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Stomatopods (mantis shrimps) possess apposition compound eyes that contain more photoreceptor types than any other animal described. This has been achieved by sub-dividing the eye into three morphologically discrete regions, a mid-band and two laterally placed hemispheres, and within the mid-band, making simple modifications to a commonly encountered crustacean photoreceptor pattern of eight photoreceptors (rhabdomeres) per ommatidium. Optically the eyes are also unusual with the directions of view of the ommatidia of all three eye regions skewed such that over 70% of the eye views a narrow strip in space. In order to scan the world with this strip, the stalked eyes of stomatopods are in almost continual motion. Functionally, the end result is a trinocular eye with monocular range finding capability, a 12-channel colour vision system, a 2-channel linear polarisation vision system and a line scan sampling arrangement that more resembles video cameras and satellite sensors than animal eyes. Not surprisingly, we are still struggling to understand the biological significance of stomatopod vision and attempt few new explanations here. Instead we use this special edition as an opportunity to review and summarise the structural aspects of the stomatopod retina that allow it to be so functionally complex.  相似文献   

在蛋白质工程、绿色生物制造以及合成生物学等研究领域中,对重要催化反应的重塑和合成路径的优化搭建,都依赖于对相关蛋白质结构与功能的深入了解。合成生物技术近年来的飞速发展对关键菌种及生物催化过程中的蛋白质的性能提出了更高要求,相关研究的关键是获得大批量、高纯度目的蛋白,并进行快速、准确的构效关系研究。中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所建所10年来,在工业蛋白质领域进行了多年的积累,成功搭建成了蛋白质结构生物学平台;并在植物天然产物合成相关萜类合成酶、白色污染降解的聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(polyethylene terephthalate, PET)塑料降解酶以及生物质转化利用相关酶等方面获得了一些进展,通过对这些蛋白进行结构和功能的研究,为许多研究工作提供了理论依据。蛋白质结构功能研究相关技术的不断发展,将加速合成生物学的学术和工业应用研究,推动我国生物制造领域的科技创新升级。  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) is important clinically and is the current target for new drug development. Its structure and mechanism of action has not been well understood. We have combined current new structural and functional methods to compare with relevant prior data. These analyses have led us to propose several steps in CETP's function at the molecular level, in the context of its interactions with lipoproteins, e.g., sensing, penetration, docking, selectivity, ternary complex formation, lipid transfer, and HDL dissociation. These new molecular insights improve our understanding of CETP's mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate how selected natural compounds (naringin, caffeic acid, and limonene) induce shifts in both bacterial community structure and degradative activity in long-term polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soil and how these changes correlate with changes in chlorobiphenyl degradation capacity. In order to address this issue, we have integrated analytical methods of determining PCB degradation with pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene tag-encoded amplicons and DNA-stable isotope probing (SIP). Our model system was set in laboratory microcosms with PCB-contaminated soil, which was enriched for 8 weeks with the suspensions of flavonoid naringin, terpene limonene, and phenolic caffeic acid. Our results show that application of selected plant secondary metabolites resulted in bacterial community structure far different from the control one (no natural compound amendment). The community in soil treated with caffeic acid is almost solely represented by Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia (together over 99 %). Treatment with naringin resulted in an enrichment of Firmicutes to the exclusion of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. SIP was applied in order to identify populations actively participating in 4-chlorobiphenyl catabolism. We observed that naringin and limonene in soil foster mainly populations of Hydrogenophaga spp., caffeic acid Burkholderia spp. and Pseudoxanthomonas spp. None of these populations were detected among 4-chlorobiphenyl utilizers in non-amended soil. Similarly, the degradation of individual PCB congeners was influenced by the addition of different plant compounds. Residual content of PCBs was lowest after treating the soil with naringin. Addition of caffeic acid resulted in comparable decrease of total PCBs with non-amended soil; however, higher substituted congeners were more degraded after caffeic acid treatment compared to all other treatments. Finally, it appears that plant secondary metabolites have a strong effect on the bacterial community structure, activity, and associated degradative ability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review current knowledge and understandings of gene control and cell differentiation, based upon an appreciation of a possible role that nuclear microanatomy and considerations of steric symmetry might play. Metaphase sister chromatids have identical base codes but show a mirror image symmetry of higher order coiling. Chromosomes in the interphase nucleus have spatially well defined domains and are anatomically distinct and ordered. Chromosomes are known to have interactions i.e. sex chromosome inactivation, PEV, etc. An hypothesis of gene activation is made based on steric interactions among chromosomes and between chromosomes and activating and repressor proteins. These interactions may be influenced by the handedness of higher order chromatid coiling, since homologues show mirror-image symmetrical coiling in metaphase, which might be retained to a certain degree in interphase. This may result in a binary switching of genes. All possible combinations of chromatids in the interphase nucleus, would be enabled by a differential segregation of homologous chromatids at mitosis. To conserve patterns of interchromatid interactions, there must be a programmed segregation of chromatids towards one of the two spindle pole attachments. This orientation might be effected by preferential attachment of microtubules to kinetochore attachment sites, by steric hindrance of the kinetochore by condensed chromatin which initially allows only unidirectional tubule attachment, or possibly by a tethering of interacting chromatids which would migrate en masse. An attempt to apply this hypothesis to some illustrative pathological conditions is made.  相似文献   

