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Screening chemical compounds, we found that a xenoestrogen, bisphenol A, showed potent repellent activity against the zoospores of Aphanomyces cochlioides. Based on this finding, we tested a number of androgenic and estrogenic compounds (e.g. testosterone, progesterone, estradiols, diethylstilbestrol, estrone, estriol, pregnenolone, dienestrol etc.) on the motility behavior of A. cochlioides zoospores. Interestingly, most of the estrogenic compounds exhibited potent repellent activity (1 microg/ml or less by the "particle method") toward the motile zoospores of A. cochlioides. We derivatized some of the estrogens and discussed the relationship between the structure of active molecules and their repellent activity. Apparently, aromatization of the A ring with a free hydroxyl group at C-3 position of a steroidal structure is necessary for higher repellent activity. Interestingly, methylation of diethylstilbestrol (DES) yielded completely different activity i.e. both mono- and di-methyl ethers of DES showed attractant activity. Moreover, the attracted zoospores were encysted and then germinated in the presence of di-methyl ether of DES. The potential usefulness of this repellent test is discussed for the detection of estrogenic activity of naturally occurring compounds, and the possible role of phytoestrogens in host/parasite interactions. So far, this will be the first report of repellent activity of estrogenic compounds toward trivial fungal zoospores.  相似文献   

In a survey of plant secondary metabolites regulating the behavior of phytopathogenic Aphanomyces cochlioides zoospores, we found that leaf extracts of Amaranthus gangeticus and cotyledon extracts of pea (Pisum sativum) remarkably halted the motility of zoospores. Bioassay-directed fractionation of A. gangeticus and pea constituents revealed that the halting activity was dependent on a single chemical factor (halting factor). The active principle was identified as nicotinamide (1) by comparing its biological activity and spectroscopic properties with those of the authentic compound. Nicotinamide (1) showed potent halting activity toward the zoospores of A. cochlioides and A. euteiches, but it exhibited very less activity against other Oomycetes, Pythium aphanidermatum and Phytophthora infestans zoospores. Interestingly, the zoospores halted by nicotinamide (1) encysted within 10-15 min and then the resulting cystospores regenerated zoospores instead of germination. Nicotinamide (1) and related compounds were subjected to the halting activity bioassay to elucidate the structure-activity relationships. These bioassays revealed that part structures of (A) the aromatic ring containing at least one nitrogen atom, (B) carbonyl-like group adjacent to the aromatic ring and (C) hydrogen atoms on the amide group are responsible for the strong activity. So far, this is the first report of halting activity of nicotinamide (1) against fungal zoospores.  相似文献   

A bioassay-guided survey of spinach leaf constituents resulted in 5,4'-dihydroxy-3,3'-dimethoxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone being identified as the third naturally-occurring attractant in the host plant toward the zoospores of its pathogen, Aphanomyces cochlioides. The isolate showed attracting activity around Chromosorb W AW particles (60-80 mesh) coated with a 10(-5) M solution in a zoospore suspension. However, this activity was 1/100-1/1000 less than that of cochliophilin A, an attractant in the roots of spinach. Bioassays with the present isolate and related compounds revealed that 5,3',4'-trihydroxy-3-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone did not possess attractant activity, but rather weak antagonistic activity toward the former two attractants from spinach.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces cochlioides zoospores show chemotaxis to cochliophilin A (5-hydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone, 1), a host derived attractant, and also respond to 5,7-dihydroxyflavone (2) known as an equivalent chemoattractant. To investigate the chemotactic receptors in the zoospores, we designed photoaffinity probes 4'-azido-5,7-dihydroxyflavone (3) and 4'-azido-7-O-biotinyl-5-hydroxyflavone (4) considering chemical structure of 2. Both 3 and 4 had zoospore attractant activity which was competitive with that of 1. When zoospores were treated with the biotinylated photoaffinity probe followed by UV irradiation and streptavidin-gold or peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin, probe-labeled proteins were detected on the cell membrane. This result indicated that the 1-specific-binding proteins, a candidate for hypothetical cochliophilin A receptor, were localized on the cell membrane of the zoospores. This is the first experimental evidence of flavonoid-binding proteins being present in zoospores, using chemically synthesized azidoflavone as photoaffinity-labeling reagent.  相似文献   

