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The sugar composition of cell wall polysaccharides of two tobacco varieties obtained from mesophyll, regenerating protoplasts and cells grown under various conditions were compared. Regenerating protoplasts developed an unusual cell wall with a low cellulose and a high non-cellulosic glucan content. In the presence of different phytohormones compact and friable calli were obtained with cell walls containing low and high arabinose/xylose ratios. The cell walls of compact calli were comparable to those of genuine mesophyll cells. The sugar constituents of cell walls obtained from cells grown in liquid media were different from those of solid calli. The cell wall composition of suspension cultured cells was hardly affected by various combinations of phytohormones, but was altered by high osmolarity of the medium.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the cell wall in carrot cells (Daucus carota L.) cultured in a synthetic liquid medium was studied by measuring the incorporation of radioactive glucose and myo-inositol (MI). When the cells were fed with [14C]glucose in the presence of 0.01% MI, the label soon appeared in the neutral sugars in the cell wall but little radioactivity was found in the uronic-acid residues even after a prolonged incubation. On the other hand, radioactivity derived from [3H]MI was found to be distributed among uronic acids and pentoses but not in the hexose residues in the wall. The data indicate that MI is an important intermediate for the synthesis of acidic sugars in the wall of cultured carrot cells.Abbreviation MI myo-inositol  相似文献   

Non-cellulosic neutral sugar composition of cell walls from seventeen fruit types were analysed during ripening. Galactose was the major non-cellulosic neutral sugar in cell walls of cucurbit and solanaceous fruit, xylose was the predominant non-cellulosic neutral component of berries, and arabinose was the major non-cellulosic component of pome fruits. The major non-cellulosic neutral sugar residue in cell walls of stone fruits varied. In nectarine and peach, plum, and apricot, the major sugar was arabinose, galactose, and xylose, respectively. In 15 of the 17 types of fruit, a net loss of non-cellulosic neutral sugar residues occurred during ripening. No net loss occurred in plums and cucumbers. A net loss of cell wall galactose and/or arabinose occurred in 14 of the types of fruit. Xylose was the major neutral sugar residue lost from walls of apricot during ripening. In general, berry cell walls were comparatively low in galactose and arabinose content.  相似文献   

Enzymatic degradation of cell wall polysaccharides from soybean meal   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Soybean meal, soybean water unextractable solids (WUS) and extracts thereof, which contain particular cell wall polysaccharides, were incubated with a number of cell wall degrading enzymes. The intact cell wall polysaccharides in the meal and WUS were hardly degradable, while the extracts from WUS were well degraded. The arabinogalactan side chains in the pectin-rich ChSS fraction (Chelating agent Soluble Solids) could to a large extent be removed from the pectins by the combined action of endo-galactanase, exo-galactanase, endo-arabinanase and arabinofuranosidase B. The remaining polymer was isolated and represented 30% of the polysaccharides in the ChSS fraction. Determination of the sugar composition showed these polymers to be very highly substituted pectic structures. It still contained 5 mol% of arabinose and 12 mol% of galactose, representing 7% and 12%, respectively, of the arabinose and galactose present in the ChSS fraction before degradation. Further, the presence of uronic acid (50 mol%) and of xylose (18 mol%) indicated the presence of a xylogalacturonan.  相似文献   

Enzymatic degradation of cell wall and related plant polysaccharides   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose and other glucans, pectins, xylans, mannans, and fructans are present as major structural and storage materials in plants. These constituents may be degraded and modified by endogenous enzymes during plant growth and development. In plant pathogenesis by microorganisms, extracellular enzymes secreted by infected strains play a major role in plant tissue degradation and invasion of the host. Many of these polysaccharide-degrading enzymes are also produced by microorganisms widely used in industrial enzyme production. Most commerical enzyme preparations contain an array of secondary activities in addition to the one or two principal components which have standardized activities. In the processing of unpurified carbohydrate materials such as cereals, fruits, and tubers, these secondary enzyme activities offer major potential for improving process efficiency. Use of more defined combinations of industrial polysaccharases should allow final control of existing enzyme processes and should also lead to the development of novel enzymatic applications.  相似文献   

