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The roles played by environmental factors in seasonal changes in microbial populations were investigated in the Tvärminne area, off the southern coast of Finland. Surface-layer samples were collected at 1- or 2-week intervals in 1976-78, and 14 microbiological and 10 environmental parameters were determined. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to explain seasonal variation in the microbiological parameters. Separate analyses were made of the data from the open-water and ice-cover periods. In analyses of data from both periods, the environmental factors included accounted for a significant proportion of the variation in the parameters for community respiration (90%) and bacterial spores (80%), and a smaller proportion (60 to 65%) of the variation in total counts of bacteria and plate counts of psychrophiles and yeasts. Lower values (40 to 55%) were obtained for the variation in the other microbiological parameters. The environmental factors with maximal contributions were organic matter, water temperature, chlorophyll a, and salinity, but rainfall and winds also explained part of the variation in some microbiological parameters. In the winter analysis the results differed from those obtained for the other seasons, the variation being governed by parameters indicating freshwater outflows, namely, humic matter, salinity, water temperature (positive regression coefficient), and rainfall (negative regression coefficient).  相似文献   

Hadal ecosystems are found at a depth of 6,000 m below sea level and below, occupying less than 1% of the total area of the ocean. The microbial communities and metabolic potential in these ecosystems are largely uncharacterized. Here, we present four single amplified genomes (SAGs) obtained from 8,219 m below the sea surface within the hadal ecosystem of the Puerto Rico Trench (PRT). These SAGs are derived from members of deep-sea clades, including the Thaumarchaeota and SAR11 clade, and two are related to previously isolated piezophilic (high-pressure-adapted) microorganisms. In order to identify genes that might play a role in adaptation to deep-sea environments, comparative analyses were performed with genomes from closely related shallow-water microbes. The archaeal SAG possesses genes associated with mixotrophy, including lipoylation and the glycine cleavage pathway. The SAR11 SAG encodes glycolytic enzymes previously reported to be missing from this abundant and cosmopolitan group. The other SAGs, which are related to piezophilic isolates, possess genes that may supplement energy demands through the oxidation of hydrogen or the reduction of nitrous oxide. We found evidence for potential trench-specific gene distributions, as several SAG genes were observed only in a PRT metagenome and not in shallower deep-sea metagenomes. These results illustrate new ecotype features that might perform important roles in the adaptation of microorganisms to life in hadal environments.  相似文献   

Abstract. Thicket-forming ferns are common colonizers of disturbed habitats in the tropics, but little is known about their ecology. The effects of thickets formed by the fern Dicranopteris pectinata on tree seedlings on five landslides in the Luquillo Experimental Forest in northeastern Puerto Rico were both positive and negative. Soil moisture and total soil N were higher under fern thickets than in adjacent open areas and soil bulk density and soil surface temperatures were lower. Germination of seeds of the tree Cecropia schreberiana was higher for seeds sown under fern thickets than for those sown into adjacent open areas. Tree seedlings of Tabebuia hetero-phylla exhibited a threefold reduction in photosynthesis under ferns, probably resulting from a twelvefold reduction of photosynthetic photon flux density. Growth of Tabebuia seedlings was reduced under ferns but the distribution of seedlings of naturally occurring woody plants was not strongly correlated with the presence of fern thickets. Although fern thickets on low-nutrient landslide soils appear to facilitate germination, they inhibit growth of tree seedlings and may, therefore, delay forest development on landslides in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

