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Knowledge of the fauna of tropical lowland rainforest is urgently necessary because of the high rate of biodiversity loss and global extinction of species as a result of deforestation. We studied land molluscs species richness and diversity in four heavily degraded secondary forest reserves and one old‐growth forest reserve in Edo State, Nigeria using a combination of direct fixed‐time search and litter‐sieving techniques in twelve plots of 400 m2 each per reserve. A total of 43 species and 2570 individuals were collected from all the reserves. Local species richness ranged from 19 to 39 species while number of specimens from 203 to 971. Molluscan species richness and diversity is significantly higher in the old‐growth forest than in the disturbed forest reserves. Land molluscs family composition was similar in all the forests with respect to the common and wide‐ranging species while rare and narrow‐range species are restricted to the old‐growth forest in Okomu. The carnivorous streptaxids and detritivorous subulinids dominate species richness and abundance respectively in all the sites. Species turnover is moderately high within and between the forest reserves indicating the uniqueness of the faunal composition of each forest and the need for adequate protection.  相似文献   

Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Owusu, E.H., Asamoah, S. & Owusu-Boateng, K. 2000. Distribution and abundance of forest birds in Ghana. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 262–268.

Forest reserves within the Ghanaian rain forest have been classified into categories (Condition I-VI) on the basis of their botanical importance and status of the vegetation. We present data on the distribution and abundance of avifauna of 28 Condition II and III forest reserves in southern Ghana based on line transect counts and mist-net captures. A total of 227 species were recorded for all the sites; species records for individual sites ranged from 78–119. The dominant groups in the overall survey were Muscicapidae (represented by 40 species), Pcynonotidae (21) and Cuculidae (12). The most abundant bird species in the Ghanaian forests were Yellow-whiskered Greenbul, Green Hylia, Green Pigeon and Olive Sunbird. Species encounter rates ranged from 16.7 to 50.7 species per km with individual bird encounter rates of 27.9 to 172.0 birds per km. Capture rates in mist-nets ranged from 1.2 to 3.9 birds per 100 metre net-hr (mnh). A total of 183 species were recorded in Condition II forest as compared with 167 in Condition III forests. The effects of forest condition and vegetation types on the total number of species recorded were, however, not statistically significant. The Similarity Index for bird communities within Condition II and III forests was 0.72. Bird species composition in the two forest types also differed: e.g., seven primary forest species, as well as 40% of the species associated with primary and matured secondary forest which were recorded in Condition II forests, were absent from Condition III forests. Bird communities of Moist Evergreen, Upland Evergreen and Moist semi-Deciduous were more similar than communities in the Wet Evergreen forest type. The implication of the results for conservation of the Ghana's forests is discussed.  相似文献   

Human disturbance threatens and modifies forest ecosystems worldwide. Previous studies have investigated the effects of human impact on local bird communities in disturbed forests, but we still lack information on how bird species richness and ecological processes respond to different forest modifications present at a landscape scale. In a heterogeneous South African landscape, we chose six types of indigenous scarp forest, differing in the intensity of human disturbance: continuous natural forests and natural forest fragments in nature reserves, forest fragments in eucalyptus plantations, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests in game reserves. In 36 study sites, we investigated the bird community using point counts and observed the seed removal of birds at the native tree species Celtis africana. Species richness did not differ among the forest types, but abundance varied significantly with most birds observed in fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens, and secondary forests. The higher bird abundance in these forests was mainly due to forest generalists, shrubland and open country species whereas forest specialists were rarely present. Changes in species composition were also confirmed by multivariate analysis which clearly separated bird communities by forest type. Frugivore abundance in C. africana was highest in natural forest fragments, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests. The same trend was found for the estimated total number of fruits removed per C. africana tree, though the differences among forest types were not significant. Consequently, modified forests seem to maintain important ecological functions as they provide food sources for generalist species which may, due to their mobility, enhance natural plant regeneration. However, we could show that protected forest habitats are important refugees for specialist species sensitive to human disturbance.  相似文献   

我们利用标准化调查和广泛调查两种方法对尼日利亚西南部森林中黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)的分布状态进行了调查。本研究确认该地区总计2 443·58 km2的15个森林保护区内存在该物种。然而基于间接证据,该地区之前仅有8个森林保护区共计1 920·48 km2被调查过。我们将独立收集的年度数据根据不同保护区进行分类总结并且估计了建巢黑猩猩的个体密度。研究结果显示该地区的黑猩猩呈低密度高分散分布,其中只有Eba和Ise两个森林保护区中黑猩猩的分布密度显著大于0·20/km2。研究区域内四个森林保护区中黑猩猩的建巢数大于10 (Akure/Ofosu森林保护区,13个; Oluwa森林保护区, 11个;Ise森林保护区22个; Ago-Owu森林保护区,11个)。此外,在Ise森林保护区内我们观察到黑猩猩其它活动(例如观望行为,发声行为,取食迹象和粪便)的频次显著高于其它森林保护区。研究结果表明,残余且易于管理的黑猩猩种群分布于该调查区域。建议采取适当的保护措施来保证它们的继续生存  相似文献   

