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Summary From 1986 onwards increasing numbers of Great Tits (Parus major) and Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus) were registered breeding on empty nests. In 1987 and 1988 up to 4% of all found sitting on nests did not lay any egg. The rate of breeding failures might be considerably higher because many individuals breeding on empty nests could have been overlooked by weekly checks of the nest boxes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Analyse des Navigationssystems der Vögel bezieht sich meist auf Versuche mit Brieftauben. Kramers Karte-Kompaß-Prinzip geht davon aus, daß die Heimrichtung zunächst als Kompaßkurs bestimmt wird. Dies wurde durch zahlreiche Zeitumstimmungsversuche bestätigt. Damit erscheinen nur zwei Navigationsstrategien möglich: (1) Benutzen von Weginformation, die auf einem Richtungsreferenzsystem beruht, und (2) Benutzen von Ortsinformation, deren Richtungsbeziehung zum Ziel bekannt ist.Junge Tauben, denen während der Verfrachtung der Zugang zu magnetischer Information verwehrt worden war, flogen ungerichtet ab. Dies spricht für eine Navigationsstrategie, bei der die Richtung des Hinwegs mit dem Magnetkompaß gemessen wird. Diese Art von Wegintegration stellt aber nur eine erste Strategie sehr junger, unerfahrener Tauben dar; sobald wie möglich benutzen die Tauben Ortsinformation, denn diese erlaubt Nachbestimmung des Heimkurses und damit das Korrigieren von Fehlern.Navigation anhand von Ortsinformation bedeutet, daß Vögel den Heimkurs aufgrund von Faktoren am Auflaßort bestimmen. Die modernen Vorstellungen berücksichtigen die zentrale Rolle eines äußeren Referenzsystems und gehen von einer Navigationskarte aus, die einer kompaßmäßig ausgerichteten mentalen Repräsentation des Verlaufs der Navigationsfaktoren entspricht. Der Heimkurs wird aus den Unterschieden zwischen den Werten am Auflaßort und denen am Heimatort abgeleitet. Da es sich bei den Navigationsfaktoren um Gradienten handelt, können die Vögel deren Verlauf extrapolieren und ihren Heimkurs auch in unbekanntem Gelände bestimmen. Unregelmäßigkeiten im Gradientenverlauf führen zu Abweichungen von der Heimrichtung, sogenannten Ortsmißweisungen. In der Nähe des Heimatorts wird die Navigationskarte durch eine entsprechende Mosaik-Karte von Landmarken ergänzt.Beide Karten werden durch Lernvorgänge erstellt. Junge Tauben verschaffen sich die notwendige Information auf spontanen Flügen, indem sie Information über den zurückgelegten Weg mit Ortsinformation verknüpfen und gemeinsam in den Karten abspeichern. Bei Tauben wird die Navigationskarte etwa im dritten Lebensmonat funktionstüchtig, aber sie wird auch später noch ständig erweitert und verbessert. Ihre Größe hängt von der Erfahrung der Vögel ab. Die Karte enthält offenbar Entfernungsangaben und erlaubt freie Flüge zwischen beliebigen Zielen. In einigen Punkten entspricht sie der in der psychologischen Literatur diskutierten kognitiven Karte.Das Navigationssystem der Vögel ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß sie sich mit Hilfe eines einfachen angeborenen Mechanismus, des Magnetkompaß, viele andere Faktoren durch Lernvorgänge nutzbar machen und diese in komplexe Mechanismen wie die Karten integrieren.
The orientation system of birds — II. Homing and navigation
Summary The analysis of the navigational system of birds is largely based on experiments with displaced homing pigeons. Kramer's map-and-compass model assumes that the home direction is first established as a compass course. This is confirmed by numerous clock-shift experiments. Consequently, only two types of navigational strategy appear possible: (1) the use of route-specific information based on an external reference or (2) the use of site-specific information whose directional relationship is familiar to the birds.The use of route-specific information is indicated by the finding that young birds deprived of magnetic information during displacement were disoriented, whereas birds receiving the same treatment at the release site were not. This suggests that birds navigate by recording the direction of the outward journey with their magnetic compass, determining the home course by reversing it. This strategy of path integration with the help of an external reference, however, is used only by very young, inexperienced pigeons during an early phase in the development of the navigational system. As soon as birds become more experienced and are able to use site-specific information, they give up route-specific information in favor of the former. The reasons for this change in strategy lie in the fact that using site-specific information enables birds to redetermine their home course as often as necessary, thus allowing the correction of initial mistakes.Site-specific information means that birds can derive their home course from factors perceived at the release site. The present models on navigation acknowledge the crucial role of an external reference system by proposing the navigational map to be a directionally oriented mental representation of the spatial distribution of at least two navigational factors, which are assumed to be environmental gradients. The birds determine their home course by comparing the local values of these factors with the remembered home values. Gradients can be extrapolated beyond the range of direct experience, which explains the birds' ability to home from distant, unfamiliar sites. Deviations from the true home direction, so-called release site biases, as frequently observed in pigeons and other bird species, may be attributed to unforeseen irregularities in the distribution of the navigational factors, which cause birds to misinterpret their position. Near home, the navigational or grid map is supplemented by the mosaic map, which is supposed to be a directionally oriented mental representation of the distribution of familiar landmarks.Both maps are based on experience. Young birds obtain the relevant information during spontaneous flights by combining information on the route travelled with information on the location of prominent landmarks and the direction of environmental gradients. In pigeons, the maps become functional during the third month of life. They are continuously enlarged and updated also in later years. The total size of the navigational map appears to depend on the spatial range of the birds' experience. The maps seem to include information on distance; they are not restricted to homing, but allow free movements between arbitrary goals. In several respects, the model of the avian navigational map is similar to the concept of the cognitive map discussed in psychological literature, the main differences being the larger distances involved, the representation of continuous environmental gradients instead of separate entities, and the essential role of an external reference.The navigational system of birds is thus characterized as utilizing a wide variety of environmental cues. Learning processes, which are based on a simple, innate mechanism, the magnetic compass, integrate these cues and form complex, experience-based mechanisms, such as the maps.

