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Summary The morphology of the complex tibial organs in the forelegs of two bushcricket species belonging to the Phaneropterinae and Decticinae (Tettigoniidae) is described comparatively. In both species the tibial organs are made up of the subgenual organ, the intermediate organ and the crista acustica; the latter are parts of the tympanal organs and serve as auditory receptors. The very thin tympana in the forelegs ofPholidoptera griseoaptera (Decticinae) are protected by tympanal covers whereas inLeptophyes punctatissima (Phaneropterinae) the tympana are thicker and fully exposed. The overall auditory sensitivity ofL. punctatissima is lower and the sensitivity maximum of the hearing threshold lies at higher frequencies compared toP. griseoaptera. The number of scolopidia in the three scolopale organs and the dimensions of parts of the sound conducting system differs in the two species. In the crista acustica ofL. punctatissima a higher number of scolopidia is distributed in a smaller range than inP. griseoaptera; the scolopidia are especially concentrated in the distal part. Morphometrical analyses indicate that the dimensions of the spiracles, the acoustic trachea and the tympana determine the overall auditory sensitivity and that the arrangement of the scolopidia and the dimensions of structures in the crista acustica affect the frequency tuning of the hearing threshold.  相似文献   

The circulatory organs in the legs of 32 heteropteran and 2 homopteran species were investigated by means of semithin serial sections. In all species, the leg hemocoel is divided by a thin diaphragm into 2 counter-rotating blood sinuses. This diaphragm twists about an angle of 90° immediately distal to the femoral-tibial joint, thereby forming a kind of chamber that is equipped with a valve flap. Apart from the investigated representatives of the Gerromorpha, a muscle is associated with this chamber. Rhythmic contractions of this muscle compress one sinus, thereby forcing hemolymph from the leg into the thorax. Simultaneously, the other sinus widens and hemolymph is sucked from the thorax into the leg. The “leg heart” muscle generally originates from the anteriodorsal wall of the tibia. Its point of insertion varies between different species. In most of the investigated Hemiptera, this muscle inserts at the tendon of the pretarsal flexor muscle. In others, both attachments are located at the tibial cuticle. This peculiarity and other anatomical facts indicate that in the evolution of these organs in the Hemiptera, one portion of the pretarsal flexor muscle has been recruited for the formation of the leg heart.  相似文献   

Ensifera present an appropriate and interesting model for the study of acoustic communication, because of their diverse signal and communication modalities, and due to their accessibility for field and laboratory studies. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the acoustic evolution of Ensifera, but they were elaborated without any reference to a falsifiable phylogeny, and were consequently highly speculative. Similarly, phylogenetic relationships between ensiferan clades have not hitherto been studied using modern standard methodology, and the sole cladistic analysis by Gwynne in 1995 was methodologically flawed. No sound hypothesis therefore currently exists for ensiferan phylogeny, which precludes historical analysis of their communication modalities. In the present paper, the phylogeny is established on the basis of morpho‐anatomical characters and used to analyse the evolution of acoustic communication in this clade by mapping the characters related to auditory and stridulatory structures onto the resultant trees. Cladistic analyses resulted in two equi‐parsimonious cladograms (length 154, C 64, CI 58, RI 61) with the following topologies: (1) [(Grylloidea–Gryllotalpidae) (Rhaphidophoridae (Schizodactylidae (Gryllacrididae ((Stenopelmatidae–Cooloola) (Anostostomatidae (Prophalangopsis (Cyphoderris (Tettigoniidae–Lezina))))))))] (2) [(Grylloidea–Gryllotalpidae)(Rhaphidophoridae (Schizodactylidae (Gryllacrididae–Cooloola–(Stenopelmatidae (Anostostomatidae (Prophalangopsis (Cyphoderris (Tettigoniidae–Lezina))))))))]. According to these topologies, Ensifera were ancestrally devoid of acoustic and hearing systems. An acoustic (tegminal or femoro‐abdominal) apparatus appeared a number of times independently with convergent structures. Similarly, tibial tympana developed several times independently. Moreover, four hypotheses (each according to a definite pattern of character transformation) can be proposed to explain the evolution of acoustic communication in the different ensiferan clades and relate it to a definite communicatory context. These hypotheses do not apply equally to ensiferan subclades. Grylloidea and Gryllotalpoidea could have experienced convergently a direct development of an intraspecific acoustic communication. Acoustic communication in Tettigoniidea has evolved more ambiguously, and may either have resulted from a direct evolution analogous to that having occurred in Gryllidea, or have developed in a completely different behavioural context. Future studies of acoustic communication in the different ensiferan clades will have to take into account the fact that the involved structures most often are not homologous and that their evolution may not have taken place in similar conditions. Different hypotheses of acoustic communication evolution may apply to different clades, and there may be no single explanation for acoustic communication in Ensifera.  相似文献   

