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鲤微卫星引物对麦穗鱼的适用性初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva Temminck et Schlegel)是淡水中广泛分布的小型鱼类,属鲤科(Cyprinidae)、鲍亚科(Gobioninae)、麦穗鱼属(Pseudorasbora Bleeker)。常见于中国东部地区各大水系,朝鲜、日本也有分布。开展小型鱼类种群遗传多样性研究,能为合理开发利用小型鱼类资源,发展鱼食性鱼类增养殖,优化湖泊渔业结构提供重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

Scutellaria baicalensis is a popular medicinal plant that is on the verge of extinction due to uncontrolled harvesting, habitat destruction and deterioration of its ecosystem. We isolated and characterised 21 microsatellite loci in this species. Ninety-four individuals from six populations were used to test the polymorphism of the microsatellite loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 13, with a mean of 7.2. Observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.000 to 1.000 and 0.000 to 0.938, respectively. Among these new microsatellite markers, only two loci showed significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. No locus pairs showed significant linkage disequilibrium. The 21 primer pairs were tested in other Scutellaria species. Most of these primer pairs worked successfully, except for Scut18. These new microsatellite markers could be applied to investigate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of S. baicalensis and its closely related species.  相似文献   

The Laiwu pig, an indigenous pig breed known for extremely high intramuscular fat content, is a well-preserved ancient breed due to long-term natural and artificial selections. In this study, using 27 microsatellite markers jointly recommended by the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), we investigated the genetic diversity of the Laiwu pig breed. The genetic diversity of Laiwu pigs is dramatically low, with the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.067 to 0.767. Among the 27 microsatellite markers, 10 were high polymorphic loci, 10 were moderate polymorphic loci, six were low polymorphic loci, and no polymorphism was detected at one locus (IGFI). Further analyses with the 10 high polymorphic loci and five moderate polymorphic loci revealed that the Laiwu pig breed was inbred and heterozygous deficient to some extent, but not severely, and that the Laiwu pigs were relatively pure, with almost no hybridization with other breeds. Two subgroups of the current 13 Laiwu pig pedigrees were identified. These results suggest that the Laiwu pig breed has a low diversity and a conservation program must be developed to preserve the “Laiwu pig” gene pool.  相似文献   

In this study, we isolated 10 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers in Mytilus edulis by using the magnetic beads enrichment procedure. The characteristics of these loci were estimated by using a sample of 32 individuals of M. edulis. The number of alleles at 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci ranged from 2 to 15 with an average of 5.667. HO and HE ranged from 0.2667 to 1.0000 (0.6800 in average) and from 0.4723 to 0.9226 (0.6190 in average), The PIC value of 6 loci was more than 0.5, and that of the other 4 was between 0.25 and 0.50, Significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium was observed at ME8, ME115 and ME153 after Bonferroni correction (P < 0.004, adjusted value), which possibly was due to the presence of null alleles. This study will be useful for the analysis of population genetic diversity, and the management of this important M. edulis resource.  相似文献   

Abies chensiensis Tieghem and Abies fargesii Franchet are two closely related tree species of Pinaceae endemic to China. A. chensiensis is usually found scattered in small forest fragments, whereas A. fargesii is a dominant member of coniferous forest. To evaluate the genetic effect of fragmentation on A. chensiensis, a total of 24 populations were sampled from the whole distribution of the two species. Seven nuclear microsatellite loci were employed to analyze comparatively the genetic diversity and population genetic differentiation. Both A. chensiensis and A. fargesii have high level within-population genetic diversity and low inter-population genetic differentiation. Low microsatellite differentiation (2.1%) between A. fargesii and A. chensiensis was observed. But microsatellite marker was able to discriminate most populations of these two species. Compared to A. fargesii, A. chensiensi has lower allelic diversity and higher genetic differentiation among populations. It suggested the existence of negative genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation on A. chensiensis.  相似文献   

Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) is a critically endangered species endemic to China. In this study, we developed 11 novel microsatellite loci for this rare species and applied them to examine genetic variation of indigenous alligators from Changxing Nature Reserve and America-born Chinese alligators. The 11 polymorphic microsatellites presented a total of 31 alleles among 57 individuals scored, yielding an average of 2.82 alleles per locus. One allele was unique to the American population but four private alleles were detected in the Changxing population. The average expected and observed heterozygosities were 0.400 and 0.482 for the Changxing alligators and 0.520 and 0.621 for the America-born individuals, respectively. These microsatellite markers would be useful tools in the genetic examination of this endangered species.  相似文献   

In this study, microsatellite markers were employed to identify the parentage relationship in Scylla paramamosain. The exclusion probability of loci was found to be related with the level of their heterozygosity. When no parent information or only one parent information was available, the exclusion probability ranged from 22.0% to 56.6% and from 41.2% to 73.1%, with the combined exclusion probability for ten loci being 97.0% and 99.8%, respectively. The cumulative assignment success rate was 100% when no parent information was available using seven most informative microsatellite markers. Moreover, the power of the seven microsatellite markers for parentage assignment was tested by a double-blind test, which indicated that 95% of the progeny can be correctly assigned to their parents. This study provided a microsatellite-based approach for parentage assignment in S. paramamosain that will be useful for investigation of genetic background and molecular marker-assisted selective breeding in this important crab species.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic diversity and structure of three Misgurnus anguillicaudatus populations from three different geographical locations in China (Hunan, Hubei and Henan province) were investigated using microsatellite markers. High level of genetic diversity of all three populations was revealed by expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho) and allele number. Significant genetic differentiations were found between all pairs of populations. The efficiency of eight microsatellite markers in parentage assignment of 540 progeny from twenty full-sib families was evaluated. Simulation based on allele frequency data demonstrated that probabilities of exclusion per locus range from 0.313 to 0.825 when no parent information is available and 0.504 to 0.904 when one parent is known. The assignment success rate based on the real data using eight markers was 96.85%. This study indicates that these M. anguillicaudatus resources are valuable genetic and breeding material for aquaculture and the microsatellite markers will be useful for investigation of genetic background and molecular marker-assisted selective breeding in this species.  相似文献   

Achyranthes bidentata Blume (Amaranthaceae) is a perennial herb that is widely distributed in India, Java, China, and Japan. The natural resources of A. bidentata in its geo-authentic product area have rapidly declined in recent years because of the over-collection of its roots. To devise adequate conservation and management strategies for this species, its genetic diversity and population structure should be characterized. Roche 454 pyrosequencing combined with magnetic bead enrichment was used to develop microsatellite markers for A. bidentata. A total of 903 microsatellite loci were identified from 42,004 individual sequence reads. One hundred microsatellite loci were selected to test the primer amplification efficiency across 16 individuals from two A. bidentata populations. Of these tested markers, 8 yielded polymorphic amplification products, 29 yielded single alleles. For polymorphic primer pairs, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 4, with an average of 2.75. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.353 to 0.671 and 0.250 to 0.938, respectively. The inbreeding coefficient varied from −0.692 to 0.627. This set of markers will provide useful tools for examining genetic diversity and population structure, and aid in better understanding of the conservation of A. bidentata.  相似文献   

