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An RNA polymerase mutant with a single-base-pair change in the rpoC gene affects chromosome initiation control. The mutation, which is recessive, is a G to A transition leading to the substitution of aspartate for glycine at amino acid residue 1033 in the RNA polymerase beta' subunit. The chromosome copy number is increased twofold in the mutant at semipermissive growth temperatures (39 degrees C). In a delta oriC strain, in which chromosome initiation is governed by an F replicon, chromosome copy number is not affected. Plasmid pBR322 copy number is also increased in the mutant at 39 degrees C. The mutation causes a more than fivefold increased expression of the dnaA gene at 39 degrees C. It is conceivable that it is this high DnaA concentration which causes the high chromosome copy number and that the mutant RNA polymerase beta' subunit exerts its effect by altering the expression of the dnaA gene. However, other factors must be affected as well to explain why the RNA polymerase mutant can grow in a balanced fashion with a high chromosome concentration. This is in contrast to wild-type cells, which exhibit higher origin concentrations when DnaA protein is overproduced, but in which the overall DNA concentration is only moderately affected.  相似文献   

Short tandem repeats (STRs) are subjected to two kinds of mutational modifications: point mutations and replication slippages. The latter is found to be the more frequent cause of STR modifications, but a satisfactory quantitative measure of the ratio of the two processes has yet to be determined. The comparison of entire genome sequences of closely enough related species enables one to obtain sufficient statistics by counting the differences in the STR regions. We analyzed human–chimpanzee DNA sequence alignments to obtain the counts of point mutations and replication slippage modifications. The results were compared with the results of a computer simulation, and the parameters quantifying the replication slippage probability as well as the probabilities of point mutations within the repeats were determined. It was found that within the STRs with repeated units consisting of one, two or three nucleotides, point mutations occur approximately twice as frequently as one would expect on the basis of the 1.2% difference between the human and chimpanzee genomes. As expected, the replication slippage probability is negligible below a 10-bp threshold and grows above this level. The replication slippage events outnumber the point mutations by one or two orders of magnitude, but are still lower by one order of magnitude relative to the mutability of the markers that are used for genotyping purposes.  相似文献   

A mutation resulting in substitution of positively charged Lys53 with negatively charged Glu in the coat protein was introduced in the infectious cDNA copy of the genome of wild-type tobacco mosaic virus strain U1. Kinetic analysis of long-distance virus transport in plants showed that systemic distribution of the mutant virus was delayed by 5-6 days as compared with the wild-type one. On evidence of RNA sequencing in the mutant progeny, Glu50 of the coat protein was substituted with Lys after passage I to compensate for the loss of the positive charge at position 53. Electron microscopy revealed atypical inclusions (rodlike structures, multiple electron-dense globular particles) in the nuclear interchromatin space of leaf mesophyll cells infected with the mutant but not with the wild-type virus.  相似文献   

The 3' cis-acting element for mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) RNA synthesis resides entirely within the 301-nucleotide 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of the viral genome and consists of three regions. Encompassing the upstream end of the 3' UTR are a bulged stem-loop and an overlapping RNA pseudoknot, both of which are essential to MHV and common to all group 2 coronaviruses. At the downstream end of the genome is the minimal signal for initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis. Between these two ends is a hypervariable region (HVR) that is only poorly conserved between MHV and other group 2 coronaviruses. Paradoxically, buried within the HVR is an octanucleotide motif (oct), 5'-GGAAGAGC-3', which is almost universally conserved in coronaviruses and is therefore assumed to have a critical biological function. We conducted an extensive mutational analysis of the HVR. Surprisingly, this region tolerated numerous deletions, rearrangements, and point mutations. Most striking, a mutant deleted of the entire HVR was only minimally impaired in tissue culture relative to the wild type. By contrast, the HVR deletion mutant was highly attenuated in mice, causing no signs of clinical disease and minimal weight loss compared to wild-type virus. Correspondingly, replication of the HVR deletion mutant in the brains of mice was greatly reduced compared to that of the wild type. Our results show that neither the HVR nor oct is essential for the basic mechanism of MHV RNA synthesis in tissue culture. However, the HVR appears to play a significant role in viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Li MS  Lau TC  Chan SK  Wong CH  Ng PK  Sung JJ  Chan HL  Tsui SK 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e21856
Infection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes acute and chronic hepatitis and is closely associated with the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Previously, we demonstrated that the G1613A mutation in the HBV negative regulatory element (NRE) is a hotspot mutation in HCC patients. In this study, we further investigated the functional consequences of this mutation in the context of the full length HBV genome and its replication. We showed that the G1613A mutation significantly suppresses the secretion of e antigen (HBeAg) and enhances the synthesis of viral DNA, which is in consistence to our clinical result that the G1613A mutation associates with high viral load in chronic HBV carriers. To further investigate the molecular mechanism of the mutation, we performed the electrophoretic mobility shift assay with the recombinant RFX1 protein, a trans-activator that was shown to interact with the NRE of HBV. Intriguingly, RFX1 binds to the G1613A mutant with higher affinity than the wild-type sequence, indicating that the mutation possesses the trans-activating effect to the core promoter via NRE. The trans-activating effect was further validated by the enhancement of the core promoter activity after overexpression of RFX1 in liver cell line. In summary, our results suggest the functional consequences of the hotspot G1613A mutation found in HBV. We also provide a possible molecular mechanism of this hotspot mutation to the increased viral load of HBV carriers, which increases the risk to HCC.  相似文献   



