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Masking of circadian activity rhythms in canaries by light and dark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canaries (Serinus canaria) were kept singly in cages placed in an artificially illuminated, soundproof cabinet. Perch-hopping activity was recorded by means of a computer system. In three series of experiments, the activity rhythms of the birds were entrained to 24 hr by light-dark (LD) cycles with 4, 12, or 20 hr of light (L), respectively. The intensity of illumination was 10 lux in L and 0.25 lux in darkness (D). Under LD 4:20 and 12:12, the intensity of D was increased daily at the same zeitgeber time to 1 lux for 1 hr (L pulse) during about 8 consecutive days. This sequence was followed by 8 days without L pulses before giving another series of L pulses at a different zeitgeber time. Under LD 20:4, the intensity of L was decreased to 1 lux for 1 hr (D pulse). The activity of all birds was more or less increased by the L pulses (positive masking) and decreased by the D pulses (negative masking). The level of masking activity during the L and D pulses depended on the circadian phase at which the pulses were administered. Positive masking by L pulses was minimal about 5 hr after the beginning of D, and increased steadily thereafter. Negative masking by D pulses was maximal at the beginning and the end of L, and minimal during the middle.  相似文献   

Hamsters that showed splitting of their circadian rhythms of wheel-running activity following long-term exposure to constant illumination (LL) were exposed to light-dark (LD) cycles with 2-hr dark segments, and with periods of 24.00, 24.23 or 24.72 hr. For comparison, hamsters showing nonsplit rhythms were also studied. In all cases of split rhythms, at least one of the two split components entrained to the LD cycles. In some animals, the second component continued to free-run until it merged with the entrained component, while in others, the second component also entrained to the LD cycle but maintained a stable phase angle of 6-14.5 hr relative to dark onset. These results were obtained in cases where the period of the LD cycle was shorter than that of the split rhythms and in cases where it was longer, implying that split components can be phase-advanced as well as phase-delayed by 2 hr of darkness. Three hamsters that showed stable entrainment of split rhythms were allowed to free-run in LL. The LD cycles were then reinstated, but instead of overlapping with the first component, as it did before, the dark segment was timed to overlap with the second. The entrainment patterns that ensued were similar to the ones obtained during the first LD exposure, indicating that the two split components respond to darkness in a qualitatively similar fashion. These results are further evidence that the pacemaker system underlying split circadian activity rhythms in hamsters is composed of two mutually coupled populations of oscillators that have similar properties, including a bidirectional phase response curve. Such a dual-oscillator organization may also underlie normal, or nonsplit, activity rhythms, as suggested by Pittendrigh and Daan (1976c), but the data are also compatible with the alternative view that the circadian pacemaker consists of a large number of coupled oscillators, which only dissociate into two separate populations in some animals under conditions of moderate LL intensity.  相似文献   

The split circadian activity rhythm that emerges in hamsters after prolonged exposure to constant light has been a theoretical cornerstone of a multioscillator view of the mammalian circadian pacemaker. The present study demonstrates a novel method for splitting hamster circadian rhythms and entraining them to exotic light:dark cycles. Male Syrian hamsters previously maintained on a 14-h day and 10-h night were exposed to a second 5-h dark phase in the afternoon. The 10-h night was progressively shortened until animals experienced two 5-h dark phases beginning 10 h apart. Most hamsters responded by splitting their activity rhythms into two components associated with the afternoon and nighttime dark phases, respectively. Each activity component was entrained to this light:dark:light:dark cycle. Transfer of split hamsters to constant darkness resulted in rapid joining of the two activity components with the afternoon component associated with onset of the fused rhythm. In constant light, the nighttime component corresponded to activity onset of the fused rhythm, but splitting emerged again at an interval characteristic for this species. The results place constraints on multi-oscillator models of circadian rhythms and offer opportunities to characterize the properties of constituent circadian oscillators and their interactions.  相似文献   

