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In order to develop a desirable inexpensive, effective and safe vaccine against the very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV), we tried to take advantage of the emerging T4 bacteriophage surface protein display system. The major immunogen protein VP2 from the vvIBDV strain HK46 was fused to the nonessential T4 phage surface capsid protein, a small outer capsid (SOC) protein, resulting in the 49 kDa SOC-VP2 fusion protein, which was verified by sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot. Immunoelectromicroscopy showed that the recombinant VP2 protein was successfully displayed on the surface of the T4 phage. The recombinant VP2 protein is antigenic and showed reactivities to various monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against IBDV, whereas the wild-type phage T4 could not react to any mAb. In addition, the recombinant VP2 protein is immunogenic and elicited specific antibodies in immunized specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens. More significantly, immunization of SPF chickens with the recombinant T4-VP2 phage protected them from infection by the vvIBDV strain HK46. When challenged with the vvIBDV strain HK46 at a dose of 100 of 50% lethaldose (LD50) per chicken 4 weeks after the booster was given, the group vaccinated with the T4-VP2 recombinant phage showed no clinical signs of disease or death, whereas the unvaccinated group and the group vaccinated with the wild-type T4 phage exhibited 100% clinical signs of disease and bursal damages, and 30%-40% mortality. Collectively, the data herein showed that the T4-displayed VP2 protein might be an inexpensive, effective and safe vaccine candidate against vvIBDV.  相似文献   

VP2 protein is the major host-protective immunogen of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) of chickens. Transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana expressing recombinant VP2 were developed. The VP2 gene of an IBDV antigenic variant E strain was isolated, amplified by RT-PCR and introduced into a plant expression vector, pE1857, having a strong promoter for plant expression. A resulting construct with a Bar gene cassette for bialaphos selection in plant (rpE-VP2) was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens by electroporation. Agrobacterium containing the rpE-VP2 construct was used to transform Ar. thaliana and transgenic plants were selected using bialaphos. The presence of VP2 transgene in plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis and its expression was confirmed by RT-PCR. Western blot analysis and antigen-capture ELISA assay using monoclonal anti-VP2 were used to determine the expression of VP2 protein in transgenic plants. The level of VP2 protein in the leaf extracts of selected transgenic plants varied from 0.5% to 4.8% of the total soluble protein. Recombinant VP2 protein produced in plants induced antibody response against IBDV in orally-fed chickens.  相似文献   

【目的】构建传染性法氏囊病毒VP2蛋白展示禽流感M2e抗原表位的重组蛋白,研发预防H5或H9亚型禽流感和传染性法氏囊的基因工程疫苗。【方法】根据现有禽流感疫苗株M2e的氨基端12个氨基酸多肽序列(nM2e)序列,结合GenBank中H5和H9亚型禽流感病毒nM2e的比对结果,确定nM2e序列。用融合PCR分别将1拷贝H5或H9的nM2e序列插入IBD B87株VP2基因的PBC区,获得VP2BCnM2e重组基因。将重组基因克隆至杆状病毒表达系统,转染Sf9细胞进行表达。经间接免疫荧光和Western blotting检测Sf9细胞表达重组基因后,扩繁重组病毒,制备疫苗,间隔4周对非免鸡作2次重复免疫,用间接ELISA和鸡胚成纤维细胞中的病毒血清中和试验检测血清中VP2和nM2e的抗体效价。【结果】成功构建含H5或H9 nM2e的VP2BCnM2e重组基因,该重组基因在Sf9细胞中得到表达。经免疫鸡,两重组蛋白均能激发针对VP2和nM2e的抗体,VP2BCnM2eH5组抗体效价高于VP2BCnM2eH9组。【结论】两重组蛋白均具有免疫原性,VP2BCnM2eH5免疫原性更佳。  相似文献   