Abstract: The greatest concentration of Chinese Galliformes occurs in the Trans-Himalayas. We selected 4 northwestern Yunnan counties (Lijiang, Shangri-la, Deqin, and Weixi) in the Trans-Himalayas to assess the conservation status of 9 gallinaceous forest birds. We developed maps depicting recent forest cover and modeled habitat availability of each gallinaceous forest bird based on 3 factors that restrict its distribution: geographic location, elevation range, and forest coverage. The conservation status of 4 species was inadequate, because <10% of their respective potential habitats were within existing nature reserves. To predict the historic habitats of the species we studied, we also delineated a forest map from the late 1950s. We calculated the loss and fragmentation of potential habitats within the past 40 years as degree of habitat degradation. Our results showed that all 9 species became reduced and fragmented of their potential habitats from the late 1950s to 2002. Assessing habitat degradation and conservation status of wild species could help identify the threatened species with poor protection and degraded habitats, thereby warranting more attention in future conservation strategies. To protect those threatened species, it is urgent that the government should design new nature reserves to fill the conservation gaps, and enlarge and strengthen the management of existing natural reserves to reduce effects of human activities on their habitats.  相似文献   

Burgess, N., de Klerk, H., Fjeldsá, J., Crowe, T. & Rahbek, R. 2000. A preliminary assessment of congruence between biodiversity patterns in Afrotropical forest birds and forest mammals. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 286–291.

Databases compiled for forest birds and forest mammals in the Afrotropics were tested for congruence of overall patterns and hotspots of species richness and endemism. We also looked at how well a near-minimum set of priority areas for one taxon catered for the second taxon. Overall species richness and richness hotspots of forest birds were significantly correlated with those of forest mammals, as was the case for overall endemism. Endemism hotspots for forest birds and mammals were not significantly correlated. The near-minimum set for forest birds represented 136 (76.5%) forest mammal species. The near-minimum set for forest mammals represented 350 (93.62%) forest bird species. However, to represent all forest mammals three times each, 51 grids were needed in addition to the 78 chosen as a near-minimum set for forest birds, and to represent all forest birds three times each, 43 more grids were needed in addition to the 80 selected for forest mammals. There is some congruence between the patterns of richness, endemism and near-minimum sets for forest birds and mammals in the Afrotropics, but the one taxon does not provide the ideal conservation solution for the other. Further refinement of the databases used in this paper would allow for more rigorous testing of congruence between these two groups.  相似文献   

Baltzer, M., Matthews, R., Howard, P., Kigenyi F. & Viskanic, P. 2000. Birds as biodiversity indicators in the planning of Forest Nature Reserves in Uganda. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 291.

In Uganda a policy decision has been taken to set aside 20% of the nation's 1.4 million hectare forest estate as Forest Nature Reserves, for the protection of biodiversity. The estate comprises 713 Forest Reserves, ranging in size from just a few hectares to well over 100 000 hectares, scattered all over the country. In order to select appropriate areas for designation as Nature Reserves, the Forest Department (with assistance from the European Community and Global Environmental Facility) has evaluated all the larger reserves for biodiversity, focusing on birds and four other biological indicator groups (woody plants, mammals, butterflies and moths). Building on earlier work, teams of departmental staff carried out detailed systematic biodiversity surveys of 65 major forests between May 1992 and March 1995. The work on birds involved 1 442 person-days of field observation and 1.2 million metre net-hours of mist-netting effort. Altogether 5 744 species-site records were made, involving 604 of Uganda's 1011 species: this brings the total number of species known from Uganda's forest reserves to 841 (83% of the country's birds). Several species not previously known from Uganda were recorded, especially in the north and east of the country where birds of the northern (Sudan/Guinea) savannas and Somali-Masai regions reach the extreme limits of their ranges. The bird data have been analysed alongside comparable data for the other four indicator taxa. Fortunately, areas of high species richness and levels of endemism for the five groups tend to coincide. Priority conservation sites have been identified and a national network of Forest Nature Reserves has been designed as part of a representative and efficient protected areas system for Uganda.  相似文献   

