of Leydig cells, between two Leydig cells, and in macrophage-Leydig cell contact sites. The ultrastructural findings were confirmed by immunocytochemical localization of laminin and collagen type IV in the same areas. A close association between the capillary basement membranes and the surfaces of perivascular Leydig cells was also observed. The possible basement membrane-mediated interactions of Leydig cells with other testicular structures, together with the novel bioactive products and regulators of Leydig cells, support the role of these cells as exceptionally complex regulatory centers of testicular functions.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of cytokeratin- and vimentin-type intermediate filaments was studied by means of immunohistochemistry in Sertoli cells cultured on two types of reconstituted basement membrane in two-compartment culture chambers. In situ, the Sertoli cells of 17-day-old rats contained only vimentin intermediate filaments. During culture, a gradual reorganization of intermediate filaments accompanied by an increased cytokeratin immunoreactivity was observed. After 6 days, Sertoli cells contained both cytokeratin and vimentin, and the same cytokeratin type as in fetal and newborn testis was revealed by electrophoresis and immunoblotting. The present study shows that the isolation and culture of Sertoli cells causes, even in an improved culture system qualitative changes in the expression of intermediate filament proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Differences in the thymus of young and old male CSE Wistar rats were examined by use of routine histological stains on paraffin-embedded sections. There was a highly significant loss of thymic weight and disruption of architecture with age. Both surgical castration and chemical castration induced by a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (Goserelin) caused a significant increase in thymic weight and the reappearance of a well-defined cortex and medulla in ageing rats. Cell surface antigens were detected on cryosections after incubation with a range of monoclonal antibodies. The Pan T cell marker (detected with antibody W3/13) showed fewer positive cells in ageing rats, and an increase after chemical castration. The smaller glands of old rats had fewer positive T cells with CD4 (MRC OX35) and CD8 (MRC OX8) antigens, and more after chemical castration in both young and ageing rats, but the greatest changes were seen in the intensity of Class II major histocompatibility complex (MRC OX6) immunoreactivity. In both young and ageing chemically-castrated rats, the numbers of cells and the intensity of immunoreactivity were greatly increased in the medulla.  相似文献   

The binding of laminin, type IV collagen, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan to each other was assessed. Laminin binds preferentially to native type IV (basement membrane) collagen over other collagens. A fragment of laminin (Mr 600 000) containing the three short chains (Mr 200 000) but lacking the long chain Mr 400 000) showed the same affinity for type IV collagen as the intact protein. The heparan sulfate proteoglycan binds well to laminin and to type IV collagen. These studies show that laminin, type IV collagen and heparan sulfate proteoglycan interact with each other. Such interactions in situ may determine the structure of basement membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Developing rat incisors were treated with malachite green-aldehyde fixative solution (MGA), which retains and stains lipids. We observed positive staining occurring as dots in the basement membrane. Most of these dots (2–3.5 nm in diameter) were grouped in the lamina densa but some were also present in the lamina lucida and the lamina fibroreticularis. These data provide evidence for the existence of lipids in the dental basement membrane and suggest that they are distributed together with the various groups of proteins so far detected.  相似文献   

To evaluate the possibility that the protooncogene c-myc plays a role in ventral prostate, the effects of castration have been investigated at a beginning of a period by Northern blot hybridization and the levels of c-myc mRNA were also compared with mRNA of androgen-regulated genes, C1 and TRPM-2. Levels of c-myc mRNA in ventral prostate increased with maximal stimulation reached at 6 hours (early induction) and 48 hours (late induction) after castration, respectively. The level of C1 mRNA did not change and TRPM-2 was not detected at early induction of c-myc mRNA after castration. The level of early induction of c-myc mRNA after castration was increased in ventral prostate treated with cycloheximide, but it was almost reduced by actinomycin-D pretreatment. Administration of androgen at the time of castration prevented early induction of c-myc mRNA. These results suggest that protooncogene c-myc is differentially regulated in ventral prostate after castration.  相似文献   

A novel protein was found in the nuclei of rat ventral prostate. This protein has a molecular weight of about 21 kDa as measured by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It showed a characteristic change between 3 and 84 weeks after birth in close association with the level of testosterone in the blood. After castration, the level of the 21-kDa protein decreased to 160 of normal in 7 days, but on daily injection of testosterone the level was restored to normal in 8 days and to twice the normal level in 14 days. Unlike H1 and H10 histone and high mobility group proteins, the 21-kDa protein was not extracted with 5% HClO4, but was partially extracted with 0.35 M NaCl. The 21-kDa protein was not found in kidney, liver, or brain, suggesting that it is specific to the ventral prostate.  相似文献   