The inhibition of locomotion by light (masking) was investigated in Syrian hamsters. When 1-h pulses of light were presented in the early night, activity was strongly suppressed by irradiances of about 1 lx or greater. Ultradian light-dark cycles were used as another way to study masking. Hamsters were unable to entrain to 3.5:3.5-h light-dark cycles, thus permitting the masking and the entraining effects of light to be distinguished. Light had greater suppressive effects on activity in home cages than on activity in novel running wheels. Moreover, in home cages activity remained very low for about 30 min after lights were turned off. Post-pulse suppression of activity was not simply a consequence of reduced running, as shown by experiments in which running was temporarily prevented by locking the wheels. A phase response curve for masking was obtained by placing hamsters in novel wheels for 3-h periods at various times throughout their circadian cycles, and then superimposing a 30-min light pulse. The suppressive effect of light was maximal around the onset of activity, which normally coincides with dusk in hamsters. This may have adaptive value in limiting foraging to the hours of darkness. Accepted: 8 February 1999  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that glucocorticoid stimulation mediates the effect of exercise on circadian clock resetting in hamsters. We injected animals with 1 and 5 mg dexamethasone—a potent glucocorticoid agonist—at zeitgeber time (ZT) 4 and ZT6, circadian phases at which vigorous exercise induces maximal phase advances of about 3h. Neither dose of dexamethasone induced phase shifts that were significantly larger than those induced by injections of saline vehicle at either of the phases tested. Some animals, however, showed quite large and consistent phase shifts to repeated injections whether with saline or dexamethasone, such that there was a statistically significant correlation between individuals' responses to the two treatments. The data indicate no role for increased glucocorticoid activity in mediating the effects of exercise on circadian phase shifting, but suggest a modest role for nonspecific stimulation, independent of exercise, in inducing phase shifts at ZT4-ZT6. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 203-213, 2001)  相似文献   

The impact of pregnancy and lactation on ultradian rhythms (URs) and circadian rhythms (CRs) of locomotor activity was assessed in circadian rhythmic and arrhythmic Siberian hamsters maintained in a long-day photoperiod (16 h light/day). Progressive decrements in CR robustness and amplitude over the course of gestation were accompanied by enhanced URs. Dark-phase UR period and amplitude increased during early gestation and complexity and robustness increased during late gestation. The persistence of pregnancy-associated enhancements of URs in circadian arrhythmic (ARR) hamsters suggests that reproductive modulation of the UR waveform is not dependent on coherent circadian organization. The increased incidence of dark-phase URs appeared more rapidly in ARR dams than entrained (ENTR) dams. Throughout gestation, the percentage of dams with dark-phase URs was significantly greater in the ARR group. Gestational increases in UR complexity and robustness emerged earlier and were greater in ARR than ENTR dams. The attenuation of CRs during lactation is correlated with increased expression of URs. Relaxation of circadian control of the dam's behavior may increase fitness by permitting more efficient interactions with circadian arrhythmic pups.  相似文献   

This study tested whether light pulses with a dusklike offset or a dawnlike onset caused phase shifts of different sizes in the circadian wheel-running activity of Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus. Six experiments were conducted, each with 30 hamsters; the hamsters received first one type of pulse and then the other type a few weeks later, allowing a paired comparison. The six experiments represented the combination of two maximum light intensities (150 and 250 lux) and three zeitgeber times (ZTs) at which the pulses were given (ZT13.5, ZT14.5, and ZT20). Pulses were 30 minutes long, a relatively short duration to minimize circadian time effects. Aschoff's type II method of measuring phase shifts was used. In none of the six experiments did a two-tailed paired t test detect a significant difference in the size of phase shifts caused by dusklike versus dawnlike pulses. A three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the combined data from all six experiments (with pulse type, pulse intensity, and ZT as factors) also failed to detect a significant effect of pulse type. Statistical power was calculated and found to be reasonably good. These negative results are in line with those of a previous study in which a different methodology was used. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 413-421, 2001)  相似文献   