The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused a severe global epidemic in 2003 which led to hundreds of deaths and many thousands of hospitalizations. The virus causing SARS was identified as a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and multiple genomic sequences have been revealed since mid-April, 2003. After a quiet summer and fall in 2003, the newly emerged SARS cases in Asia, particularly the latest cases in China, are reinforcing a wide-spread belief that the SARS epidemic would strike back. With the understanding that SARS-CoV might be with humans for years to come, knowledge of the evolutionary mechanism of the SARS-CoV, including its mutation rate and emergence time, is fundamental to battle this deadly pathogen. To date, the speed at which the deadly virus evolved in nature and the elapsed time before it was transmitted to humans remains poorly understood.


Sixteen complete genomic sequences with available clinical histories during the SARS outbreak were analyzed. After careful examination of multiple-sequence alignment, 114 single nucleotide variations were identified. To minimize the effects of sequencing errors and additional mutations during the cell culture, three strategies were applied to estimate the mutation rate by 1) using the closely related sequences as background controls; 2) adjusting the divergence time for cell culture; or 3) using the common variants only. The mutation rate in the SARS-CoV genome was estimated to be 0.80 – 2.38 × 10-3 nucleotide substitution per site per year which is in the same order of magnitude as other RNA viruses. The non-synonymous and synonymous substitution rates were estimated to be 1.16 – 3.30 × 10-3 and 1.67 – 4.67 × 10-3 per site per year, respectively. The most recent common ancestor of the 16 sequences was inferred to be present as early as the spring of 2002.


The estimated mutation rates in the SARS-CoV using multiple strategies were not unusual among coronaviruses and moderate compared to those in other RNA viruses. All estimates of mutation rates led to the inference that the SARS-CoV could have been with humans in the spring of 2002 without causing a severe epidemic.

Summary The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Japanese patients suffering from the syndrome of mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes (MELAS) exhibits a specific heteroplasmic AG transition in the tRNALeu at position 3243. In this study, we investigated mtDNA from skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, brain, liver, diaphragm, fibroblasts and blood cells of four Caucasians with MELAS, one younger healthy sister of two MELAS patients, and eleven controls. We found that 1) the mutation was present in all investigated tissues of Caucasians with MELAS but not in controls, 2) within a single patient, the tissue-specific variation of the copy number of mutated mtDNA covered the same range as in the skeletal muscle of different patients, 3) the mutation was also present in the blood cells of the healthy sister of two MELAS siblings.  相似文献   

