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Climatological variation and ecological perturbation have been pervasive drivers of faunal assembly, structure and diversification for parasites and pathogens through recurrent events of geographical and host colonization at varying spatial and temporal scales of Earth history. Episodic shifts in climate and environmental settings, in conjunction with ecological mechanisms and host switching, are often critical determinants of parasite diversification, a view counter to more than a century of coevolutionary thinking about the nature of complex host–parasite assemblages. Parasites are resource specialists with restricted host ranges, yet shifts onto relatively unrelated hosts are common during phylogenetic diversification of parasite lineages and directly observable in real time. The emerging Stockholm Paradigm resolves this paradox: Ecological Fitting (EF)—phenotypic flexibility and phylogenetic conservatism in traits related to resource use, most notably host preference—provides many opportunities for rapid host switching in changing environments, without the evolution of novel host-utilization capabilities. Host shifts via EF fuel the expansion phase of the Oscillation Hypothesis of host range and speciation and, more generally, the generation of novel combinations of interacting species within the Geographic Mosaic Theory of Coevolution. In synergy, an environmental dynamic of Taxon Pulses establishes an episodic context for host and geographical colonization.  相似文献   

Abstract. The historical biogeography of sturgeons is explored using information from palaeogeography, palaeontology and phylogenetic interrelationships. The integration of information from these diverse sources indicates that sturgeons reached a wide Laurasian distribution in the Cretaceous and Tertiary by freshwater and coastal dispersal routes across land connections and along newly forming continental margins. The fossil record also suggests a considerable degree of morphological stasis and also supports an estuarine habit, and perhaps diadromy, as an old and conserved life history trait. While a ‘centre of origin’ for sturgeons remains elusive, phylogenetic relationships indicate that diversification appears to have been associated with fragmentation of biota, and of landmasses and basins, by late Tertiary geological and climatic phenomena, such as orogeny and unequal glaciation over North America, the desiccation of central Asia and alteration of its drainages, and the formation of discrete Ponto-Caspian basins by the fragmentation of the Paratethys. Amphi-oceanic distributions of certain species (Acipenser medirostris Ayres) and sister taxa (e.g. A. oxyrhynchus Mitchill and A. sturio L.) are explained by coastal dispersal and subsequent vicariance by geological (sea-floor spreading and development of new continental margins) and climatic (Pliocene cooling) changes during the Tertiary. An hypothesis is developed for the relationships of the North American sturgeons and their potential relationships with the Siberian sturgeon A. baeri. Late Tertiary climatic and geological phenomena are hypothesized as mediators of vicariance and subsequent diversification of these acipenserids. It appears that although acipenserids are a geologically old group, the historical biogeography of surviving lineages is best explained by more recent geological and climatic changes.  相似文献   

