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We investigated changes in species composition and structure of tree and liana communities along a successional gradient in a seasonally dry tropical forest. There was a progressive increase in tree richness and all tree structural traits from early to late stages, as well as marked changes in tree species composition and dominance. This pattern is probably related to pasture management practices such as ploughing, which remove tree roots and preclude regeneration by resprouting. On the other hand, liana density decreased from intermediate to late stages, showing a negative correlation with tree density. The higher liana abundance in intermediate stage is probably due to a balanced availability of support and light availability, since these variables may show opposite trends during forest growth. Predicted succession models may represent extremes in a continuum of possible successional pathways strongly influenced by land use history, climate, soil type, and by the outcomes of tree–liana interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Post-fire succession was reconstructed for a sector located in the southern part of the Québec boreal forest. Forest composition for different periods since fire was evaluated using a stand initiation map together with ecological maps representing both site conditions and stand types. Nine fires covering at least 100 ha and representing a chronosequence of more than 230 yr were used. Although a relatively clear successional pattern from deciduous to coniferous composition relating to time-since-fire was observed, Pinus banksiana stands showed an erratic distribution not related to succession but possibly to the pre-fire stand composition. A comparison with forest cover maps produced after a recent spruce budworm outbreak, showed that succession toward coniferous dominance appeared to be interrupted by spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) outbreaks which, by killing Abies balsamea, lead to a mixed deciduous forest composition. A simple empirical model based on a negative exponential distribution of age classes was developed to evaluate how changes in the fire cycle would affect the composition of the forest mosaic. The transition between deciduous dominance and coniferous dominance occurs in a fire cycle > 200 yr. Although pure deciduous stands tend to disappear during long fire cycles, the proportion of mixed stands remains relatively constant. Prediction of the forest composition for longer fire cycles is complicated by the interaction between post-fire composition and stand vulnerability to spruce budworm outbreaks.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated changes in the composition and abundance of understory species after fire in the southern boreal forest around Lake Duparquet, Québec. Ten plots of 100 m2 were sampled in each of eight sites varying in post-fire age from 26 to 230 yr, with 20 1-m2 quadrats in each of these 80 plots. Variation in the understory was described by DCA ordination and interpreted as a regeneration succession series. Thickness of the organic layers, stand age and canopy composition were all correlated with vegetational change. This change was not constant throughout succession; some old sites showed an increase in the diversity and abundance of certain pioneer species. This was partly related to openings in the canopy resulting from a major outbreak of spruce budworm, which affected sites dominated by Abies balsamea. The ordinations were performed on both the 100-m2 plots and the 1-m2 quadrats. Heterogeneity within sites was larger at the 1-m2 scale and there was a great deal of overlap in the position of the quadrats in ordination space. At the smaller scale of analysis, stand age and thickness of the organic layers were not correlated with the changes observed in the understory.  相似文献   

Certain of the problems associated with the use of size-class ordinations to identify successional pathways are explored. Examples of such ordinations, where it was attempted to minimize a number of the interpretational dangers noted by Austin (1977), are presented for two tropical rainforest types from Papua New Guinea. By limiting the analysis to groups of sites which show a high degree of homogeneity, and by using the non-linear ordination method Continuity Analysis (Noy-Meir 1974) a simple successional interpretation of the species-in-size-class data was possible. As heterogeneity increases so does the number of possible interpretations of the resultant size-class-in-space pattern.Nomenclature follows Paijmans, K. (ed.) 1976. New Guinea Vegetation. A.N.U. Press, Canberra.I would like to thank Dr. T. Meredith and Dr. J. Ogden for reading and commenting on a draft of this paper. The research was conducted whilst the author was a Ph.D. scholar in the Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology, R.S.Pac.S., Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.  相似文献   

长白山次生林演替过程中土壤动物群落的变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对长白山白河局不同林龄的次生林土壤动物的组成进行比较。探讨了土壤动物群落随森林采伐更新演替的变化以及演替阶段(增长期、过渡期和稳定期).研究表明,不同类群土壤动物的演变趋势是腐食类群数量相对较多,其变化趋势接近植被的变化规律,均是经过上升、下降,最后达到稳定;植食类群演替前期在整个群落中所占比例较高,随着演替年代的增加,比例呈下降的趋势;捕食类群经过100年左右的演替,数量明显增加;从昆虫类群组成来看,林龄较短者,未稳定的类群数较多,林龄较长者,未稳定的类群较少.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the precision of six diversity indices, four of them empirical when including in their formulae climax adaptation numbers. These numbers define the succession position of the plant species in five forest areas in Sao Paulo State. We simulated hypothetical forests and compared the results with a list of species in the five areas. Low agreement was found among the indices in succession stages. Including the climax adaptation numbers increased precision for only some indices.  相似文献   

