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The spleen is a complex organ that is perfectly adapted to selectively filtering and destroying senescent red blood cells (RBCs), infectious microorganisms and Plasmodium-parasitized RBCs. Infection by malaria is the most common cause of spleen rupture and splenomegaly, albeit variably, a landmark of malaria infection. Here, the role of the spleen in malaria is reviewed with special emphasis in lessons learned from human infections and mouse models.  相似文献   

There are several malaria vaccine candidates at various stages of development. Many of these target blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum. The spleen is a key site for removal of parasitized red blood cells, generation of immunity and production of new red blood cells during malaria. This article describes how all of these processes are modified following infection, and suggests that until we fully understand how these processes function and are modulated by infection, appropriate malaria vaccine design and delivery will be extremely difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria, does not cytoadhere in the deep capillaries of inner organs and thus this malaria parasite must have evolved splenic evasion mechanism in addition to sequestration. The spleen is a uniquely adapted lymphoid organ whose central function is the selective clearance of cell and other particles from the blood, and microbes including malaria. Splenomegaly is a hallmark of malaria and no other disease seems to exacerbate this organ as this disease does. Besides this major selective clearance function however, the spleen is also an erythropoietic organ which, under stress conditions, can be responsible for close to 40% of the RBC populations. Data obtained in experimental infections of human patients with P. vivax showed that anaemia is associated with acute and chronic infections and it has been postulated that the continued parasitemia might have been sufficient to infect and destroy most circulating reticulocytes. We review here the basis of our current knowledge of variant genes in P. vivax and the structure and function of the spleen during malaria. Based on this data, we propose that P. vivax specifically adhere to barrier cells in the human spleen allowing the parasite to escape spleen-clearance while favouring the release of merozoites in an environment where reticulocytes, the predominant, if not exclusive, host cell of P. vivax, are stored before their release into circulation to compensate for the anaemia associated with vivax malaria.  相似文献   

The initial phase of malaria infection is the pre-erythrocytic phase, which begins when parasites are injected by the mosquito into the dermis and ends when parasites are released from hepatocytes into the blood. We present here a protocol for the in vivo imaging of GFP-expressing sporozoites in the dermis of rodents, using the combination of a high-speed spinning-disk confocal microscope and a high-speed charge-coupled device (CCD) camera permitting rapid in vivo acquisitions. The steps of this protocol indicate how to infect mice through the bite of infected Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, record the sporozoites' fate in the mouse ear and to present the data as maximum-fluorescence-intensity projections, time-lapse representations and movie clips. This protocol permits investigating the various aspects of sporozoite behavior in a quantitative manner, such as motility in the matrix, cell traversal, crossing the endothelial barrier of both blood and lymphatic vessels and intravascular gliding. Applied to genetically modified parasites and/or mice, these imaging techniques should be useful for studying the cellular and molecular bases of Plasmodium sporozoite infection in vivo.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria, does not cytoadhere in the deep capillaries of inner organs and thus this malaria parasite must have evolved splenic evasion mechanism in addition to sequestration. The spleen is a uniquely adapted lymphoid organ whose central function is the selective clearance of cell and other particles from the blood, and microbes including malaria. Splenomegaly is a hallmark of malaria and no other disease seems to exacerbate this organ as this disease does. Besides this major selective clearance function however, the spleen is also an erythropoietic organ which, under stress conditions, can be responsible for close to 40% of the RBC populations. Data obtained in experimental infections of human patients with P. vivax showed that anaemia is associated with acute and chronic infections and it has been postulated that the continued parasitemia might have been sufficient to infect and destroy most circulating reticulocytes. We review here the basis of our current knowledge of variant genes in P. vivax and the structure and function of the spleen during malaria. Based on this data, we propose that P. vivax specifically adhere to barrier cells in the human spleen allowing the parasite to escape spleen-clearance while favouring the release of merozoites in an environment where reticulocytes, the predominant, if not exclusive, host cell of P. vivax, are stored before their release into circulation to compensate for the anaemia associated with vivax malaria.  相似文献   

Defense against malaria depends upon amplification of the spleen structure and function for the clearance of parasitized red blood cells (pRBC). We studied the distribution and amount of CD34+ cells in the spleens of mice infected with rodent malaria. We sought to identify these cells in the spleen and determine their relationship to infection. C57BL/6J mice were infected with self-resolving, Plasmodium chabaudi CR, or one of the lethal rodent malaria strains, P. chabaudi AJ and P. berghei ANKA. We then recorded parasitemia, mortality, and the presence of CD34+ cells in spleen, as determined by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. In the non-lethal strain, the spleen structure was maintained during amplification, but disrupted in lethal models. The abundance of CD34+ cells increased in the red pulp on the 4th and 6th days p.i. in all models, and subsided on the 8th day p.i. Faint CD34+ staining on the 8th day p.i., was probably due to differentiation of committed cell lineages. In this work, increase of spleen CD34+ cells did not correlate with infection control.  相似文献   

Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, first invade and develop within hepatocytes before infecting red blood cells and causing symptomatic disease. Because of the low infection rates in vitro and in vivo, the liver stage of Plasmodium infection is not very amenable to biochemical assays, but the large size of the parasite at this stage in comparison with Plasmodium blood stages makes it accessible to microscopic analysis. A variety of imaging techniques has been used to this aim, ranging from electron microscopy to widefield epifluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy. High‐speed live video microscopy of fluorescent parasites in particular has radically changed our view on key events in Plasmodium liver‐stage development. This includes the fate of motile sporozoites inoculated by Anopheles mosquitoes as well as the transport of merozoites within merosomes from the liver tissue into the blood vessel. It is safe to predict that in the near future the application of the latest microscopy techniques in Plasmodium research will bring important insights and allow us spectacular views of parasites during their development in the liver.  相似文献   

The steady-state regulation of intracellular levels of essential ions and ionic gradients is critical for almost all functions within a cell. Thus, it is not surprising to find that ions have been shown to play an important role in numerous parasitic processes, such as invasion, development and possibly drug resistance mechanisms. Live cell imaging has become a widespread technique to visualize and quantify several of these processes, including pH and Ca2+ homeostasis, in an effort to better understand the biology and physiology of cells. This is now also the case for many human pathogens. The aim of this review is to emphasize the importance of this technique and provide an overview of what we have learned so far, using the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum as a paradigm.  相似文献   

Malaria is contracted when Plasmodium sporozoites are inoculated into the vertebrate host during the blood meal of a mosquito. In infected mosquitoes, sporozoites are present in large numbers in the secretory cavities of the salivary glands at the most distal site of the salivary system. However, how sporozoites move through the salivary system of the mosquito, both in resting and feeding mosquitoes, is unknown. Here, we observed fluorescent Plasmodium berghei sporozoites within live Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes and their salivary glands and ducts. We show that sporozoites move in the mosquito by gliding, a type of motility associated with their capacity to invade host cells. Unlike in vitro, sporozoite gliding inside salivary cavities and ducts is modulated in speed and motion pattern. Imaging of sporozoite discharge through the proboscis of salivating mosquitoes indicates that sporozoites need to locomote from cavities into ducts to be ejected and that their progression inside ducts favours their early ejection. These observations suggest that sporozoite gliding allows not only for cell invasion but also for parasite locomotion in host tissues, and that it may control parasite transmission.  相似文献   

A/J mice were splenectomized (Splx) or sham-splenectomized (SSplx) prior to administration of a single injection of irradiated sporozoites. Following challenge 7 days after immunization, it was found that none of the splenectomized mice were protected whereas 50% of the sham-splenectomized and intact animals were resistant to challenge. In another series of experiments similar groups, along with mice splenectomized just prior to challenge, were injected with 1.5 × 105 irradiated sporozoites over a 5 week period. This resulted in protection of (1) 60–100% of the animals splenectomized before immunization, and (2) 90–100% protection of the animals splenectomized prior to challenge, as well as the intact and sham-splenectomized mice. Serum levels of antisporozoite antibodies (CSP and SNA) increased during immunization of the intact animals. Only 15–20% of the animals splenectomized prior to immunization presented positive CSP reactions and little if any sporozoite neutralizing activity (SNA) was detected. Serum from intact animals immunized and found resistant to sporozoite challenge was used for passive transfer studies. Immune serum recipients were challenged with small numbers of sporozoites. Only one out of 18 recipients was protected against sporozoite challenge.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is known to induce persistent susceptibility to blood-stage malaria of Plasmodium chabaudi in otherwise resistant female C57BL/6 mice, which is associated with permanent changes in mRNA expression of the liver. Here, we investigate the spleen as the major effector against blood-stage malaria for any possible T-induced long-term effects on lincRNA and mRNA expression. Female C57BL/6 mice were treated with T for 3 weeks, then T was withdrawn for 12 weeks before challenging with P. chabaudi. LincRNA and mRNA expression was examined after 12 weeks of T-withdrawal and after subsequent infections using Agilent whole mouse genome oligo microarrays. Our data show for the first time long-term effects of T on lincRNA expression evidenced directly as persistent changes after T-withdrawal for 12 weeks and indirectly as altered responsiveness of expression to P. chabaudi infections. There are 3 lincRNA-species upregulated and 10 lincRNAs downregulated by more than 2-fold (p < 0.01). In addition, 11 and 10 mRNAs are persistently up- and downregulated by T, respectively. These changes remain not sustained during infections at peak parasitemia, when 15 other lincRNAs and 9 other mRNAs exhibit an altered expression. The only exception is the Tnk1-mRNA encoding the non-receptor tyrosine kinase 1 that is persistently downregulated by 0.34-fold after T-withdrawal and that becomes upregulated by 5.9-fold upon infection at peak parasitemia, suggesting an involvement of tyrosine phosphorylation by Tnk1 in mediating long-term effects of T in the spleen. The T-induced changes in splenic mRNA expression are totally different to those previously observed in the liver. Collectively, our data support the view that T induces long-term organ-specific changes in both lincRNA and mRNA expression, that presumably contribute to organ-specific dysfunctions upon infection with blood-stage malaria of P. chabaudi.  相似文献   