The Chinese sika deer (Cervus nippon) is a rare and vulnerable animal in China for medical use. In this study, the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of 113 Chinese sika deer from 4 populations (Linyi Farm, LF; Linyi Park, LP, Yangzhou Farm, YF; Yangzhou Zoo, YZ) were investigated with 14 microsatellite loci. Eighty-three alleles were detected at the 14 loci in all populations. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.257 to 0.863 and the observed heterozygosity from 0.226 to 0.821. The polymorphism information content at different loci ranged from 0.217 to 0.825. The results of the HWE (Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium) tests indicated that only four loci (CEH-5, BL42, Mber70, and CEH-2) were in HWE (P > 0.01). The mean number of alleles per population ranged from 3.21 to 5.64, observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.568 to 0.685, respectively. Positive inbreeding coefficient (FIS) values were found in every population. FST values ranged from 0.101 in the LF to 0.155 in the YZ. The genetic identity ranged from 0.1236 to 0.1645. The genetic distance ranged from 0.4746 to 0.6025. The results of this study indicate moderate genetic variation and polymorphism across the loci. Appropriate breeding strategies should be designed for deer in captivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to isolate microsatellite loci to analyze the genetic diversity of Whitmania pigra. Four new microsatellite markers of W. pigra were developed from an enriched library and ten from a modified SAMPL assay. A total of 127 alleles were detected, with an average of 9.1 alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosity (He) of each microsatellite locus varied from 0.451 to 0.857, with an average of 0.688. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of each microsatellite locus ranged from 0.361 to 0.838, with an average of 0.640. Analysis of molecular variance showed that the main variation component existed within the populations (81.64%) rather than among the populations (18.36%). Phylogenetic tree for 15 populations of Hirudo using the NJ method by MEGA 5.1 software were divided into two major clusters. These microsatellite markers will contribute to research on the individual identification, genetic diversity, population structure, genome mapping and conservation biology of Hirudo.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Infective particles (IPs) of Theileria parva , the causative organism of East Coast Fever of cattle, were harvested from the tick vector, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus , using an in vitro feeding technic. In a ranging experiment, pairs of cattle were inoculated with aliquots of suspensions of IPs irradiated at doses of 4–137.6 krad. Doses of irradiation in excess of 8 krad appeared to destroy the parasite. In the 2nd and 3rd experiments, groups of 5 cattle were inoculated with aliquots of suspensions containing low and high concentrations of IPs respectively, irradiated at doses of 4–32 krad. In the 2nd experiment, doses of irradiation in excess of 10 krad appeared to destroy the parasite. In the 3rd experiment, at least 1 animal became infected when inoculated with an aliquot of a suspension irradiated at 16 krad. In all experiments, it appeared that increasing doses of irradiation destroyed increasing numbers of IPs. There was no conclusive evidence that IPs which survived irradiation were attenuated, and it appears that vaccination of cattle against ECF is unlikely to be achieved by inoculation of irradiated IPs using the methods described.  相似文献   

The green mussel, Perna viridis is ecologically and economically important in the coastal region of the South China Sea. Determining its population genetic structure at this fine geographic scale will help sustainable management of natural stocks. In this study, we examined the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of P. viridis from four locations in the South China Sea (n = 45–48) using nine microsatellite loci. The results showed moderate levels of genetic diversity in all four samples (mean A = 13.222–14.000, mean Ae = 7.092–7.571, mean Ar = 12.894–13.746, mean Ho = 0.596–0.656, mean He = 0.690–0.733) and a large effective population size estimate for the pooled sample (total Ne estimates = infinity, 95% CI = 1869.0-infinity). We did not detect any sign of recent bottleneck events in P. viridis populations in the South China Sea. The conventional and a model-based analysis reveal low, non-significant genetic divergence among the four samples (FST = − 0.001–0.005, P > 0.05/6). The results obtained from this study can provide valuable genetic information for the conservation and fishery management of P. viridis by retaining the high Ne estimates.  相似文献   

Masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou masou, is an economically important fish species in the Far East and occurs in two life history forms: sea-run migratory (anadromous) and freshwater resident (non-anadromous). The non-anadromous form has recently become a popular freshwater food and game fish during a well-known Korean winter festival. However, the genetic background of this species remains largely unknown, partly due to a lack of molecular genetic markers. In this study, we developed new polymorphic microsatellite markers for masu salmon using next-generation sequencing technology. From 40 primer sets, 11 primer sets (27.5% of the primer sets selected) were successfully amplified with 106 alleles (range 2–9) in 64 individuals from different populations: two wild and one hatchery. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.304 to 0.947 and 0.278 to 0.865, respectively. Significant departures from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected for four markers (OMM11, OMM17, OMM28, and OMM33) in a single population. All pair-wise FST values were highly significant between the wild and hatchery populations (range 0.084–0.183, P < 0.0001). We identified a set of robust microsatellite markers that worked well even in formalin-fixed samples, which will be suitable for biogeographical and population structure analyses of the masu salmon.  相似文献   