Heart rate and core temperature are elevated by physical activity and reduced during rest and/or sleep. These masking effects may confound interpretation of rhythm waveforms, particularly in situations where the rest-activity rhythm has a different period from that of the core temperature rhythm. Such desynchronization often occurs temporarily as an individual adjusts to a new work shift or to a new time zone following rapid transmeridian travel, making it difficult to assess the impact of such schedule changes on the circadian system. The present experiments were designed to estimate the magnitude of these masking effects, by monitoring the heart rate, rectal temperature, and nondominant wrist activity (2-min samples) of 12 male subjects during 6 days of normal routine outside the lab and during 6 days of strict bedrest. Subjects also kept sleep, dietary, and exercise logs throughout the study. Average (20-min) waveforms were computed for each subject and each rhythm, at home and in bedrest. In addition, data were partitioned according to self-reported sleep and wake times and were analyzed separately for each state. Average waveform comparisons indicated that about 45% of the range of the circadian heart rate rhythm during normal routine was attributable to the masking effects of activity during wake, which also produced a 16% elevation in mean heart rate during wake and an 11% increase in mean heart rate overall. (Analysis of variance indicated that mean heart rate during sleep at home was not significantly different from the mean during sleep in bedrest.) On average, about 14% of the range of the circadian temperature rhythm during normal routine was attributable to the effects of activity masking. However, the change in range of the temperature rhythm, from home to bedrest, was very variable between subjects (-41% to +13%). This variability was not accounted for by age or by reported frequency of exercise at home. Normal activity during wake increased the mean temperature during wake by an average of 0.16 degrees C and the overall mean by about 0.12 degrees C. (Analysis of variance indicated that mean temperature during sleep at home was not significantly different from the mean during sleep in bedrest.) A 10-hr "night" (lights-off from 2200 to 0800 hr) was provided during bedrest, within which subjects could select their own sleep times. Times of sleep onset and wake onset were not significantly different between home and bedrest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lithium slowed and split the wheel-running circadian rhythms of blinded rats.  相似文献   

The geniculohypothalamic tract (GHT) is a projection from the intergeniculate leaflet to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The GHT exhibits neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity and appears to communicate photic information to the SCN. Microinjection of NPY into the SCN has been found to phase shift circadian rhythms of hamsters housed in constant light in a manner similar to the phase shifts produced by pulses of darkness or triazolam injections. In the present study, NPY was injected into the SCN of Syrian hamsters housed in constant darkness and was found to produce phase shifts similar to those seen in hamsters housed in constant light. Microinjections were not followed by wheel running during the subjective day (the time when NPY microinjections are followed by significant phase advances). These data suggest that NPY produces phase shifts by some mechanism other than by inducing wheel running or by inhibiting the response of SCN neurons to light and supports a role for NPY in nonphotic shifting of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

To systematically determine the effects of daytime exposure to sleep in darkness on human circadian phase, four groups of subjects participated in 4-day studies involving either no nap (control), a morning nap (0900-1500), an afternoon nap (1400-2000), or an evening nap (1900-0100) in darkness. Except during the scheduled sleep/dark periods, subjects remained awake under constant conditions, i.e., constant dim light exposure (36 lx), recumbence, and caloric intake. Blood samples were collected at 20-min intervals for 64 h to determine the onsets of nocturnal melatonin and thyrotropin secretion as markers of circadian phase before and after stimulus exposure. Sleep was polygraphically recorded. Exposure to sleep and darkness in the morning resulted in phase delays, whereas exposure in the evening resulted in phase advances relative to controls. Afternoon naps did not change circadian phase. These findings indicate that human circadian phase is dependent on the timing of darkness and/or sleep exposure and that strategies to treat circadian misalignment should consider not only the timing and intensity of light, but also the timing of darkness and/or sleep.  相似文献   

A dual oscillator basis for mammalian circadian rhythms is suggested by the splitting of activity rhythms into two components in constant light and by the photoperiodic control of pineal melatonin secretion and phase-resetting effects of light. Because splitting and photoperiodism depend on incompatible environmental conditions, however, these literatures have remained distinct. The refinement of a procedure for splitting hamster rhythms in a 24-h light-dark:light-dark cycle has enabled the authors to assess the ability of each of two circadian oscillators to initiate melatonin secretion and to respond to light pulses with behavioral phase shifting and induction of Fos-immunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Hamsters exposed to a regimen of afternoon novel wheel running (NWR) split their circadian rhythms into two distinct components, dividing their activity between the latter half of the night and the afternoon dark period previously associated with NWR. Plasma melatonin concentrations were elevated during both activity bouts of split hamsters but were not elevated during the afternoon period in unsplit controls. Light pulses delivered during either the nighttime or afternoon activity bout caused that activity component to phase-delay on subsequent days and induced robust expression of Fos-immunoreactivity in the SCN. Light pulses during intervening periods of locomotor inactivity were ineffective. The authors propose that NWR splits the circadian pacemaker into two distinct oscillatory components separated by approximately 180 degrees, with each expressing a short subjective night.  相似文献   

