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Six novel polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from enriched libraries in Myrica faya Ait., recently renamed Morella faya, (fayatree, firetree, or firebush) in order to examine the genetic diversity in natural populations. Also, test cross-specific amplification and genetic diversity in Myrica rivas-martinezii, which is endemic on the Canary islands. Microsatellite loci were screened in 225 individuals of both species from different islands of the Canarian archipelago. All markers were successfully amplified from both Myrica species, with an average number of 6.5 and 9.3 alleles per locus in M. rivas-martinezii and M. faya, respectively. There was no evidence for linkage disequilibrium between loci, and the probability of null alleles ranged from 0.01 to 0.17.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I and nuclear ITS2 sequences were surveyed from Canary Islands threatened species of the genera Purpuraria and Acrostira (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae). Phylogenetic and population analyses show that the two previously recognized Purpuraria erna subspecies are not valid as conservation units, and that there is a new unrecognized species of Purpuraria, coincident with recently discovered morphological variation within the genus. In addition, mitochondrial introgression seems to occur between the two Purpuraria species in southwest Lanzarote. Species-delimitation based on the morphological taxonomy of Acrostira, which recognizes four single-island endemics, is only partially supported by the genetic data. It shows that currently admitted species from the central and western islands of Tenerife, La Gomera and La Palma are closely related, with evidence of recent gene flow between the Tenerife and La Gomera populations. MtDNA variation also showed that A. euphorbiae, currently considered as the most critically endangered grasshopper species in the Canaries, has lower population diversity than its close relatives.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and geographical nested clade analysis (NCA) methods were applied to mitochondrial DNA sequences of Pimelia darkling beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) endemic to Gran Canaria, an island in the Canary archipelago. The three species P. granulicollis, P. estevezi and P. sparsa occur on the island, the latter with three recognized subspecies. Another species, P. fernandezlopezi (endemic to the island of La Gomera) is a close relative of P. granulicollis based on partial Cytochrome Oxidase I mtDNA sequences obtained in a previous study. Some of these beetles are endangered, so phylogeographical structure within species and populations can help to define conservation priorities. A total of about 700 bp of Cytochrome Oxidase II were examined in 18 populations and up to 75 individuals excluding outgroups. Among them, 22 haplotypes were exclusive to P. granulicollis and P. estevezi and 31 were from P. sparsa. Phylogenetic analysis points to the paraphyly of Gran Canarian Pimelia, as the La Gomera P. fernandezlopezi haplotypes are included in them, and reciprocal monophyly of two species groups: one constituted by P. granulicollis, P. estevezi and P. fernandezlopezi (subgenus Aphanaspis), and the other by P. sparsa'sensu lato'. The two species groups show a remarkably high mtDNA divergence. Within P. sparsa, different analyses all reveal a common result, i.e. conflict between current subspecific taxonomic designations and evolutionary units, while P. estevezi and P. fernandezlopezi are very close to P. granulicollis measured at the mtDNA level. Geographical NCA identifies several cases of nonrandom associations between haplotypes and geography that may be caused by allopatric fragmentation of populations with some cases of restriction of gene flow or range expansion. Analyses of molecular variance and geographical NCA allow definition of evolutionary units for conservation purposes in both species-groups and suggest scenarios in which vicariance caused by geological history of the island may have shaped the pattern of the mitochondrial genetic diversity of these beetles.  相似文献   