Abstract. Forests in the southwestern Cape are restricted to sheltered stream banks and patches of rock scree owing to protection from recurrent fire and the more favourable soil moisture conditions in these habitats. The effects of a prescribed burn on 17 March 1987 on the forest / fynbos boundaries in the Swartboskloof catchment are described. No evidence of erosion of the forest edge was recorded, although this could be ascribed to the low intensity of the fire. Soil properties, primarily pH and aluminium and available phosphorus levels, differed markedly between forest and fynbos. It is argued, however, that this is a result, not a cause of vegetation change. Light extinction levels and soil moisture availability after the fire were lower in the fynbos than in the forest, and are considered to preclude incursions of forest species into fynbos of a low post-fire age.  相似文献   

云南松林次生演替阶段土壤细菌群落的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤细菌多样性是维持森林生态系统功能的关键因子,森林演替是影响其动态变化的重要因素.研究云南松林不同演替阶段土壤细菌群落结构及其多样性的变化规律,有助于深入理解森林生态系统恢复过程的驱动机制.本研究以云南省永仁县皆伐后形成的针叶林、针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林为对象,基于Illumina Hiseq高通量测序技术,分析森林演...  相似文献   

Abstract. Mimicking of natural disturbance for ecosystem management requires an understanding of the disturbance processes and the resulting landscape patterns. Since fire is the major disturbance in the boreal forest, three widely held beliefs about fire behavior and resulting landscape patterns are examined in light of the empirical evidence available. These beliefs are: (1) that there is a ‘natural’ fire frequency for boreal ecosystems; (2) that the landscape mosaic created by wildfire is generally one of small, younger patches embedded within a matrix of older forest; and (3) that forest flammability is largely controlled by fuel accumulation. Despite the apparently logical basis for such beliefs, they are not well supported by empirical evidence. This discrepancy is explained by problems such as failure to appreciate the relationship between number of fires and area burned and inappropriate extrapolations or generalizations from other regions and vegetation types. The most important implications for management are that the natural disturbance processes producing landscape patterns in the boreal forest generally operate at much larger scales than management units, and that humans may have more indirect (through landuse change) rather than direct (through fire suppression) effects on the frequency of wildfires.  相似文献   

Abstract. The concentrations and contents of organic matter and nutrients in organic deposits on the forest floor were estimated along a 231-yr chronosequence following fire at the southern limit of the boreal forest in eastern Canada. The sampling design was stratified to take into account the variability related to the presence of the principal tree species as well as to the presence of large gaps created by a recent spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) outbreak. The forest floor showed a steady accumulation of organic matter and total nutrients with time-since-fire and a 50 % decrease in the concentrations of available P and K, but not N (as determined by aerobic incubation). The increase in forest-floor weight was accompanied by an increased storage of available N, Ca and Mg. The availability of N and Ca was more strongly affected by tree species and gaps than by time-since-fire. A high N-availability was observed under Betula papyrifera and in gaps, while high a Ca-availability was found near Populus tremuloides and Thuja occidentalis. In old sites, the forest floor of gaps, created by a recent spruce budworm outbreak, had a necromass similar to that of a young forest, but the low concentrations of available P and K of an old forest.  相似文献   

Species-rich plant communities characteristic for succession from mesotrophic open water to fen are very rare in The Netherlands. These vegetation types used to occur in turf ponds in the low lying peatland area, created by peat dredging and filled with water due to seepage of mesotrophic, well-buffered groundwater. One of the goals of the National Nature Policy Plan is to create new opportunities for the initial terrestrialization communities through ecological engineering, e.g., restoration and creation of open water habitats. Restoration of the abiotic conditions in acidified floating fen communities is only possible by a combined measure of removal of the Sphagnum-layer and superficial drainage of surplus rain water. New turfponds have been excavated. This study showed that the abiotic conditions (i.e., water depth and water chemistry) are favorable for the development of aquatic communities characteristic of mesotrophic conditions. The aquatic plant species found in the new ponds also point in this direction, e.g., Chara major and Ch. delicatula are very abundant as are seven Potamogeton species. It is concluded that a constant discharge of groundwater and a good connectivity between the ponds and the existing remnants of plant communities desired in the area are essential for the conservation and development of these species-rich plant communities.  相似文献   