Intercalated discs of mammalian heart: a review of structure and function   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Intercalated discs are exceptionally complex entities, and possess considerable functional significance in terms of the workings of the myocardium. Examination of different species and heart regions indicates that the original histological term has become out-moded; it is likely, however, that all such complexes will continue to fall under the generic heading of 'intercalated discs'. The membranes of the intercalated discs establish specific associations with a variety of intracellular and extracellular structures, as well as with numerous types of proteins and glycoproteins. Characterization of discs and their components has already brought together a large number of research disciplines, including microscopy, cytochemistry, morphometry, cell isolation and culture, cell fractionation, cryogenics, immunology, biochemistry, and electrophysiology. The continued dissection of substance and function of intercalated discs will depend on such interdisciplinary approaches. The intercalated disc component which continues to attract the greatest amount of interest is the so-called gap junction. All indications thus far point to a great deal of inherent lability in the architecture of the gap junction. There is thus considerable potential for the creation of artefact while preserving and observing gap junctions, and this problem will doubtless continue to hamper the understanding of their functions. A question of special interest concerns whether the gap junctions of intercalated discs are required for transfer of electrical excitation between cells, or maintain cell-to-cell adhesion, or in fact subserve both electrical and structural phenomena. Two schools of thought exist with respect to cell-to-cell coupling in the heart. One proposes that low-resistance junctions in the discs mediate electrical coupling, whereas the other supports the possibility of coupling across ordinary high-resistance membranes. Thus the intercalated discs continue to be a source of controversy, just as they have been since they were originally discovered in heart muscle over a century ago.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cell nucleus displays a high degree of spatial organization, with discrete functional subcompartments that provide microenvironments where specialized processes take place. Concordantly, the genome also adopts defined conformations that, in part, enable specific genomic regions to interface with these functional centers. Yet the roles of many subcompartments and the genomic regions that contact them have not been explored fully. More fundamentally, it is not entirely clear how genome organization impacts function, and vice versa. The past decade has witnessed the development of a new breed of methods that are capable of assessing the spatial organization of the genome. These stand to further our understanding of the relationship between genome structure and function, and potentially assign function to various nuclear subcompartments. Here, we review the principal techniques used for analyzing genomic interactions, the functional insights they have afforded and discuss the outlook for future advances in nuclear structure and function dynamics.  相似文献   

The spatial separation between the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus necessitates the continuous exchange of macromolecular cargo across the double-membraned nuclear envelope. Being the only passageway in and out of the nucleus, the nuclear pore complex (NPC) has the principal function of regulating the high throughput of nucleocytoplasmic transport in a highly selective manner so as to maintain cellular order and function. Here, we present a retrospective review of the evidence that has led to the current understanding of both NPC structure and function. Looking towards the future, we contemplate on how various outstanding effects and nanoscopic characteristics ought to be addressed, with the goal of reconciling structure and function into a single unified picture of the NPC.  相似文献   

