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Energy regulation by traplining hummingbirds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. A published model of constant diurnal energy accumulation by territorial hummingbirds does not accurately reflect the temporal distribution of feeding behaviour of traplining hummingbirds, Phaethornis longirostris (Long-Tailed Hermit Hummingbirds).
2. In an enclosure study, gross nectar intake by P . longirostris decreased through the day, mirroring nectar production rates in its natural food-flowers and mimicking its natural foraging patterns.
3. Using a simulation model, the energetic consequences of constant and decreasing net energy intake rates for traplining hummingbirds are compared.
4. Given natural patterns of nectar production, model birds with decreasing diurnal net intake rates met their energetic needs with fewer flowers than those with constant net intake, and spent less time foraging.
5. It is concluded that P . longirostris do not satisfy the physiological assumptions of the published model, and that in this way they are different from the territorial species on which the model has previously been tested.  相似文献   

Vocal learning in birds is typically restricted to a sensitive period early in life, with the few exceptions reported in songbirds and parrots. Here, we present evidence of open-ended vocal learning in a hummingbird, the third avian group with vocal learning. We studied vocalizations at four leks of the long-billed hermit Phaethornis longirostris during a four-year period. Individuals produce a single song repertoire, although several song-types can coexist at a single lek. We found that nine of 49 birds recorded on multiple days (18%) changed their song-type between consecutive recordings. Three of these birds replaced song-types twice. Moreover, the earliest estimated age when song replacement occurred ranged from 186 to 547 days (mean = 307 days) and all nine birds who replaced song-types produced a crystallized song before replacement. The findings indicate that song-type replacement is distinct from an initial early learning sensitive period. As half of lekking males do not survive past the first year of life in this species, song learning may well extend throughout the lifespan. This behaviour would be convergent to vocal learning programmes found in parrots and songbirds.  相似文献   

Stephen's lory, Vini stepheni , is one of four landbirds which are endemic to Henderson Island and until recently, its habits and ecology were unknown. I studied the diet and feeding ecology of Stephen's lory with particular reference to nectar variation in dominant food plants. Stephen's lory feeds on nectar, pollen and fruits from a variety of plants with lepidopteran larvae also forming a large component of the diet. The two plants which were dominant nectar sources for Stephen's lory produced flowers with very different nectar yields. Scaevola sericea flowers contained larger maximum volumes of more concentrated nectar than Timonius polygamus flowers. However, Scaevola flowers were a less predictable nectar resource, and grew at much lower densities, than Timonius flowers. Lories fed on the two flower types at different frequencies and it was hypothesized that the net rate of energy gained from feeding from a similar sized patch of the two plant species was comparable. Although nectar volumes of Timonius polygamus flowers decreased from the early mornings up until late afternoons, the lories did not show a corresponding daily pattern of foraging behaviour. Nectar yields also increased with the age of Timonius flowers. Stephen's lory has probably been the least affected of its genus by adverse changes to its habitat, and any information gained on the species may be useful when conservation measures of other Vini species are addressed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hummingbird flower mites feed and reproduce in flowers of host plants pollinated by hummingbirds, and use the nostrils and bill of the hummingbird to move from plant to plant. These mites compete with the pollinator for the nectar produced by flowers. An investigation was made of the relationship between the pattern of nectar production and the effects of hummingbird flower mites in the flowers of two sympatric species of Heliconia (Heliconiaceae). METHODS: Nectar production was sampled by carrying out two experiments: 2-hour intervals and accumulated nectar. Flowers with and without mites were used in both experiments. KEY RESULTS: Exclusion of mites increased nectar production, especially in accumulated daily production (a maximum of 49 % more nectar). Both Heliconia species had the same pattern of nectar production: a high concentration in the morning, which was progressively reduced as the day passed. This pattern of nectar production coincides with the behaviour of the pollinator, which makes more frequent visits in the morning, as observed in a previous study. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the impact of mites on nectar availability of Heliconia is more important with regard to total volume of nectar produced irrespective of flower longevity. A high variation among individuals in nectar produced in the populations was also observed. Hummingbird flower mites strongly affect availability of nectar for hummingbirds.  相似文献   