The four dengue viruses, the agents of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever in humans, are transmitted predominantly by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The abundance and the transmission potential of Ae. aegypti are influenced by temperature and precipitation. While there is strong biological evidence for these effects, empirical studies of the relationship between climate and dengue incidence in human populations are potentially confounded by seasonal covariation and spatial heterogeneity. Using 20 years of data and a statistical approach to control for seasonality, we show a positive and statistically significant association between monthly changes in temperature and precipitation and monthly changes in dengue transmission in Puerto Rico. We also found that the strength of this association varies spatially, that this variation is associated with differences in local climate, and that this relationship is consistent with laboratory studies of the impacts of these factors on vector survival and viral replication. These results suggest the importance of temperature and precipitation in the transmission of dengue viruses and suggest a reason for their spatial heterogeneity. Thus, while dengue transmission may have a general system, its manifestation on a local scale may differ from global expectations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic actions are altering fluxes of nitrogen (N) in the biosphere at unprecedented rates. Efforts to study these impacts have concentrated in the Northern hemisphere, where experimental data are available. In tropical developing countries, however, experimental studies are lacking. This paper summarizes available data and assesses the impacts of human activities on N fluxes in Puerto Rico, a densely populated Caribbean island that has experienced drastic landscape transformations over the last century associated with rapid socioeconomic changes. N yield calculations conducted in several watersheds of different anthropogenic influences revealed that disturbed watersheds export more N per unit area than undisturbed forested watersheds. Export of N from urban watersheds ranged from 4.8 kg ha?1 year?1 in the Río Bayamón watershed to 32.9 kg ha?1 year?1 in the highly urbanized Río Piedras watershed and 33.3 kg ha?1 year?1 in the rural-agricultural Río Grande de Añasco watershed. Along with land use, mean annual runoff explained most of the variance in fluvial N yield. Wastewater generated in the San Juan Metropolitan Area receives primary treatment before it is discharged into the Atlantic Ocean. These discharges are N-rich and export large amounts of N to the ocean at a rate of about 140 kg ha?1 year?1. Data on wet deposition of inorganic N ( $\hbox{NH}_{4}^{+}+\hbox{NO}_{3}^{-}Anthropogenic actions are altering fluxes of nitrogen (N) in the biosphere at unprecedented rates. Efforts to study these impacts have concentrated in the Northern hemisphere, where experimental data are available. In tropical developing countries, however, experimental studies are lacking. This paper summarizes available data and assesses the impacts of human activities on N fluxes in Puerto Rico, a densely populated Caribbean island that has experienced drastic landscape transformations over the last century associated with rapid socioeconomic changes. N yield calculations conducted in several watersheds of different anthropogenic influences revealed that disturbed watersheds export more N per unit area than undisturbed forested watersheds. Export of N from urban watersheds ranged from 4.8 kg ha−1 year−1 in the Río Bayamón watershed to 32.9 kg ha−1 year−1 in the highly urbanized Río Piedras watershed and 33.3 kg ha−1 year−1 in the rural-agricultural Río Grande de A?asco watershed. Along with land use, mean annual runoff explained most of the variance in fluvial N yield. Wastewater generated in the San Juan Metropolitan Area receives primary treatment before it is discharged into the Atlantic Ocean. These discharges are N-rich and export large amounts of N to the ocean at a rate of about 140 kg ha−1 year−1. Data on wet deposition of inorganic N () suggest that rates of atmospheric N deposition are increasing in the pristine forests of Puerto Rico. Stationary and mobile sources of NO x (NO+NO2) and N2O generated in the large urban centers may be responsible for this trend. Comprehensive measurements are required in Puerto Rico to quantitatively characterize the local N cycle. More research is required to assess rates of atmospheric N deposition, N fixation in natural and human-dominated landscapes, N-balance associated with food and feed trade, and denitrification.  相似文献   

研究了育蚌水体分别施用微生物制剂利水素与鱼虾菌乐后水样中微生物区系的变化。试验结果表明:施用利水素的水样革兰氏阴性杆菌和嗜水气单胞菌含量分别下降26.67%、20%,芽胞杆菌和表皮葡萄球菌含量分别上升13.33%、26.67%;施用鱼虾菌乐的水样革兰阴性杆菌和嗜水气单胞菌含量分别下降20%、13.33%,芽胞杆菌和表皮葡萄球菌含量分别上升6.67%、13.33%;未施用微生物制剂的水样革兰阴性杆菌和嗜水气单胞菌含量均上升13.33%,芽胞杆菌消失,新增肠杆菌和链球菌。施用微生物制剂利水素和鱼虾菌乐,可有效优化养殖水体微生物种群结构,改良养殖水质环境。  相似文献   