The upstream end of the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the mouse hepatitis virus genome contains two essential and overlapping RNA secondary structures, a bulged stem-loop and a pseudoknot, which have been proposed to be elements of a molecular switch that is critical for viral RNA synthesis. It has previously been shown that a particular six-base insertion in loop 1 of the pseudoknot is extremely deleterious to the virus. We have now isolated multiple independent second-site revertants of the loop 1 insertion mutant, and we used reverse-genetics methods to confirm the identities of suppressor mutations that could compensate for the original insertion. The suppressors were localized to two separate regions of the genome. Members of one class of suppressor were mapped to the portions of gene 1 that encode nsp8 and nsp9, thereby providing the first evidence for specific interactions between coronavirus replicase gene products and a cis-acting genomic RNA element. The second class of suppressor was mapped to the extreme 3' end of the genome, a result which pointed to the existence of a direct base-pairing interaction between loop 1 of the pseudoknot and the genomic terminus. The latter finding was strongly supported by phylogenetic evidence and by the construction of a deletion mutant that reduced the 3' UTR to its minimal essential elements. Taken together, the interactions revealed by the two classes of suppressors suggest a model for the initiation of coronavirus negative-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 5.1 kilobase-pair fragment from the central portion of the vaccinia virus genome has been determined. Within this region, five complete and two incomplete open reading frames (orfs) are tightly-clustered, tandemly-oriented, and read in the leftward direction. Late mRNA start sites for the five complete orfs and one incomplete orf were determined by S1 nuclease mapping. The two leftmost complete orfs correlated with late polypeptides of 65,000 and 32,000 molecular weight previously mapped to this region. When compared with each other and with sequences present in protein data banks, the five complete orfs showed no significant homology matches amongst themselves or any previously reported sequence. The six putative promoters were aligned with three previously sequenced late gene promoters. While all of the nine are A-T rich, the only apparent consensus sequence is TAA immediately preceeding the initiator ATG. Identification of this tandemly-oriented late gene cluster suggests local organization of the viral genome.  相似文献   

The 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of the genome of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus can functionally replace its counterpart in the prototype group 2 coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). By contrast, the 3' UTRs of representative group 1 or group 3 coronaviruses cannot operate as substitutes for the MHV 3' UTR.  相似文献   

J Golay  M Introna  T Graf 《Cell》1988,55(6):1147-1158
The v-myb, ets-containing avian leukemia virus E26 is unique in its capacity to transform both erythroblasts and myeloblasts. Previous studies showing that v-myb is sufficient for the transformation of myeloid cells failed to definitively establish the role of the v-ets gene. We have now isolated a mutant of E26, ts1.1, that is temperature-sensitive for erythroid cell transformation and that we found to contain a single mutation in the v-ets gene. Surprisingly, myeloid cells transformed by this mutant showed an altered phenotype relative to wild-type-transformed cells, in that they resemble promyelocytes. In addition, infection of mature macrophages with ts1.1 led to their transformation and conversion into promyelocyte-like cells. We conclude that the v-ets domain of the p135gag-myb-ets protein of E26 has an effect on both erythroid and myeloid cell differentiation, suggesting a possible role for the c-ets/c-myb genes in the commitment of hematopoietic cells towards specific lineages.  相似文献   

We have shown that a drug-resistant mutant from a clinical isolate of herpes simplex virus contains a single point mutation in the DNA polymerase gene that confers resistance to both acyclovir and foscarnet. The mutated amino acid is located within a distinct conserved region shared among alpha-like DNA polymerases which we designate region VII. We infer that these conserved sequences are directly or indirectly involved in the recognition and binding of nucleotide and PPi substrates.  相似文献   

We have examined the molecular basis of Segawa's syndrome in six families with seven affected children. In one family two siblings with this disease carried a point mutation in exon 11 of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene, resulting in an amino acid exchange of Gln381 to Lys381. These results suggest that a change in tyrosine hydroxylase causes this form of Segawa's syndrome.  相似文献   

