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Specimens of Calamophyton from the Middle Devonian Ashokan Sandstone near Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y., are shown to belong to C. bicephalum Leclercq and Andrews, a Belgian species. Steel needles and a stereoscopic binocular microscope were used to follow the path of the forking leaves and branching sporangiophores of the specimens through the matrix. The terete leaves dichotomized two to three times in more than one plane. Sporangiophores dichotomized once. Each branch bore three recurved lateral branches which in turn bore two sporangia. Each branch terminated in an elongate, filiform projection. Sporangia apparently dehisced longitudinally. Their walls were composed of elongate cells. Their spherical spores ranged from 86 to 166 μ in diameter and bore a trilete mark. Ornamentation consisted of coni and spinae up to 4.5 μ long. They resembled dispersed spores of Dibolisporites gibberosus var. major Richardson. This is the second occurrence of Calamophyton bicephalum and the first account of its spores. It is the second report of the genus in North America.  相似文献   

Stenokoleos is a genus for petrified axes from the Mississippian New Albany Shale to which an Upper Devonian occurrence in New York is added. Two orders of branching were known and the plant was thought to be related to coenopterid ferns. The new petrified axes from New York reveal three orders of branching. A pair of rachides emerges from one side of the stem at each node. Their position alternates at successive nodes (distichous). Each rachis bears alternately arranged pinnae. The shape of the xylem strand and the number of protoxylem areas are variable. Traces to the pairs of rachides arise either as two separate strands or as a single strand that is presumed to divide while still within the cortex of the stem. Traces to pinnae are ellipsoid or clepsydroid. Tracheids are scalariform and uni- or biseriate, circular-bordered pitted. Peripheral loops are present in all orders of branches. Protoxylem strands are numerous and maturation is mesarch. Cortex is parenchymatous where it is preserved but outer cortex is missing. Stenokoleos and Reimanniopsis are placed in a new family, Stenokoleaceae. This is classified as Incertae Sedis among Pterophytina in Tracheophyta. It is suggested that the plant is related more closely to the Mississippian pteridosperms Tristichia and Tetrastichia than to the coenopterid ferns.  相似文献   

中国蓝浆果生产现状   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
全面报道了蓝浆果(Vaccinium L.spp.)在中国的生产情况,共分为南、北两大区域.北区是指以吉林省为主的东北地区,南区指长江以南广阔的酸性红壤土地区.果用野生种只分布在东北地区.自20世纪80年代起开始引种欧美栽培品种,共达60余个.在北区以吉林农业大学为主,在南区以江苏省·中国科学院植物研究所为主,采用组培和扦插方法繁殖,南、北两区均各有年产百万株以上苗木的能力.在南、北两区的适宜地区,如吉林、江苏和贵州等省,都已选出各自的适栽品种,栽培后的产量和果实质量分别均可达到国外优良水平,显示了蓝浆果在中国发展的巨大前景.  相似文献   

Proteokalon gen. nov. is described from the Upper Devonian Catskill deposits of New York. Two orders of branching and ultimate appendages are preserved' by petrifaction and by compression. The first order bears branches decussately and has a skewed four-armed protostele that occasionally dichotomizes. Second-order branches dichotomize rarely and most have T-shaped or three-armed protosteles. They bear ultimate appendages alternately, either in lateral pairs, or singly from the abaxial side. These appendages divide several times in one plane. Their vascular strand is terete. Maturation of the primary xylem is mesarch, and it consists of tracheids and parenchyma. Secondary xylem and phloem and a periderm are present. The outer cortex has a system of hypodermal fibers. Proteokalon is most similar to Tetraxylopteris and Triloboxylon of the Aneurophytales. A comparison of the stratigraphic occurrence of Protopteridium, Aneurophyton, Tetraxylopterism, Sphenoxylon, Triloboxylon, and Proteokalon suggests some evolutionary trends among the Aneurophytales.  相似文献   

吴兆洪   《广西植物》1988,(2):169-178
<正> 本稿亦为作者的讲学稿之一。原来是不打算作为独立的专题,而把内容分散在以前几次讲学中简略提及,但多次讲完后,均被要求集中材料专题讲述我国蕨类植物研究的历史和现状。现将这专题的材料集中,写成此讲学稿。由于蕨类植物学在中国的发展历史较长,问题错综复杂,在选材方面仍需同行们多提宝贵意见,集思广益,反复修改,希望能将这一学科的全面的、真实的历史写好。本稿仅为作者的看法,欢迎同行们广泛提出意见。  相似文献   

结合近几年来的野外调查,对横斑锦蛇的现状进行了报道。横斑锦蛇目前仅见于四川省西部的汶川、宝兴、石棉、泸定和雅安5个县、市,其中石棉和宝兴两县为其新分布区。横斑锦蛇栖息于海拔1650-2500m的湿润山地落叶阔叶林及灌草丛中,数量稀少,亟待加强保护和研究。 此外,还对唯一的幼蛇标本进行了描述。  相似文献   

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