Competition for food can influence the coexistence of speciesvia habitat selection, and learned behavior can influence foragingdecisions. I investigated whether learned behavior and competitionact together to influence species interactions between threecoexisting hummingbird species: black-chinned (Archilochusalexandri), blue-throated (Lampornis clemenciae), and magnificent(Eugenes fulgens) hummingbirds. I found that color cue useby individuals affects not only their foraging choices butalso population-level responses to competition. I presented hummingbirds two types of habitats (rich and poor feeders).All birds shared a preference for the rich feeders, but shiftedpreference toward poor feeders in response to competition.I used color cues to manipulate the amount of information availableto birds and examined the effects of two information states(complete or incomplete) on their foraging choices. I examined hummingbirds' preferences for the rich feeders when both competitordensities and information varied. To relate foraging choicesto energetic intake, I also analyzed energy gained during asingle foraging bout. Males of all species exhibited strongpreferences for rich feeders when they foraged with complete information and low competitor densities. Without complete information,the two subordinate species (black-chinned and magnificent)shifted preference away from rich feeders in response to highdensities of the dominant species (blue-throated). Each subordinatespecies shifted in a unique way: black-chinned hummingbirdsreduced foraging efficiency, while magnificent hummingbirdsreduced foraging time. Birds foraging with complete information remained selective on rich feeders even at high competitor densities.Thus, learned information affected competitive interactions(for rich feeders) among these species.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds are important pollinators of many native Neotropical plants but their abundance and diversity in landscapes dominated by intensive human uses such as agriculture have rarely been examined, despite such land‐uses prevailing in the tropics. We examined how tropical deforestation affects hummingbird community structure in premontane forest patches embedded in a tropical countryside of Coto Brus Canton, Costa Rica. We captured hummingbirds in fourteen landscapes representing a gradient in patch size and forest amount, and tested for the effects of these variables on (1) hummingbird captures at flowers (pollinator availability); (2) species richness; and (3) filtering of functional traits. After accounting for sampling effects, both hummingbird availability and species richness declined by 40% and 50%, respectively, across the gradient in deforestation that we observed (9–66% forest within 1000 m). Focal patch size was the strongest predictor, even after statistically accounting for the amount of forest and matrix composition of landscapes. These reductions in availability and richness were well predicted by functional traits; morphologically specialized species with the capacity to transport long‐distance outcrossed pollen and low functional redundancy within the pollinator network showed the greatest sensitivity to landscape change. We hypothesize that declines in hummingbird availability, diversity, and functional traits are important mechanisms driving the observed pollen limitation of ornithophilous flowers in fragmented tropical landscapes. Efforts to conserve large forest patches and enhance matrix permeability are critical for maintaining forest hummingbird communities and pollination services under current and predicted deforestation regimes.  相似文献   

Honey bees collect distinct nutrient sources in the form ofnectar (energy) and pollen (nitrogen). We investigated the effectof varying energy stores on nectar and pollen foraging. We foundno significant changes in nectar foraging in response to changesin honey storage levels within colonies. Individual foragersdid not vary activity rates or nectar load sizes in responseto changes in honey stores, and colonies did not increase nectarintake rates when honey stores within the hive were decreased.This result contrasts with pollen foraging behavior, which isextremely sensitive to colony state. Our data show that individualforaging decisions during nectar collection and colony regulationof nectar intake are distincdy different from pollen foraging.The behavior of honey bees illustrates that foraging strategy(and therefore foraging models) can incorporate multiple currencies,including both energy and protein intake.[Behav Ecol 7: 286–291(1996)]  相似文献   