The material on cumacean fauna of the continental slope of the Arctic Ocean (more than 80 samples) was collected during expeditions with the ships Persei in 1925, 1928, and 1936; Sadko in 1936; and Polarstern in 1990, 1993, and 1995. Examination of the samples (150–900 m depth) revealed 19 species of Cumacea in this region. Three Arcto-Atlantic bathyal species (Hemilamprops uniplicatus, Diastylis echinata, Campylaspis globosa) are markers of the places over the continental slope where Atlantic intermediate waters penetrate into the Arctic Ocean and reach to the bottom. These species are widespread in the North Atlantic (100 to 2882 m depth); on the continental slope of the Arctic Ocean, they occur in a narrow depth range (200 to 900 m) in areas where positive temperatures from 0.09 to 1.78°C and high salinity of 34.75 to 34.87 prevail. The locations of these species is delineated on maps as an interrupted belt extending from northeastern Greenland to the East Siberian Sea and further north up to 79°30 N and 148° E, which corresponds to the route of penetration of Atlantic intermediate waters into the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Cecropia schreberiana Miq. (Cecropiaceae) is a common tree in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico because it is a pioneer that establishes abundantly after recurrent hurricanes that damage Luquillo forests. In these forestsC. schreberiana typically reaches about 20 m in height and 60 cm dbh and has few branches, these bearing large, deeply lobed leaves. The wood is light and weak. Unlike most of its congeners,C. schreberiana in Puerto Rico does not have symbiotic ants. It is dioecious and produces wind-pollinated flowers in spikes and abundant minute seeds broadly dispersed by birds and bats. Forest soils contain a high density of its seeds, which lie dormant until canopy opening stimulates germination. With adequate nutrientsC. schreberiana grows fast in high light, while nondominant individuals suffer heavy mortality. An individual of the species is thought to live 30 to 50 years. Cecropia schreberiana is uncommon in abandoned pastures in the Luquillo Mountains. It colonizes road cuts, landslides, and infrequent, large treefall gaps. Yet these disturbances provide only a limited “background regeneration,” which is not sufficient to maintain the species’ observed high abundance in Luquillo forests. However, there is widespread and abundantC. schreberiana regeneration after hurricane damage opens the forest canopy. Despite high mortality among these post-hurricane colonizers, enough survive and grow so thatC. schreberiana is generally among the ten most common canopy trees in the widespread “tabonuco” forest type. Post-hurricane colonizers mature, senesce, and decline in number, butC. schreberiana remains abundant as seeds in the soil ready to form tree cohorts after disturbance. The status of theC. schreberiana population indicates the developmental status of the forest as a whole. Moreover,C. schreberiana performs a key function in the reorganization of Luquillo forest ecosystems after disturbance, when its abundant regeneration and rapid growth capture and store nutrients. Also, its colonizing saplings may facilitate succession to mature forest by excluding grasses, herbs, and vines that hinder forest development. The biology of this species both reflects and helps drive the dynamics of forests in the Luquillo Mountains.  相似文献   