VP22 of Marek’s disease virus serotype 1 (MDV-1) could function in protein transduction. In this study, an infectious bursal disease virus VP2 gene was fused to the carboxyl termini of VP22. It showed that the fusion protein did not spread into the bystander cells from the cells transfected with pVP22-VP2, as the VP22 alone could. The VP22 proteins were found to be translocated into all the nuclei in the neighboring COS-1 cells, as analyzed by a fluorescence assay. Although mice were immunized with the recombinant DNAs mixed with polyethylenimine (PEI) at a dose of 1:2, it failed to enhance the antibody response against IBDV VP2, as measured by the indirect ELISA assay, yet the cell mediated immune response was significantly increased. The ratio of CD8 /CD4 T cells was significantly increased in the immunized group with the fusion genes, compared with the group immunized with VP2 (P<0.05). Our results demonstrated that VP22 indeed enhances the cell-mediated response in the fused VP2 in a mice model system, possibly due to the fact that the IBDV VP2 could be carried into the surrounding cells at a limited level under pressure from MDV VP22.  相似文献   

Li Y  Wang C  Cheng X  Wu T  Zhang C 《Bio Systems》2011,104(1):42-47
Three very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) strains were isolated from a single farm and shown to be phylogenetically related to the vvIBDV isolate UK661. In this study, a comparative analysis of the synonymous codon usage in the hypervariable region of theVP2 (vVP2) gene of the vvIBDV strains was done on viruses serially passaged in chicken embryos. Sequencing demonstrated that codons change during the serial passage in the vVP2 gene of the viruses. Nine codon mutations resulted in amino acids changes. The amino acid changes were I256V, I296L 6in isolate XA1989, A222P, I242V, Q253H, I256V in isolate XA1998, and Q253H, I256V, I296L in isolate XA2004. Three of the nine amino acid changes occurred at residue 256. The codons of the amino acids A232, N233, I234, T269, T283 and H338 changed to the synonymous codons in XA1989 after the 16th passage, in XA1998 after the 24th passage and in XA2004 22nd passage viruses. These mutations change the key amino acid residues Q253H and I256V in the domains which are essential for its virulence, and the synonymous codons were observed compared to classical virulent IBDV. The results indicated that the codon changes during the serial passage comprised of synonymous codon usage in the vVP2 gene of IBDV, and this synonymous codon bias was correlated with pathotypes. The extent of synonymous codon usage bias in the IBDV-vVP2 gene maybe influence the gene expression level and secondary structure of protein as well as hydrophobicity, therefore the results provide useful perspectives for evolution and understanding of the pathogenesis of IBDV.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Peng C  Xu L  Zheng X  Liao M  Yan Y  Jin Y  Zhou J 《Proteomics》2012,12(11):1844-1859
Viruses induce dramatic changes in target tissue during pathogenesis, including host cellular responses that either limit or support the pathogen. The infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) targets primarily the bursa of Fabricius (BF) of chickens, causing severe immunodeficiency. Here, we characterized the cellular proteome changes of the BF caused by IBDV replication in vivo using 2DE followed MALDI-TOF MS identification. Comparative analysis of multiple 2DE gels revealed that the majority of protein expression changes appeared between 24 and 96 h after IBDV infection. MS identified 54 altered cell proteins, 12 of which were notably upregulated by IBDV infection. Meanwhile, the other 42 cellular proteins were considerably suppressed by IBDV infection and are involved in protein degradation, energy metabolism, stress response, host macromolecular biosynthesis, and transport process. The upregulation of β-actin and downregulation of dynamin during IBDV infection were also confirmed by Western blot and immunofluorescence analysis. These altered protein expressions provide a response profile of chicken BF to virulent IBDV infection. Further functional study on these altered proteins may lead to better understanding of pathogenic mechanisms of virulent IBDV infection and to new potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

利用干酪乳杆菌作为传染性法氏囊病毒(IBDV)VP2抗原传递系统,探讨口服雏鸡的免疫次数、免疫剂量、免疫途径和攻毒保护效果。用pLA-VP2重组干酪乳杆菌对5日龄雏鸡进行二次和三次免疫,并设108、109、1010 CFU/mL的重组干酪乳杆菌组,间接ELISA检测血清IgG和小肠洗液sIgA,末免后7 d攻毒,计算保护效果。根据确定的2次免疫和109 CFU/mL免疫剂量免疫5日龄雏鸡,分别口服、滴鼻/点眼pLA-VP2/L.casei,口服、肌注商品活苗及口服pLA/L.casei和PBS为对照,监测IgG和sIgA抗体水平;末免后7 d检测脾淋巴细胞增殖情况并攻毒,7 d后剖检,观察法氏囊损伤程度并记录病变得分和保护率。结果表明各组的特异性sIgA、IgG抗体水平显著高于对照组(P0.01);口服pLA-VP2/L.casei组的淋巴细胞刺激指数显著高于其他组(P0.01),保护率高达83.3%,免疫保护效果优于滴鼻/点眼组。因此,构建的重组干酪乳杆菌的安全性优于商品活苗,可以作为IBDV候选疫苗。  相似文献   