Zusammenfassung Paarungssystem und Fortpflanzungsstrategie der Beutelmeise wurde in 10 Jahren in Süddeutschland und Österreich untersucht. Der Saisonablauf für und wird in einem Schema zusammengefaßt. Die Brutpflege übernimmt i. allg. nur ein Altvogel (bei ca. 60 % aller Brutnester , bei 10 % ). Unklar ist, wie die Abstimmung erfolgt, welcher Altvogel das Gelege betreut. Offenbar herrscht eine Konfliktsituation zwischen den Geschlechtern, die sich in zahlreichen Gelegeaufgaben niederschlägt (ca. 30 % aller Brutnester). Die Verhaltensweisen betreuen bzw. verlassen sind für und nicht gleichmäßig über die Brutsaison verteilt. Die Mediane für die Betreuung durch das und die Aufgabe der Nester liegen dicht beieinander, betreuen die Nester erst wesentlich später. In Illmitz/Österreich nahm die Gelegegröße mit fortschreitender Jahreszeit ab. Die Gelegegröße der aufgegebenen Gelege war kleiner als die zeitgleich zu erwartende Gelegegröße der betreuten Gelege. Wenn das abwandert, komplettiert es das Gelege offensichtlich nicht; damit wird für das zurückbleibende erfolgreiche Brutpflege möglich. Beide Geschlechter verfolgen unterschiedliche Strategien, um einen möglichst guten Fortpflanzungserfolg zu erreichen. Beim besteht die ganze Brutsaison hindurch Bereitschaft, mehrere Nester zu bauen und möglichst viele zu haben. Gegen Ende der Brutsaison, wenn nur noch wenige brutbereite verfügbar sind, übernehmen die u. U. selbst die Brutbetreuung. betreuen zu Beginn der Brutsaison komplette Gelege selbst. Bei rund 30 % der ist aber schon zu Beginn der Brutsaison die Bereitschaft vorhanden, das Gelege mit unvollständiger Gelegegröße nicht selbst zu betreuen und die Verantwortung hierfür dem zu überlassen. Zum Geschlechterkonflikt kommt es, wenn beide Strategien hinsichtlich Abwandern kollidieren; er läßt sich mit Hilfe der Spieltheorie erklären. Wegen der großen Wanderungen während der Brutperiode haben die Angaben zum Verpaarungsstatus der einzelnen Vögel Minimalcharakter. Mindestens 25 % aller und 12 % aller waren polygam. Daß während der ganzen Brutsaison keine Partner haben, ist nachgewiesen. Der Bruterfolg polygamer war signifikant größer als der von mit nur einem Brutnest. Polygame hatten größere Flügel als die übrigen; auch deutet sich an, daß alte erfolgreicher sind als junge. Eine Polygynierate von bis zu 60 % dürfte realistisch sein; die Polyandrierate dürfte bei ca. 30 % liegen. Polyandrisches Verhalten ist aber nicht immer mit einer Steigerung der Reproduktionsrate verbunden. Besonders zu Beginn der Brutsaison bedeutet die Abwanderung des mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit die Aufgabe des Nestes, da die in dieser Phase die Brutbetreuung in der Regel nicht übernehmen. Einzelne waren in der Lage, nacheinander zwei Bruten alleine großzuziehen.
Mating system and strategy of reproduction in Penduline TitRemiz p. pendulinus
Summary From 1978 to 1987, 477 nests of the Penduline Tit were checked in Bavaria and Austria. Adult birds were marked individually with colour rings.In northern Bavaria, the major part of Penduline Tits started building nests in April and May (median date: May 10). As early as end of May a large number was leaving the breeding grounds. The population in the riverine forests of the river March/Austria basically followed the same cycle. On the other hand, birds breeding at Lake Neusiedl/Austria arrived as late as the beginning of June (median date for start of nestbuilding: June 23). A generally valid seasonal pattern for both sexes see fig. 1, 2. Penduline Tits exhibit uniparental care. Most of the nests (about 60 %) were attended by females, about 10 % by male and about 30 % were deserted, because neither the female nor the male decided to incubate (tab. 1).Early in the year, clutches were reared by the female or abandoned; preferably at the end of the breeding season males incubated. A significant relation between clutch size and season could be found at Illmitz/Austria. If average clutch size for female, male or no care are compared with the average clutch size of the respective five-day periods in which the medians of the three categories were found, a significantly smaller clutch size was apparent in abandoned nests. Due to extensive migratory behaviour during the breeding season, a calender effect of clutch size was not calculated for the Upper Main/Bavaria. However, clutch size in nests incubated by females exceeded the size of the abandoned ones. The incubation of smaller clutches by males in the same area is hard to explain. Insufficient data and/or the lack of potential mates as a consequence of early migration may account for it. If a female decides to abandon a nest she evidently leave the clutch incomplete, as if to give the male a commission to care for the young. Thereby, females economize on their reserves in order to be able to produce additional clutches with other males.To achieve optimal reproductive success both sexes follow different strategies. Males: During the whole breeding season males are able to construct a large number of nests to attract as many females as possible. At the end of the breeding season, when only few females are available, some of the males care for their broods themselves. Females: At the beginning of the breeding season, most females are ready to incubate complete clutches. But already at this time, approximately 30 % of the females desert incomplete clutches so as trying to give commission for brood care to the male.The battle of the sexes arises, if both sexes abandon the clutch. This conflict may probably be explained by the game theory. Due to the migrations during breeding season, an exact documentation of the mating status of individual birds was limited. Polygamy occured at least in 25 % of the males and 12 % of the females (tab. 4). A number of unpaired males was also evident during the whole breeding season. Polygynous males reached higher breeding success (tab. 8), and were larger (wing-length) as compared to the other males. Older males may be more successful than younger. According to the number of males leaving nests, the rate of polygyny might be up to 60 % and, due to the number of clutches abandoned by females, approx. 30 % of them are polyandrous. However, polyandrous behaviour was not linked to an increased reproduction rate. Especially at the beginning of the breeding season, most of the nests deserted by females were completely abandoned. Some females were able to raise two broods in one season.