The specific nature of plant cell wall polysaccharides   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Polysaccharide compositions of cell walls were assessed by quantitative analyses of the component sugars. Cell walls were hydrolyzed in 2 n trifluoroacetic acid and the liberated sugars reduced to their respective alditols. The alditols were acetylated and the resulting alditol acetates separated by gas chromatography. Quantitative assay of the alditol acetates was accomplished by electronically integrating the detector output of the gas chromatograph. Myo-inositol, introduced into the sample prior to hydrolysis, served as an internal standard.  相似文献   

A. Kikuchi  Y. Edashige  T. Ishii  T. Fujii  S. Satoh 《Planta》1996,198(4):634-639
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) embryogenic callus (EC) loses its embryogenic competence and becomes nonembryogenic callus (NC) during long-term culture. With the loss of embryogenic competence, the cell clusters become smaller and the extent of intercellular attachments is reduced. Pectic fractions prepared from EC and NC were separated into two subfractions by gel filtration. A difference in sugar composition between EC and NC was found only in the high-molecular-mass (ca. 1300 kDa) subfraction, and the ratio of the amount of arabinose to that of galactose (Ara/Gal) was strongly and positively correlated with the size of cell clusters in several different cultures. From the results of sugar-composition and methylation analyses, and the results of treatment with exo-arabinanase, models of the neutral sugar chains of pectins from EC and NC are proposed. Both neutral sugar chains are composed of three regions. The basal region is composed of linearly linked arabinan 5-Araf> moieties in both types of callus. The middle galactan region is composed of 6-linked galactose, some of which branches at the 3 and 4 positions, and this region is larger and more frequently branched in NC than in EC. Finally, the terminal arabinan region is composed of 5-linked arabinose, branched at the 3 position, and the size of the terminal arabinan is larger in EC than in NC. The significance of the neutral sugar chains of pectins in the interaction of cell wall components and intercellular attachment is discussed.Abbreviations Ara/Gal ratio (w/w) of the amount of arabinose to that of galactose - EC embryogenic callus - NC non-embryogenic callus - T-Araf terminal arabinose The authors are grateful to Dr. Naoto Shibuya of the National Institute of Agrobiological Resources for his gift of exo-arabinanase.  相似文献   

Synergy in the degradation of two plant cell wall polysaccharides, water insoluble pentosan from wheat flour (an arabinoxylan) and sugar beet pectin, was studied using several main-chain cleaving and accessory enzymes. Synergy was observed between most enzymes tested, although not always to the same extent. Degradation of the xylan backbone by endo-xylanase and beta-xylosidase was influenced most strongly by the action of alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase and arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase resulting in a 2.5-fold and twofold increase in release of xylose, respectively. Ferulic acid release by feruloyl esterase A and 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid release by alpha-glucuronidase depended largely on the degradation of the xylan backbone by endo-xylanase but were also influenced by other enzymes. Degradation of the backbone of the pectin hairy regions resulted in a twofold increase in the release of galactose by beta-galactosidase and endo-galactanase but did not significantly influence the arabinose release by arabinofuranosidase and endo-arabinase. Ferulic acid release from sugar beet pectin by feruloyl esterase A was affected most strongly by the presence of other accessory enzymes.  相似文献   

Density dependent chain elongation of neutral glycosphingolipids (NGSL) is associated with contact inhibition of mitosis in several normal cultured cell lines. Transformed non-neural cell lines which have impaired contact inhibition frequently lose this biochemical response. To determine if either of these phenomena occur in human neural cells we determined NGSL compositions of cultured glioblastoma multiforme and normal fetal brain cells. Fetal cells generally had more total NGSL than the tumor cells. As a percentage of total NGSL, both cell lines at higher cell densities had larger proportions of ceramide trihexoside and globoside, but smaller proportions of cerebroside. This decrease was mainly in nonhydroxy fatty acid cerebroside of glioma cells, but in hydroxy fatty acid cerebroside of normal fetal brain cells. These results demonstrate that although glioblastoma multiforme cells have markedly impaired growth control, they still preserve density dependent chain elongation of NGSL. A role for this phenomenon in normal cellular growth control has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Nectar volume and sugar composition are key determinants of the strength of plant–pollinator mutualisms. The main nectar sugars are sucrose, glucose and fructose, which can vary widely in ratio and concentration across species. Brassica spp. produce a hexose-dominant nectar (high in the monosaccharides glucose and fructose) with very low levels of the disaccharide sucrose. Cell wall invertases (CWINVs) catalyze the irreversible hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose in the apoplast. We found that BrCWINV4A is highly expressed in the nectaries of Brassica rapa. Moreover, a brcwinv4a null mutant: (i) has greatly reduced CWINV activity in the nectaries; (ii) produces a sucrose-rich nectar; but (iii) with significantly less volume. These results definitively demonstrate that CWINV activity is not only essential for the production of a hexose-rich nectar, but also support a hypothetical model of nectar secretion in which its hydrolase activity is required for maintaining a high intracellular-to-extracellular sucrose ratio that facilitates the continuous export of sucrose into the nectary apoplast. The extracellular hydrolysis of each sucrose into two hexoses by BrCWINV4A also likely creates the osmotic potential required for nectar droplet formation. These results cumulatively indicate that modulation of CWINV activity can at least partially account for naturally occurring differences in nectar volume and sugar composition. Finally, honeybees prefer nectars with some sucrose, but wild-type B. rapa flowers were much more heavily visited than flowers of brcwinv4a, suggesting that the potentially attractive sucrose-rich nectar of brcwinv4a could not compensate for its low volume.  相似文献   

