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Some neoplastic cell lines are readily killed when incubated in the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). In an attempt to elucidate this phenomenon, we studied PUFA-driven superoxide (O2-) production by cultured NS-1 cells (murine lymphoid tumor cells). We find: (1) Even in the absence of added PUFA, NS-1 cells generate O2- (i.e., reduce nitroblue tetrazolium). (2) addition of PUFA increases O2- by greater than 50%. (3) Artificial loading of NS-1 cells with liposome encapsulated superoxide dismutase prevents the majority of spontaneous and PUFA-driven NBT reduction. We conclude that PUFA drives O2- generation by tumor cells, that this generation is largely intracellular, and that this phenomenon may help explain toxicity of PUFA for tumor cells.  相似文献   

The secreted γ‐butyrolactone signalling molecule SVB1 regulates the biosynthesis of jadomycin in Streptomyces venezuelae. Interestingly, this molecule is identical to SCB3, a secreted regulator of secondary metabolism in Streptomyces coelicolor. This is a departure for this class of signalling molecules as there are no previous reports of identical signalling molecules produced in different species. One implication of this work is that different species of bacteria could use shared extracellular signals to co‐ordinate secondary metabolism when and if it is advantageous to do so.  相似文献   

Parenterally administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increases the concentration of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) in the rat hippocampus and evidence suggests that this effect plays a significant role in inhibiting long-term potentiation (LTP). The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, antagonizes certain effects of IL-1beta, so if the effects of LPS are mediated through an increase in IL-1beta, it might be predicted that IL-10 would also abrogate the effect of LPS. Here, we report that IL-10 reversed the inhibitory effect of LPS on LTP and the data couple this with an inhibitory effect on the LPS-induced increase in IL-1beta. LPS treatment increased hippocampal expression of IL-1 receptor Type I protein. Consistent with the LPS-induced increases in IL-1beta concentration and receptor expression, were downstream changes which included enhanced phosphorylation of IRAK and the stress-activated kinases, JNK and p38; these LPS-induced changes were reversed by IL-10, which concurs with the idea that these events are triggered by increased activation of IL-1RI by IL-1beta. We provide evidence which indicates that LPS treatment leads to evidence of cell death and this was reversed in hippocampus prepared from LPS-treated rats which received IL-10. The evidence is therefore consistent with the idea that IL-10 acts to protect neuronal tissue from the detrimental effects induced by LPS.  相似文献   

The synthetic peptide Gly-L-Ala-L-Phe (C14H19N3O4.2H2O; GAF) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2I1), with a = 5.879(1), b = 7.966(1), c = 17.754(2) A, beta = 95.14(2) degrees, Dx = 1.321 g cm-3, and Z = 2. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods using the program SHELXS-86 and refined to an R value of 0.031 for 1425 reflections (greater than 3 sigma). The tripeptide exists as a zwitterion in the crystal and assumes a near alpha-helical backbone conformation with the following torsion angles: psi 1 = -147.8 degrees; phi 2, psi 2 = -71.2 degrees, 33.4 degrees; phi 3, psi 3 = -78.3 degrees, -43.3 degrees. In this structure, one water molecule bridges the COO- and NH3+ terminii to complete a turn of an alpha-helix and another water molecule participates in head-to-tail intermolecular hydrogen bonding, so that the end result is a column of molecules that looks like an alpha-helix. Thus, the two water molecules of crystallization play a major role in stabilizing the near alpha-helical conformation of each tripeptide molecule and in elongating the helix throughout the crystal. An analysis of all protein sequences around regions containing a GAF fragment by Chou-Fasman's secondary structure prediction method showed that those regions are likely to assume an alpha-helical conformation with twice the probability they are likely to adopt a beta-sheet conformation. It is conceivable that a GAF fragment may be a good part of the nucleation site for forming alpha-helical fragments in a polypeptide, with the aqueous medium playing a crucial role in maintaining such transient species.  相似文献   

Critically ill patients revealed significant adverse outcomes (sepsis, septic shock, organ dysfunction/failure, and mortality) despite variable effort. Aim: this study evaluated the association of TNF-a?238 (rs 361525) with adverse outcomes in critically ill patients. TNF-α?238 (rs 361525) SNP was performed by RT-PCR on 200 critically-ill patients (112 had severe sepsis and septic shock and 88 were septic), 127 of them had AKI. Urinary N-acetyl-β-(d)-glucosaminidase and serum creatinine were assessed by modified Jaffé and ELISA respectively. These results revealed that heterozygous genotype GA of TNF-α?238 (rs 361525) SNP significantly increased the risk of adverse-outcome (mortality rate) (P?=?0.0001; OR 8.9), regardless of organ dysfunction (P?=?0.09) or severity of sepsis (P?=?0.6). Moreover, heterozygous genotype GA of TNF-α?238 (rs 361525) SNP was significantly associated with inflammatory marker (sTNF-α) (P?=?0.014) and tubular injury marker (uNAG) (P?=?0.001) that displayed a significant association with severity of sepsis (0.001, 0.035) and organ dysfunction (0.012, 0.0001) respectively. In critically ill patients with sepsis induced AKI, serum TNF-α and uNAG measured at admission can predict severity of sepsis and AKI (defined by REFILE) occurrence along with pre-existing CKD and DM. However, TNF?238 yielded additional prognostic information on ICU mortality irrelevant to AKI in septic patients.  相似文献   

A few studies indirectly support the existence of an intermediate in the transition of Ca(2+)-saturated bovine alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) from the native (N) to the acidic (A) state, known as the molten globule state. However, direct experimental evidence for the appearance of this intermediate has not been obtained. The signal of circular polarization of luminescence (CPL) is sensitive to fine conformational transitions because of its susceptibility to changes in the environmental asymmetry of fluorescent chromophores in their excited electronic states. In the present study, CPL measurements were applied using the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of alpha-LA as well as the fluorescence of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) bound to alpha-LA. CPL of tryptophan and ANS was measured in the pH range of 2.5-6 in order to find direct experimental evidence for the proposed intermediate. CPL (characterized by the emission anisotropy factor, g(em)) depends on the asymmetry of the protein molecular structure in the environment of the tryptophan and the ANS chromophores in the excited electronic state. The pH dependence of both the gab, absorption anisotropy factor determined by CD, and the ANS steady state fluorescence, showed a single transition at pH 3-3.7 as already reported elsewhere. This transition was interpreted as being a result of a change of the alpha-LA tertiary structure, which resulted in a loss of asymmetry of the environment of both the tryptophan residues and the ANS hydrophobic binding sites. The pH dependence of the tryptophan and ANS g(em) showed an additional conformational transition at pH 4-5, which coincided with the pKa of Ca2+ dissociation (pKa 5), as predicted by Permyakov et al. (1981, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 100:191-197). The titration curve showed that there is a pH range between 3.7 and 4.1 in which alpha-LA exists in an intermediate state between the N- and A-state. We suggest that the intermediate is the premolten globule state characterized by a reduced Ca2+ binding to the alpha-LA, native-like tertiary structure, and reduced asymmetric fluctuation of the tertiary structure on the nanosecond time scale. This intermediate resembles the "critical activated state" theoretically deduced by Kuwajima et al. (1989, J Mol Biol 206:547-561). The present study demonstrates the power of CPL measurements for the investigation of folding/unfolding transitions in proteins.  相似文献   

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