We found that the gradient of a host-specific attractant, cochliophilin A (5-hydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone) isolated from the roots of spinach triggered encystment followed by germination of zoospores of Aphanomyces cochlioidesat a concentration less than micromolar order. This compound did not affect the growth and reproduction of this phytopathogen up to 10–6 M concentration in the culture medium. We also observed that mastoparan, an activator of heterotrimeric G-protein could inhibit the motility of zoospores and then strikingly effect encystment followed by 60–80% germination of cysts. Concomitant application of cochliophilin A and mastoparan showed stronger encystment followed by 100% germination of cysts. In addition, we have observed that chemicals interfering with phospholipase C activity (neomycin) and Ca2+ influx/release (EGTA and loperamide) suppress cochliophilin A or mastoparan induced encystment and germination. These results suggest that G-protein mediated signal transduction mechanism may be involved in the differentiation of the A. cochlioides zoospores. This is the first report on the differentiation of oomycete zoospores initiated by a host-specific plant signal or a G-protein activator.  相似文献   

Zoospores of phytopathogenic fungi accumulate at the potential infection sites of host roots by chemotaxis. The aggregated spores then adhere, encyst, germinate, and finally penetrate into the root tissues to initiate infection. Some of the host-specific attractants have already been identified. The host-specific attractants also induce cell differentiation of certain zoospores under laboratory conditions. This indicates that a signal released from the roots of the host plant guides the pest propagules for orientation and prepares them for establishing a host-pathogen relationship by necessary physiological changes. Some non-host plant secondary metabolites were found to markedly regulate behavior and viability of zoospores, suggesting that non-host compounds may also play a role in protecting the non-host plants from the attack of zoosporic fungi. We hypothesized that zoospores perceive the host signal(s) by specific G-protein-coupled receptors and translate it into responses by way of the phosphoinositide-Ca2+ signaling cascade. The details of the signal transduction mechanism in fungal zoospores are yet to be discovered. In this report, we review the signaling and communications between phytopathogenic fungal zoospores and host and non-host plants with special reference to Aphanomyces cochlioides.  相似文献   

Dyer AT  Windels CE 《Mycologia》2003,95(2):321-326
Plasmolysis, tetrazolium bromide staining and microscopic appearance were tested for their usefulness in determining viability of oospores of Aphanomyces cochlioides. For comparison, three lethal treatments were employed to contrast the reaction of dead oospores and untreated, presumably viable oospores. Few oospores stained with tetrazolium bromide, even though plasmolysis and microscopic appearance indicated that 85% were viable. Cytoplasm of viable oospores was densely organized and uniformly granular (DOUG), whereas cytoplasm of oospores exposed to lethal treatments was loosely organized and non-uniformly granular (LONG). Dose-response bioassay experiments were conducted with untreated oospores of varying inoculum densities or with mixtures of untreated DOUG and heat-treated LONG oospores in varying proportions. The number of DOUG oospores was correlated (R(2) = 0.62, P < 0.001) with severity of damping-off of sugar beet seedlings caused by A. cochlioides. Thus, the granular appearance of cytoplasm offered a fast, easy and reliable indicator of viability of A. cochlioides oospores. Tests with newly formed oospores/oogonia showed that >80% harvested at 3-4 d after inoculation of hypocotyls stained with tetrazolium, but by 8-9 d <10% stained, apparently because of declining permeability of the spore wall to tetrazolium as oospores matured.  相似文献   

Cochliophilin A (5-hydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone), a root releasing host-specific plant signal triggers chemotaxis and subsequent morphological changes in pathogenic Aphanomyces cochlioides zoospores before host penetration. The present study illustrates time-course changing patterns of cytoskeletal filamentous actin (F-actin) organization in the zoospores of A. cochlioides during rapid morphological changes (encystment and germination) after exposure to cochliophilin A. Confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis revealed that F-actin microfilaments remained concentrated at ventral groove and diffusely distributed in peripheral cytoplasm of the zoospore. These microfilaments dramatically rearranged and changed into granular F-actin plaques interconnected with fine arrays during encystment. A large patch of actin arrays accumulated at one pole of the cystospores just before germination. Then the actin plaques moved to the emerging germ tube where a distinct cap of microfilaments was seen at the tip of the emerging hypha. Zoospores treated with an inhibitor of F-actin polymerization, latrunculin B or motility halting and regeneration inducing compound nicotinamide, displayed different patterns of F-actin in both zoospores and cystospores than those obtained by the induction of cochliophilin A. Collectively, these results indicate that the host-specific plant signal cochliophilin A triggers a dynamic polymerization/depolymerization of F-actin in pathogenic A. cochlioides zoospores during early events of plant-peronosporomycete interactions.  相似文献   