The blue chaffinch, Fringilla teydea, is an endemic species of the Canary Islands. This species is formed by two subspecies: The Teneriffean blue chaffinch (F. t. teydea), and the endangered Gran Canarian blue chaffinch, (F. t. polatzeki). Here we report the isolation and characterization of nine tetranucleotide microsatellites (AAAG and AAAT) from the Gran Canarian subspecies, using an enrichment protocol. An average of 7.8 alleles per locus and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.773 were found (n = 28). The loci were tested for their ability to cross amplify in the Teneriffean subspecies and in the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). These microsatellites will be used to manage a captive breeding programme for the endangered Gran Canarian subspecies.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 11 isozyme loci was used to explore the levels and apportionment of genetic variation in the eight known populations of Matthiola bolleana, an endemic Brassicaceae to the Eastern Canarian islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Within islands, ecosystem antiquity and uniformity, lack of evidence for selection or genetic bottlenecks, the high genetic identities between the populations, and the low values of F ST converge to suggest that the high levels of variation detected have been maintained in a context of prolonged environmental stability through an overall predominance of outbreeding and unrestricted gene flow. Despite the geographical closeness between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and the long range dispersal features of the propagules of M. bolleana, we detected a striking qualitative genetic differentiation between the two islands. We suggest that wind direction has made seed and pollen flow between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote much less likely than expected, and that the lack of inter-island dispersal has far overriden the influence of stochastic forces and of the reproductive attributes of M. bolleana in shaping the patterns of inter-island genetic differentiation. However, genetic similarity in M. bolleana is within the ranges defined by Canarian taxa for which the extent of genetic differentiation has also been assessed using the values of isozyme genetic identity.  相似文献   

Pseudoniphargus candelariae n. sp. is described from a ground-water-fed well in Tenerife (Canary Islands) and is compared with all species known from Macaronesia. The new species has one unique character (spination of palmar angle of gnathopod 1 sexually dimorphic) and presents furthermore a new combination of morphological features not found in other species of the genus in the area studied.  相似文献   

Feral cats have been directly responsible for the extinction of numerous species on islands worldwide, including endemic species of mammals, birds and reptiles. The diet of feral cats in the main habitats of the Canary Islands, as generally occurred on oceanic islands, is mainly composed of introduced mammals, and native species of birds, reptiles and insects. The impact of feral cat upon the endangered species was assessed by evaluating their relative abundance in the cats’ diet and by considering their current conservation status. A total of 68 different preys were identified at species level in all studies carried out in the Canary Islands (5 mammals, 16 birds, 15 reptiles and 32 invertebrates). From all the species preyed by feral cats in the Canary Islands, only four of them are considered threatened by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: one endemic bird Saxicola dacotiae and three endemic giant lizards, Gallotia simonyi, Gallotia intermedia, and Gallotia gomerana. Although some efforts on management control have been carried out, it is necessary to enforce these conservation activities on those areas of Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro where giant lizards are still present. Furthermore some local areas where endangered bird species are highly predated should be protected. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account the presence of other introduced species such as rats, mice or rabbits in order to avoid problems derived from the hyperpredation process and mesopredator release effect.  相似文献   

Information on biometric and biological parameters of Cancer bellianus Johnson, 1861 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Cancridae) off the Canary Islands is given. Crabs examined were collected during experimental fishing surveys during 1974–1998. Carapace length, carapace width, total wet weight, sex and ovigerous condition were determined. This species was caught at depths from 153 to 750 m, the deepest ever recorded. Size frequency distributions were assembled and size-weight relationships were estimated by sex. Sex-ratio as a function of size and depth was determined. The size at first maturity was calculated by analysing the relative growth between the carapace length and the left chela width: 103.5 mm CL in males, 101.2 mm CL in females. Ovigerous females, egg size and fecundity estimates are reported apparently for the first time.  相似文献   

We describe 10 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci from the eastern Canary Island lacertid lizard, Gallotia atlantica. Loci were isolated from a partial genomic library that had been enriched for AAAG repeat sequence. All loci were highly polymorphic (eight alleles or more) with observed heterozygosities from 0.75 to 1.00. At least four loci were successfully amplified and polymorphic in the Gran Canarian lacertid, Gallotia stehlini. These loci will be used to examine correlations between patterns of gene flow and recent volcanism on the island of Lanzarote.  相似文献   

