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The gene structure of cytochrome P-450b, a major form of phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 in rat livers was elucidated by sequence analysis of the cloned genomic DNAs and was compared with the previously determined gene structures of cytochrome P-450e, a minor form of phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 and two forms of 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible cytochrome P-450 (P-450c and -d). The gene for cytochrome P-450b is 23 kilobase pairs (kb) long and is separated into 9 exons by 8 intervening sequences. This gene structure is very similar to that of cytochrome P-450e except for the first intron, the first intron being much longer in cytochrome P-450b gene (approximately 12 kb) than in cytochrome P-450e gene (3.2 kb), but differs greatly from the gene structures of two 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible cytochrome P-450s as pointed out previously (Sogawa, K., Gotoh, O., Kawajiri, K. & Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 81, 5066-5070). The nucleotide sequences in all 9 exons and their flanking regions in introns show very close homology between the two phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 genes. Forty base substitutions are found in approximately 1900 nucleotides of all exonic sequences, and 15 of them result in 14 amino acid replacements. These base substitutions occur in relatively limited regions of the gene sequences. Most of them are found in exons 6, 7, 8, and 9, most frequently in exon 7 as described previously (Mizukami, Y., Sogawa, K., Suwa, Y., Muramatsu, M. & Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 3958-3962). The close sequence homology between the two phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 genes is also found to extend to the promoter region with one notable exception. The simple repeated sequences of (CA)n which is present at -254 position in cytochrome P-450e gene is also observed at the equivalent position in cytochrome P-450b gene, but the repetitiveness is greatly reduced in cytochrome P-450b gene ((CA)5 for P-450b versus (CA)19 for P-450e), and this may somehow be related to the difference in the level of cytochrome P-450b and P-450e in the inductive phase of phenobarbital administration.  相似文献   

The effect of pituitary factor on the constitutive and inducible levels of hepatic phenobarbital (PB)-inducible major cytochrome P-450, P-450b and P-450e, in male and female rat livers was studied by immunoblot analyses. Although only trace amounts (approximately 4 pmol/mg protein) of P-450b and P-450e were detected in untreated adult rats, hypophysectomy increased the contents of P-450b and P-450e 58- and 14-fold, respectively, in male rats and 118- and 30-fold, respectively, in female rats. The increases were also observed in treatment with dexamethasone, which suppressed the pituitary function. Treatment with PB increased more effectively the hepatic contents of P-450b and P-450e, but their contents were still 4-fold higher in the male than the female. Treatment of hypophysectomized female rats with PB increased the contents of P-450b and P-450e 4-fold higher than the contents in PB-treated nonhypophysectomized female rats. Consequently, the sex-related difference in their contents was reduced less than 1.4-fold in the hypophysectomized rats treated with PB. Similar results were also obtained from the quantitation of microsomal O-pentylresorufin O-depentylation and testosterone 16 beta-hydroxylation. Either intermittent injection or continuous infusion of human growth hormone, but not of ovine prolactin, into hypophysectomized male and female rats decreased the contents of both cytochromes. These results indicate that growth hormone acts as a repressive factor for the constitutive and inducible levels of P-450b and P-450e in a manner different from the regulation of P-450-male and P-450-female.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine a recent proposal that inhibitory isozyme:isozyme interactions explain why membrane-bound isozymes of rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 exert only a fraction of the catalytic activity they express when purified and reconstituted with saturating amounts of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and optimal amounts of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine. The different pathways of testosterone hydroxylation catalyzed by cytochromes P-450a (7 alpha-hydroxylation), P-450b (16 beta-hydroxylation), and P-450c (6 beta-hydroxylation) enabled possible inhibitory interactions between these isozymes to be investigated simultaneously with a single substrate. No loss of catalytic activity was observed when purified cytochromes P-450a, P-450b, or P-450c were reconstituted in binary or ternary mixtures under a variety of incubation conditions. When purified cytochromes P-450a, P-450b, and P-450c