The tick-borne protozoan parasite Theileria parva is the causal agent of East Coast Fever (ECF), a severe lymphoproliferative disease of cattle in eastern, central and southern Africa. The life cycle of T. parva is predominantly haploid, with a brief diploid stage occurring in the tick vector that involves meiotic recombination. Resolved genetic studies of T. parva are currently constrained by the lack of a genome-wide high-definition genetic map of the parasite. We undertook a genetic cross of two cloned isolates of T. parva to construct such a map from 35 recombinant progeny, using a genome-wide panel of 79 variable number of tandem repeat markers. Progeny were established by in vitro cloning of cattle lymphocytes after infection with sporozoites prepared from Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks fed on a calf undergoing a dual infection with the two clonal parental stocks. The genetic map was determined by assigning individual markers to the four chromosome genome, whose physical length is approximately 8309 kilobasepairs (Kb). Segregation analysis of the markers among the progeny revealed a total genetic size of 1683.8 centiMorgans (cM), covering a physical distance of 7737.62 Kb (∼93% of the genome). The average genome-wide recombination rate observed for T. parva was relatively high, at 0.22 cM Kb−1 per meiotic generation. Recombination hot-spots and cold-spots were identified for each of the chromosomes. A panel of 27 loci encoding determinants previously identified as immunorelevant or likely to be under selection were positioned on the linkage map. We believe this to be the first genetic linkage map for T. parva. This resource, with the availability of the genome sequence of T. parva, will promote improved understanding of the pathogen by facilitating the use of genetic analysis for identification of loci responsible for variable phenotypic traits exhibited by individual parasite stocks.  相似文献   

Sinojackia huangmeiensis is a critically endangered tree species in the Styracaceae endemic to China. To create tools to better evaluate the genetic diversity of this species, we used a modified genomic library enrichment method, the PETUER (Probe Extension and TEACl Universal EnRichment) method, to develop genetic markers. The resulting 18 microsatellite loci had high polymorphism with 3–12 alleles per locus and showed negligible stutter. Observed (HO) heterozygosities were 0.057–0.724, and polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.109–0.794. No significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was found. All 123 individuals found in the National Natural Reserve of Longgan Lake was genotyped at the 18 loci and used to estimate a UPGMA dendrogram. Using an iterative clustering method, a set of 18 individuals was established as a core collection to represent genetic diversity and would be useful to facilitate the conservation for S. huangmeiensis. In addition, we tested the 18 loci for cross-species amplification in three other Sinojackia species and the closely related Changiostyrax dolichocarpa. These polymorphic loci will be valuable for future population genetic and phylogenetic studies of S. huangmeiensis and congeneric species, as well as in closely related Styracaceae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):781-790
The silver stripped skipper, Leptalina unicolor, is listed as an endangered species with a paucity of leftover populations in Korea. Prior population genetic analysis is essential for the establishment of effective conservation strategies. In the present study, we investigated the genetic diversity and the relationships of L. unicolor populations in Korea using 12 newly developed L. unicolor-specific microsatellite markers and two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (a total of 1283 bp from COI and CytB). Due to the endangered status and rarity, a total of 33 individuals from two localities in Gangwon-do Province (Seohwa and Girin) and one in Gyeongsangnam-do Province (Danjang) were sampled. The concatenated mtDNA sequences revealed very low genetic diversity in each population, with only one to three independent haplotypes per population. FST, principal coordinate analysis, and independent structural analysis of the concatenated mtDNA sequences and the 12 microsatellite loci developed in this study showed that each L. unicolor population in Korea is nearly completely isolated, although inbreeding has not yet occurred. Long-term conservation habitat recovery that increases the available population appears to be important in the prevention of genetic drift and inbreeding, which occur in small isolated populations and reduce the viability of populations under fluctuating environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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