Aim To examine biogeographical affiliations, habitat‐associated heterogeneity and endemism of avian assemblages in sand forest patches and the savanna‐like mixed woodland matrix. Location Two reserves in the Maputaland Centre of Endemism (MC) on the southern Mozambique Coastal Plain of northern KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Methods Replicated surveys were undertaken in each of the two habitat types in each reserve, providing species abundance data over a full year. Vegetation structure at each of the survey sites was also quantified. Differences between the bird assemblages and the extent to which vegetation structure explained these differences were assessed using multi‐variate techniques. Biogeographical comparisons were based on species presence/absence data and clustering techniques. Results Bird assemblages differed significantly between habitats both within a given reserve and between reserves, and also between reserves for a given habitat. Differences in vegetation structure contributed substantially to differences between the avian assemblages. Of the four species endemic to the MC, three (Neergaard’s sunbird, Rudd’s apalis, and Woodward’s batis) were consistently present in sand forest. The fourth (pink‐throated twinspot) preferred mixed woodland. None of these endemic species was classed as rare. In the biogeographical analysis, both the sand forest and the mixed woodland bird assemblages were most similar to bird assemblages found in the forest biome or the Afromontane forest biome, depending on the biome classification used. Main conclusions The close affinities of sand forest and mixed woodland assemblages to those of the forest biome are most likely due to similarities in vegetation structure of these forests. Bird assemblages differ between the sand forest and mixed woodland habitats both within a given reserve and between reserves, and also between reserves for a given habitat. These differences extend to species endemic to the MC. Thus, conservation of sand forest habitat in a variety of areas is necessary to ensure the long‐term persistence of the biota.  相似文献   

Aim Intuitively, species in which the individuals migrate long distances between summer and winter quarters should be more likely to disperse and colonize new breeding areas than resident species. However, it has repeatedly been noted that many bird species with large ranges are residents. This paradox was tested on land birds breeding in the boreal forest of the Palaearctic, the largest uninterrupted stretch of habitat on earth. Methods The longitudinal distribution of two land bird communities on each side of the Eurasian continent, in Scandinavia and eastern Siberia, were used to test whether migratory birds indeed have a lower colonization success than resident birds. Results The migratory species are significantly less likely than resident species to have a range including both regions. The pattern held true even after controlling for latitudinal effects and local abundance, and was also observed at the level of genus and family. Main conclusions The relatively low colonization success of migratory species into new breeding areas may be because these new areas require novel migratory programs (migratory distance, direction and timing) in order for the birds to reach suitable wintering grounds.  相似文献   

If spatial patterns of change within a habitat were similar for both vertebrates and insects, then vertebrates would provide useful surrogates for designing reserves for the conservation of invertebrates. Data from two eucalypt habitats were analysed to determine levels of habitat richness, site richness and species turnover in birds and insects. For birds the relatively low species richness and turnover indicated that sites within the habitat were similar in composition. In wet eucalypt forests Diptera were very speciose with over 1,000 morphospecies sorted. Species turnover was slightly higher than for birds, indicating a large number of species change from site to site. In dry eucalypt woodland, insects trapped through the winter months were not speciose but turnover between sites was very large. This suggests reserves designed to conserve insects may need to be larger than for birds in order to include the high site variability and richness of insect communities.Spatial patterns of birds and insects were investigated further, to determine if sites that were closer together were more similar for both birds and insects. No patterns were found for birds in either habitat suggesting birds are not responding to changes in the environment at this scale. Diptera in wet eucalypt forest showed higher similarity between close sites than distant sites, while for winter insects in dry eucalypt woodland the relationship was significant when two outlier points were removed. Overall, birds are not good surrogates for insects in either habitat as no relationship between birds and insects in site-to-site similarity was found.  相似文献   

Resident and migrant birds and several mammal species utilize natural forest openings to exploit foraging opportunities that are otherwise rare or absent in the dense forest of equatorial Africa. Certain bird species exhibit protocooperative and commensal relationships with these mammals. In a large marshy opening, five species of birds exploited the actions of large terrestrial mammals to flush prey, two species of birds used two species of aquatic mammals to expose prey, and another bird species fed directly on mammalian ectoparasites. African jacanas had a higher foraging rate when associated with gorillas and elephants than when alone, and great egrets had a higher capture efficiency when elephants were present. In a second opening, covered by a shallow, algae-laden pond, African jacanas, finfeet, and Hartlaub's ducks competed to remove arthropod ectoparasites from forest buffalo and bongo antelope, both of which consistently reacted to the alarm calls of jacanas and Hartlaub's ducks. At least ten species of birds directly benefit from associations with mammals. Indirect benefits were also noted as African jacanas, black crakes, and palm-nut vultures selected food items from elephant and buffalo dung.  相似文献   