were reconstituted under conditions that mimicked a microsomal system (with respect to the absolute concentration of both the individual cytochrome P-450 isozyme and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase), their catalytic activity was actually less (69-81%) than that of the microsomal isozymes. These results established that cytochromes P-450a, P-450b, and P-450c were not inhibited by each other, nor by any of the other isozymes in the liver microsomal preparation. Incorporation of purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase into liver microsomes from Aroclor 1254-induced rats stimulated the catalytic activity of cytochromes P-450a, P-450b, and P-450c. Similarly, purified cytochromes P-450a, P-450b, and P-450c expressed increased catalytic activity in a reconstituted system only when the ratio of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase to cytochrome P-450 exceeded that normally found in liver microsomes. These results indicate that the inhibitory cytochrome P-450 isozyme:isozyme interactions described for warfarin hydroxylation were not observed when testosterone was the substrate. In addition to establishing that inhibitory interactions between different cytochrome P-450 isozymes is not a general phenomenon, the results of the present study support a simple mass action model for the interaction between membrane-bound or purified cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase during the hydroxylation of testosterone.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450j has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from hepatic microsomes of adult male rats administered ethanol and compared to the corresponding enzyme from isoniazid-treated rats. The enzymes isolated from ethanol- and isoniazid-treated rats have identical chromatographic properties, minimum molecular weights, spectral properties, peptide maps, NH2-terminal sequences, immunochemical reactivities, and substrate selectivities. Both preparations of cytochrome P-450j have high catalytic activity in aniline hydroxylation, butanol oxidation, and N-nitrosodimethylamine demethylation with turnover numbers of 17-18, 37-46, and 15 nmol product/min/nmol of P-450, respectively. A single immunoprecipitin band exhibiting complete identity was observed when the two preparations were tested by double diffusion analysis with antibody to isoniazid-inducible cytochrome P-450j. Ethanol- and isoniazid-inducible rat liver cytochrome P-450j preparations have also been compared and contrasted with cytochrome P-450 isozyme 3a, the major ethanol-inducible isozyme from rabbit liver. The rat and rabbit liver enzymes have slightly different minimum molecular weights and somewhat different peptide maps but similar spectral, catalytic, and immunological properties, as well as significant homology in their NH2-terminal sequences. Antibody to either the rat or rabbit isozyme cross-reacts with the heterologous enzyme, showing a strong reaction of partial identity. Antibody against isozyme 3a specifically recognizes cytochrome P-450j in immunoblots of induced rat liver microsomes. Aniline hydroxylation catalyzed by the reconstituted system containing cytochrome P-450j is markedly inhibited (greater than 90%) by antibody to the rabbit protein. Furthermore, greater than 85% of butanol or aniline metabolism catalyzed by hepatic microsomes from ethanol- or isoniazid-treated rats is inhibited by antibody against isozyme 3a. Results of antibody inhibition studies suggest that cytochrome P-450j is induced four- to sixfold by ethanol or isoniazid treatment of rats. All of the evidence presented in this study indicates that the identical cytochrome P-450, P-450j, is induced in rat liver by either isoniazid or ethanol, and that this isozyme is closely related to rabbit cytochrome P-450 isozyme 3a.  相似文献   

The major phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 purified from rat liver, a member of family II of the cytochrome P-450 gene superfamily, is rapidly phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The phosphorylation reaches greater than 0.5 mol phosphate/mol P-450 after 5 min and is accompanied by a decrease in enzyme activity. The serine residue in position 128 was shown to be the sole phosphorylation site and a conformational change of the protein was indicated by a shift of the carbon monoxide difference spectrum of the reduced cytochrome from 450 to 420 nm. Comparison of amino acid sequences of various cytochrome P-450 families revealed a highly conserved arginine residue in the immediate vicinity of the phosphorylated serine residue which constitutes the kinase recognition sequence. It also revealed that only the members of the cytochrome P-450 family II carry this kinase recognition sequence. To find out whether this phosphorylation also occurs in vivo, the exchangeable phosphate pool of intact hepatocytes derived from phenobarbital-pretreated rats was labeled with 