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A field trial was carried out to appraise up to what extent exogenous application of a potential osmoprotectant, glycinebetaine (GB), could ameliorate the inhibitory effects of shortage of water on maize seed and seed oil composition and oil antioxidant potential. Two maize cultivars, Agaiti-2002 (drought tolerant) and EV-1098 (drought sensitive), were exposed to drought treatments at the vegetative growth stage. Both the maize cultivars used in the present study are being widely cultivated in Pakistan and have been an important source of developing different maize hybrids. Two levels of glycinebetaine (0 or 30 mM) were foliar-applied at the vegetative stage. Water stress reduced the kernel sugar, oil, protein, moisture contents and most of the seed micro- and macro-nutrients analyzed of both maize cultivars, but it increased the contents of seed fiber and ash contents. Among different seed oil un-saturated fatty acids, water stress increased the oil oleic acid contents with a decrease in linoleic acid contents, which resulted in increased oil oleic/linoleic ratio of both maize cultivars. However, no variation was observed in oil stearic and palmitic acid contents due to water stress. A considerable increase in seed oil α-, γ-, δ- and total tocopherols and flavonoids was observed in both maize cultivars. However, oil phenolic content and 1,1′-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity decreased. Foliar-applied GB significantly increased the contents of seed sugar, oil, protein, moisture, fiber, ash, GB contents and micro- and macro-nutrients of both maize cultivars under well irrigated and water deficit conditions. Furthermore, exogenous application of GB increased the oil oleic and linoleinic acid contents. All different lipophilic compounds estimated in the seed oil increased due to foliar applied GB. Furthermore, GB also increased seed oil antioxidant activity appraised in terms of oil DPPH free radical scavenging activity. By summarizing the results, it seemed that exogenously applied GB remained in intact form until later stages of growth and counteracted the inhibitory effects of water deficit on seed and seed oil composition similarly of both maize cultivars.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to analyze the biological effects induced by bioaccumulation of metals in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Effects of mineral nutrient imbalance, total antioxidants level and DNA damage induced by accumulation of heavy metals, were investigated in bean seedlings treated with two selected metal concentrations for 7 days. Metal content is analyzed by inductively coupled plasma – atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES), for total antioxidants level assessment the Ferric-Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) assay is used and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was applied for investigation of DNA damages. The increasing metal concentration in the treatment medium changed synchronously metal content in samples, and decreased total antioxidant activity in all samples with exception only for samples treated with Ni and Cd. The obtained “DNA fingerprints” demonstrated that the increasing metal concentrations induced changes in RAPD profiles (disappearance and/or appearance of bands in comparison with untreated control samples). The highest number of missing bands was observed in samples treated with zinc (total 4 bands) and nickel (total 4 bands) at both concentrations. These results suggested that mineral nutrient imbalance is involved in changes of antioxidant levels and DNA damages of the seedlings, which may help to understand the mechanism of metal toxicity in plants.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on the isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) are studied by static toxicity tests. Results demonstrate that the species is sensitive to Cd+2, Cr+6, Cu+2, Fe+3, Hg+2, Ni+2 Pb+2 and Zn+2, but the toxicity of each metal is different. Differences are also found between adults and between adults and juveniles. The comparative analysis of all data on the toxicity has been performed on the concentrations of metal ions and not on metal compound concentrations.Criteria for establishing water quality in order to guarantee protection of the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Impact of long-term salinity and subsequent oxidative stress was studied on cellular antioxidants, proline accumulation and lipid profile of Artemisia annua L. (Sweet Annie or Qinghao) which yields artemisinin (Qinghaosu), effective against cerebral malaria-causing strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Under salinity (0.0–160 mM NaCl), in A. annua, proline accumulation, contents of ascorbate and glutathione and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT) increased, but the contents of reduced forms of glutathione (GSH) and ascorbate declined. The fatty-acid profiling revealed a major salinity-induced shift towards long-chain and mono-saturated fatty acids. Myristic acid (14:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1), linoleic acid (18:2) and erucic acid (22:1) increased by 141%, 186%, 34% and 908%, respectively, in comparison with the control. Contents of oleic acid (18:1), linolenic acid (18:3), arachidonic acid (22:0) and lignoceric acid (24:0) decreased by 50%, 17%, 44% and 78%, respectively. Thus, in A. annua, salinity declines ascorbate and GSH contents. However, increased levels of proline and total glutathione (GSH + GSSG), and activities of antioxidant enzymes might provide a certain level of tolerance. Modification in fatty-acid composition might be a membrane adaptation to long-term salinity and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Plants of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were exposed to different concentrations (15, 30, 60, 120 microM) of (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb) for 28 and 56 d for accumulation and detoxification studies. Metal accumulation in roots and shoots were analyzed and it was observed that roots accumulated a significant amount of Cd (1980 microg g(-1) dry weight), Cr (1540 microg g(-1) dry weight), Cu (1995 microg g(-1) dry weight), and Pb (2040 microg g(-1) dry weight) after 56 d of exposure, though in shoot this was 1110, 618, 795, and 409 microg g(-1) dry weight of Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb, respectively. In order to assess detoxification mechanisms, non-protein thiols (NP-SH), glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs) were analyzed in plants. An increase in the quantity of NP-SH (9.55), GSH (8.30), and PCs (1.25) micromol g(-1) FW were found at 15 microM of Cd, however, a gradual decline in quantity was observed from 15 microM of Cd onwards, after 56 d of exposure. For genotoxicity in plants, cytogenetic end-points such as mitotic index (MI), micronucleus formation (MN), mitotic aberrations (MA) and chromosome aberrations (CA) were examined in root meristem cells of B. juncea. Exposure of Cd revealed a significant (P < 0.05) inhibition of MI, induction of MA, CA, and MN in the root tips for 24 h. However, cells examined at 24 h post-exposure showed concentration-wise recovery in all the endpoints. The data revealed that Indian mustard could be used as a potential accumulator of Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb due to a good tolerance mechanisms provided by combined/concerted action of NP-SH, GSH, and PCs. Also, exposure of Cd can cause genotoxic effects in B. juncea L. through chromosomal mutations, MA, and MN formation.  相似文献   