Although some excellent articles about Lyell's work have been published, they do not explicitly deal with Lyell's biogeographical conceptions. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Lyell's biogeographical model in terms of its own internal structure. Lyell tried to explain the distribution of organisms by appealing to a real cause (climate). However, he was aware that environmental conditions were clearly insufficient to explain the existence of biogeographical regions. Lyell's adherence to ecological determinism generated strong tensions within his biogeographical model. He shifted from granting a secondary weight to dispersal to assigning it a major role. By doing so, Lyell was led into an evident contradiction. A permanent tension in Lyell's ideas was generated by the prevalent explanatory pattern of his time. The explanatory model based on laws did not produce satisfactory results in biology because it did not deal with historical processes. We may conclude that the knowledge of organic distribution interested Lyell as long as it could be explained by the uniformitarian principles of his geological system. The importance of the second volume of the Principles of geology lies in its ample and systematic argumentation about the geographical distribution of organisms. Lyell established, independently from any theory about organic change, the first version of dispersalist biogeography.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess the consequences of tectonic events and temperature regime on the diversification of Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) turban shell species. Bayesian and parsimony methods were used to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis using sequence data from three genes for the turban shell genus Turbo and for a larger data set including representatives of all known genera in the subfamily Turbininae. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that all IWP Turbo species form a single clade approximately 68 Myr in age, predating the closure of the Tethys Sea and therefore predating the physical separation of the IWP from other biogeographical regions. All but one of the IWP subgenera tested in Turbo also predate the closure of the Tethys Sea. Fossil evidence for Marmarostoma, the largest subgenus, confirms that at least some Turbo lineages currently restricted to the IWP were previously more widespread. The combination of the phylogeny with the fossil evidence suggests that present day diversity in IWP Turbo is the result of the evolutionary persistence within the IWP of several, morphologically distinct lineages, some of which were more widespread in the Oligocene. Some IWP lineages show significant increases in diversification in the early Miocene, probably as a result of the increased availability of both shallow‐water habitats due to tectonic plate movements and increased carbonate platforms in the central IWP resulting from coincident diversification of zooxanthellate corals. The IWP is therefore behaving as both a cradle of diversity (with new species originating in situ) and a museum of diversity (with lineages that predate its isolation also being maintained). Bayesian and parsimony analyses of the subfamily recovered five clades and mapping the temperature regime (tropical or temperate) of each species onto the molecular tree using parsimony suggested that temperate habitat is an ancestral character in at least four of the clades. This result was also supported by Bayesian reconstruction of ancestral states. Astralium (the fifth clade) may also prove to have a temperate origin, but this could not be determined with certainty given the available data. The origin of diversity in tropical regions is of particular interest because it has been suggested that the tropics are the source of many evolutionary novelties and have provided a species pool, from which temperate regions were populated. The present study suggests that Turbininae may be an exception to this rule. The tree shape also suggests that temperature has had an effect on speciation rates; temperate Turbininae are apparently evolving more slowly or suffering more extinction than their tropical sister clades, which show greater diversity. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 573–592.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct the temporal and biogeographical history of Old World disjunctions in Scabiosa (Dipsacaceae) and the timing of diversification in the Mediterranean Basin, in order to evaluate the importance of biogeographical and climatological history (particularly the onset of a mediterranean climate) in shaping Scabiosa distributions. Location Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, southern Africa and eastern Asia. Methods This study uses maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA (atpB–rbcL, trnL–trnF, trnS–trnG, psbA–trnH) and nuclear ribosomal DNA [internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS)] from 24 out of c. 37 ingroup taxa, beast molecular dating, and the dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis method (Lagrange ) to reconstruct ancestral geographical ranges and the timing of diversification of the major clades of Scabiosa. Results Biogeographical and divergence time reconstructions showed that Scabiosa originated during the Miocene and diversified in Europe, followed by independent movements into Asia and Africa. Several of the major clades were inferred to have radiated sometime between the late Miocene and early Pleistocene, a timeframe that encompasses the onset of the mediterranean climate in Europe. More recent middle–late Pleistocene radiations in the Mediterranean Basin and southern Africa have played a large role in Scabiosa diversification. Main conclusions Members of Scabiosa appear to have capitalized on adaptations to montane and/or dry conditions in order to colonize similar habitats in different biogeographical regions. The formation of the East African Rift mountains is potentially of great importance in explaining the southward migration of Scabiosa. The initial diversification of Scabiosa in Europe during the Miocene is not consistent with the initiation of the mediterranean climate, but may instead be associated with increased aridity and the retreat of subtropical lineages during this time. However, the radiation of some of the major subclades within Scabiosa may have been associated with an emerging mediterranean climate. More recent and rapid radiations in both the Mediterranean Basin and southern Africa highlight the probable importance of Pleistocene climate fluctuations in Scabiosa diversification.  相似文献   

Aim  The present-day geographical distribution of parasites with a direct biological life cycle is guided mostly by the past dispersal and vicariance events that have affected their hosts. The Amphibia– Polystoma association (which satisfies these criteria) also exhibits original traits, such as host specificity and world-wide distribution. This biological model was thus chosen to investigate the common historical biogeography of its widespread representatives.
Location  North and South America, Eurasia and Africa.
Methods  We investigated the phylogeny of 12 species of neobatrachian parasites sampled from North and South America, Eurasia and Africa. Hosts belonged mostly to hyloids and ranoids of families Bufonidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Ranidae and Hyperoliidae. Phylogenetic reconstructions were inferred from maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses from complete ITS1 sequences.
Results  The group of American species appeared paraphyletic with one species at the base of a Eurafrican clade, within which two lineages were seen: one composed of only Eurasian species, and the other of European and African species, with the two European species basal to an African clade.
Main conclusions  The route of Polystoma evolution is deduced from the phylogenetic tree and discussed in the light of host evolution. We conclude that Polystoma originated in South America on hyloids, after the separation of South America from Africa. The genus must have colonized North America in Palaeocene times and Eurasia by the mid-Cainozoic, taking advantage of the dispersal of either ancestral bufonids or hylids. Africa, however, appears to have been colonized more recently, during the Messinian period.  相似文献   