We investigated the major patterns of plant rarity in sub-Saharan Africa, and looked for the most significant gaps in the reserve network of the region in terms of representing the distribution of threatened and geographically rare plants. Comparisons of the species ranges captured by the network of reserves were made against the proportion of species captured by randomly generated sets of areas and against a theoretical near minimum set of areas that represent all species once. At this scale of analysis, the network of large IUCN-coded reserves (the official ‘protected areas’) performs poorly against random and systematic selection procedures. Significant gaps in the IUCN-coded protected areas are in coastal Gabon/Cameroon, in the various tropical montane forest areas (Cameroon Highlands, Eastern Arc Mountains, Ethiopian Mountains), in lowland coastal eastern Africa, and in the South African Cape. Some of these gaps, for example in the Eastern Arc and eastern African coastal regions, are covered on the ground by a network of Forest Reserves under the management of national Forestry Authorities. The networks of Forest Reserves in Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Sierra Leone also fill reservation gaps for rare African plants in these countries. Upgrading the conservation status of some key Forest Reserves, which has been gradually happening for some decades, is proposed as an efficient way to enhance the protected area network of the Afrotropical region for the conservation of rare African plant species.  相似文献   

Tree species diversity, biovolume and forest stand structure were investigated in natural forest ecosystem located around some selected communities in the bitumen-producing area of Ondo state, Nigeria. Two forest reserves and four free areas distributed in 4 Local Government Areas (LGA) of the state were selected for data collection, out of the total 6 LGAs in the bitumen belt of the state. The two forest reserves are Oluwa FR at Legge in Odigbo LGA and Eba Island FR in Ese-Odo LGA while the four free areas are located close to each of Omotoso community (Odigbo LGA), Ode-Aye community (Okitipupa), Igbo-Egunrin community (Ilaje) and Igbotako community (Okitipupa). Eight plots of equal size (20 × 20 m) were located in each of the selected location, using systematic line transect sampling design. In each plot, all living trees with dbh ≥ 10 cm were identified with their botanical names and their dbhs were also measured. The results of the study reveal that there were ninety nine (99) tropical hardwood timber species (range: 21 to 48 species per selected forest). These species were distributed among twenty nine (29) families. While Funtumia elastica has the highest population distribution across the selected communities’ forest, Euphorbiaceae was the dominant family in the entire area. Although there was a moderate variation in the biodiversity indices among the selected communities’ forest, the Shannon-Weiner diversity index of H1 = 4.02 and species evenness of E = 0.88 were obtained for the entire study area. Tree density summing up to 2,740 trees/6 ha varied moderately, with a range of 361–609 tree/ha, among the communities. Though most of the trees encountered belonged to the lowest diameter size class, the mean basal area and biovolume were 26.69 m2/ha and 262.36 m3/ha respectively. Recommendations guiding the decision on the allocation of the communities’ forest to the bitumen exploratory industries are made and the need for good forest management of the prospective area of bitumen exploration of Ondo state is emphasized. This is to prevent the imminent loss of biological diversity that would eventually accompany the exploration.  相似文献   

The optimal size of nature reserves has been debated for some time. Although edge and core habitats are often recognized, it is commonly assumed in theory and in studies of a particular habitat type that reserves or patches of different sizes have similar habitat structure. However, for older, highly fragmented landscapes it has been suggested that small areas are of conservation interest as high-quality remnants, whereas large areas are more degraded. We studied 49 randomly selected forest reserves in the size range 5–230 ha (typical for many highly fragmented landscapes) and 3653 sites of key habitat (unprotected deciduous broadleaf forest). Structures in forest that are generally correlated with value for biodiversity were measured, and reserve objectives were examined from declaration texts. Both the density of large trees and the density of dead wood (snags, logs) decreased with increasing reserve size. The mean size of identified key habitats was very small (1.6 ha). A botanical objective for establishment of reserves was more frequently used for smaller reserves. In contrast, cultural and especially recreational objectives were more commonly used when larger reserves were established, suggesting higher values for recreation in these reserves. For vascular plants, birds and beetles, a literature review indicated that small forest patches do not contain impoverished communities, but are often rich (per unit of area). Small reserves and key habitats have several disadvantages, but they are probably important components of reserve networks for biodiversity in highly fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

文陇英 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6769-6773
青藏高原祁连山孕育了丰富的鸡类物种多样性,有2科11种5个亚种,是我国鸡类分布中心之一,也是珍稀特有物种分布中心之一。祁连山鸡类多样性的成因主要有以下几方面:悠长的进化时间产生新的分类阶元;残存分布和迁入定居丰富了祁连山鸡类多样性;环境空间异质性,为不同生境要求的鸡类提供了适宜生境和可利用的生态位,以及鸡类生态位分化维持了祁连山鸡类的多样性;已建自然保护区为祁连山鸡类多样性提供了良好保护。  相似文献   