Renal glomerular basement membrane was labeled in vivo by the injection of tracer amounts of radioactive sulfate into normal adult rats. The biosynthesis and turnover of [35S]glycosaminoglycans in purified basement membrane was determined from the specific activity of 35S in pronase digests of basement membranes isolated 1–7 days after injection. Peak radioactive labeling occurred 24 h after injection following which the specific activity of basement membrane sulfate, expressed as cpm/μg uronic acid, progressively declined over the ensuing period of study. The biologic half-life of radioactive sulfate in basement membrane was estimated at about 7 days, which is within the range previously reported for [35S]glycosaminoglycans in whole renal cortex. The findings indicate that 35S-labeled components of glomerular basement membrane have a relatively rapid turnover.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied 2, 3, 5, 7 and 21 days after castration. The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components.Changes in the nucleoplasm were primarily reflected by a condensation of chromatin, particularly along the nuclear membrane and adjacent to the nucleolus. Later, different types of intranuclear inclusions were observed.After 21 days, the nuclei were characterized by an irregular outline with large indentation. Within the nucleoplasm aggregates of coarse granular chromatin were found. No cell necrosis was observed, indicating that androgen deprivation results in a remodeling of the cell to a less active state with marked cellular alterations and cessation of secretion, but apparently with some of their basic functions still intact.Injections of testosterone completely reverse the castrated-induced alterations.The changes observed are assumed to be due to the withdrawal of the androgenic stimulus, with a direct influence on the secretory function of the cell. The findings support the view that the stimulating secretory effect of androgen is mediated via an intranuclear androgen receptor, probably located in the nucleolus-associated-chromatin. It is also proposed that the secretory function of the epithelial cells of the prostatic complex, initiated by androgens, may be regulated by an intranuclear secretory center.  相似文献   

Summary The location, number and size of the motoneurons innervating the ischiocavernosus muscle, identified by means of horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) retrograde transport, were studied (1) in adult untreated male rats, (2) in adult male rats castrated before puberty, and (3) in adult male rats castrated before puberty and injected with testosterone from the day of castration. After injection of HRP into the ischiocavernosus muscle, labeled motoneurons were found in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial columns of the lamina IX, at the level of L6 and S1 segments of the spinal cord. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that prepubertal castration induces a statistically significant reduction in the somatic and nuclear areas (40% and 35%, respectively, if compared to those of the control rats) of both the dorsolateral and dorsomedial motoneurons, but does not affect their number. The effects of castration are prevented by exogenous testosterone.Preliminary results were presented at the International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behaviour, Liège, Belgium, August, 1989  相似文献   

The ventral prostrate was fractionated into one mitochondrial and three microsomal fractions. The different fractions were characterized morphologically and chemically. An interesting finding was that upon homogenization the endoplasmic reticulum membranes often turned ‘inside-out’ giving rise to microsomes with ribosomes attached to the inside of the vesicles. The secretion of the protatic secretion was studied by means of isotopic pulse labeling using radioactive leucine. Peak radioactivity in the secretory fluid was obtained at 2 h after injection with a relativity rapid fall. The radioactivity in the secretory fluid displayed a continuous increase up to 8 h followed by a plateau. When prostatic secretion was purified from secretory fluid and microsomes using a Con A-Sepharose column it showed a typical precursor-product relationship with an early peak at 60 min in microsomal prosatatic secretion protein followed by a peak in secretory fluid at 4 h. Vinblastine blocked the release of labeled secretion protein into the secretory fluid, a phenomenon characteristic for secretory proteins which are exocytosed by means of fusion between secretory granules and the plasma membrane. Following intravenous injection of [3H]estramustine, accumulation was seen in the secretory fluid. Some estramustine probably binds to newly synthesized protatic secretion protein and follows the same route of intracellular transport and extracellular discharge as does prostatic secretion protein.  相似文献   