Summary. Increased contents of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and other heavy metals in barley plants enhanced the accumulation of trimethylglycine (betaine), putrescine and spermine. Higher contents of heavy metals in barley were caused by soil enrichment with heavy metals and by soil salinity. The highest accumulation of spermine and betaine (increase 3-fold or 5-fold in comparison to untreated soil substrates) was obtained at the highest concentration of heavy metals in plants. Consequently the betaine-N / protein-N-ratio and the spermine-N / protein-N-quotient increased 3-fold in plants with high heavy metal contents. The biomass formation was not changed significantly by the different experimental treatments. Received January 28, 2000 Accepted March 1, 2000  相似文献   

We have been able to isolate several phytotoxic compounds from aqueous extracts and leachates of cattails (Typha domingensis) using activated charcoal as an absorbant, followed by successive extraction with organic solvents, analysis by GC/MS, and structural elucidation by NMR spectroscopy when possible. The phytotoxins were identified as essential fatty acids (linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid) and phenolic compounds of known phytotoxic activity (caffeic acid from the aqueous extracts; caffeic, p-coumaric, and gallic acid from the leachates). Both extracts and the phytotoxins in the extracts have the potential of inhibiting the growth and chlorophyll production of several ecologically relevant species.  相似文献   

The conversion of [14C]20:4(n?6) and [14C]20:5(n?3) to prostaglandins was measured in homogenates of gills, liver and intestine of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.). Incorporation of radioactivity into prostaglandins was similar to or greater than into phospholipids, with gills being more active than liver or intestine. When measured at equimolar concentrations, 20:4(n?6) was a better precursor of prostaglandins than 20:5(n?3). Incorporation of 20:4(n?6) into prostaglandins was decreased in the presence of an equimolar concentration of 20:5(n?3), and vice versa. Incorporation of both precursors into prostaglandins was partially inhibited by aspirin and indomethacin. The results are discussed in relation to prostaglandin formation in fish and the abundance of (n?3) polyunsaturated fatty acids in marine lipids generally.  相似文献   

A 23-26-carbon chain length range of omega-19 (1'R,2'S) cyclopropane fatty acids, related to mycobacterial mycolic acids, has been prepared. The key cyclopropyl intermediate, (1'R,2'S)-(Z)-1-formyl-2-octadecylcyclopropane, underwent Wittig chemistry with various reagents to provide vinylic precursors, which were selectively reduced to the corresponding saturated omega-19 cyclopropane fatty acids or esters. The 24-carbon omega-19 cyclopropane ester was made by chain elongation of the 23-carbon ester. Saturated and unsaturated chiral cyclopropane acids and esters were assayed, using wall extracts of Mycobacterium smegmatis; the incorporation of 14C-acetate was used to measure inhibition or stimulation of mycolic acid synthesis. Minor inhibition (2-3%) was shown by the 23- and 24-carbon saturated esters; all the other compounds were stimulants. The most effective (38-55%) stimulators of mycolate synthesis were the unsaturated esters with 23- and 26-carbons and the saturated and unsaturated 25-carbon acids.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the usefulness of fish scales as a bioindicator reflecting the concentrations of heavy metals in the environment as compared to typical recognized bioindicators such as the liver or kidney. Heavy metal (Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd, Fe, Ni, Pb) concentration analysis (with the atomic absorption technique) was performed in different annuli on the fish scale to characterize the metals’ accumulation in the consecutive years of the fish's life corresponding to individual scale increments. The results confirmed the usefulness of fish scales as a bioindicative tissue reflecting the condition of the environment in subsequent growing seasons. The results of the present study demonstrated that fish scales are more sensitive to the accumulation of Mn, Ni, and Pb, whose concentrations in different parts of the scales were even 10 times higher than in soft tissues, and significantly correlated with their levels in liver or kidney. In light of this finding, further studies involving controlled exposure of fish to different metals could be performed. Their results could allow for obtaining an excellent tool for monitoring the environment inhabited by fish in the present and past without the need to kill the animals.  相似文献   