Patterns of variation in nectar standing crop were investigated in Anchusa strigosa. Analysis of the data indicates that nectar volumes of neighboring flowers were positively correlated, and that volume of nectar per flower varied significantly between different hours of the same day, between individual plants, and between pairs of neighboring flowers on the same plant. Most of the explained variation was accounted for by differences between pairs of neighboring flowers on the same plant, indicating that nectar was patchily distributed within individual plants. The implications of these results to pollinator foraging behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In field experiments, we mapped the regular foraging routes (traplines) of marked bumble bees visiting Aralia hispida. When other bees were removed to create localized competitive vacuums, the marked bees shifted their feeding activity toward the removal areas. Bees foraging in these competitive vacuums probed more flowers per inflorescence than control bees. One bee's foraging was studied intensively before and after its local competitors were removed. Compared to four nestmates foraging elsewhere, the focal bee's trip times were shorter (p<0.005) and its food collection rate was marginally higher (P=0.064) during the removal, although all the bees foraged similarly before the removal. These observations indicate that traplining bumble bees opportunistically modify their use of space in response to the activities of other bees in a highly competitive environment.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of four species of passionflower was studied in south-eastern Brazil, specifically the importance of chemical features of floral nectar, pigments and odours. All species required pollinators to produce fruits: P. alata was pollinated by bees, P. speciosa by hummingbirds, and P. galbana and P. mucronata by bats. Pollinators consumed nectar as a food source. The activity of vertebrate pollinators reflected resource availability: they foraged when large amounts of nectar were available and when quantitative resource predictability was greater. The nectar of the vertebrate-pollinated species was richer in cholesterol and phospholipids, and had a potassium-sodium ratio higher than 1.0. For all species, the light absorption of flowers was paralleled by the pollinators' visual spectral sensitivity. This first report on Passiflora floral volatile compounds showed that there was a greater chemical class diversity among the species pollinated by animals with an acute olfactory sense, such as bees and bats. Benzenoid alcohols were the most represented compounds. The fragrances contained compounds that occur in other plant species and in the exocrine secretions of bees. This study shows a strong association between pollinators and the attracting and rewarding features of flowers.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are characterized by marked temporal and spatial variation in productivity, and many primates face foraging problems associated with seasonal shifts in fruit availability. In this study, I examined seasonal changes in diet and foraging behaviors of two groups of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), studied for 12 months in Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, an area characterized by seasonal rainfall. Squirrel monkeys were primarily insectivorous (79% of feeding and foraging time), with fruit consumption highest during the rainy season. Although monkeys fed from 68 plant species, fruit of Attalea maripa palms accounted for 28% of annual fruit-feeding records. Dietary shifts in the dry season were correlated with a decline in ripe A. maripa fruits. Despite pronounced seasonal variation in rainfall and fruit abundance, foraging efficiency, travel time, and distance traveled remained stable between seasons. Instead, squirrel monkeys at this Eastern Amazonian site primarily dealt with the seasonal decline in fruit by showing dietary flexibility. Consumption of insects, flowers, and exudates increased during the dry season. In particular, their foraging behavior at this time strongly resembled that of tamarins (Saguinus sp.) and consisted of heavy use of seed-pod exudates and specialized foraging on large-bodied orthopterans near the forest floor. Comparisons with squirrel monkeys at other locations indicate that, across their geographic range, Saimiri use a variety of behavioral tactics during reduced periods of fruit availability.  相似文献   

Grünbaum  Daniel 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):175-191
Ecological dynamics in many aquatic communities are strongly influenced by spatial and temporal variability of key limiting resources, and the extent to which consumers can locate and exploit concentrations of those resources. Intuitively, resource concentrations that are `close' and `long-lived' should typically be more available to consumers than `distant' and `ephemeral' resource concentrations. The speed and accuracy with which consumers can locate concentrations of their resources is in part determined by their movement characteristics and sensory constraints, which vary with taxon, life-history stage, physiological state, environmental conditions, and other factors. This has motivated detailed observation and modelling of individual-level foraging behaviors in a wide variety of taxa. However, our abilities to develop this intuitive concept of availability into empirically-based, quantitative predictions for consumer–resource interactions remain limited, largely due to the complexities of formulating and simulating spatially explicit models of consumer–resource interactions, and the difficulty of understanding how specific simulation results relate to broader ecological situations. This paper presents a non-dimensional index, the Frost number, that provides a simple prediction of availability to consumers of spatially and temporally varying resource concentrations. This index incorporates characteristics of both resource distributions and consumer movement behaviors. When Frost numbers characterizing consumer–resource interactions are much less than unity, resource concentrations are typically unavailable to consumers because travel time to reach them exceeds the longevity of the resource. Conversely, when Frost numbers are much greater than unity, resource longevity exceeds travel time so that resource concentrations are available. The Frost number may provide a preliminary identification of the length and time scales at which resources are available to consumers in complex ecological systems, even when detailed spatial observations and simulations are not available.  相似文献   