Summary The meninges of albino Wistar rat embryos, aged between the 11th embryonic day (ED) and birth, were sectioned using a specially constructed device. This technique permits optimal microanatomical preservation of all tissues covering the convexity of the brain: skin, muscle, cartilage or bone, and the meninges. At ED11, the zone situated between the epidermis and the brain is occupied by a mesenchymal network. At ED12, part of this delicate network develops as a dense outer cellular layer, while the remainder retains its reticular appearance, thus forming an inner layer (the future meningeal tissue). At ED13, the dura mater starts to differentiate. At ED14, the bony anlage of the skull can be identified, and along with the proceeding maturation of dura mater some fibrillar structures resembling skeletal muscle fibers appear in the developing arachnoid space. At ED15–17, a primitive interface zone — dura mater/ arachnoid — is formed, comprised by an outer electronlucent and an inner electron-dense layer marking the outer aspect of the arachnoidal space. At ED18–19, the innermost cellular row of the inner durai layer transforms into neurothelium, which is separated from the darker arachnoidal cells by an electron-dense band. The arachnoidal trabecular zone with the leptomeningeal cells is formed at ED19. By the end of the prenatal period (ED20–21), its innermost part organizes into an inner arachnoidal layer and an outer and inner pial layer. The results from this study indicate (i) that dura mater and leptomeninges develop from an embryonic network of connective tissue-forming cells, and (ii) that the formation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-containing spaces accompanies the differentiation of the meningeal cellular layers.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the neuromuscular junction (n.m.j.) of the androgen-sensitive levator ani muscle was studied in normal adult male rats, in 8-month-old rats castrated at the age of one month and in castrated rats treated with testosterone propionate (TP). Castration does not result in significant changes of the n.m.j. The density of synaptic vesicles and the postsynaptic junctional folds remain practically normal in spite of marked atrophy of the muscle. TP administration for 7 days results in marked changes in preand postsynaptic structures. There is slow progressive depletion of synaptic vesicles, appearance of cisternae and coated vesicles in axon terminals, and coalescence of coated vesicles with the plasma membrane. Coated vesicles are also found inside Schwann cells and among junctional folds. Dense core vesicles appear both in the axon terminals and in the postsynaptic area. Collateral sprouting of terminal axons with the formation of new immature junctions is observed. After 35 days of TP administration depletion of synaptic vesicles continues. Glycogen -particles, mostly freely dispersed, occasionally seen in axon terminals 7 days after TP administration, subsequently increase in number. In the endplate zone of the muscle fibre increased protein synthesis is indicated by a rapid increase in ribosomes and irregularly located myofilaments and myofibrils. The appearance of n.m.j. after testosterone administration resembles that described after nerve stimulation; the degree of change is however less pronounced.The authors wish to acknowledge the skillful technical assistance of Mrs. L. Vedralová  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of the rat prostate has been studied with the electron microscope. Major developmental changes begin during the second week after birth and involve organelles associated with the formation of secretions. The amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and the size of the Golgi complex increase greatly. Large vacuoles that probably contain secretory material are formed, and the lumen of the prostatic acini appears to contain secreted material. Large lysosomes with polymorphic interiors are present as early as 10 days after birth, and they become numerous by the end of the third week. Differences in fine structure between the different lobes of the prostate are detectable in 10–14 day old rats. The subsequent differentiation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum into the forms characteristic of the different prostatic lobes is described. The initial changes in the prostate occur in advance of sexual maturity of the animal, and the adult appearance of the gland is attained by 4–5 weeks after birth.This study was supported by Contract No. 69-2104, Program Project HD-02282, Health Sciences Advancement Award FR-02084, and a Research Career Development Award (1-K3-GM-28, 214-03) from the National Institutes of Health.The author wishes to acknowledge the technical assistance of Mrs. Stephanie Krah.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the basement membrane of the rat proximal tubule was observed by transmission electron microscopy after the use of a cold dehydration technique. The basement membrane of the P1 segment is thick and possesses several structural specializations that are rare in other basement membranes; these include intraepithelial ridges, dense bars, and basement membrane vesicles. The intraepithelial ridges are found in the intercellular spaces between interdigitating processes of the proximal tubule cells. The ridges and the interdigitating processes run circumferentially around the tubule. The dense bars are frequently found in the intraepithelial ridges. They are especially prominent on the concave side of the tubular bends and to a lesser extent near sites where intracellular actin filaments anchor onto the basal cell membranes. The basement membrane vesicles are bounded by unit membranes; they are variable in both their electron density and their size. They are usually found in association with dense bars, and the grade of their accumulation is positively correlated with the development of the dense bars. These three specializations have no topographical relationship with the interstitial structures, such as fibrobalasts and collagen fibrils. The specializations are best developed on the concave side of tubular bends where the circumferential stresses caused by the intraluminal hydraulic pressure are presumably the largest; we therefore propose that they are an adaptation to, or a manifestation of, the increased wall stress in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Alterations in the expression of the neuropeptide, galanin, were examined in micturition reflex pathways of rat after cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced cystitis of variable duration: acute (4 h), intermediate (48 h), or chronic (10 days). In control animals, galanin expression was present in specific regions of the gray matter in the rostral lumbar and caudal lumbosacral spinal cord, including: (1) the dorsal commissure (DCM); (2) superficial dorsal horn; (3) the regions of the intermediolateral cell column (L1–L2) and the sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN, L6–S1); and (4) the lateral collateral pathway (LCP) in lumbosacral spinal segments. Densitometry analysis demonstrated significant decreases (P≤0.01) in galanin immunoreactivity (IR) in these regions of the L1–S1 spinal cord after acute or intermediate CYP-induced cystitis. In contrast, increases (P≤0.01) in galanin–IR were observed in the DCM, SPN, or LCP regions in the L6–S1 spinal segments in rats with chronic cystitis. No changes in the number of galanin–immunoreactive cells were observed in the L1–S1 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) after CYP-induced cystitis of any duration. A small percentage of bladder afferent cells (Fast-blue-labeled) in the DRG expressed galanin–IR in control rats; this was not altered with cystitis. Galanin–IR was observed encircling DRG cells after chronic cystitis. These changes may contribute to urinary bladder dysfunction, altered sensation, and referred somatic hyperalgesia after cystitis.This work was supported in part through NIH grants DK051369, DK060481, DK065989, and NS040796.  相似文献   

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