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Effects of hypobaria on lung fluid balance were studied in five awake sheep with chronic lung lymph fistulas using a decompression chamber. Each sheep was exposed to three conditions of 6,600-m-simulated high altitude in random order as follows: 1) 6,600-m-simulated hypoxic hypobaria (barometric pressure 326 Torr, 21% inspired O2 fraction), 2) 6,600-m-simulated normoxic hypobaria (barometric pressure 326 Torr, 65% inspired O2 fraction), and 3) 6,600-m-simulated normoxic hypobaria (barometric pressure 326 Torr, 65% inspired O2 fraction) after pretreatment with a 2-h pure O2 inhalation (i.e., denitrogenation) to allow elimination of dissolved gases, especially N2, from the blood and tissues. We observed that under both hypoxic hypobaria and normoxic hypobaria, lung lymph flow (Qlym) significantly increased from the base-line values of 6.4 +/- 0.3 to 13.0 +/- 1.0 ml/h and 6.0 +/- 0.2 to 9.4 +/- 0.3 ml/h, respectively (P less than 0.05) and that the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio remained unchanged. Moreover, pretreatment with a 2-h denitrogenation inhibited the increase in Qlym. These results suggest that rapid exposure to hypobaria causes an increase in pulmonary vascular permeability and that intravascular air bubble formation may account for this permeability change.  相似文献   

Thrombin-induced alterations in lung fluid balance in awake sheep   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examined the effect of fibrinolysis depression on thrombin-induced pulmonary microembolism in awake sheep prepared with chronic lung lymph fistulas. Fibrinolysis was depressed by an intravenous infusion (100 mg) of tranexamic acid [trans-4-(Aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid]. Pulmonary microembolism was induced by an intravenous infusion of alpha-thrombin (80 NIH U/kg) in normal (n = 7) and in tranexamic acid-treated (n = 6) sheep. Thrombin immediately increased pulmonary lymph flow (Qlym) in both groups. The increased Qlym was not associated with a change in the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration (L/P) ratio in the control group and with a small decrease in the tranexamic acid-treated group. The increases in Qlym and pulmonary transvascular protein clearance (Qlym X L/P ratio) in the tranexamic acid-treated group were greater and sustained at four- to fivefold above base line for 10 h after the thrombin and remained elevated at twofold above base line even at 24 h. In contrast, Qlym and protein clearance were transiently increased in the control group. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) increased after thrombin in tranexamic acid-treated group; the increases in Ppa and PVR in the control group were transient. Protein reflection coefficient as determined by the filtration independent method decreased after thrombin in tranexamic acid-treated sheep (n = 5), indicating an increased vascular permeability to proteins. We conclude that prolongation of microthrombi retention in the pulmonary circulation results in an increased vascular permeability to proteins. Both increased vascular permeability and vascular hydrostatic pressure are important determinants of the increases in Qlym and transvascular protein clearance after thrombin-induced pulmonary microembolism.  相似文献   

Because pulmonary edema has been associated clinically with airway obstruction, we sought to determine whether decreased intrathoracic pressure, created by selective inspiratory obstruction, would affect lung fluid balance. We reasoned that if decreased intrathoracic pressure caused an increase in the transvascular hydrostatic pressure gradient, then lung lymph flow would increase and the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio (L/P) would decrease. We performed experiments in six awake sheep with chronic lung lymph cannulas. After a base-line period, we added an inspiratory load (20 cmH2O) and allowed normal expiration at atmospheric pressure. Inspiratory loading was associated with a 12-cmH2O decrease in mean central airway pressure. Mean left atrial pressure fell 11 cmH2O, and mean pulmonary arterial pressure was unchanged; calculated microvascular pressure decreased 8 cmH2O. The changes that occurred in lung lymph were characteristic of those seen after other causes of increased transvascular hydrostatic gradient, such as increased intravascular pressure. Lung lymph flow increased twice base line, and L/P decreased. We conclude that inspiratory loading is associated with an increase in the pulmonary transvascular hydrostatic gradient, possibly by causing a greater fall in interstitial perimicrovascular pressure than in microvascular pressure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of inspiratory airway obstruction on lung fluid balance in newborn lambs. We studied seven 2- to 4-wk-old lambs that were sedated with chloral hydrate and allowed to breathe 30-40% O2 spontaneously through an endotracheal tube. We measured lung lymph flow, lymph and plasma protein concentrations, pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, mean and phasic pleural pressures and airway pressures, and cardiac output during a 2-h base-line period and then during a 2- to 3-h period of inspiratory airway obstruction produced by partially occluding the inspiratory limb of a nonrebreathing valve attached to the endotracheal tube. During inspiratory airway obstruction, both pleural and airway pressures decreased 5 Torr, whereas pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures each decreased 4 Torr. As a result, calculated filtration pressure remained unchanged. Inspiratory airway obstruction had no effect on steady-state lung lymph flow or the lymph protein concentration relative to that of plasma. We conclude that in the spontaneously breathing lamb, any decrease in interstitial pressure resulting from inspiratory airway obstruction is offset by a decrease in microvascular hydrostatic pressure so that net fluid filtration remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Effect of progressive exercise on lung fluid balance in sheep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study is to determine the roles of cardiac output and microvascular pressure on changes in lung fluid balance during exercise in awake sheep. We studied seven sheep during progressive treadmill exercise to exhaustion (10% grade), six sheep during prolonged constant-rate exercise for 45-60 min, and five sheep during hypoxia (fraction of inspired O2 = 0.12) and hypoxic exercise. We made continuous measurements of pulmonary arterial, left atrial, and systemic arterial pressures, lung lymph flow, and cardiac output. Exercise more than doubled cardiac output and increased pulmonary arterial pressures from 19.2 +/- 1 to 34.8 +/- 3.5 (SE) cmH2O. Lung lymph flow increased rapidly fivefold during progressive exercise and returned immediately to base-line levels when exercise was stopped. Lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratios decreased slightly but steadily. Lymph flows correlated closely with changes in cardiac output and with calculated microvascular pressures. The drop in lymph-to-plasma protein ratio during exercise suggests that microvascular pressure rises during exercise, perhaps due to increased pulmonary venous pressure. Lymph flow and protein content were unaffected by hypoxia, and hypoxia did not alter the lymph changes seen during normoxic exercise. Lung lymph flow did not immediately return to base line after prolonged exercise, suggesting hydration of the lung interstitium.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of complement depletion on lung fluid and protein exchange after thrombin-induced pulmonary thromboembolization. Sheep were prepared with lung lymph fistulas to assess pulmonary transvascular fluid and protein dynamics. Studies were made in three groups: in group I (n = 5) pulmonary thromboembolization (PT) was induced by an iv infusion of thrombin (55.0 +/- 12.9 NIH U/kg); in group II (n = 6) cobra venom factor (CVF) was given ip (94.5 +/- 18.8 U/kg/day) for 2 days to deplete complement, and then thrombin (66.4 +/- 37.0 NIH U/kg) was infused to raise pulmonary vascular resistance to the same level as in group I; in group III (n = 10) left atrial pressure (Pla) was increased by 10-15 Torr in normal animals by inflation of a Foley balloon catheter. In group I, thrombin infusion caused an increase in pulmonary lymph flow (Qlym) with a gradual increase in the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio (L/P). In complement-depleted sheep, thrombin caused a transient increase in Qlym, which was associated with a decrease in L/P. In group I an increase in Pla further increased Qlym but without a change in L/P, indicating an increase in lung vascular permeability to proteins; whereas in the decomplemented-thrombin sheep raising Pla increased Qlym but decreased L/P. Results in the latter group were similar to those obtained in normal animals after left atrial hypertension (group III). Therefore the complement system participates in the increase in lung vascular permeability following thrombin-induced microembolization.  相似文献   