不同森林恢复类型对土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42  
为了评价不同森林恢复类型与方式对南方红壤丘陵区退化生态系统土壤微生物群落的影响,借助氯仿熏蒸法、平板涂抹法和BIOLOG检测法,比较研究了4种森林恢复类型土壤微生物的群落特征.结果表明,4种森林恢复类型土壤微生物生物量碳、细菌数量差异显著,2项指标均以天然次生林土壤最高,人工林次之,荒地最差;碳源平均颜色变化率(AWCD法)和微生物代谢多样性指数(丰富度和多样性)在5种植被类型的土壤中也有明显差异,其趋势与微生物量碳、细菌数量基本相同;天然次生林土壤微生物群落利用碳源的整体能力和功能多样性比人工林和荒地强.相关分析表明,0~20和20~40cm土壤微生物的代谢多样性与根系生物量紧密相关(r=0.933,P<0.05;r=0.925,P<0.05).自然恢复更有利于改善土壤微生物的结构和功能.  相似文献   

缙云山森林群落次生演替中土壤理化性质的动态变化   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
刘鸿雁  黄建国 《应用生态学报》2005,16(11):2041-2046
选择典型、有代表性的不同演替阶段群落,进行了植被调查和土壤分析.结果表明,土壤理化性质在演替方向和土壤剖面上表现出较强的规律.土壤有机质随植被从低级向高级演进逐渐积累,分别是19.5(X1)、37.0(X2)、50.1(X3)和71.6 g·kg-1(X4);土壤全N、碱解氮和速效钾等也呈上升趋势;土壤pH和盐基饱和度降低,阳离子交换量增加.在土壤剖面上,有机质、全N等指标表现出A>B>C层的趋势.灰色关联度分析表明,随着演替的进行,土壤肥力提高,物种丰富度和郁闭度也相应增加.不同群落土壤理化性质在不同季节有显著差异,但这种差异并不影响植物与土壤在大时间尺度下的演变方向.土壤理化性质的动态变化与植物演替相适应.  相似文献   

西双版纳不同演替状态热带次生林土壤节肢动物群落特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用样地调查法,对西双版纳4种不同演替状况热带次生林:中平树(Macavanga denticulate)、崖豆藤(Millettia laptobotrya)、野芭蕉(Musa acuminata)与黄竹(Dendrocalamus membranaceae)林的土壤节肢动物群落结构与季节变化进行了研究.结果表明,4类不同演替状况次生林土壤节肢动物群落在数量优势类群组成上无较大差异,蜱螨目为所有4类林地的突出优势类群,膜翅目、弹尾目和鞘翅目在不同林地中分别为不同数量等级的次优势类群,而在常见和稀有类群的组成上,各林地表现出较大的差异.土壤节肢动物类群数、个体数和DG多样性指数以正向演替的崖豆藤林最高,偏途演替的黄竹林最低,但中平树、崖豆藤和野芭蕉林的差异不大.4类林地土壤节肢动物类群数和个体数的垂直分布分别以凋落物层和土壤表层(0~5cm)最高,其它各层分布因林地不同各异,并存在明显的季节差异.各林地土壤节肢动物个体数和类群数的季节消长总体表现出干季和雨季初期与末期高于雨量最大的雨季中期,由于不同林地植被结构、凋落物数量和质量以及土壤水热状况不同,其季节变化显现样地差异,除了受林地降水量和温度变化影响外,食物的丰欠和栖息场所的干扰状况也有重要的影响作用.  相似文献   

Metabolic quotient of the soil microflora in relation to plant succession   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary In this study we propose the hypothesis that ecosystem succession is accompanied by a decrease in the metabolic quotient qCO2 (respiration-to-biomass ratio) of the soil microflora. The qCO2 is calculated from basal respiration (CO2-C·h-1) per unit microbial biomass carbon (Cmier). The hypothesis was tested by studying two primary successions on recessional moraines of the Rotmoos Ferner (Austria) and the Athabasca Glacier (Canada). For both soil seres (0->200 years) it was shown that the qCO2 decreased with time, which corroborated the hypothesis. In addition, the short term development of the qCO2 was demonstrated with a revegetation trial. We observed a rise in qCO2 for the first two years after reclamation, followed by a subsequent decrease.  相似文献   