The expression of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) host-protective immunogen VP2 protein in rice seeds, its immunogenicity and protective capability in chickens were investigated. The VP2 cDNA of IBDV strain ZJ2000 was cloned downstream of the Gt1 promoter of the rice glutelin GluA-2 gene in the binary expression vector, pCambia1301-Gt1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the recombinant vector was used to transform rice embryogenic calli, and 121 transgenic lines were obtained and grown to maturity in a greenhouse. The expression level of VP2 protein in transgenic rice seeds varied from 0.678% to 4.521% µg/mg of the total soluble seed protein. Specific pathogen-free chickens orally vaccinated with transgenic rice seeds expressing VP2 protein produced neutralizing antibodies against IBDV and were protected when challenged with a highly virulent IBDV strain, BC6/85. These results demonstrate that transgenic rice seeds expressing IBDV VP2 can be used as an effective, safe and inexpensive vaccine against IBDV.  相似文献   

The infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a member of the Birnaviridae family, containing a bisegmented double-stranded RNA genome, encodes four structural viral proteins, VP1, VP2, VP3, and VP4, as well as a non-structural protein, VP5. In the present paper, the segment A from two IBDV strains,field isolate ZJ2000 and attenuated strain HZ2, were inserted into one NaeⅠ site by site-directed silent mutagenesis and subcloned into the eukaryotic expression plasmid pCI under the control of the human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) immediate early enhancer and promoter to construct the recombinant plasmids pCI-AKZJ2000 and pCI-AKHZ2, respectively. Each of the two recombinants was combined with another recombinant pCI plasmid containing the marked segment B of strain HZ2 (pCI-mB), and injected intramuscularly into nonimmunized chickens. Two chimeric IBDV strains were recovered from the chickens. Two out of eight chickens in each of two groups showed the bursal histopathological change. The reassortant virus derived from pCI-AKZJ2000/pCI-mB can infect chicken embryos and shows relatively low virulence. We have developed a novel virus reverse genetic approach for the study of IBDV. The results also form the basis for investigating the role of VP1 in viral replication and pathogenecity.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), belonging to Avibirnavirus genus in the Birnaviridae family, consists of two segments of double-strand RNA. There are two distinct serotypes of IBDV, the pathogenic serotype I and the non-pathogenic serotype II. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of a panel of VP5 genes retrieved from GenBank revealed a high identity among strains within the serotype I or serotype II group but a low identity between strains across two serotypes. In this study, we rescued two mosaic viruses, rGtGxVP5 and rGt2382VP5 by exchanging the VP5 gene of a cell culture-adapted serotype I Gt strain with its counterpart of the very virulent IBDV Gx strain, or a non-pathogenic 23/82 strain of the serotype II. In comparison to the parental strain rGt virus, the rGtGxVP5 showed the similar viral replication, cytotoxicity and the ability of inducing apoptosis; however, the other mosaic virus rGt2382VP5 had a lower titer and a reduced cytotoxicity. Although exchange of VP5 within serotype I group did not alter the viral replication and cytotoxicity of Gt strain, exchange of VP5 in the serotype I with that of a serotype II reduced the viral replication and cytotoxicity on chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells. Therefore, the VP5 of serotype II may be one of the factors responsible for the distinct pathogenic features of two serotypes.  相似文献   

将增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因(eGFP)与鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)的VP2基因融合,插入马立克氏病毒(MDV)CVI988/Rispens的非必需区US10片段中,成功构建表达VP2融合蛋白的MDVCVI988转移载体pUC18-US10-VP2。将转移载体质粒与CVI988/Rispens疫苗毒共转染鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF),筛选获得表达VP2融合蛋白的重组MDV(rMDV)。聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和间接免疫荧光实验(IFA)证明,rMDV传至第31代仍能稳定表达VP2融合蛋白。用rMDV免疫SPF鸡,进行IBDV攻毒保护试验,1日龄SPF鸡分别用1000PFU、2000PFU、5000PFU的rMDV进行免疫,33日龄用100LD50的IBDVJS超强毒进行攻毒,鸡的免疫保护率分别为50%、60%、80%。值得注意的是,5000PFU的rMDV一次免疫1日龄SPF鸡,其法氏囊组织病理损伤等级与IBD中等毒力活疫苗常规二次免疫相当(2·0/1·5),其保护效果无显著差异(p>0·05),而与非重组病毒免疫组相比较,保护效果差异显著(P<0·01),这表明构建的表达IBDVVP2融合蛋白的rMDV可以有效地为SPF鸡提供免疫保护作用。  相似文献   