Fe oxidation is often the first chemical reaction that initiates weathering and disaggregation of intact bedrock into regolith. Here we explore the use of pyrosequencing tools to test for evidence that bacteria participate in these reactions in deep regolith. We analyze regolith developed on volcaniclastic rocks of the Fajardo formation in a ridgetop within the rainforest of the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. In the 9-m-deep regolith profile, the primary minerals chlorite, feldspar, and pyroxene are detected near 8.3 m but weather to kaolinite and Fe oxides found at shallower depths. Over the regolith profile, both total and heterotrophic bacterial cell counts generally increase from the bedrock to the surface. Like other soil microbial studies, the dominant phyla detected are Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, and Actinobacteria. Proteobacteria (α, β, γ and δ) were the most abundant at depth (6.8–9 m, 41–44%), while Acidobacteria were the most abundant at the surface (1.4–4.4 m, 37–43%). Despite the fact that Acidobacteria dominated surficial communities while Proteobacteria dominated near bedrock, the near-surface and near-bedrock communities were not statistically different in structure but were statistically different from mid-depth communities. Approximately 21% of all sequences analyzed did not match known sequences: the highest fraction of unmatched sequences was greatest at mid-depth (45% at 4.4 m). At the regolith-bedrock interface where weathering begins, several lines of evidence are consistent with biotic Fe oxidation. At that interface, iron-related bacterial activity tests and culturing indicate the presence of iron-related bacteria, and phylogenetic analyses identified sub-phyla containing known iron-oxidizing microorganisms. Cell densities of iron-oxidizers in the deep saprolite were estimated to be on the order of 105 cells g?1. Overall Fe loss was also observed at the regolith-bedrock interface, consistent with bacterial production of organic acids and leaching of Fe-organic complexes. Fe-organic species were also detected to be enriched near the bedrock-regolith interface. In this and other deep weathering profiles, chemolithoautotrophic bacteria that use Fe for energy and nitrate or oxygen as an electron acceptor may play an important role in initiating disaggregation of bedrock.  相似文献   

The in situ community structure of Prochlorococcus populations in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean was examined by analysis of Prochlorococcus 16S rDNA sequences with three independent approaches: cloning and sequencing, hybridization to specific oligonucleotide probes, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The hybridization of high-light (HL) and low-light (LL) Prochlorococcus genotype-specific probes to two depth profiles of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA sequences revealed that in these two stratified water columns, an obvious niche-partitioning of Prochlorococcus genotypes occurred. In each water column a shift from the HL to the LL genotype was observed, a transition correlating with the depth of the surface mixed layer (SML). Only the HL genotype was found in the SML in each water column, whereas the LL genotype was distributed below the SML. The range of in situ irradiance to which each genotype was subjected within these distinct niches was consistent with growth irradiance studies of cultured HL- and LL-adapted Prochlorococcus strains. DGGE analysis and the sequencing of Prochlorococcus 16S rDNA clones were in full agreement with the genotype-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization data. These observations of a partitioning of Prochlorococcus genotypes in a stratified water column provide a genetic basis for the dim and bright Prochlorococcus populations observed in flow cytometric signatures in several oceanic provinces.  相似文献   