J. Kojima 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(4):411-420
Summary Colonies of an Australian swarm founding polistine wasp,Ropalidia romandi, on the Atherton Tableland, Queensland, manage perennial nests by practicing seasonal colony activity. In summer nests, most cells were occupied by immatures of all developmental stages. The proportion of cells that did not contain immatures increased towards winter, when most nest cells did not contain immatures and half of these winter nests had rather large amounts of nectar deposited in empty cells. While the visits to tree flowers byR. romandi were not frequent in summer, nearly 60 % of insects collected on tree flowers in winter wereR. romandi. With such seasonal switching in the modes of colony reproductive activity and of nectar foraging behavior,R. romandi responds to its physical and biotic environment. In this way,R. romandi may be able to continue colonies throughout the year, with much reduced level of colony activity in winter, in areas with seasons that are unfavorable for reproductive activity of a colony.  相似文献   

This paper analyses Charles Darwins bird collection and the ornithological knowledge he derived from it during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Darwin collected 468 bird skins, 10 detached parts of the lesser rhea, and the nests and eggs of 16 different taxa as well as 14 whole birds and 4 parts of birds which he preserved in spirit. He labelled these specimens with a number tag only, cross-referring the number to a notebook entry. Partly because of his limited ornithological knowledge and partly because he was confronted at times with entirely unknown birds, Darwin was often unable to apply the correct generic designations and gave his South American specimens English and Spanish names from literature and the local tongues, as well as the scientific generic names of European birds. Back home, it was John Gould, the prominent ornithologist of the Zoological Society of London, who made sense of Darwins collection, among his many other scientific achievements correctly identifying the Galápagos finches as a group of closely related birds. Darwins bird collection did not receive much attention in the latter part of the 19th century. Most of the specimens had their original labels removed and replaced by ones of the custodian institution. Today, original Darwin specimens stemming from the Beagle voyage are to be found in at least eight different institutions, but almost half of the bird specimens Darwin collected on the Beagle voyage are not accounted for. The appendix to this paper lists for the first time all the birds which Darwin collected during the voyage. Darwins famous book On the origin of species hardly draws upon any ornithological examples from his voyage on the Beagle. Nevertheless, Darwin contributed much to ornithology. His collection contained 39 new species and subspecies of birds, mainly described by Gould, and some birds from populations now extinct, and he also made a few very good field observations, published in the sections of The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle dedicated to birds.
Frank D. SteinheimerSylter Strasse 18, 90425 Nuremberg, GermanyEmail: Phone: +49-30-20938512Fax: +49-30-20938528

-Dystroglycan (-DG) is a membrane-associated, extracellular glycoprotein. It is anchored to the cell-membrane by binding to the transmembrane glycoprotein -dystroglycan (-DG) to form an /-DG-complex. It was discovered that the bovine peripheral nerve -DG possesses the Ser/Thr linked tetrasaccharide as the major constituent of the O-linked carbohydrates, which was proposed to contribute laminin binding activity of this glycoprotein.This structure has a striking feature in terms of the mode of linkage between oligosaccharide and the core protein. It has a mannose residue linked to the core protein through Ser/Thr residue. A similar structure was proposed to exist in brain derived HNK-1 immunoreactive O-glycans. Being interested in the structural novelty and potential biological significance of this type of glycan chains, the chemical synthesis of Ser/Thr linked mannose containing tetrasaccharide was investigated. Tetrasaccharide donor was constructed from monosaccharide blocks and coupled with Ser/Thr derivatives. Subsequent deprotection afforded target tetraosyl serine. Furthermore, synthetic routes to lower homologues, namely Gal--(1,4)-GlcNAc--(1,2)-Man--Ser and GlcNAc--(1,2)-Man--Ser were also provided.  相似文献   

