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The consequences of previous and concurrent infection with two related species of cestodes, Hymenolepis nana and H. diminuta, were studied in CD1 mice. A H. diminuta infection strongly affected the establishment and the survival of a secondary H. nana egg or cyst infection administered 30 days later. An infection of 20 H. nana eggs strongly protected against a 5-cyst H. diminuta challenge, whereas an infection of 10 H. nana cysts was ineffective; 20 H. nana eggs also protected against a challenge with 5 cysts of H. diminuta administered 5 days later. No effects were observed in either parasite during a concurrent infection established by administration of cysts. An H. nana egg-infection was unable to affect the establishment of a secondary H. nana cyst-infection given 1 month later; however a significant decrease in growth was found. Similar results were found when a primary H. nana egg-infection was followed 5 days later by the homologous cyst-infection. But an infection with 5 H. nana cysts was unable to protect against a homologous challenge of 5 cysts or 200 eggs. The reciprocal cross immunity between the heterologous parasites and the failure of protection of homologous challenges are discussed in relation to light infections.  相似文献   

A D Befus 《Parasitology》1975,71(1):61-75
In one (1 c) and six (6 c) cysticercoid primary infections of Hymenolepis diminuta in NIH (inbred) and CFLP (outbred) male mice 6 +/- 1 weeks old greater than 85% of the worms established but were rejected (destrobilated or expelled) subsequently. Rejection occurs more quickly in 6 c infections than in 1 c infections. Considerable worm growth occurs in 1 c and 6 c primary infections but worms from 6 c infections weighed less than worms from 1 c infections on all days studied. Expulsion of H. diminuta does not occur more rapidly in secondary infections than in primary infections; loss of 6 c secondary worms occurs at the same rate as 6 c primary worms but 1 c secondary worms survive longer than 1 c primary worms. Although worms are not lost more quickly in secondary than in primary infections, they are affected at an early age by the immune response which stunts their growth. Increasing the intensity of primary and secondary infections increases the severity of stunting of secondary worms. The results are discussed and it is suggested that immune responses to Hymenolepis spp. in rodents are common but that thresholds of worm numbers exist below which appreciable worm loss does not occur. Stunting due to crowding, which generally is attributed to inter-worm competition, may be in part immunologically mediated. For future immunological studies attempting to induce secondary responses to H. diminuta in mice, worm growth, not survival, is the criterion to evaluate.  相似文献   

Stem cell frequency, wet weight, proglottid number, and egg production were measured in Hymenolepis citelli at specific intervals between 20 and 120 days postinfection in an effort to correlate changes in stem cell frequency to other developmental parameters. Considerable variability was seen in wet weight and proglottid number, but differences did not seem to reflect any relation between these parameters and stem cell frequency. Significant differences were observed in egg production at specific postinfection periods. These appeared to correspond to changes seen in stem cell frequency during patency. Similar changes in egg production which also correspond to measured changes in stem cell frequency were recorded for Hymenolepis diminuta. Differences were also seen in number of eggs contained within gravid proglottids at various times postinfection for both species.  相似文献   

The indirect immunofluorescent technique was used to determine the occurrence of IgA, IgM and IgG1 immunoglobulin-containing cells in local intestinal mucosal immune responses to Hymenolepis citelli, H. diminuta and H. microstoma infections in mice. In the intestinal lamina propria of H. citelli and H. diminuta infected mice there was no increase in the mean numbers of immunoglobulin-containing cells when compared with uninfected control mice, but there was in H. microstoma infected mice. The numbers of IgG1- positive cells in both infected and uninfected mice were very small relative to IgA and IgM immunocytes. The distribution of immunocytes in the lamina propria of infected and uninfected mice was essentially similar and the localization of isotypes in duodenal sections showed no immunoglobulins in the villous epithelial cells. There was also no marked difference between primary and secondary infections indicating that immunoglobulin-containing cells play no major role in functional immunity against hymenolepid infections in the mouse. The presence of IgA and IgM was also demonstrated on the tegument of the tapeworms, although the distribution was patchy and more abundant on H. microstoma than on H. diminuta or H. citelli. The time of appearance of both isotypes was latest on H. citelli.  相似文献   

Bøgh H., Christensen J.P.B. and Andreassen J. 1986. Complement-mediated lysis in vitro of newly excysted tapeworms: Hymenolepis diminuta, Hymenolepis microstoma, Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis citelii. International Journal for Parasitology16: 157–161. Newly excysted worms of Hymenolepis diminuta were lysed in 50% normal serum from all 13 animal species tested, including man. Since H. diminuta was neither lysed in complement inactivated serum—by heat or adding EDTA, LPS or CVF—nor in C5-deficient mouse serum, it is concluded that the lysis was associated with the complement cascade. It is shown that H. diminuta can activate the complement system via both the classical and alternative pathway. Furthermore, it is indicated that the lysis is independent of serum antibodies. Hymenolepis nana and H. citelli were also lysed in all normal sera tested, eight and six respectively, while newly excysted worms of H. microstoma were lysed in normal sera from 10 mammals and birds, but not in sera from its hosts, the mouse, rat and golden hamster. This indicates that the complement system of these three species differs from that of the other species tested in such a way that H. microstoma is able to avoid lysis in these sera.  相似文献   