IntroductionAmong other aquatic animals, fish can also accumulate a large number of toxic metals in their various body organs, which may enter in the human body and cause serious health issues. Therefore, the basic aim of this study was to observe the level of some heavy metals (i.e., Pb, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr) found in the different tissues of Decapterus macarellus collected from the Karachi and Gwadar coasts of Pakistan.MethodsAbout 200 fish samples of five different size groups of Decapterus macarellus were collected from Gwadar and Karachi fish harbors during April to September 2020. Total 10 samples of each size group i.e., S1, S2, S3, S4 & S5 were collected from each coast. Heavy metals were analyzed in fish samples by using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS).ResultsThe overall results revealed that some metals like Cu, Pb, Cd & Cr contents were high in the stomach, while less in the muscles. Whereas, the concentration of Fe was found to be high in the liver, while low in skin of fish. The average values of bioaccumulation of these heavy metals (BAF) were found in decreasing order of Cu > Cd > Fe > Cr > Pb. In this study, except Cd and Cr, all metals were found within the permissible limits. Both sediment and water from the selected site areas were also analyzed to observe their pollution levels in the order of; sediment > water > fish tissues.ConclusionThus, it was concluded that the Karachi environment was much more polluted than the Gwadar environment because it is in an industrial unit and a busy sea site for trade. Moreover, consuming muscles from this species is safe for human health except for iron toxicity, but the use of the liver is not beneficial for all selected metals. Thus, the present work will also be helpful to monitor these toxic metals in a food chain and maintain a healthy life, and reduce all kinds of health risks associated with them.  相似文献   

Trace elements or trace metals are essential components of enzymes, proteins, hormones and play a key role in biochemical processes, cell growth and differentiation, as well as in neurotransmission, affecting human physiology. In nature there are also heavy metals that exhibit toxic effects on the human body, including the brain. The importance of trace elements has been established in neurodegenerative disorders, schizophrenia, depression among others. In parallel, an important regulatory element in the above diseases is cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a modulator of the arachidonic acid (AA) pathway, and a cause of neuroinflammation, and glutamate (Glu) dysregulation, affecting calcium (Ca) metabolism in cells. This review presents the effects of major trace elements and heavy metals on COX-2 expression. Calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), vanadium (V), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) can potentially increase COX-2 expression, inducing neuroinflammation and Glu excitotoxicity; while magnesium (Mg), lithium (Li), and selenium (Se) can potentially decrease COX-2 expression. The associated mechanisms are described in the article.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the significant extraction factors in achieving higher recovery yield of total polyphenols, phenolic acids and flavonoids content from Citrus limon peel using two-level factorial design. The effect of five independent factors including drying temperature (40–60 °C), methanol concentration (20–60%), extraction temperature (28–60 °C), extraction time (30–60 min) and storage duration (0–14 days) were evaluated. Among all the examined factors, results showed that drying temperature, storage duration and extraction temperature were the most significant and contributing factors affecting the total polyphenols, phenolic acids and flavonoids content of lemon peel at P < 0.05. On the contrary, methanol concentration and extraction time exhibited the least significant and contribution at P greater than 0.05. In conclusion, the experimental domain factors were successfully obtained from this experiment, Therefore, further study on optimization of the obtained factors will be conducted in the future study using response surface methodology.  相似文献   

We present the phospholipid fatty acid compositions, determined by GLC,* of four individual tissues (testes, mushroom glands, conglobate glands, and salivary glands) from adult male cockroaches, P. americana. The testes phospholipids contained higher proportions of palmitic acid than did the exocrine tissues (16% vs about 8%). This was also true for palmitoleic (2.3% vs 0.4–1.3%), oleic (49% vs 30–35%), and linolenic acids (7% vs 0.5–2.8%). Testicular extracts were lower in linoleic acid (16%) than were the exocrine gland extracts (at 40–45%). All four tissues also contained low proportions of several long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of both omega-3 and omega-6 metabolic families, including C20:3n6, C20:4n6, and C20:5n3. The data suggest that the phospholipid fatty acid profiles of specific tissues differ from each other and from those obtained from whole-insect extracts. The presence of several polyenoics from the n3 and n6 metabolic families is interpreted in the context of complex fatty acid requirements at the tissue level.  相似文献   