Schowalter TD  Fonte SJ  Geaghan J  Wang J 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):1141-1149
Forest canopy herbivores are known to increase rates of nutrient fluxes to the forest floor in a number of temperate and boreal forests, but few studies have measured effects of herbivore-enhanced nutrient fluxes in tropical forests. We simulated herbivore-induced fluxes in a tropical rainforest in Puerto Rico by augmenting greenfall (fresh foliage fragments), frassfall (insect feces), and throughfall (precipitation enriched with foliar leachates) in replicated experimental plots on the forest floor. Background rates of greenfall and frassfall were measured monthly using litterfall collectors and augmented by adding 10× greenfall or 10× frassfall to designated plots. Throughfall fluxes of NH4, NO3 and PO4 (but not water) were doubled in treatment plots, based on published rates of fluxes of these nutrients in throughfall. Control plots received only background flux rates for these compounds but the same minimum amount of distilled water. We evaluated treatment effects as changes in flux rates for NO3, NH4 and PO4, measured as decomposition rate of leaf litter in litterbags and as adsorption in ion-exchange resin bags at the litter–soil interface. Frass addition significantly increased NO3 and NH4 fluxes, and frass and throughfall additions significantly reduced decay rate, compared to controls. Reduced decay rate suggests that nitrogen flux was sufficient to inhibit microbial decomposition activity. Our treatments represented fluxes expected from low–moderate herbivore outbreaks and demonstrated that herbivores, at these outbreak levels, increase ecosystem-level N and P fluxes by >30% in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2014,20(5):452-460
ObjectiveTo describe the state of glycemic control in noncritically ill diabetic patients admitted to the Puerto Rico University Hospital and adherence to current standard of care guidelines for the treatment of diabetes.MethodsThis was a retrospective study of patients admitted to a general medicine ward with diabetes mellitus as a secondary diagnosis. Clinical data for the first 5 days and the last 24 hours of hospitalization were analyzed.ResultsA total of 147 noncritically ill diabetic patients were evaluated. The rates of hyperglycemia (blood glucose ≥ 180 mg/dL) and hypoglycemia (blood glucose < 70 mg/dL) were 56.7 and 2.8%, respectively. Nearly 60% of patients were hyperglycemic during the first 24 hours of hospitalization (mean random blood glucose, 226.5 mg/dL), and 54.2% were hyperglycemic during the last 24 hours of hospitalization (mean random blood glucose, 196.51 mg/dL). The mean random last glucose value before discharge was 189.6 mg/dL. Most patients were treated with subcutaneous insulin, with basal insulin alone (60%) used as the most common regimen. The proportion of patients classified as uncontrolled receiving basal-bolus therapy increased from 54.3% on day 1 to 60% on day 5, with 40% continuing to receive only basal insulin. Most of the uncontrolled patients had their insulin dose increased (70.1%); however, a substantial proportion had no change (23.7%) or even a decrease (6.2%) in their insulin dose.ConclusionThe management of hospitalized diabetic patients is suboptimal, probably due to clinical inertia, manifested by absence of appropriate modification of insulin regimen and intensification of dose in uncontrolled diabetic patients. A comprehensive educational diabetes management program, along with standardized insulin orders, should be implemented to improve the care of these patients. (Endocr Pract. 2014;20:452-460)  相似文献   

Despite the important roles of shallow-water sediments in global biogeochemical cycling, the effects of ocean acidification on sedimentary processes have received relatively little attention. As high-latitude cold waters can absorb more CO2 and usually have a lower buffering capacity than warmer waters, acidification rates in these areas are faster than those in sub-tropical regions. The present study investigates the effects of ocean acidification on sediment composition, processes and sediment-water fluxes in an Arctic coastal system. Undisturbed sediment cores, exempt of large dwelling organisms, were collected, incubated for a period of 14 days, and subject to a gradient of pCO2 covering the range of values projected for the end of the century. On five occasions during the experimental period, the sediment cores were isolated for flux measurements (oxygen, alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate). At the end of the experimental period, denitrification rates were measured and sediment samples were taken at several depth intervals for solid-phase analyses. Most of the parameters and processes (i.e. mineralization, denitrification) investigated showed no relationship with the overlying seawater pH, suggesting that ocean acidification will have limited impacts on the microbial activity and associated sediment-water fluxes on Arctic shelves, in the absence of active bio-irrigating organisms. Only following a pH decrease of 1 pH unit, not foreseen in the coming 300 years, significant enhancements of calcium carbonate dissolution and anammox rates were observed. Longer-term experiments on different sediment types are still required to confirm the limited impact of ocean acidification on shallow Arctic sediment processes as observed in this study.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer represents a major health problem and an important economic burden in Puerto Rico. In the 1990''s, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico implemented a health care reform through the privatization of the public health system. The goal was to ensure access to health services, eliminate disparities for medically indigent citizens and provide special coverage for high-risk conditions such as cancer. This study estimates the 5-year relative survival rate of colorectal cancer and the relative excess risk of death in Puerto Rico for 2004–2005, by type of health insurance coverage; Government Health Plan vs. Non-Government Health Plan. Colorectal cancer in advanced stages was more common in Government Health Plan patients compared with Non-Government Health Plan patients (44.29% vs. 40.24 had regional extent and 13.58% versus 10.42% had distant involvement, respectively). Government Health Plan patients in the 50–64 (RR = 6.59; CI: 2.85–15.24) and ≥65 (RR = 2.4; CI: 1.72–4.04) age-groups had the greater excess risk of death compared with Non-Government Health Plan patients. Further studies evaluating the interplay of access to health services and the barriers affecting the Government Health Plan population are warranted.  相似文献   