The plants of genus Cipadessa, which are distributed across India and southwest of China, have been used as natural insecticides, as well as folk medicines for the treatment of a range of maladies such as diabetes, dysentery, malaria, piles, snake poison, rheumatism, etc. This article reviews the chemical constituents that have been isolated from Cipadessa species to date, including their biological activities. The compounds listed are tetranortriterpenoids (limonoids), diterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, steroids, and some others.  相似文献   

The Asteraceae family comprises ca. 1000 genera, mainly distributed in Asia and Europe. Saussurea DC., as the largest subgenus of this family, comprises ca. 400 species worldwide, of which ca. 300 species occur in China. Most plants in China grow wild in the alpine zone of the Qingzang Plateau and adjacent regions at elevations of 4000 m. Plants of the genus Saussurea (Asteraceae) are used in both traditional Chinese folk medicine and Tibet folklore medicine, since they are efficacious in relieving internal heat or fever, harmonizing menstruation, invigorating blood circulation, stopping bleeding, alleviating pain, increasing energy, and curing rheumatic arthritis. A large number of biologically active compounds have been isolated from this genus. This review shows the chemotaxonomy of these compounds (215 compounds) such as sesquiterpenoids (101 compounds), flavonoids (19 compounds), phytosterols (15 compounds), triterpenoids (25 compounds), lignans (32 compounds), phenolics (23 compounds), and chlorophylls (11 compounds). Biological activities (anti‐inflammatory, anticancer, antitumor, hepatoprotective, anti‐ulcer, cholagogic, immunosuppressive, spasmolytic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antifeedant, CNS depressant, antioxidant, etc.) of these compounds, including structure–activity relationships, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Bound sialic acids on rat spermatozoa were assayed by oxidation with 1 mM-NaIO4 at 0 degree C, liberating C-9 as formaldehyde which was further quantitated using 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone. The mean +/- s.d. (n = 20) content of bound sialic acids of spermatozoa from the caput and cauda epididymidis was 50.9 +/- 8.0 and 25.2 +/- 3.8 nmol/10(8) spermatozoa respectively. About 85% of the former and 75% of the latter could be extracted by 1% Triton X-100 and 2 mM-dithiothreitol. About 70% of the former and 20% of the latter were released by neuraminidase from Vibrio cholerae. About 40% of the former and 30% of the latter were sensitive to trypsin. During sperm maturation, the decrease in the total bound sialic acids was due to the decrease in the neuraminidase-sensitive but not the neuraminidase-resistant sialic acids.  相似文献   

Plants produce a host of secondary metabolites with a wide range of biological activities, including potential toxicity to eukaryotic cells. Plants generally manage these compounds by transport to the apoplast or specific organelles such as the vacuole, or other self-tolerance mechanisms. For efficient production of such bioactive compounds in plants or microbes, transport and self-tolerance mechanisms should function cooperatively with the corresponding biosynthetic enzymes. Intensive studies have identified and characterized the proteins responsible for transport and self-tolerance. In particular, many transporters have been isolated and their physiological functions have been proposed. This review describes recent progress in studies of transport and self-tolerance and provides an updated inventory of transporters according to their substrates. Application of such knowledge to synthetic biology might enable efficient production of valuable secondary metabolites in the future.  相似文献   

Extracts from plantlets of different species of the genus Drosera, grown as in vitro cultures, were evaluated for the level of phenolic secondary metabolites from the group of naphthoquinones and flavonols. The profiles of natural products in the extracts obtained from different species were monitored by HPLC with UV detection at 260 and 330 nm. On the basis of the data obtained, Drosera binata, the species with the highest amount of plumbagin, was selected for further studies. The most effective method of extraction of quinones was established and the composition of phenolic secondary metabolites in the tissues was determined. For the identification of phenolic compounds, HPLC-UV and HPLC-ESI/MS were applied.  相似文献   

Chitin is an essential component of fungal cell walls, where it forms a crystalline scaffold, and chitooligosaccharides derived from it are signaling molecules recognized by the hosts of pathogenic fungi. Oomycetes are cellulosic fungus-like microorganisms which most often lack chitin in their cell walls. Here we present the first study of the cell wall of the oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches, a major parasite of legume plants. Biochemical analyses demonstrated the presence of ca. 10% N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) in the cell wall. Further characterization of the GlcNAc-containing material revealed that it corresponds to noncrystalline chitosaccharides associated with glucans, rather than to chitin per se. Two putative chitin synthase (CHS) genes were identified by data mining of an A. euteiches expressed sequence tag collection and Southern blot analysis, and full-length cDNA sequences of both genes were obtained. Phylogeny analysis indicated that oomycete CHS diversification occurred before the divergence of the major oomycete lineages. Remarkably, lectin labeling showed that the Aphanomyces euteiches chitosaccharides are exposed at the cell wall surface, and study of the effect of the CHS inhibitor nikkomycin Z demonstrated that they are involved in cell wall function. These data open new perspectives for the development of antioomycete drugs and further studies of the molecular mechanisms involved in the recognition of pathogenic oomycetes by the host plants.  相似文献   