Cathelicidins作为大多数脊椎动物所特有的宿主防御肽,除了具有高效广谱的抗菌活性外,还具有如抗炎症、伤口修复、抑制组织损伤和促进血管生成等重要活性,因此成为蛋白多肽类新药研发热点。近年来,以其为模板进行的结构改造主要有以下几类:通过点突变、氨基酸替换、活性片段拼接、化学修饰以及轭合物和二聚体构建等手段提高cathelicidins的生物学活性;通过添加或删减氨基酸残基和破坏Leu和Phe拉链结构等手段可以降低cathelicidins的细胞毒性和溶血活性;通过D-型氨基酸替换L-型氨基酸、构建环形和固位型cathelicidins的方式增强其体内外稳定性等。  相似文献   

Living cells can filter the same set of biochemical signals to produce different functional outcomes depending on the deformation of the cell. It has been suggested that the cell may be "hard-wired" such that external forces can mediate internal nuclear changes through the modification of established, balanced, internal cytoskeletal tensions. This review will discuss the potential of subnuclear structures and nuclear chromatin to participate in or respond to transduction of mechanical signals originating outside the nucleus. The mechanical interactions of intranuclear structure with the nuclear lamina will be examined. The nuclear lamina, in turn, provides a structural link between the nucleus and the cytoplasmic and cortical cytoskeleton. These mechanical couplings may provide a basis for regulating gene expression through changes in cell shape.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial carriers (MC) constitute a large family (MCF) of inner membrane transporters displaying different substrate specificities, patterns of gene expression and even non-mitochondrial organelle localization. In Arabidopsis thaliana 58 genes encode these six trans-membrane domain proteins. The number in other sequenced plant genomes varies from 37 to 125, thus being larger than that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and comparable with that of Homo sapiens. In addition to displaying highly similar secondary structures, the proteins of the MCF can be subdivided into subfamilies on the basis of substrate specificity and the presence of specific symmetry-related amino acid triplets. We assessed the predictive power of these triplets by comparing predictions with experimentally determined data for Arabidopsis MCs, and applied these predictions to the not yet functionally characterized mitochondrial carriers of the grass, Brachypodium distachyon, and the alga, Ostreococcus lucimarinus. We additionally studied evolutionary aspects of the plant MCF by comparing sequence data of the Arabidopsis MCF with those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens, then with those of Brachypodium distachyon and Ostreococcus lucimarinus, employing intra- and inter-genome comparisons. Finally, we discussed the importance of the approaches of global gene expression analysis and in vivo characterizations in order to address the relevance of these vital carrier proteins.  相似文献   

Once a decision to treat epilepsy has been made it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the benefits, disadvantages, toxic effects, pharmacokinetics and interactions associated with each anticonvulsant. However, by determining the serum concentration and manipulating it within the therapeutic range it should be possible to find a regimen that adequately controls seizures without introducing unnecessary toxic effects. There are special considerations in choosing anticonvulsants to treat epilepsy in pregnancy, febrile convulsions and status epilepticus.  相似文献   



Higher plants are, like animals, organisms in which successful completion of the cell cycle requires the breakdown and reformation of the nuclear envelope in a highly controlled manner. Interestingly, however, while the structures and processes appear similar, there are remarkable differences in protein composition and function between plants and animals.


Recent characterization of integral and associated components of the plant nuclear envelope has been instrumental in understanding its functions and behaviour. It is clear that protein interactions at the nuclear envelope are central to many processes in interphase and dividing cells and that the nuclear envelope has a key role in structural and regulatory events.


Dissecting the mechanisms of nuclear envelope breakdown and reformation in plants is necessary before a better understanding of the functions of nuclear envelope components during the cell cycle can be gained.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is the most common and pleiotropic modification in biology, which plays a vital role in regulating and finely tuning a multitude of biological pathways. Transport across the nuclear envelope is also an essential cellular function and is intimately linked to many degeneration processes that lead to disease. It is therefore not surprising that phosphorylation of cargos trafficking between the cytoplasm and nucleus is emerging as an important step to regulate nuclear availability, which directly affects gene expression, cell growth and proliferation. However, the literature on phosphorylation of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking cargos is often confusing. Phosphorylation, and its mirror process dephosphorylation, has been shown to have opposite and often contradictory effects on the ability of cargos to be transported across the nuclear envelope. Without a clear connection between attachment of a phosphate moiety and biological response, it is difficult to fully understand and predict how phosphorylation regulates nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. In this review, we will recapitulate clue findings in the field and provide some general rules on how reversible phosphorylation can affect the nuclear-cytoplasmic localization of substrates. This is only now beginning to emerge as a key regulatory step in biology.  相似文献   

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