Åke Berg 《Oecologia》1996,107(3):343-346
Predation rates on artificial wader nests, solitary curlew (Numenius arquata) and lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) nests and lapwing nests in colonies were studied on a farmland site in central Sweden. Predation rates were highest on artificial wader nests, intermediate on solitary curlew and lapwing nests and lowest on lapwing nests in colonies, probably because of active defence of adults at real nests and/or because of selection of nest sites with lower predation risk by breeding birds. A comparison of nests close to (50 m) and far away from (200 m) forest edges revealed no increased predation risk close to edges for any of the studied nest types. Predation risk changed during the season for artificial nests (highest in the middle of May), while predation rates on lapwing and curlew nests were more stable. Artificial nests seem to be inappropriate for measuring actual predation rates and temporal differences in predation rates on real nests, but they might be suitable for use as an index of spatial differences.  相似文献   

Amyloid -peptide (A), the main constituent of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain, is hypothesized to be a key factor in the neurodegeneration seen in AD. Recently it has been shown by us and others that the neurotoxicity of A occurs in conjunction with free radical oxidative stress associated with the peptide. A(1–40) and several other fragments of the A sequence are associated with free radicals in solution that are detectable using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. These free radicals were shown to attack brain cell membranes, initiate lipid peroxidation, increase Ca2+ influx and damage membrane and cytosolic proteins. In AD brain obtained under rapid autopsy protocol, the activity of the oxidatively-sensitive enzyme creatine kinase was shown to be significantly reduced. We reasoned that A-associated free radical-induced modification of creatine kinase activity and other markers of cellular damage might be modulated by free radical scavengers. Accordingly, this study demonstrates that vitamin E can modulate A(25–35)-induced oxidative damage to creatine kinase and cellular proteins in cultured embryonic hippocampal neurons. These results, consistent with the hypothesis of free radical-mediated A toxicity in AD, are discussed with deference to potential free radical scavengers as therapeutic agents for slowing the progression of AD.  相似文献   

Male Telmatochromis vittatus, a substrate-brooding Tanganyikan cichlid, exhibit two parasitic reproductive tactics: takeover of spawning by larger males (pirates) and sneaking by smaller males (sneakers). Medium-sized males are territorial and pair-spawn within nests of clumped shells that harbor several resident females that are potential mates of the territory owner. To study nest use by territorial males, we analyzed the relationship between the body size of territorial males and nest quality, the number of females per nest, the distance between nests, and the frequency and intensity of reproductive parasitism. The size of males was not correlated with nest quality, the number of females, or the number of sneakers, but was negatively correlated with the frequency of intrusion by pirates and was positively correlated with the distance between nests. Territorial males effectively defended nests against sneakers but failed to defend against pirates. These results suggest that larger territorial males selected nests that have a lower risk of usurpation of spawning. We hypothesize that the risk of intrusion by pirate males affects the selection of nests by territorial males in this species.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts to measure the nesting density or territory size of bald eagles led to a fundamental difficulty, inherent in all such measurements on organisms which are distributed along an irregular boundary, such as a coastline. The length of such a boundary is not a meaningful measure, and neither can a meaningful area be associated with each nest. Mandelbrot's (1983) fractal geometry applies to the problem, but has not previously supplied practical units of measurement for fractals such as coastlines or rugged surfaces. A practical method is given for measuring the extent of such fractals, introducing a unit of variable dimension, the metron, which includes the existing SI units of length, area and volume as special cases. A linear measure, the spacing allows densities on fractals of different dimensions to be compared directly. The method is applied to the distribution of bald eagle nests along the coastlines of two islands in the Aleutians, and an extension of the method to handle distributions on mountainsides and island surfaces is indicated.  相似文献   

A new neoglycopeptide was synthesized and tested for its capability to bind to lactose permease of Escherichia coli and to inhibit the transport of lactose. The free 5- carboxypentyl-1-thio--D-galactopyranoside or the protected 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-5-carboxypentyl-1-thio--D- galactopyranoside was linked to the N-terminal -amino group of the resin bound heptapeptide H-Phe-Phe-Gly-Gly-Gly-Gly-Ala-OH by different activation methods. Upon cleavage from the resin, deacetylation and purification, a neoglycopeptide which showed a significant inhibition of lactose permease was obtained.  相似文献   