32Pi followed by an incubation of the cells with the membrane-permeating dibutyryl-cAMP or with the adenylate cyclase stimulator glucagon to activate endogenous kinase. As a result, a microsomal polypeptide with the same electrophoretic mobility as cytochrome P-450 became strongly labeled. Peptide mapping and immunoprecipitation with monospecific antibodies identified this protein as the major phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450. It becomes phosphorylated at the same serine residues as in the cell-free phosphorylation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have isolated one full-length cDNA clone, termed pHP1, and a number of clones of shorter insert lengths, tentatively called b14, b46, etc., all encoding phenobarbital- (PB-) inducible forms of rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450, and determined their nucleotide sequences. The polypeptides encoded by these cDNAs can be classified into five types, represented by HP1, b14, b46, b52, and b54, the deduced amino acid sequences of which are more than 95% similar to one another. Amino acid differences among them total 24 positions, which are distributed over the entire sequence, in contrast to the microheterogeneity observed in two PB-inducible rat liver microsomal cytochromes P-450 (P-450b and P-450e). The primary structure deduced for the HP1 protein is 97% similar to that determined for rabbit P-450 LM2 (form 2), which has been purified by Coon and co-workers [van der Hoeven, T. A., Haugen, D. A., & Coon, M. J. (1974) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 60, 569-675; Haugen, D. A., & Coon, M. J. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 7929-7939] as the major PB-inducible form of rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450. The amino acid sequence of P-450(1), which we have purified as the major PB-inducible rabbit liver cytochrome P-450, was partially determined with the sequence reported for P-450 LM2 as a reference. The two sequences are closely similar to each other, but at least two amino acid differences can be detected between them.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A rapid and simple procedure has been developed for the purification of a phenobarbital-inducible form of cytochrome P-450 from the liver microsomes of phenobarbitalpretreated rats. Within 2 days approximately 1000–1500 nmol of highly purified cytochrome P-450 with a specific content of 16 nmol/mg protein can be recovered from 4 g of microsomal protein. The procedure consists of solubilization of microsomal protein with sodium cholate, fractionation with polyethylene glycol, and column chromatography at room temperature on DEAE-cellulose. The resulting DEAE-cellulose fraction electrophoreses on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate as a major protein band with a minimum molecular weight of 52,000 and a few faint bands. Further chromatography on QAE Sephadex A-25 essentially removes these faint bands and increases the specific content slightly to 17 nmol/mg protein. Relatively low amounts of this form of cytochrome P-450 appear to be present in microsomes of untreated rats since less than 1% can be recovered as the DEAE-cellulose fraction by this procedure. An identical form is inducible by phenobarbital in rats of different ages and sex. In a reconstituted system under optimal assay conditions, this form of cytochrome P-450 catalyses the N-demethylation of benzphetamine with a turnover number greater than 100 and hydroxylates testosterone at the 16α position but not at the 6β or 7α position.  相似文献   

We have purified and characterized a phenobarbital (PB)-inducible hepatic mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 (P-450), termed P-450mt4, which is distinctly different from the previously characterized mitochondrial isoforms. The level of induction of P-450mt4 by PB in the male livers is nearly 20-fold, as against a marginal induction in the female livers, suggesting that it may be a male predominant isoform. P-450mt4 shows a close resemblance to microsomal P-450b (the major PB-inducible form) with respect to electrophoretic migration (apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa) and immunological cross-reactivity, although it exhibits a distinct isoelectric pH (pI 6.9 vs 6.5 for P-450b), peptide fingerprint pattern, and amino acid composition. Further, the N-terminal sequence analysis shows over 90% positional identity (39 out of 42) between P-450mt4 and P-450b, suggesting that it is a close relative of the P-450 IIB gene family. In vitro reconstitution experiments show that P-450mt4 can metabolize a wide range of substrates such as benzphetamine, (dimethylamino)antipyrine, aflatoxin B1, and vitamin D3, exclusively in the presence of mitochondrial-specific ferredoxin and ferredoxin reductase as electron carriers. P-450mt4 is translated as a 53-kDa precursor, which is transported into mitochondria under in vitro conditions