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Biodiesel production,properties, and feedstocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biodiesel, defined as the mono-alkyl esters of vegetable oils or animal fats, is an environmentally attractive alternative to conventional petroleum diesel fuel (petrodiesel). Produced by transesterification with a monohydric alcohol, usually methanol, biodiesel has many important technical advantages over petrodiesel, such as inherent lubricity, low toxicity, derivation from a renewable and domestic feedstock, superior flash point and biodegradability, negligible sulfur content, and lower exhaust emissions. Important disadvantages of biodiesel include high feedstock cost, inferior storage and oxidative stability, lower volumetric energy content, inferior low-temperature operability, and in some cases, higher NO x exhaust emissions. This review covers the process by which biodiesel is prepared, the types of catalysts that may be used for the production of biodiesel, the influence of free fatty acids on biodiesel production, the use of different monohydric alcohols in the preparation of biodiesel, the influence of biodiesel composition on fuel properties, the influence of blending biodiesel with other fuels on fuel properties, alternative uses for biodiesel, and value-added uses of glycerol, a co-product of biodiesel production. A particular emphasis is placed on alternative feedstocks for biodiesel production. Lastly, future challenges and outlook for biodiesel are discussed. Disclaimer: Product names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Biodiesel, which is a new, renewable and biological origin alternative diesel fuel, has been receiving more attention all over the world due to the energy needs and environmental consciousness. Biodiesel is usually produced from food-grade vegetable oils using transesterification process. Using food-grade vegetable oils is not economically feasible since they are more expensive than diesel fuel. Therefore, it is said that the main obstacle for commercialization of biodiesel is its high cost. Waste cooking oils, restaurant greases, soapstocks and animal fats are potential feedstocks for biodiesel production to lower the cost of biodiesel. However, to produce fuel-grade biodiesel, the characteristics of feedstock are very important during the initial research and production stage since the fuel properties mainly depend on the feedstock properties. This review paper presents both biodiesel productions from various feedstocks and their effects on the fuel properties. JIMB 2008: BioEnergy - Special issue.  相似文献   

生物强化技术通过为特定的生物过程"设计"微生物,进而作为一种提升反应系统活力和性能的手段被应用于生物质沼气制备过程,以便加快发酵系统启动时间、增加原料利用率、缩短酸败系统的恢复时间、降低高有机负荷的抑制作用等。本文针对以木质纤维素为原料的沼气制备中的生物强化技术,从生物强化菌剂的构建及标准、生物强化作用的影响因素、生物强化作用机制的探究等几个方面来阐述目前国内外生物强化技术在生物质沼气制备过程中的应用与研究进展,以及存在的问题和解决方案。  相似文献   

Bacterial cellulose (BC), a very peculiar form of cellulose, is gaining considerable importance due to its unique properties. In this study, several residues, from agro-forestry industries, namely grape skins aqueous extract, cheese whey, crude glycerol and sulfite pulping liquor were evaluated as economic carbon and nutrient sources for the production of BC. The most relevant BC amounts attained with the residues from the wine and pulp industries were 0.6 and 0.3 g/L, respectively, followed by biodiesel crude residue and cheese whey with productions of about, 0.1 g/L after 96 h of incubation. Preliminary results on the addition of other nutrient sources (yeast extract, nitrogen and phosphate) to the residues-based culture media indicated that, in general, these BC productions could be increased by ∼200% and ∼100% for the crude glycerol and grape skins, respectively, after the addition organic or inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Microbial production of organic acids has become a fast-moving field due to the increasing role of these compounds as platform chemicals. In recent years, the portfolio of specialty fermentation-derived carboxylic acids has increased considerably, including the production of glyceric, glucaric, succinic, butyric, xylonic, fumaric, malic, itaconic, lactobionic, propionic and adipic acid through innovative fermentation strategies. This review summarizes recent trends in the use of novel microbial platforms as well as renewable and waste materials for efficient and cost-effective bio-based production of emerging high-value organic acids. Advances in the development of robust and efficient microbial bioprocesses for producing carboxylic acids from low-cost feedstocks are also discussed. The industrial market scenario is also reviewed, including the latest information on the stage of development for producing these emerging bio-products via large-scale fermentation.  相似文献   

