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Cui AM  Huang Y 《遗传》2012,34(5):597-608
为了构建稳健的直翅目主要类群间的系统发生关系并探讨16S rRNA基因序列在构建直翅目昆虫不同分类阶元系统发生关系时的可行性、功效以及性能,文章测定了直翅目4总科9科18种昆虫的16S rRNA基因全序列,联合已知该基因全序列的其他40种昆虫,构建了直翅目主要类群之间的系统发生关系,并分析了16SrRNA基因全序列的系统发生性能和功效。结果表明,直翅目昆虫的16S rRNA基因全长平均为1 310 bp;除生活方式特化的蚤蝼总科和蝼蛄总科的地位无法确定外,直翅目其他主要类群系统发生关系比较稳定;蝗总科下除了斑翅蝗科和槌角蝗科外,剑角蝗科、斑腿蝗科、网翅蝗科都不是单系群,且用不同的方法构建的系统发生树中聚类情况完全一致,各科间遗传距离差异不大,建议将其合为一科;锥头蝗科、瘤锥蝗科和癞蝗科间的遗传距离差异也不大;在构建系统发生树时,16S rRNA基因环区的信息量要比茎区的大;16S rRNA基因可以构建可靠的直翅目属与种水平和目与亚目高级阶元的系统发生关系,但对科和总科阶元缺乏足够的分辨力。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of xenodontine snakes are inferred from sequence analyses of portions of two mitochondrial genes (12S and 16S ribosomal RNA) in 85 species. Although support values for most of the basal nodes are low, the general pattern of cladogenesis observed is congruent with many independent molecular, morphological, and geographical data. The monophyly of xenodontines and the basal position of North American xenodontines in comparison with Neotropical xenodontines are favored, suggesting an Asian-North American origin of xenodontines. West Indian xenodontines (including endemic genera and members of the genus Alsophis) appear to form a monophyletic group belonging to the South American clade. Their mid-Cenozoic origin by dispersal using ocean currents is supported. Within South American mainland xenodontines, the tribes Hydropsini, Pseudoboini, and Xenodontini are monophyletic. Finally, our results suggest that some morphological and ecological traits concerning maxillary dentition, macrohabitat use, and foraging strategy have appeared multiple times during the evolution of xenodontine snakes.  相似文献   

Two form ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) genes from the obligately autotrophic, marine hydrogen oxidizer Hydrogenovibrio marinus were sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of both RuBisCOs revealed that they are similar to those of sulfur oxidizers (Thiobacillus) and a purple sulfur bacterium (Chromatium vinosum). According to the 16S rRNA gene sequences, H. marinus is also affiliated with these microorganisms, members of Thiomicrospira being the closest relatives. Sequence similarities of the 16S rRNA genes and of the RuBisCO genes among these γ-Proteobacteria suggest a common autotrophic ancestry. An ancestor of purple sulfur bacteria might be a common root of H. marinus and related sulfur oxidizers. Received: 17 June 1997 / Accepted: 14 November 1997  相似文献   

Mosquitoes are vectors for the transmission of many human pathogens that include viruses, nematodes and protozoa. For the understanding of their vectorial capacity, identification of disease carrying and refractory strains is essential. Recently, molecular taxonomic techniques have been utilized for this purpose. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene has been used for molecular taxonomy in many insects. In this paper, we have analysed a 450 bp hypervariable region of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene in three major genera of mosquitoes,Aedes, Anopheles andCulex. The sequence was found to be unusually A + T rich and in substitutions the rate of transversions was higher than the transition rate. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with these sequences. An interesting feature of the sequences was a stretch of Ts that distinguished betweenAedes andCulex on the one hand, andAnopheles on the other. This is the first report of mitochondrial rRNA sequences from these medically important genera of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Abstract DNA coding for the 16S rRNA of six strains of the obligate intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetti was directly amplified from lysed host cells using the polymerase chain reaction. The amplification product was sequenced using a linear-PCR procedure and compared with other published 16S rRNA sequences. The results of this analysis confirm the position of C. burnetii in the gamma subgroup of the proteobacteria. The data show that all of the C. burnetii strains are highly related (> 99%) on the basis of 16S rRNA sequences although they had different geographic origins and phenotypic characteristics. The data support a phylogenetic homogeneity of the genus Coxiella with only one species which is C. burnetii .  相似文献   

Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are well known for oxidizing different ethanol-containing substrates into various types of vinegar. They are also used for production of some biotechnologically important products, such as sorbose and gluconic acids. However, their presence is not always appreciated since certain species also spoil wine, juice, beer and fruits. To be able to follow AAB in all these processes, the species involved must be identified accurately and quickly. Because of inaccuracy and very time-consuming phenotypic analysis of AAB, the application of molecular methods is necessary. Since the pairwise comparison among the 16S rRNA gene sequences of AAB shows very high similarity (up to 99.9%) other DNA-targets should be used. Our previous studies showed that the restriction analysis of 16S–23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer region is a suitable approach for quick affiliation of an acetic acid bacterium to a distinct group of restriction types and also for quick identification of a potentially novel species of acetic acid bacterium (Trcek & Teuber 2002; Trcek 2002). However, with the exception of two conserved genes, encoding tRNAIle and tRNAAla, the sequences of 16S–23S rDNA are highly divergent among AAB species. For this reason we analyzed in this study a gene encoding PQQ-dependent ADH as a possible DNA-target. First we confirmed the expression of subunit I of PQQ-dependent ADH (AdhA) also in Asaia, the only genus of AAB which exhibits little or no ADH-activity. Further we analyzed the partial sequences of adhA among some representative species of the genera Acetobacter, Gluconobacter and Gluconacetobacter. The conserved and variable regions in these sequences made possible the construction of A. aceti-specific oligonucleotide the specificity of which was confirmed in PCR-reaction using 45 well-defined strains of AAB as DNA-templates. The primer was also successfully used in direct identification of A. aceti from home made cider vinegar as well as for revealing the misclassification of strain IFO 3283 into the species A. aceti.  相似文献   

Abstract We have analyzed the 16S rDNA sequence and the phylogenetic position of an uncultivated spirochete from the hindgut contents of the Australian termite Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt. The 16S rRNA genes of bacteria from the hindgut contents of Mastotermes darwiniensis were amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The amplification products were cloned and sequenced. The sequences were compared to known homologous primary structures. Two of the clones (MDS1 and MDS3) had an insert of 1498 nucleotides showing typical signatures of spirochete 16S rRNA sequences. The sequences of the two clones were most similar to the 16S rRNA sequence of Spirochaeta stenostrepta (89.8%) and Treponema sp. strain H1 (90.7%). Phylogenetical analysis positioned the hindgut spirochete sequence with that of the free-living anaerobic Spirochaeta stenostrepta and Treponema sp. strain H1 as its nearest relatives within the cluster of the spirochetes. We conclude that the analyzed SSU rDNA sequences originate from a spirochete related to the genus Treponema . It is possibly one of the uncultivated unique spirochetes symbiotic in termite hindguts.  相似文献   

从位于西藏自治区澜沧江边一个47℃的盐井中分离筛选到一株耐热嗜盐菌菌株YJ0238, 对其进行了生理生化特性研究, 采用PCR方法扩增其16S rRNA基因序列, 并进行了测定。基于生理生化特性和16S rRNA基因序列的同源性比较, 以及系统发育分析, 发现菌株YJ0238是Idiomarina属中成员zobellii的一个亚种, 其16S rRNA基因序列已被GenBank数据库收录, 序列号为EF693953。迄今为止, 国内极少有关高温、高盐环境中微生物研究的报道, 本研究可为今后研究同类极端环境中新的物种资源以及微生物多样性提供素材和参考。  相似文献   

从位于西藏自治区澜沧江边一个47℃的盐井中分离筛选到一株耐热嗜盐菌菌株 YJ0238.对其进行了生理生化特性研究,采用PCR方法扩增其16S rRNA基因序列,并进行了测定.基于生理生化特性和16S rRNA基因序列的同源性比较,以及系统发育分析,发现菌株YJ0238是Idiomarina属中成员zobellii的一个亚种,其16S rRNA基因序列已被GenBank数据库收录,序列号为EF693953.迄今为止,国内极少有关高温、高盐环境中微生物研究的报道,本研究可为今后研究同类极端环境中新的物种资源以及微生物多样性提供素材和参考.  相似文献   

Abstract The 16S rRNA gene sequences of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi and Rickettsia sibirica were determined by PCR and DNA sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that R. sibirica is positioned in a cluster of the genus Rickettsia with a similarity value of 98.1–99.6%, whereas R. tsutsugamushi is located apart from the cluster with a similarity value of 90.2–90.6%. This evidence suggests that R. tsutsugamushi should be excluded taxonomically from the genus Rickettsia . The phylogenetic classification of six antigenic variants in R. tsutsugamushi moderately reflected their antigenic relationship known in closely and distantly related strains.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 15 species of the genus Aquaspirillum based on 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) sequences indicated that the genus Aquaspirillum is phylogenetically heterogeneous and the species could be divided into four groups as follows: Aquaspirillum serpens, the type species of this genus, A. dispar and A. putridiconchylium are situated in the family Neisseriaceae; members of the second group, A. gracile, A. delicatum, A. anulus, A. giesbergeri, A. sinuosum, A. metamorphum and A. psychrophilum, are included in the family Comamonadaceae; the two members of the third group, A. arcticum and A. autotrophicum, are included in the family Oxalobacteriaceae; and members of the fourth group, A. polymorphum, A. peregrinum, and A. itersonii, are included in the alpha-subdivision of Proteobacteria. Thus, phylogenetic studies indicated that all the species excepting A. serpens, the type species, should be transferred to distinct genera.  相似文献   