Summary The mouthparts of Lepidoptera were investigated in a number of species by morphological and cinematographical methods. Both the galeae (which compose the proboscis) and the basal maxillary components (stipites) were studied in the resting position, in motion, and during feeding. In the resting position the proboscis is coiled so tightly that the surfaces of the consecutive coils are in close contact and the outermost coil touches the ventral side of the head. Cuticular processes of the galeal wall interlock between the coils in this position. In the investigated species they occur on the galeal wall and on the ventral side of the head in varying number and distribution. By the extension of the basal galeal joint, the coiled proboscis is released from its resting position and is elevated continuously. It uncoils in 3–5 steps which effect the entire length simultaneously. Each uncoiling step occurs synchronously with a compression of the stipital tubes on either side of the body. These compression movements pump hemolymph into the galeae. In all investigated Lepidoptera the uncoiled proboscis shows a distinct downward bend at a certain point which is also detectable in anaesthetized or freshly killed animals in some species. This feeding position and the movements of the uncoiled proboscis are similar in all species despite the intrinsic galeal muscles being variously arranged in the galeal lumen in different Lepidoptera. When comparing cross-sections through corresponding regions of coiled and uncoiled proboscises, the curvatures of the dorsal galeal walls remain unchanged. Coiling of the proboscis starts at the tip and progresses to the base. After coiling the proboscis tightly beneath the head, the diameter of the spiral widens due to its elastic properties until the proboscis props itself against the ventral side of the head. This elastic effect combined with the interlocking cuticular processes seems to be responsible for the resting position of the proboscis.Abbreviations an antenna - bre bend region - ca cardo - ci cibarium - cl clypeus - co complex eye - cp cuticular process - dre distal region - esm external tentoriostipital muscle - fc food canal - fst flat part of the stipes - ga galea - hs horizontal septum - igm intrinsic galeal muscles - ism internal tentoriostipital muscle - la labium - lap labial palpus - lr labrum - mxp maxillary palpus - ne nerve - pi pilifer - pom primary oblique galeal muscles - pr proboscis - pre proximal region - sa salivarium - se sensillum - som secondary oblique galeal muscles - st stipes - stl stipital lamella - te tentorium - tr trachea - tst tubular part of the stipes - vm ventral membrane - vs vertical septum  相似文献   

Summary The postembryonic development of the morphology and anatomy of the complex tibial organ in the foreleg of the bushcricket Ephippiger ephippiger is described. All the receptor cells are present in the subgenual organ, the intermediate organ and the crista acustica in the 1st larval instar. Generally, even in the 1st instar, the arrangement of the scolopidia in the three organs resembles the adult structure. The acoustic trachea, the tympana, the tympanal covers and the acoustic spiracle develop step by step in subsequent instars. The acoustic trachea resembles the adult structure for the first time in the 4th instar, although its volume is still small. The auditory threshold curves recorded from the tympanal nerve in instars 4, 5 and 6 show the same frequency maxima as those in the adult. The overall sensitivity significantly increases after the final moult. The dimensions of structures that lie within the crista acustica and that are probably involved in stimulus transduction and in frequency tuning have been analysed. The dorsal wall of the anterior trachea, the tectorial membrane and the cap cells have similar dimensions, especially in the last three instars and in adults.  相似文献   