VP2 protein is the primary host-protective immunogen of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). His249 and His253 are two surface histidine residues in IBDV subviral particles (SVP), which is formed by twenty VP2 trimers when the VP2 protein of a local isolate is expressed. Here, a systemic study was performed to investigate His249 or/and His253 on self-assembly, cell attachment and immunogenicity of SVP. Point-mutagenesis of either or both histidine residues to alanine did not affect self-assembly of the SVP, but the SVP lost its Ni-NTA binding affinity when the His253 was mutated. Indirect immunofluorescence assays and inhibitory experiments also showed that His253 is essential for SVP to attach onto the DF-1 cells and to inhibit IBDV infection of DF-1 cells. Finally, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and chicken protection assays demonstrated that SVP with a mutation of His253 to alanine induced comparable neutralizing antibody titers in chickens as the wild-type SVP did. It was concluded that VP2's His253, a site not significant for the overall immunogenicity induced by SVP, is crucial for the binding affinity of SVP to Ni-NTA and the attachment of an IBDV host cell line. This is the first paper to decipher the role of His253 played in receptor interaction and immunogenicity.  相似文献   

根据已报告的传染性法氏囊病病毒(Infectious bursd disease virus,IBDV)cDNA序列,设计引物,用RTPCR扩增CH(鸡),DU(鸭),GE(鹅)和SP(麻雀)四种不同源IBDV分离株的vp2基因高变区。核酸序列测定分析表明,四种不同源IBDV分离株vp2基因高变区的同源性为97%,推导编码蛋白氨基酸序列的同源性98%,两个亲水区和七肽区的氨基酸序列完全一致。本研究结果提示,自然感染IBDV的鸭,鹅和麻雀不仅可成为病毒携带者或传染源,而且在病毒变异中起一定作用。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to develop and evaluate an experimental ISCOM-based infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccine. The indigenous very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) already attenuated and adapted to Vero cell line was used. After denaturation of viral proteins with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), an IBD-ISCOM was constructed. The non-incorporated viral components were separated from ISCOM by centrifugation of dialysate. The pathogenicity and immunogenicity trials were conducted in 3-week-old broiler chicken. A commercial oil-emulsified vaccine (CEVAC IBD K) was used for comparison. There were no clinical signs of disease, gross or microscopic lesions in bursa of Fabricius in group G1 vaccinated with ISCOM-based vaccine and bursa to body weight ratio were comparable to un-vaccinated control group (G3). The virus-neutralizing antibody titers were significantly (P<0.05) higher in group G1 as compared with group G2 which was vaccinated with commercial vaccine. On challenge with vvIBDV, 100%, 75% and 0.00% protection was achieved in G1, G2 and G3, respectively. The results indicated that ISCOM-based IBD vaccine is safe and immunogenic.  相似文献   

传染性法氏囊病病毒 (IBDV)是双链,双节段RNA病毒,其基因组由A、B两个节段组成,编码结构蛋白VP1-VP4和非结构蛋白VP5。【目的】利用反向遗传操作构建拯救VP5基因缺失重组IBDV。【方法】利用体外定点突变技术,缺失IBDV Gt株VP5基因,通过多重PCR在基因组两端分别引入锤头状核酶序列(HamRz)和丁肝病毒核酶序列(HdvRz)。将带有核酶序列的IBDV基因组插入载体pCAGG的b肌动蛋白启动子下游,构建了IBDV感染性克隆pCAGGmGtA △VP5HRT,将该感染性克隆与pCAGGmGtBHRT共转染DFⅠ细胞。【结果】RT-PCR和间接免疫荧光均显示获得重组病毒,将其命名为rmGtA △VP5。IBDV VP5基因缺失感染性克隆的成功构建为从分子水平上深入研究vp5基因功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