Major transitions can be expected within the next few decades aiming at the reduction of pollution and global warming and at energy saving measures. For these purposes, new sustainable biorefinery concepts will be needed that will replace the traditional mineral oil-based synthesis of specialty and bulk chemicals. An important group of these chemicals are those that comprise N-functionalities. Many plant components contained in biomass rest or waste stream fractions contain these N-functionalities in proteins and free amino acids that can be used as starting materials for the synthesis of biopolymers and chemicals. This paper describes the economic and technological feasibility for cyanophycin production by fermentation of the potato waste stream Protamylasse™ or directly in plants and its subsequent conversion to a number of N-containing bulk chemicals.  相似文献   

Oil extraction from microalgae for biodiesel production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examines the performance of supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) extraction and hexane extraction of lipids from marine Chlorococcum sp. for lab-scale biodiesel production. Even though the strain of Chlorococcum sp. used in this study had a low maximum lipid yield (7.1 wt% to dry biomass), the extracted lipid displayed a suitable fatty acid profile for biodiesel [C18:1 (∼63 wt%), C16:0 (∼19 wt%), C18:2 (∼4 wt%), C16:1 (∼4 wt%), and C18:0 (∼3 wt%)]. For SCCO2 extraction, decreasing temperature and increasing pressure resulted in increased lipid yields. The mass transfer coefficient (k) for lipid extraction under supercritical conditions was found to increase with fluid dielectric constant as well as fluid density. For hexane extraction, continuous operation with a Soxhlet apparatus and inclusion of isopropanol as a co-solvent enhanced lipid yields. Hexane extraction from either dried microalgal powder or wet microalgal paste obtained comparable lipid yields.  相似文献   

Efficient microbial cell factory for the production of homoserine from glucose has been developed by iterative and rational engineering of Escherichia coli W3110. The whole pathway from glucose to homoserine was divided into three groups, namely, glucose transport and glycolysis (‘up-stream’), TCA and glyoxylate cycles (‘mid-stream’), and homoserine module (conversion of aspartate to homoserine and its secretion; ‘down-stream’), and the carbon flux in each group as well as between the groups were accelerated and balanced. Altogether, ∼18 genes were modified for active and consistent production of homoserine during both the actively-growing and non-growing stages of cultivation. Finally, fed-batch, two-stage bioreactor experiments, separating the growth from the production stage, were conducted for 61 h, which gave the high titer of 110.8 g/L, yield of 0.64 g/g glucose and volumetric productivity of 1.82 g/L/h, with an insignificant amount of acetate (<0.5 g/L) as the only noticeable byproduct. The metabolic engineering strategy employed in this study should be applicable for the biosynthesis of other amino acids or chemicals derived from aspartic acid.  相似文献   

Plant triacylglycerols as feedstocks for the production of biofuels   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
Triacylglycerols produced by plants are one of the most energy-rich and abundant forms of reduced carbon available from nature. Given their chemical similarities, plant oils represent a logical substitute for conventional diesel, a non-renewable energy source. However, as plant oils are too viscous for use in modern diesel engines, they are converted to fatty acid esters. The resulting fuel is commonly referred to as biodiesel, and offers many advantages over conventional diesel. Chief among these is that biodiesel is derived from renewable sources. In addition, the production and subsequent consumption of biodiesel results in less greenhouse gas emission compared to conventional diesel. However, the widespread adoption of biodiesel faces a number of challenges. The biggest of these is a limited supply of biodiesel feedstocks. Thus, plant oil production needs to be greatly increased for biodiesel to replace a major proportion of the current and future fuel needs of the world. An increased understanding of how plants synthesize fatty acids and triacylglycerols will ultimately allow the development of novel energy crops. For example, knowledge of the regulation of oil synthesis has suggested ways to produce triacylglycerols in abundant non-seed tissues. Additionally, biodiesel has poor cold-temperature performance and low oxidative stability. Improving the fuel characteristics of biodiesel can be achieved by altering the fatty acid composition. In this regard, the generation of transgenic soybean lines with high oleic acid content represents one way in which plant biotechnology has already contributed to the improvement of biodiesel.  相似文献   