Disrupted signaling through lymphotoxin beta receptor (LTbetaR) results in severe defects of the spleen and even loss of all other secondary lymphoid tissues, making mice susceptible to diverse infectious agents. Surprisingly, however, we find that female LTbetaR-deficient mice are even more resistant to blood stages of Plasmodium chabaudi malaria than wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Higher resistance of LTbetaR-deficient mice correlates with an earlier onset of reticulocytosis, and the period of anemia is shorter. After surviving fulminant parasitemias of about 35%, mice develop long-lasting protective immunity against homologous rechallenge, with both spleen and liver acting as anti-malaria effectors. Testosterone suppresses resistance, i.e. all mice succumb to infections during or shortly after peak parasitemia. At peak parasitemia, testosterone does not essentially affect cellularity and apoptosis in the spleen, but aggravates liver pathology in terms of increased cell swelling, numbers of apoptotic and binucleated cells and reduced serum alkaline phosphatase levels, and conversely, reduces inflammatory lymphocytic infiltrates in the liver. In the spleen, hybridization of cDNA arrays identified only a few testosterone-induced changes in gene expression, in particular upregulation of INFgamma and IFN-regulated genes. By contrast, a much larger number of testosterone-affectable genes was observed in the liver, including genes involved in regulation of the extracellular matrix, in chemokine and cytokine signaling, and in cell cycle control. Collectively, our data suggest that testosterone dysregulates the inflammatory response in spleen and liver during their differentiation to anti-malaria effectors in malaria-resistant female LTbetaR-deficient mice, thus contributing to the testosterone-induced lethal outcome of malaria.  相似文献   

Anti-malarial drugs can make a significant contribution to the control of malaria in endemic areas when used for prevention as well as for treatment. Chemoprophylaxis is effective in preventing deaths and morbidity from malaria, but it is difficult to sustain for prolonged periods, may interfere with the development of naturally acquired immunity and will facilitate the emergence and spread of drug resistant strains if applied to a whole community. However, chemoprophylaxis targeted to groups at high risk, such as pregnant women, or to periods of the year when the risk from malaria is greatest, can be an effective and cost effective malaria control tool and has fewer drawbacks. Intermittent preventive treatment, which involves administration of anti-malarials at fixed time points, usually when a subject is already in contact with the health services, for example attendance at an antenatal or vaccination clinic, is less demanding of resources than chemoprophylaxis and is now recommended for the prevention of malaria in pregnant women and infants resident in areas with medium or high levels of malaria transmission. Intermittent preventive treatment in older children, probably equivalent to targeted chemoprophylaxis, is also highly effective but requires the establishment of a specific delivery system. Recent studies have shown that community volunteers can effectively fill this role. Mass drug administration probably has little role to play in control of mortality and morbidity from malaria but may have an important role in the final stages of an elimination campaign.  相似文献   

Since 1993, the number of vivax malaria cases has increased every year in the northern part of the Republic of Korea (ROK). This study was designed to characterize factors related to the reemergence of malaria in the ROK. A total of 21 cases diagnosed in 1993 and 1994 distributed sporadically in the narrow zone along the demilitarized zone (DMZ). Of total 317 civilian inhabitant cases reported in 1994-1997, 287 cases were studied and 80.8% of them resided within 10 km from the southern border of the DMZ. The frequency distribution of anti-Plasmodium vivax antibody titers using indirect fluorescent antibody test was compared in three villages in relation with distance from the DMZ. The number of inhabitants with high antibody titers was larger in the village nearest to the border than that in more distant villages. The present results highly suggested that the reemerging vivax malaria start in the border area, most possibly caused by infected mosquitoes which flew across the border. This pattern of transmission repeated year after year.  相似文献   

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