Observations of hummingbirds feeding at flowers longer or shorter than their bills seem to contradict the view that bill lengths of hummingbirds evolved in concert with the lengths of their flowers. Recent experiments, however, indicate that a hummingbird's ability to feed at artificial flowers of different lengths depends on the widths of the flowers. We examined if the broad range of flower lengths visited by many hummingbird species can be explained by the widths of the flowers. We predicted that both short‐ and long‐billed hummingbirds would include long, wide flower species in their diets, but that short‐billed hummingbirds would not include long, narrow flower species because nectar in these species might be beyond the reach of their bills. If so, the slope of the regression for flower width versus flower length should be smaller for flower species visited by longer‐billed hummingbirds relative to those visited by shorter‐billed hummingbirds. Analyses of data sets for some North American and Monteverde hummingbirds and their food plants were consistent with this prediction, and bill lengths were significantly correlated with the slopes of the regressions of flower width versus length for seven hummingbird species. Comparisons of observed flower use by some Monteverde hummingbird species to flower assemblages generated at random suggest that these significant regressions were not simply a result of allometric relationships between flower lengths and widths, but in some cases reflected active choice by the birds. The two hummingbird–flower data sets also differed significandy in the scaling of corolla width relative to corolla length. In particular, the Monteverde data set contained a large number of long, narrow flower species, which we suggest is a consequence of a different floral evolutionary history and association with long‐billed hummingbird species. The evolutionary effects of hummingbirds and their flowers upon one another are more complex than has generally been realized, and a consideration of corolla length jointly with other floral characters may improve our understanding of hummingbird‐flower relationships.  相似文献   

This is the first report of corolla-borne secretory trichomes that substitute in role for a non-functional disc in a species of the neotropical genus Lundia A. DC. (Bignoniaceae). The floral biology and flowering phenology of Lundia cordata were investigated at two remnants of tropical rainforest in northeastern Brazil. This species is a typically omithophilous liana, with reddish, tubular, scentless flowers. The flowers are resupinate, protandrous and last for 2 d. There is a vestigial non-functional perigynous disc and nectar is secreted by glandular trichomes distributed along the internal surface of the corolla. The nectar is stored at the base of the corolla tube, thus showing secondary nectar presentation. The nectariferous trichomes are multi-cellular, uniseriate, with a basal foot cell rooting in the epidermis, one neck cell, and a glandular head with 13 cells on average. Three species of hummingbirds (Amazilia fimbriata, Eupetomena macroura and Phaethornis pretrei) serve as pollinators. Phaethornis ruber, Xylocopa bees, wasps and diurnal moths are considered nectar thieves.  相似文献   

Summary In field experiments withAralia hispida inflorescences, the following variables were manipulated: number of umbels per inflorescence, number of flowers per umbel, and amounts of pollen and nectar per flower. Visitation rates by bumble bees, the principal pollinators, were then observed. In the reward-variation experiments, bees appeared to learn the positions of nectar-rich shoots, and visited them significantly more often than nectar-poor shoots. They did not respond to similar variation in pollen production. The nectar preferences developed slowly after the treatments were imposed, and bees continued to favor sites that had been occupied by nectar-rich shoots even after the treatments were discontinued. Visitation rate was approximately proportional to flower number, making it unlikely that increases in inflorescence size produced a disproportionate gain in male reproductive success (a necessary condition in certain models for the evolution of dioecy). For a fixed number of flowers per inflorescence, bees preferred inflorescences with more umbels. In pairwise choice tests of male-phase and female-phase umbels of various sizes, bees preferred male-phase umbels and larger umbels; the preference for male-phase umbels is stronger in bees that had previously fed on male-phase umbels.  相似文献   