From an anthropological genetic perspective, little is known about the ethnogenesis of African descendants in Puerto Rico. Furthermore, historical interactions between Indigenous Caribbean and African descendant peoples that may be reflected in the ancestry of contemporary populations are understudied. Given this dearth of genetic research and the precedence for Afro-Indigenous interactions documented by historical, archeological, and other lines of evidence, we sought to assess the biogeographic origins of African descendant Puerto Ricans and to query the potential for Indigenous ancestry within this community.

Materials and Methods

Saliva samples were collected from 58 self-identified African descendant Puerto Ricans residing in Puerto Rico. We sequenced whole mitochondrial genomes and genotyped Y chromosome haplogroups for each male individual (n = 25). Summary statistics, comparative analyses, and network analysis were used to assess diversity and variation in haplogroup distribution between the sample and comparative populations.


As indicated by mitochondrial haplogroups, 66% had African, 5% had European, and 29% had Indigenous American matrilines. Along the Y chromosome, 52% had African, 28% had Western European, 16% had Eurasian, and, notably, 4% had Indigenous American patrilines. Both mitochondrial and Y chromosome haplogroup frequencies were significantly different from several comparative populations.


Biogeographic origins are consistent with historical accounts of African, Indigenous American, and European ancestry. However, this first report of Indigenous American paternal ancestry in Puerto Rico suggests distinctive features within African descendant communities on the island. Future studies expanding sampling and incorporating higher resolution genetic markers are necessary to more fully understand African descendant history in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   



Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal bacterial zoonosis that is endemic throughout the tropics and may be misdiagnosed as dengue. Delayed hospital admission of leptospirosis patients is associated with increased mortality.

Methodology/Principal Findings

During a concurrent dengue/leptospirosis epidemic in Puerto Rico in 2010, suspected dengue patients that tested dengue-negative were tested for leptospirosis. Fatal and non-fatal hospitalized leptospirosis patients were matched 1:1–3 by age. Records from all medical visits were evaluated for factors associated with fatal outcome. Among 175 leptospirosis patients identified (4.7 per 100,000 residents), 26 (15%) were fatal. Most patients were older males and had illness onset during the rainy season. Fatal case patients first sought medical care earlier than non-fatal control patients (2.5 vs. 5 days post-illness onset [DPO], p < 0.01), but less frequently first sought care at a hospital (52.4% vs. 92.2%, p < 0.01). Although fatal cases were more often diagnosed with leptospirosis at first medical visit (43.9% vs. 9.6%, p = 0.01), they were admitted to the hospital no earlier than non-fatal controls (4.5 vs. 6 DPO, p = 0.31). Cases less often developed fever (p = 0.03), but more often developed jaundice, edema, leg pain, hemoptysis, and had a seizure (p ≤ 0.03). Multivariable analysis of laboratory values from first medical visit associated with fatal outcome included increased white blood cell (WBC) count with increased creatinine (p = 0.001), and decreased bicarbonate with either increased WBC count, increased creatinine, or decreased platelet count (p < 0.001).


Patients with fatal leptospirosis sought care earlier, but were not admitted for care any earlier than non-fatal patients. Combinations of routine laboratory values predictive of fatal outcome should be considered in admission decision-making for patients with suspected leptospirosis.  相似文献   

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