Grapevine downy mildew caused by the Oomycete Plasmopara viticola is one of the most important diseases affecting Vitis spp. The current strategy of control relies on chemical fungicides. An alternative to the use of fungicides is using downy mildew resistant varieties, which is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Knowledge about the genetic basis of the resistance to P. viticola has progressed in the recent years, but little data are available about P. viticola genetics, in particular concerning the nature of its avirulence genes. Identifying pathogen effectors as putative avirulence genes is a necessary step in order to understand the biology of the interaction. It is also important in order to select the most efficient combination of resistance genes in a strategy of pyramiding. On the basis of knowledge from other Oomycetes, P. viticola effectors can be identified by using a candidate gene strategy based on data mining of genomic resources. In this paper we describe the development of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) from P. viticola by creating a cDNA library from in vitro germinated zoospores and the sequencing of 1543 clones. We present 563 putative nuclear P. viticola unigenes. Sequence analysis reveals 54 ESTs from putative secreted hydrolytic enzymes and effectors, showing the suitability of this material for the analysis of the P. viticola secretome and identification of effector genes. Next generation sequencing of cDNA from in vitro germinated zoospores should result in the identification of numerous candidate avirulence genes in the grapevine/downy mildew interaction.  相似文献   

2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens, shows toxicity to many microorganisms including fungi, bacteria, and peronosporomycetes. Zoosporogenesis and motility of zoospores are critical for a complete disease cycle and pathogenicity of the peronosporomycete phytopathogens. The aim of this study was to test the effects of DAPG and its derivatives on zoosporogenesis and motility of zoospores of a downy mildew pathogen, Plasmopara viticola, and a damping-off pathogen, Aphanomyces cochlioides. In both cases, DAPG inhibited zoosporogenesis (5 μg/ml) and the motility of zoospores (10 μg/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. Generally, zoospores became immotile shortly after exposure to DAPG followed by lysis. However, a fraction of DAPG treated A. cochlioides zoospores formed round cystospores instead of lysis and then germinated with excessively-branched germ tubes. All derivatives of DAPG had similar inhibitory activities but at varying doses. Among them, 2,4-dipropylphloroglucinol exerted the highest inhibitory activity against both zoosporogenesis and motility of zoospores. This revealed that the degree of hydrogen atoms substitution in the benzene ring by acyl groups and the length of substituted acyl groups were related to the level of bioactivity. This is the first report of inhibitory activities of DAPG and its derivatives against zoosporogenesis and motility of zoospores of two important peronosporomycete phytopathogens.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis may be important when forming cyanobacterial symbioses. However, knowledge of cyanobacterial attraction towards plants and factors affecting chemotaxis is limited. Chemo-attraction was observed in Nostoc strains 8964:3 and PCC 73102 towards exudate or crushed extract of the natural hosts Gunnera manicata, Cycas revoluta and Blasia pusilla, and the nonhost plants Trifolium repens, Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. As all tested plant extracts generated chemotaxis, the possibility to attract cyanobacteria may be widespread in plants. Chemotaxis was reduced by increased temperature and darkness and was stimulated by phosphorous and iron starvation and elevated salt concentration. Sugars (arabinose, galactose, and glucose) had a positive effect on chemotaxis, whereas flavonoids (chrysin and naringenin) and amino acids (methionine, glycine, serine, phenylalanine, glutamine, and lysine) had no effect.  相似文献   

Feld H  Zapp J  Becker H 《Phytochemistry》2003,64(8):1335-1340
Two new herbertane sesquiterpenoids, (-)-herbertene-1,12-diol and (-)-gamma-herbertenol, a new aromadendrane, 9-acetoxy-10-hydroxyaromadendrane, a new rosane diterpenoid, 5,15-rosadiene-3,11-dione and a new phytane, 2Z-phytene-1,15,20-triol, along with the known (-)-alpha-herbertenol have been isolated from the liverwort Tylimanthus renifolius. Several flavones and flavanones with an unsubstituted ring B were also identified. This is the first report of this class of flavonoids from the Hepaticae. All structures were elucidated by NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

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