Troglophilus neglectus (Gryllacridoidea, Raphidophoridae) is a nocturnal Ensifera which can be found in caves of Slovenia. The anatomy of the tibial organs in the fore-, mid-, and hindlegs, as well as the external morphology of the proximal fore-tibia and the prothoracic tracheal system, is described comparatively. In the prothorax and in the forelegs, no sound-conducting structures such as an acoustic trachea, enlarged spiracles, or tympana are developed. A group of 8–10 campaniform sensillae is located in the dorsal cuticle of the proximal tibia. In each leg, the tibial organ complex is built up by two scolopale organs, the subgenual organ and the intermediate organ; the structure and the number of scolopidia is similar in each leg. No structure resembling the crista acoustica is found. The subgenual organ contains around 30 scolopidia; the intermediate organ is subdivided into a proximal part containing 8-9 scolopidia and a distal part with 5–6 scolopidia. The two groups of scolopidia are not directly connected to the tracheal system. The tibial organs in the forelegs are insensitive to airborne sound, and they appear to be more primitive compared to those found in members of the Tettigoniidae and the Gwllidae. The results indicate that the complex tibial organs in all legs of T. neglectus are primarily vibrosensitive. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The termite family Rhinotermitidae displays a wide diversity in its patterns of social organization in castes. The genus Termitogeton probably branched off early in the evolution of this family. We studied the developmental pathways of a putative undescribed species from New Guinea, Termitogeton nr planus. The development begins with two white inactive instars (larvae), the second of which possesses small wing buds. These are followed by a relatively homogenous group of active immature stages (pseudergates) among which a biometric study revealed the presence of four instars. The first of these instars possesses wing buds that regress at subsequent molts. The external morphology of older instars resembles that of higher termite workers. Older pseudergates can differentiate into presoldiers and then into soldiers, but they are also able to molt into a unique stage with long wing pads (nymph), preceding the imago. Colony maturity can be reached with about 10(3) individuals. The sex ratio is near 1:1 in all castes except soldiers, among which females are more numerous than males. The caste pattern of T. nr. planus is reminiscent of those of the Kalotermitidae and Termopsidae, and of Prorhinotermes among the Rhinotermitidae. None of these taxa possess a true worker caste, permanently diverted from imaginal development: social tasks are done by unspecialized immatures that retain a full array of developmental options, including that of proceeding to the imago. The most remarkable trait of T. nr. planus is the presence in all second-instar individuals of wing buds that later regress to reappear in the single nymphal stage. We suggest that the traditional definitions of the terms larvae, nymphs, and pseudergates should be revised because they cannot be satisfactorily applied to the castes of Termitogeton.  相似文献   