Despite receiving increasing attention during the last few decades, the production of microalgal biofuels is not yet sufficiently cost-effective to compete with that of petroleum-based conventional fuels. Among the steps required for the production of microalgal biofuels, the harvest of the microalgal biomass and the extraction of lipids from microalgae are two of the most expensive. In this review article, we surveyed a substantial amount of previous work in microalgal harvesting and lipid extraction to highlight recent progress in these areas. We also discuss new developments in the biodiesel conversion technology due to the importance of the connectivity of this step with the lipid extraction process. Furthermore, we propose possible future directions for technological or process improvements that will directly affect the final production costs of microalgal biomass-based biofuels.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate cyanobacteria as a potential source for biodiesel production isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka. Semi mass culturing and mass culturing were carried out to obtain biomass for extracting total lipids. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) or biodiesel was produced from extracted lipid by trans-esterification reaction. FAME component was identified using gas chromatography (GC). Atotal of 74 uni-algal cultures were obtained from Biofuel and Bioenergy laboratory of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies (NIFS), Kandy, Sri Lanka. The total lipid content was recorded highest in Oscillatoria sp. (31.9 ± 2.01% of dry biomass) followed by Synechococcus sp. (30.6 ± 2.87%), Croococcidiopsis sp. (22.7 ± 1.36%), Leptolyngbya sp. (21.15 ± 1.99%), Limnothrixsp. (20.73 ± 3.26%), Calothrix sp. (18.15 ± 4.11%) and Nostoc sp. (15.43 ± 3.89%), Cephalothrixsp. (13.95 ± 4.27%), Cephalothrix Komarekiana (13.8 ± 3.56%) and Westiellopsisprolifica (12.80 ± 1.97%). FAME analysis showed cyanobacteria contain Methyl palmitoleate, Linolelaidic acid methyl ester, Cis-8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid methyl ester, Cis-10-heptadecanoic acid methyl ester, Methyl myristate, Methyl pentadecanoate, Methyl octanoate, Methyl decanoate, Methyl laurate, Methyl tridecanoate, Methyl palmitoleate, Methyl pentadeconoate, Methyl heptadeconoate, Linolaidic acid methyl ester, Methyl erucate, Methyl myristate, Myristoloeic acid, Methyl palmitate, Cis-9-oleic acid methyl ester, Methyl arachidate and Cis-8,11,14-ecosatrieconoic acid methyl ester. The present study revealed that cyanobacteria isolated from Sri Lanka are potential source for biodiesel industry because of their high fatty acid content. Further studies are required to optimize the mass culture conditions to increase thelipid content from cyanobacterial biomass along with the research in the value addition to the remaining biomass.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica is considered as a potential candidate for succinic acid production because of its innate ability to accumulate citric acid cycle intermediates and its tolerance to acidic pH. Previously, a succinate-production strain was obtained through the deletion of succinate dehydrogenase subunit encoding gene Ylsdh5. However, the accumulation of by-product acetate limited further improvement of succinate production. Meanwhile, additional pH adjustment procedure increased the downstream cost in industrial application. In this study, we identified for the first time that acetic acid overflow is caused by CoA-transfer reaction from acetyl-CoA to succinate in mitochondria rather than pyruvate decarboxylation reaction in SDH negative Y. lipolytica. The deletion of CoA-transferase gene Ylach eliminated acetic acid formation and improved succinic acid production and the cell growth. We then analyzed the effect of overexpressing the key enzymes of oxidative TCA, reductive carboxylation and glyoxylate bypass on succinic acid yield and by-products formation. The best strain with phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ScPCK) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and endogenous succinyl-CoA synthase beta subunit (YlSCS2) overexpression improved succinic acid titer by 4.3-fold. In fed-batch fermentation, this strain produced 110.7 g/L succinic acid with a yield of 0.53 g/g glycerol without pH control. This is the highest succinic acid titer achieved at low pH by yeast reported worldwide, to date, using defined media. This study not only revealed the mechanism of acetic acid overflow in SDH negative Y. lipolytica, but it also reported the development of an efficient succinic acid production strain with great industrial prospects.  相似文献   