Butterfly populations in two forest fragments at the Kenya coast   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Species richness, diversity and composition of butterflies in two Kenya coastal forest remnants, Muhaka and Mrima hill, were investigated. Sixty‐three species were recorded from each forest remnant from a total of 1329 individuals. Species accumulation curves for both forests did not reach an asymptote. High species similarity was recorded between the forest interior and the surrounding matrix, primarily due to invasion of the forest interior clearings by the savanna species. Despite their small sizes, these forest remnants were found to maintain viable populations of true forest butterflies. However, the number of species was less than half that recorded from the larger forest reserve of Arabuko‐Sokoke, located in the same geographical area. Records from Muhaka forest show species unique to it, not found in the larger forest reserves, underscoring the importance of small remnants in the preservation of forest biodiversity. The high species similarity between the forest remnants implied that if habitat corridors were created, gene flow between these remnants and other larger forest reserves would be possible. This would reduce the isolation of true forest butterfly populations within the remnants and potential local extinction.  相似文献   

Selective logging is a major driver of rainforest degradation across the tropics. Two competing logging strategies are proposed to meet timber demands with the least impact on biodiversity: land sharing, which combines timber extraction with biodiversity protection across the concession; and land sparing, in which higher intensity logging is combined with the protection of intact primary forest reserves. We evaluate these strategies by comparing the abundances and species richness of birds, dung beetles and ants in Borneo, using a protocol that allows us to control for both timber yield and net profit across strategies. Within each taxonomic group, more species had higher abundances with land‐sparing than land‐sharing logging, and this translated into significantly higher species richness within land‐sparing concessions. Our results are similar when focusing only on species found in primary forest and restricted in range to Sundaland, and they are independent of the scale of sampling. For each taxonomic group, land‐sparing logging was the most promising strategy for maximizing the biological value of logging operations.  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity within tropical forest regions does not lie only in the maintenance of natural forest areas, but on conservation strategies directed toward agricultural land types within which they are embedded. This study investigated variations in bird assemblages of different functional groups of forest‐dependent birds in three agricultural land types, relative to distance from the interior of 34 tropical forest patches of varying sizes. Point counts were used to sample birds at each study site visited. Data from counts were used to estimate species richness, species evenness, and Simpson's diversity of birds. Mean species richness, evenness, and diversity were modeled as responses and as a function of agricultural land type, distance from the forest interior and three site‐scale vegetation covariates (density of large trees, fruiting trees, and patch size) using generalized linear mixed‐effect models. Mean observed species richness of birds varied significantly within habitat types. Mean observed species richness was highest in forest interior sites while sites located in farm centers recorded the lowest mean species richness. Species richness of forest specialists was strongly influenced by the type of agricultural land use. Fallow lands, density of large trees, and patch size strongly positively influenced forest specialists. Insectivorous and frugivorous birds were more species‐rich in fallow lands while monoculture plantations favored nectarivorous birds. Our results suggest that poor agricultural practices can lead to population declines of forest‐dependent birds particularly specialist species. Conservation actions should include proper land use management that ensures heterogeneity through retention of native tree species on farms in tropical forest‐agriculture landscapes.  相似文献   

Forest ownership is considered as vital for sustainable management of forest and its associated biodiversity. The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 reported an increasing rate of privately owned forests on a global scale. However, deforestation was found to be very active in privately owned hill forest areas of Malaysia. Three forest reserves and three adjacent private forests from Penang State was purposively chosen as this state has been experiencing a quick and radical changes due to urban expansion over the last three decades. In this study variation in biodiversity were measured using community structure of both vascular plants and avifauna species along selected micro environmental variables. Finally implications for conservation were proposed considering the current state of deforestation in private hill forest (PHF). Plant community and avifauna analysis revealed that government hill forest areas (GHF) were more diverse and healthier than PHF, also rich with higher evenness. Species richness between GHF and PHF showed significant difference in plant species (p < 0.05) but not for avifauna. Avifauna diversity analysis recorded higher abundance of birds in PHF and finally appeared as buffer service provider for avifauna diversity in GHF reserves. But the current rate of deforestation in PHF is 1.4% annually. Thus any alteration to hill forest cover (land development activities) should be banned immediately with intensive care to the PHF through co-management. Moreover human activities inside the GHF should also be controlled to conserve the remnant species of the island as conspicuous disturbance were also found inside GHF.  相似文献   

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