The structure of the complex tibial organs in the fore-, mid-, and hindlegs of the East Asian bushcricket Gampsocleis gratiosa (Tettigoniidae, Decticinae) is described comparatively. In each leg the tibial organs consist of three scolopale organs: the subgenual organ, the intermediate organ, and the crista acoustica. Only in the forelegs are the tibial organs differentiated as tympanal organs, and sound transmitting structures (acoustic trachea, tympana, and tympanal covers) are present. The morphology of the tracheae in the mid- and hindlegs is significantly different from that found in the forelegs. The number of scolopidia in the subgenual organ is highest in the midleg and lowest in the foreleg; in the intermediate organ the number is also highest in the midleg, and the fore- and hindleg contain 40% fewer scolopidia. In the crista acoustica, the number of scolopidia decreases from, the fore- to the mid- and hindlegs. The morphology and the dimensions of the scolopidia and the attachment structures within the crista acoustica of the mid- and hindlegs differ strongly from those in the foreleg. The results indicate that, in addition to the presence of a sound transmitting system, the specific differentiations within the crista acoustica are important for the high auditory sensitivity of the tibial organs in the forelegs. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present the results of a morphological study of the labium and labial (premental) discs in Cephenniini, ant-like stone beetles feeding on oribatid mites. The discs are composed of a cuticular plate connected by a circumferential ring with the hypopharyngeal suspensorium. The discs have likely developed from the premental cuticle and from internal sclerotizations of the labium. The shape of the external plate can be changed from flat to concave and vice versa by contractions and relaxations of the labial muscles. Contractions result in a flat or only slightly concave shape whereas during relaxation the discs become strongly concave and adhere tightly to the captured mite. Once this is achieved, detaining of the prey is energy-free. Based on known hypotheses concerning the evolution of Oribatida and Staphylinidae, we exclude the possibility of a co-evolution of “proto-Cephenniini” with yet unarmored “proto-Oribatida”, and suggest three alternative scenarios: i) the predators co-evolved with a particular early lineage of Oribatida that has acquired the hard armor relatively recently; ii) ancestors of Cephenniini gradually shifted from feeding on other types of prey towards fully armored Oribatida; or iii) the labial discs have originally developed for functions not related to feeding.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the superposition eye of the Saturniid moth Antheraea polyphemus Cramer was investigated by electron microscopy. Each of the approximately 10000 ommatidia consists of the same structural components, but regarding the arrangement of the ommatidia and the rhabdom structure therein, two regions of the eye have to be distinguished. In a small dorsal rim area, the ommatidia are characterized by rectangularly shaped rhabdoms containing parallel microvilli arranged in groups that are oriented perpendicular to each other. In all other ommatidia, the proximal parts of the rhabdoms show radially arranged microvilli, whereas the distal parts may reveal different patterns, frequently with microvilli in two directions or sometimes even in one direction. Moreover, the microvilli of all distal cells are arranged in parallel to meridians of the eyes. By virtue of these structural features the eyes should enable this moth not only discrimination of the plane of polarized light but also skylight-orientation via the polarization pattern, depending on moon position. The receptor cells exhibit only small alterations during daylight within the natural diurnal cycle. However, under illumination with different monochromatic lights of physiological intensity, receptor cells can be unbalanced: Changes in ultrastructure of the rhabdomeres and the cytoplasm of such cells are evident. The effects are different in the daytime and at night. These findings are discussed in relation to the breakdown and regeneration of microvilli and the influence of the diurnal cycle. They are compared with results on photoreceptor membrane turnover in eyes of other arthropod species.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of the epithelial lining of the stomach of A. aegypti suggests that digestion of the first blood meal in the stomach of this species can be viewed as a series of phases that can be correlated with physiological data from the literature. In phase Ia (0-10 h after blood meal [abm]) the whorls of the rough endoplasmic reticulum unfold, the Golgi zones increase, and the basal labyrinth is enlarged. This coincides with processes of synthesis and secretion (e.g., peritrophic membrane, esterases and lipases) and transport by the stomach epithelium. In phase Ib (10-20 habm) the cellular parameters measured further increase, indicating high synthetic and secretory activities (e.g., digestive enzymes). In phase Ic (20-30 habm) cell structures involved in synthesis and secretion still exhibit high values coinciding with maximal activity of proteases in the gut. Enhanced surface area of microvilli, prominent lipid inclusions, and appearance of glycogen deposits in the gut epithelium suggest increased absorption, storage, and transport functions of the stomach cells. In phase II (30-36 habm) structural alteration points to a gradual shift from synthesis and secretion to absorption, partial storage, and transport of nutrients. In phase III (36-72 habm) the cellular apparatus is reduced concomitant with the ending of the digestive cycle. Lipid inclusions and glycogen deposits disappear from the stomach epithelium.  相似文献   

Interest in parasitoids has grown with the recognition that host-parasitoid systems offer opportunities to examine fundamental questions in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. Tachinid flies of the Ormiini possess a conspicuously inflated prosternal region, enabling them to detect the mating songs of their hosts. This speciality makes them a highly suitable group for studies of adaptive radiation. To emphasise further research in this important group of parasitoids, their biogeography and host species are summarised.The Ormiini are a particularly small group, containing only 68 described species of predominantly tropical, especially neotropical forms. A table of host-parasitoid relations reveals that predominant parasitism is of bushcrickets. The exploitation of cricket songs appears to be a derived pattern that evolved as a host switch some time after the Eocene.Hypotheses concerning fly-host coevolution and the reasons for the development of hearing are discussed, and include the question of mate finding and avoidance of bats as predators.  相似文献   