Anaerobic co-digestion of residues from the cold pressing and trans-esterification of oilseed rape (OSR) with other farm wastes was considered as a means of enhancing the sustainability of on-farm biodiesel production. The study verified the process energy yields using biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests and semi-continuous digestion trials. The results indicated that high proportions of OSR cake in the feedstock led to a decrease in volatile solids destruction and instability of the digestion process. Co-digestion with cattle slurry or with vegetable waste led to acceptable specific and volumetric methane productions, and a digestate low in potentially toxic elements (PTE). The results were used to evaluate energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions of the integrated process compared with biodiesel production alone. Co-digestion was shown to provide energy self-sufficiency and security of supply to farms, with sufficient surplus for export as fuel and electricity.  相似文献   

Chen G  Fang B 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2635-2640
The aim of this work is to study the catalyst prepared by glucose-starch mixture. Assessment experiments showed that solid acid behaved the highest esterification activity when glucose and corn powder were mixed at ratio of 1:1, carbonized at 400 °C for 75 min and sulfonated with concentrated H2SO4 (98%) at 150 °C for 5 h. The catalyst was characterized by acid activity measurement, XPS, TEM and FT-IR. The results indicated that solid acid composed of CS0.073O0.541 has both Lewis acid sites and Broˇnsted acid sites caused by SO3H and COOH. The conversions of oleic acid esterification and triolein transesterification are 96% and 60%, respectively. Catalyst for biodiesel production from waste cottonseed oil containing high free fatty acid (FFA 55.2 wt.%) afforded the methyl ester yield of about 90% after 12 h. The catalyst deactivated gradually after recycles usage, but it could be regenerated by H2SO4 treatment.  相似文献   

Commercial production of heterologous proteins by yeasts has gained considerable interest. Expression systems have been developed forSaccharomyces cerevisiae and a number of other yeasts. Generally, much attention is paid to the molecular aspects of heterologous-gene expression. The success of this approach is indicated by the high expression levels that have been obtained in shake-flask cultures. For large-scale production however, possibilities and restrictions related to host-strain physiology and fermentation technology also have to be considered. In this review, these physiological and technological aspects have been evaluated with the aid of numerical simulations. Factors that affect the choice of a carbon substrate for large-scale production involve price, purity and solubility. Since oxygen demand and heat production (which are closely linked) limit the attainable growth rate in large-scale processes, the biomass yield on oxygen is also a key parameter. Large-scale processes impose restrictions on the expression system. Many promoter systems that work well in small-scale systems cannot be implemented in industrial environments. Furthermore, large-scale fed-batch fermentations involve a substantial number of generations. Therefore, even low expression-cassette instability has a profound effect on the overall productivity of the system. Multicopy-integration systems may provide highly stable expression systems for industrial processes. Large-scale fed-batch processes are typically performed at a low growth rate. Therefore, effects of a low growth rate on the physiology and product formation rates of yeasts are of key importance. Due to the low growth rates in the industrial process, a substantial part of the substrate carbon is expended to meet maintenance-energy requirements. Factors that reduce maintenance-energy requirements will therefore have a positive effect on product yield. The relationship between specific growth rate and specific product formation rate (kg product·[kg biomass]–1·h–1) is the main factor influencing production levels in large-scale production processes. Expression systems characterized by a high specific rate of product formation at low specific growth rates are highly favourable for large-scale heterologous-protein production.  相似文献   

Shi H  Fatehi P  Xiao H  Ni Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(8):5177-5182
The presence of lignin impairs the utilization of the hemicelluloses dissolved in the pre-hydrolysis liquor (PHL) of the kraft-based dissolving pulp production process. In this paper, a novel process was developed by combining the acidification and poly ethylene oxide (PEO) flocculation concepts to improve the lignin removal. The results showed that the lignin removal was improved by the addition of PEO to the acidified PHL, particularly at a low pH of 1.5. The main mechanisms involved are the lignin/PEO complex formation and the bridging of the formed complexes. This hypothesis was supported by the turbidity, FTIR and particle size measurements. Interestingly, the hemicelluloses removal from the acidification/PEO flocculation was marginal, which would be beneficial for the down-stream ethanol production from the PHL. Additionally, a process flow diagram was proposed that incorporates this new concept into the existing configuration of kraft-based dissolving pulp production process.  相似文献   