and processed into a mature 50-kDa protein. These results provide conclusive evidence for the occurrence of a male-specific P-450 belonging to the IIB gene family in rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Fifteen peptides, ranging in length from 6 to 31 amino acids and corresponding in sequence to portions of the major phenobarbital-inducible form of rat liver cytochrome P-450 (P-450 PB-4), were previously synthesized chemically and used to prepare site-specific rabbit antibodies (Frey, A. B., D.J. Waxman, and G. Kreibich, 1985, J. Biol. Chem., 260:15253-15265). The antipeptide antibodies were affinity purified using Sepharose resins derivatized with the respective peptides and 14 preparations were obtained that in an ELISA assay showed affinities to immobilized P-450 judged to be adequate for binding studies on intact rat liver microsomes. The binding of these antibodies to rough microsomes from the livers of phenobarbital treated rats was assessed using 125I-labeled IgG and by immunoelectron microscopy employing protein A-gold as a marker. It was found that many of the antibodies bound to the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane but none bound to the luminal face of ruptured or inverted microsomal vesicles or to contaminating membranes of other organelles present in the preparations. These observations eliminate previously proposed models for the transmembrane disposition of P-450 that postulate the existence of multiple transmembrane domains and the exposure of several polar segments of the polypeptide on the luminal side of the membrane. The fact that an antibody raised to the first 31 residues of P-450 bound well to the purified P-450 but very poorly to rough microsomes, whereas an antibody to a peptide comprising residues 24-38 showed relatively strong binding to intact microsomes, is consistent with the proposal that the amino terminal segment of P-450 extending approximately to residue 20 is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer and the immediately following segment is exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane. All these results favor a model in which the cytochrome P-450 molecule is largely exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane to which it is anchored by its short amino terminal hydrophobic segment.  相似文献   

The levels of expression of cytochromes P-450b and P-450e (both inducible by phenobarbital (PB) and differing by only 14 of 491 amino acids) in liver microsomes from untreated male rats were separately quantitated by Western blotting with a polyclonal antibody raised against P-450b that is equally effective against P-450e (anti P-450b/e). A protein with mobility identical to P-450e was detected in all microsomal samples. Microsomes from uninduced livers of individual male rats from five different strains exhibited only minor interstrain and interindividual variability in the expression of P-450e (17 +/- 5 pmol P-450e/mg microsomal protein) with the exception of the Brown Norway strain (8.5 +/- 0.5 pmol P-450e/mg). Expression of P-450b varied widely from undetectable levels (less than 2 pmol/mg) in most Sprague-Dawley rats to about 50% of P-450e levels in Fischer and Brown Norway strains. Anti P-450b/e inhibited total metabolism of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) by uninduced microsomes, to an extent dependent on rat strain (15-30%), predominantly through inhibition of formation of 12-hydroxymethyl-7-methyl BA (12HOMMBA) (65-85%), the major metabolite of purified P-450e. A specific activity for P-450e-dependent DMBA metabolism was calculated from four sets of microsomes where the P-450b content was either undetectable or very low (0.7-1.0 nmol/nmol P-450e/min-1). Comparable calculated activities were, however, obtained from other untreated rat liver microsomes where P-450b levels were significant. Polymorphism in P-450b was detected but did not affect total P-450b expression or the sensitivity of DMBA metabolism to anti P-450b/e. A fourth band of greater mobility than P-450b (apparent Mr less than 50,000), was also recognized by anti P-450b/e. The intensity of this band did not vary among individual rats or among the different strains and therefore did not correlate with the sensitivity of microsomal DMBA metabolism to anti P-450b/e. A monoclonal antibody (MAb) against P-450b (2-66-3) recognized P-450's b, b2, and e on Western blots but did not react with this higher mobility band. MAb 2-66-3 and two other MAbs produced against P-450b inhibited 12-methylhydroxylation of DMBA by untreated rat liver microsomes to the same extent as anti P-450b/e. Following PB induction, P-450b was induced to about double the level of P-450e in most rat strains examined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mechanism by which 2-bromo-4'-nitroacetophenone (BrNAP) inactivates cytochrome P-450c, which involves alkylation primarily at Cys-292, is shown in the present study to involve