Before antibiotics, sera from immune animals and humans were used to treat a variety of infectious diseases, often with successful results. After the discovery of antimicrobial agents, serum therapy for bacterial infections was rapidly forsaken. In the last two decades, problems with treatment of newly emerged, reemerged, or persistent infectious diseases necessitated researchers to develop new and/or improved antibody-based therapeutic approaches. This article reviews some information on the use of antibodies for the treatment of infectious diseases, with special reference to the most seminal discoveries and current advances as well as available treatment approaches in this field.  相似文献   

Identifying drivers of infectious disease patterns and impacts at the broadest scales of organisation is one of the most crucial challenges for modern science, yet answers to many fundamental questions remain elusive. These include what factors commonly facilitate transmission of pathogens to novel host species, what drives variation in immune investment among host species, and more generally what drives global patterns of parasite diversity and distribution? Here we consider how the perspectives and tools of macroecology, a field that investigates patterns and processes at broad spatial, temporal and taxonomic scales, are expanding scientific understanding of global infectious disease ecology. In particular, emerging approaches are providing new insights about scaling properties across all living taxa, and new strategies for mapping pathogen biodiversity and infection risk. Ultimately, macroecology is establishing a framework to more accurately predict global patterns of infectious disease distribution and emergence.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases have profound effects on life, both in nature and agriculture. However, a quantitative genetic theory of the host population for the endemic prevalence of infectious diseases is almost entirely lacking. While several studies have demonstrated the relevance of transmission of infections for heritable variation and response to selection, current quantitative genetics ignores transmission. Thus, we lack concepts of breeding value and heritable variation for endemic prevalence, and poorly understand response of endemic prevalence to selection. Here, we integrate quantitative genetics and epidemiology, and propose a quantitative genetic theory for the basic reproduction number R0 and for the endemic prevalence of an infection. We first identify the genetic factors that determine the prevalence. Subsequently, we investigate the population-level consequences of individual genetic variation, for both R0 and the endemic prevalence. Next, we present expressions for the breeding value and heritable variation, for endemic prevalence and individual binary disease status, and show that these depend strongly on the prevalence. Results show that heritable variation for endemic prevalence is substantially greater than currently believed, and increases strongly when prevalence decreases, while heritability of disease status approaches zero. As a consequence, response of the endemic prevalence to selection for lower disease status accelerates considerably when prevalence decreases, in contrast to classical predictions. Finally, we show that most heritable variation for the endemic prevalence is hidden in indirect genetic effects, suggesting a key role for kin-group selection in the evolutionary history of current populations and for genetic improvement in animals and plants.  相似文献   

 A fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein (FCP) cDNA from the raphidophyte Heterosigma carterae encodes a 210-amino acid polypeptide that has similarity to other FCPs and to the chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins (CABs) of terrestrial plants and green algae. The putative transit sequence has characteristics that resemble a signal sequence. The Heterosigma fcp genes are part of a large multigene family which includes members encoding at least two significantly different polypeptides (Fcp1, Fcp2). Comparison of the FCP sequences to the recently determined three-dimensional structure of the pea LHC II complex indicates that many of the key amino acids thought to participate in the binding of chlorophyll and the formation of complex-stabilizing ionic interactions are well conserved. Phylogenetic analyses of sequences of light-harvesting proteins shows that the FCPs of several chromophyte phyla form a natural group separate from the intrinisic peridinin-chlorophyll proteins (iPCPs) of the dinoflagellates. Although the FCP and CAB genes shared a common ancestor, these lineages diverged from each other prior to the separation of the CAB LHC I and LHC II sequences in the green algae and terrestrial plants. Received: 8 July 1996 / Accepted: 21 August 1996  相似文献   

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