RNA viruses have 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) that contain specific signals for RNA synthesis. The coronavirus genome is capped at the 5' end and has a 3' UTR that consists of 300 to 500 nucleotides (nt) plus a poly(A) tail. To further our understanding of coronavirus replication, we have begun to examine the involvement of host factors in this process for two group II viruses, bovine coronavirus (BCV) and mouse hepatitis coronavirus (MHV). Specific host protein interactions with the BCV 3' UTR [287 nt plus poly(A) tail] were identified using gel mobility shift assays. Competition with the MHV 3' UTR [301 nt plus poly(A) tail] suggests that the interactions are conserved for the two viruses. Proteins with molecular masses of 99, 95, and 73 kDa were detected in UV cross-linking experiments. Less heavily labeled proteins were also detected in the ranges of 40 to 50 and 30 kDa. The poly(A) tail was required for binding of the 73-kDa protein. Immunoprecipitation of UV-cross-linked proteins identified the 73-kDa protein as the cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). Replication of the defective genomes BCV Drep and MHV MIDI-C, along with several mutants, was used to determine the importance of the poly(A) tail. Defective genomes with shortened poly(A) tails consisting of 5 or 10 A residues were replicated after transfection into helper virus-infected cells. BCV Drep RNA that lacked a poly(A) tail did not replicate, whereas replication of MHV MIDI-C RNA with a deleted tail was detected after several virus passages. All mutants exhibited delayed kinetics of replication. Detectable extension or addition of the poly(A) tail to the mutants correlated with the appearance of these RNAs in the replication assay. RNAs with shortened poly(A) tails exhibited less in vitro PABP binding, suggesting that decreased interactions with the protein may affect RNA replication. The data strongly indicate that the poly(A) tail is an important cis-acting signal for coronavirus replication.  相似文献   

Class V myosins move diverse intracellular cargoes, which attach via interaction of cargo-specific proteins to the myosin V globular tail. The globular tail of the yeast myosin V, Myo2p, contains two structural and functional subdomains. Subdomain I binds to the vacuole-specific protein, Vac17p, while subdomain II likely binds to an as yet unidentified secretory vesicle-specific protein. All functions of Myo2p require the tight association of subdomains I and II, which suggests that binding of a cargo to one subdomain may inhibit cargo-binding to a second subdomain. Thus, two types of mutations are predicted to specifically affect a subset of Myo2p cargoes: first are mutations within a cargo-specific binding region; second are mutations that mimic the inhibited conformation of one of the subdomains. Here we analyze a point mutation in subdomain I, myo2-2(G1248D), which is likely to be this latter type of mutation. myo2-2 has no effect on secretory vesicle movement. The secretory vesicle binding site is in subdomain II. However, myo2-2 is impaired in several Myo2p-related functions. While subdomains I and II of myo2-2p tightly associate, there are measurable differences in the conformation of its globular tail. Based solely on the ability to restore vacuole inheritance, a set of intragenic suppressors of myo2-2 were identified. All suppressor mutations reside in subdomain I. Moreover, subdomain I and II interactions occurred in all suppressors, demonstrating the importance of subdomain I and II association for Myo2p function. Furthermore, 3 of the 10 suppressors globally restored all tested defects in myo2-2. This large proportion of global suppressors strongly suggests that myo2-2(G1248) causes a conformational change in subdomain I that simultaneously affects multiple cargoes.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis in vitro of the gene encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (EC from Anacystis nidulans was used to generate novel enzymes. Two conserved residues, threonine 4 and lysine 11 in the N-terminus were changed. The substitution of threonine 4 with serine or valine had little effect on the kinetic parameters. The substitution of lysine 11 with leucine, which is non-polar, increased the K m for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate from 82 to 190 M but its replacement with glutamine, which has polar properties, had no appreciable effect.Abbreviations Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - LSU large sub-unit of Rubisco - SSU small subunit of Rubisco We thank Dr. S. Gutteridge (DuPont, Wilmington, USA) for structural information and for his comments on the results described. The technical assistance of Mr. A. Cowland and Mr. I. Major was invaluable.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase contains several conserved regions within the polymerase domain. The conserved regions I, II, III, V, and VII have been shown to have functional roles in the interaction with deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) and DNA. However, the role of conserved region VI in DNA replication has remained unclear due, in part, to the lack of a well-characterized region VI mutant. In this report, recombinant viruses containing a point mutation (L774F) within the conserved region VI were constructed. These recombinant viruses were more susceptible to aphidicolin and resistant to both foscarnet and acyclovir, compared to the wild-type KOS strain. Marker transfer experiments demonstrated that the L774F mutation conferred the altered drug sensitivities. Furthermore, mutagenesis assays demonstrated that L774F recombinant viruses containing the supF marker gene, which was integrated within the thymidine kinase locus (tk), exhibited increased fidelity of DNA replication. These data indicate that conserved region VI, together with other conserved regions, forms the polymerase active site, has a role in the interaction with deoxyribonucleotides, and regulates DNA replication fidelity. The possible effect of the L774F mutation in altering the polymerase structure and activity is discussed.  相似文献   

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