an uncoupling of NADPH utilization and oxygen consumption from product formation. Alkylation of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP markedly stimulated (approximately 30-fold) its rate of anaerobic reduction by NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, as determined by stopped flow spectroscopy. This marked stimulation in reduction rate is highly unusual in that Cys-292 is apparently not part of the heme- or substrate-binding site, and its alkylation by BrNAP does not cause a low spin to high spin state transition in cytochrome P-450c. Under aerobic conditions the rapid oxidation of NADPH catalyzed by alkylated cytochrome P-450c was associated with rapid reduction of molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide via superoxide anion. The intermediacy of superoxide anion, formed by the one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen, established that alkylation of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP uncouples the catalytic cycle prior to introduction of the second electron. The generation of superoxide anion by decomposition of the Fe2+ X O2 complex was consistent with the observations that, in contrast to native cytochrome P-450c, alkylated cytochrome P-450c failed to form a 430 nm absorbing chromophore during the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin. Alkylation of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP did not completely uncouple the catalytic cycle such that 5-20% of the catalytic activity remained for the alkylated cytochrome compared to the native protein depending on the substrate assayed. The uncoupling effect was, however, highly specific for cytochrome P-450c. Alkylation of nine other rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 isozymes with BrNAP caused little or no increase in hydrogen peroxide formation in the presence of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and NADPH.  相似文献   

Two phenobarbital-inducible forms of cytochrome P-450, P-450(PB-1), and P-450(PB-4), were purified from the liver microsomes of phenobarbital-treated rats and identified with P-450b and P-450e, respectively. It was found, however, that the content of P-450(PB-4) in the liver microsomes of a strain of SD rat, Qdj:SD, was very low even after phenobarbital-induction. The levels of the mRNAs for P-450(PB-1) and P-450(PB-4) were separately determined using Northern blot hybridization with specific oligonucleotide probes. It was found that the level of P-450(PB-4) mRNA in the livers of phenobarbital-treated Qdj:SD rats was much lower than that of phenobarbital-treated Slc:SD rats. Slc:SD rats are widely used in Japanese laboratories. Genetic analysis using the crossbred animals between Qdj:SD and Slc:SD rats showed that the low expression of P-450(PB-4) in Qdj:SD rats is a recessive trait and is caused by a single gene mutation. However, no difference in the 5' flanking region in P-450(PB-4) gene was found between Qdj:SD rats and Slc:SD rats.  相似文献   

Utilizing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the polypeptide composition of a purified microsomal cytochrome P-450 preparation isolated from phenobarbital-treated Long-Evans rats obtained from Charles River Laboratories has been examined. The purified protein consists of three polypeptides with nearly identical subunit molecular weights (approximately 52,000) but differing in net charge. These three polypeptides can be detected in liver microsomes isolated from phenobarbital-treated rats by immunoblot analysis but are virtually absent in microsomes isolated from untreated rats. All three polypeptides appear to be products of distinct mRNAs since they can be immunoprecipitated from rabbit reticulocyte lysates programmed with poly(A+)-RNA isolated from phenobarbital-treated rats. The amount of functional mRNA specific for the P-450 polypeptides increases dramatically in response to an acute administration of phenobarbital; however, in untreated rats the amount of functional mRNA was below the level of detection by the translational assay. These data are consistent with the very low level of the phenobarbital-inducible cytochromes P-450 in liver microsomes isolated from untreated rats. Finally, the data indicate that all three cytochrome P-450 mRNAs increase rapidly in response to phenobarbital administration and are regulated coordinately.  相似文献   