The acoustic adaptation hypothesis (AAH) predicts that long-distance signals will be structured so as to maximize their transmission fidelity. Previous studies testing the hypothesis on birdsong have provided equivocal support. The best support comes from large-scale comparative studies and those studies where habitat is characterized as open versus densely vegetated. In the first case, sufficient statistical power is present to detect even small effects on song structure, whereas in the later case the effect size of the habitat may be sufficiently large. Most studies have focused on Holarctic or Neotropical species, which may ultimately share a common evolutionary history. In this study, Australian birds were chosen for a phylogenetically independent test of key predictions of the AAH. Specifically, birds in open habitats were predicted to sing songs with higher frequencies, greater bandwidth, have a greater probability of having overtones, and be emitted at a quicker rate than birds inhabiting densely forested habitats. Acoustic measurements were made on commercially available recordings of 121 species of Australian birds from 41 different families. Analyses controlled for variation explained by body mass (using ANCOVA), and phylogeny (using genus pairs analyses). We found only modest support for the AAH. Our finding that birds in open habitats produced higher frequency vocalizations and greater bandwidth vocalizations is also consistent with hypotheses about signal structure facilitating auditory distance assessment. Forest birds may therefore rely on cues other than frequency-dependent attenuation for ranging.  相似文献   

Recent work has dealt with the local management of aquatic resources as an alternative to Hardin's (1968) tragedy of the commons. In communities with no formal management of resources, informal ownership of fishing spots or conflicts with outside competitors may determine the basis for future local management. In this study, I analyze the use of aquatic resources by five fishing communities on the Atlantic Forest coast of southeast Brazil: Búzios Island, Puruba, and Picinguaba in São Paulo State, and Jaguanum and Itacuruçá Islands at Sepetiba Bay in Rio de Janeiro State. Informal ownership of fishing spots, used for set gillnet fishing, is regulated by kin ties at Búzios Island. The artisanal fishers of Sepetiba Bay, especially those from Jaguanum Island, have a conflict with Bay intruders, such as the shrimp and herring trawlers. Two coastal communities, Puruba and Picinguaba, have conflicts with fishing regulations from a State Park (Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar),created in 1977. The transformation of populated areas of the Atlantic Forest to Extractive Reserves might be a way to avoid conflicts with intruders and with governmental agencies, and to involve local populations in management. Kinship rules at Búzios Island and the territorial behavior of fishers at Sepetiba Bay may form a basis for local organization.  相似文献   