The sense organs on the antennal flagella of five species of winged psocids belonging to two families of Psocoptera, Psocidae and Leptopsocidae, have been examined. All agree in possessing tactile hairs, thick-walled chemoreceptors and long, porous chemoreceptors. Thin-walled chemoreceptors were identified in all species except Metylophorous novaescotiae. Coeloconic chemoreceptors were present in all species except Echmepteryx hageni. Campaniform sense organs were found only in Metylophorus novaescotiae and Psocus leidyi.  相似文献   

I. Hasenfuss 《Zoomorphology》1997,117(3):155-164
 The patterns of scolopal organs and their innervation were studied by the methylene blue method in larvae, pupae and adults of an Yponomeuta species (Yponomeutidae) and of tympanate adult representatives of the Noctuoidea, Geometridae, Drepanidae and Pyraloidea. The studies were focused mainly on the mesothorax, the metathorax and some anterior abdominal segments. In the abdominal tympanal organs of Geometridae, Drepanidae and Pyraloidea, the auditory scolopidia are homologous with the lateral scolopal organs of the first abdominal segment; however, the hearing organs as such evolved independently in the three taxa. The studies confirm that the tympanal organ in the Noctuoidea is derived from the caudal dorsolateral region of the metathorax including its dorsal scolopal organ and the B-cell. The adult scolopal organs are present already in the larvae and are maintained nearly unchanged during metamorphosis to the adult. Only in the Noctuoidea are the three sensory cells of the larval scolopal organs, which become part of the tympanal organs, reduced to one (in Notodontidae) or two (in other Noctuoidea) during metamorphosis. A hypothetical scenario of the evolution of the tympanal organs is outlined. Accepted: 12 March 1997  相似文献   

Construction of the middle and hind coxae was investigated in 95 species of 30 nematoceran families. As a rule, the middle coxa contains a separate coxite, the mediocoxite, articulated to the sternal process. In most families, this coxite is movably articulated to the eucoxite and to the distocoxite area; the coxa is radially split twice. Some groups are characterized by a single split. The coxa in flies is restricted in its rotation owing to a partial junction either between the meron and the pleurite or between the eucoxite and the meropleurite. Hence the coxa is fastened to the thorax not only by two pivots (to the pleural ridge and the sternal process), but at the junction named above. Rotation is impossible without deformations; the role of hinges between coxites is to absorb deformations. This adaptive principle is confirmed by physical modelling. Middle coxae of limoniid tribes Eriopterini and Molophilini are compact, constructed by the template of hind coxae. On the contrary, hind coxae in all families of Mycetophiloidea and in Psychodidae s.l. are constructed like middle ones, with the separate mediocoxite, centrally suspended at the sternal process. These cases are considered as homeotic mutations, substituting one structure with a no less efficient one.  相似文献   

The fine structure of coeloconic sensilla of Bombyx mori was studied in cryofixed specimens. These sensilla belong to the category of double-walled wall-pore sensilla. The pegs are approximately 10 mum long, located in pits on the dorsal side of the antennal branches, and longitudinally grooved in their distal half (grooved surface approximately 30 mum(2)). The central lumen contains the outer dendritic segments of usually five receptor cells, and is surrounded by up to 15 partially fused cuticular fingers. The peripheral lumina of these cuticular fingers are filled with material resembling wax-canal filaments. Radial spoke channels ( approximately 600 per peg), each 10-20 nm wide, connect the central lumen with the longitudinal groove channels. Groove and spoke channels are assumed to mediate the transport of odorant molecules from the outer epicuticular surface layers to the sensory dendrites. Thus the double-walled wall-pore sensilla represent a bauplan essentially different from single-walled wall-pore sensilla; the reason, however, why the two types are found together throughout the insect orders remains enigmatic. Other peculiar features of the coeloconic sensilla of the silkmoth are invaginations of the outer dendritic segments and direct contacts between the receptor cell somata. The latter may be the structural correlate to electrophysiological observations indicative of peripheral interaction between the receptor neurons. All three auxiliary cells have elaborately folded apical plasma membranes studded with portasomes and associated with an abundance of mitochondria; basally they often contact tracheal branches. As compared to the auxiliary cells of the single-walled olfactory sensilla of the same species, all the mentioned features are much more prominent and hint to a higher ion pumping activity at the border to the sensillum-lymph cavities.  相似文献   

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