The effects of cytochrome b5 on the decay of the ferrous dioxygen complexes of P-450LM2 and P-450LM4 from rabbit liver microsomes were studied by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The P-450 (FeIIO2) complexes accept an electron from reduced cytochrome b5 and, in a reaction not previously described, donate an electron to oxidized cytochrome b5 to give ferric P-450. A comparison with the electron-transferring properties of ferrous P-450 under anaerobic conditions allowed determination of the limiting steps of the two reactions involving the oxygenated complex. The rate of decay of the dioxygen complex was increased in all cases with b5 present; however, with oxidized b5 a large increase in the rate was observed with P-450 isozyme 4 but not with isozyme 2, whereas the opposite situation was found when reduced b5 was used. The reactions between b5 and ferrous dioxygen P-450 were not at thermodynamic equilibrium under the conditions employed. From the results obtained, a model is proposed in which the ferrous dioxygen complex decomposes rapidly into another species differing from ferric P-450 in its spectral properties and from the starting complex in its electron-transferring properties. A scheme is presented to indicate how competition among spontaneous decay, cytochrome b5 oxidation, and cytochrome b5 reduction by the ferrous O2 complex may influence substrate hydroxylation.  相似文献   

Fifteen peptides corresponding in sequence to segments of the major phenobarbital-inducible forms of rat hepatic cytochrome P-450 (termed P-450 PB-4 and P-450 PB-5) were chemically synthesized, conjugated to carrier proteins, and used to prepare site-specific rabbit and/or mouse antipeptide antibodies. Four of the synthetic peptides were recognized by rabbit heterosera raised against purified P-450 PB-4. The titer of these heterosera measured against P-450 PB-4 was only partially reduced upon complete adsorption of antipeptide activity suggesting that these peptides represent minor antigenic determinants. Each of the antipeptide antibodies recognized purified P-450 PB-4 and the highly homologous P-450 PB-5 as demonstrated by a solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Although each antipeptide immunoprecipitated both purified 125I-labeled P-450 PB-4 and also in vitro-synthesized apo-P-450 PB-4, the yields of immunoprecipitation were low relative to that obtained using anti-P-450 heterosera. Only one of the antipeptide antibodies gave a good signal in an immunoblot analysis of either microsomal or purified P-450s PB-4 and PB-5. Three antipeptide antibodies raised against hydrophilic segments located in the amino-terminal one-third of P-450 PB-4 markedly inhibited the P-450 PB-4-catalyzed O-deethylation of the model substrate 7-ethoxycoumarin. Four of the antipeptide antibodies were found to cross-react with P-450 beta NF-B, the major aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible rat hepatic P-450, suggesting that certain amino acid sequences or regions of secondary structure are conserved between the major phenobarbital-induced and polycyclic-induced rat liver P-450 isoenzymes. These studies demonstrate the utility of antipeptide antibodies for evaluation of antigenic sites exposed in native P-450 PB-4, for identification of specific amino acid sequences important for the interaction of P-450 PB-4 with its substrate and/or with cytochrome P-450 reductase in a reconstituted system and for elucidation of structural and immunochemical homologies between P-450 PB-4 and other P-450 isoenzymes present in rat liver endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

We administered triacetyloleandomycin (TAO) to rats and found that this macrolide antibiotic is the most efficacious inducer of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 (P-450) examined to date. Liver microsomes prepared from TAO-treated rats contained greater than 5.0 nmol of P-450/mg of protein and a single induced protein as judged by analysis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein comigrated with P-450p, the major form of P-450 induced in liver microsomes of rats treated with pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) or dexamethasone (DEX). On immunoblots of such gels developed with antibodies to P-450p, the TAO-induced protein reacted strongly as a single band. There was strict parallelism between the amount of immunoreactive P-450p in liver microsomes prepared from untreated rats or from rats treated with phenobarbital, TAO, DEX, or PCN, the ability of these microsomes to catalyze conversion of TAO to a metabolite which forms a spectral complex, and the ethylmorphine and erythromycin demethylase activities. Antibodies to P-450p specifically blocked microsomal TAO metabolite complex formation and ethylmorphine and erythromycin demethylase activities. Moreover, anti-P-450p antibodies completely immunoprecipitated solubilized TAO metabolite complexes prepared by detergent treatment of liver microsomes obtained from TAO-treated rats. Finally, we found that the major form of P-450 isolated from liver microsomes of TAO-treated rats and purified to homogeneity was indistinguishable from purified P-450p as judged by molecular weights, spectral characteristics, enzymatic activities, ability to bind TAO, peptide maps, and amino-terminal amino acid sequences. We concluded that, in addition to glucocorticoids, macrolide antibiotics are specific inducers of P-450p.  相似文献   