将传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)ZJ2000株的多聚蛋白(VP2/VP4/VP3)基因插入pCI质粒的CMV启动子下游,构建了真核表达质粒pCI-VP2/VP4/VP3,在Lipofectin介导下转染Vero细胞进行了多聚蛋白的瞬时表达。以免疫刺激复合物(ISCOM)为佐剂制备DNA疫苗,进行不同免疫剂量间、不同免疫途径间、一次免疫和二次免疫间的效果对比试验。结果表明:以肌内和皮内联合免疫法效果最好,而口服和点眼等途径未能诱导足够的免疫反应;大于200μg的剂量DNA疫苗才能产生良好的免疫力;二次免疫的效果明显优于一次免疫。与常规的弱毒疫苗B87和D78相比,DNA疫苗产生中和抗体的潜伏期长、效价相对较低,对强毒攻击的保护率相当。本试验还证实,免疫刺激复合物具有明显提高DNA疫苗免疫效果的作用。DNA疫苗能诱导产生保护性反应,为今后IBD疫苗的研究开创了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

将近期引起传染性法氏囊病(IBD)免疫预防失败的传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)vp2基因,定向克隆入杆状病毒表达系统的供体质粒pFastBacHTA中,构建重组供体质粒pFastBacHTA-VP2,转化Escherichia coli DH10Bac感受态,筛选重组杆状病毒表达质粒pBac-VP2。用pBac-VP2转染Sf9昆虫细胞,获得重组杆状病毒vBac-VP2。对重组杆状病毒vBac-VP2感染的Sf9细胞,用间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)检测,具有特异性荧光;用IBDV抗体夹心ELISA检测,呈阳性反应,抗原效价达到1.6×103;用Western blotting分析,在53kDa处出现一条特异蛋白条带;电镜观察,重组Vp2蛋白能够自组装成病毒样颗粒,在感染细胞中发现了"包涵体样"结构。用HisTrap HP亲和层析柱纯化的重组Vp2蛋白作为包被抗原,建立的IBDV抗体间接ELISA检测方法具有良好的特异性。用重组杆状病毒感染的Sf9昆虫细胞裂解物,免疫2周龄SPF鸡,一次免疫14d后,ELISA检测抗体效价为8×102,中和抗体效价为1106,攻毒实验的存活率为30%;二次免疫14d后,ELISA抗体效价为3.2×103,中和抗体效价为2536,存活率为100%。在实验观察7d内,重组Vp2蛋白免疫保护鸡未显任何临床症状和病理变化,法氏囊/体重比高于对照组(P0.05)。本实验制备的病毒样颗粒重组Vp2蛋白在研制新型IBD基因工程疫苗和检测试剂方面显示出了应用前景。  相似文献   

The method for virus titer determination of avian infectious bursal disease (IBD) live vaccine, developed long before regulatory validation guidelines is a cell culture based biological assay intended for use in vaccine release testing.The aim of our study was to perform a validation, based on fit-for-purpose principle, of an old 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) method according to Guidelines of the International Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VICH).This paper addresses challenges and discusses some key aspects that should be considered when validating biological methods. A different statistical approach and non-parametric statistics was introduced in validation protocol in order to derive useful information from experimental data. This approach is applicable for a wide range of methods.In conclusion, the previous virus titration method had showed to be precise, accurate, linear, robust and in accordance with current regulatory standards, which indicates that there is no need for additional re-development or upgrades of the method for its suitability for intended use.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV)causes infectious bursal disease,a highly contagious immunosuppressive disease that affects young chickens and causes economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide.IBDV replicates mainly in actively dividing B lymphocytes within the bursa of Fabricius(BF),leading to immunosuppression in affected flocks(Mahgoub et al.,2012).Viral protein 2(VP2),the only structural component of the IBDV  相似文献   

传染性法氏囊病病毒(Infectious Bursal Disease Virus,IBDV)是双RNA病毒科(Birnaviridae)的典型代表,其引起的传染性法氏囊病(Infectious Bursal Disease,IBD)是危害养禽业的一种重要免疫抑制病和致死性传染病。IBDV的自然重组给疫病防控带来了新风险。本文综述了IBDV基因组节段重组和基因内重组的主要类型,分析了其形成机制及生物学意义,提出了该类病毒遗传演化研究以及疫病综合防控的新思路。  相似文献   

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