Zhu Y  Pettolino F  Mau SL  Bacic A 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(9):1067-1076
Panax notoginseng is a commonly used medicinal plant in south-western China. Recent studies indicate that wall polysaccharides are responsible for some of the immunostimulatory activity. Fractionation of the P. notoginseng root powder alcohol insoluble residue (AIR) and its compositional analysis enabled us to deduce the polysaccharide and protein composition of the root cell walls. P. notoginseng walls are composed primarily of polysaccharide (approximately 97% w/w) and some protein. The polysaccharides include pectic polysaccharides (neutral Type I 4-galactan (21%), arabinan (5%), acidic rhamnogalacturonan I (RG I, 2%) and homogalacturonan (HGA, 24%), non-cellulosic polysaccharides (heteroxylan, 3%), xyloglucan (XG, 3%) and heteromannan (1%)) and cellulose (24%). The root AIR also contains Type II AG/AGPs (5% w/w) typically associated with the plasma membrane and extracellular matrix. Thus, P. notoginseng roots contain polysaccharides typical of Type I primary cell walls but are distinguished by their very high levels of Type I 4-galactans and low levels of XGs. The major amino acids in the AIR were Leu (14 mol%), Asx (16 mol%), Glx (10 mol%), Ala (9 mol%), Thr (9 mol%) and Val (9 mol%).  相似文献   

The removal or reduction in concentration of auxin is often a successful method for obtaining morphogenesis in cell cultures of higher plants, such as carrot, but not for soybean. For this reason, the metabolism of one auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), was compared in both carrot and soybean cells. Whereas soybean cells conjugated a high percentage of their 2,4-D to amino acids, carrot cells contained primarily free 2,4-D. Moreover, after long-term exposure to 2,4-D, carrot cells released much more 2,4-D upon transfer to 2,4-D-free (embryogenic) medium than did soybean cells. It appears that the retention of 2,4-D by soybean cells might interfere with subsequent morphogenesis. Because no impairment of 2,4-D efflux was found with short-term exposure to radiolabeled 2,4-D, it was concluded that 2,4-D retention in soybean cells might be due to a time-dependent, metabolic process. The conjugation of 2,4-D to amino acids was shown to be one such time-dependent process. Additionally, the release of 2,4-D from the cells was shown to be due primarily to a loss of free 2,4-D and not 2,4-D-amino acid conjugates. It seems that the greater retention of 2,4-D by soybean cells upon transfer to 2,4-D-free medium is due to greater formation of 2,4-D-amino acid conjugates.  相似文献   