Pennate diatom Nitzschia palea can be cultured in outdoor vertical-bed photobioreactors to produce biodiesel. To assess the production of biomass and lipids, non-axenic cultures of Nitzschia palea were grown outdoors, and the growth of these cultures was measured biweekly. During the annual cycle of algal culture, the culture temperature ranged from 17.3 °C to 33.5 °C, the dry weight biomass ranged from 0.11 g l−1 to 0.25 g l−1, light energy] ranged from 1.94 Wm−2 to 3.9 Wm−2 and intracellular lipid content ranged from 7.1% to 11.4% of biomass weight after drying at 60 °C. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) analysis of n-hexane extracts showed that the intracellular lipids were primarily C14:0 myristic acid (9.01%), C15:0 pentadecyclic acid (8.26%) and two types of C16:0, palmitic acid (41.13%) and palmitoleic acid (29.25%). Gel permeation analysis showed that carboxylic acids comprised 28.9% of lipids, 16.3% of monoglycerides, 27.3% of diglycerides and 24.3% of triglycerides. Alcoholysis of lipids resulted in the conversion of about 93.9% of fatty acids to equivalent fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) or biodiesel, which, on basis of wt%, consisted primarily of C15:0 methyl myristate (8.3%), C16:0 methyl pentadecanoate] (7.2%), C17:1methyl palmitoleate (28.7%) and methyl palimtate](39.8%).  相似文献   

With the aim of isolating a biocatalyst able to catalyze biodiesel production from microbial source, Ralstonia sp. CS274 was isolated and a lipase from the strain (RL74) was purified. Molecular weight of RL74 was estimated to be 28,000 Da by SDS-PAGE. The activity was highest at 50-55 °C and pH 8.0-9.5 and was stable at pH 7.0-12.0 and up to 45 °C. It was resistant to oxidizing and reducing agents and the activity was enhanced by detergents. RL74 was 1,3 specific and Km and Vmax for p-nitrophenyl palmitate were 2.73 ± 0.6 mM and 101.4 ± 1.9 mM/min mg, respectively. N-terminal amino acid sequence showed partial homology with that of Penicillium lipases. RL74 produced biodiesel more efficiently in palm oil than in soybean oil; and the production was highest at pH 8.0, at 5% methanol and at 20% water content.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polyesters accumulated by many bacteria under unbalanced growth conditions, and have been used to meet the various demands in areas of agriculture, medicine, and materials especially belong to a rapidly expanding area of biomedical research. Unfortunately, the high production cost than the traditional synthetic materials has greatly limited the wide application of PHA. Here, we systematically summarized recent progress in production of PHAs and a series of optimization strategies such as supplying renewable carbon substrates, developing better bacterial strains, optimization of fermentation processes, engineering new pathways and etc., were applied to reduce production cost, therefore providing many new ideas and methods for the production of PHAs in economically viable processes. This is believed to be a comprehensive report to show different strategies and methods for low‐cost production of PHAs. Further studies are still needed to make PHAs more and more economically viable to meet a wide range of applicability.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(5):725-731
In this study, the yeast strain P10 which was identified to be a member of Aureobasidium pullulans var. melanogenum isolated from the mangrove ecosystems was found to be able to accumulate high content of oil in its cells. After optimization of the medium for lipid production and cell growth by the yeast strain P10, it was found that 8.0 g of glucose per 100 ml, 0.02 g of yeast extract per 100 ml, 0.02 g of ammonium sulfate per 100 ml, pH 6.0 in the medium were the most suitable for lipid production. During 10-l fermentation, a titer was 66.3 g oil per 100 g of cell dry weight, cell mass was 1.3 g per 100 ml, a yield was 0.11 g of oil per g of consumed sugar and a productivity was 0.0009 g of oil per g of consumed sugar per h within 120 h. At the same time, only 0.07 g of reducing sugar per 100 ml was left in the fermented medium. The compositions of the fatty acids produced were C16:0 (26.7%), C16:1(1.7%), C18:0 (6.1%), C18:1 (44.5%), and C18:2 (21.0%). The biodiesel produced from the extracted lipid could be burnt well.  相似文献   

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