The alkylating agent 2-bromo-4'-nitroacetophenone (BrNAP) binds covalently to each of 10 isozymes of purified rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 (P-450a-P-450j) but substantially inhibits the catalytic activity of only cytochrome P-450c. Regardless of pH, incubation time, presence of detergents, or concentration of BrNAP, treatment of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP resulted in no more than 90% inhibition of catalytic activity. Alkylation with BrNAP did not cause the release of heme from the holoenzyme or alter the spectral properties of cytochrome P-450c, data that exclude the putative heme-binding cysteine, Cys-460, as the major site of alkylation. Two residues in cytochrome P-450c reacted rapidly with BrNAP, for which reason maximal loss of catalytic activity was invariably associated with the incorporation of approximately 1.5 mol of BrNAP/mol of cytochrome P-450c. Two major radio-labeled peptides were isolated from a tryptic digest of [14C]BrNAP-treated cytochrome P-450c by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The amino acid sequence of each peptide was determined by microsequence analysis, but the identification of the residues alkylated by BrNAP was complicated by the tendency of the adducts to decompose when subjected to automated Edman degradation. However, results of competitive binding experiments with the sulfhydryl reagent 4,4'-dithiodipyridine identified Cys-292 as the major site of alkylation and Cys-160 as the minor site of alkylation by BrNAP in cytochrome P-450c.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for the isolation of two forms of rabbit liver microsomal liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 (P-450LM) in homogeneous state. They are designated by their relative electrophoretic mobilities on polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate as P-450LM2 and P-450LM4. P-450LM2, which was isolated from phenobarbital-induced animals, has a subunit molecular weight of 48,700. The best preparations contain 20 nmol of the cytochrome per mg of protein and 1 molecule of heme per polypeptide chain. P-450LM4, which is induced by beta-naphthoflavone but is also present in phenobarbital-induced and untreated animals, was isolated from all three sources and found to have a subunit molecular weight of 55,300. The best preparations contain 17nmol of the cytochrome per mg of protein and 1 molecule of heme per polypeptide chain. Some of the purified preparations of the cytochromes, although electrophoretically homogeneous, contain apoenzyme due to heme loss during purification. The purified proteins contain no detectable NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, cytochrome b5, or NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, and only low levels of phospholipid (about 1 molecule per subunit). Amino acid analysis indicated that P-450LM2 and P-450LM4 are similar in composition, but the latter protein has about 60 additional residues. The COOH-terminal amino acid of P-450LM2 is arginine, as shown by carboxypeptidase treatment, whereas that of P-450LM4 is lysine. NH2-terminal amino acid residues could not be detected. Carbohydrate analysis indicated that both cytochromes contain 1 residue of glucosamine and 2 of mannose per polypeptide subunit. The optical spectra of the oxidized and reduced cytochromes and carbon monoxide complexes were determined. Oxidized P-450LM2 has maxima at 568, 535, and 418 nm characteristic of a low spin hemeprotein, and P450LM4 from beta-naphthoflavone-induced, phenobarbital-induced, or control microsomes has maxima at 645 and 394 nm, characteristic of the high spin state. The spectrum of -450lm4 becomes similar to that of P-450LM2 at high protein concentrations or upon the addition of detergent (Renex), whereas the spectrum of P-450LM2 is unaffected by the protein concentration or the presence of detergent. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry of the purified cytochromes indicated that oxidized -450lm2 is in the low spin state, whereas P-450LM4 is largely, but not entirely, in the high spin state.  相似文献   

Perfluorodecalin was incorporated into phospholipid liposomes and injected intraperitoneally in various dozes. The maximal cytochrome P-450 induction is reached 48 hours after perfluorodecalin injection. Cytochrome P-450 content increases 4 times after perfluorodecalin injection in dose of 0.6 ml/kg in homogenate, and 6 times after perfluorodecalin injection in a dose of 0.4 ml/kg in microsomes. Phenobarbital and perfluorodecalin induce several cytochrome P-450 isozymes and cause the appearance of a new isozyme with mass 56 kD absent in microsomes of intact CBA mice. Perfluorodecalin induction strongly increased the rate of NADPH-dependent aminopyrine nN-demethylation (6-7 times per mg of microsomal protein and 1.5 times per nmol cytochrome P-450). The rate of NADPH-dependent hydroxylation of aniline was not affected by perfluorodecalin induction.  相似文献   

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