用ABI377自动测序仪测定了蚱科5属11个种的12s和16S rRNA基因部分序列,并从GenBank获得1属1种的同源序列;用Clustal X1.81比较其同源性,用Mega2.1计算序列变异性和遗传距离。在获得的736bp序列中,A T含量为71.2%~77.5%,平均为73.9%;G C含量为22.5%~28.8%,平均为26.1%。经Clustal X1.81软件比对,共得到755个位点,其中简约信息位点185个。以Cylindraustralia kochii为外群,构建NJ、MP和ML分子系统树,结果表明:(1)蚱属并非一个单系群,而是一个并系群;(2)环江柯蚱Coptltettix huanjiangensis和贡山柯蚱C.gongshanensis为同一个种,即贡山柯蚱,而环江柯蚱是贡山柯蚱的同物异名。  相似文献   

小鲵科线粒体16S rRNA基因序列分析及其系统发育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李悦  吴敏  王秀玲 《动物学报》2004,50(3):464-469
To study the phylogeny of Hynobiidae, we amplified DNA fragments of 470 bp 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene on mitochondrial DNA from Ranodon sibiricus and Ranodon tsinpaensis. PCR products were cloned into PMD18 T vector after purification. These sequences were determined and deposited in the GenBank (accession numbers: AY373459 for Ranodon sibiricus, AY372534 for Ranodon tsinpaensis). By comparing the nucleotide differences of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences among Liua shihi, Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus and Batrachuperus genus from GenBank database, we analyzed the divergences and base substitution among these sequences with the MEGA software. The molecular results support that B. tibetanus, B. pinchonii and B. karlschmidti are classified into three valid species. Liua shihi has closer phylogenetic relationships to Ranodon tsinpaensis than to other species. More our results reveal that Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus is not a synonym of Ranodon tsinpaensis. [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (3) : 464 - 469,2004].  相似文献   

Partial nucleotide sequences of the citrate synthase (gltA) gene from different rhizobia genera were determined. Tree topologies based on this housekeeping gene were similar to that obtained using 16S rRNA sequences. However gltA appeared to be more reliable at determining phylogenetic relationships of closely related taxa. We propose gltA sequences as an additional tool to be used in molecular phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of 16 Oedipodidae species were amplified and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and analyzed and the phylogenetic relationships were inferred. The properties of 16S gene in Oedipodidae showed typical patterns of many insects such as a high A+T content and variable distance-dependent transition/transversion ratios. The 0.2 weight for sites of loops may be advisable for phylogeny reconstruction using the maximum parsimony method. The phylogenetic analysis results do not support the current subfamily classification systems of Oedipodidae. Bryodemellinae and Bryodeminae are closely related and should be merged as one subfamily. The status of Oedipodinae and Locustinae is also problematic.  相似文献   

为探讨柳蚕Actias selene Hübner与鳞翅目昆虫的系统发育关系,本研究利用PCR扩增获得了柳蚕核糖体18S rRNA和线粒体16S rRNA基因的部分序列,长度分别为391bp和428bp。并采用邻近距离法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、类平均聚类法(UPGMA)构建系统进化树。结果表明,柳蚕线粒体16SrRNA基因序列与大蚕蛾科昆虫的16SrRNA基因序列均表现出偏好于碱基AT的倾向。柳蚕与所研究的其它蚕类的遗传距离介于0.016至0.140之间,其中与温带柞蚕Antheraea roylii的遗传距离最小,与野桑蚕Bombyx mandarina的遗传距离最大。而基于鳞翅目昆虫18S rRNA基因部分序列的进化分析显示,柳蚕与柞蚕Antheraea pernyi之间的遗传距离最小(0.010),与蓖麻蚕Samia ricini的遗传距离最大(0.017)。  相似文献   

The 16S ribosomal RNA of Wolinella succinogenes ATCC29543 was analyzed by the RNase T1 oligonucleotide cataloguing approach. In contrast to its present classification, W. succinogenes is related neither to members of the genus Bacteroides nor to any other genus of the family Bacteroidaceae. As derived from the similarity coefficients (SAB values) calculated on the basis of more than 350 eubacterial species, W. succinogenes appears to be a distantly related member of the division of purple photosynthetic bacteria and their relatives; however, SAB values do not indicate that this species is preferentially related to any representative of the 4 subdivisions.  相似文献   

We report an important but long-overlooked manifestation of low-resolution power of 16S rRNA sequence analysis at the species level, namely, in 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic trees polyphyletic placements of closely-related species are abundant compared to those in genome-based phylogeny. This phenomenon makes the demarcation of genera within many families ambiguous in the 16S rRNA-based taxonomy. In this study, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationship for more than ten thousand prokaryote genomes using the CVTree method, which is based on whole-genome information. And many such genera, which are polyphyletic in 16S rRNA-based trees, are well resolved as monophyletic clusters by CVTree. We believe that with genome sequencing of prokaryotes becoming a commonplace, genome-based phylogeny is doomed to play a definitive role in the construction of a natural and objective taxonomy.  相似文献   

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