DNA nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) and the nuclear intron 7 of β-fibrinogen were obtained to infer the phylogenetic origin of the two endemic Canarian pigeons: Bolle’s Pigeon (Columba bollii) and Laurel Pigeon (C. junoniae). Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference all converged into a congruent topology: C. bollii clusters together with the Wood Pigeon (C. palumbus) which is common in Europe and Asia, while C. junoniae was found near the base of the clade that includes other species of the genus Columba from the Old World. Laurel Pigeon probably represents an old lineage that might have colonized the Canary Islands a long time ago (20 My) while Bolle’s Pigeon might have arrived on the archipelago much later during the Upper Miocene (5 My). Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Of the 20 pandalid shrimps species and subspecies reported for the Eastern Central Atlantic (26–36° N), 16 were found in one or more Macaronesian archipelagos (Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands) (14–40° N), and 11 of them were recorded to date in the Canary Island waters (27° 30–29° 30 N): Bitias stocki Fransen, 1990; Heterocarpus ensifer ensifer A. Milne-Edwards, 1881; Heterocarpus grimaldii A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1900; Heterocarpus laevigatus Bate, 1888; Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851); Plesionika ensis (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881); Plesionika holthuisi Crosnier & Forest, 1968; Plesionika martia martia (A. Milne-Edwards, 1883); Plesionika narval (J.C. Fabricius, 1787); Plesionika williamsi Forest, 1964; and Stylopandalus richardi Coutière, 1905. In the present work, Plesionika antigai Zariquiey Álvarez, 1955 is recorded for the first time from the Canary Islands. As a result of many fishing surveys around the Canary Islands at 27–1550 m depth between 1985 and 1998, information on bathymetric distribution, habitat, size and biology of the 12 Canarian pandalid species is given. The geomorphologic, geographic and oceanographic characteristics of the Canary Islands marine ecosystems could explain the great diversity in the biogeographic patterns of the pandalid species inhabiting this area. The distribution patterns found were: Macaronesian (1 spec.), Atlanto-Mediterranean (1 spec.), Eastern Atlantic warm-temperate (1 spec.), amphi-Atlantic warm (2 spec.), amphi-Atlantic warm-temperate (1 spec.), pantropical (5 spec.), and cosmopolitan (1 spec.).  相似文献   

Eleven strains were isolated from root nodules of Lotus endemic to the Canary Islands and they belonged to the genus Ensifer, a genus never previously described as a symbiont of Lotus. According to their 16S rRNA and atpD gene sequences, two isolates represented minority genotypes that could belong to previously undescribed Ensifer species, but most of the isolates were classified within the species Ensifer meliloti. These isolates nodulated Lotus lancerottensis, Lotus corniculatus and Lotus japonicus, whereas Lotus tenuis and Lotus uliginosus were more restrictive hosts. However, effective nitrogen fixation only occurred with the endemic L. lancerottensis. The E. meliloti strains did not nodulate Medicago sativa, Medicago laciniata Glycine max or Glycine soja, but induced non-fixing nodules on Phaseolus vulgaris roots. nodC and nifH symbiotic gene phylogenies showed that the E. meliloti symbionts of Lotus markedly diverged from strains of Mesorhizobium loti, the usual symbionts of Lotus, as well as from the three biovars (bv. meliloti, bv. medicaginis, and bv. mediterranense) so far described within E. meliloti. Indeed, the nodC and nifH genes from the E. meliloti isolates from Lotus represented unique symbiotic genotypes. According to their symbiotic gene sequences and host range, the Lotus symbionts would represent a new biovar of E. meliloti for which bv. lancerottense is proposed.  相似文献   

The Canary Island pine weevil Brachyderes rugatus (Wollaston) consists of four allopatric subspecies that are thought to have arisen from several historic colonization events within the archipelago. We have isolated and optimized seven microsatellite loci from Brachyderes rugatus calvus from Gran Canaria. Six of these loci are polymorphic within B. rugatus (11–22 alleles per locus; heterozygosity between 0.43 and 0.84). There is no evidence for heterozygote deficit within populations or for linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci. These molecular markers are likely to prove useful tools for quantifying the genetic variability of bottlenecked island populations.  相似文献   