丁圣彦  卢训令  李昊民 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2862-2867
常绿阔叶林是我国中亚热带东部典型植被类型,根据野外踏查和固定样地调查发现,天童国家森林公园内发育着常绿阔叶林一个完整的演替系列,包含着6个不同演替阶段。应用W inScanopy For C anopy A na lys is软件对研究区内不同演替阶段群落冠层进行分析,得到不同群落冠层和林下的光环境特征指标:PPFD(光合光量子通量密度)和相关的冠层结构形态学指标G ap fraction(空隙度)、LA I(叶面积指数)、M LA(平均叶倾角),通过对这些指标的分析比较,得到的基本规律大致是林冠层的光合有效光量子通量密度随演替逐渐降低,林冠下面的光合有效光量子通量密度随着群落演替的进展变化更为明显。马尾松林的林冠空隙度明显高于其他阶段的群落,总的趋势是随群落演替的进展而降低。叶面积指数随演替的进展而呈增加趋势。平均叶倾角随演替的进展先增大而后减小。这些结果反映了常绿阔叶林不同演替阶段群落由于不同树种树冠形态学结构的差异和微环境的不同,形成了特定群落内的特定光环境。  相似文献   

Bakker  S. A.  Jasperse  C.  Verhoeven  J. T. A. 《Plant Ecology》1997,129(2):113-120
This paper investigates the rates of peat accumulation associated with different phases in the succession from open water to carr forest in shallow ponds created by peat dredging in The Netherlands. Four phases had been recognized in a previous study of aerial photographs for the period 1937–1990, i.e. open water (Aq), reed swamp (SA), brownmoss quaking fen (BM) and carr forest (CF). Peat accumulation rates were estimated by relating the amounts of organic matter stored to the data on the successional history for 21 different sites.The organic matter accumulation rates were highest in the SA phase (1.12 kg m-2 y-1 on a dry weight basis), intermediate in the BM and CF phases (0.49 and 0.58 kg m-2 y-1), and lowest in the Aq phase (0.26 kg m-2 y-1). These values are high in comparison with values determined for fen ecosystems with stratigraphic methods in combination with radiocarbon dating. The accumulation rates were inversely related to the average duration of the successional phases, suggesting that peat accumulation is a major driving force behind the succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied vegetation structure and soil seed bank composition in different successional stages of secondary lowland tropical deciduous forest in Yucatán, Mexico. The series of study sites includes: slashed (S), slashed-and-burned (SB), and regenerating for 1, 6, 10, 15, 30, 40 and 100 yr. Species richness (S = 42 - 65), evenness (E = 0.32 - 0.38), and diversity (H' = 1.2 - 1.6) do not vary much as the forest grows older. 20 species of shrubs and trees were present in at least six of the seven regrowth years studied; 10 of these account for more than 50% of the total density values per regrowth year. These species dominate the vegetation due to their capacity to withstand repeated fire and felling. One third of the individuals sampled had regenerated from coppiced shoots. Species composition little resembles that in earlier accounts. The area is now largely covered by young regrowth stages (1 - 20 yr). Species constituting the original woody structure of the mature forest are rare or absent due to the lack of seed sources and failure of dispersal (which is due to limited dispersal capacities), lack of dispersal agents, or long distances. Herbs were the most important life form in the soil seed banks; only one tree species was found. The number of viable seeds varied between sampled areas: 70/m2 in the 40 yr-old, to 1 815/m2 in the slashed-and-burned (SB). The vegetation of S- and SB-areas was the same, but the number of viable seeds germinating in SB was twice the number in S; the number of species in the seed bank is the same for both areas. We speculate that fire modifies species dominance early in succession, allowing seeds of some species to germinate in great numbers.  相似文献   

The trajectory of forests establishing on reclaimed oil sands mines in the Canadian boreal forest is uncertain. Soil microbes, namely mycorrhizal fungi, partly underlie successional trajectories of plant communities, yet their role in restoration is often overlooked. Here, we tested the relative importance of common management tools used in restoration—species planted and soil placement—on the recovery of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities over 4 years. Importantly, we further compared the community assembly of fungi on reclaimed landscapes to that in reference ecosystems disturbed to different degrees. This latter test addresses whether disturbance intensity is more important than common management interventions to restore fungal communities in these ecosystems. Three main findings emerged. (1) The effect of tree species planted and soil placement on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities establishing on reclaimed landscapes was dynamic through time. (2) Disturbances that remove or disrupt the organic layer of soils substantially affect the composition of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. (3) Shifts in the community composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi were driven to a greater extent by disturbance severity than either tree species planted or soil placement.  相似文献   

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