The canals in the outer layer of Falconiformes egg-shells, vertically orientated to the shell surface, are remains of the cleft pattern, runned through in all birds during the shell-formation, but generally closed in the later developmental stadies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Von den in einer intensiv untersuchten Population des Baumpiepers in Nordbelgien beringten Nestlingen kehrten 24 junge und 3 junge zurück. 12 von 17 farbberingten Jungvögeln stammten dabei aus Erstbruten.2. 6 und die beiden waren Heimatansiedler, 1 Fremdansiedler, 6 geburtsortstreu und 2 Geburtsorts-Rücksiedler.3. Die mittlere Entfernung des Revieres vom Geburtsnest betrug bei den geburtsortstreuen 184±118 m, bei den anderen 818±368 m.4. Alte zeigen größere Umsiedlungsentfernungen als alte .5. Einjährige haben in der Population einen sehr hohen Anteil.6. 79 % der und 50 % der kehrten wieder in die Population zurück.7. Die Population umfaßte durchschnittlich 42 Brutpaare. Der Anteil an ledigen Altvögeln betrug 7 %. Die Siedlungsdichte erreichte einen Wert von 3,6 Brutpaaren pro 10 ha (ohne Gewässer).8. Angaben zu Paartreue, Paarauflösung, Bigynie und Paarbildung werden mitgeteilt.9. Aus den Rückkehrzahlen errechnet sich eine durchschnittliche Mortalität der jungen von etwa 65 %, eine Lebenserwartung von einem Jahr und ein Durchschnittsalter von 1,5 Jahren.10. 2,5 % der gelegten Eier bzw. 4,6 % der ausgeflogenen Jungvögel erbrachten brutreife Rückkehrer.11. Für alte errechnet sich eine Mortalität von 47,5 %, für alte von 66,7 % und eine Lebenserwartung von 1,6 bzw. 1,0 Jahren.12. Zum Erhalt der Population müssen jährlich etwa 46 % der ausgeflogenen Jungvögel bis zum nächsten Jahr überleben.13. Die untersuchte Population ist durchschnittlich aus 4,6 % geburtsortstreuen Jungvögeln, 41,3 % fremden Jungvögeln, 37,4 % ortstreuen Altvögeln und 16,7 % unbekannter Altvögel zusammengesetzt.
Site-tenacity, age structure and mortality in a population of the tree pipit(Anthus t. trivialis) in northern Belgium
Summary 1. 24 first year and 3 first year , ringed as nestlings, returned in next years. 12 of 17 colour-ringed birds came from first broods.2. 6 and the 2 were Heimatansiedler, 1 Fremdansiedler, 6 geburtsortstreu and 2 Geburtsorts-Rücksiedler.3. The mean distances between the first territory and the birth nest of the geburtsortstreue and of the other were 818±368 m and 184±118 m respectively.4. Adult showed greater settling distances than adult .5. The percentage of first year was very high.6. 79 % and 50 % returned to their breeding population in next years.7. The mean density of the population was 42 pairs or 3,6 pro 10 ha. Unpaired adults amounted 7 %.8. Data on pair formation, mate-faithfulness and bigyny are treated.9. Calculation of mortality from the data of returned birds yielded a mortality of young of 65 %, a life expectancy of one year and a mean life time of 1,5 years.10. Sexual mature individuals derived from 2,5 % of all eggs laid and from 4,6 % of all youngs fledged.11. The computed mortality of adult is 47,5 % and of adult 66,7 %. The life expectancy is 1,6 and 1,0 years for adult and respectively.12. Allowing for the annual losses of adults a survival rate of first year birds of about 46 % is necessary.13. The mean annual composition of the population should be: 4,6 % geburtsortstreue juveniles, 41,3 % non-autochthonous juveniles, 37,4 % ortstreue adults and 16,7 % unknown adults.