Plant polysaccharides comprise the major portion of organic matter in the biosphere. The cell wall built on the basis of polysaccharides is the key feature of a plant organism largely determining its biology. All together, around 10 types of polysaccharide backbones, which can be decorated by different substituents giving rise to endless diversity of carbohydrate structures, are present in cell walls of higher plants. Each of the numerous cell types present in plants has cell wall with specific parameters, the features of which mostly arise from the structure of polymeric components. The structure of polysaccharides is not directly encoded by the genome and has variability in many parameters (molecular weight, length, and location of side chains, presence of modifying groups, etc.). The extent of such variability is limited by the “functional fitting” of the polymer, which is largely based on spatial organization of the polysaccharide and its ability to form supramolecular complexes of an appropriate type. Consequently, the carrier of the functional specificity is not the certain molecular structure but the certain type of the molecules having a certain degree of heterogeneity. This review summarizes the data on structural features of plant cell wall polysaccharides, considers formation of supramolecular complexes, gives examples of tissue- and stage-specific polysaccharides and functionally significant carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions in plant cell wall, and presents approaches to analyze the spatial structure of polysaccharides and their complexes.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) accumulated coumarin phytoalexins and exhibited increased β-1,3-glucanase activity when treated with either a purified α-1,4-d-endopolygalacturonic acid lyase from Erwinia carotovora or oligogalacturonides solubilized from parsley cell walls by endopolygalacturonic acid lyase. Coumarin accumulation induced by the plant cell wall elicitor was preceded by increases in the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL) and S-adenosyl-l-methionine:xanthotoxol O-methyltransferase (XMT). The time courses for the changes in these three enzyme activities were similar to those observed in cell cultures treated with a fungal glucan elicitor. The plant cell wall elicitor was found to act synergistically with the fungal glucan elicitor in the induction of coumarin phytoalexins. As much as a 10-fold stimulation in coumarin accumulation above the calculated additive response was observed in cell cultures treated with combinations of plant and fungal elicitors. The synergistic effect was also observed for the induction of PAL, 4CL, and XMT activities. These results demonstrate that plant cell wall elicitors induce at least two distinct biochemical responses in parsley cells and further support the role of oligogalacturonides as important regulators of plant defense.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of plant cell wall polysaccharides - a complex process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cellulose, a major component of plant cell walls, is made by dynamic complexes that move within the plasma membrane while depositing cellulose directly into the wall. On the other hand, matrix polysaccharides are made in the Golgi and delivered to the wall via secretory vesicles. Several Golgi proteins that are involved in glucomannan and xyloglucan biosynthesis have been identified, including some glycan synthases that show sequence similarity to the cellulose synthase proteins and several glycosytransferases that add sidechains to the polysaccharide backbones. Recent progress in identifying the proteins needed for polysaccharide biosynthesis should lead to an improved understanding of the molecular details of these complex processes, and eventually to an ability to manipulate them in an effort to generate plants that have improved properties for human uses.  相似文献   

A microsomal preparation from suspension-cultured parsley cells is able to transfer ferulic acid from the respective CoA thioester to endogenous acceptors. The reaction is not enhanced by digitonin but stimulated by Mg2+, Ca2+ and Co2+. Spermine can partly replace divalent ions. Solubility properties and degradation by polysaccharide hydrolases suggest that the products are polymeric cell wall carbohydrates. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed that the most active vesicle fraction is distinct from plasma membranes but does also not peak with IDPase. It is suggested that a subfraction of the Golgi-apparatus is the source of enzyme and acceptors.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Daucus carota L. cultured in a synthetic liquid medium resumed cell division after about 4 days of cultivation. During this lag period, nucleic acid and protein showed only slight increases but the protoplasts commenced cell-wall regeneration soon after the removal of lytic enzymes. The originally spherical protoplasts became ellipsoidal before they underwent division. Radioactive glucose and myo-inositol were readily utilized by the protoplasts. Most of the radioactivity, however, appeared in extracellular polysaccharides and only a small portion was deposited in the regenerated wall. The sugar composition of new cell wall, as studies by chemical analysis and incorporation of labelled precursors, was shown to be considerably different from that of normal cell wall.  相似文献   

Digestion of seed soybean agglutinin with V-8 protease yielded seven distinct fragments (Mr 10,000-20,000) that were well-resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Each individual peptide (F1 through F7) was isolated; determination of the amino acid sequence at the NH2-terminal portion of each peptide established its position in the intact polypeptide of soybean agglutinin. The isolated peptides were used as affinity adsorbents to obtain antibodies that bound individual fragments (anti-F1 through anti-F7). These antibody preparations were, in turn, used in immunofluorescence staining of intact cultured soybean (SB-1) cells. Only those antibody preparations that bind to the NH2-terminal portion (residues 1-124) of the intact soybean agglutinin showed significant cell surface labeling. In contrast, the antibody preparations that bound to residues 125-253 failed to bind to intact SB-1 cells. These results suggest that the SB-1 lectin has the NH2-terminal portion of the polypeptide chain exposed and accessible at the cell surface, while the COOH-terminal portion of the same molecule may be masked, either through protein folding or through embedding in the cell wall. Limited digestion of the cell wall polysaccharides by cellulase or pectinase released the majority of the cell surface lectin.  相似文献   

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