In two pot-culture experiments with maize in a silty loam (P2 soil) contaminated by atmospheric deposition from a metal smelter, root colonization with indigenous or introduced arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their influence on plant metal uptake (Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, Mn) were investigated. Soil was -irradiated for the nonmycorrhizal control. In experiment 1, nonirradiated soil provided the mycorrhizal treatment, whereas in experiment 2 the irradiated soil was inoculated with spores of a fungal culture from P2 soil or a laboratory reference culture, Glomus mosseae. Light intensity was considerably higher in experiment 2 and resulted in a fourfold higher shoot and tenfold higher root biomass. Under the conditions of experiment 1, biomass was significantly higher and Cd, Cu, Zn and Mn concentrations significantly lower in the mycorrhizal plants than in the nonmycorrhizal plants, suggesting a protection against metal toxicity. In contrast, in experiment 2, biomass did not differ between treatments and only Cu root concentration was decreased with G. mosseae-inoculated plants, whereas Cu shoot concentration was significantly increased with the indigenous P2 fungal culture. The latter achieved a significantly higher root colonization than G. mosseae (31.7 and 19.1%, respectively) suggesting its higher metal tolerance. Zn shoot concentration was higher in both mycorrhizal treatments and Pb concentrations, particularly in the roots, also tended to increase with mycorrhizal colonization. Cd concentrations were not altered between treatments. Cu and Zn, but not Pb and Cd root-shoot translocation increased with mycorrhizal colonization. The results show that the influence of AM on plant metal uptake depends on plant growth conditions, on the fungal partner and on the metal, and cannot be generalized. It is suggested that metal-tolerant mycorrhizal inoculants might be considered for soil reclamation, since under adverse conditions AM may be more important for plant metal resistance. Under the optimized conditions of normal agricultural practice, however, AM colonization even may increase plant metal absorption from polluted soils.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted at the Agricultural and Veterinary Training and Research Station, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, during the alfalfa growing season in 2014. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of phosphorus fertilization and honeybee pollination on alfalfa seed production. The experiment was divided into 9 treatments of open pollination, honeybee pollination, and non-pollination with three different levels (0, 300 or 600 kg P2O5/ha/year) of triple super phosphate. All vegetative growth attributes of Hassawi alfalfa were significantly higher in the non-insect pollination plots, while the yield and yield component traits were significantly higher with either open pollination or honeybee pollination in parallel with the increasing level of phosphorus fertilizer up to 600 kg P2O5/ha/year in light salt-affected loamy sand soils. There was no seed yield in Hassawi alfalfa without insect pollination. Therefore, placing honeybee colonies near the fields of Hassawi alfalfa and adding 600 kg P2O5/ha/year can increase seed production.  相似文献   

Adventive embryogenesis was successfully induced in cultures of zygotic and somatic embryos on MS medium supplemented with BA and NAA. A procedure has been proved successful for the in vitro multiplication of somatic embryos regenerated at low frequencies from filament and callus cultures. The occurrence and rate of adventive embryogenesis did not depend on the origin of the primary embryos (zygotic and somatic), but did depend on the developmental stage. Primary embryos are capable of embryogenesis in each of the different phases of embryogenesis, though the rate is different. BA concentrations of 22–44 M increased the rate of adventive embryogenesis and accelerated the development of embryos. The highest proliferation rate (22–25x/5 weeks) was achieved at hormone concentrations of 44 M BA and 5.4 M NAA.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - CH casein hydrolysate - CM coconut milk - 2,4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog medium - WPM woody plant medium - NAA 1-naphtaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

A mixture of fatty acids obtained from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) wax oil (FAM), in which the main constituents are palmitic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, was evaluated in two models of inflammation: zymosan-induced arthritis and in the tail test for psoriasis, both on mice. In the first model, FAM significantly reduced zymozan-induced increase of beta glucuronidase (DE(50) 90+/-7 mg/kg). Histopathological studies showed inhibition in cellular infiltration and reduction of synovial hyperplasia and synovitis, whereas in the second test, histopathological and ultrastructural studies showed that topical application of FAM induced orthokeratosis with the presence of keratohyalin granules in the previously parakeratotic adult mouse tail, and without effects on epidermal thickness. The ED(50) of FAM in this model was 155+/-10 mg. The results of our studies showed that topical application of FAM exerts an important anti-inflammatory activity in both tests without evidence of irritant effects. The anti-inflamatory effects exerted by FAM may be due to its inhibitory effects on arachidonic acid metabolism. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the anti-inflammatory effect of sugar cane by-products in experimental models of arthritis and psoriasis.  相似文献   

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