Mice were immunized against challenge with Hymenolepis diminuta by feeding cysticercoids or by surgically implanting into the duodenum strobilate worms of different ages. Young worms stimulate stronger immunity than older ones, although the latter presents the host with a greater amount of strobilar tissue per unit time. An increase in the number of immunizing worms is associated with an increase in the level of protection. It is concluded that the development of functional immunity against H. diminuta in mice has both quantitative and qualitative antigenic requirements; it is influenced by worm age and is independent of worm mass.  相似文献   

Patent, but not prepatent, Schistosoma mansoni infections in mice enhanced the expulsion of a superimposed infection with Hymenolepis diminuta. An antagonistic effect was also directed against a superimposed H. microstoma infection in mice harbouring patent S. mansoni infections.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic efficacy studies typically involve direct counts of worms remaining in the host shortly after drug treatment. Few such studies, however, have considered the phenomenon of tapeworm destrobilation when determining effective dosages. The present study reports on the frequency of drug-induced destrobilation and the subsequent regeneration of Hymenolepis diminuta in rats following treatment with niclosamide or praziquantel and its implications with respect to the apparent efficacy of these anthelmintics. Drug efficacies very similar to those reported in the literature were determined upon examination of infected animals 24 hr posttreatment. Small regenerating worms were, however, observed in the small intestine of rats 8 days after treatment, indicating that destrobilated worms were present, but overlooked, during the initial examination. Within several days posttreatment, destrobilated worms can regenerate to a size that is readily apparent in the gut contents, allowing the effective dosage to be determined with much greater confidence. Due to the demonstrated ability of these destrobilated worms to regenerate to the gravid state, it is imperative that a fully effective anthelmintic dosage be determined and administered.  相似文献   

The effect of oxyclozanide on Hymenolepis microstoma and H. diminuta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

When measured 56 days postinfection the length, wet weight and dry weight of Hymenolepis diminuta were all found to decrease with increasing number of cysticercoids given up to 20. The mean position of the worms in 10, 12 and 20 worm infections is significantly posterior to that of 1, 2 and 5 worm infections and the worms are attached over a wider area of the intestine. Egg production by the worms was followed up to day 56 postinfection; the number of eggs produced per worm and even per rat decreased with increasing population density. Thus the best way to get most eggs and to maintain the parasite in the laboratory is to have rats infected with only one tapeworm. Rats given 1-20 cysticercoids showed a mean recovery of 100-65%, while rats given 40-200 cysticercoids showed a mean recovery ranging from 13 to 2%. In addition to 'normal' worms, defined as worms greater than 10 mm, small, most probably destrobilated, worms were found. In the 50 and 100 cysticercoid infections, worm recoveries were, respectively, 8% 'normal', 16% small, and 2% 'normal', 5% small. From the significantly lower recovery from heavy infections it is concluded that a deleterious factor is operating during the 8 weeks after the infection.  相似文献   

Hymenolepis diminuta grown in mice maintained at 5 degrees C were significantly larger and markedly more developed than those grown simultaneously in control mice maintained at 21 degrees C. In mice maintained at 5 degrees C, the incidence of infection and the number of worms recovered per host were higher than in the mice kept at 21 degrees C. Regardless of the temperature of the hosts' external environment, primary infections were always expelled before Day 13 postinfection and secondary (challenge) infections were invariably lost before Day 7.  相似文献   

Superimposing the intestinal tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta on an established infection with the trematode Echinostoma caproni or simultaneous infection of mice with H. diminuta and Hymenolepis microstoma caused destrobilation and expulsion of H. diminuta, whereas establishment and growth of H. microstoma under the same infection regimes were not affected. In contrast, simultaneous superimposition of H. diminuta and H. microstoma on an established E. caproni infection caused destrobilation and expulsion of both H. diminuta and H. microstoma.  相似文献   

The presence of 5-HT in Hymenolepis diminuta and Hymenolepis nana was detected by 2 biochemical methods and as yellow fluorescence in a histochemical method. In H. diminuta, 5-HT was found in a concentration of about 1.2 micron/g; this amount did not vary significantly in worms aged 6 to 18 days or more or in various regions of the worm. In H. nana, 5-HT was found in a concentration of about 1.8 micron/g. It was histochemically localized in H. diminuta and H. nana in a pattern similar to that of acetylcholinesterase previously described in these 2 cestodes, and it may be the opposing neuro-transmitter to acetylcholine. The lack of 5-HT in the vestigial rostellum of H. diminuta may be correlated with loss of function of this organ.  相似文献   

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