Inhibition of wheel running by light (masking) was investigated in Syrian hamsters with suprachiasmatic nucleus or sham lesions. Approximately 90% of the wheel revolutions made by hamsters with complete suprachiasmatic nucleus lesions, as judged by histology and power spectrum analysis of their wheel running, occurred during the dark phases of an ultradian light-dark cycle (3.5 h light, 3.5 h dark). This was demonstrated for two illumination levels (380 lx and 6 lx). Similar results were obtained with sham-operated animals. In further tests, the hamsters with lesions also retained a strong preference for the dark side of a box divided into dark and light sides. These results demonstrate that the suprachiasmatic nucleus is not necessary for masking by light or the preference for a dark over a light compartment. Evidently the direct effects of light can substitute for the endogenous control by the suprachiasmatic nucleus to maintain appropriate behaviour in time and space. Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

The responses of red squirrels(Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and eastern chipmunks(Tamias striatus) to complete and skeleton light-dark (LD) cycles were compared. The skeletons, comprised of two 1-h pulses of light per day, effectively simulated the complete photoperiods in the squirrels, but not the chipmunks. Skeleton photoperiods greater than 12-h caused the chipmunks to shift activity from the longer to the shorter of the two intervals between the pulses. To interpret the mechanism of phase control, squirrels and chipmunks were kept in continuous darkness and exposed to 1-h light pulses every 10 days. The time-course of entrainment was also quantified. Both techniques produced light-response curves. The data suggest that the parametric and non-parametric contributions to entrainment are different in these two rodent species.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

Plasticity of diel and circadian activity rhythms in fishes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In many fish species, some individuals arediurnal while others are nocturnal. Sometimes,the same individual can be diurnal at first andthen switch to nocturnalism, or vice-versa.This review examines the factors that areassociated with such plasticity. It covers thebreakdown of activity rhythms during migration,spawning, and the parental phase; reversals ofactivity patterns during ontogeny or from oneseason to the next; effects of light intensity,temperature, predation risk, shoal size, foodavailability, and intraspecific competition.Case studies featuring goldfish (Carassiusauratus), golden shiner (Notemigonuscrysoleucas), lake chub (Couesiusplumbeus), salmonids, sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and parentalsticklebacks and cichlids illustrate some ofthese influences. It is argued that mostspecies have a circadian system but that havingsuch a system does not necessarily imply strictdiurnalism or nocturnalism. Rigidity ofactivity phase seems more common in species,mostly marine, that display behavioral sleep,and for these animals the circadian clock canhelp maintain the integrity of the sleepperiod and ensure that its occurrence takes place atthat time of day to which the animal's sensoryequipment is not as well adapted. However, inother fishes, mostly from freshwater habitats,the circadian clock seems to be used mainly foranticipation of daily events such as thearrival of day, night, or food, and possiblyfor other abilities such as time-place learningand sun compass orientation, rather than forstrict control of activity phase. In thesespecies, various considerations relating toforaging success and predation risk maydetermine whether the animal is diurnal ornocturnal at any particular time and place.  相似文献   