Plasma aldosterone, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) concentrations, daily Na and K intakes, and urinary and faecal excretion were measured during the first week of postnatal life in 9 lambs naturally born at term (145 days of gestation) and in 10 lambs delivered by caesarean section on day 145 (6 lambs) or on day 139 (4 lambs) of gestation. Plasma aldosterone, Na and K concentrations showed no significant variation during the experimental period in any group of lambs, and there was no significant difference concerning these parameters among the three groups. Na and K balances were always positive during the experimental period in naturally born lambs. It was negative on days 4 and 6 postdelivery in those delivered by caesarean section on days 145 and 139 of gestation, respectively. This was probably due to the lower daily Na and K intakes measured in these 10 lambs compared to the 9 control lambs: urinary output and urinary Na and K excretion were lower in the two groups of lambs delivered by caesarean section, while Na and K urinary concentrations were not different in any group.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the highlights of the EB2004 symposium that dealt with the integrated aspects of the lung fluid balance. It is apparent that maintenance of lung fluid balance requires the proper functioning of vascular endothelial and alveolar epithelial barriers. Under physiological conditions, the transcytotic pathway requiring repeated fission-fusion events of the caveolar membrane with other caveolae solely transports albumin. Caveolin-1, which forms caveolae, and albumin-binding proteins play a central role in signaling the transcytosis of albumin. Signals responsible for increasing endothelial permeability in lung microvessels in response to inflammatory mediators were also described. These studies in gene knockout mouse models revealed the importance of Ca(2+) signaling via store-operated transient receptor channel 4 and the activation of endothelial myosin light chain kinase isoform in mediating the increase in microvessel permeability. Increases in the cytosolic Ca(2+) in situ in microvessel endothelia can occur by mitochondria-dependent as well as mitochondria-independent pathways (such as the endoplasmic reticulum). Both these pathways, by triggering endothelial cell activation, may result in lung microvascular injury. The resolution of alveolar edema, requiring clearance of fluid from the air space, is another area of intense investigation in animal models. Although beta-adrenergic agonists can activate alveolar fluid clearance, signaling pathways regulating these events in intact alveoli remain to be established. Development of mouse models in which the function of regulatory proteins (identified in cell culture studies) can be systematically analyzed will provide a better and more integrated picture of lung fluid balance. In vivo veritas!  相似文献   

To the present lung liquid dynamics in the immediate neonatal period have been measured mainly by gravimetric techniques. This paper explores lung aeration and lung water dynamics in seven fetal lambs between 139 and 142 days of gestation delivered by caesarean section and ventilated on a constant-volume respirator. After caesarean section and instrumentation, fetal lambs were quickly transferred to a warm X-ray table and connected to a volume-cycled respirator. X-ray fluoroscopic images of the chest commenced before the first breath and were recorded on video tape. After 1 h of ventilation, measurements were made of pulmonary blood volume, and lung samples were taken for wet weight and dry weight analysis. Fluoroscopic image brightness was calibrated by comparison with images obtained from a water wedge, which extended across the X-ray field. Thus image brightness was related to "equivalent water path length" through the thorax. Within a defined lung field, image brightness increases as the amount of lung water in the path of the X-ray beam is reduced. This occurs rapidly at first and then more slowly over the remaining hour. There was considerable variation between the reduction of liquid in the lung fields examined within the one animal, as well as the absolute amount of fluid that had been cleared during the 1st h.  相似文献   

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