I present data on flower morphology, pollination, breeding system, and genetic diversity of the columnar cactus Weber-bauerocereus weberbaueri at 2500 m elevation in southwestern Peru. Weberbauerocereus weberbaueri is a self-compatible columnar cactus that is visited and pollinated by one species of rare endemic bat, Platalina genovensium, and two species of hummingbirds, Patagona gigas and Rhodopis vesper. W. weberbaueri exhibits pronounced interplant variation in floral color and size, and flowers exhibit traits corresponding to both bat and hummingbird pollination syndromes. Starch-gel electrophoresis of flower bud tissue indicated that W. weberbaueri is an autotetraploid and that genetic diversity (Hep = 0.257) of the study population was high relative to diploid plants but similar to other tetraploid species. Initial fruit set from pollinator exclusion experiments conducted in 1991 and 1993, at the onset of and after a drought associated with the El Niño event of 1991–1992, revealed that bats were the most important pollinators in 1991, but that hummingbirds and diurnal insects were most important in 1993. In both years, however, autogamy and lepidopteran larval infestation of fruits reduced differences in mature fruit production among pollinator exclusion treatments so that differences in mature fruit set were not statistically significant. Reduced bat pollination in 1993 is attributed to the reduced abundance of bats at the study site during a drought caused by El Niño. I hypothesize that interaction among several factors, including tetraploidy, autogamy, larval infestation of developing fruits, and variation in pollinator abundance, may not result in strong selection for a bat vs. hummingbird floral morph, thus allowing the persistence of floral variation in this cactus.  相似文献   

Foraging on resources that are fixed in space but that replenishover time, such as floral nectar and pollen, presents animalswith the problem of selecting a foraging route. What can flowervisitors such as bees do to optimize their foraging routes,that is, reduce return time or route distance? Some repeatedlyvisit a set of plants in a significantly predictable sequence(so-called "trapline foraging"), which may also enhance theirforaging efficiency. A moderate level of optimization and repetitionof foraging routes can be reached by following simple movementrules for choosing the distances and turning angles of successiveflights, without the use of spatial memory. If pollinators canlearn the locations of patches and choose among possible foragingroutes or paths, however, even better performance may be achieved.We tested whether and how bumble bees can optimize and repeattheir foraging routes in laboratory experiments with artificialflowers that secreted nectar at a constant rate. With increasingexperience, foraging routes of bees became more repeatable andefficient than expected from a combination of simple movementrules between successive flowers. We suggest that trapline foragingis a more sophisticated pattern of spatial use than searchingand is based on memory. On the other hand, certain spatial configurationsof flowers hampered optimization by the bees; bees preferredto choose short distances over straight moves and showed littleplasticity in this regard. Developing an efficient trapline,therefore, may require prior selection of a set of plants withan appropriate spatial configuration.  相似文献   

The "asset-protection principle" created by Clark is based ona dynamic programming model and states that individuals should(1) become more averse to predation risk as they accumulatefitness assets but (2) generally be more willing to acceptpredation risk later in the foraging season. To test whetherthese predictions hold under biologically meaningful foraging parameters, I constructed a dynamic model of the optimal trade-offbetween foraging and predator avoidance in juvenile salmon.The model incorporates temperature and body-size dependentbio-energetic constraints typical for juvenile fish, whichgrow by orders of magnitude over a season. In its simplestform using seasonally constant growth potential and a linear over-winter survival function, my results equal those of Clark'smodel. Adding a fitness function and environmental data fromfield studies accentuates the asset-protection effect and fundamentallychanges the seasonal pattern of optimal effort. Simulationof typical poor feeding conditions in mid-summer yields theprediction of increased foraging in the spring in anticipationof worsening conditions. Increasing overall predation riskresults in smaller fish at the end of the season with a trade-offbetween summer and winter survival. The model generates testablepredictions for juvenile salmon and provides insights for otherorganisms (particularly poikilotherms) that are subject tosize-dependent or seasonally changing foraging dynamics.  相似文献   

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