Summary The circadian rhythm of wheel running behavior was observed to dissociate into two distinct components (i.e. split) within 30 to 110 days in 56% of male hamsters exposed to constant light (Figs. 1–2). Splitting was abolished in all 16 animals that were transferred from constant light (LL) to constant darkness (DD) within 1–4 days of DD, and the components of the re-fused activity rhythm assumed a phase relationship that is characteristic of hamsters maintained in DD (Figs. 3–5). Re-fusion of the split activity rhythm was accompanied by a change in period (); in 14 animals increased while in the other 2 animals decreased after transfer to DD.After 10–30 days in DD, the hamsters were transferred back into LL at various time points throughout the circadian cycle. A few of these animals went through two or three LL to DD to LL transitions. The effect of re-exposure to LL was dependent on the phase relationship between the transition into LL and the activity rhythm. A rapid (i.e. 1–4 days) induction of splitting was observed in 7 of 9 cases when hamsters were transferred into LL 4–5 h after the onset of activity (Fig. 5). In the other 2 animals, the activity pattern was ultradian or aperiodic for 20 to 50 days before eventually coalescing into a split activity pattern. In contrast, transfer of animals (n = 13) from DD to LL at other circadian times did not result in the rapid induction of splitting and the activity rhythm continued to free-run with a single bout of activity (Fig. 5). Importantly, a transfer from DD to LL 4–5 h after the onset of activity did not induce splitting if the hamsters had not shown a split activity rhythm during a previous exposure to LL (n=10; Fig. 6).These studies indicate that transfer of split hamsters from LL to DD results in the rapid re-establishment of the normal phase relationship between the two circadian oscillators which underlie the two components of activity during splitting. In addition, there appears to be a history-dependent effect of splitting which renders the circadian system susceptible to becoming split again. The rapid re-initiation of the split condition upon transfer from DD to LL at only a specific circadian time is discussed in terms of the phase response curve for this species.Abbreviation PRC phase response curve This investigation was supported by NIH grants HD-09885 and HD-12622 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and by a grant from the Whitehall FoundationRecipient of Research Career Development Award K04 HD-00249 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity were observed in the unanesthetized and unrestrained Syrian hamsters, Djungarian hamsters and Chinese hamsters, and the differences in these biological characters among the three species of hamster were investigated. In each species, body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity in the dark period were higher than those in the light period. Heart rate of Chinese hamsters was higher than that of the others in both the light and dark periods. In addition, it was found that the body temperature of Djungarian hamsters decreased rapidly one time a day. These results show species differences in body temperature, heart rate and locomotor activity of Syrian, Djungarian and Chinese hamsters.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to provide an example of nonsocial and nonphotic entrainment in Syrian hamsters, together with a corresponding phase response curve (PRC). Fourteen male hamsters were given 2-hr bouts of induced activity (mostly wheel running) at 23.83-hr intervals in constant darkness (DD). The activity onsets of 10 hamsters entrained to this manipulation, with no anticipatory activity present. After entrainment, the rhythms resumed free-running from a time 0.66-3.91 hr after the onset of the last bout of induced activity. Postentrainment free-running periods were shorter than pre-entrainment values. The PRC for 2-hr pulses of induced activity in DD revealed phase advances induced in some animals between circadian time (CT) 4 and CT 11 (approximately the last half of the hamsters' rest period), and delays between CT 23 and CT 3 and between CT 17 and CT 20. The CTs for phase advances are compatible with the phase angle differences observed between rhythm and zeitgeber at the end of entrainment. Many features of the results (not all animals entraining, PRC characteristics, lack of observable anticipation to the daily stimuli, phase relationship between zeitgeber and activity rhythms) are similar to those from a previous study on social entrainment in this species (Mrosovsky, 1988). These similarities reinforce the idea that induced activity and social zeitgebers act on activity rhythms via a common mechanism.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are highly important not only for the synchronization of animals and humans with their periodic environment but also for their fitness. Accordingly, the disruption of the circadian system may have adverse consequences. A certain number of animals in our breeding stock of Djungarian hamsters are episodically active throughout the day. Also body temperature and melatonin lack 24-h rhythms. Obviously in these animals, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) as the central pacemaker do not generate a circadian signal. Moreover, these so-called arrhythmic (AR) hamsters have cognitive deficits. Since motor activity is believed to stabilize circadian rhythms, we investigated the effect of voluntary wheel running. Hamsters were bred and kept under standardized housing conditions with food and water ad libitum and a 14 L/10 D lighting regimen. AR animals were selected according to their activity pattern obtained by means of passive infrared motion detectors. In a first step, the daily activity behavior was investigated for 3 weeks each without and with running wheels. To estimate putative photic masking effects, hamsters were exposed to light (LPs) and DPs and also released into constant darkness for a minimum of 3 weeks. A novel object recognition (NOR) test was performed to evaluate cognitive abilities both before and after 3 weeks of wheel availability. The activity patterns of hamsters with low wheel activity were still AR. With more intense running, daily patterns with higher values in the dark time were obtained. Obviously, this was due to masking as LPs did suppress and DPs induced motor activity. When transferred to constant darkness, in some animals the daily rhythm disappeared. In other hamsters, namely those which used the wheels most actively, the rhythm was preserved and free-ran, what can be taken as indication of a reconstitution of circadian rhythmicity. Also, animals showing a 24-h activity pattern after 3 weeks of extensive wheel running were able to recognize the novel object in the NOR test but not so before. The results show that voluntary exercise may reestablish circadian rhythmicity and improve cognitive performance.  相似文献   

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