Mit Unterstützung des Nat. Fonds v. Wetenschappelijk Onderzcek, Brüssel.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Aerial chases of a female duck by a number of (Reihen) include three different forms of chasings: a) chases in connection with swimming courtship (Gesellschaftsspiel); b) territorial chases performed by a which is driving away a of a pair that had entered the territory of the former; c) chases of a in brooding mood by a number of intending to copulate.2. Aerial chases of type a) are part of the courtship, they are courtship flights. They are preceded and often followed by swimming courtship and they are characterized by the birds uttering their courtship calls. They may be observed from late August to the beginning of May.3. Chases of type c) are characterized by the female's call and gesture of repulsion. It only occurs when the female is laying or brooding. The periods of chases of type a) and c) overlap, which may explain the controversy betweenGeyr vonSchweppenburg andChristoleit.4. The Red-crested Pochard- has a special gliding performance during its courtship flight.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, deposit their eggs in excavated depressions called nests. These nests are built from downstream to upstream within one or more redds, and each redd corresponds to a continuous area of the streambed disturbed by the female digging activities. Redd topographic measurements and egg excavation were performed to determine number of nests per redd and per female, nest depth, distances between successive nests, number of eggs deposited per nest, and egg survival in nests created by six grilse Atlantic salmon, five spawning in an experimental stream (Lapitxuri channel) and one in a natural stream (Lurgorrieta Creek, a tributary of the Nivelle River in southwest France). All females constructed a single redd, except one which built two redds in the channel. Redd surface area ranged between 2.3 and 5.7m2. Each redd had a raised mound of gravel or dome under which most of the eggs were located, and an upstream depression or pot. Based on expected egg-to-juvenile survival rates previously obtained in the Lapitxuri channel and on juvenile recoveries, between 96 and 97% of the eggs deposited in the channel sections were retrieved. Each female constructed 7 to 11 nests over a period of 3 to 5 days. The first three nests had an average burial depth of 12.9cm (±1.6SD) which was greater than the last three nests (mean 9.5cm±2.6SD). Eggs removed from the first three nests had higher fertility rates (95.5% vs. 87.2%), greater survival (83.5% vs. 63.1%) and lower occurrences of abnormalities (1.9% vs. 5.5%) than those deposited in the last three nests. Typically, the percentage of eggs deposited per female decreased from the first to the last nest, such that the last two to three nests possessed only a small number of scattered eggs. Similar results were observed in the redd located in Lurgorrieta Creek. The adaptive consequences of the topographic features of redds and the egg allocation patterns we found are discussed.  相似文献   