The blue tit (Parus caeruleus teneriffae group) is proposed to have colonised the Canary Islands from North Africa according to an east-to-west stepping stone model, and today, the species group is divided into four subspecies, differing in morphological, acoustic, and ecological characters. This colonisation hypothesis was tested and the population structure between and within the islands studied using mitochondrial DNA sequences of the non-coding and relatively fast evolving control region. Our results suggest that one of the central islands, Tenerife, was colonised first and the other islands from there. Three of the presently recognised four subspecies are monophyletic, exception being the subspecies teneriffae, which consists of two monophyletic groups, the one including birds of Tenerife and La Gomera and the other birds of Gran Canaria. The Gran Canarian birds are well differentiated from birds of the other islands and should be given a subspecies status. In addition, the teneriffae subspecies group is clearly distinct from the European caeruleus group, and therefore the blue tit assemblage should be divided into two species.  相似文献   

Endemic species swarms constitute large fractions of the millipede faunas of Madeira (29 species of the Cylindroiulus madeirae group, plus six species of Acipes , out of a total of 60 species) and the Canary Islands (46 species of Dolichoiulus , plus four species of the Glomeris alluaudi-group , out of a total of about 79 species). The poorer faunas of the Azores (22 species) and the Cape Verde Islands (15 species) in contrast only include a few endemics. The Cylindroiulus madeirae group and Dolichoiulus show a high degree of diversity of structure (size, colour, leg length etc.) and habitat (laurisilva, xeric habitats, caves). The C. madeirae group, unlike Dolichoiulus , is strongly concentrated in the laurisilva. In this habitat, microhabitat differentiation is pronounced in both swarms.  相似文献   

The woodySonchus alliance consists of 19 species ofSonchus subg.Dendrosonchus, one species ofSonchus subg.Sonchus and species of five genera (i.e.Babcockia, Sventenia, Taeckholmia, Lactucosonchus, Prenanthes), and is restricted primarily to the archipelago of the Canaries in the Macaronesian phytogeographical region. An enzyme electrophoretic study, including 13 loci, was conducted to assess genetic diversity within and divergence among species of the alliance. Nei's genetic identities (distances) between genera and/or subgenera range from 0.490 (0.714) to 0.980 (0.013), and pairwise comparisons of all populations show relatively high genetic identities, with a mean of 0.804. The high identities further support the genetic cohesiveness of the alliance and its single origin on the Macaronesian islands. Species in the alliance also show about 50%; higher total genetic diversity (HT) than the mean for other oceanic endemics. There is greater divergence between endemics or species on older islands compared to those on younger islands, which suggests that time is a factor for divergence at allozyme loci. Furthermore, populations on older islands have higher total genetic diversities and lower identities than conspecific populations on younger islands. These results imply early colonization, radiation, and divergence of the woodySonchus alliance on older islands followed by subsequent colonization to younger islands. The taxonomic distribution of alleles in the alliance indicates lineage sorting also played a role in divergence among species. Lineage sorting may also produce nonconcordance with either taxonomic designation or the pattern of variation obtained from other molecular markers such as ITS sequences of nrDNA. Timing for the origin and radiation of the alliance agrees with the estimate based on ITS sequences, and suggests that the early divergence and rapid radiation took place during the Late Tertiary on either Gran Canaria or Tenerife.  相似文献   

The leafless spurgeEuphorbia aphylla (Euphorbiaceae), an endemic species restricted to several of the Canary Islands where it inhabits coastal and arid localities, expresses Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) when it is subjected to summer drought. A flexible CAM is consistent with the general ecology of the species. It is the only member of sect.Tirucalli native to the Canary Islands and is at the north-western edge of the section's biogeographical range. The other members of the section have a paleotropic distribution and are found throughout Africa. Many of them are regarded as obligate CAM plants, includingE. tirucalli which was used as a comparison in ecophysiological experiments examining the response ofE. aphylla to drought and temperature.  相似文献   

The occurrence, habitat and abundance are reported for the population of ocean triggerfish Canthidermis sufflamen (Balistidae) at El Hierro, Canary Islands. This is the first record from the Eastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

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