Differences in the understanding of natural arts, especially between Germany and the Anglo-American as well as the Scandinavian countries, are discussed. A very brief synopsis of the history of bird-painting is given. The oldest illustrations for scientific books date back to the end of the Middle Ages. After three centuries of a separated development of birds in art and birds in science the art of bird-painting began to rise by the end of the 19th century. This change did not take place in Germany where a rather static view of art defines art from kitsch. The present generation of German bird artists seems to be on the right way to overcome this fatal prejudice and hopefully reaches the interested public.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of GM2, GalNac-4(Neu5Ac-3) Gal-4Glc-1Cer have been compared to those of 6-GM2, in which the linkage between the GalNAc and Gal was altered from GalNac-4Gal- to GalNac-6Gal-, and to those of GD1a, Neu5Ac-3Gal-3GalNAc-4(Neu5Ac-3)Gal-4Glc-1Cer, and GalNAc-GD1a.Our results revealed that unlike the compact and rigid oligosaccharide head group found in GM2, where the Neu5Ac and the GalNAc residues interact, the sugar chain of 6-GM2 is in an open spatial arrangement, with the Neu5Ac no longer interacting with GalNAc, freely accessible to external interactions.The structure of GD1a can be regarded as that of GM2 with an extension of the terminal Neu5Ac-3Gal-disaccharide. The inner portion of GD1a is that of GM2 comprising the very rigid GalNAc-[Neu5Ac-]Gal trisaccharide. The terminal Neu5Ac-Gal linkage is flexible and fluctuates between two limiting conformations. In GalNAc-GD1a the outer sialic acid gains conformational rigidity due to the presence of the outer GalNAc in position 4 of galactose. This ganglioside has two core GalNAc-[Neu5Ac-]Gal trisaccharide linked in tandem.  相似文献   

Summary In order to test the nature of the information acquired by pigeons at home and utilized as map component in their navigational mechanism, groups of birds were kept since fledging time in glass corridors, which had their main axis oriented E-W (or ESE-WNW). Referring to the quadrants centered by these directions as experimental quadrants, the treatment of the birds was as follows. Whenever a wind was blowing from one of the experimental quadrants, C1-and C-birds were subjected to an artificial air current blowing from the center of the same quadrant, and E-birds to air currents from the center of the opposite quadrant. C2-birds, reared in a corridor which was unscreened at both ends, were not treated with artificial winds and could perceive the natural winds from the experimental quadrants. Finally, S-birds were never exposed to either natural or artificial winds.When released from directions comprised in the xperimental quadrants, C-, C1-, and C2-birds were homeward oriented, while E-birds oriented themselves toward the opposite direction (Fig. 7), and S-birds' bearings were random. The homing performances of E-birds were poorer than those of the other birds, and on some releases, disastrous.It is concluded that the information that pigeons acquire at home and then use for navigational purposes is wind borne and can be conveyed by an artificial air current. This confirms previous results which indicated the olfactory nature of the information.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Autrum, on occasion of his seventieth birthdayThis study was supported by the Cosiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. We thank the Command of the Brigata Paracadutisti Folgore, Italian Army, which kindly allowed us to use a power boat for the releases from over the sea. We also wish to thank Dr. R.F. Hartwick for valuable help with some experiments and for stimulating discussions, Mr G. Mela and Mr D. Moretti for constructing the control drices for the fans.  相似文献   

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